Smelly Taur-ment

Story by CraZygAEmeR on SoFurry

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#1 of One-Shots

Danny gets his friend to a party with a costume that gives him a special view, only for it to backfire with his friend blissfully unaware.

The morning sun beams through the window, onto the closed eyes of a hare named Danny Tailor. He turns away and groans, catching a glimpse of his clock. His eyes open wide and he practically jumps out of bed, putting on his usual red shirt, dark blue jeans, and trainers as he rushes out of his bedroom into the living room while brushing his brown and white fur.

He sees his roomate, a naked, chubby, bed-wetting skunk named Arthur Robertson, sleeping on his sofa which has a damp patch near his crotch. He must've tossed and turned in his sleep again as only his top half is covered and he doesn't sleep with clothes on. He makes sure to get an eyeful of those white orbs before the skunk wakes up. After his erection settles down he playfully hits him with a pillow.

"'ello, Rob. 'ave a good sleep?"

"Hm? Oh, 'ey, Dan."

Arthur stands up and stretches, releasing his morning thunder, Danny silently admires the full view of his plump body. One of the things Danny loves about Arthur is that he's gotten comfortable with walking around the apartment naked. The best part of this is when he bends over to pick something up. Danny has spent more time in the bathroom since seeing Arthur's full moon.

"Yeah, I's havin' a nice dream." He scratches his bulbous butt with a yawn before heading to the kitchen. "You wan' anythin' to ea'?"

"Can't, I'm gonna be la'e." Danny replies loudly while grabbing his bag and heading to the front door. He opens it and sees Mrs. Baker looking at him through her spectacles, a penguin in a floral apron who lives just a few doors down the hall, standing there with a few plastic containers of food. He doesn't know her personally, but her son is one of his coworkers and a friend.

"Oh, 'ey Mrs. B. Can' really talk I'm in a rush."

"Oh, no problem. I just brought some leftovers. It's bean chilli."

"Thanks." He says with a smile, taking the containers and putting them in the fridge, passing by Arthur. "Mrs B brough' food." He says as he rushes back out.

"Before you go could yo-" is all Arthur could say before Danny closed the door behind him.

He manages to run into work just in time and gets into the lift breathing a sigh of relief.

"Hold the door!" Looking up in surprise he sees the friendly face of Philip Baker, a red-eyed tree frog dressed in a blue suit, dashing into the lift. He's been Danny's friend since school, he likes to goof around but is a hard worker. He used to be a delinquent until he got in trouble for picking locks, Danny's not sure what happened but Phil's become more timid since then.

"'ello, Phil."

"'ow ma'e, you exci'ed for the par'y?"

"Yeah, Arthur's been makin' summa'."

"Nice, wha' you goin' as?"

"I 'ad a grea' idea. Ast Arthur to make a skun'taur costume." Danny replies with a smirk "Arthur's gonna be in the fron', and I'll ge'a be in the back."

"Ben' over with full view of 'is bum? Nice. Maybe I could try tha' with Jenny." He says quietly as the doors open and they walk out, they spot Jenny, a hippo, chatting with Karen, a giraffe. He always loved it when she got into the lift after him and he'd just stare at her rotund bottom.

"You still 'aven' ast her ou' ye', 'ave you?" Danny replies lowering his voice.

"I'm jus' w-wai'in' for the righ' time is all. I'll as' her ou' a' the par'y, I 'eard she's goin' too." Philip's cheeks turn bright red. "What abou' you? Didn' you say you'll propose to Arthur?"

"I will be, after I've 'ad a good eye full." It's now Danny's turn to blush. "I 'ope 'e says 'yes'."

"You go' nothin' to worry abou', you go' a lucky rabbit's foo'."

"Riiigh'." Danny looks at him skeptically.

"Dude, I'm serious. Rabbits 'ave lucky fee', I read abou' i'."

Danny rolls his eyes. "Anyway, wha're you goin' as?"

"You'll see."

"... You 'aven' go' a clue, 'ave you?" Danny's smirk returns, he's seen right through Philip.

Danny returns to his apartment and tosses his bag onto floor. "'oney, I'm 'ome." He shouts half-jokingly.

"Welcome back!" Arthur calls out from the bathroom "I finished the costume! It's on the couch!" The hare walks up to the couch and spots it. Picking it up he notices something unexpected.

"Is there a reason why it's so... de'ailed?" The back half of the skunktaur costume featured a sheath and a pair of balls. He knew with the time they had left they couldn't change it now. He touches the balls which are filled with (hopefully) water which sloshes around. "People will cer'ainly stare." He mumbles to himself.

"It's specially designed so *grunt* you can rest in the stomach area, an' if you ge' tired the legs can *grunt* walk themselves. You could even sleep in there if you wan'ed to."

"Well that's good t' know. You okay in there?"

"Yeah, jus' nervous 'bou' the par'y so I been tryin' t' calm meself down."

"Classic Arthur." Danny says to himself as he sees a bunch of empty plastic containers on the kitchen table. Whenever he gets worried he binge eats. "Jus' don' take too long or we'll be la'e!" Arthur's only reply is the splashing of water from the toilet; a few moments later he comes rushing out, still naked. "So 'ow d'you ge' into this thing?"

"'ere, le' me show you."

"Wai', if you're goin' outside don'tcha wanna be wearin' pants?"

"Oh, I don' need pants, I'm covere' by this costume."

Danny decides it best not to argue, this might be his only chance to stare at Arthur's naked butt this close for this long. Besides Arthur's right about being covered by the costume, so Danny's the only one that'll get to see it.

They manage to get themselves into the costume with enough space for Arthur's soft tail, the padded stomach making bending over much easier. Danny is glad to be so close to Arthur's cheeks, his nose almost touching the hair on the skunks backside, especially as uncovered as it is, and he'll get to ogle it for a few hours; his erection is already extending proudly.

"I'll jus' go ge' the keys. They're in your bag, righ'?" The pair walk over to the bag and Arthur bends over to pick it up, giving Danny full view of his pucker. The thing that caught his attention even more though, is that in Arthur's rush he must've forgotten to wipe as brown stains fill the inside of his crack. The smell hits the hare's sensitive nose like a brick. He likes looking at Arthur's donut but he didn't need the chocolate coating.

"Cor blimey, did you no' 'ave a bog roll, ma'e?" Danny exclaims. Arthur reaches down further for the key, putting pressure on his stomach and releasing a loud *Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft* into the hare's nostrils and spreading through the confined space. "Bloody 'ell, *cough* what'd you ea'?" Arthur grabs the key and unlocks the door with it. "'ey, can you 'ear me?" ... No reply, the suit must be padded too much for him to hear Danny's complaints. "'ow much did 'e ea'? What'd 'e even ea'?" It's then that he remembers the plastic containers; they were filled to the brim with bean chilli. "'opefully 'e's not too gassy." he gulps.

The walk to the party is pretty uneventful since it isn't too far away, but the ominous rumbling in his tummy is a bad sign. When they get to the party Arthur feels a weird vibration in his butt, he just shrugs assuming it's nothing. The party is set in a grassy field, there's colourful lights and a band Arthur's never heard of before. To his surprise there's less people than he thought, around fifty, and it isn't very loud. He heads towards the snack table.

Inside the costume Danny is feeling the heat as another fart blasts out over him, spraying dung and sweat onto his face. He coughs and tries to fan it away in vain.

"'ey, you're Arthur, righ'?" a tree frog dressed in a witch's outfit approaches the duo.

"Yeah, 'ow'd you know?"

"Danny's tol' me a lo' abou' you."

"You mus' be Phil, righ'?"

"Tha's me." He says as he strikes a pose "I like you're costume, i's very..." he notices the dangling balls "... unique. Danny said you made i' yourself."

"Thanks, I worked 'ard on i'." Arthur replies with a smile as another strange vibration goes through his rear. "I' took a while bu' I like 'ow i' turned ou'."

While the two chat and eat, Danny gets hit in the face with more flatulence from his friend's backdoor, its meaty taste causing him to gag and his eyes to water. "This migh' no' be worth i'. All this gas jus' to stare at his plump, soft... sexy... voluptuous... tan'alizin'... ... I'll give i' a few more minutes."

"So, you wanna dance?" Arthur asks Phil.

"Sure, jus' 'ope you ain' go' four lef' fee'." They chuckle and move onto the dance floor for a few minutes. Danny is reminded of why he fell in love with Arthur's cheeks the first time as they ripple and jiggle and clap together, building up even more sweat that soaks the inside of the costume. The suit's special design allows it to keep up with Arthur's actual legs without much effort from Danny so he can just sit back and enjoy the show while he pulls down his pants and strokes himself.

When they finish the dance -- and Danny blows his load -- Arthur goes back to the snacks as all that dancing works up an appetite. He's so busy stuffing himself that he doesn't notice, but Danny certainly does, a log poking out of his anus. Danny stares as it moves closer and closer to the tip of his nose. He tries to back up but falls on his butt, creating a ramp for the faeces to slide down onto his lap. As he tries to brush it away more comes out pooling at his feet. It ends after a few seconds with a bassy fart.

Behind the stage fireworks are being lit and soon fly off towards the sky in every direction, lighting up the sky and outshining the full moon. The loud bang causes Arthur to reflexively tense up in surprise, unbeknown to him this causes his stink glands to poke out and go full blast, hosing Danny; getting into his nose and eyes. He screams but it's muffled by both the padding and the explosions, each one producing another direct blast from Arthur's behind as the loud noises startle him, everyone unaware of the foul fate being done to his dear friend as the smell is contained. Deciding that the party is too loud for his liking, Arthur heads home while Danny struggles to remain conscious.

The pair finally make it back to their apartment with Arthur farting every step, each one like a punch in the face for Danny. He pauses for a few seconds before facepalming. He put the key through the mail slot in the door since Danny usually lets him in. He bends down, another weird vibration in his bottom which he decides to ignore, and peers through the slot. Sure enough he can see the key on the floor.

"Hello there, is something wrong?" A woman's voice says from down the hall. Arthur turns around and sees a familiar face.

"'ello Mrs. Baker. I acciden'ally locked meself ou' me apar'men'." Arthur replies blushing.

"Is Danny not with you?"

"'e's inside this costume with me" Arthur pats the back of his suit "bu' 'e doesn' 'ave a key." Mrs. Baker adjusts her glasses.

"That's a rather interesting costume." She says, spotting the crotch.

"Thanks, I made i' meself. Danny wan'ed me 'o make i'."

"... I see. Well I can call my son, he might be able to help. Why don't you come inside until then?" She says, heading to her door.

"Thanks, me legs could use a rest."

Philip is sitting alone on a bench near a lake, watching the light show. He scribbles poems addressed to Jenny on pieces of paper before tossing them into the nearby bin. "Maybe we're no' mean' to be 'ogether." He sighs and writes down whatever words come to mind: the beauty of her face and eyes, how her smile is like a rainbow, how her laughter could force up the morning sun, and how her soothing voice makes roses bloom. In the end, it looks like a jumbled mess. Frustrated he tosses the entire book into the bin and decides to go for a walk to clear his head.

As he walks he passes by a restaurant to see a couple, a cat and a dog, sitting and holding hands with a candlelit dinner. He watches as they sit and laugh at eachother's jokes while staring into eachother's eyes. They share a loving kiss and one of them gets down on one knee and pulls out a box. Philip turns away, a few seconds later a door opens behind him. When he turns he sees the couple walking out and laughing. "Congrats. Didya say 'yes'?" He says, trying to not sound sad.

"Oh, you saw tha' too?" The boyfriend says, still chuckling. "Tha' was awkward. Apparen'ly she's my girlfriend's twin sister."

"And 'e's my boyfriend's twin brother."

Philip just looks at them as they walk off, unsure of what to even say. He just shakes his head and leaves.

Philip passes by the apartment his mother lives in and decides to go inside. He opens the door to see Arthur still in costume. "Is summa' wrong?"

"I acciden'ally locked meself ou'."

"'ow long've you been 'ere?"

Mrs. Baker looks at the clock on the wall. "Oh dear, it's been almost an hour! I've kept you far too long with my chinwagging."

"It's no problem, I 'ad a nice time cha'in' with you." Arthur replies with a smile.

"An extra 'our starin' a' 'is bum?" Philip whispers to himself. "Mus' be tha' lucky rabbit's foo'."

"If i's no' too much trouble, could you le' us back in?"

"Sure, I'll go ge' me stuff. I' migh' take a while so you two should stay 'ere an' relax." As he heads to Danny's apartment he bumps into someone. "Oh, sorry."

"You're P-Philip, righ'?"

"Y-yeah. Why?" A book appears in front of him, he recognises it as his. He looks up and blushes. "J-Jenny!"

"I s-saw you around the office an' at the par'y. I r-read your poems, I was wonderin'... would you like to... go... o-out... with m-me?"

Philip is stunned. The woman he had a crush on since he first saw her is asking him out. "... S-sure... of course!" It must be the work of Danny's luck, he gets to spend more time with Arthur's backdoor and Philip gets to go on a date. As they leave, he shouts to his mother "Summa' jus' came up, I'll be back la'er!"

"It's okay, there's no rush."

"Yeah, we can wai'."

Philip heads off with Jenny by his side.

They go for a walk in the park, an unsteady boat ride, and finish it off with a drink at the cafe while watching the distant fireworks. Philip gently places his hand on Jenny's, she responds by turning her hand over and holding his. He leans in towards her and they both kiss. They both lose track of time as they enjoy eachother's company.

She walks him to his house and they share another kiss as they say goodbye. He heads inside, up the stairs, and into his bedroom. He sees his phone on the bedside table with missed call from his mother. As he listens to the call he remembers about Arthur and Danny and rushes back outside to the apartment, grabbing his lockpicks on the way.

"Sorry, go' sidetracked as I was ge'in' 'em." Philip laughs nervously as he opens the door.

"It's fine." Arthur insists as he heads inside, picking up the key and locking the door behind him. He almost immediately collapses at the foot of the sofa from exhaustion, the force shoving Danny's head into his crack and his anus into his mouth as he quickly nods off, his rectum becoming even more relaxed that the farts happen almost non-stop. Arthur starts humping the air in his sleep which causes the filth between his cheeks to rub and smear all over Danny's face; Danny tries to push him off or wake him up but to no avail. Arthur picks up pace and then stops as his sticky seed shoots out onto Danny's chest.

Danny loses track of time as all sorts of farts make their way out: loud, silent, hissing, trumpeting, each one filling up Danny's lungs. His vision becomes hazy as Arthur has a nightmare and sprays inside his mouth, blowing another load from his erection as he passes out.

The morning sun beams through the window, onto the closed eyes of a skunk named Arthur Robertson. He yawns, stretches, and lazily scratches his stomach as he releases a morning thunder which is a lot more quiet than usual. He notices he's grown an extra pair of legs and wonders if he's still asleep. He pokes his new stomach but doesn't feel anything. As he thinks back to what happened last night, he remembers about Danny and takes the costume off to see his friend barely conscious.

"You okay? You smell 'n' look terrible!" Arthur exclaims as Danny shakily stands up: his fur dishevelled with odd white and brown stains; he smells of manure, urine, and sweat; his pants are around his ankles. Arthur can't figure out what could've possibly happened to Danny.

"Arthur... there was summa'... tha' I wan'ed to say... since we firs' me'..." Danny struggles to get the words out. "... will you... be my boyfriend?"

"I'd fallen for you the firs' time we me' too. O' course I will! I'll go make us summa' roman'ic to ea'!" Arthur says, running out the room in excitement.

"Heh... lucky rabbit's foo'." Danny says before passing out again.

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Wizard's Apprentice 2

You wash yourself and your robes in a lake as best you can after having a very smelly ride with your new, blue skunktaurgon teacher, who wants you to call him 'Master' and is currently relieving himself on a nearby tree. The glistening cool water laps...

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