An Expression of Exhibitionism

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Havok is taking a train ride with Thimas, and it's actually going rather well up until the point that the old badger sees a woman being harassed by several waiters in the dining car. The result is...somewhat expected.

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An Expression of Exhibitionism

For DrakeHavok

By Draconicon

Havok knew that going with Thimas on a train journey wasn't going to end well for him, but he'd thought that they at least would have to get to their destination before things started to get kinky.

Oh, how wrong he was.

The white dragon sat with the elderly badger in the dining car, the two of them sharing what was a fairly decent meal. Heavy on the rice and low on the meat, admittedly, but still nice. He was just finishing up the last of the food when he noticed that the older badger was staring behind him, probably looking at another table. Worse, he had a look of a man that had just made a rather firm decision.

One that involved the violin that he kept in the case at his side.

"Thimas...Thimas, what are you doing?" Havok whispered as the badger leaned down.

"There's someone I need to deal with."

"What? What's going on?"

"Look behind you."

Groaning at the middle-aged badger's words, he did as he was told.

It took him a moment to see what was going on. There were a couple of possible arguments that might have gotten the badger's attention, but it wasn't until he saw the cluster of waiters around one woman that he realized what was happening. They were whispering, of course, but it was a whisper that was designed to carry, talking about the way that the vixen in question was dressed.

"Shameless, really...could end up flashing everyone..."

"Customers are complaining...please cover up..."

"Almost saw your...not even wearing..."

"Thimas, this isn't really anything important. It's just a lady being asked to change," Havok said, even as he kicked himself for saying it. "Okay, it's not good, but you don't have to use the music."

"Oh, I think I do."

"Please. At least..."

"At least what?" the badger asked, looking down at him.

Havok didn't have anything that he could say to that. He wanted to protest, to keep the magic to a minimum while on the train, but he knew that there was very little that he could do if Thimas had already made a decision. The old bard knew what he was doing, most of the time. It just...tended to end up with the white dragon rather humiliated by those that retained their memory of the event.

"Fine. Just...try not to mess me around too much this time?"

"Heh, I will try to make sure that you at least enjoy it."

"That wasn't what I asked!"

But it was too late. His companion had already left their table and climbed onto another, his bare, furry feet leaving a couple of sweat prints on the tablecloth. Havok buried his head in his hands as the badger lifted a glass, tapping it with a finger.

"Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen. If I may have your attention, please? Yes, yes, that means you, too, waiters harassing the young woman."

Oh god...

"It seems that we have a dress code in this carriage. What it is, I have no idea, but if there's some rules, perhaps we should make sure that we all know what they are, hmm? Young wolf, perhaps you should educate me."

"..." The waiter in question gaped like a fish out of water, shaking his head, fishing for words.

"Ah, then perhaps there aren't rules? That you are instituting your own based on a complaint? Or maybe there's something else entirely that I'm not aware of.

"Not that it matters, of course. After all, everyone here needs to..."

Havok knew what happened without even looking. Click, snick, clack. The badger had kicked the violin case in the air, opened it with a dramatic flick of his finger, and caught the instrument and the bow in one smooth motion.

"Loosen up."

"Sir, get down from the table."

"Why? I believe it's quite the fine stage for a bit of song."

"Sir -"

"_Touch me not, good sir, touch me not indeed

But rather, gaze upon, look upon, stare upon me

Not for the gold or the glimmer in my eye

But for the song in my heart, oh me, oh my._ "

The bow slid across the strings, and the tone hit Havok in the same way that it hit everyone else in the carriage. He stiffened up, his eyes going a bit wide as he felt the music sliding into his brain, and as the badger continued to play, thumping the beat at first on the edge of his table with one bare foot, the same bouncing beat started to settle into his head.

"_Strip those rules, strip those pants

Ain't got a lot there, that, I grant

But who cares 'bout that when the song does play

All through the night and all through the day._ "

The badger's words had him getting to his feet already, the rapidly slipping dragon losing his mind to the tune and already reaching down to his pants. He barely hesitated to start shucking them off, the tune pulling him along despite himself. In the back of his mind, he knew that he was the only one doing it, but that barely mattered. What mattered was that the song was pulling him along and that he was obeying it.

He started to dance a bit, little more than a shuffle as Thimas gestured him forward. The badger's thumping foot held his attention, and he was drawn forward despite himself, despite the blushes on his cheeks.

"_Now gather 'round and listen here

A bit of fun ain't that queer

Best not act to prim and elite

Like this dragon 'bout to lick my feet._ "

Another oh god flitted through his head before he dropped his head down, his cheeks burning, but only slightly. The soft scent of sweat and musk on fur and flesh filled his nose, and then he was presented with the badger's foot.

It had a slightly more aged smell than the other feet that he had worshiped in recent memory, but not in a bad way. He groaned as he nosed against it, having to follow it up and down as the older badger kept hopping and bouncing to the beat, still singing for the crowd.

It was part of Thimas's magic that the whole dining car didn't turn on them, he knew. The badger's music was as magical as any dragon's spell, and in some ways, much more powerful than anything that most mages would be able to summon. Music, after all, was damn near universal.

He groaned as he kept getting his face pushed right into that musky foot, though, having to find the up and down rhythm to properly lick and worship it. He started to drag his tongue along the bottom of it, working himself and the badger up in the process.

The song was getting a bit raunchier, but still maintained its folksong roots. Havok groaned as his cock started to get harder, rising up between his legs with every lick that he gave the singer. He didn't know if it was the music making it happen or his own kinks, but there was no denying that he was rock hard down there.

He dropped one hand down, rubbing himself, giving himself a hint of a handjob as he started to get into the foot licking. Thimas was enchanting the entire car by now, more and more people losing their pants.

He assumed that there was some point in equalizing them, but he didn't have the brain to think it through. All he could do was lick, lick, and lick along those musky soles and toes, sinking further into the song.

"_And now we come to some whole new fun

Some fun that needs more than one and one

So come on down, get hard as a rock

Our dragon here needs some cocks._ "

And suddenly, that was just what Havok needed. His cheeks burned, but he turned to face the rest of the carriage. He heard the sounds of people coming to him, footsteps on the carriage floor -


And then he felt the first cock rubbing against his asshole. His cheeks just about burned right off his face, and he lowered his head to the ground, falling to all fours and presenting himself to the people that Thimas had been singing to.

The badger hopped off the table, standing in front of him and offering his cock in turn. Havok opened his mouth to say something -


The dragon gasped as his mouth was plugged with Thimas's cock, the older male looking down at him with a wink.

"Sorry, can't have you breaking the spell now. Just suck, that's a good dragon...promise you, I'll make it up to you tomorrow."

He couldn't see how Thimas could do that, but he didn't have a lot of choice. He leaned forward, closing his eyes and letting himself sink into the badger's heady musk, his chin resting on balls that were at least as big as his fists, and braced himself for the first cock from the other passengers.

It was a horse-cock, of course. He took a deep breath, and let himself drop into a musky trance, knowing he was going to be very well-stretched after this...

The End

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