Back Into the Fire Again

Story by Luvian on SoFurry

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#2 of Luvian's Luck

This story, while falling into the 'Luvian's Luck' world, is considered non-canon, and has no bearing on the continuity as a whole.

It will not be mentioned in a later story, so you do not have to read it to understand later text. In fact, I made it that way because this way I can occasionally write stories with kinks some may dislike, while not requiring them to read it to enjoy the series as a whole.

Luvian dragged himself through the forest, wincing with every step. Everything hurt, especially his rump and throat. The shark, finally deciding to release him from his 'service', made quite the effort to ruin both his rump and maw. The threat of potions, unfortunately for him, was no idle threat. Each of those dual shafts making him feel like an undersized condom as the cruel fish stretched him out. Then the fish progressed to a ridiculous number of toys, and other things that made him both cringe and blush at the same time.

He couldn't even find out who the shark was, to be honest. Each time his maw opened to speak, the fish stuffed it full of his twin shafts, the wolfbird unable to do anything as he was casually throat-fucked, choking around pointed shafts that flooded his belly with seed. And any attempt at escape never got off the ground, what with the fish only letting him drain enough to get up and waddle with his massive middle before filling him back up to immobility.

And the final experience was no different. The unnamed shark somehow managed to get together with others of his species, running what could only be called a train as they took turns railing his body, his body so filled that the rest of him was all but unnoticeable against the expanse of the massive sloshing belly that expanded by the minute.. And the experience left him with several reminders of his capture. His fur matted with a mixture of sand, mud, seed and water, and reeking of sex. Luvian would have washed it off as soon as he'd been able to, but the river was labeled as unsafe at the moment, (there was no intention for him to let the shark capture him again) and so he turned in the direction of a lake he recalled, and set off there.

Which brought him to now. The stains and scents once wreathing him were washed off, hopefully never to return, and his natural one, greatly weakened from the multiple days of capture, was steadily returning. Mentally, he viciously crossed off the river off a mental list of locations he could visit, rage and shame so great that a paper list would have been ripped apart.

Sighing, the wolfbird tipped his head back and decided to go back to his little treehome, the nest of bedding within tempting him with the memories of it's warm blankets and pillows. It was, after all, shaped like a nest. Luckily, it wasn't far, and so with a flap of his large wings, luckily undamaged throughout his imprisonment, and a small hop to get enough altitude, Luvian flew into the air and angled towards home.

Just over an Hour Later

'That's it. I'm finding whoever controls destiny, and I'm going to maul them until they can't fuck with me anymore.'

The dragon, the one from before that pretty much started the entire fiasco with the shark was back. And it was at his home.

Well, it looked like the dragon from before. Any point in time before the chase was quite dragon-free, and looking back during one was asking to be caught. But considering that the scales looked like the same iridescent white as the paw that nearly caught him before, Luvian felt confident that it was.

'Asshole probably followed my scent back here. This is why I fly everywhere. Harder to be tracked that way.'

Fuming, the hybrid set himself up in a large branch downwind, one that let him easily keep an eye on the intruder, but hid him from view. Then he settled down to wait. Eventually, the dragon would get tired of waiting and leave. Then he could set up some traps to deter the drake from stalking his house, curl up in his bed, and sleep.

"I was wondering when you would show up, sweetie."

The voice bouncing around IN HIS HEAD made him yelp and lose his balance, falling to the ground below with a loud thump and a groan. The fact that the, as it turned out dragoness, could speak telepathically was unexpected to say the least. Everyone else the wolfbird talked to either were silent, or spoke with actual SOUND.

Letting out another groan, Luvian slowly got to his feet, rubbing his aching head as he focused on the dragoness. Only to stumble a few steps back as he found her muzzle inches from his face. "Could....Could you back up please, miss?" While he didn't know why she was hanging out at his home, the wolfbird hoped that it wasn't anything that would end with him in a situation similar to the one he'd just been released from.

Instead of a polite apology, and a few steps backwards, like the hybrid hoped for, Luvian got the opposite. Namely, a slow shake of a scaly head, a step in his direction, and her nose pressing against his fluffy chest, nostrils flaring as she inhaled. Luckily, she then took a few steps backwards, sitting on her rump as she looked down at the wolfbird, musical voice chiming once more in his mind,"So sorry, but I just had to check something first..."

Gulping, Luvian nodded nervously in return, before trying to quickly end the conversation, and get into his home so he could sleep. "Well, it was nice to meet you miss. Unfortunately, I've had quite a long day, and would like to get to sleep. I do hope to see you again, though. It has been nice talking to you." Of course, he declined to mention the prior chase with the dragoness, nor did he deign to mention the plans made before her surprise telepathy.

In return, the dragon nodded slowly, a glint in her eye that was ignored by the tired wolfbird. "Alright then, sweetie." she cooed, "Just going to leave you with my name before I let you go."

Placing a paw rather regally on her chest, she continued. "I am Fidelth, and it is nice to meet you, Luvian. I do hope that we meet again." She then got onto all fours, gave several flaps of her leathery wings, and rose into the air, gliding off into the distance.

The fact that the dragoness somehow knew his name flew right over the tired wolfbird's head. Instead, he stumbled towards the entrance to his home, eased open the door, and went inside, shutting it behind him. The hybrid didn't even have the energy to settle down into his nest, instead falling into it with a soft *whump*, his eyes falling shut and his mind falling into unconsciousness soon after.

Soon after, though, while the wolfbird slept in his nest, the door Luvian forgot to lock in his exhaustion eased itself back open, several scaly forms creeping their way in and over to the wolfbird. The hybrid was then carefully lifted up, and carried out of the door to his own home, all without the sleeping wolfbird awakening.

The next morning....

Luvian awoke with a satisfied groan, keeping his eyes shut as he stretched out before flopping back down. The bed was nice and warm, the sun shining on his face.....wait.

He didn't get sun in his home. He got lamplight.

The wolfbird shot up in a panic, looking around wildly as he took in the unrecognizable surroundings he was finding himself in. It looked like some sort of castle. The walls were polished and chiseled stone, not an imperfection to be found. Everything else was as fancy and immaculate, from the Massive oak door (The handle was tried and pulled upon, heavy and locked) to the crystalline windows (barred on the outside, panes too strong to smash through). Normally, such lavish surroundings would have been quite the nice change from his normal forest and rustic home, but the lack of memories regarding the place he was finding himself in, not to mention the size of everything, was sending him into a panic. He'd gone to sleep in his nest, why was he here? Where WAS here?!?

As if an answer to his questions, a familiar scaly form pushed open the door and made it's way into the room. It was the dragoness from yesterday, Fidelth. Whose first statement did not make his panic go away, or even lessen it.

"Finally awake, Luvian? You were quite the deep sleeper."

Working his jaw, unable to speak for a good minute, the stunned wolfbird managed to get a question past his lips, one that probably wasn't the most important question, but one that his rebooting brain managed to put on standby before the crash. "Why am I here?"

Smiling, the dragoness took a few more steps forward, the door closing behind her with a flick of a tail. The mental voice ringing in his mind afterwards only confirming Fidelth's identity. "Oh, I sent some kobolds to pick you up after you fell asleep. Such useful little helpers, always eager. And to answer your next question, Luvian... you are in my family home." That smile still present on her muzzle, the white-scaled being continued to 'speak.' "We do have some things to catch up on, so I thought I might get it over with."

Luvian nodded slowly, licking his lips nervously as he looked around, before settling cross-legged against the window. He didn't know how she'd figured out his next question. The 'why did you have kobolds capture me' one wasn't even fully formed yet, but even though it was by this point, the wolfbird felt fairly certain Fidelth would answer him shortly, or dodge the question, judging by the lack of clear reasoning she'd even met him this early in the morning. But there was one thing the hybrid wanted to satisfy his curiosity about beforehand. "Does it have to do with your attempt to capture me a couple days ago?"

The laughter he got in response was nowhere near expected. The answer, however, was just as confusing to him. "Oh sweetie, that wasn't me. That was my father! He is ever so desperate to help me these days. DIdn't know why'd he'd go and do things like that, though. He can be so old-fashioned sometimes. You just don't go around snatching people up like that! It causes trauma and such for you poor dears. Not to mention some difficulties later down the road." During this rather long correction,

Fidelth was nearly giving Luvian some difficulties of his own. After all, suddenly having a paw pull you against warm scales, while a large tongue begins to groom over your head, would startle anyone on a normal day. Doing it on a day such as this just made the poor wolfbird squirm, kept in place by a paw holding down his entire lower body.

Unfortunately for the hybrid, his canine tendencies worked against him, and soon Luvian was putty in her claws, rumbling contentedly as he struggled to open his eyes. All the while cursing that part of him, the wolfbird melted into a pleasured puddle, limbs going whatever way they wanted as his eyes rolled back in their sockets. Much like a puppy would when that one itch would be dealt with by another's hands (or paws.)

Meanwhile, Fidelth continued, her speech uninhibited from the impromptu grooming session. One of the many benefits of speaking through the mind, instead of vocal chords. "After all, trauma isn't good for you little things, you get all stuttery and flighty, much harder to catch in my opinion. Just my luck he nearly lost you. Luckily I had figured out where you live...." by now her speech, at first well paced and orated, turned into rambling, one she seemed to have no trouble with him overhearing.

"Though I did have to give you a quick check he couldn't give you. Always have to make sure my little incubators hold up to the task."



That word alone jolted Luvian out of his daze, the wolfbird yelping as he exploded into a squirming mess, catching Fidelth off-guard juuust enough for him to pull his furry body free of her paw and away from her tongue. Though the momentary freedom didn't last long. The dragoness' other forepaws slapped down on his tail, drawing out a pained screech as he fell to the ground once more, whimpering pitifully as he felt a scaly nose prod against the space between his wings.

"Don't worry, sweetie." Fidelth cooed. (though it was significantly less comfortable to be hearing that now.) "I checked. You can handle it just fine. A bit of stretching, a lot of effort, and you'll be free to roam the castle till you lay. Though judging from your size I suspect these walls will be your companions quite nicely. Now hold still, and it'll all be over before you know it."

If the dragoness intended for those words to calm him, she was mistaken. The wolfbird thrashed as best he could with his tail pinned, scrabbling at the floor as he tried to escape her grasp. Not that it seemed to help much. Inside his head, Luvian cursed the fact that his guard was let down last night. If he'd been more careful, maybe he wouldn't be in such a mess. Or at the very least he should have noticed the belly she sported. Though know that he looked at her, there didn't seem to be a belly on her. What eggs was she talking about?

Meanwhile, Fidelth sighed unhappily as the hybrid continued to struggle, before placing her other paw on his back, head stuck between her claws, rump and legs sticking out from the back. "Don't know why you all's quite an honor to incubate my family's eggs..." she mused, all the while using her tail to ring a tiny bell, so far unnoticed on the giant bedside table. The sound soon summoned a trio of kobolds, the tiny beings carrying a cart of eggs between them, five massive orbs in all.

This all went unnoticed by Luvian, who now lay whimpering and frozen beneath her paw. He couldn't move, didn't know what was really going on, and was utterly terrified. Things were going badly, to say the least, and he wanted to have some sort of redo that prevented anything after the dragon chase from yesterday from happening. This desire, of course, was shattered as a pair of tiny claws groped his rear, lifting his feathery tail and spreading his furry rump wide.

Sighing once again, the dragoness pet the helpful little kobold on his head, watching as the other two brought one of the eggs over to the struggling hybrid. She quite disliked how every single incubator did this... but it was the only way for their family to grow. Females, including her, always seemed to lay early, and the warmth of a living body was the only way to solve it. So little furry creatures were captured and brought in, filled with eggs, and held until they laid. Of course, some grew to be desired incubators, and therefore kept in their family home. It wouldn't do for such a precious resource to escape, of course. So she watched, and judged the wolfbird as one of her eggs was pressed against his rear.

Luvian keened as he felt one of those roughly-textured orbs begin to press against him. With his tail pinned, as well as the rest of him, there wasn't much the wolfbird could do to prevent the egg from stretching him. And stretch he did. The shark's utter rampage on his rump had left him pliable, and before the wolfbird realized it, over half of the egg was inside him, bulging out his middle obscenely. The egg soon became stuck, but that problem was solved almost instantly as Fidelth lifter her paw.

With one titanic shove (in terms of kobold strength) the egg was pushed fully into the wolfbird's body with a wet *shlurrrp*! Panting, the hybrid whimpered as he pressed at his belly, cursing the shark for making him this stretchy. Luckily, he wasn't immobile yet, and so the wolfbird got to his paws and knees, ready to stand up and try to escape.

Of course, his luck once again showed it's hand. The time the hybrid was taking to recover was plenty long enough for the kobold duo to cart over the second egg, the orb shoving against his rump and forcing Luvian back to the stone floor with a yelp. All the while Fidelth watched, eyes bright. He was taking this quite well.....looks like the family might be gaining another 'servant'.

The second large orb was pushed in with barely an increase in difficulty for the unnamed kobolds. Another push, another wet sucking noise, and the wolfbird was left looking quite overdue, each egg an easily identified shape inside him. And this time Luvian was left shaking and insensate, arms weakly trying to drag him away, but failing miserably.

Another egg was carried over, and this time there was no accompanying protest. Fidelth was curious, until she glanced into the little hybrid's face. Ah, he was nearly out of it. Oh well, one didn't need to be cognizant to be a good incubator. And he was taking them so well!! Mind made up, the dragoness sat on her rump, much like she'd donewhen conversing with Luvian the night before. Claws reaching out, they began to move, runes and other such staples of magical lightshows beginning to wrap themselves around the wolfbird's neck.

Of course, Luvian didn't notice this happening. It was quite hard when a third massive egg was being shoved into you. This one was showing itself to be quite the problem for the kobolds, a few good minutes being required for each couple of inches. Luckily for them, it was enough to keep the wolfbird off balance. Until the third kobold, who so far was just attempting to 'pretty up' the surrounding area, finally returned. It took all of a minute before they got an idea, and shoved one of the bulges with Luvian, shifting the already 'implanted' orb.

It was enough.

The third egg repeated the same process as the first two, a shove and a *Shlllrrrk!* being all that was needed for Luvian's stretchy body to engulf the orb. He was looking like a misshapen creature by this point, his blurry eyes barely catching the magic wreathing his throat. Not knowing what it was, the wolfbird simply took it as some weird dragon thing, and the lightshow exited his mind as the fourth, and penultimate egg was shoved between his cheeks. By now, his sore rump was so loose that he was gaping, irritated flesh showing between each rough orb being planted within his belly. However, it did make the kobold's job easier, however much Luvian wanted it to be near impossible.

The egg was pushed into him without much fanfare, the fifth soon following. However, the final dragoness-laid egg soon hit a snag, much like the third rough orb. This however, could not be solved with mere shifting of eggs. There was simply not enough room within his body for the last egg. But that didn't matter to the kobolds. They simply pushed. And the aching pain, once thought gone after the second egg, returned.

Fidelth was barely distracted by the return of Luvian's keening, so focused was she on her task. Four eggs was an impressive number for such a tiny incubator, and judging by how her last egg was slowly getting pushed in, he'd be taking all five. The wolfbird simply HAD to be theirs! She sighed one last time as the spell finished, runes sinking into the hybrid's skin and staining his pelt gold where they pressed into his flesh. Now to deal with one last thing, and she could rest easy.

The keening cries Luvian let out with each shove of the kobold's got louder as the egg was forced in. Each two inches they made in, another inch was forced out by his own body, leaving the entire process quite drawn out and not-at-all pleasant for those involved. Eventually, though, the dragoness watching all of it got tired of the cries, and took matters into her own claws.

She used her tail.

The appendage looped around itself at the tip, creating a solid surface to push upon, then pressed itself against the egg still halfway outside the warm depths of the hybrid. All the wolfbird could muster was a loud, painful yelp as he suddenly took the remaining part of the egg, everything within him pressing uncomfortably against various organ. Though with the final egg inside his middle, the dragoness was done. Her tail withdrew from Luvian's rump, the final egg showing it's own presence in how an identifiable bulge pressed out from his rear, keeping his cheeks parted and his aching hole visible.

Fidelth looked down at the wolfbird, his body carrying her eggs, despite how.... misshapen it made him appear. Dragging a claw gently down his spine, knowing her new incubator was now incapable of movement, she once again spoke in his mind.

"There you go, sweetie. All nice and comfy carrying my young. I'll have the kobold's bring you food and water regularly. Can't have one of our new incubators suffering, after all. I'll leave these three to take care of you. Make you look nice and pretty, befitting your new status."

And with that, she left, walking out of the room in an exit as graceful as her entrance, leaving a bloated, nearly-unconscious wolfbird and three kobolds to care for him. It would be nice to see him filled up again after he laid this clutch. Though maybe with some of the family's smaller eggs. He'd probably do well for her younger sisters......

Several months Later......

Luvian howled as the last egg finally exited him, the other four already carted away by the three kobolds that were his constant companions. They never spoke to him, never given him a name, nothing. Just 'prettied him up', as one of Fidelth's sisters (and wasn't that a shock, finding out they were a thing) once put it. His pelt shone, even now, and his scales gleamed in the light around him. Panting, he shivered as he felt air across his gaping hole. He'd never really recovered from that morning all those months ago, the growing size of the eggs within him not at all helping. He'd soon required a toy to keep them within his body, the massive dildo preventing the eggs from being laid until the family of dragons deemed them, and by extension himself, 'ripe'.

It was no comfort that Fidelth would constantly came into the room/prison he'd been stuck in, commenting on his fur and how wonderful he looked filled with her offspring. She seemed to be nice, well, as nice as a dragoness could be, but the wolfbird refused to forgive her for putting him in this position in the first place. The hybrid refused to look at her whenever she entered, closing his eyes when she tried to get his attention. He knew it was petty, but being petty was all he seemed to have left. Though that never stopped the dragoness from grooming him and lavishing his form with affection. Unfortunately, while his mind constantly rebelled, his body never did, and the wagging, panting puddle he'd first become so many months ago would return to taunt him. He needed to get out of here before his mind succumbed much like his body.

Panting, the wolfbird groaned as he got to his talons, stumbling blindly for the door. It took him a couple wrong turns, but finally, he arrived at the main entrance and exit. Only thing it could be, what with the opulence present on the frame, and the classic 'castle entrance' theme. Spirits rising, Luvian pushed on the doors, opened them, took a step forward.....

And was thrown back with a yelp as the golden runes, once forgotten (he'd seen them in a mirror once) glowed, yanking him back from his freedom. Confused, he tilted his head, and took another step forward.

"Oh, I apologize, sweetie. I forgot to mention something."

Fidelth's musical, hated voice rung in his head, and Luvian slowly turned around, glaring up at the large dragoness. His voice, sounding even more rough than normal due to disuse, was one full of rage and betrayal. "What....EXACTLY, did you forget."

A grin now showing on her face (or what could pass for a grin when one was a feral dragoness), Fidelth continued, all the while letting the three kobolds that cared for the wolfbird come up and begin to try and herd the hybrid away, despite a consistent lack of success. "You're our little incubator now. I do admit I gave you too many eggs last time... but we'll get that fixed in a bit. But we can't let you leave. You'll just go somewhere we can't get to. So I collared you to our home." Reaching forward, she patted the now-frozen wolfbird with a claw, before pulling him closer to her and tucking him beneath her bulk, like a hen would for a belligerent chick. "So we'll give you a week to rest and recover, then fill you up with some of my sister's eggs to incubate. Don't worry, they're much smaller."

Ignoring his despairing expression, Fidelth continued to pet over him, giving him affection like one would a beloved pet. "Don't worry, little incubator. Given time....."

"You'll come to love us, as much as we love you."

Out of the Fire, Into the Water

'This was not going to end well.' That was the constant mantra running through Luvian's head as he dashed through the forest underbrush, the loud sounds of forest destruction behind him signifying the continued presence of the dragon chasing after...

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