Michael and Eric - Chapter 4

Story by CraZygAEmeR on SoFurry

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#4 of Michael and Eric

Michael and Eric - Chapter 4

There's more I wanted to add to this but I also feel like I'm taking too long with it so i'll update it eventually.

The sun beams down. Eric is tending to his garden, the plants growing well under his constant care, with his pink, floral watering can. He pays careful attention to step on the stone path so that he doesn't crush the vegetables. Richard is inside watching TV, a fan aimed at his balls spreading his masculine aroma around the room and a cold beer in his hand. Henry is outside lying down on a wooden lounge chair, snoring and farting, a crown of flowers that he made rest on his head. Underneath his shadow Michael is lying on the grass. A single drop of water lands in his mouth, the salty taste waking him up from his daydream to see it came from Henry's butt, the lustre of a few beads of sweat dripping down on him. Michael wasn't expecting rain and thunder without a cloud in the sky. Eric said he had a surprise for him and he was trying to pass the time, but he doubts he could sleep: the noise is far too loud, almost as bad as the smell, and the vibrations causing Henry's cheeks to slap together rapidly weren't helping. He would have left already if he wasn't practically being pinned to the ground by the strong wind; struggling just tired him out.

Eric, finished with his duties, gathers everyone up and collects his things. He finds Michael passed out and carries him in his arms, leading everyone through the forest. It takes a few minutes, but eventually they end up at a clearing near a waterfall, and set up camp: one tent and one sleeping bag, big enough for all of them. Eric also brought food, bottles of water, and cooking utensils. Harry brought a notepad, a diary, and some pencils. Richard brought a wireless radio and some cans of beer. Eric sets Michael on the grass nearby while he sets up the tent. It doesn't take long for Eric to step back and admire his work while Richard heads inside and opens a can.

"Now we need a fire." Eric says with a smile.

"How do we get a fire?" Replies Henry.

"I think we just get two sticks and rub them together."

Henry thinks for a few seconds. "Maybe Michael knows!"

"He's still asleep."

"We can wake him up by pouring liquid on him!"

Eric looks around and notices the waterfall. "... Ah! I got it!" The elephant moves next to Michael, puts his hands behind his head, arches his back slightly, and then lets out a relaxed sigh while a hot, yellow liquid flows out onto the 'sleeping' mouse. Henry, deciding that it looks like fun, and Richard, having nothing better to do, join the duo. The three make small talk about various things while Michael, now wide awake, struggles to get away to no avail.

It's the afternoon, Michael returns with firewood and tosses them into a firepit. He can hear the radio say something about a 'score'. Henry is playing with a butterfly, his butt cheeks rumbling every now and then. Eric is sitting by the waterfall. Michael sits next to him and points out the various constellations while Eric listens intently as a gentle breeze blows in the air, replaced every few seconds by a stronger, smelly one.

Once the full moon is high up in the sky, Eric heads towards the tent, but Michael stops him. "There's no need to go in just yet," Despite his quiet voice, Eric could hear him clearly "we can have fun out here." Michael winks.

Eric shoots him a smile, turns around, and gets down on all fours, smacking his cheeks. "What sort of fun did you have in mind?" Michael blushes and stares as they ripple.

He strips off his shorts, tossing them into the tent, and moves behind Eric. He grabs onto his ballsack and climbs up, the situation quickly arousing him. He's like a mountain climber. Upon reaching the peak, Michael sees his prize: Eric's cave opens wide and blows him a kiss, a rancid stench clawing its way through his nose. He pushes forward, the strong winds knocking him over a few times. He crawls to the mouth of the cave, holding on tight to the ground, it's big enough for him to walk around in. He keeps his head low while waiting for the storm to pass. It takes a few seconds, but he sees his opening, rushes up, and braces himself against the walls. After about a minute of this treatment Michael orgasms, his cum shooting out into Eric. At the same time another fart bellows out, blowing it back into his face. Michael collapses, all tired out. After finishing himself off, Eric picks him up with his trunk and brings him inside the tent, placing him deep inside the sleeping bag while the rest stuff themselves into the top, wasting no time to stink up the air around the mouse.

The next morning, Michael wakes up to sounds of splashing. He shakily makes his way outside to see Eric, Harry and Richard jumping off the waterfall. A splash of water wakes him up and he quickly joins them for a day of fun. It starts with jumping off the waterfall and splashing around until Michael lands in Henry's anus. He gets shot out with a fart and it gives the hippo an idea for a new game, which involves putting Michael into his rear and firing him out like a cannon, while someone else tries to get him to land in their anus. This game goes on until the sun starts to go down. They all get out, dry off, and back into the tent hungry since they were too busy playing. The next day, they return home.

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