The Dark Amulet, Part 2: Teagan's Turn

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#2 of The Dark Amulet

(At close to 30,000 words and around 90% smut, this mammoth of an episode probably should've been split into a few separate posts but I couldn't help myself - I just kept writing and writing! If you can't handle the gratuitous sex, at least make sure you don't miss the tiny scene at the end because shit's about to get real!)

(Commission prices & info are listed in this journal. This submission is a work of fiction and none of the characters represent any actual persons or figures.)

[WARNING: This story features cub characters in sexual situations. If this written material is illegal in your region, the author implores you NOT to read it.]

A magic amulet turned a young deer named Sal's life around after he discovered that while wearing it, he could control the actions of everyone around him without any consequences and his victims and onlookers would each proceed as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred, no matter how lewd or shocking the events had been. When waking after a steamy foursome with Sal and two female students from their school, Sal's younger femboy brother Teagan tries the amulet on for himself and quickly learns the truth of how his brother had won his wealth, popularity and overall success in such a short amount of time. Determined to test the amulet's powers for himself, Teagan decides to spend his Saturday out on the town with a few specific targets in mind.


Part 2: Teagan's Turn

A noise from outside stirred Teagan from his restful slumber, and the young deer femboy brushed the long pink-tipped black hair out of his face as his grey-blue eyes blinked open. He could feel the warmth of his older brother Sal's naked sleeping body right underneath him, the boy dozing peacefully with Monica and Bianca both fast asleep in either of his arms. The femboy yawned and stretched briefly, crawling up to admire Sal's handsome face while their flaccid bare cocks brushed together cozily, and when laying his head against the slightly taller boy's chest he felt something cold and hard press against his temple.

Teagan sat up slightly and examined the dark amulet that Sal wore around his neck, surprised that he hadn't noticed it there before or perhaps he simply hadn't paid it any mind. It was made of a black stone, not jagged but not smooth either and yet perfectly symmetrical in the shape of an arrowhead. In an attempt not to wake his brother, Teagan curiously pulled the necklace over his brother's head and carefully guided the wooden beads around Sal's developing adolescent antlers, then pulled it down over his own before letting the gemstone rest against his chest.

The femboy's heart nearly stopped when a sudden realization swept through him like a tidal wave demolishing a coastal village. Sal's memories from the past few days entered Teagan's mind and the femboy was able to see clearly just what his older brother had been up to. Evidently the amulet gave him some sort of power to control other people's minds, and he had been doing so not only for immediate financial gain but also to perform rather depraved sexual acts with people in public and semi-public situations. They had all been affected by the amulet's power so that their perception of anything normally out of the ordinary (such as having sex with a teacher in front of the entire class) was perfectly acceptable as long as Sal wanted it to happen. Teagan bit his lip angrily and sat up, then began pacing around the room as he put on his clothes.

"Fucking sneaky bastard...I should have known, but whatever this fucking thing does sure made me oblivious the entire time," Teagan grumbled, looking down at the amulet as he pulled up his underwear and shorts. "I've been just as clueless as everyone else, while you've been building your empire and using everyone either as an ATM or a fucktoy...Jesus Christ Sal, I really should've expected something like this. Internet company, my ass!" While Teagan was visibly upset that the amulet's power had worked so easily to sway his mind from the truth, what truly upset him was that his brother had lied to him. "How the fuck am I supposed to trust you now?" he asked as he pulled his shirt over his head, nearly ripping it on his small antlers in the process. "Do you think you own me, like you own everyone else? Was having sex with you even my idea?"

It didn't take much of Teagan's bitter muttering to wake Sal, the older boy's eyes slowly opening as he saw his slender sibling pacing around the room in a huff. "Whoa Teagan, what's wro-" Before Sal finished asking, he saw the dark amulet dangling around his brother's neck and sat up slowly, raising a hand to attempt to calm his irate sibling. "Now Tea, let's take it easy," he said.

"I can see you already have been," Teagan replied, folding his arms and standing a safe distance from the bed. "I didn't even know you were wearing this thing until I touched it. Next thing you know I put it on, and I've just seen everything you've been up to since you found this thing in the woods."


"Really, Sal?" the femboy asked irately. "You started with Ciara? Our first cousin? And then Mom and Dad, Jesus Christ dude..."

"You know I've had a crush on Ciara for years now," Sal said, sitting up on the edge of the large bed as the sleeping girls rolled towards each other and mumbled softly in their sleep. "I know I've been taking a huge risk with all of this. Now come on, hand it to me..."

Teagan used the amulet's power to stop his brother from advancing any further, visibly shaking with rage as the violet glow lit up around its edges. "And what about me, huh? Was that my idea, or yours? Did I have any say in this?"

"I had nothing to do with that," Sal told his brother. "I don't know if you were just really drunk or if that thing somehow has a mind of its own, but you're in control now. You can make me jump off of a building if you're that angry. You can do whatever you want..." Sal held his head in his hands and stared at the floor, the cold realization of his imminent demise overtaking him. "You're calling the shots now, it's obvious I can't do anything. Whoever wears that thing is the closest thing to a god this civilization has ever seen. I've taken fortunes from millionaires in the span of a day. I've had sex with my teacher, my brother, a cop and a woman in front of her family. I'm a thief and a fucking magic date rapist. I deserve whatever comes next...I just wish it hadn't all ended so soon."

The femboy shook his head and walked forth to pat the top of his brother's head, looking down at him with an exasperated sigh. "Ughh, always with the melodrama," Teagan said while rolling his eyes. "Look cutie, I'm not gonna throw you off of a building. I'm just mad that you didn't tell me..."

"What, tell you all of this beforehand?" Sal asked. "Before you knew? Come on, I'd have to be insane to try to explain all of this to anyone without proof. I don't even know if the amulet would have let you remember me telling you the truth back then anyway. Apparently no one pays any attention to it as long as they don't touch it, and they can't use it unless they wear it, so as long as you're careful with that thing then we should both be safe. Just, you careful who you fall asleep with."

"That much is obvious," said Teagan, putting on his long white thigh-high stockings before pulling a pair of white and pink tennis shoes over his feet. "Well I guess I can't be too mad at you. I mean after all, you found this thing and figured out how to use it. Now all I need to do is catch up with how much fun you've been having. Whaddaya think, should I score a nice penthouse like this one or go straight for a mansion? I've got so many options now that I'm not trapped under your petty thumb."

"I still don't fully know what that thing is capable of," said Sal with a cautionary tone. "And I don't know if it ever wears off, if there are any side effects or if it'll backfire-"

"Side effects?" Teagan asked, checking his complexion in the mirror before opening the double doors to the bedroom. "Sal, this isn't a boner pill. I'll be smart, don't worry about me. I see that you've dipped your toes in plenty already, maybe even a whole leg, so I don't see the harm in doing the same. In the meantime let's think of ways to test this thing, shall we?" The boy tapped the bottom of his chin with his index finger pensively. "How about we try some standing orders, yeah? You stay here and fool around with Monica and Bianca all day until I come back. You'll all have a focus on fetishes for ass, feet, and underwear. Also, the girls are going to want to see all of the most embarrassing things you've got hidden in your porn collection so why don't you be a dear and show them? I'm sure they'd love to tease you about it. In the meantime, I've got a planet to go fuck." Teagan winked at his brother and closed the double doors before Sal could protest, both of the girls waking up beside him just in time for the amulet's power to impose Teagan's will on their minds for the evening.

The femboy wiped his palms and strode through the large empty penthouse, much of the furniture in disarray and empty containers of alcohol spread all over the place without a soul from the previous night's party to be seen. Teagan grabbed the keys to his brother's dark-grey McLaren P1 from his leather jacket and walked out into the hallway with a cheerful whistle towards the elevator that led down to the garage, although he'd likely be driving a different vehicle before the day was over with.


After giving himself a pep talk and working up his confidence, Teagan pulled the sports car out of the penthouse and only left a few long scratches on its side, grimacing each time he scraped against something. "Oops...damn, these corners are tight," he muttered. "Sal's gonna be pissed, not that he can do anything about it." The boy shakily drove out onto the street and whooped with excitement as only a light press on the accelerator carried him forward with roaring speed, and he nearly ran into a van that honked at him before swerving out of the way to avoid him. "Shit, I need to take driving lessons," the femboy noted. "Maybe I'll just get a chauffeur for the time being. Now let's see, what's on the agenda today?"

The effeminate young deer drove toward downtown and parked at the mall, calling up a few female friends from his high school who'd only recently acquired his number due to his older brother's success. Soon Sal would be the one living within Teagan's shadow, although the femboy didn't have it in his heart to undo everything the other male had done for himself thus far. He was struggling to figure out whether he was actually attracted to his brother or if it had just been the booze the night before, but either way this day was about finding himself and enjoying a slice of the high life that very few were lucky enough to experience.

"Hey, Teagan!" a girl waved happily as she approached the boy in the parking lot. She was an ocelot named Jennifer with spiky brown hair and yellow eyes, her slender figure dressed in a sleeveless black turtleneck and white yoga pants. She skipped over to him happily along with two of her female friends and gave him a swift hug. "Glad you decided to join us! We were just about to go shopping for clothes, that sound cool?"

"Girl, hell yes!" Teagan exclaimed, feeling a bit awkward now that he was actually being paid attention to by any female alive aside from his mother. "I've been dying to try on something new. Who are your friends, Jenny?"

"This is Keisha," Jenny said, jerking her right thumb over her shoulder at the pink-scaled lizard girl texting on her phone. She had an athletic build and stood taller than the other two, dressed in a breezy white top with a pair of tight-fitting blue denim jean shorts and brown boots with tan fuzz around the edges. "And this is Lauren," Jenny continued, sweeping her left hand outward toward the adorable blonde-haired otter batting her big blue eyes at the femboy. She was the shortest in their group and wore a simple pink dress, long white knee socks and a pink bow in her hair.

"Pleased to meet all of you," Teagan said as he took Jenny and Lauren by the elbows, and Keisha took Jenny's on the opposite side as they strolled toward the mall. "Let's go try on some clothes, ladies!" The four teenagers spent a good portion of the afternoon taking wacky selfies with each other in the changing rooms, some of them more naughty and in-between outfits than others. Eventually the femboy couldn't control his horniness and began putting the amulet's power to action, making all three of the other girls equally aroused and beginning to push the boundaries with them little by little.

"I think this top would look good on you, Teagan," Jenny said as she assisted the femboy deer in pulling his shirt off over his head, leaning close to him with a bewitched smile as she helped him pull a light blue one covered in yellow sparkling flowers down. "It's cute, just like you..." She blushed and looked away shyly, embarrassed to be spilling her feelings for him already in front of her friends.

"Aw, well thanks Jenny," Teagan replied with a devilish grin, beginning to pull her shirt off over her head. "I've got something for you to try on, too...only I forgot where I put it." The girl began breathing heavily as Teagan pressed her up against the wall, her heart pounding behind her purple bra as the femboy leaned in close to her and stared into her eyes with desire. "Hope you don't mind, it might take a little bit to find it," the femboy deer said, nervously sliding his hand up the girl's toned bare stomach and slipping his fingers beneath her bra to cup her young breast in his grip.

"I found some cute pants for you to try on, but I forget where I put those," Keisha said to Teagan as she knelt next to him with a playful smile and undid the front of his pants, sliding them down around his ankles and fondling the growing bulge on the front of his pink silk panties. "Maybe I can find you some new underwear instead." The pink-scaled lizard pulled the femboy's panties down to reveal his thick deer cock, his long slender stocking-clad legs stepping out of them as she licked up his shaft and engulfed his smooth length in her wet maw while the boy leaned forward to kiss the ocelot above.

"I don't think he needs any underwear," Lauren remarked with a giggle, kneeling behind Teagan and groping his curvy buttocks before pulling them apart to admire his tight tailstar. "I think he looks good just like this..." The otter groaned in her high-pitched voice as she bent her snout upward at the base of the boy's short tail, her tongue diving past his rim while she kept his curvy butt cheeks pulled apart and she immersed herself in his anal flavor and scent.

Teagan ran out of clever remarks to add to their conversation, lost in a fit of kissing Jenny's sweet mouth and groping her young breasts. Jenny quickly removed her bra and watched as Teagan pulled down her yoga pants until she was dressed only in her pink thong and light-blue ankle socks. "Goddamn, you're so fucking beautiful," Teagan said to the ocelot, adoring her nearly-naked teen body in front of him as she gazed back into his eyes with youthful lust. "All of you are, shit...I just wanna blow my load in all of you."

"Careful now, you're gonna make me want to start having your babies," Jenny said as she stepped forward and Keisha pulled her mouth off of the boy's cock so her friend could grind her crotch against it seductively. Jenny blushed and felt the femboy deer's smooth fleshy length flex against her navel piercing as he kept his gaze aimed directly at hers. "And you know I totally would...for someone as pretty as you, Teagan."

The femboy kissed her deeply and let out a contented whine as Lauren's tongue flicked across his prostate behind him, her fingers digging into his squishy butt while Keisha crawled behind Jenny and began pulling down her friend's thong to give her the same treatment. Jenny gasped in surprise when her best friend's tongue slithered into her asshole, the girl looking down behind her to make eye contact with the reptile sucking firmly at her rim with fiery lust in her eyes.

Teagan took the opportunity to suck at the girl's neck and pressed the tip of his smooth cock into her tight teen pussy, groaning in a girly voice into her ear as he felt her wet walls constrict around his length. "Ooohhh Jenny, fuck you've got a good pussy!" Teagan moaned, licking around her ear and breathing into it warmly while she blushed and began rocking her hips back and forth against him. "I don't think I'm gonna last very long in here, sweetheart...just so you know."

The femboy leaned forward and began fucking Jenny on the ground while Keisha crawled forward to sit on her pretty tomboy ocelot friend's face and Lauren continued rimming the femboy with an undying appetite, the sounds of their lewd groans easily heard outside of the dressing rooms as they lost themselves in a tornado of young lust. Keisha took off her shorts and underwear, then removed her top and bra before she crouched over Jenny to press her smooth reptilian cunt to the other girl's lips with a groan. Keisha then looked at Teagan who groped the lizard girl's large breasts, their mouths joining in a long wet kiss as their hips moved sensually beneath them.

Lauren giggled as she sucked on Teagan's soft rim, squeezing his bubble butt in her grip as she watched the femboy thrust down into Jenny's waiting pussy below. "I bet he's gonna blow his load any minute now, Jenny," the cute otter girl said as she wiggled two fingers into Teagan's asshole, skillfully mashing the femboy's prostate while he groaned and drilled her friend on the floor of the changing stall. "You gonna make him pull out, or do you want him to stay in?"

Jenny looked up at Teagan as Keira withdrew her pussy from her mouth temporarily to let the girl speak. The ocelot looked back and forth between them with uncertainty, but her body's movements betrayed her desires as her slender legs raised up to wrap around the femboy's back, drawing him closer to her. "Let's be clear Teagan, I want whatever you want," the girl said, looking up into the boy's eyes and smiling to herself at his expression of smitten lust. "But I think you already know what you want." Her legs tightened around his core, trapping him close to her and preventing the boy from pulling out even if she'd made it sound as if he had a say in the matter. "Don't go changing your mind on me, hottie."

Teagan's jaw dropped and Keisha stroked the sides of his face slowly while she lowered her ass onto her friend's lips, the lizard smiling at him as she saw he was getting close to his peak. "There you go Tea honey, put your little babies in my friend Jenny for me," the lizard girl encouraged him, leaning close to speak into his ear. "And then it's my turn, and then Lauren's...we're not letting you leave this stall until you've blown as many loads in us as you want to."

"Ooohhh...mmm, that's fine by me gorgeous," Teagan said to her, looking into the pink lizard's eyes as his hips began smacking audibly against the ocelot's below, causing the feline to yelp sharply with surprise into her friend's scaly ass. "Although I think I'd rather do it...nnnn out there, HUUAAAHH!"

The deer femboy's tongue hung out of his open mouth as his eyes rolled back and gobs of his gooey seed exploded into Jenny's warm wet pussy below, wet smacks sounding throughout the changing room as their bare hips connected. Lauren continued making out with Teagan's asshole just as Jenny was with Keisha, and Keisha's tongue soon found Teagan's as they began kissing sloppily above the others in their group.

After his orgasm subsided, Teagan pulled out of Jenny and kicked the door open, causing the girls to laugh in surprise as he walked out wearing only his stockings, shoes and the blue yellow-flowered shirt he was trying on. "C'mon girls, don't be shy!" the femboy beckoned them. "We need a change of scenery for the next round, something the rest of these shoppers can appreciate."

"Why don't you do me on the counter?" Keisha asked, her naked body reclining against the countertop while several shoppers turned to look in slight confusion and amazement at the spectacle. Teagan carefully approached her at first, but felt a surge of relief when the people shopping continued their business as if nothing unusual had happened.

The boy wrapped his leg around Keisha's as he crawled on top of her and she laughed, his mouth sucking on her tit firmly while Lauren stood behind him to continue her favorite new hobby of eating his ass. "I know I said I'd like to get you all pregnant, but I think today I'd like to see how your asshole feels," Teagan told the scalie, tracing his finger around her lips and lifting her thick thighs to press his cock against her rim. The boy entered her wet sphincter without further hesitation, both of them grunting from the effort as her tight hole stretched open around his smooth dick tip to accommodate for his intruding girth. The boy advanced his hips and brought her feet to his mouth, sucking on her toes with wanton groans and looking into her eyes as she steadied herself on the counter and blushed.

"Mind if I take a turn, Laurie?" Jenny asked as she knelt next to the otter eating Teagan's ass like it was going out of style. The otter girl wiped her drool-covered chin as she pulled away, giggling as Jenny took her spot with just as much effort as she'd been putting in.

"Go ahead, Jenny," the cute otter said as she pulled her pink dress off over her head and undid her small blue bra, leaving her blue panties and white stockings on as she stood next to Teagan and watched the boy suck on Keisha's feet with growing lust. "Wow Teagan, it's hard for all of us to share you at once isn't it?" Lauren asked, reaching down to caress the boy's butt while he pounded Keisha in the ass on the store countertop. "We're gonna have to think of more ways for you to enjoy us...I don't wanna sound impatient or anything, but I can't wait until it's my turn."

"Lauren?" The otter turned her head to see the tall Golden Retriever boy walking with a few of his male friends out in the main hallway of the mall just outside of the store. He walked in with a slightly confused expression at seeing the girl in her undressed state, but wasn't too fazed by the situation as he approached the femboy ramming the lizard girl while the ocelot ate him out from behind. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh hey, Miles!" Lauren exclaimed happily, running over to give the tall athletic boy a hug. "Teagan, this is my boyfriend Miles! I'm sorry cutie, I had no idea you were gonna be here today or I would've called!"

"It's, uh...okay," Miles said, watching Teagan enjoy himself with the other two girls. "Were you, um...part of this?" he asked her out of what seemed like mild concern.

"Oh yeah, we were all just having some fun with Teagan on our girls' day out shopping," Lauren said excitedly above the deer boy's elated groans behind her, his hips smacking against Keisha's voluptuous butt as he filled up her ass tunnel with his warm seed and sucked on her toes seemingly to no end. The otter giggled and spun around to face them, watching the spectacle along with everyone else in the store. "He must be really pent up if he's cumming already again. I get to go next! How long do you think he'll last in me?"

Miles blinked, unsure what to make of the situation as the femboy deer pulled his cock out of Keisha's ass and made out with the lizard girl while his cum dripped out of her stretched anus down onto the store floor. "I, uh...Idunno," the canine said, scratching the back of his head nervously. "Anyway, why don't you give me a call later? We can maybe have dinner with your parents...or something. You know, introduce me to them."

"That'd be great!" Lauren said gleefully as Teagan walked up behind her and slid his hands up her smooth bare teen breasts from behind, grinding his hard messy cock up against her panty-clad butt and sucking on her neck with a lustful sigh. The femboy deer looked up at Miles as if to milk the other boy's jealousy, caressing the otter girl's breasts and sucking on her ear while she blushed in his embrace from behind her tiny figure.

"Why don't you stick around, Miles honey?" Teagan asked the boy, reaching around to slide his hand down Lauren's flat stomach and slip his hand under the front of her panties to stroke her soft young pussy while her legs trembled and she leaned back against him. "You can join in if you want, you other boys too." Teagan leaned close to speak directly to Miles's face with a victorious smirk. "I was just gonna fuck her tight little pussy, so there might not be room for any of you in there but you can certainly fuck my ass while one of your buddies fucks hers." The deer slid a hand down the side of the dog's face and chuckled. "No hard feelings, yeah? I might wanna come along for that family dinner too, since she'll probably end up carrying my babies instead of yours."

Miles blushed and sucked on Teagan's thumb as the femboy pressed it against his lips, nodding slowly in agreement although the boy and his friends were entirely heterosexual as far as they all knew. "Th-That'd be great, Teagan," Miles said, his heart pounding in his chest as he watched the attractive femboy finger his girlfriend in front of him.

Teagan walked out into the hallway of the somewhat busy mall with Lauren in his embrace and Miles trailing shortly after along with his two male friends, then Keisha and Jenny. The femboy deer pulled off his shirt and slid down Lauren's blue panties, bending her forward with her ass up in the air and running his hands up the back of her legs clad in long white stockings similar to the ones he wore. "Now Laurie, I believe I owe you a favor for keeping my hole nice and wet for your boyfriend," Teagan said, bending forward and dragging his tongue across her tight virgin asshole while pulling upward on her strong sleek otter tail.

The girl shrieked with delight as his tongue bathed her sensitive pussy and asshole, her tight teen slit dripping with moisture among his saliva while her pink rim clenched invitingly around the femboy's long wet tongue. "Mmmfff, Teagan that's so sweet!" the girl said, looking back up at him and grinding her curvy butt slowly against his face while he dined on her delectable nethers. "Also I thought you'd like to know, I was gonna save myself for marriage but...I changed my mind, just for you."

"That's very good to know, Lauren," Teagan answered her as he stood behind her and pressed his wet cocktip against her tight pussy, slowly entering her and mounting her with a quiet grunt as he held her palms against the hallway floor with his own. "That turns me on a lot." Teagan began making out with the girl while Jenny and Keisha got to work sucking the cocks of Miles's two friends nearby, and Miles swallowed apprehensively as he stripped naked before stepping behind the femboy. "What are you waiting for, loverboy?" Teagan asked him, wiggling his juicy round butt up at the male behind him. "You're gonna have to impress me quite a bit if you ever want the privilege of fucking your little princess here."

Miles watched his friends disrobe as the other girls pleasured them, then looked around at the strangers walking by in the busy hallway of the mall. Teagan had consciously willed for the amulet to relax its powers of deception only slightly on the Golden Retriever, just enough to make him embarrassed and to feel a slight bit of horror upon seeing his girlfriend fucked in public, but not enough for him to resist any of the boy's commands. With a long sigh of determination, Miles finally stepped behind Teagan and stroked his knotted dick until it was firm from seeing his girlfriend's slick pussy being opened up by the femboy's cock. He groped Teagan's round butt cheeks firmly and pried them apart to press the pointy tip of his canine dick into the femboy's waiting hole, biting his lower lip as he entered him.

Teagan moaned and worked his curvy hips back and forth between Lauren's pussy in front of him and her boyfriend's canine cock stretching him open from behind, glad that he had decided to involve the male trio in their activities as he watched Jenny and Keisha begin making out sensually with the other boys nearby. "Hehee, I think he likes your butt almost as much as I do," Lauren said to Teagan, turning her head to face him and batting her long eyelashes up at the femboy while wiggling her little butt left and right. "Go easy on him, okay? It's his first time with anyone, and I don't even think he likes boys...although you're a lot more like a girl anyway, except for that amazing cock you're shoving in my little pussy right now."

The femboy groaned and continued making out feverishly with Lauren, pulling his hips back slightly to move his cock from her pussy to her asshole and feeling her squeak into his mouth as his cockhead popped past her sphincter. He held the girl's curvy buttocks and pressed his long thick shaft into her rectum, just as Miles was doing behind him until the boy's knot bumped against the outside of his tailstar and they each began moving their hips back and forth in sync. After a few moments of pounding her tight asshole, Teagan pulled back out and entered her pussy again, beckoning one of Miles's friends to approach.

The young wolf boy walked over and bent forward in front of Teagan, pressing his knotted cock slowly into Lauren's available asshole while Teagan massaged the boy's buttocks and poked his finger past his exposed anus with a teasing grin. "There you go, enjoy Laurie's tight asshole," Teagan said to the wolf, groping his butt cheeks and watching him slide back and forth into the girl's butt. "You oughta really enjoy it on behalf of Miles here, Idunno if he'll ever get the chance to do the same thing you are right now."

"That's okay," Miles said weakly behind Teagan, slowly moving his hips back and forth while rubbing the femboy's smooth flat stomach with his hands from behind. "Unnff, I think I'm...enjoying yours plenty right now anyway."

"Really?" Teagan asked, moving his hips faster back and forth between Lauren's pussy and her boyfriend's cock. "You'll be fine if you never get to fuck your girlfriend in the ass, even though me and your friend both got to?" Teagan grabbed the dog's face and squeezed his cheeks together mockingly. "Goodness Miles honey, you're quite happy being a worthless cuck already aren't you?"

It didn't take long for Lauren to cum hard all over the mall floor, the young girl screaming in bliss as her pussy gushed her fluids out while the boys' cocks worked in and out of her holes swiftly. The wolf came in her asshole next with a long howl, and Teagan grabbed her firm strong tail as he felt Miles begin cumming in his ass. The femboy deer finally unloaded his sperm into the otter girl's womb with a long guttural groan of gratification, several shopping families stopping briefly in the hallway to observe the lewd spectacle with mild confusion and slight shock before continuing about their day.

"Uuunnnggghhh!" Teagan happily thrust his hips back and forth with loud smacks as gobs of his sperm dripped out of the otter girl's pussy onto the cold tiles between her stocking-clad knees, the wolf pulling out of her and stepping aside to let his cum gush forth from her asshole down onto Teagan's smooth cock. The femboy stuck three of his fingers into the girl's stretched asshole, grinning upon feeling the warmth of her rim close around his knuckles with sticky wolf seed in between his digits. "Good girl, Laurie," Teagan praised her as Miles pulled out of him from behind, the Golden Retriever out of breath from his intense orgasm as well. "You did a good job letting your boyfriend's wolf buddy fuck you in the ass, didn't you? I think every good girl deserves a reward."

Teagan pulled his fingers out of her gaping butthole and pressed them to her lips, Lauren's eyes closing as the girl groaned audibly around the femboy's fingers glazed in wolf seed. She sucked them clean and swirled her tongue in between them, her warm breath arousing Teagan further as he smacked his cum-covered dick against her round butt. He stepped back and knelt next to her as Miles's cum dripped slowly out of his ass into a puddle on the floor, scooping some of his own cum up from her leaking pussy and pressing it back inside of her pink slit.

"Don't let too much of this spill out of here," Teagan instructed her as her tail swirled high above her naked butt, the other teenagers watching curiously nearby. "I'm gonna be busy fucking a lot of other girls around town who are all gonna want to have my babies, so I won't get to do this with you as often as we'd both like. Now, be a good girl and spray your boyfriend's face with his buddy's cum. Don't be embarrassed if it makes some noise when you do it...that's how I like it."

Lauren nodded as Miles knelt down beneath her, the boy gazing down into her cum-filled open asshole and glancing at his wolf friend who shrugged carelessly nearby, and the girl's legs tightened as she grunted and forced out a wet fart of cum right onto his face. "Hnn-NNNRRRGGHH!" Her ass lifted higher as her rim squeezed out a blast of semen, a loud fart turning several heads in the hallway and causing a few people to laugh in amusement. Miles blushed and held his mouth open with his tongue out while Teagan watched approvingly, the dog boy's friend's warm lupine seed splattering across his face from his girlfriend's gaping asshole while she grunted and heaved, putting on quite a display of her efforts for everyone watching until they were convinced she wouldn't let a drop of it remain in her colon.

"Fuck, it's almost evening," Teagan said, looking at the nearby clock before walking back into the clothing store. He grabbed an expensive t-shirt from its display area and used it to wipe off his cock and asshole, then cast it aside lazily and found the outfit he'd wanted all along. A pair of white hotpants laced together at the sides and exposing the skin area on the hips, a small pair of neon green panties and a hot pink tank top that matched the dyed tips on the deer femboy's long black hair. "This'll do fine," he said before walking out of the store, the cashier paying him no mind and continuing her conversation with her friend who had stopped by to do some shopping. He made sure he had his keys and waved the group of teenagers goodbye, letting them dress themselves and figure out what they were all going to do for the rest of the night. As much as the femboy didn't want to be insincere with anyone, the clock was ticking and his options were still limitless as far as what he could accomplish. "What next? Let's see...I think I'll pay my dear friend Mr. Nolan a visit."


Steve Nolan was the principal of Hornpoint High, a tan-furred housecat with darker brown fur on his legs and arms as well as the tips of his ears. His wife Carrie and his young daughter Claire had the same fur patterns, although Claire had inherited her bright blue eyes and long locks of blonde hair from her mother.

Teagan knew his principal a different way from many other students. A few years ago when Mr. Nolan had been the principal of their district's middle school before earning his big promotion, the feline had completely disregarded the femboy's complaints about other students harassing him and treating him differently for his feminine appearance and demeanor. Ever since those initial years of ridicule Teagan had held a grudge against the indifferent principal treating him as if his problems didn't matter, probably for religious reasons although the man simply could have been a prick in general.

That night Mr. Nolan was sitting down having dinner with his wife and daughter at home when he heard the doorbell ring. "I'll get it," he said, rising from his seat at the head of the table and standing to open the door. "Oh...Teagan, hello," Steve greeted the femboy, looking around but neglecting to open the front door any further. "Can something for you?"

"Not like you ever have, but sure," Teagan said as he casually pressed the front door open and walked right by the man. The boy had a specific plan in mind to weaken the amulet's power on the man so that he would be semi-conscious of what was going on, but unable to physically disobey any of the femboy's commands although the cat would still be able to feel somewhat upset about whatever transpired. He nearly protested the boy entering his home but instead closed and locked the door behind him, following Teagan into the dining room area as the femboy sat down in his seat and grabbed a dinner roll from the bowl on the table.

Carrie blinked in surprise and smiled over at the femboy deer sitting in her husband's chair. "Well hello, you're Teagan right?" the woman asked, happy to see that he was enjoying her cooking without so much as an invitation. "I'm Carrie, Steve's wife. Nice to see you again! What brings you here tonight?"

Teagan smiled at the woman politely and also waved over at Claire nearby, who smiled and shyly waved back at him before resuming her meal. "Well, I was in the neighborhood and thought I'd pay old Mr. Nolan a visit," the femboy deer replied, taking a bite of the main course. "You don't mind, do you?"

"Not at all," Carrie said, shaking her head and looking over at her husband who stood nearby as if to make sure he was on the same page as her. Mr. Nolan simply stood in the corner of the room with a perplexed look on his face, as if he was still trying to figure out why the boy had sat in his seat or even appeared at his home in the first place. "You're welcome here anytime," Carrie continued, placing a hand on Teagan's and rubbing it gently with her thumb as she smiled at him. "As far as I'm concerned, you're like a part of our family."

"Carrie honey, what uh...what do you mean by that?" Mr. Nolan asked, unable to approach the table no matter how hard he wanted to bring himself to. "What is this boy doing here?"

"If you must know, I'm taking care of some unfinished business," Teagan said, looking over his shoulder at Mr. Nolan while Carrie took the boy's hand and began sucking on his thumb slowly. The boy grinned at her husband's baffled reaction, scooting his chair back as Carrie stood from her seat and knelt in front of where Teagan was sitting. "I don't expect you to understand much about the situation, and I don't need you to. I just need you to be a good boy and watch this insignificant little faggot fuck your wife and daughter while you do what you do best...absolutely nothing at all."

Mr. Nolan's heart rate spiked as Carrie slowly pulled Teagan's white shorts down with a grin, the male cat physically unable to advance toward the table although he began visibly shaking in protest. "Carrie, my darling...what are you doing?" Mr. Nolan asked her, unable to believe what he was watching unfold in front of his eyes.

"Now Steven, you have no right to be rude to our guest," Carrie said to her husband in an irritated tone of voice as her long fingers caressed the growing bulge on the front of the boy's bright green panties, tugging his long pink cock out and stroking his length to fruition with the gold of her wedding ring on her finger rubbing against the boy's shaft. "He's welcome in this house just as much as anyone else, if not more so." The blonde feline turned to look up at Teagan with her blue eyes and smiled as she licked up his cock slowly, sensually massaging his length with her fingertips while he grinned back down at her and leaned back in her husband's chair. "And frankly, I think you owe him an apology."

"An apology?" Mr. Nolan asked, his confusion bordering on disbelief as he watched his wife enclose Teagan's throbbing young cock in her mouth. "For what, what'd I do? Jesus Carrie, what's got you acting like this all of a sudden? And what...what the hell do you think you're doing with him?"

"This is the problem, Steve," Teagan told the man as he raked his fingers through the blonde feline's hair, leaning back further as she suckled wetly on his firm smooth cock while her daughter craned her neck from her nearby seat to attempt to watch what was going on in front of the table. "You think you've got this amazing, fantastically capable woman on a leash but the reality is that you don't own her," he said simply, caressing behind her ears approvingly while she sucked him off and pulled his panties down around his ankles. "In fact you don't own anyone, you don't get to decide the rules here and nothing is under your control. You're powerless to do anything except watch."

Teagan made his point by kicking his panties away and lifting his legs up, setting the heels of his white and pink sneakers on the table while Carrie sucked on his nuts and moved her mouth down to his butt. Her hands pulled his curvy butt cheeks apart in the seat of the chair before she pressed her tongue into his asshole with a groan, Teagan using the amulet to mentally enforce a severe fetish for rimming into the woman's mind regardless of whether it had already been there or not. The femboy groaned as Claire stood up from her seat and walked over to watch her mother curiously, her young mind trying to figure out just what Carrie was doing to their guest and why.

"Mommy, why are you licking that boy's butt?" the girl asked, swaying back and forth while watching the blonde woman tug at Teagan's exposed rim with her lips and flick it repeatedly into the hole with loud moans. "Do you ever do that to Daddy?"

"Fuck no sweetie, and I never will," Carrie replied to her daughter, looking up at Teagan as his dick flexed against his stomach and he smiled back down at her in approval while she dined on his soft asshole. "It's a lot to explain, but Mommy wants to treat this boy right since he's our guest," she told the girl before pulling off her white dress shirt and removed her black dress pants, undoing her red lace bra and kneeling topless in front of Teagan while her large round breasts hung freely in front of her. "He needs to feel good and cum baby, so we're gonna help him do that." Carrie lasciviously sucked on the femboy's smooth asshole, savoring his anal flavor on her taste buds and looking up at him with a grateful groan into his rectum. "Mmmnnn...He needs us to carry his little babies." She sucked on his soft nutsack and rolled her tongue gently around the skin, going above and beyond what he wanted the amulet to make her do as her actions and language surprised the femboy although he was anything but disappointed with the results.

"This is absurd," Mr. Nolan interjected, although still he could do nothing as he watched his wife begin to deepthroat Teagan's cock with loud gurgling noises while her slobber dripped down his balls onto the chair he sat upon. "Do you have any idea at all what you're doing, Carrie?" the man asked his wife, unable to look away from the scene and growing somewhat aroused by it all himself although he dared not show it. "Right in front of me, our daughter even? What's gotten into you?"

"She's got to learn someday, Mr. Nolan," Teagan said as he stood and removed his shirt, wagging Claire toward him with a finger. The little kitten girl's lithe developing body was suddenly overcome with intense lust that she hadn't had the opportunity to experience naturally yet at her age, and she walked toward Teagan with a mesmerized look on her face as she became instantly captivated by his effeminate beauty and charm. "What's a better place for her to be taught than right at home with her mom and dad in the room?" Teagan pulled the young girl's yellow t-shirt off over her head and grinned down at her naked torso, sucking on one of her nipples before reaching down the front of her long pink pajama pants and petting her tiny pussy with his fingertips. "I certainly can't think of one."

Mr. Nolan flinched as he watched his young daughter be molested by the vengeful femboy sucking on her flat chest, the girl's high-pitched cries of sexual awakening filling the large house while her mother continued licking up the femboy's cock as if nothing was the matter. "Are you insane?" the man asked Teagan, his heart pounding in a panic as he realized for whatever reason that he would be unable to stop whatever the femboy planned to do. "She's in the second grade, for fuck's sake!"

"And I'm nowhere near eighteen," Teagan answered as if that would even things out, stroking the seven-year-old girl's clit and smooching her nipple while her cries of delight filled his ears with their pleasant tone. "But I've also done my share of fucking today and then some. It's just too bad for these girls that I'm nowhere near finished." Teagan made Carrie finish undressing her young daughter except for the girl's little white socks, and the feline MILF placed her little girl on the table on all fours above her husband's unfinished plate of food while Teagan sat in the chair and slid his hands up Claire's haunches, admiring her angelic young taint before breaking the seal of its inexperience by sliding his tongue up between her delicate plump pussy folds. "Mwwnfhh...My God, Claire honey...your pussy is such a sweet little treat," Teagan complimented the girl before slipping a finger gently inside and kissing up to her tight young asshole, poking the tip of his wet tongue inside.

Claire yelped and her skinny legs quivered beneath her while her mother stood next to her and calmed her down, stroking her hair and watching the femboy expertly worship her daughter's taint with his tongue. "Nyaaaah, Mommy that feels good!" Claire told her, squeezing her hand while Teagan noisily made out with her pussy and asshole at random passionate intervals. She began moving her hips back and forth instinctively against his face while the deer tongue-fucked her holes, kneading the soft skin of her little tush and appreciating every inch of her developing young body. The girl panted and whined frantically, her pussy dripping wet from Teagan's spit as he stood behind her on the edge of the table and hovered above her with his hands around her tummy before he pressed the tip of his cock against her slit.

"Need some help, hon?" Carrie asked Teagan as she walked around behind Teagan to guide the boy's cock into her young daughter's waiting pussy, smiling at the sound of her wails as his smooth thick shaft opened up her warm little crevice. "There we go dear, just slip right in there." The busty housewife resumed licking and sucking on Teagan's asshole while he deflowered her young daughter, her hands groping his curvy butt cheeks and her hungry mouth drooling down onto his balls while he bottomed out within the girl's vaginal canal and the smooth round tip of his deer cock opened up her cervix.

Mr. Nolan's jaw hung open as he watched it all in speechless horror, the femboy's hips grinding downward against his precious little daughter's raised naked rear end while his cock stretched her little pussy lips apart and his tail flicked momentarily above where the man's wife was constantly smooching and sucking. Teagan giggled back at the man, wiggling his butt in Carrie's face before pressing his hips down against Claire and making her squeal loudly. "What's it like just watching from back there, Steve?" Teagan asked the man, slipping a finger in his daughter's mouth and enjoying the wet warmth of her inner cheek against his fingertip. "You don't have to hide it if this is all making you hard, you far as I'm concerned, you can whip that little thing out right now and start jerking off. It's too bad you won't be able to join in though, you know I even had a crush on you before you ignored my cries for help and fed me to the wolves."

"You think that justifies this?" Mr. Nolan asked, his face reddening as he unzipped his pants despite the anger in his expression and pulled out his hard cockshaft to begin stroking it desperately while leaning against the corner post behind him. "Do you think that what you're doing is fair, this revenge of yours or whatever the hell this is?"

Teagan laughed and shook his head. "Really? Come on Steve, you know that's not exactly the case. I mean yeah, I'm getting kind of a rush out of this whole thing but fucking your daughter with your wife licking my asshole is kind of overkill, don't ya think? The reality is, Mr. Nolan, I don't have to play by the rules of justice anymore and you'll never understand why. I can do whatever I want now without ever paying for what I do wrong, and as it turns out..." The femboy laughed again and began fucking Claire's pussy harder, reaching around her small torso to grope her chest while Carrie groaned into his wet asshole. "I make a pretty fucking evil god."

Carrie sucked on the edge of Teagan's rim while his cock twitched deep within her daughter's warm cunt, the woman groaning pleasurably at the taste of the boy's ass on her tongue as she worshiped his rump with everything she had. "Mmm, so that's what I was thinking of you as all this time," she said, flicking her tongue deep into the boy's sensitive rectum and milking his prostate while she massaged his haunches with sensual groans encouraging him to fuck her little girl to his heart's content. "A god." The woman sucked on his nuts briefly, looking back at her husband as she swirled her tongue skillfully into the boy's asshole as if to show the man what he'd never be fortunate enough to enjoy from her.

The femboy deer reached down and scooped a handful of gravy from the nearby dish, sticking his fingers in Claire's mouth while the young girl groaned and sucked it from his fingers. He fed her the rest of the dinner roll from her plate and followed it with more gravy, moaning sensually into the girl's ear while her tongue flicked around his fingers and the tip of his cock kept breaching her prepubescent cervical opening. "God, she's so fucking tight," Teagan said to the girl's parents, quickening his thrusts and beginning to make out with the girl hungrily. He tasted the gravy still in her mouth along with the sweet warmth of her tongue and inner cheek flesh, exploring her maw with his tongue and sucking on her lips firmly while precum squirted out of his cock into her tiny womb. "Jesus Mrs. Nolan, I'm so lucky to be in your company right now," the femboy said, sticking his fingers in the girl's mouth and watching her suck on them continually. "Thank you for inviting me into your home, and especially for letting me fuck your daughter. She's such a sweet girl! I really didn't plan on making this a regular thing, but I might have to visit her now and again...maybe for the holidays, show up to give her a nice birthday present to celebrate. What do you think of that?"

"I think she'd love you for it, Teagan dear," Carrie said as she massaged the boy's butt cheeks, watching his hips thrust downward as the boy made it more obvious that he was nearing his climax. She pressed two of her fingers into his asshole and began rapidly fingering against his prostate, grinning as his mouth began hanging open and the signs of his imminent climax became clear. "You know if you're enjoying her that much, you should stop by when she's got all of her little friends over here. Maybe then-"

"FWAAAAH, FUCKING FUCK!" Teagan roughly held Claire down on the table full of food as the girl cried out, his cum gushing into her uterus as her own pussy squirted down onto her father's plate. Mr. Nolan watched his little angel's clear pussy juice splash down into his gravy, her destroyed innocence decorating his food while Teagan rode the orgasm of a lifetime deep within her clenching wet little cunt. "God...DAMMIT that's good!" Teagan cried out in his high-pitched voice with intense thrusts into the girl's pussy, remaining inside of her in his afterglow while his cock throbbed and his cum leaked past her pink cunny-lips down her bare thighs. He sucked on her tongue and finally forced Mr. Nolan to approach the table, the cat dropping his pants to the floor and still pumping his cock swiftly in his grip. Teagan looked back at Mr. Nolan out of breath and pulled his cock out of the young girl's pussy, letting her father look deep inside of her gaping pink hole at the substantial cumload the femboy had deposited inside of her sex. "Now is the kitty thirsty for some milk, or do I have to demonstrate my other ways?" Teagan asked the man, raising his hips up to press his cum-covered cocktip against the little girl's tight virgin asshole.

"Oh no, please don't," Mr. Nolan protested, kneeling in submission behind Teagan and sucking the femboy's cum out of his daughter's pussy with loud slurps. "Mmm pleafe don't...gulp...please don't do that to her Teagan, that's not necessary, I'll do anything you want if you just leave her alone."

Touched by her father's desperation to protect his little girl, Teagan grinned and wiggled his sneaker-clad foot near the man's face. "Anything, huh? That's a pretty open offer considering who you're talking to here," the boy said as Carissa noisily smooched his asshole above where her husband knelt. "Fine, you two show me how fond you are of my ass and shoes for a little while and maybe I'll let Claire go to bed early. You'll have to convince me you're just as slutty and subservient to me as your wife is, though...I mean, really convince me, because your baby girl's cute little butt is begging me harder than you are right now."

"Jesus Christ, anything," Mr. Nolan said in shaken defeat, kissing the bottom of Teagan's white sneaker and licking along the rough surface. "You're right, you are a god in this household and I'm sorry I ever thought differently of you." The femboy agreed to let the girl go to bed and then he enjoyed the girl's two parents making out with his shoes and asshole for the next half hour or so, eventually deciding to fuck his principal in the ass and choke him with one of his neckties in the process. Mr. Nolan's topless wife laughed while enjoying a glass of wine and watching from nearby, recording a video on her phone of the lewd ordeal while her husband's face reddened and he whined through choking gasps as his cum sprayed out onto the carpet with Teagan's cock buried deep within his asshole. "B-GRRRRK!"

"That's right ya fuckin' turkey, fight for that sweet oxygen!" Teagan shouted as he tugged sternly on the tie behind the principal's head, releasing it just as it looked like the feline might pass out on the living room floor. The femboy grinned and pulled his cock out, stepping aside for Carrie to snap a photo of her husband's gaping hole filled with his femboy student's cum. "Mind sending that to me?" Teagan asked her before pulling her close, looking up at her and sucking on one of her big round breasts as she stroked the top of his head affectionately. When Teagan's business at the Nolan residence was finished, the sky was dark but there was still plenty left on the femboy's agenda before he ever considered the prospect of returning the amulet to his brother.


"Oh wow, that's not even kinky...that's just weird," Monica stated plainly before bursting out with laughter as Sal blushed between the two girls, all three of them naked on the floor of his penthouse bedroom as he shamefully cycled through more outrageous and depraved material in his massive collection of porn he'd downloaded from the internet on his laptop. The three teenagers had only followed the instructions Teagan had explicitly given with the amulet's power before he'd left, and under its sustained influence none of them were able to break free of the constant cycle of foot sucking, ass licking, underwear sniffing, and the girls making fun of anything Sal showed them that he'd fapped to in the past.

The image on his screen now was an animated gif file of a cute-looking cartoon Pokemal character, in particular a blue aqua-type four-legged feral beast with its tail raised high as a random cock drilled into its pussy and filled it up with cum in a never-ending cycle. The beast's big adorable green eyes kept blinking as it looked back with blushing cheeks at whatever was attempting to impregnate it over and over again. Its smooth haunches had been drawn in an appealing fashion so as to make the creature from the children's card-collecting game franchise appear both cute and remarkably sensual in form, the undeniable sex appeal present on the screen although the girls found it mostly hilarious due to the nature of the content Sal had chosen to add to his personal collection.

"You seriously can't tell me you've wanked to stuff like this," Daisy teased Sal, both girls having laughed to the point of tears multiple times throughout the day at Sal's expense. "Sal honey, how long were you looking at this stuff before you lost your virginity?"

"Lots of people like this stuff," Sal defended himself weakly, although he recognized the futility of validating one's exotic sexual preferences to a third party unfamiliar with that kind of content in general. "I know it's weird and silly, okay? We've been over this like a dozen times already," the boy said in a huff. "I mean, some girls like this stuff too. What if you liked it and you didn't know why? How would it make you feel if people started laughing at you for it?"

"We're only teasing you, Sal," Monica half-lied as she poked his cheek with her finger, settling down from their most recent laughing fit. "I might think it's kind of funny that you, ya know...want to fuck a bunch of cute little monsters, teheh...but I still think the fact that you're into so much weird and unique stuff is still sexy, in its own way. I mean, some of these are really acquired tastes, but makes you more interesting than some guy who just lives for pussy, ya know? Keeps you from being too boring."

"Oh yeah, I can tell the two of you have not had a boring day at all," Sal said, rolling his eyes as both girls laughed once again. "Part of me almost wishes you'd gotten bored of this kink-shaming marathon a long time ago."

"I wouldn't really call it kink-shaming," Daisy argued. "It's just that we didn't know most of this stuff even existed, and without much to go on otherwise it's hard for us not to find it humorous. Come on, show us another one! We can jerk you off to it like we did with the one of the little girl peeing earlier."

"Yeah, show us your favorite one out of these," Monica said, scooting close to Sal as Daisy did the same on the other side and they began stroking his hard cock between their fingertips together. "You said you had what, like fifty different ones of these? I wanna see which one makes you cum the hardest."

Sal sighed and scrolled through the animations, having difficulty choosing since he found each of them particularly arousing in some way, but in the end he settled for a fire-type Pokemal being assfucked while cum leaked in long trails down her legs.

"Ooo, she's got a worried look on her face doesn't she?" Monica said close to Sal's ear as the vixen rubbed the deer boy's cock, grinning and watching him tilt his head back in satisfaction. "You like it when they look afraid like that?"

"Sometimes," Sal admitted, his cheeks nearly sore from blushing all day. "I mean Idunno, it's fine if they look happy too. I just, nnff...the way she's getting her ass fucked, the angle is so perfect and she's so sexy even though she's just a stupid kid's cartoon..."

"You like her though, right?" Daisy asked, her fingers dancing up and down Sal's hard cock along with her friend's as she sucked on the boy's nipple delicately. "So she's not stupid, no. She's got nice hind legs, a long fluffy tail and big pretty eyes. Look at that tight pussy under that cock filling up her asshole with cum, goodness there's so much that it's just dripping all the way down to her hind paws! Don't you wish that was you planting all of that seed, hm?" The girl's British accent made Sal's cock twitch harder in her grip as she spoke into his ear, attempting to empower and comfort the vulnerable young male. "Look at her, you know she wants you."

Sal's heart began pounding as the girls kissed his ears and flicked their tongues inside of them with warm breaths and soft groans of encouragement, precum already dripping out of his cock slit like it had a dozen times that day already in Teagan's absence. "I've got a fun idea," the vixen said, grinning over at the Collie on the other side. "Let's re-enact some of these, shall we?" Monica slid in front of Sal to grind her ass against his cock while facing away from him, her feet placed atop his while Daisy kissed down her friend's legs. Daisy grabbed Sal's cock and steered the tip into Monica's waiting asshole (which he had came inside of at least four times in his brother's long absence) as the vixen lowered her naked hips with a groan.

Daisy changed to the next animation of a cartoon monster being fucked, this one green with leaves around its body as it slammed its hips downward on a firm cock from a front angle in the same position Monica was, its tongue hanging out and its big purple eyes looking upward in a cute, near-ahegao expression. Sal groaned as Monica bounced up and down on his cock, her tight teen asshole engulfing his cock with slippery trails of his last several loads lubricating the entry as Daisy giggled at the screen. "Ooo, a leafy-type girl!" she said, licking up the bottom of Sal's feet and kissing Monica's toes atop the boy's. "And she's in the exact same position, too!"

Monica breathed heavily and leaned her head back to suck on Sal's ear, swirling her tongue into it with a lewd groan as her arm wrapped around under his chin and reached up the other side of his face to gently grasp his antlers for support, the vixen eagerly bouncing her slender hips up and down on the boy's firm meat. "Master, that feels so good!" the redhead said in a high-pitched, cheesy voice into the deer boy's ear as if trying to comically impersonate the creature on the screen riding a cock with its tight plump slit exposed above the hole being stretched between its round butt cheeks. "I like being your battle monster, but I think I like being your little breeding pet even more!" Monica giggled and kissed Sal's cheek while she felt his precum douse her colon, the feeling growing quite familiar for her already. "Do you like seeing me use my special move, you cute horny nerd?"

Sal groaned and came hard in Monica's ass, clutching her teen breasts from behind as he filled her asshole up with cum and his cock twitched from her tongue-tip waxing out his ear canal. "F-FUCK!" he cried desperately as Daisy engulfed both of their feet in her mouth at once, the Border Collie's warm wet maw teasing their toes together while Monica's pussy tingled from the excitement of having her asshole filled with another hot load of deer cum.

"All right, I'm home now!" Teagan announced as he burst through the double doors on the bedroom, staring for a moment at the sight of the three teens enjoying each other in front of the lewd animation playing on the laptop. "Hmm, figured I'd walk into something like this. How was the evening for you three?" the femboy asked with a smirk, tossing Sal's car keys onto the nearby desk.

"Fucking amazing, thank you so much Tea!" Daisy exclaimed, planting a few parting kisses on Sal's foot as well as her vulpine friend's. "We all had a wonderful time while you were out, but we certainly missed you!"

"Aww, well that's nice to hear," Teagan replied with a smile before sitting on the edge of the bed. "Now girls, we've really enjoyed having you over but it's probably best that you go home now. Sal and I have a few things to discuss about that, uh...internet business stuff."

"Ooo, you're taking part in it now too?" Monica asked, standing slowly off of Sal's dick as a thick wad of his sperm gushed out onto his dick and slid down onto his balls. She wiped herself off with a towel and both girls began getting hastily dressed. "I bet you'll do a fantastic job just like Sal! That's so cool that you two are working together now."

"Yup," Teagan said with a devious grin over at his brother. "Working together." Teagan showed the young ladies out after they were fully dressed and hugged them both goodbye, then breathed a sigh of relief when he was able to close and lock the door. "So, did they manage to see a good amount of your collection?" Teagan asked his naked brother as Sal walked out to behold the state of his penthouse, still signs of the party the night before strewn all over the living room and minibar areas as well as the kitchen and upstairs balcony.

"A good amount?" Sal asked, wiping his cock clean with a towel and tossing it into the nearby laundry basket before pulling up his light-grey spandex boxer briefs around his legs, the elastic material showing off the curves of his butt as well as the bulge on the front. "Ugh, Teagan I've never been so exposed before in my life!" The deer walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a broom and dustpan, then got to work cleaning. "I showed them everything, Teagan...from egg-laying tentacle porn to foot worship, animated Pokemals and plushies, cum tribute videos to pictures of pregnant elves getting fucked by feral horse demons, I mean there's practically nothing they don't know about. Bunch of loli and cub shit too, goddamn if I'd known I had that much..."

"Don't get all flustered, big brother," Teagan told the deer as he held his hand under his chin and looked him in the eyes with a smile. "They're not going to cartwheel around town telling everybody about it, I made sure they'll keep it confidential. Did plenty of research on my part today, too...found out a few interesting things about this little toy of ours."

"It's not a toy," Sal warned him as he resumed cleaning. "It's fucking dangerous."

"Now that you don't have it, sure," Teagan said with a chuckle as he sat down on the couch and folded one leg over the other. "I was expecting you'd say something like that once someone else started wearing it, but the fact is we've both been using it like one. We can get away with fucking whoever we want, take anything we want...I mean come on, you never earned a single penny of whatever your net worth is now. Plank in your own eye Sally dearest, let's not worry about the speck in mine."

"Okay, so what have you learned about it today?" Sal asked. "Other than that you can give people standing orders with pretty much indefinite results."

The femboy dear examined his nails and leaned back further into the fabric of the comfortable black leather sofa. "We already know it can force people to physically do or say anything, to emotionally feel anything, and to control the amount of how much they realize what's going on versus how much influence the amulet has them under. It can even influence their bodily functions, desires, memories, kinks and sexuality...all pretty much absolutes. It also functions passively to smoothen out any situation - for example, Mom and Dad probably remember everything that happened in the kitchen and have no problem with it, and you fucked your teacher in front of your entire class but despite all of the gossip spreading about it you haven't suffered one negative consequence. I found out it also works long distance."

"Long-distance?" Sal asked, his ears perking up curiously as he threw away a few empty bags of chips from the kitchen floor. "How do you mean?"

"I met a guy online once from South Korea," Teagan explained. "Long story short, we hadn't spoken for a while and I wanted to see him again. Since I already knew him, I prompted him to video chat me and caused him to begin masturbating while he sat at the dinner table with his mom and sister. It was the same story we've both seen thus far, they all just roll with it and our little puppets move however we pull the strings. Get this - I didn't even know his real name, and I'd never seen his face before. I just thought of his username and what his dick looked like in the pics he'd sent me."

"Jesus." Sal stopped cleaning momentarily to ponder what Teagan had learned. "So no matter what, as long as we're aware of someone's existence we can make them do anything and they won't suffer any repercussions?"

"Not unless we want them to," Teagan corrected his brother. "I had a rather nice time with the principal and his family this evening, one of the nicest things about it being that I could control his level of situational awareness and almost entirely normalize it to the point that he was speechless. I probably wouldn't need to use the amulet to get him to divorce his wife after the things she did for me, but he's not going to the cops about me after I fucked his daughter and I didn't even think to cover that little detail; the amulet did it for me. It looks like whatever we want, we'll get it from anyone we want and nothing can stop us." Teagan stood and placed his hands on his brother's bare chest, smiling up at him. "Now, I say 'we' because I do plan to let you wear this thing again. The fact is though, I'm still a little pissed that you didn't let me in the loop right away. I get your logic behind it, but fair is fair so I'll keep it for a few more days at least. When I'm ready to let you have it back, then you can take the wheel." Teagan wrapped his arms around his brother's neck and pressed his lithe body against the taller boy's, blushing as Sal reached down to grope his curvy femboy butt below. "We can literally rule the fucking world together."

Sal blinked down at Teagan and laughed momentarily, shaking his head while still trying to process the events that had taken place since he'd found that little necklace in the woods. "You're right, we can," said Sal, walking Teagan back against the large glass window overlooking part of the edge of the downtown area. The deer reached down to fondle Teagan's tight butt and kissed him firmly on the lips, rocking their hips together while Teagan blushed.

"N-Not here," the femboy said, leading Sal to the bedroom and taking off all of his clothes except for his long white stockings and purple lace boyshorts underwear showing off the curves of his butt, laying forward on the bed and grinning at his brother in the doorway behind him. "I want you to claim me in here, right before I claim you...and we'll just see which one I like more." He wagged the boy forward with a finger and Sal approached, pulling down his boxer briefs and biting Teagan's stocking-covered toes before he slid his hands up the back of the femboy's thighs.

Sal dug his fingers into Teagan's girly butt, his cock throbbing hard against his abs despite having blown at least a dozen loads earlier with the girls that day. "Goddamn...look at that ass," Sal said, admiring Teagan's squishy butt in his grip before he leaned down to bury his face against the fabric and motorboat his femmy brother's clothed butt cheeks. "Mmmfff! Hope you don't mind me taking my time with this thing, it's incredible."

Teagan grinned and wiggled his rump against his older brother's face, blushing as his cock hardened within the front of his comfortable new girls' underwear. "That's fine, as long as you don't ignore the other parts of me," the femboy said. "Say...Sal, can I ask you something?" Teagan looked over his shoulder at his brother. "I know I was drunk the first time, and you were understandably hesitant, you actually like me?"

Sal slid up behind Teagan and wrapped his arms around the femboy's slender bare chest, rubbing their noses together affectionately and smiling down at the other boy's face. "Of course I do," Sal said, giving him a quick kiss on the lips. "Honestly I don't know what I've been missing out on this whole time, but I can't wait to find out. We've got a lot of lost time to make up for...and you can believe all of that's the truth, because right now I can't lie to you unless you want me to." Sal playfully poked his finger at the black gemstone dangling from his brother's neck and kissed the femboy's neck sensually. "I love you, Tea...I fucking love you so much."

The femboy smiled and began grinding his ass up against his big brother's firm cock, a shiver traveling down his spine from having his neck kissed and his body embraced so sensually. "Mmm, not yet you don't," Teagan said, mentally commanding Sal to slide down his panties and toss them aside before prying his younger brother's butt cheeks apart to lick up across his tight pink rim. "Got a few things to test out on you, too."

"Go right ahead," Sal told his brother before sucking on the femboy's smooth rim, flicking his tongue deep inside and tasting evidence that a few other males had been in there earlier that day. "Mnnh...I really doubt you could make me do anything I wouldn't want to, anyway."

"That's not exactly what I was getting at," Teagan said, rocking his hips back and forth with his elbows supporting him against the comforter as he wiggled his soft bum in the older deer boy's face. "Let's find out if you can cum on my command." The femboy's stocking-covered feet slipped lightly against his brother's cock, rubbing the soles of his feet gently up and down Sal's thick length while the more masculine boy's mouth opened with a groan of gratitude.

"Aaanh, Teagan wait...!" Before Sal could protest, his body was overcome with a sudden rush of pleasure and without even building up to it Teagan mentally forced his brother to climax. "Aaangh, oh my fuck!" Sal still felt an intense pleasure surge through his veins as his cum sprayed out onto the white fabric covering Teagan's toned calves and the backs of his knees, more drops of cum sliding down Sal's dick to dampen the fabric covering Teagan's toes tickling his cockshaft. "Nyaaah!"

"That's a good slave for your new goddess," Teagan said, holding Sal by his chin and looking back at him. "Did you honestly think you'd be able to plunge into my divine asshole right away? Of course not, you've got to earn it first...starting with my feet, and when I'm good and ready for you to pound me that's when you'll be allowed to do so. Got it, pet?"

Sal nodded frantically, looking down at Teagan in desperation as his last drops of cum squirted onto the clothed mounds of his femboy brother's feet massaging his cock. "Mmmnnh yes Goddess, whatever you want from me is yours!" the deer boy groaned, humping Teagan's cum-covered stockings and making the femboy laugh in amusement.

"So horny, my big fucking breeder beast," Teagan said, scratching under Sal's chin and turning over on his back to lift his long legs, pressing his sticky stocking-clad and cum-doused feet in his brother's face. "I wonder how many times you'll cum just from cleaning your mess off my stockings," the femboy pondered as Sal opened his mouth wide and invited the younger deer's foot into his mouth, sucking his sticky cum from the white fabric and swallowing it down with an appetite.

Sal's cock twitched not an inch away from Teagan's exposed asshole as he obediently held his brother's legs in the air by his ankles, making out with his feet and eventually slipping the femboy's stockings off of his legs but not until Teagan used the amulet's power to make him do so. Sal gazed at Teagan's shapely bare legs and smeared his messy cocktip against the femboy's thighs, spreading trails of his cum around on them just so he could lick them up again. Teagan teased Sal's cock with his bare feet and made him cum again, watching Sal bite his lower lip and close his eyes tight as strings of his gooey seed shot out all over his brother's bare legs. "Aaaaggghhh!"

The femboy watched his brother cum hard across his bare feet, holding his toes in the trajectory of his sperm and spreading them to catch a few gobs of seed between them while he used his other foot to stimulate Sal's cock throughout his orgasm. "Looks like I can make you cum quite a lot, despite all of the work your poor balls have been doing today," Teagan observed, holding his sticky foot up to Sal's lips as his brother opened his mouth to suck his cum from between the femboy's toes with another thankful groan. "I wonder how many times I can get you to before your body gives up? Or long I can make it last."

The older boy blinked as Teagan sat up and pressed his brother down to lay back, sitting back against Sal's cocktip and pressing the cum-smeared tip into his waiting asshole. Sal cried out and groped Teagan's buttocks while the femboy bounced up and down on his brother's big dick, grinning and pressing his finger into the older boy's mouth. Teagan then held up Sal's legs and began kissing and sucking on the deer boy's feet, showing him similar appreciation to the kind he'd been receiving as his tongue swirled expertly around the moaning boy's toes and mounds as well as his heels and arches.

"Here we go Sal, best orgasm of your fucking life," Teagan said, beginning to make his brother cum once again. "Just try not to have a heart attack, okay?" Sal's eyes widened and he gasped as his young body was immediately thrust into a tempest of orgasmic surges coursing through his veins, his mouth hanging open in a pleasure-driven stupor as loads of cum shot out of his twitching firm cock into his younger brother's bowels. Teagan giggled and sucked on Sal's toes as he concentrated the amulet's power on keeping Sal trapped in the peak moment of his orgasm, that sweet and perfect moment of utter satisfaction and immeasurable ecstasy, which most were only lucky enough to experience for a few seconds before it faded.

Sal howled as his face tightened in a frenzy, his hips moving automatically while Teagan's asshole swallowed his older brother's cumload and he drained the older deer boy's essence like some sort of powerful succubus. In fact Teagan could have taken his brother's soul for that kind of extended pleasure, and Sal would have gladly given it to him in that moment, the young deer feeling so good that it was in fact too good for him to handle for much longer. "Uaaaannhh Goddess, my Goddess!" Sal cried in tears as Teagan continued sucking wetly on the boy's feet, his balls running out of cum to shoot as his orgasm continued in its peak well beyond ten seconds. "I feel...OOOHHH this is amazing!" he wailed, clutching the comforter beneath him as he thrust his hips madly upward into Teagan's smooth asshole, his dick continuing to twitch as his face reddened and his body went into orgasmic overload. "Every inch of me feels like it's glowing!" Sal relayed, helplessly writhing against the bed as if he no longer wanted to feel that good for his own sake. "Teagan, baby please I feel like I'm losing my mind!" he groaned.

"Beg me to stop," Teagan said, glancing at the clock ticking on the wall. "You're at 20 seconds, beg for it and I'll consider letting you back down."

"PLEASE!" Sal screamed, his body going into convulsions of pleasure against the bed beneath him as his heart raced and his body began thrusting frantically beneath Teagan. The femboy groaned against Sal's foot as the cock hammered his prostate with a tenacity no other male had done yet, and as far as the femboy was concerned his brother had earned every bit of pleasure he was getting. "Oh God, please Teagan let it stop!" Sal begged again, unable to cope with the sheer magnitude of his own rapture. "I can't take it anymore, IT'S TOO FUCKING GOOD!"

"Aww, well that's too bad," Teagan said, licking up underneath Sal's foot as the boy continued pleading for him to bring the powerful orgasm to an end. "Guess no matter how much you beg, I'm still not letting you stop cumming until I want. You're at 30 seconds and I kinda wanna see if we can make it to an hour..." The boy's incessant battering against his prostate finally forced Teagan to cum from anal stimulation alone, his femboy cock spraying seed out across his brother's chest as he suddenly grew jealous that he was unable to use the amulet's power on himself in such a way as he was doing for Sal. "Uwaaaagh!"

Sal sat up and looked into his brother's eyes with worry as Teagan rode out his orgasm, which didn't last nearly as long as his but still left the femboy out of breath in satisfaction. "Teagan seriously stop this, I feel like I'm going to die!" he said with a hand on the femboy's shoulder. Knowing that Sal was being serious, the femboy let his brother's orgasm subside and shushed him, hugging him close and kissing his older brother's neck.

"It's okay," he comforted the sniffling boy, petting his hair and kissing him on the cheek while his cock flexed in Teagan's stretched rectum. "It's over with baby, you don't need to cry. Your goddess is right here."

Sal's lip quivered as his eyes ran dry of tears, sucking on Teagan's fingers and holding his brother close as he slowly recovered from the longest and most painfully wonderful 30-odd seconds of his life. "Holy shit...holy shit, that felt so good," he whimpered, hugging Teagan against himself. "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me I just...couldn't handle it." He kissed Teagan swiftly on the lips, both brothers losing themselves in the embrace and sucking hungrily on each other's tongues as Teagan lifted his hips off of his brother's cock to let the boy's hefty load drain from his gaping asshole.

"Mmm, that's okay baby," Teagan said, collecting a handful of sperm dripping out of his butt before rubbing it on Sal's chest and pressing his cum-smothered fingers to the older boy's lips as they began frotting in a mess of their deer cum mixing together between their skinny naked young bodies. "You can always pay me back later. For now, I think we should get some sleep...we've still a whole day left in our weekend together, and then it's back to school on Monday."

Sal laughed up at his femboy brother snuggling on top of him, sucking the cum off of Teagan's fingers. "You know, I used to hate school but now it's not so bad at all," Sal remarked. "In fact, I can't think of a part of my life I don't like anymore." The boys showered soon afterward and cleaned the apartment themselves, making their clean-up a fun activity together rather than hire a maid to do it for them. When the place was all fixed up, Teagan snuggled up to Sal on the couch and they fell asleep watching a movie together, naked in each other's arms and both feeling the best they ever had knowing that their best days were ahead of them.


Sunday began with Sal waking up early to make Teagan breakfast, and after getting ready for the day the boys decided to go out on the town together just to see how much trouble they could get away with causing before they grew bored of it, which wasn't likely to happen any time soon. "You drive this time," Teagan said as he tossed Sal the keys, and Sal paused to look at the long scratch on the side of his sports car. Teagan bit his finger innocently as Sal folded his arms and glared at his younger brother. "What?" the femboy asked meekly. "Okay, so maybe I need some driving lessons. Please don't be mad, okay?"

Sal laughed and unlocked the vehicle before they both hopped in. "What's there to be mad about?" Sal said as he pulled out of the garage and they each strapped on their seatbelts. "I could have ten more of these shipped to me tomorrow, and have the president deliver all of them to me while shitting in his pants and lighting his eyebrows on fire."

"Ooo, that's not a bad idea," Teagan said as he unlocked his phone to begin browsing social media, pleased to see that his brother was still getting plenty of attention although he himself would more than likely be the hot topic of that coming week. "Actually, I kind of hate our president. Who do you think it should be instead? We can pretty much just switch them out."

"Uh yeah, but Idunno how all of that political stuff works," Sal said to caution his brother. "I mean, there are a lot of intricacies to the system most people don't see. We could start World War Three if we're not careful with this thing."

"C'mon, do you really see this ending any other way?" Teagan asked teasingly before taking a selfie. "You and I are not exactly the best choices for possessing the ultimate power here."

"Doesn't matter, it's ours now," Sal said. "And I'm ready to use it just as irresponsibly as you are, but let's keep it local for now pretty please? Idunno about you, but I'm ready to live a long and easy life with a never-ending supply of whatever the fuck we want."

"Sounds like solid advice," Teagan said as they pulled onto the main street heading into the downtown area of their small but growing city. "So then, what kind of local shenanigans should we get into today?"

"Well if you don't have any ideas, then you can certainly hand that thing back over to me," said Sal half-seriously.

"Fat chance," Teagan said, sticking out his tongue immaturely and browsing the web for new vehicles to consider getting for himself and his brother. "After we have ourselves a bit of fun, we should get new cars and a bigger place. No offense, but yours is kinda..."

"What's wrong with my place?" Sal asked with a defensive frown. "I think it's nice, it's right here downtown and it's got a good view."

"It's a really nice apartment, dumbass," Teagan said, rolling his eyes. "What about a mansion with a fucking yacht? We could have a separate guest room for all of our favorite girlfriends to stay in, servants to cook our meals and clean up after us! You're not thinking big enough here."

"Point taken," Sal said, parking their car in front of a row of small businesses. "I guess we could both use a few upgrades. I mean if the government starts investigating us for fraud or whatever, it's not like they won't believe whatever we tell them to as long as one of us is wearing that thing."

Teagan tapped his brother's shoulder and pointed in front of them. "Yeah, now quit gabbing and look at what you're missing out on!" the femboy exclaimed. Walking down the sidewalk was a busty and attractive, tall and muscular female tigress who looked like a body builder. Her perfect toned ass was accentuated within her white shorts and even through her dark grey tank top they could see her shoulder blades defined between her big, strong shoulders. She stood on the street corner and checked her fitness watch, the shape of her gorgeous hulking body making both boys' mouths water at the very sight. "Shit, she is hot," Teagan said after a low whistle.

"So is this what we're gonna do now?" Sal asked with a laugh. "Just drive around and start date raping anybody we want to in public now? I mean yeah it's fun to try out a few times just to see what we can get away with, but if this is what we're reduced to..."

"Reduced?" Teagan looked over at his brother as if he'd just grown another head. "Sal, get with the fucking program! It's the one you started, after all. If you're not in the mood to go out and fuck somebody, then you really don't have to! If you want me to make it a nice and consensual thing with whoever we pick, that's fine too! But the whole point of this thing is that we are in control. No, fuck it, I am in control because I'm wearing the goddamn trinket right now. I really don't want to break your heart or make you unhappy but I need you to try not to be a buzzkill for me. You're gonna have to leave your conscience right here if you want to continue doing this, and for fuck's sake if I ever suspect you're gonna throw it away or do something stupid then I will never be able to let you have it again."

"Jesus Tea, I didn't mean it like that," Sal explained as the tigress crossed the road in front of them and went about her business for the day. "I'm not trying to slow your roll or anything, just saying we should probably keep a level head here. You might enjoy fucking random strangers and I do too to some extent, but I'm not going to be able to have that much fun if we treat everyone like stupid little NPC's that don't matter. This isn't Grand Theft Auto, these are real people."

"Yeah, and as far as I'm concerned they're all my property now," Teagan said as he undid his seatbelt and stepped out of the car. "You can join me or you can stay here and mope, but you won't be able to stop me. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm about to go have some nice, sort-of but not really consensual public sex with that female Hercules over there and I don't give a damn who her husband or wife is, what orientation she has or whatever the next thing is that she was going to do. Because if I start doing any of that?" Teagan pointed to the black stone dangling in front of his neck. "This is just a necklace." The femboy shut his brother's car door and walked swiftly across the street before the light changed, and Sal leaned forward to rest his head against the steering wheel with a defeated sigh.

The tigress turned her head to glance at the femboy walking a short distance behind her, at first not thinking much of him apart from the fact that his outfit was cute. Yet the more she stared at the dark-haired, effeminate male deer walking in his jean shorts and white crop top, the cuter he looked to her and after a few moments she tried to think of a way to say something to him without being awkward.

Before the green-eyed feline had a chance to speak, the femboy stopped her with a question. "Excuse me Miss, do you know where I can find this car repair shop?" he asked, holding up his phone and indicating for her to step closer to examine the address he had pulled up on his screen. Teagan jerked his thumb over his shoulder at the fancy grey sports car with the long scratch along its side parked nearby with Sal still stewing in the driver's seat. "I looked it up and it says they do body work, but I don't see the place anywhere around here."

The tigress ogled the sports car for a moment and whistled, then leaned down next to the femboy to look at the address listed on his phone screen. "Huh, never seen that place before," she said, feeling as if every inch of her body was begging her to mate with the girly young male right then and there. "Although...yeah, that's got this street name but it looks like a different town even. Idunno how you wound up here. I know a guy who works on this kind of thing though, he's repaired a few scratched-up Corvettes before."

"Really?" Teagan asked with an excited glint in his eyes. "Oh, thank you so much! That would be very helpful. See, my brother was being kind of careless with the toy our daddy gave him for his birthday. What a silly boy, driving like a maniac! I'm going to take much better care of mine when I get one."

Teagan stepped closer to the tall tigress, making her feel more aroused in his presence as his hip bumped against her powerful thigh. "That sounds like a good idea," the tigress said, looking around nervously. "Name's Mandy, by the way."

"Teagan," the femboy deer said, taking her hand in his and shaking it with a giggle. "Are you feeling okay? You're looking a bit under the weather." The femboy leaned up against her sturdy form and spoke in a quieter tone. "Sorry if I seem nervous, I get that way around pretty girls sometimes."

Before Mandy knew it her hands were subconsciously wandering behind Teagan to grope gently at the boy's curvy butt in his short jean shorts, her heart fluttering as her pussy tingled beneath her white jogging pants. "Th-That's okay, Teagan," she stammered, trying to figure out why she was so openly and readily grabbing the pretty boy's butt although she wasn't going to stop herself since he seemed a lot more comfortable with her touching than she expected. "I'm...kinda the same way, I guess. Doesn't have to be girls, though."

"Doesn't have to for me, either," the femboy said, his eyes half-lidded with lust as he looked up at the powerful green-eyed tigress and reached down to slide his fingers up the front of her clothed crotch with a lazy grin on his face. "Hmmm, but in this case I'm glad it is."

Mandy blinked a few times and instinctively backed away from the boy slightly, releasing her firm grip on his tight butt and blushing as she apologized. "I'm sorry, I hope I haven't overstepped at all," she said, looking nervously around her at all of the traffic as well as several pedestrians and the other deer boy sitting in the sports car nearby who seemed to be watching them through the rearview mirror. "Really, this isn't my style. I usually ask a pretty little thing like you out on a date before I start getting all, uh...touchy-feely."

"I don't mind a tall, handsome girl like you getting touchy-feely with me one bit," Teagan reassured her, placing her hands on his butt once more and guiding her hands down to slip underneath his waistband and green panties, letting her strong hands squeeze and toy with his butt. "That's just what I'm in the mood for, actually."

The tigress blushed more and swallowed, unused to someone being this forward with her except for the occasional drunken or desperate loser at her brother's bar. She usually handled them with a swift punch to the groin or face, but this extroverted young femboy rubbing up against her like a cat on a doorframe was another matter. "W-Well then, can we go somewhere more private?" she asked him, startled by a honking car that she soon realized was directed at someone else. "And how old are you, anyway?"

"How about I'm fourteen, and we can do it right here," Teagan told her as he slid his hand up the front of her dark grey shirt, his fingertips bumping along her prominent rock-hard abdominal muscles while her pussy buzzed with activity beneath her pants and her brain became saturated with the amulet's powers of persuasion. "You don't have a problem with that, right?"

Mandy closed her eyes as the young boy's lithe, supple body rocked slowly against hers and she bit her lip indecisively. "No, I mean yeah kinda...aaagh fuck, I'm sorry but I don't know what to say right now."

Teagan began to grow impatient with her reluctance and decided to take what he wanted since fate wouldn't so readily hand him his prize. "You don't have to say anything," Teagan told her as he slid his hand down her pants to finger her bare pussy, caressing her clit gently as she began trembling where she stood. "I'm sorry Mandy, I like you a lot and I didn't want to have to do it this way but nobody gets to say 'no' to me anymore. That's a thing of the past."

The tigress surprised the femboy by leaning down and kissing him ferociously on the lips, groping his butt and sucking on his tongue with wanton groans. "I didn't say no," she told him, laying him down on his back to unbutton his jeans and slide them down to reveal his bright green undies. "I said 'maybe' and now I'm saying yes, so don't complain if I accidentally break your pretty dick off."

The femboy kicked his jean shorts away and lifted his hips up from the ground, slowly gyrating them in sensual thrusts from the sidewalk as the tigress slid her hands up the front of his stocking-clad thighs and caressed the long bulge beneath the front of his neon-green panties, making him gasp in arousal. "Nyuuh! I'm not worried," Teagan replied in his feminine voice, his heart racing as the powerful tigress began sliding down his panties to let his smooth young erection throb freely in plain view. "I think you're more of a gentle giant than you let on, big kitty. Not a bad thing, either...I think it's kinda cute."

Mandy kissed up the boy's thighs to the front of his bare hips as she pulled his panties the rest of the way off past his shoes, sliding her hands up under his shirt to squeeze his flat chest as she began licking up his gorgeous cockshaft and taking her time to appreciate every inch of its immaculate glory with her lips and tongue. "Mmnnn, been awhile since I've tasted a cock," she admitted, gulping Teagan's length down her throat and bobbing her head while his hand gently scratched behind her ears. She came up for air as spit dripped from her mouth onto his smooth length, stroking it with her fingers and admiring its length and pristine shape. "Pardon me if I'm a bit rusty."

"Trust me babe, you're doing just fine," Teagan reassured her as he turned onto his side and lifted his leg, letting the tigress suck gently on his balls before she licked across his tight asshole. The boy's cock flexed as she jerked him off while probing with her tongue deep into his rectum, her groans rumbling in his backside while his hole clenched around her long wet muscle slithering back and forth. "Yeah, that's it...oh girl, you're hitting the spot right now!" Teagan whined, his prostate coming alive from the taps of her tongue. He panted and rocked his hips needily as a few passers-by walked around the couple on the ground, giving them a perplexed look before proceeding as normal. "Fuck, there you go!" he cried as she stuck her large finger in his butt and began rapidly fingering him, mashing his pleasure button as if she was losing a fighting game at the arcade.

Sal eventually got out of the car and walked over to his bottomless brother gasping and being fingered by the tigress on the ground as the femboy lay on his side with his leg up and his arm supporting his head, waving every now and then to passing cars and pedestrians looking his way. "Okay, you win," Sal said, folding his arms and looking down at Teagan from where he stood. "Sorry I was such a downer."

"It's okay," Teagan said, shivering as he felt Mandy's warm big tongue slide up across his wet rim before swirling past it once more. "Just get those clothes off and let me suck that cock before you start complaining again." Sal obeyed and stripped down to nothing, crouching in front of his brother and pressing the tip of his hard dick against the femboy's lips. Teagan greedily swallowed it in his mouth and looked up at his brother almost with spite, milking the sensitive shaft with the moist comfort of his throat as he bobbed his head back and forth. "Fuck, why does my brother have to have the most delicious cock?" Teagan asked no one in particular, licking up the boy's sturdy shaft. "Mmm! I wouldn't trade it for anyone else's, and that's saying a lot now that I really could."

"Sorry that bothers you so much," Sal said with a chuckle, stroking behind his girly brother's antlers before waving over to Mandy. "Hi! I'm Sal, Teagan's brother. Hope you don't mind me joining in."

"Not at all," the tigress said, smacking her lips off of Teagan's balls in growing heat while the femboy panted in arousal. "I'm Mandy, and I still don't know what the fuck is going on here but I like it!"

"That's good to hear," Teagan said, rolling onto his back and coaxing the muscular tigress to lick up his cockshaft before sliding off her shirt and fitness bra, letting her large round breasts hang free above her sculpted abs. The femboy ogled her body as she pulled down her shorts and underwear, nothing on but her shoes and socks as she crouched down above his face to let the femboy lick up her delicate folds between her powerful thighs. "I'm liking this, too...Mandy honey, you're a fucking demigoddess," the femboy complimented her on her physique, kissing back and forth between her inner thighs flexing in her stance before sucking on her folds once more. His hands came up to grope her curvy ass beneath her long serpentine tail swishing high above, the muscular female groaning as his fingers danced ever closer to her tight pink asshole. "Like you were made by the gods themselves."

"Oooh, fuck!" Mandy groaned as she leaned forward to suck on Sal's nipple, reaching down to jerk off the boy's wet cock before apologizing. "I'm sorry Sal, I don't know why I'm so horny," she said to the young deer boy before tugging at his nipple with a long smooch of her lips. "Mmmf! I can't contain myself, I just want you both to empty your little balls into me right now!"

"Don't worry about it, Mandy," Sal said, stroking the top of her head as she licked up his flat chest, her pussy dripping juices into Teagan's mouth and decorating his flicking pink tongue. "You'll get to feel both of our loads gushing into you soon, even at the same time if you want. I just wanna get a good taste of your hot body first."

Mandy blushed more and sat up straight, her legs supporting her pussy against Teagan's face in a low squat while Sal knelt in front of her to begin groping and sucking on her breasts. His hands slid along her incredibly strong biceps, the teenage deer boy appreciating her hulking physique towering above him. He kissed up one of her thick forearms and sucked on her fur, licking up her rock-solid bicep to her shoulder while looking up at her with a salacious groan as if he was a concubine worshiping the body of a goddess of war. The tigress relaxed as Teagan's tongue circled her clit while Sal kissed her arm before sucking on her nipples once more, the horny boy squeezing her bouncy tits in his fingers.

"Such skinny boys, both of you," the tigress said to Sal as she ran her big strong hands up and down the young cervine boy's skinny upper arms. "Don't do a lot of lifting, do you? That's okay...I like skinny boys, weak little boys who need to be protected." Mandy kissed Sal hungrily on the mouth, their tongues swirling together while she rocked her hips against Teagan's face and her cunt continued dripping copious amounts of fluid down the femboy's chin and throat. "I take it that's why you like big, strong girls huh?" she asked him as spit dripped down their chins, holding his jaw in place with one of her hands. "Maybe big, strong boys too. Cause you need us to look after you, right cutie?" Mandy caressed Sal's slender bicep and squeezed around it with a smile, holding his arm up by his wrist as if to display his weakness to everyone around them. "Don't worry little guy, I'll make sure nobody hurts you. You're just like a little princess, you need rescued once in a while don't you?"

Sal breathed heavily as the female bodybuilder held his chin in place firmly, establishing her dominance even as the femboy beneath her slid up to press his smooth cocktip past her soaking wet folds with a girly groan from where he began thrusting upward into her. "I...I guess so," Sal stammered, captivated by Mandy's supreme strength and dominance despite his brother having all of the power one could hope to have in that situation. He began to wonder if Teagan was dominating him through her, channeling commands to humiliate him as if the femboy wished to do so himself but through another person's body altogether, which made the experience rather uniquely arousing for Sal as he trembled helplessly knowing that the tigress could probably squeeze his jaw in half by bringing her thumb and index finger together hard enough. "Th-That's..."

"What are you, little boy?" Mandy asked, rocking her hips down against Teagan as the femboy wailed with pleasure and smacked his hips up against hers vigorously below. The femboy craned his neck to suck on Sal's balls, running his tongue all around them as his brother's cock flexed above where he sucked and smooched. "Tell me what you are!" the tigress demanded, keeping Sal's skinny wrist locked in her other hand to accentuate his thin physique.

"I'm...a princess!" Sal stammered as Teagan tugged on his nutsack half-firmly with his teeth, groaning as the femboy reached up to begin stroking his cock while the tigress sneered at him and let go of his wrist and jaw. "I'm just a skinny little princess," Sal confessed, wrapping his arms around Mandy's broad neck briefly before Teagan began to switch all of their positions with his mental influence.

The femboy lay the muscular nude tigress on her back and slid on top of her, pulling off his shirt and grinding his cock against the outside of her pussy folds. "We get it, you're our big strong guardian and we're your skinny little girlfriends," Teagan teased her, groping her round breasts while Sal crouched above the tigress and she immediately spread apart the deer boy's curvy butt cheeks to begin eating him out from below. Teagan watched his brother close his eyes with a grateful groan and begin bouncing his naked hips up and down against the thick and powerful tongue exploring his tight rectum, the boys reaching to grab each other's hands and interlock their fingers. The femboy giggled and pressed his cock into Mandy's cunt once more, hearing her gasp as he used the amulet to triple her pleasure every time he buried his bone to the hilt within her sex. The fierce undulation of Mandy's arousal set her into a hypnotizing rhythm matching the femboy's thrusts as she tongue-fucked his brother's asshole, palming the boy's bare butt cheeks like a pair of volleyballs as she ogled his clean wet orifice shimmering with her saliva in the late morning sunlight.

"Fuck, I'm glad I'm at least used to eating pussy," Mandy said, spitting a wad up at Sal's asshole before licking it up across his tender rim and feeling his legs quiver above her breasts. "Even if this is just a tiny little boy-pussy, I'm still glad something's making it nice and wet for me," she joked, twisting one of her fingers inside as Sal let out a loud girly cry above her. "Aww, does the princess want to ride a big sturdy cock?" Mandy mocked the deer, sucking on the edge of his rim firmly. "Mmff, I guess you'll just have to pretend my tongue is one, and I'll just have to pretend that I'm eating out a nice pair of smooth pussy-folds...won't be difficult at all of course, now that you're screaming like a bitch in heat." Mandy flicked her tongue into Sal's smooth asshole with a groan and sucked on his rim once more, gazing at the spit-covered opening while prying his curvy butt cheeks apart in her strong grip. "Pretty little princess with a tasty pussy."

"Don't even think about touching your cock," Teagan instructed his brother, and Sal cursed the amulet for keeping him from being able to disobey his younger brother at all. It was as if invisible restraints were keeping his hands from moving toward his throbbing length hanging free in the air inches away from where Teagan's soft lips tugged at Mandy's erect nipples and soft breasts. The femboy looked up at his brother, his balls slapping against the tigress's cunt below with loud smacks as a family of mice made their way around the threesome and semi-awkwardly hurried their way along. "That thing belongs to me, and your pussy belongs to Mandy right now. If you wanna cum, then you'll have to do it like a girl just from having your pussy licked." Teagan leaned up and held his brother's chin in a similar way the tigress had several minutes ago. "And I know you'll do that like a good girl for me."

Sal's eyes rolled back without hesitation as cum erupted from his hard cock, a high-pitched and depraved groan of release escaping his young throat while a mind-numbing orgasm made his body go stiff. Mandy sucked and licked eagerly at the boy's rump as she noticed what happened above her, feeling Sal's wet sticky ropes of gunk splash down onto her tits as precum sprinkled into her womb from the femboy's cock pounding her pussy. "There you go, that's a good princess," Mandy goaded Sal in a demeaning tone as if he'd been her pet doing something cute, her fingers digging into his pillow-soft buttcheeks and tugging them every which way while her tongue struck his prostate over and over again, making the boy's toes curl while his jaw hung open and his seed continually spilled out. Her own spit fell into her open mouth from his wet asshole as she ogled it, squishing his butt in her hands and rocking her hips faster as her own orgasm approached. "Good little...bitch, you sweet sexy...MUUAAAGHHH!"

Teagan's lithe young body also tensed up atop hers, the femboy groaning as an orgasm swept through his body and his cum gushed deep into the muscular woman's womb. "Oooohhh!" he cried out in his girly voice, turning the heads of several onlookers momentarily as he leaned forward on his tiptoes in his sneakers and an immeasurable wave of ecstasy ran its course through his slender, girly frame. The femboy was surprised to feel Sal's thumb hook over his bottom row of teeth, his brother smiling down at him while Mandy groaned into his ass and her pussy launched plentiful squirts onto the femboy's tummy and cock. Teagan giggled and closed his mouth around his brother's thumb, sucking on it in the comfort of his afterglow while Mandy's big muscular body writhed beneath both skinny boys in her prolonged orgasm that Teagan decided to keep her trapped within for a little while. "What now, big brother?" the femboy asked Sal as he pulled out of Mandy's pussy and the other boy stood up from her face, both of them composing themselves before walking naked aside one another with their arms around each other's backs. "We've still got a full day ahead of us. Oh, and you're not that skinny by the way...I think she was just trying to emasculate you to get her rocks off, kinda like I do sometimes."

"You're just saying that so you can feel skinnier than me," said Sal with a laugh, grabbing his brother's butt playfully. "It's okay though, nothing turns me on quite like having my pride stepped on once in a while. Anyway, I think I've got an idea you might like," Sal said as the boys left their clothes behind on the sidewalk, as well as the large muscular tigress still screaming and contorting in her perpetual state of absolute climax. "Come on, I think I still see them." Sal grabbed his brother's hand and ran with him as the girly boy giggled behind him, both of them rounding the corner into the pedestrian mall area to spot the family of mice walking and chatting with each other. "Excuse me!" Sal called to them before running up with Teagan in tow. "Hi, I'm Sal and this is Teagan. What a wonderful family you've got!"

"Why, thank you," said the father, holding his wife close with an amicable smile toward the boys as the two young mice standing in front of them looked up at the naked deer boys curiously. "My name's Hank and this is Brenda, this is our son Josh and our daughter Katelyn."

"Very pleased to meet you!" Brenda said with a somewhat nervous smile, glancing at the corner the two cervine boys had just rounded behind them. "Sorry if we interrupted your...thing back there. We were just trying to find a place to eat while we're out on our family day together."

"Aww, that's so cute!" Teagan gushed, hugging Sal next to him as their bare cocks brushed against each other still semi-flaccid and dripping with cum. "Sal and I are kinda doing something like that, aren't we? Just a little family day together, going around town looking for places to have fun."

"Well, why don't you join us?" Hank invited them both. "We'd love to have some extra company on our day out."

"Really?" Teagan asked the man, stepping close to him with a seductive sway. Being that mice were generally shorter and smaller than other furs, the adolescent femboy stood nearly a head taller than the man and his half-grown antlers even taller than that, his skinny nude body circling the grown white male mouse's body like a vulture in the presence of fresh carrion. "I would love that, in fact maybe my brother and I can teach you some of the activities we like doing together."

The mouse swallowed as Teagan stood behind him and pressed his finger past the man's lips, his eyes blinking rapidly as he tried to come to terms with the growing erection in his pants right in the presence of his family, and in public no less. "Tha, umm hahaa, well I suppose we could...Brenda?"

"Oh Hank, always counting on me to swoop in and make the decision for you," his wife teased as she pinched his cheek, her hand resting on her son's shoulder from behind as she grinned up at Sal standing next to her. "Of course we would! Kids, what do you think?"

"I think they'll especially like this game we're about to play," Sal said, squatting down low next to the boy and batting his eyelashes at the young rodent in jean shorts and a red t-shirt. "Josh, right? I'm Sal. How old are you?"

"I'm nine, and Katie's two years older than me!" the boy said, licking his frozen popsicle and pointing toward his sister standing behind him in her cute blue shorts and yellow t-shirt with a few pink flowers on the front.

"Wow, is that so?" the deer asked, tousling the boy's short blonde hair and reaching down to unbutton Josh's jean shorts, the boy looking somewhat confused as Sal pulled them down around his ankles to expose his Legends of Zoltan briefs. "Are you having fun with your family today?"

The boy nodded nervously and squeaked as Sal's hand caressed the lump on the front of his underwear with little cartoon elves heroically depicted swinging their swords on it, his tail swishing behind him as his mother massaged his thin little shoulders. "Whaaa...Mister, why are you touching me down there?" Josh asked, his lip quivering as he backed up into his mother's warmth behind him. "Mom, what's he doing?"

"Sal's just showing you how we like to start playing our games, Josh," Teagan answered for the strangely calm mouse woman, the femboy winking up at the father who looked just as uncertain as his son while Teagan knelt in front of the young mouse girl and began tugging down her short blue shorts to reveal her purple underwear dotted with silver glitter and little sparkling stars. "I think you two are gonna be having lots of fun here in a little bit," the femboy deer told the children, the amulet glowing around his neck as he awakened their pre-adolescent sex drives to the point where their entire bodies began buzzing with stimulation.

Katie smiled down calmly at Teagan as the femboy smooched the front of her panties, the girl giggling and playing with his antlers while her father stood next to her with a hand on her tiny shoulder. "Look Daddy, the pretty deer boy is kissing my undies!" she said, a warm glow of arousal splashing up into her young chest as Teagan began pulling down her panties to her knees and let his long wet tongue glide up across her smooth slit. "Mmmh! Now he's licking where I go pee...why does that feel good, Daddy?"

"Well, your mother and I were going to have a talk with you kids about this sort of thing at some point," Hank said as he watched his kids shudder and groan from the naked teen deer boys pleasuring them, Josh's hard little cock throbbing as Sal gazed at it before inviting it into the warmth of his mouth. "But I guess it's fine if...well, honey is this such a good idea in a public place like this?"

"Stop being such a worry-wart," Brenda told her husband, pinching his cheek once more and slicking her short bob cut of dark brown hair behind her ear. "These two boys are just having fun, there's no harm in it! Honestly Hank, sometimes your little cock gets so soft and droopy these days."

"Brenda, you never talk like that!" Hank said semi-harshly under his breath, clearly vulnerable to his wife's insult. "Besides, shouldn't know, be more involved?"

"That's a great idea, Hank," Teagan said as Katie pulled off her shirt and stepped out of her pants and underwear to kneel next to the femboy, both of them looking up at the mouse and undoing his belt swiftly. "You should both be more involved here."

"No, that's not what I meant!" Hank protested, but his refusal was to no avail as the two kneeling in front of him pulled down his jeans around his ankles followed by his red white polka-dotted boxers, the man blushing and his wife rolling her eyes at what she felt to be her spouse's lack of fashion sense. "I...ohhhh." Hank stopped in his tracks as his eyes rolled upward, his eleven-year-old daughter's wet tongue as well as Teagan's both snaking around his growing cock length while their fingers cupped his balls delicately.

"Idunno Brenda, seems like he's packing more than you let on," the femboy mused, giggling over at Katie across her father's stiffening veiny shaft from him as she smiled in response and sucked at its rigid girth. "Although I do feel sorry for you that he dresses like a clown in the bedroom."

The girl and her mother both laughed, and even Josh made a nervous noise akin to laughter although the mouse boy still hadn't come to terms with the heavenly feeling of Sal's mouth milking his stiff young cock just yet. "Well you can't blame me too much, after all I haven't seen it stand up like that in years," Brenda said, rubbing her son's clothed chest from behind as Sal pulled the boy's pants and underwear off of his legs, Josh dropping the rest of his popsicle in arousal and confusion. "You must be doing something more effective than making dinner and cleaning the house."

"Idunno, looks like Katie here's doing most of the work," Teagan remarked, his palm pressing the back of her little skull forward as her jaw opened wide to fit her dad's pulsating cock down her young mouth. She gurgled a bit as the femboy pressed her further forward than she would have done of her own will, the preteen's hands pressing against the front of her father's thighs to keep herself from choking on his meat. "That's a good girl," the femboy encouraged her, watching her spit bubble out past her lips.

Hank yelped from the amazing sensation of his little girl deepthroating him, his fatherly protective instincts kicking in when he saw the femboy forcing her forward. Still, as much as the amulet's power was holding him back from doing anything about it, Teagan's relatively gentle demeanor and tone of voice towards the girl caused the man to lower his guard, the mouse relaxing and enjoying the unprecedented sensation of his young girl's velvety mouth coating his stiff mouse cock with her spit.

Sal smiled up at Josh's nervous young body shaking in front of him while Brenda pulled her son's red shirt off over his head, shushing her whimpering young boy as the deer easily fit Josh's cock and balls entirely past his lips. "Now don't go being a crybaby, Josh," Brenda told her son, massaging his bare shoulders and holding him close to her from behind. "Remember when you were all brave for that doctor's appointment the other day? That's what I need you to be now, I need you to be a big boy and stop fussing over this nice boy's mouth around your penis. He's trying to make you feel good, don't you see?"

"Y-Yeah, but Mom my pants are down and everyone can see..."

"Waaah, my pants are down and people can see my penis!" Brenda mocked her son, squeezing his cheeks together with her hand firmly. "That's what you sound like, you're being an ungrateful little booger right now." It was Sal and Teagan's turn to snicker along with Katie at her mother's choice of words, causing Josh to blush uncontrollably as the young mouse boy's ego spiraled into abyssal humiliation. "Sal here is just trying to help you feel good," the woman continued, stroking the top of the boy's hair lovingly and abandoning her cruel mockery. "You'll do the polite thing and thank him for it later. Goodness, how I'd love to have a nice upstanding gentleman like him for a son and not such a fussy little brat. At least Teagan's nice enough to help my daughter, isn't that right Hank?"

Hank looked down at the deer femboy and his naked young daughter kissing along the sides of his throbbing cock, bathing it with their tongues before they began making out with each other around the tip of his hard penis. "Th-That's right, dear," Hank stuttered, grabbing onto his wife's shoulder for support while Teagan began sucking on his nutsack. "Teagan's...oooh! A big help right now."

"Glad to be of service," Teagan said up to the man as he made Katie turn around to lift her skinny little butt up in the air, wagging her taint back and forth in front of her father's wet cock while her tail swished high above. "Looks like she wants you in there," Teagan told Hank, cupping the mouse's balls in his grip before sliding his slender fingers up and down the throbbing girth of his wet veiny cockshaft. "Problem is, I wanna get in there too. Let's work out a compromise, shall we?" Teagan lay on his back next as the naked young mouse girl smiled and straddled him, his firm femboy cock twitching between her folds as she raised and lowered her hips to give him a delightful preview of what was in store next. "I'll take this hole, and you can take the rear," Teagan said, his fingers clutching the girl's soft and squishy little butt as he pried her butt cheeks apart to display her pink tight asshole to her father. "You'll need to get it a little wet first, but I'm sure by now you've figured out how to do that...right?"

Hank gulped and glanced over at his wife for approval as he was so prone to doing, but the woman was busy taking off her clothes and holding her squirming son still for Sal's restless tongue and lips. The man looked down at his daughter's cute little ass lifted high in the air as he knelt behind her, groping her sweet young cheeks as he nearly began drooling from the sight. "Katie, might hurt a little bit, but I'll try to be gentle," Hank said, still somewhat in disbelief of what was happening. The people walking around in the pedestrian mall area often stopped to glance at the family and what they were doing, making crude remarks before going on their way, and it was all a lot for the shy mouse to handle. He'd never done anything sexual in public; hell, he hadn't done anything sexual at all in months, as if his madly twitching cock and swollen balls weren't proof enough. "Just try to relax and-"

"Jesus Daddy, would you shut that flapping face-pussy and lick my ass already?" the eleven-year-old girl barked irritably at her father, rolling her eyes with a groan of disappointment before biting her lip and guiding Teagan's smooth cocktip into her waiting slit. "H-Nnnh! It's bad enough that you're embarrassing Mom with your lame clown underwear, but I need a real man to fuck my ass right now!"

Teagan smirked as the girl's colorful language that he'd mentally forced her to use surprised and nearly shocked her mild-mannered father, and after that point the grown male mouse was all too quick to comply with his daughter's request rather than scold her and further demolish her opinion of him. He pressed his mouth to the girl's smooth anal entrance and extended his tongue deep inside, groaning through his nostrils against the base of her wormy tail as she squeaked and her slick vaginal walls contracted smoothly around Teagan's firm girly dick.

"There you go Papa, put that mouth to good use for once!" Katie encouraged him roughly, grabbing her father's mop of sandy blonde hair and jerking his head back and forth while he slurped messily at her tight young orifice. "Mmm paint my sphincter with your spit!" The preteen girl began making out with the femboy beneath her with hungry groans, greedily enjoying his cock along with her dad's tongue.

"Katie, show your father some respect please," the girl's mother said in a polite but stern tone. "Despite his shortcomings, he really does a lot to provide for this family and he's the man I married, the man who made you." She smiled at her husband who glanced over at her with his face buried in their daughter's ass. "Neither of you would be here without him."

Sal grinned up at Josh trembling in front of him, grabbing the boy's underpants from the ground and smearing the fabric with his own precum before lifting it to the younger boy's dick and wrapping it around the soft twitching flesh soaked with his drool. "These are cute undies, Josh," Sal teased the boy, dampening the fabric as he used it to massage the young mouse's hard cock. "Think I stopped wearing this kind when I was a few years younger than you, though."

Josh was about to reply when he squeaked in surprise and horror at seeing who the approaching family nearby was, a young popular blonde mountain lioness in his grade he had a crush on and her two parents. "Oh...S-Samantha?" the boy stammered, now ten times as embarrassed as he had been before.

"Hank, Brenda, good to see you two!" Samantha's father said warmly with a wave. "You out enjoying the nice weather, too? We were just about to stop somewhere for lunch, sorry to bother you if you're uh...a little busy here."

"No, that's fine," Brenda said as she crouched low fully nude behind her naked young son, pulling the boy's buttocks apart and licking up across his tight young rim. The sensation of his mother's tongue bathing his asshole caused Josh to squeak very highly in surprise, his hands grabbing Sal's horns as he stood up on his tiptoes momentarily and nearly lost his balance. "Good to see you Mike, and you as well Helen! This is Sal and that's Teagan. You're not bothering us at all," the boy's mother said, smooching and groping her son's bare butt before swirling her tongue in a spiral deep into his waiting rim.

"Wow, that was a...really high squeak, Josh," Samantha observed, not usually having paid the boy much attention but his shrill cry had brought her to comment on it before giggling at his expense. "Probably even higher than I can go."

"He hasn't gone through his growth spurt yet, so he's got some maturing to do," Brenda explained in between tongue-fucking her young boy's sensitive asshole while he whimpered audibly and he brought his quivering knees together. "He still wets the bed, too."


"You wet the bed, Josh?" Sal asked loud enough to make the fact known to everyone within their proximity, each of them laughing except for the blushing young mouse boy whose eyes began tearing up as he whimpered in shame. "Wow, you're a little old for that aren't you? Surprised your mommy doesn't make your wear a diaper when you go out." Sal looked up at Josh salaciously and swallowed the boy's cock with a smooth gulp, bobbing his head a few times before smacking his lips off of the tip. "I've got an idea...why don't you pretend I'm the bed?" The teen deer boy held his mouth open, his eyes looking up at the young boy with blazing lust as he aimed the tip of Josh's hard penis right where he wanted.

Josh swallowed nervously and shut his eyes, following Teagan's mental command from nearby as he forced his pelvic muscles to empty his bladder. A strong current of warm piss splashed from his urethra onto the back of Sal's tongue and doused his uvula, the perverted deer boy keeping his mouth open and gulping down the steady fountain of the little mouse boy's urine while maintaining eye contact with him the whole time. Josh wailed from arousal at the sight, unsure of why it turned him on so much but he really enjoyed using the deer as a urinal even if he was being forced to. Something about doing it in front of the girl he had a crush on, as well as her parents and his own parents, placed him in an extremely vulnerable spot that he didn't think he would ever recover from.

Sal tapped the tip of Josh's young firm cock on his tongue to get the last few drops out, then deepthroated him once more and opened his mouth to let the mouse see the piss disappear down his soft pink throat as he gulped it into his stomach. "Aaahhh...good boy," Sal praised him before deepthroating him once again, enjoying the flavor of preteen cock gently sliding around in his maw.

Brenda gazed at her little boy's wet asshole as her tongue hung out of her mouth and she kept his buttocks spread wide with her fingertips, thick ropes of her slobber connecting her mouth to his boy-cunt before collapsing down onto her big bare tits. Her neck was already soaked from her own spit, and trails of it ran down between her son's thighs before she dove back in to move her head back and forth, tongue-fucking his asshole with a firm rhythm that poked his young prostate with her smooth wet muscle every time. Josh squeaked in higher and higher tones, the young mountain lioness laughing between her parents at the spectacle. "Look at him, he sounds just like a girl!" Samantha remarked, laughing as Sal began to cry. "And he's crying too...poor little guy, are you embarrassed?"

"Samantha, why don't you get my cock nice and wet for Josh?" Sal asked the young feline as he leaned back in a low crouch with his thighs apart, his knees bent with his ankles supporting his bare butt, and his arms straightened behind him to hold him up while his firm cock throbbed in front of his stomach. "You can show your parents just how good you are at it...however you want to do it, that is."

The 9-year-old blonde beamed up at her parents, excitement in her twinkling blue eyes as she smiled up at them and begged them. "Oh Mommy and Daddy, can I? Please, please, pleeeaaase?"

Sal glanced over at Teagan, the femboy grinning back at him under the young mouse girl squealing and bouncing on his femboy dick. Of course the amulet was glowing, as Sal knew that most of what was going on between all of them was being guided somewhat by Teagan's influence, but he hadn't expected him to make the girl beg her parents so sweetly and that fact alone turned him on immensely.

"Well, I suppose we have some spare time today," her mother said over to her husband, who nodded in return. "All right Samantha, go ahead and help the nice deer boy make his penis wet."

The young blonde mountain lioness jumped and cheered before hugging her mother tightly, then pulled off her grey sweat pants and pink panties underneath. She knelt down bottomless in her light-blue tank top and wrapped Sal's throbbing cock in her fingers, her curvy little butt sticking up behind her just out of Josh's reach as the boy stared mystified down at her pussy lips between her uppermost thighs. "Maybe you should have someone with more experience here, too," Josh's mother said as she crawled around from behind her son, the naked mouse's drool-covered face next to Samantha's as the two females began gliding their tongues over the sensitive surface of the teen deer boy's smooth towering dick. Samantha giggled and kissed Brenda next to the tip, and Brenda smiled back in return with a brief pause before she pulled the little girl's face against hers to flick her tongue into the feline's mouth.

Sal wanted to thank his brother a thousand times over as the girls made out with each other feverishly and kissed all over his dick, but perhaps he would simply return a similar favor the next time he wore the necklace. Maybe he would get a whole group of girls to bathe Teagan's body with their tongues and let him fill up all of their would be a start, at least. The deer boy's mind returned to the heavenly present as Samantha dragged her tongue up one side of his stiff cock, then Brenda did the same on the other side, their warm mouths meeting at the tip with a breath from each of them as they kissed once more. They were almost more fixated on kissing each other than making Sal's cock wet from drool.

"Sorry your mom got to kiss the girl you like before you did, Josh," Sal told the sniffling naked young mouse boy nearby as the girls continued kissing the cervine dick between them. "Not that you were ever going to get to, anyway..." He placed a hand on Samantha's naked rump and gave it a smack and a squeeze, winking at her parents who only smiled sheepishly and politely in return. "You'll have to deal with me doing a lot of things with her that you're never going to do, probably to any girl really."

"Yeah, I don't kiss boys who wet the bed," Samantha said back to Josh briefly before running her tongue in smooth swirling motions up the length of Sal's cock, regarding the young mouse with a look of disgust. "You see this between my legs?" She wagged her little butt back and forth, pointing down to her smooth plump folds and tight slit. "That's my pussy, that's what a pussy looks like. Boys get to put their penis in there when a girl likes them, when she thinks he's good enough for her. You won't ever get mine...but this boy will." She grinned up at Sal and licked up his long cock before smooching his smooth circumcised tip as she jerked off the base of his shaft with her fingers. "I like him, he can put his big hard penis wherever he wants in me."

"That's so nice of you, Samantha," Sal said, sitting down on the concrete to abandon his uncomfortable yet seductive squatting pose as Brenda continued getting his cock wet and Samantha stood to crouch over him, her butt facing toward Josh as she lowered her tantalizing young hips slowly. Sal grunted as Brenda moved aside and the mouse woman kept his cock pointing upward with her grip while Samantha's untouched prepubescent cunny-lips parted around his cockhead, welcoming him into her cozy wet nethers as her tightness enticed him. "'re such a nice girl." Sal palmed her round buttocks beneath the bottom of her light blue tank top and pressed her ass down while her slick love tunnel engulfed his shaft with an audible "schluuulk," his girth opening her up while she let out a sweet groan and placed her hands on his chest.

Brenda went back to tend to her son, groping his soft butt cheeks while she began smooching the side of his dick and teasing it with her fingers to keep him hard - not that the sight of Samantha's pussy opening around Sal's luscious dick wasn't enough to do so on its own. "I'm sorry Josh sweetie, girls can be mean sometimes," Brenda coddled her son as she sucked the side of his dick and teased it with her tongue, cradling his balls while he wiped the tears from his cheeks. "Don't worry, Mommy's here to protect you. You're just a helpless little Momma's boy, aren't you? You wanna be a baby, then I'll still treat you like my little baby." She brought her son down to sit in her lap facing towards her and practically forced one of her big breasts into his mouth, the boy's jaw widening around the nipple with a surprised gasp. "Shhh, go ahead and eat your meal baby Josh. If you're not gonna stop crying and wetting the bed, then maybe I should make you wear a diaper...give you a wittle pacifier everywhere you go." She stroked his blonde hair as he muttered softly around her nipple, sucking on it obediently while she smiled and held him close. "You're gonna have to learn to get really good at sucking anyway, especially if girls don't want you. Imagine having you for a husband, and you're crying and peeing in bed all the time? They'd be more like your babysitter than your wife. Are you gonna need a babysitter your whole life, hmmm? Nobody likes that. It's okay, this nice boy Sal will teach you how to ride a big cock today. You can at least learn to be good at that if you're going to sniffle and whine all day."

Teagan was finding it hard to multitask with the delightful feeling of Katie's eleven-year-old pussy drenching his cock in her fluids, and soon the clenching of her smooth wet walls and soft moans coming from her mouth along with her passionate gaze of bewilderment into his eyes drew him to his peak. The femboy let out a girly whine as he lifted his legs to wrap his stockings and sneakers around the girl's lower back, pulling her down onto him faster while her toes curled in her tennis shoes and her face tightened while her cheeks reddened. "Nyaaaa Daddy, what's happening?" she asked in a panic as her father pulled his spit-drenched face away from her young asshole, pleasure assaulting her senses as Teagan made it his mission to subject the poor preteen girl to the most earth-shattering orgasm her tiny body could handle. The mouse girl's eyes rolled back in a delicious ahegao expression as she let out a guttural groan of satisfaction, gushing splurts of her wet pussy smacking down onto the base of Teagan's cock while the femboy filled up her womb with a fresh batch of his gooey sperm. "Ooouuuuggghhh!"

"That's a good girl, Katie," Hank said, jerking himself off behind her and pressing the tip of his wet dick into her slippery asshole. "You keep cumming for Teagan and make him feel good. Daddy's gonna slide in now...oh! Oooohhh..." It was Hank's turn to let his jaw hang open and his pupils roll skyward as he held onto his daughter's young ass and gently advanced his hips, his thick veiny mouse cock stretching open her tiny rim and rectal walls as they clamped down around him during her extended climax. "Sweetiiiieeee...ohhh my God, Daddy loves you, yes he does."

"You hear that, Katie my little angel?" Teagan asked the girl, sticking his finger into her mouth as his last few cumshots splashed past her tiny cervix and she continued grunting loudly and intensely around his digit while her wet young cunt bounced up and down on his femboy cock. "Daddy says he loves you, isn't that nice? I think he loves the feeling of your asshole, too...he loves to feel you milking his dick." The femboy pulled his finger out of the girl's mouth and stroked the side of her face as he persisted in making her orgasm last, the pleasure driving her body wild as she moaned like a helpless animal and rode his cock with audible gushing smacks that made it easy for everyone in the pedestrian square area to hear what pace she was going at. "He's gonna cum lots and lots in your butt, just like I did in your tight little pussy," the femboy said to the girl in a cutesy tone of voice, prying her mouth back open with his thumb and sliding two of his fingers onto her writhing wet tongue while she continued her long and gratuitous low growls of insane pleasure that practically began melting her mind into a blurred sludge of endorphins. "Maybe he'll put a baby in you one day, but today he's just gonna fill your little ass up with his hot seed. And you'll enjoy that, won't you? Such a horny girl, my goodness you're insatiable."

In truth all Teagan wanted was for the girl to keep riding his cock until he had a second climax inside of her, but keeping her in a perpetual state of orgasm was beyond entertaining to him as she began going cross-eyed and she started blabbering out a string of indecipherable speech, her voice straining with pleasure now and then before her words all ran together as her ability to process coherent thoughts collapsed like a house of cards. "Ooowwllaaa, owwwlaalathath..." Her tongue hung out of her mouth in a comical fashion as she bounced with undying energy on the femboy's dick, the slender and girly deer boy beneath her laughing at the sight while her father behind her buried his cock as deep as it would go into her tight young ass tunnel.

"Look at what a good time Katie's having over there on my little brother's cock, Samantha," Sal remarked as they watched the young mouse girl shriek and groan until all she could speak was pure nonsense. "Her dad looks pretty happy with the way her asshole feels around him, too." The deer boy turned the girl's bottomless skinny form until she was facing away from him, her pussy bouncing up and down on his cock now soaked with her vaginal fluids as her legs spread wide and she bounced her hips swiftly with tiny groans of awakening lust, trying to avoid looking at Josh in front of her. She squealed when Brenda turned to smooch and lick her clit briefly before the mouse returned her mouth to her son's cock, the boy watching his crush gyrate her naked hips up and down on Sal's dick. "I bet your daddy would enjoy your holes too, what do you think?" Sal asked the little girl, sitting up behind her and hooking his finger inside of her cheek to pull it out to the side tauntingly. "Yeah? You'd like that too, wouldn't you? Your dad's a handsome man."

Sal motioned for the girl's father to step forward and he glanced at his wife briefly before he obliged, standing next to where the naked teen deer sat on the ground. "Well, thank you for saying so Sal," the mountain lion said bashfully, his muscular arm lifting to scratch the back of his head in a moment of awkward confusion that only made him look cuter in Sal's eyes. "My wife and I like to think that uh, Samantha comes from good stock. Though she mostly gets her good looks from her mother."

"That's a sweet thing to say, even if it is cliché," Sal told the man, undoing his belt and black dress pants before pulling them down along with his boxers down around his ankles. Sal ogled the man's semi-flaccid shaft in front of him, an impressive length and girth slowly throbbing to life higher and higher each time the man's ears heard his daughter's fresh little cunt bounce against Sal's balls underneath her. "Mfff, I can tell you're just going to love Samantha's soft, tight little cunny squeezing around your little friend here," Sal told Mike, speeding up his thrusts against the girl's taint while wrapping his fingers around her father's shaft and kissing the side of it sensually. "Mwahh...Take notes Josh, this is what a real fucking man looks like," Sal said, the deer boy's eyes looking up to meet the mountain lion's in an erotic gaze as he gulped the man's pulsating shaft greedily down his moist throat.

Samantha's mother wasn't about to be left out, the MILF circling around to Teagan's end and undoing her figure-hugging white pants before pulling them down her legs, the woman biting her lower lip as Teagan reached up to rub his fingertips against the cameltoe showing through her scarlet red panties. "Wow, you're one hot number Helen," Teagan complimented the woman, petting her pussy and wrapping his other hand around Katie's skinny neck to squeeze her throat while tears streamed down her face from the unbridled pleasure and she began choking for air. "Mike's gonna get jealous when he watches how I make you cum yourself stupid." The femboy finally began gradually relaxing his control over Katie's three-minute orgasm and let her collapse onto his slender torso while her father only rammed his hips faster against the girl's butt, sweat dripping down his neck as he neared his climax inside of her warm anal cavity squeezing around him encouragingly.

"I'd sure like you to try," Helen said, dropping her panties down her legs as the femboy sat up to kiss her smooth pussy while Katie's squeezed wetly around his cockshaft below. "Mmfff...You sure you're ready, after you've just put all of that effort into her?" Helen reached down to toy with the femboy's ears and antlers. "I've never met a boy with so much stamina."

Sal smacked his lips off of Mike's hard dick and pumped it with his fingers a few times, the mountain lion's clean but manly musk filling his nostrils as he gently nibbled and sucked on his large round balls. "Jeez Mike, I might wanna get on this ride of yours when your daughter's done," the deer boy told him, nursing on the muscular feline's balls with tender groans as his cock throbbed inside of Samantha's tight preteen cunt. The boy returned his attention to the girl and slid his hands up her sides to lift her shirt nearly up to her armpits, the young feline's face betraying her vast pleasure as she groaned gratefully and bounced eagerly up and down on the teen deer's thick fuckmeat. "Goddamn sweetie, I'm getting close," Sal said into her ear, sucking on her neck while making eye contact with Josh nearby whose mother had bent him over with his butt in the air to continue rimming him sloppily. "You ready to go next, Josh?" Sal asked the boy, bouncing the little girl's skinny frame faster up and down by her armpits as her cries grew higher and louder. "You ready to ride this dick after it's all covered in Samantha's pussy juice? I bet you are from the way you're moaning just from having your mom lick your butt...Jesus, you really are a textbook bottom and you'll never forget that after today."

The deer boy raised his voice in a sudden long and grateful cry, hot ropes of his cum gushing and splashing up past the preteen feline girl's cervical opening into her womb. Sal's jaw hung open along with hers as she cried out not far away from his face, her father's cock standing at full attention from the sight and her mother's pussy dripping wet not far away. She lifted her legs in the air as Sal held underneath her thighs and rammed his hips up into her, the boy sucking on her ear while the girl looked up at her father with gasps and wails of her tortured ecstasy. "Myaaaaauuuggghhh!"

Sal drank in the satisfaction of hearing her loud high-pitched screams of climax as her bottomless body shook in his grip and her smooth pink young cunt gushed thick gooey squirts of clear liquid out in front of her, the girl's smooth velvety walls milking Sal's cervine dick as it erupted deep within her warm fleshy recesses. The deer boy licked up the side of her face and continued ejaculating as he let out loud and rather effeminate moans into her ear, the girl blushing as his shameless display doubled her own young arousal. "Unnhh, uuuunnnnhhhh!" Sal looked into her eyes and kissed the girl passionately on the lips, making out with her and sucking on her tongue while he continued groaning into her mouth with endless wanton lust sounding much higher-pitched than his regular voice, almost as if he had been mortally wounded, and still his adolescent whines were filled with the purest of passionate desire pouring into her frail trembling body from below.

"Aannhh...Daddy, he feels warm in me," Samantha told her father as Sal feverishly kissed the girl's neck and bit it playfully, a lazy smile of afterglow on her youthful complexion as she leaned her head back to look cutely at her father from an upside-down angle. "His penis is putting a lot of warm goo in my tummy, I can feel it splashing around in there! Are you gonna do that, too?"

Mike glanced over at his wife with a grin, tousling his little girl's hair and pressing the tip of his hard cock against her upside-down lips. "Of course sweetie, I'd love that," Mike said, watching the girl's angelic bottom jaw open before she invited the smooth tip of his throbbing manhood into her wet maw. The mountain lion closed his eyes and held her head in place as Teagan mentally goaded him to drive his hips forward, the little girl gurgling on her dad's dick while Josh watched with multiplying jealousy as his crush's throat bulged from her dad's throbbing dick jamming down her soft wet pipes.

"Okay lovebirds, make room for my little bed-wetter," Sal said as he lifted Samantha's naked hips up from his, a blob of his white gunk dumping out of the young girl's open cunt down his thick firm rod. Josh slowly crept forward and whimpered from the comfort of his mother's wet tongue stabbing at his prostate like she'd done countless times so far, and Brenda slowly pulled her face away from her boy's soaked butt to turn him around so that he was squatting above Sal while facing towards her. "Do you wanna ride my cock just like Samantha did?" Sal asked the boy, massaging Josh's wet butt cheeks and giving one of them a firm smack. "After I'm done fucking you I think I'd like your mom to bend you over her knee and spank you for being such a little bitch today, then we can all watch you cry again. That would really turn me on...maybe I can fuck Samantha again while she does that." The adolescent deer slowly pulled Josh's hips down toward him as the mouse boy's lower lip quivered, his knees bending as Sal's cum-covered cocktip brushed across his spit-drenched virgin asshole. "I saw how hard you were getting from watching that by the way; you make the perfect little cuck, even though she was never yours to begin with."

The mouse boy's mouth opened wide and he let out a high-pitched cry as his asshole stretched open from the girth of Sal's wet shaft pressing into him, and his mother clasped his hands with their fingers interlocked as she looked up at him and shushed him, her chin shimmering with her own slobber. "Hush now baby, this is why Mommy needs to spank you when Sal's done. You've been a very cowardly little boy today Josh, but Mommy will always love you with all her heart. She just needs to teach you a lesson for being such a whiny little bed-wetter in front of our friends, even in front of Samantha. You told me you liked her, remember?"

"I...I didn't say that!" Josh protested weakly as Sal's smooth length opened him up further, the boy looking back at the mountain lioness kneeling in front of her dad who turned her head to raise an eyebrow at Josh in annoyance. "I never told you that Mom, stop telling everyone everything please!"

"Aw, Josh likes our little girl," Helen said nearby, clasping her hands with a warm smile as Teagan continued tugging at her pussy folds with his lips while his cum dripped out of Katie's pussy bouncing on his femboy meat. "We never knew about that! Samantha, why didn't you tell us he likes you?"

"I didn't know that, either," Samantha said with evident displeasure in her voice as she licked the side of her father's firm cockshaft. "Doesn't matter though, 'cause I sure don't like him."

"Samantha, be nice to the boy," Mike said to his pretty blonde daughter as she gagged herself willingly on his dick, moisture in her blue eyes from the effort as her throat-pussy constricted around his sensitive prick. "Nggh! Fuck...He hasn't done anything wrong, and the fact that he likes you doesn't mean that you have to like him back. If anything, just take it as a compliment."

Sal watched Josh begin to tear up and snivel again as the boy slowly lowered himself onto the deer boy's cock throbbing in his rectum, his sensitive anal passage slick with his mother's spit and slowly stretching open to fit the cervine's member. The teenager's cocktip brushed past the mouse boy's prostate, causing Josh to yelp while his mother knelt in front of him to begin sucking gently on his small but erect penis. "See sweetie?" His mother grinned up at him, making his cock disappear between her tits as she rubbed them up and down. "There's nothing to complain about, Sal's just splitting your boy-pussy open with his dick. If you're a lucky boy, he'll fill you up nice and full with his cum."

The mouse boy tilted his head back as Sal sucked on his neck, spreading Josh's legs apart and bouncing him up and down on his cock while he kissed up the side of his face. Sal then roughly turned the boy's head to face him and kissed him fiercely on the lips, bouncing the squeaking little mouse up and down on his firm dick while the boy groaned noisily now that the pleasure was finally setting in. Teagan giggled up at Hank as he came hard into his daughter's asshole at long last, the mouse gripping her tail as he nearly went cross-eyed with pleasure just like she was. "Ohhh baby that's it, here comes Daddy...Aaaannnggghh!"

Teagan had let Katie's orgasm slowly die down one level at a time in an extended form of intense afterglow, her young mind and body still buzzing so thoroughly with pleasure that she could barely feel her father's droplets of warm seed spilling into her colon. She merely grinned down at the femboy sticking his fingers in her wet young mouth and prying her cheeks apart in different ways, warming his fingers with her breath as she gazed down at him in a stupor and her tongue writhed around his digits. The femboy slowly pulled her off of his cock and let his cum dump out onto the pavement as Hank pulled his daughter aside and the mountain lioness crouched above Teagan next, pulling off the rest of her clothes and sliding her hands up his flat chest to squeeze his thin pecs. "My God, you're still as hard as if you'd never came!" Helen exclaimed, sliding the femboy's cock into her pussy and squatting low onto him with a pleased moan. "Nnnff! So smooth and slick too...Katie really lubed you up, didn't she?"

"Looks like your little Samantha's doing the same for her daddy over there," Teagan remarked, reaching up to fondle the feline's firm round breasts while she began riding his long wet cock. She stroked the femboy's hair as he sat up to suck on her nipple, swirling his tongue all over her sensitive breast and squeezing it in his hand as the MILF bounced her slippery pussy up and down along his veiny deer shaft. "Watching all of this must have gotten you all hot and bothered down there...shit, you're just as wet as Katie was. Are you a squirter?" The femboy looked up at her with curiosity, sucking firmly on each of her nipples while he began thrusting up into her vaginal canal. "Even if you're not, don't worry; I'd gladly take a nice steady stream all over me instead."

"Dirty boy," Helen said down to the deer, hooking her finger over his bottom lip and watching him pant as he felt her smooth walls milk his twitching length. "Good thing I didn't stop to use the bathroom before all of this...and I've been needing to for a while now, so don't expect me to hold anything back from you."

While Sal was concentrating on humping Josh from below nearby, Hank slowly recovered his breath while his wet cockshaft remained semi-hard and his wife and daughter knelt in front of Josh to tease the groaning mouse boy's prick with their tongues. "Nothing like cumming in your baby girl's asshole, is there Hank?" Sal asked the man standing next to him. The deer boy leaned over and stroked Hank's half-hard length, spreading his cum along the veiny surface and taking it in his mouth to taste Katie's sweet anal flavor doused with the man's sperm. "Mmmhh...You've got a nice cock," Sal complimented the shy mouse, kissing down the thick length and sucking on one of his balls tenderly. "Your son has a nice asshole too, you know that? I'm making him my bitch right now. How you felt in your daughter, that's how I'm gonna feel in him before long." Sal collected some of Hank's cum on his fingers and stuck them into Josh's mouth, the young boy gasping in immediate disgust but soon feeling overcome by the masculine pheromones and saltiness making his head spin.

"That's...very good, Sal," Hank said, running his fingers through the deer boy's short brown hair as he watched the male cervine deepthroat his cock back to its former stiffness. The mouse felt a sense of relief as he grew more accustomed to his lewd surroundings, finally neglecting to care that their family orgy was being watched by dozens of spectators in the public square or that his son was being fucked by a stranger. "I hope you're teaching my boy a lesson with that cock. He's been needing someone to put him in his place for a while."

Brenda coaxed her sex-crazed preteen daughter to stand in between her and Josh, steadying Katie's hips as she crouched and bent forward slightly to rest her hands atop her little brother's head. "Now Josh, let's go ahead and get your sister nice and cleaned up," the boy's mother instructed him as she pulled her daughter's butt cheeks apart, licking the gooey trail of her husband's seed spilling down the girl's thigh before following the source to her stretched young asshole. The girl squeaked as her mother slurped her dad's cum noisily out of her rear end, leaning forward to press her open creampied pussy against Josh's face. Josh didn't have time to react as his mouth opened in surprise, catching a blob of Teagan's sperm in the back of his throat as it splashed forward right out of his sister's open hole.

The boy screamed in protest while his sister held him firmly there, Katie looking down affectionately at her brother as she practically suffocated him in her pussy leaking the femboy's thick cumload onto his tongue. "Ehhehe, I think he likes how it tastes Mommy," Katie said, her cognitive abilities returning nearly to normal from the several-minute orgasm she'd recently endured. The eleven-year-old began grinding her naked hips back and forth between their mouths as cum leaked out into them, her naked hips moving sensually as she grabbed onto her brother's ear with one hand and reached around to grope her mom's dark-brown hair with the other. "Uwaah Mommy, both of you are making me feel good again!" the girl cried, her toes curling in her socks and sneakers as her naked body moved to the rhythm of her arousal. "I feel like I'm going to pee!" she squeaked.

Josh couldn't help anything as his sister's deflowered cunt began trickling a small amount of urine into his maw, bringing the boy to tears for the umpteenth time that day while Sal held him in place with his hand gripping forcibly underneath his jawline. "Are you bitching out again for real?" the teen deer asked the mouse boy sternly, grabbing Hank's cock and aiming it toward his own mouth. "Watch this, I don't cry when somebody pees in my mouth." Hank blinked in surprise as his body practically began urinating without his own consent, the man holding onto Sal's antlers as a steady stream of piss splashed down the back of the boy's throat. Sal gulped it down as it came and halfway through he aimed it at Josh's face, his father's pee ricocheting off of his cheek and forming a small puddle on the ground.

Samantha burst out laughing and pointed at the sight, her legs spread wide and her ass held up high on all fours while her father dined messily on her taint. The muscular mountain lion had stripped naked and was vigorously sucking Sal's thick deer cum out of his young daughter's smooth pink cunt, sucking on her folds and gulping down the sticky batch of sperm before licking wetly up across her tight asshole. "Samantha, what did I just say about being nice to Sal?" her father warned her sternly before kneeling behind her, pressing the tip of his thick veiny cock into her slick pussy as his jaw dropped. "You can't...NNNFUCK!...You can't be mean to a boy just because he likes you."

Helen beheld her husband mounting her daughter nearby and grew more aroused as she felt Teagan's balls smack her wet taint with each thrust, her pussy gushing with arousal as she neared her climax faster than she could ever recall doing with any man prior. "Don't scold a girl just because she's entertained, Mike honey," the mountain lioness told him, biting her lower lip as Teagan rubbed her clit swiftly and her approaching climax made her spread thighs feel like they were beginning to glow. "Oh God, oh here it comes!" Her eyes rolled heavenward as the best orgasm of her entire life ran through her body, and her husband blinked in surprise while watching his wife cry out in bliss with a look of bamboozled pleasure on her face. "OOOOHHH FUCK! Yes, yes, mmmmmmNNNNNN!" She began squealing loud and high as a few pedestrians glanced in her direction, her hips rocking with vigor as her pussy began spraying all over the femboy's bare chest.

Teagan smiled as the MILF feline began peeing on him during her orgasm, her tongue hanging out as he groped her bouncing breasts. "Ever seen her cum like this, Mike?" the femboy asked her husband as he felt his own climax approaching, his hips slamming faster up into her smooth soaking wet fuck-tunnel while she made noises as if she'd suffered a head injury. "Ever made her cum like this? Didn't think so, takes practice buddy...NYAAAGH!" The femboy let out a girly cry with continued effeminate moans of release as he emptied his balls up into the woman's womb, frantically grabbing her big bouncy breasts while she enjoyed her sustained orgasm along with the warmth of the boy's seed gushing up into her and painting her walls white.

"Teagan really is amazing at cumming, but I bet Sal's just as good," Katie said as she squatted down lower and her mother pulled her face away from the young girl's asshole. The mouse rubbed her brother's bare cock around her stretched wet vaginal opening before slipping it easily inside, Josh's hard young dick nearly slipping right back out as she began bouncing up and down on him and sucking on his nipples. "Mmm, I bet he's gonna fill you up so good it'll make you cum in me next, little brother."

Josh squeaked in protest as Sal held the boy's skinny young arms back with his wrists and grunted from exertion, pounding his hips up swiftly with loud smacks into the little rodent's asshole. The deer nearly bit his tongue from the sensation of Josh's tight asshole milking his cock, and the feeling of the deer's thick meaty dick pounding his prostate sent him over the edge as splashes of warm deer seed gushed into his colon. "Wuuuaaaaaahhh!" The mouse boy easily came into his sister's soaking wet pussy as Teagan's cum still leaked down around his young ejaculating cock, Katie sucking with soft groans of encouragement on her little brother's nipples while his cum blasted past her young cervix.

"Now whose pussy do I want next, Brenda's or Samantha's?" Teagan asked his brother as Helen slowly stood from his cock in the numbing satisfaction of her afterglow, the last few trickles of her long stream of piss dripping down onto the femboy's doused torso. "Brenda's been waiting so patiently, but I can tell from the look on Mike's face that his little girl's pussy feels amazing."

"Idunno," Sal said as he pulled Josh up by his armpits and set the boy aside, the mouse on all fours with his cheek resting on the ground and his ass in the air as his older sister grabbed his butt cheeks and began tossing warm deer cum around in his sore anal cavity with her tongue. "I've already had Samantha, even though I'd gladly take her again after you're done with her."

"Now just a minute," Brenda said as she motioned for Katie to move aside. "Before any of you strapping young boys fuck me, I've got to teach this little runt a lesson." Her hand smacked down on her son's butt raising high into the air, and she firmly grabbed the base of his tail to keep him from moving anywhere as her palm smacked his bare buttocks until she left red hand prints on both of them, the boy wailing in protest all the way while Samantha couldn't stop her giggling. "You've been embarrassing your father and I all day!" the boy's mother exclaimed in between loud smacks on his bottom and his feeble cries of pain, yet he kept his rump raised obediently via Teagan's mental instruction. "You've been a very bad boy, Josh!" The mouse boy was running out of tears as pedestrians smirked down at him getting spanked by his mother, the last of his pride ruined for good on arguably the most traumatic day of his life. "You hear me?" his mother barked, spanking him firmly a few more times. "You need to work on your attitude, it stinks like shit! You need to be more grateful and treat your elders with respect! Stop whining all of the goddamn time, or at least keep your complainy-hole plugged with enough different cocks that I don't hear another fucking word of it! You understand, young man?"

The boy sat up when his mother had finished and nodded meekly, then looked up at his preteen sister through his tears. Katie grinned down at him in her remaining sex-driven state of imbecility, a thick white blob of Sal's cum lining her teeth as she spat the bolus of deer semen into her little brother's open mouth before giving him a gooey kiss. Josh whined into her throat full of cum she'd sucked from his asshole as he watched Teagan stand in the corner of his eye and walk over to Samantha getting her pussy pounded by her dad's hard dick. "Hi, my name's Teagan," the femboy said as he sat in front of the girl, scratching behind her ears as the young blonde quickly took the femboy's cock into her mouth without a word and looked up at him, the flavor of her mother's pussy juice and piss covering his smooth long dick. "You must be Samantha, I'm gonna fuck you now. Go ahead and make some room Mike, there's a good boy."

The blonde mountain lioness slid her hips up as her father pulled his cock out of her wet taint, and she crawled atop Teagan to press his wet cock into her young pussy before she began making out with him hungrily. Mike's cock still throbbed as he pressed his cocktip into his daughter's tight wet asshole, the man groaning as he wrapped his arms around her skinny torso from behind still clad in her light blue tank top while she sucked on the femboy's tongue with low growls of insatiable lust. Sal decided to mount Brenda doggystyle from behind as Hank walked up behind the deer boy, giving his smooth bare buttocks a few firm smacks before sliding his thick cock into the teenager's waiting asshole. Sal yelped into Brenda's mouth as her husband's cock opened him up, the deer boy watching as Helen sat down not far away to start sucking cum out of each of the mouse siblings' holes before she made out with them both. The mountain lioness made eye contact with Sal as her tongue explored Katie's young mouth, trading Josh's cumload back and forth from his sister's tongue before she slurped more of Sal's cum out of the boy's asshole and held Josh's jaw open with her strong grip to slowly drool a blob of deer cum down into the back of the wailing young mouse boy's throat, his sister's tail swishing as she watched excitedly and plugged his nose so that he'd eventually need to swallow in order to breathe again. Helen laughed along with Katie and kissed the young girl wetly again, the females rubbing each other's pussies as the mountain lioness continued staring at Sal like a piece of meat as he was indeed her next target for a rough fucking.

The two cervine brothers further enjoyed their time after that, the midday sun soon turning to afternoon as the day went on and they all continued fucking in various combinations to their heart's content. A while later the boys were finished with the two families, each of everyone's holes having been filled with cum at least once, and they waved them goodbye before strolling off happily. The rest of that afternoon Sal and Teagan both spent their time picking out the best outfits, accessories and other commodities that money could buy - which, of course, they didn't have to. After picking out a few nice cars they wanted to import (only via the fastest shipment methods possible, of course) the boys decided to have dinner at their parents' house again for old times' sake, the occasion enjoyable enough since it was no longer mandatory for them.

Monday after a joyous debauch of a school day, Teagan finally returned the arrowhead amulet to his older brother as a symbol of his trust. In the end Sal had no problem sharing the amulet with his brother, since the boys both knew that endless materialistic and sexual gratification would never truly fill their hearts. They had each other, and with or without the world bowing cluelessly before them they somehow each knew that was all they needed.


"Where are they going now?" a deep and eerie modified voice asked over the phone, the shadowy figure sitting in the car watching through his aviator sunglasses as two naked teenage deer boys skipped jubilantly down the sidewalk making as much noise as they pleased.

"Headed back to their car, looks like," the figure said into the phone, observing the unsuspecting pair from the shadows. "Doesn't look like I'll have a chance to grab it now, though."

"I don't care when it happens, as long as it happens soon," the voice said, maintaining its calm yet foreboding tone. "If the Talisman of Dominion truly has re-appeared, then we can't let it fall into the wrong hands again."

"Don't worry," said the man as he leaned forward to watch the boys round the corner at the edge of the street. "I have a feeling these two idiots will let their guard down sooner or later."

"Just get it done." The other end of the line clicked, and the man in the car hung up before setting his phone down and staring at his reflection in the rearview mirror.

"I'll get it done, you greedy asshole," the reptile said in a quieter tone of voice, pulling the car onto the street and driving off. The green-scaled lizard glanced at the picture in the locket of his wife and son hanging from the rearview mirror, turning on the radio and pulling onto a road heading for the interstate not far away. "And when I do, you'd better give me what's mine or you're gonna pay." The lizard honked at the slow-moving car in front of him and scoffed in disgust, then pointed his hand in a gun shape and jerked his wrist back as if he'd actually fired a bullet. The car in front of him suddenly veered off of the road into the ditch, flipping several times before landing upside-down as the reptile turned up his music and pulled onto the highway. "Gonna pay with your fucking life."