Family Reunion

Story by Sorin on SoFurry

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#6 of Sex Casual World

When sex is just a casual thing you can do, it's natural that some siblings may show affection for each other. Some families tend to show more affection than others. Sapphire's family is one of these, and she's on her way home to spend some fun time with them. A Sex Casual World story.

Family Reunion

The family reunion was Sapphire's second favorite time of the year. Her absolute favorite was Christmas, of course, but Reunion was pretty close behind. While Christmas lasted longer, Reunion still lasted a full week for the Marshall family and there was a lot more family involved. There were a lot of family that she didn't see all year and would get to have fun with. And the fact that it was summer meant they could do different things outside that they couldn't during the winter holiday.

Despite that, she was over an hour late. Traffic on her way back from college had been a bitch. Even though it was summer, she was trying to cram as many credits in as possible, so had chosen to stay on campus after her freshman year ended. It was a decision she now regretted as she fought the heavy summer traffic of holiday-goers.

As she turned the last corner onto her parents' street, she was met with two lines of cars. This street was normally half-empty, but the next spot she was was down the block. Just how it would be this week. The front yard of her parents' house was decorated with balloons inviting the family back for the 17thyear. She went a block down to the open spot and walked down the quiet suburban sidewalk.

The noise level began to grow from the next house over, and instead of going to the front door, she decided to sneak around back. There was a fence just high enough she had to stand on her tiptoes to look over.

The sight before her was a sea of blue. Like herself, most of the family was foxes, and the blue of her genealogy showed in some form in most of the pelts. There were obviously other species present as well, including a few cats, a bloodhound, and a gecko of all things. People of all ages where milling about on the poolside patio drinking beers. Some were sitting in the chairs, others actually swimming, and all in various states and styles of dress. She caught a glimpse of a handful of young kits run naked through a group of adults, eliciting some laughter.

And yes, there was some sex going on as well. She caught sight of her cousin sitting on the lap of some vulpine. That must have been her knew boyfriend she heard about. One of her aunts - Was it her third? Or fourth? She couldn't remember - was in the back corner of the fence being rutted by someone she was pretty sure was her uncle from the same line. All in all, still pretty tame for what she expected. But the week was still young.

"Are you going to keep peeping? Or join us?"

She eeped and turned, seeing a fox that was blue except for some reddish in his ears. "Oh... Hey, Uncle Mark." This was her mother's brother. He had always been around when she was growing up, and hearing his voice again made her smile.

He opened the gate in the fence and welcomed her in with a warm hug. "Welcome back, kiddo. How's college life treating you?"

"Oh... Pretty much same since Christmas. All work, very little play. Makes me miss home."

He chuckled. "Yeah, I imagine. But enjoy it while you can. You'll miss it once it's over."

"Yeah, yeah... I know I will." She couldn't help but look down. Like about half of the others, he was completely nude. At the moment, he had just a bit of his tip showing from his plush sheath underneath of his slightly-fat belly. "I hope you don't mind if I get my annual fun?"

"Not at all. You want it now?"

"No, not yet. I want to go say hi to mom and dad and the others first."

He nodded. "Yeah, alright. But don't go to bed until I've gotten some of you, ok?"

"You got it, Uncle Mark!"

She went through the crowd, greeting her family as she went. See, this was what being at college still couldn't provide her: a true sense where everyone loved her. There, it was always homework, assignments, dorm chores... Here, it was just welcoming embraces and smiles of love.

Eventually she got the smell of barbecue and made it to the grill where she saw her father. Unlike Uncle Mark, her dad was extremely fit from his time in the military time. He was all muscle under the white apron he wore. He was one of the few red foxes here, and she came up from behind to get a good look at his lovely ass.

Before he could turn, her arms were around his middle and she nuzzled up along the back of his neck. "Hey, Daddy!"

"Oh! Sapph! Welcome home!" He set down the tongs and turned to hug her, kissing her cheek. "I was wondering when you'd get here."

"Yeah, traffic and all that." She exchanged some more of her pleasantries, keeping her body close to his side. The way he held her gently yet protective and caring was something she could never get enough of.

After talking with him a bit, she made her way inside. Mom was usually in the kitchen at this point, getting the rest of the food ready for the kick-off dinner. There were only 4 others in there with her, including her younger sister. As soon as she walked in, the place exploded in happy screams.

They all shared hugs and giggles, kissing each other's cheeks lightly. It was more of the same pleasant conversation and catching up. But it was quickly clear that her mom was busy with the cooking.

Julie, who was her younger sister by 4 years, gently pulled her hand. "Hey. Can I show you something?" She followed along, admiring her sister's green dress. One thing that both of the sister's shared was a preference for actually being clothed. Sapphire preferred it because she liked to hide the last bit of fat she could never get rid of; Julie just loved being able to look different with all the different cloths.

They went into her sister's room, and Julie closed the door. As soon as they were alone, the girl turned and looked at Sapph. "So... I wanted to share something with you. Mom doesn't quite know yet. But I've had my one-year period."

The revelation lit up Sapphire's face lightly. That was quite a thing to hide. Legally, one year from a girl's first period was the point at which they could consent with anyone above their age for sex. "Oh, wow! Congrats~ You're 16, so we knew it would happen soon. But why are you hiding it?"

"Well, I didn't want it to be a big deal until I could actually have someone special."

"Ok, but I know you've been fucked before. You had that boyfriend at Christmas."

"Yeah, but... I think I'm actually a lesbian."

That was another revelation to Sapphire, but she just smiled. "I mean... That's awesome! But I still don't see how it's worth...."

Julie suddenly came forward and pushed her lips against Sapphire's, cutting the words off. She felt arms wrap around her in the moment she froze in surprise. When the kiss broke, Julie's voice fell slightly. "I... I want to try with you. I want to see if I really prefer girls. And I've always found you pretty."

The surprise instantly fell as the idea of having fun with her little sis settled in. "Well of course we can! You just had to ask~" She leaned back in and they shared a kiss again. With some practiced guiding, Sapphire let her tongue brush along Julie's. As they kissed, her hands worked to undo the dress that her smaller sister wore.

It became a whir for a moment as they both rushed to get naked and moved to the bed. Julie wanted to go first, but Sapphire insisted she get a taste first. So her sister lay back on the bed. There was no wasted time as she leaned in to softly taste her sister. Honestly, the flavor wasn't too different from her own. Maybe a bit sweeter. And the sounds... It didn't take much for the girl to start panting.

Her tongue swirled around the young vulva. When she could feel a bit of fluid there, her tongue pushed into the folds against the hole. The girl arched and gripped the sheets.

"Alright. Now you can have a turn." Sapphire pulled back enough to spin, planting her sex right above Julie's face. She had to shift a little to line it up well enough, but it would work. "Go ahead~ Lick all you like."

At first, the licking was slow. Her fingers came in to explore a little. It was a learning moment, so she didn't rush her. But that didn't mean she had to go slow. Her tongue and fingers continued to play at the lovely pussy under her and just a little bit with the cute pucker below.

As Julie got into it more, the two gradually started to get more intense as the room filled with the heavy scent of sex. It was clear that Julie was very much into it, as she was quickly wiggling around. Time for the grand finish, Sapphire thought. Two fingers pushed into the girl's sex and her lips moved to push aside her clit hood. Immediately the girl pulled away from her oral sex and cried out. If the parents didn't know what was happening, they probably did now.

She pushed Julie through a powerful, fast orgasm that left her slumped and panting with a generous wet spot on the bed sheets. Sapphire climbed off and spun around. "I'd say you enjoyed that, huh?" Julie nodded, still too out of breath. "But we aren't done yet. I haven't finished. You wanna play with a boob or something?"

Julie looked and nodded gently. They rotated so Julie was on top now, gently feeling the generous D-cup boobs. After a bit of encouragement, the girl leaned in and began suckling on a nipple. Sapphire reached down and began to finger herself as she watched and enjoyed it all. She couldn't believe she was lucky enough to share her sister's first time with a woman. And she was turning into quite a good little mouth whore. Almost...

There was a sudden knock on the door. "Dinner is almost ready. Finish up in there if you don't want to miss any!" They stopped and looked over, but no one came in.

Sapphire lay there, now debating on it. "Well, I guess that's our time. Go ahead and get cleaned and dressed."

"Aw, Sapph.... I didn't get you off."

"Yeah, but it's ok. We have a whole week. And plenty of other chances besides." They shared another loving kiss before getting some towels to clean off and dressing again. Sapphire left her panties, though. They would probably just get in the way at this point.

The next few hours were another fast blur of activity. She hugged cousins she missed the first time, chatting about new jobs and new homes, boyfriends and girlfriends, and all matters in between. The party shifted this way and that as the sun passed overhead.

The sun was setting just as Sapphire was starting to tire a bit from everything and was lying out on the grass, watching the darker clouds up above. She heard the crunch of grass and looked to see Uncle Mark and her dad walking over. Her dad had removed the apron and was sporting a bright red erection. "There's my little girl~"

The sight made Sapphire instantly blush with excitement. There was only thing the two could be wanting coming to her together and with her dad already so swollen. "Hey, Daddy."

She sat up and her dad crouched to one knee. He leaned in to kiss her cheek, then slid up to her ear. "I missed you, Sapphire. What's our safeword?"

The request did two things. First, it told her this was about to get just a little bit rough, though it often did with him. The second was that it instantly got her excited. "Saturn," she whispered back.

"Good girl." He pulled back. His voice got a little higher. "At attention. Start servicing."

The command was crisp. Without hesitation, she rose to her knees and took his thick cock with a hand. Lips kissed his tip and she began to take it in. The place of commanding dom and obedient sub had been a play that they had found during Sapphire's junior year of high school, and it was something he pulled out now and then when they both were in the mood. Pun not intended.

She felt him take her hand and move it to another soft, furry sheath. That would be Uncle Mark. Without question, her fingers found his swelling tip and began to work it. The two above began to just talk casually as if what was going on was beyond notice. The casualness only added to her excitement.

Her mouth alternated from one to the other. Between them, she enjoyed her father so much more. Uncle Mark's cock was a bit longer, but not as thick and had a different flavor. She could feel her pants getting a bit wet, and now regretted not wearing her panties. Thankfully, that was soon remedied.

Her dad pulled back. "Present." She pulled off of the cock, and leaned forward into a feral position with her chest to the ground, still working Uncle's cock with a hand. Her tail flagged up obediently. A hand swung in suddenly and spanked her rear hard. "Did I say to stop servicing?"

She whimpered a moment, caught and confused. Obediently, she lifted her head and went back onto Uncle's cock. It was just a bit awkward trying to keep her ass raised at the angle her daddy liked, but still suckling, but she managed.

"For that, you get five spanks. If Uncle Mark feels any teeth at all, you will wear a lock for the rest of the week." The lock was Daddy's word for a chastity belt that would be used for teasing. She let out a whimper as the tried to relax her mouth as much as she could. A week, this week especially, in that would be beyond teasing.

Her body relaxed, and as she felt the next spank hit her, she whined and tensed her butt. But her jaw stayed relaxed. Then again, and she felt herself driven forward on the cock. It was long enough she felt it in her throat a moment. But before she could pull back, the third spank got her and she went a little deeper. Her mind picked up mixed signals from it all; pain from the swat, pleasure at the act of being so controlled, panic from the mild gagging the cock caused her, fear she would lose this little challenge.

The fourth spank pushed all those thoughts away as she accepted and moaned from the firm spank. Her mouth tightened a bit, but she pushed it open and just cried out around the cock. The last spank didn't come in time with the rest and she was almost relaxed. That one made her whimper again and she closed just her lips on the cock. As she slid back, she breathed hard through her nose to control the feeling. Her ass burned a little, but it was a pleasant feeling to her.

"Well, Mark? How'd she do?"

"Perfect. Not a single tooth. And the screaming and moaning was very nice."

"Hehe. Hear that, little slut? You did exactly as told."

She blushed again, looking up at Uncle Mark with a thankful look. The two pulled away from her and collectively began to remove her clothing. She could see a group of family were watching, some having their own fun with others or masturbating to the display. It made her smile. God, she loved her family...

As her pants came down, she felt a line of cold fluid hit just below her tail. Two fingers rubbed over her tailhole, pushing in gently. "Relax," was the only order she got.

She wanted to tighten, but kept her backside relaxed as he stretched it. "Daddy... Are you going to fuck me?"

"That's right, my little whore daughter. I'm going to stretch this ass so thick you'll be leaking all weekend."

She moaned and nodded. "What about you, sir?" she asked, looking up at Uncle Mark. "Will you fuck me too?"

"Oh, yes. Your Daddy and I have something special planned."

The feeling of hot cock on her ass silenced her. It was tipped, so it wasn't a bad stretch at first, but she was a bit unpracticed in the tailhole. As soon as he got the head in, she let out a bit of a pained whimper. Her dad stopped, recognizing the different. His hand reached down and pet her back. "You ok, sweetie?"

She breathed through her nose as she rode out the stretch. It wasn't totally painful. Just more than she expected. Her head gave a nod. "Yes, Daddy. Just... Let me take a moment."

"Of course."

They stayed there a moment. Daddy and Mark continued talking over some casual thing like football. Occasionally, his hand could give her another gentle spank or rub on the rump, helping relax her. When she felt she was ready, she pushed back slightly with a more playful whine.

The scene was on again as her Daddy reformed his dominance. He gripped her tail and pulled as he slowly sank in. She panted and whined as her ass and the fleshy walls within her were stretched. It was such a different feeling from her sex, and one she so rarely felt.

A gentle tug at her hair and a shoulder pulled her up. She fell back against her dad's chest, his cock still in her. "Keep your legs spread," he said firmly. She obeyed despite silently questioning it, then watched as Uncle Mark came in between her legs stroking his shaft.

"Daddy... I..." She had never taken both holes at once like this. For a moment, she was worried it would be too much of a stretch. "Daddy, please..."

"Quiet down, you little bitch. Take it like the slut you are."

The safeword passed through her mind for a moment as the cock touched her sex. She could utter it and be safe. But.... Her daddy's firm voice and touch drove her to obey. She gritted her teeth.

The entrance made her feel like she was being torn. She cried out again as her vagina and tailhole squeezed around the cocks. It was intense. But again, not painful. Mark leaned forward, softly playing with one of her breasts as he waited for her to adjust. "Mm... Just as warm as I remember."

Her whimper became a soft whine. It did feel hot... And sexy... Her own father claiming her ass and her mother's brother in her pussy. By some silent understanding, Uncle Mark began to hump slowly. For a while, Daddy's cock just remained in her ass to ensure she'd feel it as she moaned from the vaginal sex. But as they picked it up, her body began to rock and get slight motion over that cock too.

She relaxed and pushed back against her Daddy as her hands gripped the grass. Her mind couldn't think straight as she was pounded by both men. In and out, rubbing her ass and vulva and vagina with every vein and throb. She climaxed at some point, but it was well before either of them and they didn't even slow for her.

Her Daddy was the one that finished first, and he pushed himself further into her as his knot swelled inside of her. Her head pushed back against his cheek as she felt it. "Oh, Daddy...."

"Mmm... Yes, my little girl... Take your daddy's seed." His own hips gave a few thrusts and she felt warm liquid begin to ooze into her.

Uncle Mark followed half a minute later. His knot wasn't as big, and she could feel her sex accepting it and popping it out. It even pushed at her clit from the inside. Her eyes crossed as the knot grew little by little and pushed her more and more. She shook as that cock kept going until it finally burst and she felt it settle just inside of her. It was hot and wet, and she felt it oozing out of her sex as Uncle Mark dumped.

With a huff, Uncle Mark pulled back and rubbed himself to spray some cum onto her belly. "Yeah... That's how you start a family reunion." He gave her breast a little kiss and idly strolled off. Any other time, she would have asked him to stay and cuddle, but there would be more time.

And besides, she had another warm body beneath her that her ass had firmly tied. She looked back at him with a smile. "Mm... Thank you, Daddy."

He kissed her cheek. "Love you, my little girl." With his strong muscles, he shifted them against the fence so he could sit up with her in his lap and they watched the rest of the reunion happen.

The night wore on, and even when his knot retreated from her and she began oozing cum over his sheath, they remained to idly enjoy the company. The younger ones went to bed as the older members partied and fucked into the night. Even on day number one, this was already a successful reunion to her.