A Prideful Fall - Chapter 8

Story by hecatomb on SoFurry

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#8 of A Prideful Fall

The feline merchant makes one more attempt at gaining favour, this time at the cost of others. Meanwhile, the lupine officer receives a reward for her own faithful service.

Warning: this story contains graphic descriptions of slavery, resulting M/F sex, as well as forced piercings.

I realize this is a short one and doesn't include a whole lot of the usual, but following chapters become longer again and start moving the plot along (as well as add a new perspective to the mix).

Favs and comments greatly appreciated, including ones pointing out errors and suggesting improvements.

Back in their cage, it was feeding time for the slave girls. The grey wolfess was missing, having been taken away somewhere for reasons unknown, though Takia had concerns more pressing for the moment. She looked down at the bowl of slop she'd received with a deep disdain, the very sight of the muddled soup threatening to make her spill what little her rumbling stomach currently contained. The bits of meat within hardly looked very trustworthy either. Yet this was all she was getting, and she would need her strength if she was ever to flee.

With a quick breath, she took a modest sip. She nearly gagged as she felt one of the pieces of meat hit her throat, but kept it down. The taste wasn't as vile as she'd expected, just dull for what it was supposed to be.

After a couple more chugs, it was all gone, and the previously disgusting meal now felt dearly missed. She would've wanted seconds, but she suspected they would receive no more for the moment. Unless she offered something in return, perhaps. Though the only male within reach was Grip, and he'd already been sated that day. She approached the edge of the cage nonetheless, and waved at the white horse.

"What now?", Grip asked in annoyance as he approached.

"I was just curious, have you considered my request?", Takia asked with a subtle smile.

"Day's not at an end. I would waste my time sparingly if I were you.", Grip warned.

"Would information buy me an extra meal?", Takia asked in whisper.

Grip looked at her with a subtle roll of his eyes. "What sort of information?", he asked.

"Well, the wolf officer? She's planning on leading an escape.", Takia said, still in whisper.

"Uh-huh.", Grip said with disinterest.

"Don't you think that valuable information?", Takia asked.

"Slaves want to escape. That's hardly information, that's stating the obvious.", Grip said.

"But now you know who's to be the brains behind it.", Takia said.

"And I suppose you've no intent of fleeing if the opportunity comes up?", Grip asked with obvious sarcasm.

"Of course not. I know better.", Takia insisted.

Grip paused for a while, staring down the feline once more. He then sighed and moved away to a table, rummaging through the contents of a small chest, then went back to the cage entrance. "Need some volunteers. Hold her down by the arms and legs.", he said, pointing towards the feline.

"Huh?", Takia asked, her eyes growing wide. She had only a moment to ponder why the horse had decided this when arms from all sides took hold of her and roughly pulled her to the floor. Chief among them was the white mare, pulling her arms up. "What are you doing?", she asked in terror, trying to get a good look at the things he was holding - a bottle and a two-handled device of some kind.

"You wanted some jewelry.", Grip said and knelt down between her legs. He then began to poke around her groin, then moved up to her-... her clit!

"Wh- what! No! Not there!", Takia protested as she felt his fingers dig around. She looked down to see her clit bared to the wind from within its hood, the horse's fingers roughly gripping her most sensitive part. He then spilt some of the liquid from the bottle over her sex, roughly spreading it around with his hand. It was cold and unpleasant, the sensations of heat and cool mixing and shifting unexpectedly. "Stop!", she pleaded, only to feel the chilly touch of the device against her parts.

"Try to be silent.", Grip said, only for his hand to clamp down on the handles of the device.

"YAAAGH!!!", Takkia screamed as sheer agony pierced her entire groin. Her cunt felt like it was on fire, and it refused to stop hurting. She could no longer perceive what was happening around her, tears slowly streaming down her cheek in response to the pain. "Agh!!", she yelped as she felt another splash of the cold liquid, this time accompanied by another stab of sharp pain. It began to feel as though she might lose consciousness, a faint ringing resonating in her ears, when the horse abruptly moved away, leaving her with a bit of cloth over her parts to stem the bleeding.

"All done.", Grip said, then gave Takia's new piece of jewelry of flick. It rang, not very loudly, but still quite audibly. "Keep your cunt clean the coming days. Won't have you fucked or anything.", he said and began to walk out the cage.

As the other slaves released her, Takia sat up, panting and sweating. Still in pain, she immediately rolled into foetal position, gripping her hurting clit through the bloodied cloth. Peeking out from beneath it she felt a small ball hanging off a metal loop. It rang as it moved. She looked down closer to find a small ball-shaped golden bell attached to her clit by a ring that went right through. The sight put her in a shock unlike any she'd thus far experienced, and made her even more nauseous than she'd already been. She'd been mutilated in a manner most humiliating, and she could only stew and suffer the consequences.

And more than anything, she felt alone among these slaves. They were all ready to betray one another if so tasked by their masters, and Takia was no exception. Her one regret was that she'd failed to capitalize off the opportunity before others had at her expense.

"Come. Lie down.", Awl ordered.

"I was expecting myself to share bedding with Dekkon.", Kiria said even as she obeyed, placing herself in wait for the brown bull.

"Pick can't be looking after slaves all day.", Awl said as he slipped out of his pants, his rather small manhood sprung out into the open.

"I would think I'm in a unique enough position to warrant it.", Kiria noted.

"His time is valuable, and looking after you serves little purpose.", Awl noted and extinguished the oil lamp in their tent. "Besides, you should feel happy to be in bed with me.", he added as he slipped in next to her.

"I meant no insult. I simply long to prove myself.", Kiria said in honesty unexpected to herself. "Do you wish me to do something?", she then asked as the bull turned towards her, his heavy arm gently running over her chest.

"Relax and follow my lead. Some would consider a night with me a reward of its own.", Awl said, his fingers now tracing circles over Kiria's form. They tickled and made her writhe subtly in response to touch upon certain areas, though the bull made sure to keep her reactions mild.

Kiria had to admit, this was relatively pleasant so far, though a fear of this changing quite suddenly kept her on edge.

"Roll onto your front, please.", Awl requested.

Kiria complied, mildly curious as to what he intended. He then straddled her rear, the unmistakable feeling of his manhood lying atop her butt rather concerning. It seemed pretty clear what he intended at that moment. Instead, however, she felt his hands press into her back. She withheld her breath as a mix of pain and pleasure invaded her senses, the pressure upon her tensed muscles causing hurt, but also providing a much needed feeling of relief.

"Relax.", Awl whispered gently, his arms continuing to move over her spine and sides. "Feels good, does it not?", he asked.

"Yes.", Kiria said breathlessly. It must've been a first for her within this camp, yet she continued to fear there was some way she would have to pay for this. But whatever that was, for the moment she could enjoy herself.

"You've quite a nice body.", Awl began in whisper. "Not quite as firm as a soldier's, nor soft as a merchant's.", he commented.

Kiria wasn't certain how to respond to that. She hardly considered herself soft at all, and as far as she could tell, few among the other slaves could boast of a physique like hers.

"Not very sizeable breasts. That's not bad, though. Makes you look more youthful.", Awl went on commenting her appearance. Her lacking bosom was hardly a pleasant subject matter, however.

"I am 26 years of age.", Kiria said with a frown.

"And they make you captain at that age?", Awl asked curiously.

"We are trained and evaluated at academies.", Kiria said.

"That so?", Awl asked on. "So you didn't earn the rank, hm?", he asked teasingly. It was enough to annoy Kiria.

"I earned my rank through my academy performance and loyalty to the Imperium.", Kiria said with ire.

"Alright, alright. Calm!", Awl urged in bemused tone. "I simply wonder how much of it was performance, and how much was that 'loyalty' you speak of.", he said.

Kiria couldn't know for certain either. Hers was a loyalty unwavering, that much she knew. That line of thought found itself broken as the bull suddenly placed his hands upon her rump. "Mpf!", she yelped quietly as she tensed up momentarily, expecting the obvious, yet his hands didn't move where she feared, at least not immediately. Instead they began to knead and pull at her buttcheeks, likely granting him a decent view of her two holes.

Seemingly before he could proceed inwards, he moved off to the side and began to massage her thighs, then calves. For a while it seemed as though he might actually just work her body, when he started to move up again, this time along the inside of her thighs, until suddenly Kiria felt fingers gently trace the sides of her labia.

"Nh!", Kiria uttered in surprise to herself. The bull was apparently doing his best to please her and gaining ground. Though she would've liked nothing more than to steel herself from any feelings of pleasure at the hands of anyone within the company, she kept in mind how that would only make things harder for her. Leaving herself open wouldn't change who she was, she told herself. It was alright to let go, she kept repeating in her mind. At least with this particular man, she would.

"You wetten. Might I continue inward?", Awl asked in devious whisper.

"Yes.", Kiria said, blushing in response to the vulnerability she presented. The bull could at any point decide to treat her like a common slave and use her for his pleasure, undoing any sense of pleasantness she'd experienced, and she very much feared this might happen. But Awl seemed content to simply tease and prod at her folds, his fingers slowly making their way deeper and deeper, along her slit and over her sensitive clit. He showed greater care and skill than anyone she'd bedded ever before.

Awl's ministrations continued on, more and more digits making their way in and out of Kiria, the pleasure she felt building up driving her closer and closer to the edge. Her own fingers digging into the bedding, she felt herself lose control as that sense of pleasure finally reached climax.

"Ah!!", Kiria squealed, much to her own shock. Her orgasm hit with surprising intensity, her entire form quaking in ecstasy, though it fell short of full potential by her own sense of shame.

Riding the high of climax, Kiria barely noticed as Awl shifted position once more, bringing himself upside-down to the right of her. Still he prodded her parts until her climax subsided.

"Onto your side, please.", Awl then said.

Kiria obediently rolled over, finding herself face-to-face with the bull's genitals. Yet somehow she didn't feel repelled at the sight. She almost felt eager to repay his relatively caring treatment.

"Do your best.", Awl said, bringing his crotch close to the wolfess's face.

Though she felt some resentment towards the bull, much as she did towards all others in the camp, at this instance she felt almost enthused. With Awl's continuing finger-massaging of her own parts, steadily building up the pleasant tingling she felt, she leaned in and began to lick at his balls, nudging them up only for gravity to pull them back down in a jiggling motion. She hadn't even stopped to consider the taste, and continued her task with eagerness that surprised even her. Seemingly in the flow of things, she then took his twin orbs in her mouth, suckling and pulling on them gently.

"Unh!", Awl grunted in what was presumably pleasure. He did not seem to protest, at the very least. "Move on to the rod now.", he said after a while.

Kiria did as told, permitting the bull's wettened testicles to drop back down onto his thigh. She then gave his stiff member a long loving lick from tip to sac, only to then take the tip in her mouth.

"Mmh.", Awl groaned in response to the suction Kiria began to apply.

Steadily she permitted more and more of his manhood into her mouth, the task relatively easy given his size, and soon she found her nose pressing up against his dampened sac.

"I'm close.", Awl panted out in warning. Though surprised by the bull's short fuse, Kiria braced herself in preparation for his seed. "Ngh!", he uttered in bliss, his manhood growing rigidly stiff before it began to deliver spurt after spurt of warm, gooey seed. It wasn't considerably more pleasant in taste than others, yet even in that regard it stood out, and actually made Kiria feel a sense of excitement to be taking it in her maw.

"Mh!", Kiria moaned out as she unexpectedly felt a climax of her own hit a second time. It was weaker than the first, but still it made her entire body twitch in pleasure. She swallowed his load with enthusiasm, and only once she began to pull away did she stop to think of how peculiar this'd all been.

Lying there with the panting bull's penis and balls before her, she contemplated what just happened. This hadn't been a simple servicing she'd been forced into, but rather something she'd actually enjoyed doing. Even her orgasms somehow felt less coaxed than the one Dekkon gave her. She began to fear her position within the camp was beginning to seep into her sense of self, that she was steadily becoming like the rat girl not only in deed, but also in mind. Though she'd wished it before, now she feared what it might turn her into, that she may lose what made her an officer of the Imperium.

"I trust you enjoyed it.", Awl said as he turned around and moved over behind the wolfess, gently embracing her.

"I... I did.", Kiria admitted reluctantly.

"So afraid to give in to your base instincts.", Awl said in bemusement, his hand continually running over her abdomen. "It would be so much easier for you to give in and submit.", he said.

Kiria said nothing for a while. She had little to gain from arguing his supposed truth or even confiding in him, no matter what her actual stance on the matter was. Yet she felt compelled to trust him, perhaps even seek guidance, though she hardly expected to hear anything of value.

"Just remember you're not leaving here any time soon.", Awl warned, then pulled up the sheets to cover the two of them.

"I simply wish I could be of different use than some whore.", Kiria said.

"Like what?", Awl asked in a tone now somewhat condescending.

"What I was trained to be. A captain! Ah!", Kiria yelped as she felt a finger suddenly plunge into her sensitive hole.

"Ahahaha!", Awl burst out laughing.

Kiria frowned and fumed, blushing profusely.

"That was so perfect.", Awl said, still chuckling. "I'm sorry, but you're not leading anyone here. Nobody is going to follow you.", he said.

Kiria exhaled heavily. There was a sad truth to what the bull said. She would never lead, not in this company. That left her with little possible skills she could apply to anything.

"Be grateful you've a body we appreciate. Make use of it.", Awl whispered cheerfully.

Kiria said no more. It was pointless to argue further. She closed her eyes in an attempt to fall asleep.

"I'm sorry you hate it so. Give it time, let your feminine instincts guide you and you'll grow to enjoy it.", Awl whispered and gave her a lick on the cheek. But Kiria no longer felt like listening.