A Prideful Fall - Chapter 7

Story by hecatomb on SoFurry

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#7 of A Prideful Fall

With her life and fortunes utterly uprooted, the feline merchant seeks how best to better her new situation, if only to make future prospects of escape easier. Unfortunately for her, this involves going against her very nature.

Warning: this story contains graphic descriptions of slavery and resulting M/F sex.

Favs and comments greatly appreciated, including ones pointing out errors and suggesting improvements.

Sitting upon a pile of blankets in a cage otherwise quite abandoned, Takia sighed heavily in resignation. More and more the thought of being stuck there settled in her mind with accompanying waves of nausea. There was no denying it anymore, nor hoping for a miraculous escape. Not yet, at least.

She was a guild merchant, with over a decade of experience, during which she'd built her fortunes from just about nothing. One way or another, she would return to her old life. But for when opportunity came, she had to make sure she would be in a position to make use of it, and in order to do that, she would have to endure a number of acts most revolting to her. Acts that went against her very nature. The thought made her shiver uncontrollably, and she could only find calm in the thought that, like most other unpleasantries in life, she would eventually grow to tolerate it. Yet she still longed for an alternative. That something might persuade them to spare her the treatment of a common slave girl. Particularly one untrustworthy of being put to work more active. She had to try something.

On legs unsteady, she got up and approached the edge of her cage, looking towards the white equine warden, currently sat upon a chair and picking his fingers with a nail.

"Hey!", Takia called out towards him.

"What?", the horse called back.

"I wish to speak to you.", Takia said.

With an annoyed sigh, the horse got up and trudged up towards the awaiting cat girl.

"What is it?", the horse asked.

"I believe we've not been introduced.", Takia said.

The horse looked at her in silence for a while, granting her no clue as to his thoughts on the matter. "Alright, I'm Goert, most call me Grip. But you can call me master.", he said mischievously.

"Uh, very well, master.", Takia said, trying her best to smile in complacence. "I am Takia.", she then said.

"Hm. To me you look more like a Titsia. Or Titlick.", Grip said, rubbing his chin.

Takia very much wanted to frown at the crude remark, but resisted the urge. Instead she decided to take on a tactic she herself found most distasteful and only sparingly made use of in her younger years. "Surely you can recognize my greater aesthetic value, master.", she said, putting on the most pleasing pose she could muster and bringing her sizeable bosom to the forefront with her palms. "I can hold greater worth than any of the simple girls you've caged me with.", she said, her alluring smile widened to almost a grin.

Grip looked rather unimpressed, however. "I can recognize an act when I see one.", he said, crossing his arms.

Takia nearly grimaced in dismay. He was being much too resistant. "What does it matter whether I'm genuine or not? A fine set of tits and cunny holds a value of its own. All the more so if it's willing.", she then said, jutting her chest even more.

"Would be quite a change of heart for you to welcome prick so soon.", Grip noted with a tilt of his head. That much she could agree with. The very mention of the prospect brought sweat to her brow. "And what do you expect out of this... higher value?", he then asked.

"A cage more personal. Some jewelry to compliment my looks.", Takia suggested tentatively. She knew all too well the request could backfire if she pressed too much.

"Hm. Don't want clothes?", Grip asked curiously.

"Only if you will it so.", Takia said, then winked.

Grip raised a brow. "Well, you're in luck.", he said and approached the entrance to the cage. "I just so happen to be in the mood to make use of a pretty one.", he then announced as he entered.

Takia felt her heart hasten in shock. She hadn't expected her bluff to be met so quickly. "I-... I believe I would be better used sparingly.", she said as the horse approached.

"We've little use for a trophy slave.", Grip said and began to undo his belt. "On your knees. Do good and I might forward your request to Pick.", he then instructed as his limp dick sprung free.

Takia swallowed hard. As much as she'd committed to doing whatever it took to remain in good standing as a slave, before the male's penis her resolve waned, replaced with terror and disgust. Try as she might, she could not bring herself to willingly near the horse's genitals.

"I'm sorry.", Takia said, leaning away and covering her mouth. "I really wish to do as told, I just...", she trailed off.

"Hm.", Grip murmured, continuing to stare down at her thoughtfully. "Permit me to help.", he then said and placed a hand on her scalp.

Her eyes widened in fear and she strained against his grip, but resisted no more than that. Quite abruptly, she found her nose pressed into the horse's soft penis and testicles, a scent of musk and sweat flooding her nostrils. Like a first-time dive underwater, she wanted to resurface, but Grip would permit no retreat. She was being smothered, and it was utterly revolting to her.

"Glegh!", Takia exclaimed as the horse's hold relented enough to permit her speech.

"You're being really resistant for someone on offer.", Grip noted with a frown.

"I'm... sorry...", Takia gasped out, still in shock.

"Right, I'm done fucking around. Tongue out or I'm leaving you here.", Grip said in annoyance.

Still panting, Takia reluctantly did just so, opening her mouth and letting her tongue hang out. She decided she would require a plunge to get over her hesitation. With a deep breath she dove in and took a long lick of the horse's manhood. It tasted mildly sour. Unpleasant and revolting, but not as bad as she'd expected after her experiences with licking Dekkon's seed-covered prick.

"Good girl.", Grip said and ran his hand through her hair. "Give it a couple more licks and you can put your mouth to rest.", he said.

Takia nodded, though every fibre of her being told her to stop and flee, perhaps even strike the horse. But that wouldn't have ended well for her, she suspected. Instead she closed her eyes and began to drag her tongue all over the horse's parts. This grew somewhat difficult as his length steadily turned rigid, the sight of protruding veins and taut skin making it even more unpleasant to behold.

"Alright. Turn around and raise ass.", Grip instructed as he unleashed her.

Her heart pounding even harder, Takia did as told and slowly turned, only to go down on all fours and lift her rear. Everything about this felt wrong, yet this was something she would need to grow used to, she told herself. As the horse knelt behind her and pulled her tail aside, however, every instinct told her to bolt and flee. But it was much too late now, and she could only shiver in anticipation.

She yelped gently as she felt the tip of the horse's prick press up against her fleshy mound, sweat now coating her entirely. It made her grow annoyed with her own body, the inability to calm herself before something so inevitable serving only as hindrance to her mental wellbeing.

"Ngh!", she sounded out as Grip finally pushed himself in. She felt her insides stretch to accommodate the male, her muscles yet tensed in response to the voluntary but unwanted intrusion. Her eyes focused on the ground below, she caught sight of something peculiar. One of the blankets, predominantly blue in colour, beheld a white bird etched onto its center. It made her wonder who'd made it, for what purpose - thoughts that helped her mind drift from her present predicament, and perhaps find some solace in the idea that maybe, one day, she would fly free as well, and build her fortune anew.

As she relaxed, however, a different thought invaded her mind - that of guilt. She began to feel not only disgust, but also a mild tingle of pleasure from the very motions of the act. Her face grew red, she realized, a deep shame enveloping her from head to toe. This was not whom she was, she told herself. She could not be enjoying this in any sense. Not with a revolting man. The terror of growing realization her body wasn't of the same mind made her tense up again, and the pleasure soon turned to pain once more.

"Unh!", the horse over her grunted abruptly, his thrusts suddenly losing rhythm as a warmth flooded Takia's insides. "Oof... damn.", Grip said as he slowly pulled out. "Not that you moved much, but somehow that was quite the fuck.", he commented as he got back up.

Pulling herself from her self-inflicted stupor, Takia rolled over to her side and looked up at the horse with a smile as genuine-looking as her state of mind allowed. She tried not to think of how his seed would now drip out of her snatch and down the side of her leg. "Told you I'm not like the other girls.", she said.

"Hm. Perhaps.", Grip said with a shrug as he stowed his manhood back in his pants.

"So will you grant my request?", Takia asked, running a hand over the rump Grip had tainted with his bulk just moments earlier.

"I'll be sure to pass it on.", Grip said as he wandered out of the cage.

"Might I at least be cleaned now, master?", Takia asked, sounding hopeful. The potent stench of cum, sex and sweat clung to her senses without pause.

"Maybe later.", Grip said dismissively and sat back in his chair, only to resume his prior occupation.

Takia looked at him with a sense of defeat. Had she just freely given herself for nothing? It made her feel like some rag, to be run through filth and spared no mind once done with. And with that, she felt a renewed contempt for all within this company, the white horse in particular. Still, this was merely a first attempt. She could yet find some way of bettering her situation in this camp. Or so she kept telling herself.

Before she could stew in her failure for too long, a small group approached the cage, with a large white mare at its helm. Takia thought she'd seen her before, albeit not in the same enclosure they would now share. Her hair was mid-short, black and swept to her right, some strands just barely falling over her eye. She was comparable in mass to most of the males there, and held her fair share of scars, a particularly notable one running vertically over her left breast, some others marring her face over her left brow and nose ridge. Her eyes shined a vibrant blue. Despite her brutish physique, she seemed charming enough to Takia. Though perhaps more than that, her appearance raised hopes of possible escape.

As the guards closed shut the gate, leaving the two females alone, Takia decided to make her approach. She spared herself the usual attempts at allure, figuring the chances of the mare being into girls were quite slim. Particularly ones with seed dripping down their thigh.

"Greetings.", Takia began with a curt bow.

The mare stared at her drearily without answer.

"I am Takianis Ot So-"

"Don't care.", the mare grumbled, her voice relatively low of tone for a female.

"I simply wish to make your acquaintance.", Takia said, unfazed by the show of disinterest.

At that point, the mare got back up, putting her superior height and musculature on full display. Takia felt a cold sweat run down her back, but held her ground.

"I am Takia.", she repeated nervously.

The mare continued to stare her down for a while, then sighed in some kind of resignation of her own. "Nissuth.", she said, then sat back down.

"So how did you end up here?", Takia asked and took a seat next to the equine.

Nissuth sighed heavily once more, apparently displeased to be asked that. "Took pity on some cunt and helped her flee.", she said.

"That's... quite noble of you.", Takia noted with a sense of surprise. If she helped someone escape once, then perhaps a second time was possible.

"It was dumb.", Nissuth said, staring off into the distance as though reminiscing.

"And for so little they made you a slave?", Takia asked.

"No.", Nissuth began again. "Killed a man to do it. Tried to hide it, but they found out.", she said.

"Huh. And what made you care so much for this one person?", Takia asked, genuinely curious.

"Reminded me of someone.", Nissuth said, her eyes seeking anywhere but the present.

"Whom?", Takia asked on, yet as the horse looked at her with disdain, she knew she'd pried too far.

"None of your damned business.", Nissuth grumbled.

Takia decided it was not a matter worth pressing at this point. "Forgive me.", she said instead, putting on her finest tone of diplomacy.

Nissuth snorted dismissively, continuing to stew in contempt... or regret.

"Did the one you helped escape, at least?", Takia asked.

Nissuth remained silent for a while, visibly growing annoyed to be reminded. "No. They caught her, stabbed her between the legs and let her bleed out in front of me.", she said, the very memory visibly bringing ire to her features.

"Oh. I'm sorry.", Takia said, now somewhat fearful of the prospects of fleeing. Or getting too close to this one. She had to try, however. She needed all the options possible. "Do you yet hope to escape?", she asked in whisper, sounding hopeful.

Nissuth tilted her brow at the cat, then rolled her eyes. "I'd much rather they let me back among their ranks. So best keep such talk to yourself.", she said.

Takia felt stunned for a while, unable to comprehend what she'd just heard. "After all they've done?", she asked critically.

"I killed one of our own. Over some... some slave. That's hardly something that goes unpunished.", Nissuth said, visibly reluctant to give voice to certain words.

Once again contemplating her words carefully, Takia looked at the mare questioningly. "You are a slave now as well.", she said tentatively.

"I'm not weak like you. I can yet serve as soldier.", Nissuth said dismissively.

"Will they even permit it?", Takia asked, now seeking fault with her current line of reasoning. Perhaps if left with no alternatives, she would consider an escape attempt more desirable. "You did kill one of them.", she added tentatively.

"I don't know.", Nissuth said, instantly looking troubled by the prospect that she might be stuck there forever. "I must try.", she said.

Takia nodded understandingly. "I hope you do.", she said, doing her best to sound earnest. In a sense, she did, as a face more sympathetic among the soldiers would be rather helpful.

Nissuth merely nodded, remaining contemplative.

For a while they merely sat there, leaned against the cage wall. Contemplating how best to further her chances of gaining the mare's trust, Takia couldn't help but spare further glances at her nude muscular body. Though mannish, she was still equipped the right way. She wondered if perhaps it was worth trying to offer pleasure to win her favour.

Takia shook her head at herself. This was not the time to be drifting towards such carnal thoughts, and it was far-fetched to believe the mare could possibly hold such tendencies.

It was at that point that someone approached their cage once again - Dekkon and the grey bitch, now wearing more than Takia, no doubt in return for her act of treachery.

"Grip. Put this one to work at the cleaning tents. Have the new cunt join her.", Dekkon instructed aloud.

Takia's ears perked up at this. The prospect was hardly pleasant for obvious reasons, but at least it'd mean remaining out of the cage where presumably soldiers might seek her company.

"Cat's made some requests.", Grip said as he got up and approached Dekkon.

"Hm?", Dekkon asked curiously.

"Says she wants some jewelry and a personal cage to increase her appeal.", Grip said with a smirk. "Was willing to suck prick and get fucked to get it, too.", he added.

"Really?", Dekkon asked with a tilted brow, looking upon the feline with genuine surprise.

"Not without second thoughts, but still, heart's in the right place.", Grip said.

"I leave it to you, then. See how she performs today.", Dekkon said. "I've had quite enough of tending to new slaves and explaining how things work.", he then said.

"Of course, Pick.", Grip said with a thump to his chest. "And what of some 'old' slaves?", he then asked, nodding towards the mare as he unlatched the cage door.

"I'd have words.", Dekkon said with a sigh.

Takia got up, and at Grip's gestured urging, she went out to join the grey bitch.

"What is it you want?", Dekkon then asked through the cage bars, towards the now standing mare.

"What I've wanted since you caged me.", Nissuth said.

"May be a while before that's possible.", Dekkon said. He did not sound happy about it either.

"At least let me fight in the coming battle.", Nissuth pleaded.

"We'll see.", Dekkon said. "Think you can manage to do your job till then?", he asked.

"Whatever it takes.", Nissuth said adamantly.

That was all Takia managed to hear of their conversation before they became too far to hear.

Alone in the very same tent where Takia had made use of the grey one's services mere hours ago, they now stood in wait for their first 'client'. The tension was quite palpable, though Takia wasn't about to let it shame her into subservience.

"Think my name matters now?", the grey wolfess asked sarcastically.

"Of course. We did meet under less... pleasant circumstances.", Takia said, desperately seeking words most diplomatic for the situation. "Takia.", she reintroduced herself.

"Kiria.", the grey one answered bitterly.

Takia smiled and nodded. "I apologize for my earlier treatment, but surely you understand the boundaries between slaves and masters.", she said.

Kiria frowned mildly. "I understand they've blurred a fair bit this day.", she said.

"That they have.", Takia said, trying to sound honest. She yet considered herself above common slaves, and she couldn't stomach the idea of viewing herself otherwise. "I think it best if we set our differences aside for now and cooperate, agreed?", she then suggested.

Kiria looked at her with some distrust, but nodded nonetheless.

The tent felt even more cramped once their first 'patron' entered. Upon the stool now sat a rather bulky brown goat, his manhood no less obscenely oversized than himself. His bulk seemed a minor contributing factor next to the smell - sweat, dirt, musk, and the now all too familiar scent of male arousal.

"Take the lower end.", Takia said and immediately moved to handle the upper end. Kiria sneered subtly, visibly irked by the command, but apparently more concerned with maintaining order. She too likely sought to maintain favour within the band.

Her focus firmly tethered to the male's horns and head, Takia began to run the soapy washcloth at a pace that'd make certain she wouldn't reach any areas less pleasant before the grey wolfess did. After all, she was better accustomed to handling pricks.

Just as Takia moved on to his massive shoulders and pectorals, Kiria steadily made her way up his thighs.

"Mouth you use.", the goat suddenly instructed at Kiria, his hand pointing towards his groin. The colour seemed to fade from Kiria's face, and Takia could hardly blame her, but was all the same glad the honour hadn't befallen her.

"I... I'm meant for the officers.", Kiria said in quivering voice.

The goat raised a brow, then frowned. "Places you switch, then.", he said in annoyance.

Whereas Kiria almost leapt up to her paws, Takia fell frozen in place, eyes widened in shock. Had the grey lupine lied, or was she truly more privileged than other slaves in this regard? Backser had mentioned something about her being off-limits, but that hardly stopped her at the time. Takia couldn't be certain, nor could she try to copy the bluff without greatly risking her standing, so soon after she'd seemingly gained the leader's ear. She would have to comply.

Trembling in unpleasant anticipation, Takia took the lupine's place between the goat's legs, immediately receiving a strong whiff of his overly masculine scent. It made her dizzy, enough to feel as though she might collapse were she to let go of his thighs. She had to fight through this, she told herself. There was no way around it, she'd committed to complacency, and would only waste the good will she'd accrued thus far by resisting now.

"Too slow.", the goat commented in annoyance.

"Forgive me. I am unused to this.", Takia said, continuing to hover over the distasteful sight.

"Permit me to help.", Kiria then said and pushed at the back of her head.

"Wha-mf!", Takia exclaimed as she was pushed face-first into the goat's large, pungent sac. She could hardly breathe with the fuzzy skin molding around her mouth and nostrils. Straining against the lupine's surprisingly firm grip, she pushed herself away just enough to take a breath. "Stop!", she cried, still fighting against the push.

"Open mouth and bare tongue.", Kiria instructed firmly.

Takia was pissed, yet couldn't give voice to such thoughts. It would have to wait till they were alone. For now, she had to endure. "Thank you, I'll manage from here.", she said through gritted teeth. Thankfully, Kiria eased her grip.

Now once again faced with the male's genitals, she closed her eyes and extended her tongue, only to take a firm dive this time. The first taste, much like with Grip, proved to be the worst, a burst of salty bitterness hitting her mouth. But as before, once she began to lap at his balls repeatedly, it became more tedious than anything. That was, until his prick began to grow to its full length. Throbbing and towering over her, the thick, long pillar of flesh menaced with protruding veins and an even stronger scent coming from its tip. It was larger than Dekkon's by over a half, only further intimidating her, and this time she wouldn't be taking it in her sex, though whether that'd be preferrable she couldn't say.

Having tarried for as long as she could, she then raised her head to face the end of the goat's member. She continued to stare at it for a couple seconds more, bracing herself for the coming hardship. She couldn't possibly imagine herself taking it whole in her maw, and she had no idea what would be expected of her. But with a deep breath, unfortunately tainted by the male's strong scent, she leaned in and impaled herself on the prick as far as she could manage without gagging. The taste became secondary next to the discomfort of having the length prod at the back of her throat, and she hadn't even gotten it down half-way.

In resignation, she began to move back and forth, not really knowing whether she was doing well. She felt the skin shift and fold unknowing whether that was good. She coiled her tongue around in an effort to possibly make it feel better, and occasionally attempted to apply suction, though that tired her jaw. The occasional groans in response made her skin crawl, but they seemed a decent indicator that she was doing well.

This went on for a while until suddenly, she felt hands envelop her head. She soon realized what this meant, but could hardly react as the length of flesh stiffened in her mouth even more than it'd already. Then, she felt the first splash of a liquid most vile hit her tongue, slimy and surprisingly hot, even before the alien taste fully hit her it utterly revolted her. She struggled to back away, but her efforts only made the goat pull her in harder.

"Urk! Gukh!", Takia exclaimed, choking on the fleshy rod still lodged in her muzzle. Only through sheer force of will did she resist the urge to gag or bite down on the goat's prick, though she questioned how much longer she could suffer through this.

Finally, she felt the length of flesh retract from her strained maw, a glistening string of the nauseating fluid leaving them tethered together. She felt sick to her stomach, and desperate to be rid of the semen in her mouth. But just as she turned her head to the side, she felt a hand grab her by the jaw.

"Don't leave a mess.", Kiria warned with a scornful look. Clearly she no longer merely sought to spare herself the degradation, but rather to clearly elevate herself above the feline.

Glaring at the wolfess, Takia struggled to do as ordered, the horrendous taste and consistency only further building up nausea the longer she kept it in. Left with no choice, she braced herself and gulped heavily. But that very sensation, of cum flowing down her throat and into her stomach, brought on a different kind of reaction.

"Blarghl!", Takia retched obscenely as the entire contents of her stomach flew right back out and onto the floor. "Eugh- ekh! Gods! Ekh!", she coughed out. For a moment she felt a sense of terror at what she'd done. Surely she would be punished. Yet she wasn't prepared for the goat's reaction.

"Ahahaha!", the goat burst out laughing. "Stomach for this you no have, ahaha!", he chortled mockingly.

Takia frowned to herself. Somehow this made her feel even worse than had she been punished. Instead she felt driven into the dirt, subject to simple ridicule over her inexperience, and the humiliation she'd suffered to get there. Kiria stared at her with a dark sense of satisfaction that might as well have been a grin, the bitch.

"Floor you clean up. Other brina can handle me.", the goat ordered, and Takia obeyed, taking a rag from the edge of the tent and wiping down the spot where she'd puked. The rest of their task went by without further incident.

Once the goat left, tensions only seemed to rise. The one reason Takia had yet to go off on a tirade deriding the wolfess was the uncertainty of whether she would prove useful. After all, petty vengeance was a hindrance in the way of endeavors more lucrative, so said any successful merchant.

"Satisfied? Got your revenge?", Takia asked bitterly. Her torment was greatly disproportionate next to what Kiria had suffered at her hands. She'd already been violated by multiple others, whilst the wolfess had endured but one encounter.

Kiria merely snorted dismissively, then raised her nose at her.

"I trust you'll consider the matter settled and cease tormenting me.", Takia said.

"I need not do a thing. We're both slaves, and what happens to you is largely out of my hands.", Kiria insisted.

"And yet you felt the need to make my violation even more uncomfortable.", Takia said with a frown. "In total I've now suffered more than you at my hands. I would appreciate-"

"I care little for your sense of fair.", Kiria cut her off, then paused in thought, as though contemplating something. "I'll burden you no more, but in return I expect you to follow my lead.", she said, her features growing more stern.

"Your lead?", now Takia asked with a renewed frown. She hardly liked the idea of being subservient to some slave.

"I am a captain of the Imperium, and I've no intent of staying here forever.", Kiria said in a voice more quiet. "Aid me in fleeing here, and I will make certain Imperial authority hears of this company's misconduct.", she said.

Takia was rather surprised to hear one so privileged wishing to escape as well. She would've wanted to be the one aided in escape, but she hardly had a plan of helping the others as convincing as this one's.

"And how do you imagine me to aid you?", Takia then asked. She wasn't exactly the most physically inclined, after all.

"That remains to be seen.", Kiria said, rubbing her chin. "It may be a long while before we so much as get the chance. Could be weeks, months. Until then, we must remain obedient.", she said.

"I... do not know how long I can last here.", Takia finally admitted, both to the wolfess and herself. "This is far too taxing to me. I need help.", she pleaded.

Kiria looked at her with a sense of disappointment. Apparently she'd been hoping for more useful a subordinate. "I cannot handle the common soldiers for you.", she said, crossing her arms. "But I won't make it harder.", she added in assurance.

Takia nodded grimly, her present situation bearing down on her. Even once she'd admitted she cannot handle this as well as she'd thought, there was no help to be had. Not here, at least.

Another two cleanings followed, though luckily for the merchant woman, these had sated their lust prior on some other slaves, and required only a wash. And although Takia clearly would've preferred not to touch their parts even through a washcloth, she did so without argument. It satisfied Kiria to see she could carry out orders so unpleasant to her.

The next person to enter their tent, however, proved somewhat ill-expected. It was a grey donkey, one Kiria had seen only briefly, but remembered well - the lieutenant known as Fume. The stench he carried with him filled their tent seemingly even before he entered.

With a quick look around, he planted himself upon the stool and awaited their service.

"Can... can you take the lower end?", Takia asked pleadingly.

Kiria very much could, and she'd agreed to help in whatever way she could. Yet the incredibly musky smell was difficult to bear even for her. Takia likely had yet to realize this was an officer Kiria could handle in case anything extra was requested, and so the wolfess debated whether she would suffer it herself or pass the burden onto her new compatriot.

This was absurd, Kiria thought to herself. She was a captain of the Imperium. She would not stand for subterfuge with the sole petty intent of evading some foul-smelling prick. Especially since this would likely prove a short-lived secret and damage their chances of cooperation in escape.

With a subtle sigh, Kiria nodded and went to her knees before the nude donkey, starting with his hoofs while Takia washed his ears and mane. Steadily she worked her way upwards with a sense of dread, praying she wouldn't be asked to do anything more foul. Even without such acts, his scent was almost intoxicating in how strong it was.

As she went up his thighs, going over an old scar upon his right outer thigh, he suddenly placed a hand upon hers. She looked up to find him staring at her with eyes unmistakably lustful.

Without a word, he placed a finger upon her mouth and pointed towards his unimpressive manhood. With eyes wide in terror, Kiria felt her head guided towards the source of his incredibly potent scent. She thought to hold her breath, but quickly realized there'd be no chance of doing so throughout the duration of her task. As though accepting water into her lungs, she took a deep breath that almost made her want to gag. She decided to handle the matter as swiftly as possible, and so, she drew her tongue and dove right in.

The taste that hit her seemed strong, yet not in the way she'd expected. Though only mildly salty, it felt as though she'd licked off an oily substance that somehow filled her nostrils with his musk. But as all times before, she persevered, continuing to lap at the donkey's below average sized prick, until it finally began to rise and grow rigid.

His scent only seemed to intensify at this, yet somehow Kiria didn't feel as strongly about it anymore. It was actually starting to rouse something in her that made her blush to herself. Once again she felt her body betray her, the very act of licking a man's dirty prick apparently enough for her to begin wettening. It seemed a paradox for her, yet it was hardly the first, even that very same day.

With Fume's prick up at full mast, now came the time to take him in her mouth. With a quick breath, she plunged herself down onto the male's rod, her lupine muzzle finding it easy to accommodate his modest length. Her nose buried itself in the darker tuft of fur above his genitals, the scent there seemingly as strong as it could get. In a sense it felt less and less an irritant, and more so intoxicating, much to her surprise. With her tongue now busied around the male's prick and balls, somewhat absentmindedly her hand seemed to trail down towards her own parts, yet as soon as she felt those pleasant twinges of touch upon her sensitive clit, she pulled back in shame. This was not something she should've been enjoying. This was forced upon her, and greatly degrading to an officer of the Imperium. Yet a base need told her it'd be fine, that it'd make her imprisonment within the camp more tolerable, so that she could become more like Teklis - one who'd conquered her fears, who learned to make the best of her situation, who became... a common, if talented, whore. Yet what was she now, if not a mildly resistant whore, denying herself any semblance of pleasure?

Her thoughts on the matter were abruptly cut short, when without warning, a hot distasteful liquid began to flood her mouth. The donkey had begun to orgasm with nary an audible sign, his cock ejecting spurt after spurt of his essence in subtle spasms of pleasure. The taste invading her maw felt oddly wheat-like, but only amid the regular taste of dull bitter saltiness. She'd expected worse.

With a grunt-like gasp of pleasure, it was over for the donkey, but Kiria yet had to deal with what he'd left her. Pulling back and off of his prick, she quickly braced herself and swallowed hard, the onset of the aftertaste once again bringing a feeling of disgust in her mouth. But along with it came a different sensation entirely, and whether it was satisfaction or simply relief she couldn't say.

Breathing heavily, she leaned back in and began to lap at his steadily softening member, slowly licking it clean before regular cleaning could continue. She would also need to find a moment to wash herself of the stench that no doubt clung to her now.