Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 60: That Which Must Not Be Said (My Place In This World Part IV)

Story by Worlds Apart on SoFurry

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#60 of Counter Earth Chronicles: Fallen Empire

Last Chapter:

Alex with the help of Demona was able to reconnect with Lea. Unfortunately he learned that the entity had changed the sexy lioness, Tauren and Lurie as well. While preparing for a reconnaissance mission in World Three, he realized that he had also been changed. Ah, the life of a combined being....

The Story Thus Far:

Six months have transpired since the known world ended. Many died during the cataclysm. Some during the harsh winter that followed. Those that were left struggled to just to exist. The lack of food, water and amenities didn't help, neither did the night monsters roaming around feeding on survivors. During this time a mysterious entity with no physical form has appeared to pick up the pieces of what is left of the former empire. Its goal, to possess the luckless, the helpless, the powerless and the hopeless and use them as a means to an end... for something. One of its recent acquisitions is Alex Winter who was captured during a botched raid and 'awakened'. Now cut off from his friends and family he is truly finding out what it is to be ONE with the entity, a combined being, an Other.

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire

Chapter 60: That Which Must Not Be Said (My Place In This World Part IV)

Day N/A (Evening in the wilderness near World Three)

My my a badger and very strong one at that. You will be a very welcome addition to the collective. The harpy said walking toward Barq confidently.


"Don't think so." Lady Barq said as she aimed a service weapon at the she monster.


The harpy fell backward onto the ground as she took the full brunt of the weapon's discharge.

What have you done to us?! Demona shrieked.

"Paralysis with a side of confusion. Something we have in our arsenal. I call this one lights out." Lady Barq said.


The she monster stopped moving.


The former knight emerged from the tent. "What is that?" He said looking at the harpy.

"An Other. Are you sure you haven't seen any of them around here?" Lady Barq asked.

"Only during the end. After the volcanos appeared and the city was destroyed they disappeared." The maned wolf said.

*It would appear that they are still around.*

"They are operating in secret Wheels, Others are not confrontational they are very subtitle moving and amassing in the shadows then appearing out of no where." The badger warrior said to the automated assistant.

(The silver prototype?! It has been repaired and returned to service?)

"Thank you for coming my lady, you too Corbin." Naka said.

*We are all doing our part to help fellow survivors.*

"Here. Take her but make sure that everyone around her is fully clothed do not leave any fur or skin exposed. All she has to do is touch you and..." The badger warrior said to the maned wolf.

"We become like her. Right. What about him?" The wolf asked departing.

"Yes, what about him?" The badger said.

"Big brother!" The little mongoose boy shouted exiting the silver prototype and running up to me. "We thought you were lost forever!"

Corbin, Lady Barq! You should not be here! I shouted.

"But nevertheless we are here. Shakara and Ursa deeply miss you."

(They are alive after all this time?!)

And we them. Do not come any closer!! I said covering my eyes and lowering my head.

"Big brother come back to us!" My little brother shouted.

We can't. It would place everyone we care about in extreme danger.

"Why are you talking in the third person?" The little mongoose boy asked.

_The individual known as Alex Winter no longer exists singularly. What you see before you is the combination of two beings.... speaking as ONE. _

"What he means Corbin is that the entity merged with him." Lady Barq said to the little mongoose.

"As if in a new life form?" The little mongoose asked.

"There is so much we don't know about the invaders." The large badger said.

*We have a great opportunity now Lady Barq.* The automated assistant added.

"Wheels make it so." The badger warrior stated.


*Side-pods engaged*


The silver prototype fired this viscous sticky white-grey material right at me encasing my entire body in it except for my head. I fell backward onto the ground.

What is this? I said trying to move.

"It is an upgrade from what we had before. It is organic." Corbin said to me.

"Come boy let's have a talk." The badger warrior said putting on protective gear from head to foot-paw, including a mask.

It was like they were expecting Others to come to the assembly. I was unceremoniously picked up and taken behind the tent and attached to one of its supports.

"Wheels maintain a weapons lock on our former comrade." She ordered the automated assistant.

*Affirmative Lady Barq.*

Please Lady Barq you should not be here communicating with us. I said closing my eyes again.

"No. I feel we should catch up Alex." The badger warrior countered.

You place yourself in unspeakable danger. I said hoping and praying that ONE was not monitoring the conversation with my former family.

"Why?" The badger warrior asked as she and Corbin stared at me.

*I believe what Mr. Winter is saying is that as a combined life form what he sees, the entity sees, what he hears the entity hears.*

"Wow." The little mongoose boy exclaimed.

Yes. I said to Lady Barq and Corbin.

"Corbin we need to blindfold him then." The badger warrior stated.

My little brother ran back inside the tent and brought out a cloth and gave it to the Lady Barq who gently tied it around my eyes. The warrior was startled by my sudden movement as I tried to free my hands from the goo and touch her.

We are sorry my lady. It is a reflex. We delight and enjoy creating Others for our master.

"Why big brother?" Corbin inquired.

We are greatly rewarded. We also delight in watching our prey struggle during their transformation.

"Alex you have participated in this?" The badger warrior asked.

Yes many, many times.

"Like what happened to the Grand Kingdom?" Corbin asked.

We were there. We participated. I responded.

"So the reports were true then." The badger warrior concluded.

*_The Intendant and his subordinates were conquered by Others.*_ Wheels announced. *Presently that area is now a auxiliary base for the enemy.*

The Intendant was betrayed from within. Our master thought that was where we had originated from. I said sensing an unevenness from the badger and mongoose.

"By we, you mean you, where you originated from. That explains why we weren't invaded after Alex's capture." Corbin said.

"We were expecting so after Russell disappeared." Lady Barq added.

Was he ever found? I asked my former family.

"No." Corbin answered.

He is not part of the collective either.

*And so the mystery deepens.* The automated assistant said.

"He is purposely keeping his answers short." The little mongoose boy said to the badger warrior.

"Alex is the entity listening to our conversation right now?" Lady Barq said.

We don't know. I replied.

"So we need to be careful with what we say?" The little mongoose boy asked. "Others can communicate over great distances with one another."

Because we are linked through the master- we are a part of it and it is a part of us; We are ONE. I said as succinctly as I could.

"Corbin find Naka make sure Alex's colleague is still out of service; she could be relaying our position to the synoptic right now if she came to!" Lady Barq warned.

"Right!" Corbin said running back inside the tent.

He later emerged with the Naka.

"I made sure the she monster is out cold." The former knight said.

"Keep an eye on her. Do not let her see or hear anything that is taking place around you." The badger warned the maned wolf.

"I don't think I am cut out for this!" Naka said.

"Yes, you were just a junior knight more comfortable with receiving orders than giving them. But as leader of this colony you must protect its residents from the new threats all around us."

"I am a warrior Lady Barq, not a leader."

"Be both Naka. Lady Ursa was in the same situation, but she stepped up when leaders were needed."

"Yes, our colony faced many challenges over the last six months, but thrives." The little mongoose boy said.

Lady Ursa... here condition? I asked.

"She is succumbing to it. I have had to step in to help our commander with the day to day." The badger warrior said.

"Song, Reg!" Naka called out to the chakat and the boy.

"The harpy is still out cold." The she beast responded.

"Good let me know if she wakes up." The maned wolf said to the chakat.

_We are relieved the colony still stands. _

"It does and I am starting to think that is because of you Alex." Lady Barq said.

"If Alex and the entity are of one mind, how did he hide our existence from it?" Corbin asked.

*Perhaps he didn't only misdirected the entity.* The automated assistant theorized. *Which would mean by us being here right now the entity could learn our whereabouts.*

If the master found out, all of you would share the Grand Kingdom's fate. I warned.

"What is the synoptic's master plan?" Barq asked.

We believe evisceration and then recolonization. I said quietly.

"Um what does that mean?" My little brother asked.

*I believe that is obvious, the synoptic obliterated the empire, its ruler, citizens and cities and if what Mr. Winter is saying is true, it is now restructuring and rebuilding on what is left.*

"It is creating a new civilization that will allow it to bring about what it and its followers have been saying all along harmony through unity." The badger warrior said. "Singular unity."

"All is ONE and ONE is all." Corbin said.

Little slave. The entity said through me.

"Alex's voice! It changed!!" Corbin gasped.

"That is not Alex." The badger warrior said shushing the little mongoose.

We are here master.

Why is it that we can't see? ONE asked.

The synoptic was checking in now?! That meant that I had been lucky, very lucky.

We are blindfolded master.

You have been captured?! We understand. It was the harpy's fault. The synoptic said through me. She will be dealt with.

_ _"What a jerk!" Corbin commented.

Only detained master. There is a small tribe here. It is being run by a cowardly insecure knight of the former empire They have new methods of capturing our kind. I said.

"Of all the...!" The maned wolf started to say before Corbin shushed him.

The colony is fragile only twenty in total; made up of refugees from the surrounding area. The synoptic said reading my mind. They have also captured the harpy as well but not the mole.

"There is a mole?!" Naka said before Lady Barq shushed him.

They are not a resistance movement master. They wish only to be left alone to rebuild their lives. I said trying to keep my mind blank as if not to deliver any further information my master did not need to know.

That explains why you are rather calm. Stall and delay them until support arrives. We shall add them to the collective to support our efforts here. The synoptic said through me.

Yes master. I responded meekly.

*Lady Barq, Corbin.*

"Yes Wheels ONE is coming." The badger warrior said.

"I think that is our cue to leave." The little mongoose admitted.

"Indeed, It is no longer safe here." Naka said. "I will make the announcement."

"I can help." Cobin said following the maned wolf.

"And as for you..." The badger warrior said turning to me.

Yes Lady Barq.

"Who else has been awakened?" The badger warrior asked.

Yama Kite, all in the Grand Kingdom except Mr. Thorn and his charge.


They betrayed the Intendant.

"So that is what happened. Who else?"

My friends from Wundagore Castle.

"Have you been in contact with them?" The female badger asked.

Only Lea. We didn't speak long. But she believes in the master's mission and purpose.

"Sir Ram's assistant eh? So she likes being an Other?"


That was when Lady Barq asked the obvious question.

"Alex do you like being an Other?"

I was silent as my mistress' rival asked the question.

"Ok let me rephrase. Do you believe in your master's purpose? It's mission?"

We are conflicted. It could have been carried out without all this death and destruction, pain, misery and loss. Perhaps on another continent on the far side of the planet...

I started to say before a gloved paw was placed on my lips. "Fair enough. What you are saying is that there are some things you like and some things you hate- your forced servitude for instance."

*And being away from your family.* The automated assistant observed.

I nodded.

"That will make this next part less painful then." The badger warrior said.



She stabbed my neck with something sharp drawing a small amount of blood.

What was that?

"Something that was necessary. Ursa and Shakara are not well." The female badger whispered to me. "You know why right?"

I nodded.

It is entirely our fault... all of this.

"So what you are saying is that you would help if you could?"

I nodded again.

"Well you can. Wheels extend deflectors over our position and then darken. I want a little privacy." The large badger female said to the silver prototype.

*As you wish Lady Barq.* The automated assistant said.

The next thing I felt was the clinking of flasks as the badger warrior touched my groin. She removed just enough of the viscous white grey material in order to access my pants which she pulled down and then my undergarments.

Lady Barq...

"I know boy not to free your arms and legs otherwise we will both be singing the praises of your master." She said reaching for my testicles.

"Hmm... you have several scents about you- orc, dingo and harpy. Alex you haven't?"

_Not by choice Lady Barq. _

I next felt a gloved paw rubbing my penis making it longer, straighter and erect. I trusted that the she beast was not making direct contact with any part of my anatomy otherwise that would be her end.

I felt something small attached to the end of my penis as a gloved paw started stroking my growing shaft up and down, down and up nurturing my erection.

"Does that feel good?"

I nodded. _ _

Not long afterward I grunted as I came.

*splurt* *splurt* *splurt*

"My so much from something so little." The badger said switching flasks.

Of course I was silent.

"I was referring to you not your genitals." She said to me as I recovered. We then went again and again and again.

The badger warrior drained my testicles dry collecting as much Essence of Winter for my bear and lioness as she could. Despite my situation I was more than happy to help.

"This will help them endure a little longer." The badger said finishing.

You seemed awfully prepared. You knew that we would be here. I concluded as my pants were reattached.

"We are not the same weak and struggling colony that was nearly annihilated many times earlier this year Alex Other." Lady Barq said carefully storing my semen.


"If you our your master comes for us- we will be ready. I will tell Shakara and Lady Ursa that you send them your love and miss them deeply."

We do.

Lady Barq concluded her collection. Demona was brought outside and sat down right next to me. I listened to the conversation as Naka's tent was deconstructed and the young colony prepared to flee.

"I still don't know if I am up to leading this community." I heard the maned wolf say.

"Leadership is a heavy burden." Song said. "So is guardianship but some beast has to step up to the task."

"Not to scare you even more but you are the line between survival and annihilation." The badger warrior said to the chakat and maned wolf.

Kiwi and Corbin agreed.

"You have my support." The caprine said.

"And mine." The wombat added.

"What about yours?" The maned wolf asked the akita.

"Will I get to kill things?" He asked.

"Only when hunting or in self defense." Naka said.

"Acceptable" Midnight Black replied.

"And not humans." Song said looking at the human hater.

"You would be wise to keep your eye on that one." Barq warned the maned wolf.

"Your orders Naka?" The chakat asked.

"We are leaving. Tell everyone we are heading west." Naka said.

Kiwi and the wombat left to carry out the maned wolf's orders.

"Midnight Black stand watch."

"And me Naka?" The chakat asked.

"I could use an assistant, advisor and some company." The former knight said.

"I will help with the first part and second part, we will have to see about the latter." She said to him.

"Right, then take attendance and then assign roles- this colony will need planters, hunters, gatherers, healers, washers and cleaners and a few other things if we are to survive."

"You have our support." I heard Barq say.

"Whatever you need." Corbin said cheerfully.

*Lady Barq, Corbin.* The automated assistant said.

"Right we should be leaving." The badger warrior said.

"Farewell big brother." The little mongoose boy whispered to me as Demona was stirring.

*UGH* Demona said coming to. They got you too?

"Yes. It would appear that they are adept at detecting our kind." I said to the she monster.

"You two appear to be well." The mole said arriving.

Mr. Day where have you been all this time?

"Observing and waiting for the right time. It looks like they are going to be nomadic."

" I overheard them. Their numbers are very few and their leader is unsure of himself." I said to my companions.

So they have decided the best defense is to keep moving- away from danger, away from us. How interesting. The she monster concluded.

Mr. Day carefully freed Demona from her binds and then moved a safe distance away as 'reinforcements' arrived.

We came as soon as we could. A female quoll said freeing me from the goo.

(That is it?)

Yes. She replied. It appears we just missed them.

You three did. The synoptic said to us.

"But the mission was not a failure master." I said spinning it.

There was that dramatic pause again.

It would have turned out differently if you had not decided to engage and only observed. The synoptic said chastising Demona and myself. Mole we have a task for you. ONE said through the harpy, quoll and myself.


You will track, find and infiltrate this fledgling new colony.

"And?" Mr. Day asked.

When you do we will awaken them and bring them into the new order. The entity said sinisterly.

To Be Continued....

Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 59: While I Breathe I Hope (My Place In This World Part III)

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 58: The Demons’ Slaves (My Place In This World Part II)

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 57: My Place In This World Part I

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