Piss Puss

Story by TyrsBackalley on SoFurry

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Like the title says. Read at your discretion as contains Watersports. Enjoy.

For the fourth night in a row I take my 'usual' seat at the club. Against a half wall with a glass of diet soda on a stool so my tail can hang backwards as I watch the club start up. It's only eight but as it's dark outside the customers have all started to arrive and the dance floors half full already. The first night I came here I was worried about the fake ID I had made but coming in with a small crowd the bouncer barely looked it over and the bar staff didn't care as I wasn't ordering alcohol. 4 nights in and not a one cares anymore as I've become a regular fixture I suppose.

Still coming to a bar just to drink soda after school isn't the reason I chose this bar. Apparently and I say apparently this is the local gay bar. Small town and small ideas don't really make the best settings for what I imagined a gay bar to be but that's why I'm here. Still 4 days in and I haven't talked to a single guy yet. I've danced each night and caught a few staring at me but when I return to my seat everyone just backs off. I wonder if they can tell my age?

I'm still mulling over my problems three dances later when I return to my stool against the wall with a fresh drink when a voice pipes up from behind me. "It's your attitude Puss."

Freaked out, I almost spill my drink everywhere when I spin about to look at the guy who just yelled in my ear. Even sitting with my larger size I have to look down a little at the older black and white badger behind me. I say older because everyone's older than me in here yet this guy doesn't look older than 35. He looks good too, a little small in the height department but his shoulders are built. "Umm sorry Sir but what's my attitude?"

Smiling a friendly smile at me he hops on over the halfwall and sits down in the stool beside me holding his paw out. Taking it he shakes my paw as he introduces himself. "The names Daniel but most people call me Salty kid and the reason why no one's spoken a word to you is your attitude. Sorry to say but a lone lion like yourself sitting in a corner works people up in the wrong way."

"Ohh." I succintly say as I look around the bar again after he says that. Turning to him I say, "I didn't really mean to come off that way though. Really I'd never hurt a fly."

"Hey hey, I believe you kid." He waves my apology off before going on. "Got a knack for reading people in this kind of thing. Have to say I was a bit surprised to see you still sitting alone after spending three nights in here. Thought I'd better be nice for once and come over to introduce myself. I mean I expected you to wind up with a more positive first time before coming to me but three days is all I want to wait if you catch my drift."

I'm pretty sure the old badger can see the confusion written on my face. "Sorry you lost me Salty. Ohh, and sorry I forgot my name. It's Yuri."

"I thought I lost you. What I was trying to say without coming right out and saying it is sex Yuri." I cough soon as he says that word. Sex. "You know that thing, that you came to this club for as you positively reek of male testosterone and musk. There's also no way in hell you just stumbled in here by accident either so you're obviously looking for the male on male kind." What the hell? I knew gays were open about sex and whatnot but is this normal? Do they? Do we... just... proposition a stranger for sex like that?

Again my face must ask the same question that's running through my mind. "Some of us have no tact kid. I'm not gonna beat around the bush and charm you as if that's what you want I'm not your guy. I'm also usually not into virgins but something tells me you could be worth the chance I'm taking. So how about it kid? Want to come out back and try something with me?"

I'm just about to tell Daniel to shove it when a paw snakes across the front of my pants and before I can even form the word he has my hard as a rock package cupped in that paw. Just seeing that image has me purring as it's the first time I've ever had someone touch me like this even if it is through the roughness of denim. "Uhh outside?"

When he squeezes down and makes my heart throb I'd agree to anything so when he says, "Well I was thinking of taking it to the bathroom. Then maybe if you enjoy it enough you might consider joining me at my place. That is if you feel safe enough all alone with a horny old badger like myself."

Ohh, Christ. You keep rubbing and I'll be staining these jeans anyway. Damn it Yuri, don't cum. Don't cum. Don't cum. "Bathroom, yeah sure Salty. Let's go to the bathroom." I say breathlessly as all my focus stays on trying not to cum like the horny teenager I am.

Getting up I get a surprise when a paw trails through my mane and I get led discreetly by it to the bathroom. Halfway there I catch a few subtle laughs and some guys even call out to Salty, telling him 'Don't mess him up to much.' and 'Save some for us.' All of this makes me wonder exactly what it is I've agreed to but nothing is stopping the throbbing that leads my way like an arrow.

Tented pants, embarrassed and hornier than I've ever been we finally, in my opinion, make it to the bathroom. 3 nights in so I'm not shocked at seeing the boy getting bent over the urinal anymore or the gloryhole service in the corner. Past all that I get led into one of the stalls which I'm thankful for until the door gets locked behind me and Daniel starts playing with my pants.

Just as I begin to growl Daniel cuts me off, "Ohh quit your yowling puss. I'm not 'bout to pop your cherry in a bathroom or anything. Just want to see what your packing, give you a quick treat then have you return the favour. Promise. Won't do anything back.., here!" He punctuates that just as my pants get undone by running his fingertip under my nuts over my untouched taint. And I purr.

I purr like I've never purred before. Like a lion never should, but this wouldn't sound right coming from a house cat. With my knees wobbling and cock throbbing I miss everything until I look down and see Daniel's muzzle lined up with my barbed length. "Hmm, you really lucked out kid. You'd drive girls wild with those barbs of yours yet we both know you were born as a breeding bitch." His words turn me on like nothing ever has as I watch him get ever closer to my length.

I can feel his warm breath as he takes his time and with his paw he looks up to see if I'm watching as he gives it a long wet lick. "I'll prove that statement too pussy cat." Slowly purposefully he slips that paw back between my legs as I shiver in anticipation just waiting for something to happen. "Not even a single lick is needed for you puss."

Hoaa! He breathes on my throbbing shaft just as his wet finger slides up over my virgin tailhole. "OHHHH!" I scream as my whole body collapses back against the door and like a horny teenage virgin I blow without even getting touched. "Good boy!" Daniel exclaims and then it's like I'm thrown into cum blowing overdrive as my barbs get wrapped in a layer of wet warmth and the pressure goes through the roof.

I'm blowing like I never have, as if for the first time again, as I shake and tremble against the door and load after load is drained out of my balls as they get massaged. He uses them like a handpump to draw each and every dreg of cum out of my balls and by the time he's done the only reason I'm standing through it is because he has me locked in position.

Still his tongue keeps at it swiping over my barbs as I transition from that positive orgasmic feeling into oversensitivity and beyond. I can't stop myself from yowling like a cub as I shake and moan and when he finally pulls off me I sink right to my knees before him. Muzzle to muzzle with the white haired badger he drags me by the scruff of my mane into a kiss.

Being a lion I've tasted myself before but on another guys lips well damn... Like milk I lap away at them and just when I think it can't get any better he opens them and a flood of cum gets dumped in my muzzle. Muzzle locked I see the glint in his eye that tells me what I have to do and like the good boy, he called me, I swallow. Drunk on cum and the taste of salt on my tongue I feel like I melt into the dirty toilet floor as my tail lashes behind me content for the first time in months.

Locked into that mindblowing first kiss I purr at having being forced into swallowing my own cum and as it deepens I grow more adventurous. Having felt that thick badger tongue enter my mouth I try to slip mine into his only to be met with razor sharp fangs nibbling at it's rough surface. Wondering if it was an accident I try again only for him to twist my mane and growl a warning as he explores mine. Settling back down I don't fight his control only getting turned on by it more and more as it continues.

Before long I'm hard and dripping again as I feel that rough tongue of Daniel's rub over mine and withdraw. "Hmm, that's a pretty muzzle you have their puss. With the way those whiskers tickle and your tongue yields to me I think you want me to make it mine don't ya puss?"

I can't believe my ears as I watch him stand up to his full height. Is he offering to let me give him a blowjob? "Do you mean I could? Here?" I'm too excited to get the question out and I'm damn well ready to rip the pants off of him if that weren't completely outside my dynamic.

"What I mean Puss," He clarifies for me as he unzips his fly, "is that you could suckle on this." Reaching in he barely has to pull at his jocks as his cock springs free and taps me on the nose. "and swallow whatever comes out of it." Every word he speaks is layered with dominance now as I sink lower beneath him.

What he's offering though is everything I've ever dreamed of. I'm built and popular but god what I want is to be bred so badly. With precum coating my nose and my nostrils drowning in the scents swimming in this toilet I'm putty waiting to be molded right now. Everything I want and need in life is sitting less than a foot away from me right now so I can't help myself as I let out a single word. "Please."

"What was that puss? Couldn't hear you up here. Speak up." He teases.

I know he heard me as barely a sound can be heard anymore other than from us but still he wants me to say it and damn me I want to say it. "Please Salty let me suck your cock!"

He can't help himself as he laughs at my begging. "Can't believe I got you to beg for this. You really are a bitch Pussy." I can't believe it either. Both paws clamp down around my head and drag me to his tip forcing me into position. I don't need to be told what to do as I open around it but he stops with nothing but the tip inside. "Remember you begged to swallow this pussy."

Staring up at him I'm confused all of two seconds before I feel a stream hit my tongue and I instinctively swallow. The taste, so very different from earlier and so much saltier than my cum, is what strikes the switch inside me. As that stream continues my eyes squeeze shut unable to believe what's happening yet unable to pull away from him either. Caught between a door and a hard cock I sit there helplessly.

It's only when I swallow the fourth mouthful that I realize I'm doing it. I'm actually swallowing this perverted badgers piss. I can barely make sense of it but with every swallow I make I feel my old pride slip away bit by bit until the badger above me is done. Pushing himself off of me I fall onto all fours in the space he just filled with my muzzle over the toilet bowl. "That's the way Pussy. Get it all up if you want to but you know you swallowed that Piss Pussy. Nothing'll ever change that."

Gagging I almost try to do as he says as I stare down at the toilet bowl but their's only one problem. Well two as Daniels paw kneads my ass again. "Still Pussy I would've loved to really break you in but I'll settle for someone else. That face you made when you realized... boy that'll get me going for months. Hahaha." I swear he gives my hole just one more wistful look as he plays with my uncovered cheeks before opening the stall door.

With a quick glance over my shoulder I see the small crowd gathered around the door as he calls back, "Well guess he knows why everyone here calls me Salty."

Those are the last words uttered as the toilet door slams shut leaving me alone in the stall with a cheering crowd laughing just outside. That's not the worst part though. The worst part is the pool of cum staining the floor under me telling me in no uncertain terms exactly how I truly felt about Salty.

I think ten minutes have passed by the time I'm able to pull myself up out of that toilet stall and on the way out I'm offered a passing hand with everything by no less that 5 guys. Back out in the club for the first time I lose myself in the atmosphere and smile to the music. Searching the room I pick him out sitting with a kinda manky looking monkey laughing and as I make my way over to him I can't help but overhear him say. "I mean you should've seen the kids face. It was priceless mates. Didn't know what had happened."

It's not only the monkey that's listening, the bartenders chuckling along too until he sees me and coughs. Hearing the cough Daniel only just manages to turn about to watch me sit down beside him as I order, "Sorry, could I get a regular coke. Need something sweet after all the saltyness I just had." I look pointedly at Daniel as I say that and almost crack a smile. Part of me knows I should be beyond pissed at him for what he did but I just can't bring myself to be. What the hell is wrong with me?

"Uhh, sure." He's quick about it as he watches the awkward silence between Daniel and I all while the monkey excuses himself. Coming back he passes me the glass and as I get my wallet out to pay he shakes it off. "Nah kid on the house. Just don't yell too much."

Yell? Ohh, thats what he's expecting. "So is that why you came over here Puss? To yell at the perverted freak?" Daniel asks as he manages to look a little sorry for what he did to me.

"That's not what I wanted to come over here for. Hell I came over and made a joke about it for gods sake. I would say I was taking the piss out of you but I think I already did that didn't I?" Okay my jokes are terrible and as a teenager I feel terrible for making them but what was I meant to do. He doesn't know either as he just looks on at me with his head tilted in confusion. Huffing out I quickly go on before I lose my nerve. "Look you like speaking straight so here it is. Did you still want my virginity Salty?"

I'm expecting a whole string of questions to follow that statement so what I don't expect is for him to say, "Sure thing kid." Happier by far than I should be my tail lashes with excitement as I ready to get up. "If," Why's there got to be an 'If'?

"If I what Salty?" I ask fearing the answer right now.

He thinks it over but I swear he already knows what he wants to ask. "Well I wanted to know if you really liked what we did back there. Cause I love that type of stuff Puss so I'll take you home with me and fuck you like you'll never be fucked again if,"

He pauses just so he can make me ask again, "If Salty?"

Leaning in he whispers his condition in my ear and I gulp. Sitting back he looks right pleased at having broken the line I was willing to cross. "Now get out of here Puss. You're good and I like you but as I don't know your plan. Theres no way I'm taking you home." Or so he thinks.

"There is no plan Salty. I liked it and if you had have stayed for a second longer you'd have seen the pool of cum I left on the floor so," Honest and plain I look up and flag the bartender back over. "I'm gonna need three more cokes."

"Sure thing kid." He says before quickly serving them up.

"Wait kid you're not gonna actually do it are ya?"

With just a look I convince him as I tell him, "I may never have expected my first time to be like this Salty but I know their is no one I'd rather give myself to. If that means I have to piss my pants right here and now to get you to drag me to your place I'd do a lot worse. So the only question now is if you want me as much as I want you."

The shock he feels is nothing to the shock I feel at admitting all that yet he takes it in stride as he pulls out his wallet and slams a twenty on the bench. "Make it 4 Oslo and then we'll be leaving."

"Four it is. All diet coke right?"

Getting up Salty nods as he comes up right behind me and presses his hard cock up under my tail. Through two sets of jeans I can barely make out a shape but damn does it feel good as I lose myself in it. When his paw comes around and starts playing with my barbed shaft I wind up yowling again as I lose myself to his words. "Drink up Puss and we'll leave."

Presented with 4 glasses and the promise of imminent wild dirty sex I drink for my life. Setting the fourth glass down I burp the excess gas out as I get pulled off my stool by the surprisingly strong old badger behind me. "Well then follow me Puss and make sure to hold it would you." He laughs at that as he marches out with me hot on his heels.

We're not even out of the club by the time my bladder wants to evacuate. Shuffling from one foot to the other as we walk out I ask, "So how far is it to your place Salty?"

"Already got a full bladder do we? Don't worry it's not far and then I'll get you in my toilet. Can't wait Puss." Slowing down he comes up beside me and spanks into my ass. "Never popped a virgins cherry before. Gonna be goooddd!" He drawls as he works that rough paw into my crack.

Damn if he fucks like he grabs I'm in for a rough rough night. Careful with each step I try to saunter as much as possible just to keep some feeling off of my bladder. Nothing's working and I find myself praying that we really aren't far from his place. About 5 minutes away I ask again. "Sorry but please how far Salty? I don't think I can wait much more."

"Then don't Puss." I'm having trouble working that out when he laughs and turns into the next building. "After all we're here." He pulls me inside by the tail and just inside he turns us onto an elevator. Hitting the 6th floor I wonder just who this guy is as the town only has three sets of apartments and he just managed to pick the best set of them.

'Crack!' "Ughh!" I groan as I hit the wall of the elevator and with a fierceness I'd expect from the badger I find myself moaning as he invades my muzzle for another kiss. Teasing me with his tongue I remember what happened last time as I sink down the wall with him and allow him to have his way with me.

With his tongue violating my muzzle I wait for the elevator to ding and when it does his paw grips my full sheath to squeeze my bladder. "Hmm, that feels very full Puss. Let's get you inside shall we." In his own place he's even less shy about manhandling me than in the club. Bunching his paw up he drags me down below his level using my man and marches us to what I presume is his door. One handed he takes out his keys and undoes it with a rehearsed motion.

"I would give you a tour puss but I'd rather get you undressed right now." 'Bang' goes the door, followed by me as he puts me against the wall. In the dark of the room, Salty's eyes shine as he looks me over before burying his nose in my neck. "Hmmm, you smell good Puss. Ripe and with the tiniest sheen of my scent. You're gonna smell even better soon covered from head to toe in my scent." With two paws he doesn't worry about the buttons as he tears my shirt off. "Real soon Pussy."

His threat sends a shiver down my tail as my bladder tenses at the reminder of what he's promising. Looking about I can't get my shirt off fast enough as I search for the toilet. Terrified I'm going to embarrass myself and wet my pants I whine. "Please Salty can I please use the toilet?"

"Hmm nope. I can use the toilet however." Pulling down on my fly again he has me out of my pants as fast as I can shuffle out of them. With my barbed Kitty dick pointing straight out in need I whine as he nibbles on my neck again. "Please Salty. I can't hold it much longer."

"Not long Puss but you can't use the toilet. Come." Still the badger drags me by the mane. Naked with my tail lashing behind me I get led to the bathroom where I see the first glint of relief sitting in the corner. Short lived as it may be as Daniel goes straight for a cupboard and pulls out a glass. Turning on a tap he fills it before skulling it and filling it again. 4 times he drains that glass before pulling his shirt off as I hop from foot to foot in dire need now. "Please Salty."

"Whiny little thing ain't ya Puss?" Holding out the glass he slips it under the tip of my cock as what he wants me to do becomes clear. "Come on Puss fill it up for me." He doesn't need to tell me twice as my bladder's already off and running as I moan. Quicker than I want it to that glass fills to the brim. Without being instructed I try to stop mid stream and after a brief flicker I succeed.

"Good boy. I didn't even have to tell you to stop because you know you want this don't you Puss?"

"What do you mean Salty?" I get a really bad feeling right then when I look down at the glass.

Chuckling he says, "Well you know how I said you couldn't use the toilet Puss?" Nodding I let him go on. "See it's not really possible to use yourself as that's what you are tonight Puss. So come on Piss Puss open wide and flush for me."

At my lips he holds the glass with its yellow frothed up liquid of waste and I know what he wants. Past the glass I look only to see my cock twitch and drip below me. Piss or Pre I don't know but I know that even that part of me wants this. Tipping my head back I do as asked and open wide as two fingers trace over my teeth. "Hmm such a nice and white toilet bowl. Fresh and just unwrapped I'm gonna love watching you swallow your own piss Pussy."

Upending the glass I swallow as the liquid hits my tongue but I still can't stop myself from tasting that salty broth as it goes down. Gulping down my own waste I feel my bladder protesting at still holding onto my piss and I begin to realize the twisted loop Daniel has created by doing this. What goes out he puts back in and if I'm here for long enough... How many times will he keep this up for?

"That's a good toilet. Flush away so the next customer can take their place." Emptying the glass he holds it under me again. "Come on Pussy, piss for the toilet." He's talking to me as if I'm two different people right now. The strange part of it is that it's kinda feeling like I am two different people. Well maybe not people but two objects. Swallowing my last mouthful I look down as I begin to piss so I can see the cup. Just over halfway done with my pass I fill the cup up again and once more it's held over my head.

I like the repitition of this as I take a mouthful of the stale piss and swallow. Take another mouthful and swallow and before I know it the cup goes back down below. The third cup takes me longer to fill and as my stomach bloats with the piss I've swallowed it takes me longer to get it down. The fourth one I only get half filled having nothing left in my bladder. When Salty tips it over I start chugging for my life as I begin to love the Salty taste that fills my belly and coats my tongue.

Finished I watch as that cups pressed right up against my lips. "Here Pussy, lick the bowl clean. Show the man some appreciation for using the toilet." Against all judgement I stick my tongue out and lick at the cup as Salty laughs down at me. "Haha, such a naughty Piss Puss you are. Still I promised you a good time and I really want to try that shitter of yours Puss." Throwing his arms back his shirt comes off in a swift move followed by his pants until hes as naked as I am.

I don't even remember kneeling but at some point I must've fallen to them as I'm level with Salty's cock. I didn't really have time to study it before in the bathroom but I'm starting to regret offering him my virginity. The pink fleshy tube resembles a spear in length and the veins that pulse along his length cause it to appear deadly. "Well at least it's thin."

Clapping my paws over my muzzle I look up at Salty apologetically not having meant to say that out loud. "Sorry, sorry I didn't mean to say it like that. It's just that...umm." I don't know what I meant to say right now.

"I get it Puss. Your nervous and I'm bigger than you expected to see aren't I? Still I think my width will surprise you Puss." Coming down he lines his cock up with mine and overlays them with his on top. Gulping I look at him with shock. "Told ya Puss. Can't even see yours under it except the spines. If you wanted someone small to start with should have gone with a cat like you. Your huge for a lion but sorry outside your species you don't rate kid."

I don't have a rejoinder for that. Staring down I wonder exactly how that's gonna fit in my tailhole when all I've taken has been a couple of fingers before now. "Now Puss, how bout you get in the position you want to lose your virginity in." Fuck he means it and I want it but how do I want it?

I take my time before deciding that I want to see him take me and lie down on my back. In the middle or raising my legs they get taken and thrown over my chest as Salty pins me to the floor. "Hmm, good choice Puss. I expected you to choose doggy but this is so much better to break you in." With fierceness shining in his eyes his claws drag through my fur and with a few grinds I feel him start spurting pre from his grinding cock.

Pulling back he clears some room for himself. "Hmm, what an ass you have Puss. Muscular with that perfect star in the crack of it. So tight and clean and all mine right now. Hmmm," Salty and I moan as his cock teases the star that is my tailhole. The pre he drips has him sliding his long length back up and over my hanging testes.

"Damn kid, gotta savour this. I'm gonna take you rough Puss and you'll never forget how good it feels. I'm gonna do my best to ruin that pussy of yours for anything else so that the only guy you come back to is me." Pushing down his balls reach mine as his tip tickles my belly button before drawing all the way back.

I'm mumbling and moaning complete nonsense like "Please!" and "Please Salty," and "Fuck me Please!" and the whole "PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE!". I can't control any of the words leaving my lips as I wait and want for that cock of his to pierce me. Feeling the tip hit my star again I jump which has him sliding right on by as I huff. "Please Salty, pleeaassee!" I whine.

"Unff, You asked for it Puss." With precision born of years he lines himself up and just as his face begins to relax I feel the stream coat my tailhole. "Wha-?" I start just as my vision fills with stars and I scream into the tiled room. My ass feels like it just had a nail hammered into it as Salty surprises me with his spraying cock.

The rapid spray of piss fills my ass to stretch me out which has Salty sliding inside rapidly as I just lay there. Beyond weird I feel as my guts swell with the liquid as it gets contained by that long shaft and delivered deeper into my colon. The heat does a better job of relaxing me than I ever read about making losing my virginity a pleasure rather than the painful experience I had been told of. The deeper he goes in my ass, the more of my body he claims as his until I feel like their isn't a spot of room left in me.

Guts swollen with badger cock and piss I watch as one of my legs gets dropped. Falling sideways I roar as hips meet my ass in a hearty slap. Colon straightened by his move, Salty drilled his spraying cock right up there to his base and as his hand pats my stomach I can feel the literal bulge he's forming in it. "Damn, skinny pussy's make the best urinals. Love how I can feel my piss bulging out your belly just adding to what's already in you. How's it feel to lose your virginity by getting pissed in Puss?"

Fucking amazing and painful at the same time. I can feel his piss forming cramps in my guts as I shake and tremble with the pleasure at being used like this. But most of all, "Wish you would've used lube Salty." I say through gritted teeth as I feel the salt of his piss stinging around the rim of my ass. I don't know if it's just raw or if he actually tore me a new one but gods it feels... Good...

Why does everything he is doing to me feel good?

"No you don't Puss." I can hear the smirk in his voice as he tells me that. "Your cocks telling me everything I need to know right now as is the rest of you. You fucking love this don't you Puss? Even the pain of being taken like this." I don't answer him with words instead choosing to just give him a deathglare over my swollen belly.

He's as convinced of that as I am. "Yeah you do Piss Puss. Still as much as I want to take my time with you, piss is a very limited resource so let me pleasure you another way." Pulling out I feel the vaccuum he leaves get filled with the remnants of piss. Bowels contracting around nothing but liquid I moan as the cramps leave for a second feeling better than I ever have. "Then you can fill up on piss again kid."

Intellectually I know what happens next, he fucks me and he cums up my ass. As a lion I'm probably gonna spray twice in that time. But when he thrusts in and I hear that farting sound of piss rushing out of my ass I lose all sense of time and space. "FUCKK!!" echoes back to me off the bathroom walls as my cock shoots over my stomach. Filled beyond the brim with cock and piss I can't stop myself from feeling so demeaned that my mind orgasms for me.

In the throes of passion I can hear my ass hungrily slurping past the liquid in my ass as the badger cock leaves me again. Salty's laughter at the sounds only adds to my own humiliation as my ass becomes a black hole through my orgasm sucking his piss deeper into me. Marked past ordinary boundaries I bend over as I experience the worst cramp of my life. Salty's thrusts bring a modicum of short lived relief as with each one I relax only to tense when he leaves pushing that piss deeper and deeper.

I feel like I'm gonna start gagging on piss again which is probable as I swallowed a gallon of my own just before. But what it feels like is that Salty's piss is pushing at where mine got to and with every thrust it feels... better. The cramps get spaced out when his hips slap my ass and as my ass farts out all the added pressure I wind up losing myself in being a urinal fucktoy for Salty.

When the cramps start to die down a little I begin to notice all the other things people talk about when it comes to gay sex. The thrill of having someone balls deep in you and the way their hips meld with your ass or how it feels when they go so deep that you don't think you could've ever taken them. And the best feeling when just his tip is left and he grazes it along my prostate. That drives me wild making me roar the first time I notice it.

"Damn Puss, never... Fuck... never thought you'd be this into it. How you doing down there?"

"Don't fucking stop Salty." I yell back, hurt by his concern for me and wishing he would've continued treating me like a urinal if I'm being honest with myself.

His thrusting doesn't pause a bit as he answers, "Didn't fuck plan to Puss. Plan... making... you uff... full urinal... Puss!" His words become edgy as he loses control. His thrusting gets heavier and with every one I feel him grind his base in deeper. The grinds have me growling in the back of my throat and before long I feel myself building to another orgasm.

His growls send tremors of terror up my spine as his thrusts become something more than lust. Claws out his eyes glow as he gets lost in that primal side we all have and lets loose. Harsh and unrelenting he grinds into my ass stirring up that pool of piss inside of me. Each pull and push causes my ass to wetly fart a little which sends Salty over the edge. Grinding inside I feel that long thick pole of his swell just the tiniest bit as it pulses.

Shaking above me his teeth dig into my calf to silence his growls as he claims my ass with a finality I can't refuse. The pulse of that cock as he begins to ejaculate has my own prostate vibrating as I eject my kitty batter all over my stomach to join the first batch. The feeling of being used to much for my mind and body to handle I try to relax as the cramps start up again getting filled now with shot after shot of cum. Added to the piss and cock in me I start to wonder if my guts will explode from all the pressure as with each twitch of his cock I lie on the tiles crying out my joy.

When Salty's teeth leave my leg I look up thinking it all may be finally over as he's done now. He's bred and marked me beyond my imaginings. So when he pulls out it's not with disappointment or an empty feeling for me but satisfaction. That and I can feel my bladder filling up again with all the activity. When he pulls out he's looking down which brings a smile to his face and a short laugh. "Well look at that. So tight that you didn't let much out at all Puss. Guess virgins really are that tight."

I'm so exhausted and sore that I can barely muster a wave of my paw and a throat "Unhh!" which he takes well. "Well seems you really liked that. I wonder if you'll..." As he trails off he gets up and drags his feet up to my head. Kneeling down next to me his cock sits right in front of my face. He doesn't need to tell me what he wants. He called me his toilet before and I guess he expects a toilet to wipe for him to in this case.

Tongue out I lick at the piss and cum stained rod that just popped my cherry. It's not pleasant as I can distinctly taste so much of myself on his cock but like a good boy I bear down and take it into my muzzle. Suckling down I clean him off as Salty chuckles, "There's a good Piss Puss. Clean it all off now and try not to gag too much."

Fucking bastard knows I'm a virgin and yet he knows I'll try to do as he asked. I know gagging on that length is probable yet I so want to please him. Hell a pro would have a hard time on his cock and I bet he knows that too. Doing my best not to roll my eyes I push my muzzle down and barely does it make contact with the the back of my throat when I feel myself wanting to gag, now not only on the taste. Still when nothing comes up I feel a bit better so I push down swallowing around that tip. Proud at my progress I set my sights on that base of his as I gag again.

When I feel it subside I push on and then I know I've gone to far. Like a hiccup and burp my gag brings up a load of piss and bile into my muzzle past the cock lodged in my throat. Going to pull off I'm stopped by a clawed hand and a sadistic glee. "Down you go Puss." I don't know why but not a part of me fights it as I gag around that tip. The gagging fills my muzzle with piss and bile only to have Salty push me down that rod of his.

Never having taken anything like this I choke and panic, piss goes everywhere as I try to plead for mercy. Yet through it all I not once fight back instead I do my best to swallow that rod down. He barely moves me down his shaft before letting go. Pulling off I start coughing as Salty laughs down at my piss soaked muzzle and chest. "That look and smell suits you Puss."

Getting over my coughing fit I swallow whatevers left in my muzzle before I, "Thanks Salty." I say sincerely. I don't know why but him demeaning me is something I am beginning to love. Something I feel and instinctually need to thank him for doing. Well that and I kind of find myself liking the smell too.

Standing up he holds out his paw for me to grab. When I do he hauls me to my feet and once I'm up we both hear the sound of my bowels growling. Doubled over I grab at my cramping guts a little while he laughs at me again. Stepping back Salty can't stop laughing as he picks up the cup I used earlier and comes up right behind me.

Holding up my tail he sits the glass right up under my hole as he threatens, "If it comes out Puss it goes back in." Terrified I look at him over my shoulder thinking that he seriously can't mean that. One look at him and his grinning muzzle tells me he means every word of it and before I can protest two fingers dig into my cum slickened hole. "My piss stays in my toilet after all." and just like that he spreads them.

Like a waterfall my ass opens up letting out the steaming hot load of piss and cum. I can hear it filling the cup up and before I'm halfway done I feel those fingers retreat and pinch my hole closed. Still mostly full of piss I watch as that cup is brought around in front of me and sat on the sink before me. Thankfully it looks like its just piss and cum in that cup but where it's been... Please don't ask me to.

I whine to the badger behind me asking if I have to do what I think he wants me to. I shouldn't need words for this I hope. "If you drink that like a good toilet Puss you can stay the night with me. You don't and you leave that's it. I'm gonna shower. Join me if you make up your mind."

With that choice he leaves me and steps into the shower. I know what he wants me to do but god all I want is to smash the glass against the wall and try to forget this night ever happened. I know what the problem is. Three orgasms later and while I could go again, I'm not horny like before. Stepping forward I pick the cup up to tip it down the drain when I pause and stare at it. Darker and thicker than his earlier piss I know it would taste terrible. Yet as I feel the slightest stirrings in my nethers I realize that hesitation lost me the fight.

Walking over to the shower I open the door to find him grinning at me. "So what's it to be Puss?" he asks knowing the answer already.

Holding the glass to my lips I take one last sniff of the glass, the scent of ammonia turning me on and getting my cock hard. "This." Tipping it back I swallow as fast as the acrid waste hits my tongue which does nothing to halt how bad it tastes in that moment. When I reach the bottom of the glass I turn and start gagging to the side all while Salty laughs at me.

"That was so hot Piss Puss. I was gonna stop you after a sip but damn you took that like a urinal should. Come here." Grabbing me he pulls me into the shower with him getting my fur all wet as hugs me. So thankful for the closeness after that I start nuzzling into his neck as he bites into my shoulder. Hands grasping at my cheeks he kneads them apart and I wonder if he wants me to go then and there in the shower.

Just as I open my muzzle to ask that exact question he speaks up ruining my dream, "Hold the glass under yourself Puss. Show me you want to be a toilet as much as I want to use you as one."

"No come on Salty, please I'm full."

My protest falls on deaf ears, I know it as he nibbles at me. "Do it Puss. I've never imagined having such a diligent toilet. I know you can do it for me." Digging his claws into my cheeks in his excitement I fear he's going to draw blood. Paws trembling I slowly do as he says and set the glass up under my tail. "That's a good Piss Puss. Now just let it all out."

With his claws dug into my cheeks I have little choice as my ass forcibly ejects the piss and cum he stored in there. In seconds I feel it fill the cup before running over my paw yet Salty doesn't care one bit as he groans into my shoulder. The sound getting him worked up as much as the thought of what happens next which has me shuddering in fear. Out it all comes and when I hear my ass give that final fart of exhalation I bring the cup up in front of us.

Frothy and thick, this cup has a tinge of brown to it that I shudder just thinking about. With pleading eyes I stare at the badger begging for a way out of this. Relenting he gives me the tiniest ray of hope in all this, "Do it Puss and I'll let you wash your mouth out with your piss." Feeling that need to urinate build in me at the mere mention of it I close my eyes and lift the glass to my lips. At my lips I still can't force myself to do it. Shaking I try for a few seconds before letting it fall.

Falling along with it I don't know how I keep the glass upright as I get down on my knees. "I- I can't do it Salty." I falter before holding the glass out for him to hold. "Could you perhaps feed it to me?" I ask wondering if that's appropriate, feeling that that'll make this all easier.

Salty's look of disappointment is evident until I ask him to feed me the glass. Having been asked that his eyes light up with joy as he grabs the glass and holds it over me. "Happily my little Urinal. Open wide and say Flush!"

Looking up I resign myself to this fate before opening wide as water rains down from the shower reminding me of whats to come. Licking my lips I meet the eyes of the badger I hardly know yet feel closer to than anyone in the rest of the world and say what he truly wants to hear. "Flush!"

"Good Piss Puss."

Virgin Stag

_So this story may not be as polished as I may have liked it to be but I enjoyed writing it nonetheless. Like with any story read the tags first as it contains gay material and dubious consent. Read at thou own risk and enjoy._ Lunch time is the...

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Subject 217 (Chaste Toy)

Bound and strapped to a table I come to. Still scared out of my mind just less so now. This is the fourth time I've come awake to the room about me, still with no idea what's happening. Unable to move my limbs I try to look around only to remember...

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Fine Print

The wolf has no patience for my resistance as he pins me to the wall of the dungeon. We're at his home, by his request after I messaged him on furdom. His profile was simple. A huge 6'4" black panther wolf hybrid that boasted a 13 inch cock. With both...

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