Pokephilia Story - A Funeral Lucario's Consoling Session (Kiara's Story P.2)

Story by JCSolis01 on SoFurry

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#8 of Pokephilia Story (OLD)

After losing her Mother to cancer, Kiara is faced with grief and despair as her Lucario partner, Lance, tries his best to console her. But when her father, Hank, delves into alcoholism, she is greeted with a growing tragedy that she and Lance must desperately try to veer and avoid.

Pokemon is Copyright © of Game Freak, Creatures Inc., and The Pokemon Company.

I do not intend to infringe on copyrights, and this work is purely fanfiction

Pokephilia Story

A Funeral Lucario's Consoling Session (Kiara's Story P. 2)

By J.C. Solis

Another funeral, another life, another day of mourning. And this time, it was Kiara who was in the throes of grief. Lance cuddled with her as he tried to keep her spirits up,but the young beauty could not hold back her tears.

Kiara's mother had lost her battle with Stage Four Breast Cancer, leaving her widower husband Hank in mourning while the family was in tears, with Kiara and and her youngest sibling Rebecca crying the most. It has been three months since the death of Justin's grandfather, Pastor Apolinar Solis, and already the group of friends and Pokephiles had to deal with one of them losing another loved one. Sariah, wearing a black dress and veil, came over to Kiara and hugged her good and strong. Since both of her parents were still alive she couldn't empathize completely, but she did understand what Kiara was going through. Justin, who did lose someone really precious to him, came over and hugged Kiara as well. The two understood what it meant to mourn, and it was that connection that Justin was able to soothe her better than Lance was. Jason, Razor, Lillia, and Camilla came over to consol Kiara, as well as her sisters, and the sisters, four in total, thanked them for their sympathy.

Pastor Christian Solis was giving the eulogy in memory of Luann "Mama" Strideworth, the mother of Kiara and wife of Hank. He began with how well loved in the community, and how she became so beloved to earn the nickname of "Mama" Strideworth.

Luann was a kindly woman, and was very sweet and gentle to everyone she came up to. She worked as the Head of the Lakeshire Town's preschool, and was said to charm and calm even the rowdiest of problem children. She was a not a follower of the ideal of "Spare the rod and you'll Spoil the child", though she would find other manners of discipline that were sure to teach the intended lesson without the use of pins or sticks. The child would often, later in their childhood, come to visit "Mama" Luann and greet her, sometimes bringing treats and other small gifts to the dear lady who taught them so well. Even the teachers of the grades following Preschool were grateful to Luann for turning the children into more manageable students.

About six months ago, three months before the death of Pastor Apolinar, she developed Breast Cancer and was now undergoing Chemotherapy and other treatments for her malady. But sadly, her condition worsened and was soon hospitalized. About one month before her death, the cancer had spread to her brain and put her in a coma, and at this point everyone knew she had not long for this world. Kiara and her family grew increasingly depressed as the month passed by and her mother got worse, and feeling so powerless as to being able to help her in any way. Lance tried to soothe her using his aura powers and would ask her to join him in meditation sessions, hoping that that would ease her a bit more. Yet grief is a domineering emotion, and it would not let her go.

Of course, having sex with Lance would bring her, if only temporarily, out of her state. But after a while she refused to continue as her grief mounted over the days of Mama Luann's death. Lance would try all he could to try and raise Kiara's spirits, but being a serious chap himself, he often failed to convey a sillier side,awkwardly failing due to it not being his personality. But at least he managed to give warm hugs and cuddles.. At the end of Pastor Solis' eulogy, the townsfolk got in line to say their condolences to Kiara and her father, Hank.

Hank Strideworth was a no nonsense and serious man. Once a former fighting type gym leader, his discipline and looks--and the fact that he was a Fifteenth Dan Black Belt--gave him much respect from others. Being more than six feet tall, he also commanded authority over other people due to his size. But if there was one thing he loved more than Martial Arts was his family. Though he didn't follow Luane's motto of sparing the rod, he loved Kiara and her sisters: older sister Pamella and younger sisters Samantha and Rebecca. Though, he might change his tune if he found out that Kiara and her sister practiced Pokephilia. Kiara wasn't the only one who was intimate with her partner pokemon, as so was her sisters with their male pokemon--a secret they had to keep from their parents, and everyone else for that matter. Hank, despite being a nonsense man, would bend over backwards for his dear children, and would always make sure they could have the things they needed, and even gave each daughter as children a fighting type pokemon to act as both their protectors and partner: Pamela a Machop, Kiara a Riolu, Samantha a Mienfoo, and Rebecca a Meditite. If any boy dared to bully his any one of his four beautiful daughters, he would make sure to go with his four training pokemon, A Conkeldurr, Gallade, Bewear and Pangoro, to intimidate the boys into leaving his children alone. There was even one boy who wet himself due to being so terrified by Hank and his pokemon!

But during the final weeks of his wife's life, Hank was driven to drink, becoming an alcoholic and constantly losing his inhibitions. Though his friends and fellow gym leaders tried to turn him away from the pub, he would none the less drink until almost passing out or vomiting. Even his four training pokemon partners were worried over this matter, saddened to see thir dear trainer falling into such straights. But, they too also mourned Mama Luann, as she was very kind and caring to them, and sometimes made delicious pokemon food and treats for them. Kiara , along with her sisters, decided to go towards his father. Though the hard, tough man tried to hold back his emotions, he could not hold back his tears. This was unlike him, as he was usually stone cold emotionless and was known for having a brick mentality. But, when it comes to mourning those who you care for most, even the most discipined of people can't put away their full emotions.

"Dad, please don't cry," said Kiara.

"Yeah, Dad, keep it together," said Pamela.

"At least you still have us," said Samantha. "

Please, Dad, I can't bear to see you cry," said Rebecca sadly.

Hank lifted up his head, his eyes bloodshot and red. "I'm sorry, darlings," said Hank in a sobbing voice. "I tried to be strong. I tried, but I just can't keep it up." The four daughters went to hug their father, but the gym leader was inconsolable.

"Hank, you are stronger than this. I never knew you for being a crybaby," said a feminine, sultry voice. It turned out to by the latex wearing sex shop owner, Susanna "Zazzy" Blakely along with her pokemon partner, Axel the Bisharp.

"You wouldn't be saying that if you had a husband you really loved," rebuked Hank with a bit of anger.

"I may not have been married, but if my husband were to die, at least I wouldn't constantly drink myself to death everyday," she sharply retorted. "Hank, I'm not trying to offend you, nor am I against you. I don't like seeing a fellow gym leader and good friend be like this. Mama Luann wouldn't want you to be like this."

After hearing Zazzy say this, Hank lowered his head. "I know," Hank said, now calming down and falling silent.

After the funeral, Kiara and her sisters, followed by Sariah and Razor, helped their Dad back home and sat him down on the place where he would perform his meditation sessions: a bumpy concrete floor slab on the back porch of the house. The sisters then grabbed rubber mats and placed them around their father, and the four got into meditation along with him. The family did this often when the girls and their partner pokemon were younger. Even Mama Luann would join in on the meditation, listening only to their inner voices and the occassional breeze that blew by. The six would all reach a state of peace, and usually after two hours the girls would have enough, but their father continued meditation for a few hours more.

For the following days, Kiara would visit her dad and her younger sisters, Samantha and Rebecca; they still lived with and often took care of Hank. From what the two sisters have been saying, their dad has not slowed down much on his drinking campaign, usually passing out when he would meditate due to his drunken state. And from what their pokemon said, Kiara could estimate how far his grief was still holding him back.

"I don't know what is up with that bub," said Randy, Hank's Conkeldurr. "He just keeps drinking and drinking and drinking until he almost quacks out and sleeps with the Magikarp."

"It's like he doesn't care about his inhibitions," said Blade the Gallade. "He's completely lost all disregard for his health."

"I wanted to hug him, make him feel better with nice tight Bewear hug," said Bear the Bewear. "But he refused all of my attempts to hug him. When I did manage to wrap my arms, he yelled at me with mean words," said the Bewear with a sad look.

"That guy sure has grown quite the temper," said Kolton the Pangoro. "He makes my outbursts look like temper tantrums."

Kiara was unnerved to hear from the four pokemon talk about her father's growing temper. It seemed his drinking was causing him to become an aggravated drunk. "Has he started beating you or anything," said Lance to his fellow fighting types.

"Nope... well, not yet at least," said Randy, "He's gets nasty at times, but not to the point of giving us a whooping."

"Not that he would," said Kolton. "He's smart enough not to attack four, large and strong fighting types like us," he said.

"But I couldn't hurt master," said Bear. "I don't want to hurt Master, but I also don't want to be beaten by him."

"Even if he were to lay a hand on me, I will still remain his stalwart partner," said Blade. "Thisis not his usaul behavior. No. This one is due to his grief and delving into addiction."

"Well at least he hasn't gone too far... yet," said Kiara. "But I hope he doesn't do anything stupid."

"He might," said Lance. "But let's not dwell on that. Let us just pray to the Alpha that nothing of ill will happens."

Kiara was hurt to see her father deteriorate, but she too had grief in her heart as well. She managed to stave her sadness by focusing on her father, but it seemed that she couldn't remove her own problems. Arriving home, Kiara slumped on the sofa in the living room, still not able to full control her emotions. Lance, sensing her distressed aura, took note.

"You don't look too chipper, Kiara," said Lance. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"No thank you, Lance," said Kiara with a sniffle. But the Lucario could sense her true emotions, andd he knew thather woes were getting worse. And, before she would burst into tears he hugged her and pressed his warm body onto her. "Thank you," said Kiara with another sniffle. And after saying that, the waterworks finally came out. She began crying hysterically, despite Lance's attempts to soothe. He pulled her closer to him and wrapped his arms around him. The Lucario then used his aura powers to try and moniter some of her negative energy. But Lance was still at a loss as to how he would calm down his trainer. But one thought came to mind...

He picked up Kiara in his arms, without her protesting or asking why, and went ahead to their bedroom and place her on their red comfortor bed. He nestled her in a comfortable position and joined her by laying down next to her. Thankfully she had stopped crying and was now relaxing by the Lucario. Then, the two felt a severe drowsiness, even though both of them didn't feel tired. It felt unnatural and sedating than relaxing. All the two could do was succumb and fall into a deep as slumber.

But not a sleep of relaxing dreams...

Kiara was waking up from sleep, but she found herself waking up in the middle of her mother's funeral. And, even more surprising was that her friends or family was not there at all. In fact, looking around, she seemed to be the only one around in the so called 'funeral'. The casket, the same one that her mother was in, was open, but Kiara felt that the coffin was different from the one she had seen during her actual mom's funeral. She slowly approached the casket, with fear raising up her spine as to what she would see. When she reached the opening of the coffin she expected to see her pale skinned mother in the white gown that she was buried in. But Kiara let out a scream as she saw who was actually in the coffin...

Her father...

Suddenly, she heard crying all around her. She looked around her and saw her father's four training pokemon next to her crying and balling in tears to see their master having reached his life's culmination. Then, the sounds of family members were heard, and Kiara found herself surrounded by her three sister who were crying hysterically, especially Rebecca, the youngest child. A man in a baritone voice began speaking in an inaudible voice, and Kiara saw Pastor Solis in front of the once empty pulpit. And she saw all of her friends and their pokemon sitting on the chairs. They were all sobbing loudly, and their pokemon were trying to soothe the. It seemed like the whole funeral was a mess of tears and sadness.

"This is your heart mourning something that has yet to come," said a familiar voice. Kiara looked around and saw Lance right next to her. His behind head orbs were rising up and glowing in a blue aura. "Your mind is coming up with a scenario out of your inner fears, and it seems this image is a manifestation of that."

Suddenly, all of the people and pokemon around her and Lance stopped crying instantly and looked at the two. Their eyes began to glow red, and started walking towards the two.

"Lance, what is going on?" she asked.

"I sense a strange and somewhat dark aura about. I don't think this dream is a natural one."

He then closed his eyes to sense where this strange phenomena was coming from. Then, all the red eyed people and pokemon got up and began walking towards them, chanting the words, "You will be fine." Kiara was highly unnerved and scared by all this. This dream seemed unreal, as though her imagination was running wild. Yet though this was an ominous situation, she didn't feel any maliciousness or ill intentions. Rather she felt the surrounding aura around her was a result of an attempt to soothe with darkness. Lance then opened his eyes, his face twitching with anger.

"Michael!!!" he bellowed. "Stop this foolishness and reveal yourself!"

A dark cloud formed in the middle of the isle as all the people and pokemon suddenly disappeared into nothingingness. When the cloud finally coalesced, a Darkrai formed from the darkness and was instantly recognized by the two. It seemed rather embarrassed by being caught. "I apologize, Kiara and Lance," said the Darkrai. "But I felt a heavy presence of sorrow as I passed by here. I was heading for home with Master Solis when I felt a sort of negativity, and I decided to find out why. I saw Kiara crying, and decided that what she needed was a relaxing dream."

"Well, your efforts were misguided, Michael," said Lance harshly. "You tend to forget that your dreams tend to cause more stress rather than soothe."

"Lance, don't be like that," said Kiara. "He just wanted to help me get through my emotions." She then looked at Michael with a sincere face. "Thank you for trying to help me, Michael. I'm sorry that I worried you so much, but after seeing how my father has been down in the dump, I guess it was too much for me."

Michael nodded. "Im glad you're not mad at me. Like I said, I just wanted to-"

Suddenly, both Lance and Michael felt something as they looked around to see what was going on. "Something is not right," said Lance.

"I agree," said Michael. Suddenly, the casket began glowing a bright white, and the glow glistened with an almost angelic and mystical chime. The three went over to the casket, but before they could Hank's body seemed to float out of the casket in a white glowing shimmer.

"This is not good," said Michael.

"What is happening?" asked Kiara, woriedly.

Lance had a grim look on his face. "Your father is dying," he said in a morose tone, causing Kiara to gasp.

"I'll wake you two from your slumber. Quickly, we must hurry to Hank before his life force slips away!" urged Michael.

Kiara and Lance gasped awake, and sure enough Michael was right next to her on to the side of the bed. While she and Lance were still rousing, he began saying "Quickly! We have to reach your father's home, Kiara! Let us make post haste at once."

The two didn't need more encouragement. The two got up and headed out the room and out the home. Kiara, Lance and Michael ran towards Hank's house, which was only three blocks away. When they arrived, they could already hear the crying of two female voices. Kiara entered the house with the Lucario and Darkrai, and in front of Hank's room were Samantha and Rebecca.

"Sammy! Becky! What's going on?" asked Kiara

"It's Dad! He won't open the door!" said Samantha.

"Dad won't open the door, and he was screaming in pain not too long ago," cried Rebecca.

Lance then stood in front of the room. "Stand back," he told everyone, and they did. An Aura Sphere formed in his hands, and when it grew large enough he launched it at the door. The door shattered, and when the girls saw their father, they were shocked to see him unconcious...

...with multiple bottles of liquor...

"Alcohol poisoning," said Lance. "So that is why his body was glowing in the dream. He's dying from ingesting too much liqour."

Kiara immediately called for an ambulance, and was crying hysterically as the emergency services were called to rush her poisoned father to the hospital. The ambulance came to the house, as did older sister Pamela and as well as Sariah and Razor. Sariah and Pamela drove everyone in their cars and followed the ambulance, and when they arrived at the hospital they followed Hank's unconcious body into the emergency ward. All four sisters were now showing some form of distress, with the youngest girl, Rebecca, crying unceasingly as they watched as their father was having his stomach pumped from all the alcohol that remained in his system, injecting him with a serum of various medicines that will hopefully reverse the damage the alcohol was doing.

The gang was then asked to wait in the waiting room, and greeting them was Jason and Camilla and Justin and Lillia. Kiara hugged Justin as she began to cry, knowing that he knew and understood the type of grief she was undergoing. The sisters and friends had to wait for what seemed like an impossible amount of time, and after four hours a nurse finally came out of to tell the group the news. The four sisters stampeded towards the her to hear what she had to say about their father's condition.

"What is happening with out dad?" asked Pamela.

"Will he be okay?" asked Kiara.

The nurse smiled, which seemed to foreshadow good news. "Your father is in intensive care, but he is no longer in danger. ," reported the nurse with the excellent news. "The doctors predict that he will remain until tomorrow in the morning, but his prognosis looks good."

The four girls breathed a sigh of relief. Their father was not lost. But then, Kiara felt her despair and happiness being overcome with anger. "That stupid drunkard!" roared Kiara. "What the fuck was he thinking!?!"

"Kiara! Calm down," Pamela tried to placate.

"He almost drank himself to death! How can I be calm?"

"I understand your anger, Kiara," said Michael. "I understand why you feel your father was foolish and being a drunk. But don't let your anger overcome you."

"I agree," said Justin as he approached the sisters and Darkrai. "I remember feeling anger when my grandfather died. I learned, through my suicide attempt, that it is difficult to overcome grief. Your Dad must've been feeling the same as me, and waned to drown his sorrows."

Lillia the Gardevoir came forwards. "I can still sense your father's emotions, even as he is unconcious now in the emergency ward. His feelings were similar to when my trainer tried to take his own life, but I also felt distress. Like a desire to keep on living."

"And besides, I doubt he intended to end himself," assured Razor.

"Yeah," added Sariah. "It's more than likely he drank himself to this state without even realizing it."

The words of the her friends and their pokemon placated Kiara and her sisters' anguish, but Kiara still felt a tinge of anger in her heart. How could her father be so stupid? How could he not see himself drinking so much alcohol that he could end up in the hospital like he is now?

"Kiara," said Lance with a sordid face. "I'm sorry, but there is nothing we can do right now. All we can do is go home and pray to The Alpha that everything comes out on top."

Kiara clenched her hands into a fist, stopping her crying. She was obviously still upset, but Lance had a point. Their was no way to help Hank at this moment. Jason, noting Kiara's down looks, he tried to think of a way to cheer her up.

"Hey guys. Kiara," he began." Do you and your sisters wanna head to the pub? I think that getting you all a drink will-" *conk* "Ouch! Hey! What was that for, Camilla!"

"You'd think that, after seeing their father almost die of alcohol poisoning, the girls would probably want to stay away from anything alcohol," she chided after conking him.

Kiara cracked a laugh. Jason and Camilla'salways knew how to cheer people up. "Actually, I don't mind going for a pint of Alolan Ale."

"You know I like Alolan Ale, Kiara," said Justin.

"I could go for a brew myself," said Pamela.

"I'd prefer a Margarita," said Rebecca.

"I'd like a Bloody Mary," said Samantha.

Camilla looked at how the sisters all unanimously voted to drink. "I guess I was wrong," she admitted with a shy smile, much to Jason's smirking.

And so, he friends and sisters headed out of the hospital, getting into different vehicles and heading to downtown Lakeshire Town to head to the Lake Shire Pub. Though Kiara was still rather upset and worried for her father, she was at least thankful to have friends like Sariah, Justin, and Jason, and a caring pokemon like Lance. Hopefully, a pint of an IPA would hep her get through this. And of course, Lance would be there to make sure that she woudn't follow the same fate as her father by imbibing too much drink.

Kiara and Lance arrived at home, with Kiara being a little tipsy from the drinks. Lance was careful to manage her drinking... and make sure she did not turn up shit faced. But Kiara still felt her heart being upset. Though she had fun with her friends and sisters, she didn't manage to fill the hole in her heart caused by her father's condition. "I notice you still feel upset," said Lance as the two entered their bedroom. "I guess tthat's to be expected. Alcohol has no emotional benefits."

"Is that why you refuse to drink, Lance?" said Kiara to her designated driver. "I guess I'm lucky to have you to keep me from becoming shit-faced." The two laid down on bed. It was Eleven pm, but neither of the two were sleepy. The two just laid there, looking at the ceiling and were just talking: talking about Kiara's father's well being, her younger sisters and their bout in college, Pamela and her husband revealing two months earlier--when Mama Luann was still alive and conscious--that she was pregnant, and talking about the relationship between her and Lance.

Kiara looked at Lane with a smile. "Thank you again, Lance," she said. "I'm lucky to have you around whenever I'm down in the dumps. And you even managed to reveal Michael's attempt to at least try and help me."

"Michael's dream was benevolent, but misguided," noted Lance. "He tried to console you, but he failed to remember that even his most benevolent dreams can come off as off-putting. But I don't feel rancor towards him. I actually appreciate his somewhat twisted attempt to console you." Kiara, now having a sultry look on her face, decided it was now time to 'properly' thank the Lucario for his help. "I know that look on your face," noted the Lucario in a nervous tone. "I guess you-"

Before Lance could speak further, Kiara rushed him and placed her lips on his muzzle, kissing him endearingly. Lance, who could only openly embrace his trainer's affections, put his arms around her and a hand behind her head to pull her head towards his. "I guess this is one way to calm down and relax during these sad times," said Lance.

"I have to agree," and Kiara returned to kissing her pokemon.

The two made out for a long while, getting sensual rather than sexual. Kiara was more in for a kissing session... for now. All the heartache she felt seemed to melt away with every smack of their lips, Kiara's mouth and Lance's muzzle were getting wet as they tongued, and their fervor grew with every kiss and lick. Lance felt that right now was the good time to do this. It was good for Kiara to have a tender moment during these times. Though Hank did not know that her daughter practiced Pokephilia, Lance figured that Hank would be grateful for his acts in helping her daughter through her struggles... that is, of course, if Hank took the notion well that his daughter was having sex with her pokemon. He'd probably shove his foot up Lance's rear before he got around thanking him.

Kiara decided that it was now time to turn things up. She removed her shirt and lower clothes until nothing but her bra and panties remained from revealing her bare chest and crotch. She figured she would tease her pokemon before getting to it. She lifted herself up and smothered Lance's face with her boobs, rubbing them onto him and even giggling as she tried to arose her partner. It paid of, as she felt something grow behind her. She knew her partner was getting excited, which was exactly what she was hoping for.

"Time for some one on one attention," she said. Lance was still left in a haze from the boob smothering, but his canine cock showed that he was now ready to have a more intimate experience with his trainer. Kiara removed her panties and bra, now fully naked on top of the lucario. She ground his dick against her entrance, giving a tinge of pleasure to both her and him. Lance, now out of his state, took the initiative by slamming right into, inciting Kiara to yelp with a sharp, spine tingling feel go up her as she felt his large cock shoved into her pussy all the way to his knot. He didn't knot her yet, but Kiara felt that having most of him inside her already was and incredible feeling.

"You sure know how to play it rough," teased Kiara.

"I've had plenty of time to practice," said Lance with a smirk. Kiara commenced riding the Lucario, going up and down his member as she hoped to show him what she had practiced. Lance gripped the bedsheets as he felt the waves of pleasure fill his brain and overwhelm his mind.

"You've gotten your technique down well," noted Lance. "I wonder-"

She then kissed him to silence him. "Less talking, More fucking," she briefly stated before once again kissing his muzzle. Things were ging well. Kiara was slowly humping as she kissed him with of course a pillow on top of Lance to protect Kiara from his chest spike. But the Lucario wanted to try something with his Aura Powers and practice something he would do when he would practice martial arts, meditation or relaxation methods with Kiara. His aura orbs lifted upwards as his eyes glowed blue, and suddenly Kiara felt something change about her. "Hey, what're you-" but she didn't have much to time to ask before she felt a mind-altering force give her an enhancement in feeling pleasure. Every hump up from Lance's cock was now three times as pleasurable, and it was the same for Lance. Though Kiara couldn't see it, but her eyes too were glowing blue.

*gasp* "Lance, what *gasp* are you doing?"

"Enhancing our experience and our love for each other," was his only reply.

Kiara realized what he did--he used his Aura powers to connect themselves spiritually and mentally They were now in sync with each other, and whatever the other felt, the other would feel too. Kiara couldn't believe how sly Lance had become, nor the fact that she couldn't believe that she hadn't thought of doing this earlier. Though their sexual pleasure was heightened, the aura connection also increased their sexual endurance. Kiara had been hopping on top of Lance for fifteen minutes, and yet she still felt he could continue going, and so did Lance. Lance then decided it was his turn to take the wheel, and he clutched Kiara and began slamming into her as he then inserted his knot, causing a great deal of pain and intimate pleasure to Kiara.

"Oh, Arceus," she moaned as her pussy was inserted with the canine knot.

Lance continued thrusting away happily, his mind now overcome with lust filled intentions. Normally he wasn't one for thinking with his dick, but in this case he made an exception. After another fifteen minutes the two were finally feeling their climax coming, as the two were now fucking fast and utterly engrossed in the excitement and feeling of arousal. Now, Lance began to do not so repetitive yet hard thrusts into Kiara, touching the very entrance to her womb as he tried to go into her as much as possible. Needless to say, Kiara was now at Cloud Nine in terms of how mind fucked she was. The short yet powerful bursts, from tip to knot insertion, made Kiara feel her vagina was being fucked like never before. Lance inserted his knot one last time before it grew painfully, and at this moment the two knew what was coming.

A jet of cum erupted from Lance's cock, filling Kiara's womb up with hot and sticky semen. She loved the feeling of having sperm sloshing inside her most intimate of places, though she was thankful that such sperm could not get her pregnant. Still, the fluid that was now inside her was symbolic towards her and her Lucario lover, in that she would risk getting caught for Pokephilia if it meant having a relationship with the person she loves the most, and therefore showing that she accepted that person into her life, as well as body. Lance noticed this warmth grow inside her heart, and as their eyes' blue glow faded, Lance knew that Kiara was in a happy and emotional state. And so long as she was happy, he was too. But he soon felt another emotion crawl up into her heart, which was rather strange since they had just had a wonderful sex session with each other. She began thinking of her father and how he currently is in the hospital while she was getting some sexual stimulation. His state entered her mind, realizing that despite how wonderful the sex was, there was just one emotion she could not block from her heart.

That emotion was sadness.

"Is something wrong, Kiara?" said Lance. "I can feel displeasure growing inside you. I thought you loved this sex session."

"I did," she replied with a giggle, before her face would show the sadness that was seeping. "But I feel ashamed."

"About what?" asked Lance curiously. "You enjoyed this moment up until now. What is it that bothers you?" Kiara looked at Lance with a gloomy expression, and Lance soon figured it out. "Your father," he responded. "You're still worried about him."

"The sex was great and all, don't get me wrong, Lance. And I definitely did feel wonderful and love growing in my heart for you, but after the good feelings went away... well... all I had left was my father's condition and how he is coping."

"I understand Kiara," said Lance, who then kissed her cheek. "I am worried about him too, but so long as he is in our hearts, he will no doubt come out on top."

Kiara lowered her body on top of Lance's and snuggled with him. "I hope so..." she said.

The following day, Kiara and her sister went to the hospital to see how their Dad was doing. Susanna and Axel were also there with them, as she waiting until Zazzy's good friend would finally wake up. They waited in the room where he was in, waiting to show any signs of him waking up, and after a half hour since they arrived, the daughters saw some movement. And soon his eyes began to open. Everyone gasped, with Hank groaning as he woke. When he saw veryone in the room, and realizing he was in a hospital, he immediately began to cry.

"I'm sorry," he said in a low voice. "I'm so sorry," blubbered Hank as his emotions got to him. It was a rather emotional event, with Hank's daughters standing by their dad as he slowly came to from his coma and woke up in the intensive care unit. The sisters, especially Kiara, would've berated him with talk as to why he did such a stupid thing as nearly drink himself to death. But the daughters could not muster the malice to antagonize their dear dad.

"I'm so sorry. I... I didn't mean for this to happen," cried Hank. "I didn't try to take my own life, you must understand--I just didn't give a damn about it."

One person who did have the energy to chastise the old former gym leader was fellow gym leader Zazzy. But then again, even the latex wearing dominatrix did not find it appropriate to yell at him... too much. "Hank, you sure gave us all a mighty good scare," said Zazzy. "I never knew you to be a drunk. You damn near gave us all a heart attack."

"I know," said Hank morosely. "I promise I won't ever let this happen again." Hank promised that he would attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings so he could control his drinking problem and would try to do things such as his meditations and exercises in order to curb his mental anxiety and addiction. "But I can't do it alone," he added.

"You're not alone, Dad," said Kiara. "You still got us. I was just so worried about you dying that..." Kiara showed tears on her face. "I may have lost Mama, but I don't want to lose you too!"

And so Kiara, followed by her sisters, went over to hug their dear father and console him. Zazzy may not have joined in the hug, but she sure as heck did feel warm inside at looking at the family and their growing bond. In the end, Kiara felt that this was what her mother would've wanted; for the family to stick together and keep moving ahead.

And Kiara, along with Lance, her sister and friends, would make sure to live the life that Mama Luann would've wanted her to live...

Pokephilia Story - A Pokephile is Born (Fran's Tale P.1)

Pokephilia Story A Pokephile is Born (Fran's Tale P.1) By J.C. Solis * * * The sermon in church was profound, as Pastor Christian Solis gave the crowd a mighty good lesson to learn about keeping faith in one's self, as well as in Arceus and the...

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Pokephilia Story - An Embrace from the Embrace Pokemon (Justin's Tale P.1)

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Pokemon Story (NSFW) - Of Pheromones and Attraction

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