Felines are Unpredictable

Story by Incognito Pichu on SoFurry

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#2 of Writing Group Challenges

Why are there no other students in the hallway? I'm beginning to think all these stories are fake...

Super-short 1000 word piece, based on the theme "I didn't expect that reaction", written for the group writing prompt challenge @ https://t.me/joinchat/CPoeZhclggenrOEh0yYwvg

Disclaimer: This story contains themes of homosexuality as well as explicit descriptions of sexual acts between males, some of which may be underage. If any of that offends you, I suggest you not read any further.


Felines are Unpredictable

"Ugh... it makes me so mad!" The mouse-boy threw open his locker angrily, a look of disgust on his face as he did.

"Jeez, Eliot..." Deon, his friend, a raccoon-boy, tried to calm him down, "What are you getting so pissed off for? It's not like you were even involved."

"I'm pissed off, because we're goddamn high-school seniors, and this is some sixth grade bullshit..." Angrily, Eliot shoved his gym clothes in his locker, and began grabbing his books for the next few periods, "I mean... he literally shoved a guy into a locker..."

Deon shrugged, "Yeah, but he was only in there for like 30 seconds, before Mr. Grissom showed up and let him out."

"That makes it even worse!" Eliot slammed his locked, "The teacher was right there, and fucking Damien Woolford still doesn't get in trouble, just because he's good at throwing ball around...

The raccoon shrugged, unable to really respond to that point. There was no denying that being the football team's starting quarterback afforded the guy a bit more leeway when it came to getting away with stuff like that, not that it justified it at all...

"That fucking tiger is just lucky that he hasn't tried any of that shit on me..."

"Oh really?" Deon rolled his eyes at his friend, "And, why is that, Eliot?"

"I dunno man..." The mouse boy folded his arms over his chest in a huff. He turned his eyes upwards, as if to think about the answer, "I'd just... put him in has place, I guess..."

The words elicited a laugh from the raccoon, "Hah! He's a six-and-a-half foot tall jock tiger! He's got about 14 inches in height on you, and at least 100 pounds of muscle.

"Yeah, well..." Eliot trailed off, there was argument for how much of a physical strength advantage that the tiger had over him, "Y-You know all those bully-types, right...?"

"Heh, what about them?"

Eliot thought for a moment, his anger finally starting to fade, "You've seen it on TV and stuff, they back down as soon as you stand up to them, right?"

"Yeah, I can see that..." Deon snickered a bit, "Either that, or they're overcompensating closet-cases, heheh..."

Eliot's expression curled into a small smile, "Hah, yeah... I can definitely picture that being the case when it comes to Damien."

"Oh, really...?"

** BAM **


An orange-and-black-furred fist slammed into the locker right between the two boys, and it didn't take a genius to figure out who it belonged to.

Eliot turned, and with terrified eyes saw the more-than-unamused face of the tiger jock that the two had been discussing so openly.


The tiger didn't respond, he simply stared, with an expression of pure rage on his face.

Deon had been startled by the punch against the locker, enough so that he had actually collapsed to the floor, and continued to sit there, seemingly frozen with fear, at least until Damien turned his gaze towards the young raccoon. Upon meeting the tiger's intense glare, Deon scrambled to his feet, and took off around the corner leaving the mouse boy alone with the angry feline.

Eliot knew he couldn't get away, and there was no one else in the hallway to even be a witness. He had no recourse but to just stand there with his heart beating like a jackhammer, as he waited for whatever the tiger was planning to do.

"Heard you say something about putting me in my place, little mouse?"

"AH! Uhh... I-I didn't mean... I-I-I j-just--"

Damien didn't give him a chance to stammer for more than a few seconds, he moved his face in even closer, and spoke again, almost with a growl, "And, you picture me as an overcompensating closet-case, is that about right?"

Eliot swallowed hard, actually able to feel himself trembling with fear, "T-That's not what I-I--"

Damien interrupted once again, "I bet you think that I've even checked you out during the gym showers! Since I'm such a closet-case, right?!?"

"I... Uh... H-Huh...?"

The tiger's expression began shifting, the extreme anger that was previously present had gradually changed, and now Damien's face showed more unsure anxiety than anything else, "I mean... Just because you're... impressive down there... you probably think that you could bend me over, and do whatever you want to me!"


Much like the feline, Eliot's expression had completely changed as well. Where he had once been trembling with fear, he suddenly found himself genuinely confused.

"You p-probably think that you could slam your dick into me over and over, using me as your own personal fucktoy, and I'd not only take it, but beg you for more... beg you to use me as your own personal cum dumpster! D-Don't you!"

Eliot's eyes darted back and forth as he considered the question. Now thoroughly confused, he took a short pause and reluctantly answered, with an upwards inflection.



The tiger's eyes widened, "O-Oh..." Damien lowered his arm from its extended position, and nervously scratched the back of his head, now doing his best to look away from Eliot, "I-I mean... Y-you're pretty... h-hung... I don't know if I could even h-handle it..."

So, I guess he DID check me out in the showers...? And he thinks I'm too BIG for him to handle?!? Eliot thought, as he tried to get a feel for the direction that the conversation was heading. His gaze traveled over the big tiger, and as intimidating a figure as Damien was, the mouse felt a pang of confidence, and ran with it.

With a smirk, he spoke, "Well, if you're unsure... Meet me in the school library after class, I'll be happy to give you a closer look..." Eliot paused before saying the last word, he swallowed hard, and somehow keeping his composure, he eked out the last word, "Kitty..." Eliot could barely believe what he was saying, but it was definitely doing the trick. Damien's cheeks showed a visible amount of red as he blushed.


With just the simple timid-sounding word, the tiger turned and zipped around the corner, moving even quicker than Deon had a moment ago, leaving the mouse boy by himself near his locker.

"Not sure what just happened, but I think I should go to the library after class..."