Booga Tries Out Motorcycling(Not Really)

Story by The Bloody Seje on SoFurry

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#26 of Just a Series of Things

I will admit, this will definitely go down as one of my weaker stories, but I wanted to give Booga a little more love. Someone on FA requested that I try some more with him as a whole, and I was inspired to pump this out. Granted, there was supposed to be a whole chase scene at one point, but with my limited time available to be spent writing, having a general plot is harder work than it was then when I had no internet.

So have fun with this bit.

CW: Heavy-Unwashed Musk Play

"Sheesh girl, yer killin' me here...*CLANG* more...*CLANG*...shit! Fuck this..."

A rusty tank out in the middle of a somewhat arid interstate rumbled a bit before the hatch at the top burst open, a pair of large feet suited up with equally long shoes hanging out in the air before pulling back and allowing their owner to come out to see the sights.

Booga came to sit at the rim of the opening to nurse his ankles, having nearly fractured them trying to get out of his tank. Definitely gonna start propping it up late at night so he didn't have to keep hurting himself. Can't risk damaging his footies either-they don't make something for his specific foot textures anymore.

The 'roo dug into his pocket for a cig, coming up with a pack with four left and plucking one out before depositing things back where they were and lighting the flammable end after sticking the butt in his mouth. Oh cigarettes, the easiest way to say you dine on more ass than a toilet seat can endure. He let out a puff before fishing his phone out of his pocket and checking for messages.

No new texts from any strangers nor any missed calls from accidental buttdialing. The amount of people that actually slip their fingers around the last digit of his number is more shocking than you'd think. However, that was just the "junk" of this situation. Booga had two texts from his boss, one to remind him that he had a job today and another to tell him what that job is in case something happens on the way that prevents him from coming to their spot in person.

Pick-up Job: 7650 Lawrence BLVD; Tenant's Holding His Dues From Us; Take every penny and whatever you find of use; Don't leave a mess

With that in mind, Booga ducked back into his tank and got his hat on before hopping off and making his way to the street ahead. The sun felt like it was projecting fire directly on Booga, but his hat kept his head from being deep-fried like a turkey being cooked for Thanksgiving at a truck stop's diner. One would think a mutant with enough strength to push his tank around whenever it died on him on the road can resist the heat, but here was Booga with sweat stains in his pits.

Then again, there was already an old layer present so the effect of a smell emanating from there was inevitable.

A street sign was across the street with a little bit of shade, so he gunned for that after barely getting to it with the sweltering asphalt in the way. Once he was sure that, as time passes while he stood there, he was in the way of the shade for the long run so he didn't start getting the back of his neck cooked, Booga stuck his thumb out to hitch a ride from any newcomers to the city.

This was the daily ritual, as his tank was long out of commission and wouldn't be running without a cleaning that'd take a week and a half on account of him needing to use the bathroom inside with barely any heat to soak in during winter. Not to mention the rust of age claiming most of its important motors and tracks, leaving it more like a monument of a different time in the wrong era.

Though today, its usefulness was going to be proven.

After about the fifth car that couldn't even begin to trust his honest need for traveling into the city from the smoldering interstate drove past without slowing down, Booga's head snapped to the humid horizon to his left. He had heard the *zrrrrrr* of a motorcycle and it sounded like it was gonna close in at any minute. However, Booga still wanted to test his luck and dared to keep his thumb out, just in time to catch a zooming vehicle looking ready to fling dust at him.

But color him surprised when the cyclist slowed down a little and turned over to his end.

He couldn't make out what they were before they got up in front of him, but he knew for a fact that they were burly and packing muscle under than leather get-up. When they did stop, they flicked their kerchief down from their face to speak over their motor.

"You got a place I can hide? Got a dumbass after me that I can't shake off. Help me out, I'll help you out." Before Booga could ask who this supposed 'dumbass' was, the two of them heard police sirens from where the biker came from and they cursed under their breath before insisting a bit harder. "C'mon, I don't do jail time. A guy like me would probably end up getting stabbed in the back."

Reasonably, it was rather suicidal to help a potential criminal that probably needed to be arrested, but Booga's heard a lot about cops chasing after bikers than even dare go half a mile above the speed limits implemented solely to catch them-or at least that's what some told Booga from diners within the city that folks like this guy go to. But hey, the benefit of the doubt was winning. Maybe he would get a ride later.

"A'ight, see that there tank?" The biker turned over to it for a brief moment and nodded when their eyes fell back on Booga. "Head b'hind there an' kill yer engine. Should be big enough t' hide ya an' yer bike 'til yer sure they're outta yer hair."

"Let's do it." The biker zoomed off-road, being careful not to make too much noise or traction on the dirt lest they kick up too much dust to fool the cop after them. Booga went ahead and situated himself back at the sign so he didn't look suspicious of aiding the 'enemy' here, just in time for a patrol car to come zooming down the road. The 'roo hadn't the faintest clue why, but his heart was racing, and a few memories of the old days started coming up from this scenario in particular.

But it all went away as the vehicle didn't slow down for a beat and proceeded onward assuming the biker had somehow transcended time and space but still went into the city.

Booga smirked and waited until he couldn't even see the blaring lights in the distance before casually meandering his way across the road again. Once he got to his tank, he climbed on top of it and looked towards the back end where the biker had went ahead and gotten a cigar out to puff on. "All clear."

"Thanks, I guess." They sucked in slowly, then a plume of smoke ejected from their nose and mouth before they turned to Booga and pulled their helmet off. A snow leopard, as the winter-themed fur was no mistake, nor the feline facial structure. But they weren't picture perfect-if the standards for it involved having no scarring over an eye that left the iris grayed out.

"So since I scratched yer back, think ya can scratch mine? Gotta head int' th' city an' make me ah quick buck fer ah quick bite." The leopard continued to smoke, seemingly having an interest to the vast acres of dirtland from around the tank that was left alone since it was arid like everything else. "Uh...ya get that?"

The feline puffed out a little more and waved a hand dismissively at Booga. "Yeah yeah, give it a bit. Cop'll probably come back and then we'll go."

Waiting? Booga wasn't sure if his boss would like a delay to the 'roo's schedule on things; granted, it didn't truly matter when the job got done-provided it was done in a week at best-but so long as no empty promises were made in ensuring the boss that it would be finished. Even now, he felt his phone buzz and instill a sense of anxiety to the thought of sitting here waiting like a pair of convicts fresh out of prison without officiated freedom for the cops to call off the dogs they sent after them. Though, he didn't want to leave his employer in the dark and swiftly procured the device to tell them about his ride situation.

Right away, he got a message back saying "Make sure it gets done", and despite it granting Booga the freedom he needed to not worry, it felt like there was a more dire finality to it. Oh well, he did not want the cat asking so he just hauled his way back into his tank since he was getting baked like a cake out in this god awful heat.

Despite the sun, Booga flicked a light on within, showing off ages of old clothes-some not even his own-fast food wrappers, beer bottles and cans, and some odd trinkets flanking the ladder's base. Usually the marsupial kicked his shoes off and plopped down on the bed to sleep, but since it was smoldering inside the tank with the hatch being the only form of ventilation, a nap was out of the question. Booga sat down and just...stared at the garbage and whatnot hauled off to the side in bags that he might have to replace soon.

It took maybe about six to seven minutes of debating if Booga should go for broke and take a nap anyway before he heard the snow leopard-the 'roo had not heard anyone else come up since coming inside so it made sense-make their way up to the hatch. They didn't even look in all the way before recoiling.

"God, dude ...what is that?" Booga held back from laughing at the feline's weak nose. The 'roo did not mind for a second that his general hygiene left him smelling like he frequented the gym from opening to closing hours without even hitting the showers. At least he didn't smell like the kind of guy you find in trailer parks without the slightest inkling of cleanliness.

"Just au naturale doin' its thing. Got a problem with it?" Not like they had to come in, but it looks like they too weren't having it with the sun outside, since they came climbing down to get out of the rays.

"I'll live." The snow leopard seemed to be a lot worse off than Booga, because the marsupial got a nice show of the feline stripping out of their jacket and pants like they just climbed out of their attic and into their bedroom to sleep-they weren't wearing anything else but underwear soaked to the bone in sweat. The unnamed biker situated themselves onto Booga's mattress like a house guest afraid to ask for some blankets for the night, smoking that cig like it was a pipe.

After about a minute of looking at their ruffled fur matted down from extensive time spent weighed down by soggy clothes, Booga broke the ice. "So....what's th' fuzz on yer ass about?"

"Fuck all. Wasn't even going over the limit and before I knew it I had a bogey. Fuck tried sidewinding me off the road so I knew I didn't have any reason to pull over."

Damn, a crooked cop. Good thing they were dumber than a bag of rocks, or both of them would be in the back of their car. "Shit, sounds like ya dodged a real set o' bullets runnin' across me."

"Guess so."

"'Guess so'?"

"Okay, maybe you were a big help. Don't rub it in. Probably woulda drove to your tank had you not pointed it out sooner."

"Eh, I'll take that." Booga wasn't much to gloat even when opportunity struck, but it seems the cat wasn't particularly fond of braggarts so the 'roo desisted from continuing to point out about his life-saving assistance.

A strange tingling at his lips made him stroke at his muzzle, but when he bumped into his cigarette, he felt a bunch of ashes settle onto his chest and got him to cough up the smoke he did not know what harboring itself inside of his lungs. Once he got the butt out of his mouth and swiped the ashes to the floor, his throat seemed to calm from bottling up those agitating clouds, much to the snow leopard's amusement as Booga noticed them smirking.

"Sum'n funny t'ya?" Booga found his hat on the floor and put it back on.

"Didn't think you couldn't handle a smoke."

"Oh shut up. Fergot t' give it a tap b'fore I laid down."

"Riiiiiight, right." The 'roo could tell they didn't believe him, but he didn't let that get to him; instead, he took the time to stretch his legs out and inadvertently present his footies at the feline. Right away, they noticed the dual-toed texture at the tips and quirked an eyebrow. "Th' fuck kinda feet you got?"

"Kangaroo feet. What else is there?" Booga had huge feet, don't get it twisted. Him being mutated didn't fix that his stompers would cover two whole heads if he so pleased for it.

"Don't be rubbing your dirty clown feet on me then."

"A'ight, I'll take 'em off." Before Booga would hear any objections, he hauled his legs towards his own head and flicked his footsies off only to carefully let them down on the floor. Of course he didn't really wear socks.

Unless you counted that tattered pair of a monstrosity socks.

Once Booga reassumed his lounging position, the feline made a noise of contempt, to which the 'roo peeked and saw them covering their nose.

"It's not that bad, man."

"You're literally blashting me with it. Come on."

"There's always outside." The feline did not like that answer, so they just turned away for a moment. But before Booga could just lay back down and relax while they waited, the leopard clicked their tongue and made an 'I'm done with this' gesture.

"Fuck it, but I'm not letting you rub your feet on me." Their solution was to just sit closer to the 'head' of the bed, which unintentionally gave Booga the view of the cat's butt from their underwear. Besides the obvious sweat stains from being trapped in leather, they were quite bubbly for someone that looked like a mercenary; plump and straining against the material to the point where the leopard had the makings of a wedgie to define those cheeks in the crevice better.

Booga did not get to stare for long before a quick glance to check if he was being watched was met with a pair of mismatched eyes. Instead of panicking and trying to seem innocent, he just shrugged and briefly looked back at that rump before looking to the ceiling. "Nice ass."

"If you like it so much, take a picture and nut over that."

Not the response Booga expected but he will take it. "What's stoppin' me from havin' th' pic an' th' source?"

"Th' fact that you smell like you roll around in gym clothes like a raccoon gone dumpster diving?"

"Hey now! I only do divin' like that if I gotta get somethin' that fell in. I still clean off-I don't like smellin' like hot garbage either."

"Then what'd'ya call this then?" The snow leopard gestured to the 'roo's entire being, so Booga shrugged.


"It's the middle of summer transitioning into fall-ain't even off-season yet."

"Yet. Key word there. Might as well get a head start."

"You're gross..." Though it seemed that having their chat veer off from what started it did not sit well with the feline, for they transitioned from looking ready to get up to sitting on Booga's stomach in a squat. Just enough pressure to keep the 'roo down but not inhibit his breathing....

This wasn't the cat's first rodeo.

"Sit in sum'n' funny-feelin'?" Mind you, the kangaroo didn't mind this one bit but it was a rather left-field move that he needed answers for regardless.

"Shut it. I don't know when that cop'll head back on their patrol, and I'm not gonna sit here and let you talk about my ass like it wouldn't be something you nut your pants about. So we'll just pass the time until I can leave with something." That logic was all over the place-what kind of partner just has sex because someone casually complimented an asset of theirs-but whatever got things rolling somewhere that Booga can enjoy. And he sure got to enjoy watching the snow leopard-whose name he still didn't know at this point-flicked a claw out and slit the seams of their underwear apart until it looked like they were wearing the pockets of some daisy dukes for decency.

"Well hell, I'm always down t' fuck if that's all ya wanted t' do. No skin off mah hide." Having such a big partner was quite the change from the usual twunk or someone between that and twink, and Booga showed just how much he liked it with a steady tent downstairs.

That was swiftly ignored by the leopard hauling that ass up to his face.

"Don't play with me. Just because you're goin' in raw doesn't mean you're going on dry. Lick up." This wasn't any different from Booga simply hacking a loogie onto his own dick for lubricant, but he didn't get to suggest simply letting him do just that as the feline plopped down on his mouth before he could even get a word in.

Strong was an understatement for what the cat's ass smelled like.

It was like diving into Booga's own laundry pile and seeing which pair of underwear smelled the least like a whole gym locker room and coming up short; every follicle of fur just held the scent and it bombarded the 'roo immediately. His erection strained almost painfully in his own underwear as he finally got to work, sparing the leopard any hesitation and licking straight over that pucker nestled at their tail base. Hmmm....not bad. Normally Booga expects a biker to taste like...

Well, taste like literal shit.

But a clean one that just sweated so much that they only really showered to get everything but musk off of their own hide was a good one in Booga's book. His tongue went from experimenting with how firm the brushes across that pucker should be to diving straight in to dump as much spit inside as possible. Whatever dripped out was licked into that asscrack before Booga pumped more inside to compensate for the losses. And when he was sure another dose would leave him parched, he moved to just thrusting in there for the hell of it.

Bonus of being a mutant kangaroo instead of a normal one was not usually following anatomical rules for one's kind. Instead of a small little *blep* that would accompany the marsupial's oral cavity, Booga's thick muscle pushed right past that eased ring of flesh to stake a preemptive claim on this butt. The snow leopard was caught off guard from the sounds of things above, so the 'roo dug as deep as he could go and smirked as he made their dick jump to life.

Found the sweet spot.

Before he could try to deduce the best way to act like he was going to hit it some more and tease the feline at the last second, they removed themselves from his face and let him smell tainted air. Mostly tainted-their balls hadn't been on his nose for long yet still dripped sweat into his nostrils.

"Leavin' so soon?" Booga noticed them backing up to straddle his hips instead of his skull.

"You did your job, don't act like this is gonna be often." So much for everything staying mutual, but Booga didn't gripe once the feline began to effortlessly sink down the length of his dick and growl from hilting it all in one go. The 'roo groaned in complete euphoria, for it's been a while since he last fucked a genuine ass and not a warm collection of socks watered down from a faucet.

"A-at leas' warn me when y-yer gonna be hoppin' up an-"

"Can it." The snow leopard was not keen on giving Booga much to work with, and it showed when they gripped the marsupial's wrists and pinned them over his head while they worked their hips to a rhythmic bounce. Firm from the strength in their butt yet still brisk enough to leave a ripple in that snowy fur with each impact. It was not long before the sounds of *clap clap clap clap clap clap* filled the tank's interior and Booga was just nothing but moans of bliss and the cat grunts of exertion.

"F-fuck maaaaan...don't ride me too hard...I still gotta do stuff today..." Booga began to notice amidst the pleasure of fresh yet not-so-innocent musky ass pogo'ing his lap like an expert, there was a faint sting that resonated throughout his lower body like a bee sting. And those hurt.

"Don't worry....hahah....about it..." The feline was clearly working to something of their best ability in using Booga's hips like a springboard to practice on, so the 'roo wasn't buying their dismissive tone. But he had something to worry about now.

They both shot precum at the same time.

The rope went in deep just as the leopard sank down on his lap, leaving Booga to grit his teeth from the rush while also keeping his eyes closed until he was sure the cat didn't shoot him in the eye like he was a target at a carnie game. Though once the sensations passed, it was back to business.

Being held down this time around was a lot more exhilarating than Booga took it for; it was usually used for all the wrong reasons, but knowing that he was catching a nice helping of ass in exchange for not being able to spank it with his own hands was better than thinking this whole thing was some diabolical specimen breeding plot straight out of a comic book about super soldiers. Though, as the feline started looming over his musky face and chuffing air at his eyes, Booga was starting to wonder if they were actually trying to do something like that....

Nah, this was a basic world. Not that dystopian wasteland Booga came from.

Time went on and neither of them were showing much sign of letting loose besides the stray precum strands from both ends here and there. Booga had to commend himself for not having given up a few minutes back because oh boy did not getting some tail or jerking off prior to having his face swamped with cat booty and having said butt ride him like he was a bull hit some buttons. Though it seemed that a little detail went over Booga's head in the middle of him nonchalantly holding back from busting a nut in that feline's ass.

The snow leopard was starting to huff the air like one smelled pie.

Before the 'roo could ask, they were ahead of him in providing context. "Gimme a gag..."

"I don't have a gag per se....but..." Being the playful smelly that he was, Booga nudged his legs closer until his underwear was down to his ankles, kicking them off to a toe before swinging his leg around behind the feline. It took a short bit, considering that they were still trying to ride while biting back any additional noises, but eventually they caught wind of the waving 'flag' that Booga was suggesting and they groaned in exasperation rather than bliss.


"It's either that 'r a sock, an' I dunno if yer equipped t' handle 'em. I nut in 'em." What can he say, socks were his best friend with so little he can wear on his feet besides his worn-out footies. Booga held back a smug look as the leopard yielded from being stubborn and swiped the underwear, visibly grimacing from the sweat stains present-and few greasy ones-before balling it up like paper and cramming it in their mouth. Immediately they shuddered, for Booga could feel it from around his cock, but continued with their rapid bouncing as if nothing happened.

The kangaroo will have to ask why they wanted to be gagged so late into a fuck, but until he can bust a move for that, he will just enjoy the return of the rising pressure to climax that he was nearing. Didn't help that his sweaty undies seemed to be adding more to the table than muffling any noise the leopard made, and had them spurting precum out like they've had blue balls for over a month. So much for them hating the smell of Booga's place.

The butt slamming transpired for what felt like an hour before the leopard came down to cum; their ass were pillows even after such a raw delivery of flinch-inducing impacts with Booga's hips, so the 'roo had no quarry with having them rest on his somewhat sore lap to let loose all over his chest. Unfortunately, the load only got as far as Booga's chin before it was over, but most of it was laid out over his body like bacon stripes over a pan-wide layout.

Thankfully, one last squeeze was what got him to blow inside of the leopard before they could pull off, Booga pumping out grease-runny seed inside of that butt until it oozed past his dick like excessive cream out of a tube. Hell, he even groaned from the intensity of this nut show, but came to relax before he gave himself a charlie horse.

Only to look up-Booga shuts his eyes when he cums-from his afterglow to see the leopard had moved from hanging over his lap to being bent over by the foot of the bed.

They didn't make a peep, but once they noticed that Booga saw them in this position, their tail went up and the 'roo was able to see that leaking pucker he just stretched out. Not one to leave someone hanging, he got up in the blink of an eye and set himself over the feline. He was expecting them to grab his wrists again so he had to follow their lead, but they didn't move a muscle to stop him from gripping their chest for leverage nor made any noise of objection when the kangaroo decided to go in deep in one thrust.

Taking charge, Booga showed the biker exactly what they were missing out on when they wanted to play the lead; his hips worked that ass like bread being kneaded by an angry baker, his feet stayed steady to drive forward, and his balls were slapping into theirs. It's been a while since he fucked some tail with abandoned-last time, he was piss drunk and didn't even get to cum before they were gone and he was out cold-so he was going to fucking use it to his full advantage. The leopard didn't even mind, going as far as exposing their neck at Booga when he ducked in to huff some breath on their air from a thrust that made his legs burn in effort, and moaning quietly when he took the time to actually regard them being submissive.

So this was the tough guy with monocular vision at their lowest; always ready to control the pace of things at the first round, but when he gets shut up he's as docile and compliant as a highly trained service dog.

It sounded like this was their favorite position too, because Booga doesn't huff like he was jogging on a track field under the baking sun, nor does he whimper whenever one hits his sweet spot like a battering ram. The marsupial's teeth let go of that neck in favor of just nibbling on one of their ears.

Booga barely had time to truly experience having that ass for himself to fuck as he pleased before he was nutting again, letting out a shout that turned into a relaxing groan that one would utter from a very relieving piss as another wad of ropes painted those walls and pooled within that gut if it made it far enough. As the 'roo rested, he noticed the leopard was trying to slip their fingers under his so that they were laced together.

Aww, ain't that sweet? They want him to keep going.

So that's what he did, content with just pounding those cheeks until the cat wanted him to stop. That patrolling cop was long forgotten at this point, and worrying about it wasn't going to allow Booga to dump his nut inside this biker. Sure he didn't have their name yet, but he'll think of something besides 'Kitten' before he spends all day ruining that hole.

After all, they got a job to do, and the cat has an ass to lick later. Feels like someone pouring hot water down his asscrack.

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