Meeting in the Woods

Story by Sorin on SoFurry

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#4 of Sex Casual World

Black Parks are always a risk, as you never quite knew what could happen to you there. So why did she want to meet him inside of one as their first ever meeting? A Sex Casual World - Black Park story.

Meeting in the Woods

WARNING - This story contains scenes of (painless) hard vore. You have been warned.

Chuck walked slowly through the trees, one arm around the other and moving with eyes and ears alert. He had never been to a Black Park before, and his first time had him on edge. His wrist rose so he could look once again at the band there. It was white, with a small led at its center. With that color, he was technically safe in the park, as it meant no one was allowed to take him without expressed permission.

Well.... almost no one. There was one person in particular that he expected to find, and the very reason for him coming.

Black Parks always seemed like one of those surreal places to him: he knew they existed, but never really thought about them. They were places that people could come in and do the extreme sexual acts that most of society preferred to not see. Consent was still paramount in here, hence the bands to display what was permitted, but as long as you consented, literally anything could happen here. People came here to willingly die at times.

The zebra stopped under a tree and turned to sit against it, his nude form feeling a little odd without his usual shorts. Somewhere not far away, he could smell someone doing some sort of activity he didn't want to consider. Another predator, a basset hound, had already passed him a short while aga, but he declined for any fun. Maybe that was him across the bushes now. Impossible to say.

His eyes turned to look along the trees for a moment. Liz was supposed to be here somewhere. Once again, for the millionth time, he wondered in his head how he could have possibly let her convince him to meet here of all places.

There was a sound of rustling. That was all the warning he got. He jerked himself to the side just as a small dark whistled through the air and dug into the ground. His eyes locked on it, following the angle. Tree branches, behind.

He dove forward, using his arms to push himself up as he went into a sprint. Behind him, twigs snapped and leaves rustled as the other gave chase. Bushes and trees whipped past, slapping his belly and legs and crotch, but he went on as animal instinct just told him to run. Why, why, WHY?

He felt a dart strike his left shoulder. There was a sharp stab of pain, but he reached over to pull it out and just dropped it to keep running. He blitzed passed a few ladies on the ground, over a small stream...

But he didn't see the raised root under the next set of brush. His foot caught it and he dropped hard. One arm tried to catch him, but he slid roughly on the thick grass. Instantly, he knew that his ankle was twisted or something, because as he tried to kick, pain lanced up his calf.

He didn't get another foot before a heavy weight fell on top of him from behind. His face turned back to see the one chasing him. She was nude just like him, fur golden in the sunlight. Her face was in a bright smile as she leaned in to sniff him. He closed his eyes as he felt a mild tremor pass down his spine.

He felt her wrist shift and press to his. One eye opened and he saw their left hands, bands pressed together. The light on his band flashed for a moment and then glowed a bright green. "Found you~" she said with a little chuckle. "You didn't run for nearly as long as I expected..."

"Damned root... Let me up and I'll go again...."

"Ah, ah. That wasn't our deal, remember?" He felt her chuckle and lean in to lick his ear. "The deal was that if I caught you, I'd get to have my way with you."

Again, he asked himself, why in god's name did he agree to this? And yet, despite the fear, he could also feel his cock throbbing underneath of him against the cold ground.

She shifted and grabbed him, finally rolling him onto his back so that he could look at her properly. Feline muzzle and ears... Fine toned muscle... A somewhat small set of breasts, but the size he liked. She actually looked like quite a sexy lioness. A beauty that wasn't lost to him, a zebra. "So... I guess that means you got me."

"Damn right, it does." She smiled and leaned in to kiss his lips softly for a second before breaking it. "And I'm going to enjoy this..." She moved and he gave his leg a testing shift. Leg still in pain. Definitely no escape now.

Before he could think more, she was over him and she was pushing her feline pussy to his face. "Start licking. Do a good job, and I'll make the next part a lot more enjoyable for you."

His eyes looked up to hers and he whined, but obediently let out his tongue. It had no place to go but against her sex. He relaxed his body to submit and gently ate at her. The juices flowing were surprisingly sweet on his tongue, and he let himself dig deeper. The weight on his head helped keep his mind in a place of submission and helplessness.

He could hear her moaning softly. "Mm... That's a good job, my little prey. Enjoying being in your place, aren't you?" Her hand took his long shaft and his licking faltered as he hissed. Her scent was starting to fill his nose completely, and it made his 12-inch equine shaft as hard as he'd ever felt.

The teasing strokes of his cock made him squirm as he continued eating her. At one point, he tried to bring a hand up to touch her, and his hand was promptly swatted. "No moving. You are to lie there and pleasure me, nothing else." He whined again but obeyed, and that made his cock throb. Pre was oozing down his length now, which she just rubbed into his flesh.

He didn't know how long had passed before she finally pulled from his face and moved lower. "Now... I want this." She placed her knees at his side, cock against her sex. "And again, no moving. You're being very good, but it's not over yet."

His head nodded and he relaxed back to close his eyes. He felt it and played it in his mind as his flared tip spread her feline sex. It was incredibly warm, and he was almost too big for her. But with a groan, she swayed her hips and his cock popped inside. Oh, how his hips wanted to buck and thrust in, but he forced himself to obey and lie still except for shudders in his toes and fingers.

It was a lot of cock, but she smoothly took him down about halfway before stopping. "Oh, fuck me, that's a good fill...." She began to rock forward and back, on and off. He bit his lips as he was quickly pushed down a line of pleasure that he knew could only have one end.

As she rode him for a few minutes, somehow he managed to hold on without cumming. Then he felt her tap his chin. "Hey... Open your eyes." He obeyed. She looked oddly beautiful there, looking pleasured and panting. "I want you to watch as I do this..."

He nodded. Her grinding slowed a little as she leaned over towards his left arm. Her grip shifted so one elbow was on his chest, the other arm holding his wrist, but he suddenly realized that all he felt was a light pressure. Was she holding his wrist at all? He couldn't feel it.

That thought couldn't even really register as the lioness suddenly flashed her fangs and bit down hard into his forearm. The sight caused his mind to completely freeze. He felt a solid pressure and tug and she took a massive chunk of his bicep out of his arm. Blood sprayed over her face and she let out a purr.

The zebra's mind passed to shock for a moment. She'd actually done that... She'd torn his arm open! But there was no pain; he felt a warmth at his side and some pressure, but no pain. The lion spent a moment gnawing on muscle before she went back in for another massive bite. His body shifted as this one got bone. Again, no pain.

Chuck felt another throb of his cock as she twitched on him. He had fapped to images like this before, but... watching it happen to him was something else. He groaned and twisted, halfheartedly fighting it as his balls screamed in excitement.

She noticed and responded by biting hard and twisting her neck. His form jerked as his bone held, but she took another chunk of muscle away. He could feel the blood pooling under him now as she leaned back to openly chew muscle in front of him. "You taste so good..." She licked her lips and smiled at him.

A lance of mental pleasure hit his head and his throat let out a long groan as his cock exploded in the strangest orgasm he'd ever felt. He couldn't deny that this display, this feeling of his form being destroyed, was something like a dream come true.

Her eyes fluttered a little as his seed filled her, and she squeezed her own breast for a moment. "Oh my... That got you off already? You best hold on, then... I'm not done yet...."

Her elbow dug into his chest again as she leaned in. He couldn't completely see what she was doing. In fact, it was kind of hard to focus as he felt his head getting somewhat light. How much blood had he lost?

Liz began to tug and thrash, growling as she worked at his arm. The motions kept his cock inside her firm and hard, refusing to die in such a position. And all the while, his eyes watched her. Powerful jaws bit on his bone and he felt some cracking.

Then, with one last powerful twist and pull, she tore his arm away with a loud crack. The last bits of muscle tore easily as she took it along, wholly in her mouth. She moved to hang over him, the blood from his arm dripping on his chest. He watched transfixed on the arm. She'd actually done it... Eyes back to his arm, which was now a few inches long with blood pooling out.

His ears heard her say something, but he was feeling hard to hear now, so he turned back to her. She was smiling, still casually gnawing on the arm. His vision watched her face, still smiling to himself and cock throbbing. The edges began to waver and darken. The last sight he saw was her smile, bloody and content.

The next thing Chuck saw was a bright light over him. Something nearby let out a constant, repeated beeping. It sounded like a heart monitor...

He came around slowly to the sight of a hospital room. A monkey attendant was already there, smiling and waiting. "There you go... Take it easy, Mr. King, don't move too fast."

Chuck looked around for a moment, shifting his body and feeling. A lack of motion to his left made him look. Sure enough, his arm was entirely gone, covered in bandages and smooth to his side. Not a dream.... "How long was I out?"

"You've been asleep for 3 days in recovery," the nurse said, her smile soft and calming. "We... couldn't save the arm."

"Is Liz here?"

The question seemed to throw the nurse off a bit. "She is. Actually, you're lucky. She knew exactly what to do while you were on your way here. The police are here too. They want a statement of whether or not what she did to you was consensual."

He blushed a little bit as the memories and feelings came back. He had to shift his legs so she wouldn't see the sudden boner, but the heart monitor audibly increased a few beats.

It didn't take too long before the police came in and he gave them the entire story. He and Liz had met over the internet well over a year ago in a chat room. The friendship had started off simple enough with discussions on a game they both enjoyed and random life things.

But the friendship shifted and grew as the topic of kinks came up. It didn't take long for them to start playing together sexually via text and picture. But Chuck began to feel a lot more for the girl, and when he proposed the idea of a relationship, she completely agreed. Plans began to be made of when they could finally meet in person.

Things took a rather drastic turn when a new Black Park opened near her house. Chuck knew that she had always teased the idea of vore, but that she wouldn't do it with anyone random. He had secretly had a few fantasies of his own, but had never known how he could do it. Now, he had his chance. Liz had loved the idea of doing it with him. She was a registered nurse, so promised it would be painless and that she could do it safely.

So, he had quit his job, arranged to transport all of his stuff to a storage facility near Liz's house, and he had up and moved. That had been only a few days ago. He went straight to that Black Park, registered, and then the two had their fateful encounter.

The policeman taking the statement finished his notes and gave a nod. "Alright. Your consent, your bills. I hope you make out well." He said farewell with a tip of his hat.

Liz rushed in a minute later, and Chuck found himself chuckling. The two came together on the bed in a tight hug. He let out a loud laugh as he held her, finally and truly feeling her against him. When they split, he leaned back with a happy sigh. "So... I guess this is it."

"Yeah. I guess so." She blushed and sat at the edge of the bed, petting his belly. "You regretting any of it yet?"

He looked at his shoulder. "Nah... I trust you to help me out."

"Of course, my love. I'll be there to help you. And when the time comes..." She teasingly brushed his other arm.

He caught her message and chuckled. "Eventually. For you, my huntress, my body is your feast."