The End is Nigh

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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With the end of the world taking place around them, two friends use their last moments of life to show one another how they truly feel.

This story was written for Serling as part of my themed Patreon request day for September. This month's theme was "the Eclipse". This story contains M/F sex between consenting adults!

The End is Nigh

Wessex, Brittania. AD 703

The world was ending.

The world was ending, and as the sky darkened and Nerian found himself coming to terms with that terrifying but objective truth, there was only one person with whom he wanted to spend his final moments.

The fox bounded over the village path's dry stone wall and into the fields beyond. He glanced upward, wincing and not daring to look at the great demon who was slowly creeping over the face of the sun, blocking out the daylight as other noticed, as voices screamed and children wept from the main body of the village itself. The church bell began to ring, chiming the faithful to come and spend their final moments in prayer, but he ran away from it. Away from the village and towards the farmyard to its south, praying not for the Lord's salvation but instead that he would find the one he was looking for.


By some divine mercy, she was there. Not in her family home, not with her father and mother and brothers and sisters wherever they might have been cowering in that instant, but rushing through the very same field towards the village. The red squirrel's eyes widened as her head snapped towards the source of the cry, and she let loose a joyous, desperate sob as she saw Nerian standing there. They ran to one another, springing with terror and sorrow into one another's arms and clutching tightly.

"T-the sun is... t-the whole world... is this the end, Nerian?"

The squirrel clung to her dearest and oldest friend, the two of them having been nigh inseparable for the nineteen years they had lived, now facing the prospect of finally being torn apart by a cataclysm that would rend the world from God's grace and cast it into dark oblivion. She heard him whimper in equal terror, but felt his hands upon her face soon after, drawing her head back so they could see one another in the still fading rays of the dying sun.

"I think so. B-but... if it is, if this is to be the end..."

He sniffled, he wiped his eyes on his sleeve only to return the hand to Beatrix' cheek, caressing the tears from her own rusty red fur with all the tenderness in the world.

"I would sooner spend it having spoken the truth, c-consequences, my own cowardice be damned. I... I love you, Bea. I have loved you since my heart was grown enough to know what love truly meant. But, I feared losing your friendship far too much to ever risk it."

A smile wavered upon Beatrix' face, only to be replaced by a heart-wrenching sob as she flung her arms tight around Nerian and dragged him close, not to embrace him, but to kiss him deeply upon the lips.

"A... a cruel joke. Life is a cruel joke, Nerian."

She whimpered as they parted soon after, breathless, gasping, wide eyed.

"I love you too, you damn fool. But... I was too afraid to tell you, for fear that it might mean the end of the friendship I treasure so dearly."

The darkness gathered around them. The church bell continued to ring its long, sonorous peals. The village, the fields around them were silent aside from the lowing of cattle and the clucking of chickens. All were awaiting their final doom, and the two dear friends, both overjoyed and dismayed by what they had only now learned, waited with them. For a moment at least.

Beatrix looked around, the crops surrounding them reaching up to their stomachs, the fields, the farm, the road to the village beyond it all absolutely deserted. She looked back to Nerian, tears still shining in both their eyes, and squeezed him tightly in her arms before pulling away.

"If this truly is the end, Nerian? If God has forsaken his people and is leaving us to the darkness? T-then... then let me final act be one of joy and pleasure, in spite of his absence."

She grasped at her woven dress and began to pull on it. To pull it up and over her head, exposing a pale, faded undergarment that covered her like a much shorter night-dress. Nerian began to look away, but stopped himself from following thorough on that instinct. He felt his manhood beginning to swell as Beatrix pulled off her underclothes and stood naked before him, only to fall to her knees in the well turned, softened earth of the field.

"T-take off your clothes, Nerian."

The squirrel patted the earth beside herself, lying down on her side and raising one leg in the most provocative, lewd gesture the fox had ever seen in his nineteen years. What he saw in that second put every adolescent fantasy he had ever known to shame with the true beauty of reality, and even before he fell to his knees his loose tunic was up and over his head, the cloth tie of his britches loosened and the garment peeled away to reveal his engorged nether regions just moments later.

It was so dark now, dark as a candleless basement, but without the chill of night in the air. The pair could still see one another though, yet they wasted little time just looking. Nerian lay back, and moaned under his breath as Beatrix straddled him. He whined up at her, stroking her face with one hand as the other fondled and revelled in the curve of her bountiful breasts.

"I... I have heard that the first time for a woman c-can... can be painful. I don't wish to hurt you."

Beatrix leaned in close to the fox as she reached behind herself, below her huge tufted tail to grasp at his member, giggling and whispering to him as the male's whole body tensed at the touch of another upon his shaft for the first time.

"I promise you, Nerian..."

Her voice was ragged with an emotion he had never heard from the squirrel before. Lust. It was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard, a thousand times more rich, sweet and melodic than the ringing of the church bells in the distance.

"...I have imagined you within me so often, m-my fingers... they... I... trust me, Nerian."

She pressed his tip to her opening. Trembling in pleasure as she felt him throb, something hot and wet oozing from his tip while damp heat of her own dripped down around his length.

"Trust me when I say... I... I have been preparing myself for this day, though I did not dare hope it would ever come."

Beatrix pressed herself down around the fox, and had they not sprung together and driven their muzzles against one another in a frantic, savage kiss in that same moment the whole village and whatever great evil had stolen away the sun would no doubt have heard the shared, pleasured scream they would have let loose.

They clutched at one another, rolling over and over against they earth, gasping, moaning, rocking and thrusting as instinct drove them towards what they knew was the inevitable outcome. They held nothing back, Beatrix showing none of the modesty she no doubt expected would have been the mark of a good wife and lover, reaching between their bodies and grinding her fingers over her swollen clitoris to ensure that if Nerian climaxed within her, she would be right there to share that sensation with him. No. Not if. She wouldn't let the world end before she had felt him flood her body with his seed. Not if. When.

"Ah. B-Bea. Beautiful, b-bountiful Beatrix..."

Nerian loomed over the squirrel as she writhed and moaned with such passion and sweetness that it made him want to laugh, had he not been busy uttering far more passionate and lustful noises at the time. He leaned down as he whispered to her amidst moans of pleasure, kissing her upon her breasts. Lapping at each nipple in turn, firm and warm and by her strangled grunts of glee oh so receptive to his touch. He moved with ease inside her. Not so tight as to be painful for either of them, not nearly so dry as his hand, juices surely that couldn't have all been his own aiding the speed and force of their love-making. He could hear it. Hear their bodies driving together with thick, lewd slaps. Yet as spontaneous and wild as their union may have been, he could not believe for a second that it was wrong, that it was sinful or ungodly to experience such bliss with someone cherished so dearly.

If only he had more time. If only they had more time. He would propose to her. He would marry her. He would spend his life devoted to making her happy each day, and making her whimper, cry out, and look at him with the same burning, desperate need that she was looking at him with right now each and every night. It truly wasn't fair that the world should end now, not when he was looking at a woman so radiant, so perfect in her beauty that she alone seemed to bring new light to the darkness, and new colour back to the dying world around them.

"Nerian... I... m-my peak draws near. Share it with me, m-my sweet fox. My friend. My everything."

The red squirrel's legs wrapped around her lover's waist, drawing him tight against her as she felt her inner depths clutching around his member just as they always clutched around her fingers before bliss overwhelmed her. He growled in a response that made Beatrix' toes curl, and his rough tongue began to lick her face all over as she moaned louder still, his hips picking up their pace and driving their bodies together all the more urgently.

"I love you, Beatrix."

Nerian snarled as he felt himself about to lose control, to let loose of all that mattered and cast himself out into the depths of the woman of his dreams.

"I love you t-to... ah... to the end of the world, a-and beyond."

He felt her clench so tight around him, her walls milking, clutching at his manhood in a manner more perfect and irresistible than anything the male had ever believed possible. He felt a strong burst of liquid drive out against his crotch as Beatrix kicked out into the brightening air with both legs, toes flexing and wriggling while a strangled sob of pure ecstasy accompanied the arrival of her first ever orgasm shared with another. He felt her body squeezing him, embracing him all over, and as he stared down into her beautiful face, no longer cast in the shadows of the world's impending end, he obeyed without question as her climax-stricken heart begged him for one final act in what they were both sure had to be the final moments of their shared existence.

"Never... n-never let me go. Never let me forget how this feels!"

And as he howled and let loose his seed within the red squirrel, he wordlessly accepted that promise.

As he stood before her in the church barely a month later, blushing and weeping openly, he held her hand tightly and kept his word.

As he lay beneath her on the night of their marriage, watching her bounce and writhe freely and gleefully upon his manhood, he kept his word.

And for the rest of their lives together, through children, through grandchildren, through arguments and hardships and losses and laughter and all else with which they were blessed or burdened alike, they both kept to that promise. They never let one another slip away, and they never once let themselves or the love of their life forget how they had felt on the day when the sun was stolen away, and the day when to the best of their knowledge their love, their passion, their joy and their devotion to one another had proven this world worthy of a second chance.

By Jeeves

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