Read the Warnings

Story by Shilvascat on SoFurry

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Jeremy is eager to try the perverse new transformation potions everyone's raving about, but when working with something so powerful, wouldn't it be smart to read the warnings first?


5k commission for Jodacus on Furaffinity. Interesting kinks!


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When the news broke, it spread like wildfire: four enterprising scientists had cracked the code to DNA. With a little bit of hard work and research, any transformation could become possible, from temporary strength to permanent cures for debilitating illnesses.

Terminal patients were cured overnight. Many diseases were wiped from the face of the earth, and there was much rejoicing. Stock prices of pharmaceuticals dropped immediately. CEOs were found jumping from skyscrapers as their entire net worth disappeared overnight, and there was much rejoicing.

As with any great revolution, people quickly became used to what was once astounding, and soon enough the world settled into this new disease and injury free reality. And then, as with any great revolution, it came back into the limelight when people figured out how to do kinky shit with it.

Dozens of companies sprang up overnight once the idea took hold, each one boasting that they held the best formula to fulfill every kinkster's dreams. Cock growth, lip growth, ass growth, age regression and progression, even more complicated things like changing of skin color and transformation into 'werebeings', as the marketing called it. The furries liked that one.

Variants even popped up to alter the mental state of their users, provoking nirvana, increased intelligence, or increased sexual appetite. There was a potion for every kink under the sun, and best of all, it was all temporary! One could buy a potion, spend the night getting wild and freaky, then go back to work the next day as if nothing had happened.

Predictably, most of society chose to ignore that this particular application of the formulas, called 'potions' by those who used them, even existed. This was nothing new given society's lack of acknowledgement of kinksters up to this point, so no feathers were ruffled in that respect. As long as kinksters kept it in their houses or at their parties, there would be no problems going forward.

Jeremy was one of those kinksters who kept it in his house, or rather, would keep it in his house once he got his hands on some potions. While some variants, cock and breast growth especially, was in such a high demand as to be low in price due to mass production, his particular kinks were incredibly uncommon, and the potions for them were priced accordingly. It had taken months of scrimping and saving (and hiding it from his wife) for Jeremy to get enough money to purchase his dreams.

Now, the potion was due to be delivered soon, and after such a long wait, Jeremy was impatient to get started. He'd made certain that Ashley wouldn't be home for a few days, giving him ample time to experiment and clean up after himself. Work was taken off, his friends and family all thought he was off hiking in the remote wilderness, and the stage was set for him to finally indulge.

A sharp knock at the door. Jeremy leapt up from the kitchen table, dashing to the door and taking a moment to compose himself before opening up. A bored looking delivery driver stood outside, holding a clipboard in his hand. Behind him sat a small brown box with 'fragile' stamped all over it. Jeremy had made certain the company would ship discreetly, and the company had come through -- even so, he was eager to get the box inside and away from the prying eyes of his neighbors.

"Sign here?" the delivery driver said in a practiced monotone voice. As Jeremy snatched the clipboard from her and scribbled down his signature, she had to suppress a grin; the box was boring enough, but she knew what company was at that address. She made a mental note to stop by again sometime; maybe they shared some freaky kinks and could transform together.

Jeremy shoved the clipboard back into her hands, plastering on a fake smile. "Kayhavanicedaybyenow!" He then snatched the box from behind her and slammed the door in her face, too caught up in his excitement to be aware just how rude he was acting. The delivery driver smiled outside, figuring Jeremy for a first time buyer, and walked back to her waiting van. It was a shame she couldn't stay and peep in through the windows, but she had a route to manage.

Back indoors, Jeremy wasted no time in sitting at his kitchen table, using a paring knife to slice open the box and take out the treasure inside. Once it was safely removed, he tossed the box away, missing the trash by miles. He didn't care; the only thing that mattered to him in that moment was the clear vial with red liquid that he held in his hands.

By all accounts, Jeremy was an average man. He was of average height and had an average build. He wasn't too skinny nor fat, his face wasn't beautiful nor plain, and his sense of style stood out as neither good nor bad. He sported a mop of mid-length black hair. He worked a nondescript office job as a clerk, making a good, not great salary. He lived in a good sized house in a good neighborhood, had two cars, one cat, and no children. Perhaps the only thing notable about him was his chinstrap beard, which accented his jawline rather well and came up in a small tab beneath his bottom lip, but even this could be described as 'good, but not great'.

In other words, he was boring. In other words, he was certainly not the man who would drink the kind of potion he was about to slam down.

The potion was as nondescript as he was, with two plain, mostly white labels being the only things of interest. One was on the bottom, and had important safety information, as well as a whole host of disclaimers in tiny text. The other was on the front, listing the only things Jeremy cared about. It read as follows:

Multi-purpose Transformation Potion

Effects include:

IQ Draining


Horse Transformation (Quadruped)

Cock-to-Breasts Transformation

Hyper Breasts

Hyper Lips

Hyper Lactation

Hyper Asshole (donut variant)

Shit Production Augmentation

Piss Production Augmentation

Sex Drive Enhancement (Extreme)

Sensitivity Enhancement (Extreme)

All Effects Temporary*

Jeremy was the type of man to click 'I agree' without reading the terms and agreements of an app. He was the type of person to sign a contract without reading the fine print. And, unfortunately, he was the type of person to ignore an obviously important asterisk.

If he hadn't ignored the asterisk, he'd have turned the bottle over and found a disclaimer stating that the effects were only temporary if the potion was used correctly. A little lower on that same label, he'd have found instructions stating that 1/10th of the potion was good for 8 hours, and never to consume more than that at once. This, too, had an asterisk, and if he'd read the small print associated with that asterisk, Jeremy would have known that consuming more than 1/10th of a bottle at once would have unintended consequences, and that consuming the full bottle would make those changes which he craved so badly irreversible.

However, Jeremy ignored the asterisk. And because of his extreme need to transform himself, he uncorked the top and tipped back the vial as far as he could, swallowing the red liquid inside without hesitation.

Jeremy grimaced at the taste, but he didn't actually need to. He'd read online that most potions were made artificially bitter to discourage overconsumption, so he'd prepared himself for that. This particular company didn't bother with such precautions, however, reasoning if their potions tasted good, clients would be more likely to buy them again. They weren't wrong.

"And now, we wait," Jeremy said to himself. He'd read online that the changes never came at once, but they did begin immediately. He wondered which would come first. The transformation into a pony? His lip growth, or perhaps his cock's transformation into breasts? There was a chance that his IQ could begin dipping before anything else began, but he hoped it wouldn't. After spending so much time anticipating this very experience, Jeremy would rather he stayed intelligent for as much of it as possible, in order to milk the most enjoyment possible from it.

Time passed, and Jeremy was beginning to feel as if nothing were happening. There was no buzz, no feeling of change, nothing whatsoever. Dread was setting in as Jeremy began to think that his potion was a dud, or the company was a scam... until, incensed, he picked up his phone to start looking up more about the company, and on accident, he opened the camera app instead.

"My... my lips!" Jeremy exclaimed, nearly dropping the phone in his surprise. His lips! Once long and thin, his lips had swollen up to a plumpness reserved for only the most lucky women, and as he watched with rapt interest, they were continuing to swell well past the point that even surgeries could grow them. They grew a deep ruby red without any lipstick, and soon Jeremy was stuck sporting a permanent duck face due to the sheer size they'd grown to.

There was no way that Jeremy could speak normally now, he knew, but still, even though there was no one around to notice, he had to test it out. He said the first thing that came to mind: "I thwear, I don't have a lithp!" Upon hearing himself, Jeremy squealed in delight, wriggling happily in his seat as he witnessed the beginnings of his bimbo dreams coming true.

The desire for absurdly huge lips had been with him as long as he could remember, and the attraction to the lisp that came with it began the first time he heard a bona-fide bimbo speak. Ever since then, he'd spoken with a lisp to himself in private, but it never felt right knowing that it was all fake. Now, it was soft, plush reality.

Jeremy briefly considered taking a selfie and posting it - that had long been a fantasy of his, and the thought of everyone commenting on his disgustingly huge lips was a massive turn on - but he managed to fight back the urge by reminding himself that these kinks would be for the night, but the humiliation of having everyone see him like that would be eternal. Instead he just closed his eyes, relaxed, and waited for the rest of the potion to take effect.

He didn't have to wait long; only moments had passed before another, more substantial transformation began.

It started as a trickle at the bottom of his spine. Jeremy managed to ignore it for a while, thinking it to be just a strange after effect of taking the potion, but soon the mild tickle became a very, very sharp discomfort. Jeremy yelped in surprise and jumped up, feeling desperately at the base of his ass. There was something long there... a thin, fleshy nub that, oddly enough, wriggled whenever Jeremy touched it.

At first he thought it might be a parasite, or some freak accident of the potion, but it wasn't long before he realized its true nature; he was growing a long tail, and the hair simply hadn't formed yet. When it did, they were long, brown and silky, and once entirely grown, his tail reached down nearly to the ground. Jeremy swished it approvingly, grinning at the satisfying snapping sound it made in the air as he did so.

Before Jeremy could fully test out his new tail, the next stage of the transformation began. His mouth felt as if it were too full, like it was full of marbles, or that his smile simply was too wide for his jawline. The reality wasn't too far from that; his small, white human teeth were being replaced with massive horse teeth, and his jaw was slow to accommodate. Just before it hit a point that might put Jeremy in no little pain, however, the transformation hit his jawbone as well, and it began to jut out along with his nose and upper teeth to form a long, fleshy snout.

The sensation was strange; new bone was growing at an impossible rate, cartilage forming just as fast, and his skin was stretching almost as fast as it could be born into existence. For a little while, he felt as if his skin were a balloon and his new muzzle was stick being shoved into it; he might pop at any moment. Fortunately the growth stopped just before Jeremy became all too worried, and after some muscle growth in spots here and there, his face was soon fully transformed into a horse's face, though with some minor modifications to make his visage slightly less unsettling for himself and anyone he might be with.

Research has found that, while people constantly asked for animal transformations to include their faces, that a full feral transformation was off putting to most people. As such, they took care to ensure that animal transformations took on a more anthro-esque aspect as far as that went, even when asking for feral transformations. The furries quite liked that. They kept the option for 'true feral' faces on for the kinkiest of the kinky, and they charged outrageous sums for it.

Up to this point, Jeremy's transformation could have been mistaken for a standard anthro one; though his fur was yet to grow in, he had a long tail and a horse's head. For most people this was enough, though some would also include genital transformation for a complete set. Jeremy had even considered stopping there as well, thinking that he might not be able to enjoy himself fully as a feral pony, but as the nasty and strange extras piled on and on, at the end he decided why not? He was going to be a freak for a night anyways, there was no sense in stopping and doing it half-assed.

The transformation continued, shattering any illusion that Jeremy might have chosen to be a simple anthro. There was a loud crack from Jeremy's spine that reverberated through the house, startling his cat and causing it to scrabble across the floor in a panic. It didn't stop until it was safely hidden beneath the couch. Jeremy gasped in surprise and fell forward, grabbing onto the table for support as his back began to lengthen, adopting the curvature of a pony's.

The rest of his body began to change as well; his legs and arms transformed into a horse's legs, his thighs turning into thick haunches and his ass cheeks melting away into nothingness, leaving his ass completely flat. Beneath his tail, Jeremy's asshole morphed from a small, pink human hole to a massive horse hole, the thick black donut winking in the air. His chest and belly sank into his increasingly taut frame, transforming into a stallion's barrel chest, and his neck transformed as well, firmly securing his newly equine head to the rest of his body. His hands and feet melded together, the soft skin turning into hard, brittle hooves and quickly scraping up the cheap wood floor beneath him. The kitchen table began to crack beneath his weight, and Jeremy dismounted, his hooves clattering across the ground as he struggled to keep his balance in his new body.

Then, just as Jeremy was beginning to recover from the experience, he began to feel an odd, itching, prickling feeling at the nape of his neck. It quickly spread across his body until the entirety of his skin felt as if were on fire. Jeremy let out a cry of dismay, finding that he had no hands to try to soothe the pain, but just as quickly as it came, it vanished. He felt a strange coolness across his body, and a soft weight on his neck and head. After some thinking, he realized what it was; he had sprouted a soft pelt of brown pony fur, and a thick black mane to match!

Jeremy nickered happily, tapping his feet against the ground in a show of excitement. He didn't notice, but even his body language and thoughts were becoming those of a horse, a small pony in particular. It was an intended side effect, and one that shouldn't have overwhelmed his more human thinking, but as time went on, it would get stronger and stronger due to his overdose.

To get used to his new equine body, Jeremy trotted all over the house, quickly realizing that he didn't really own anything that was pony friendly. His hooves left scuff marks in the floor, his ass couldn't fit through most doorways, and when it could, he usually found himself getting stuck with his shoulders. The only rooms he could really enter without issue was the living room and the guest bathroom, which had a wider frame for wheelchair access. Impatient for the rest of his transformation to continue, he trotted in there and spent some time checking out his new body.

To his surprise, he found that his cock had transformed along with the rest of him. As a human, he was averagely gifted -- five, six inches or so, but nothing more. Now, however, his balls were large enough to sag nearly to his knees, and his cock was a good four feet long when hard, flaring immediately and drooling pre onto the floor like a faucet. Most men would have been quite happy with such a massive endowment, which is why the company engineered it to be so large, but Jeremy was somewhat peeved. He'd paid quite a bit extra for the cock-to-breasts option, which wasn't exactly a popular one, and he'd hoped that he wouldn't even have to see his horse cock before it transformed. It felt strangely wrong; the nasty, disgusting sexual beast he'd wanted to turn into didn't have a cock, but breasts, and the fact that he wasn't where he wanted to be yet frustrated him.

Then, as he turned around to give his ample ass another look, he noticed something strange. His balls, currently black and swinging heavily with every step he took, began to become lighter. They didn't change shape quite yet, but it felt as if their substance were changing, as if his balls were transforming from dense, productive orbs of seed into pillowy fat, melding into the sack itself to become one with it. More to his interest, Jeremy saw that his shaft, rock hard and drooling despite his dissatisfaction with it, was beginning to shrink. It was slow at first, but the longer he looked the quicker it went. Inch after inch simply disappeared, shrinking in circumference as well, until before long there was a smooth little nub where his glorious cock one hung. Jeremy smiled, pleased.

Now the transformation on his balls continued in earnest. The black, leathery skin dropped all pretense of being testicles and softened up, retracting closer to his groin to become two small, round pockets of skin-colored fat. A small red bump appeared on each one, quickly turning into an areola sporting a thick, meaty nipple. The growth stalled for a moment, long enough for Jeremy to begin thinking that was all that happened, but then exploded all at once, as if to make up for the pause. His crotch-tits hit A Cup, C, D, then quickly swelled past any sane unit of measurement. They quickly surpassed the size his former balls had reached, forcing him to splay his legs further and further apart to accommodate for them.

They were just as Jeremy envisioned; massive and sagging, yet mysteriously taut as well. The massive globes hung down well past his knees, the elongated nipples brushing occasionally against the ground and sending a shiver up Jeremy's spine. His nipples were sensitive for sure, and as he pressed his breasts against the bathroom sink, he let out a howl of pleasure; his tits were just as, if not more sensitive than his nipples. They were human breasts, which puzzled him some -- he'd expected some horsey version to grow on him -- but, after some thinking, he realized that horses didn't really have breasts, and besides, having blatantly human parts on his equally blatantly pony body just made him more of a freak.

The realization would have made him cum, had he his cock, but to his surprise a jet of milk shot out of both his nipples instead, splattering on the linoleum floor. Upon closer inspection, the milk seemed to be more cum than milk, but his nipples continued to lactate the substance almost continually, adding to the puddle at a consistent and furious rate.

Jeremy scarcely had time to calm himself down and appreciate his new genitalia in the mirror before he noticed something else strange going on. This time, it wasn't a sensation so much as a lack of one that alerted him; his new donut hole had started out feeling taut, but now he didn't feel much of anything at all. He trotted in a circle, trying to get a good look at what was going on, before finally catching a glimpse in the mirror of... something. He lifted his tail and immediately his heart leapt: his asshole was gaping!

It was small when he first caught sight of it, but as he watched it grew more and more, and soon it was to the point that it seemed to take up the majority of his ass. The rims grew puffy and droopy, sagging a good inch over his gaping hole and flapping as he moved. The hole itself yawned a good foot and a half open, exposing the fleshy cavern within. It was a strange sensation, having the cool air of the house rush up his ass and into his bowels with ease, but it was one that he found he liked, sending a rush of erotic pleasure through his body.

After a few minutes, the growing slowed, then stopped. In the end, his asshole gaped a good two feet wide, with his puffy donut swelling six full inches beyond that to give him what was certainly the nastiest asshole known to man. By all rights, he should have been satisfied with it, but he wasn't. Jeremy craved more. Just because it was the nastiest doesn't mean it couldn't be improved, right?

His first instinct was to just reach back and stretch it out, but upon attempting, he quickly remembered that he didn't have hands and arms anymore, and his hooves would be entirely useless in stretching his hole wide, even if he had the flexibility to get back there. He knew where he could find some dildos, but those wouldn't be nearly large enough to do anything. It would be like throwing a hot dog down a wind tunnel.

Jeremy looked around, contemplating his options, when he saw it: the laundry basket. It was three feet wide at least, meaning it would actually stretch him out, and it was long enough to give him that nice, full feeling he was craving. As an added bonus, due to his new height as a pony, all he had to do was sit on it and he'd be set.

Determined to ruin himself even further, he used his back hooves to kick the basket over, sending it toppling onto its side. From there, he guided it to the middle of the floor before using the lip of it to flip it upside down. Then, he centered his ass against his makeshift dildo, closed his eyes, and pushed down.

The sensation was better than he'd ever expected. Before the potion, he'd spent quite a bit of time sneaking sessions with Ashley's dildo when she was gone, and he thought he was well acquainted with how a cock in his ass felt. This, however, was entirely different. Each inch that sunk into his ass set every nerve aflame with pleasure, the further his asshole stretched, the more euphoria that crashed through his body. Soon he'd bottomed out without realizing it, and he began to fuck himself in earnest, squealing and moaning as he ruined his sloppy hole even more than it already had been.

He kept at it for a while, but soon he found it more and more difficult to spear himself on his makeshift dildo. Frustrated, he stood up, only for the laundry basket to shoot out of his hole like a rocket, shattering on the wall and falling to the ground in pieces. A loud burst of gas quickly followed, fogging the air with its stench and driving Jeremy wild.

The gas was soon replaced with something even better; thick, sloppy logs of shit began to burst out of his ass, sliding onto the floor with little resistance from his hole at all and quickly forming a massive pile. Each log was so firm it felt like another dildo fucking him from the inside, mashing against his prostate and sending his body into orgasmic overload.

His eyes rolled back into his head and his tongue lolled out. The shit piled up, soon pushing against his ass, and a hunger grew deep inside him. He wasn't certain exactly what was causing it, but he knew how to satisfy it: he turned around in a rush, flinging shit into the walls, and buried his head in his own pile of waste, slurping it down and chewing it up like it was the greatest thing he'd ever tasted. And, to his corrupted tongue, it was.

The second the taste graced his senses he let out a scream of pleasure, cumming milk everywhere and mixing it in with the second pile of shit he was already forming. Caught up in the sensations, he kept slurping his shit down until he finished the pile, only to turn around and start on the mixture of shit and cum-milk he had just created. It turned into a feedback loop, each round corrupting his mind further and further.

This was all exactly what he'd envisioned when he first got the idea for the potion. His normal, boring life had to go; he wanted to spend his time in a disgusting paradise of shit, cum, milk and general depravity. Fuck normalcy, he had shit to eat. Debasing himself so thoroughly was a lifelong fantasy for him, and he was finally getting to experience it.

Time passed quickly, and before he knew it, an hour had gone by. The bathroom was absolutely destroyed, shit coating every surface and milk mixing with it in massive puddles on the floor, creating a light brown slop. Something, however, was missing... it took him a while to figure it out.

He could think.

The crowning effect of the potion was that it was supposed to lower his IQ to the point where he would basically be a pleasure driven beast and nothing more. It was the ultimate degradation, the final humiliation, and the best way to experience his own depravity. No hesitation, no thoughts, just... pleasure. But yet he could think.

Jeremy groused to himself, a wave of annoyance crashing over him. Why hadn't it happened yet? Had he ordered the right bottle? Was there something he had to do? He resolved to figure it out as quickly as possible, and so strode to the kitchen, willing himself to ignore the massive logs he was leaving behind.

He found the bottle quickly, and upon reading the label, he confirmed to himself that he was indeed supposed to lose most of his IQ. So why hadn't he?

That's when he noticed the smaller label on the bottom. Curious, he flipped the bottle over and began to read. There was nothing about how long it would take his IQ to drop, but... there was some small text scrawled across the bottom. He had to squint to read it.

"Warning: Take no more than 1/10th of the potion at a time. Drinking the entire bottle will render these changes permanent."

Jeremy's heart sank, a cold pit of dread in his stomach. Permanent? He couldn't... it couldn't really mean that... could it?

As quickly as the dread set in, however, it washed away. Jeremy's head buzzed, and through the mental fog quickly settling, he realized what was happening; his IQ was draining away, forever. Somehow, he couldn't make himself feel worried about it. In fact, he couldn't really feel worried at all. He couldn't comprehend any negative emotion... or any reason what he was doing might be bad for him. Soon his mind was blank, and he just stood there, drooling.

A sound jerked him out of his daze. He looked around, curious, only to see a massive log of shit hanging out of his ass. A grin spread across his face; food! He pushed it out and turned around, happily feasting on his own shit yet again. He knocked the kitchen table over, breaking it in half, but he didn't care. He couldn't care. That would take intelligence... and he didn't have any. He only knew happiness.

Ashley unlocked the door to her house feeling perfectly happy. Once she stepped in, however, that pleasant feeling was destroyed; everything was covered in shit and milk, and most everything in the house seemed to be destroyed. In the center of it was a pony, one with massive tits between its legs and a gaping asshole, which was currently in the middle of pumping out another log.

No... not just any pony. It was making noises, like it was talking to itself. 'Thhit, wan' thhit cock, wan' cock, want thhit, wan' pithth!' The voice was familiar, and as it turned to face her, she saw the face was familiar as well. It was a horse's face, sure, and it sported disgustingly hyper ruby-red lips that nearly blocked out the entire bottom third of his visage, but there was something in those eyes that was unmistakable. She felt disgusted, confused, but most of all, horrified.


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