The Flames of Pain and Passion

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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Fire Mane, a career supervillain, has done the unthinkable, and now it's up to his nemesis, the superhero Phantom, to try and bring him to justice. Of course, not everything is what it seems, and so the hero might not be able to win against the other.

The curled fingers smashed into the black lion's face with enough force to send the maned feline flying backwards over the pews which had long since been knocked over, thanks in part to the earlier fight; the sight of the muscular body crumbled over the burnt seats was framed by a cascade of smoke billowing from around the burning building, not that the injured jungle king cared about this fact, given that his face was currently throbbing in a rather unpleasant manner. The feline assailant, a white spotted leopard wearing a tight fitting gray one piece spandex suit, complete with a seamless mask strapped over the front of his handsome face, snarled in rage as he looked over the larger male who easily picked himself up from his undignified position. Righteous fury danced within the golden leopard's jet black eyes, as he gazed over the chuckling male who now stood up to his full six and a half foot height.

"You goddamned psychopath!!" The shorter feline snarled, as he pulled his still outstretched fist back in front of his chest. "What the hell were you thinking burning down a goddamn church?!" To say that Phantom was upset over what was happening at the moment would have been a monumental understatement.

The spotted superhero had been more than ready to settle in from a long day at the office when he had gotten a call telling him that Fire Mane had ignited the building in question with his pyromatic super powers. The maned lion had been the younger superhero's nemesis for a decade at least, as the two had clashed time and again after their first encounter, wherein the black lion had set aflame a government building in protest over the, at the time, governor's, decision to try and have all meta-anthromorphs documented and then shipped off to a government facility far, far away from 'normies', as it were. When they had first come across one another, Fire Mane had made it abundantly clear that he would not be stopped by the smaller leopard, and despite Phantom's best attempt at trying to fight the other, he had been unable to defeat the larger male. Thankfully, Phantom had been able to keep the black lion from unleashing his full power onto the governor, whom the supervillain had kidnapped earlier in the evening, though, despite this fact, he had just barely been able to save the terrified rabbit's life after the black lion had casually tossed the politician out of a broken window. Despite this however, the governor had been indebted to him, and thus had quickly changed his policy on his meta-anthromorph stance at Phantom's behest.

Sadly, Fire Mane had escaped during his rescue, starting what would become ten very long years of back and forth antagonism between the two super powered felines.

The pair had clashed with each other time and again, going so far as to beat each other bloody senseless across various continents as a consequence, however, through some manner of another, Fire Mane always managed to escape capture. The media and other superheroes had harshly criticized Phantom for being unable to apprehend the black lion, however, Fire Mane had quickly made it abundantly clear to said critics that he was a force not to be reckoned with, as he had been the one to nearly kill Iron Justice, the minotaur who had been the former leader of the Institute of Righteousness, after learning of the other's harsh chastization of the white spotted leopard. Leaving the other charred and burning with his guts hanging out from his stomach in front of a police building, compliments of several precision based knife strikes and his own natural pyromatic abilities, had been enough to make everyone aware that Phantom was doing a damned good job at handling the supervillain. It had also made Iron Justice quit the superhero business, not that the maned feline gave a rat's ass about that fact.

Today the other had gone above and beyond his normal villainous routine, as the black lion had set ablaze the First Hope Church within Whitehall City, the capital of the country, for some odd reason. Phantom was determined to get an answer as to why the taller anthromorph had done such an abhorrent thing this evening, and yet upon hearing a chuckle echo from the military fatigue wearing lion's lips, he quickly realized that things might not go exactly as he hoped.

"Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved." The muscular lion recited from scripture right as he raised a hand and then set it on fire with a mental command. "Though with that said, I will admit that the righteous were very moved when I decided to make this place hell on earth." The maned lion cackled as he stared almost fondly at the superhero who he had been struggling against for so long.

"That's it?!" Phantom scowled. "You burned up one of the biggest churches in the country just for giggles?!"

"Not really." Fire Mane shook his head, before looking up at the ceiling, which was being slowly eaten away by the crimson and orange flames which he had released from his body earlier that evening. "I just wanted to test God, and see if he would allow his such blasphemy to befall his place of worship." Raising his flaming hand up to the sky, the red maned lion released a burst of fire into the air. Phantom watched in silent awe as the stream of flames danced against the wood up above, fanning itself out and then forming what looked like a massive dove before bursting outwards to cover more of the building in heat and smoke. If nothing else, Fire Mane's power was something to be respected, and not just for its destructive capabilities. "I guess he would indeed. Hehe, isn't such a pity that he can't protect either his buildings of prayer, or those that would serve him? Instead, the latter has to rely on the 'heretical fallen angels' to do so?" The supervillian asked while rolling his head down to have a look at his sexy adversary.

"I wouldn't know, I'm not a christian, and thus I can't say one way or another what God might think on this matter!" The masked leopard coughed right as the wire holding up the chandelier swaying up above his head snapped.

Time seemed to slow as the slightly charred ornamental hanging light fell onto the spot where the slightly shorter feline stood. The crimson eyed lion blinked as he watched the white spotted leopard phase out of existence just as the fixture crashed to the soot covered carpet in spectacular fashion, the super hero returned back into existence some seconds later, though it was several feet in front of the now destroyed chandelier.

"Though I do know that there's going to be hell to pay for this." The black eyed leopard growled, his long and limber tail lashed wildly back behind himself as his anger over what the other had done stoked the proverbial fires of justice which burned within his heart.

"Oh really?" The red maned lion cackled as he let a cruel smirk slide across his lips as he looked up and down at the superhero in front of him. "You think that you're going to beat me down this time, my little hero?" The villain finished right as he stroked his dark pink tongue across his lower lip.

"I'm not playing around with you!" Phantom hissed. "You've really crossed the line on this one!"

"Hmm, then I guess we're going to clash once again, Phantom." The red maned lion said before easing his tight, muscular form into a fighting stance. "Such a pity, too, because I was so looking forward to having you stand by my side on this matter." Was the last thing the slightly supervillain said before his crimson eyes suddenly hardened.

Had he not been used to the intensity of the taller feline's natural aura, Phantom would have been completely shaken at the bloodlust which suddenly surged out from Fire Mane, however, as it was, he simply let his own lust for battle swell from out of his soul as he drew himself into his own fighting stance.

The white spotted leopard had just enough time to lock his fists into position before his adversary came at him full force. Like greased lightning, Fire Mane moved with a level of grace and dexterity that seemed to beguile the fact that the other was pushing close to forty. Phantom, being almost eight years his junior, was ready for the other despite this, as the training he had received from Monk back at the institute quickly raced within his mind.

The first punch that the red maned lion threw out was slapped away by the smaller feline, however, the second proved to be a feint which drew his attention away to the right, this left Phantom wide open to a swift kick in the gut. Years of physical training kept the masked leopard's ribs from being shattered, as the muscles within his abdomen absorbed most of the force from the booted heel which squarely connected with his body, yet all the same, the raw strength behind Fire Mane's attack sent the shorter feline back several steps. The younger superhero was just able to right his balance, and prevent his dinner from spilling up from out of his throat, when his opponent charged at him with a flying kick. Ducking down, the masked leopard allowed the black lion to trail over his head; jet black eyes watched in mild fascination as the other's long, ropey tail gently whizzing past his head, with the crimson tuft stroking at the top of his hairless skull, before he blinked away his awe.

Instead of pouncing on the other while his back was turned, something that was clearly an option to do, as it took the taller feline a moment to rebound from his failed attack, the masked leopard waited for the other male to turn around to face him.

"You should have pinned me." The red maned lion growled, his slightly yellowed fangs shimmering from the light being cast from the surrounding fires.

"I'd never take a cheap shot like that, you know that." Phantom spat in disgust.

"That's why I'm going to win this fight." The black lion proclaimed rather sardonically before darting forward once again.

The two punched each other in the face just as a support beam holding up the ceiling snapped in half from the flames that were constantly licking it. Fists clashed against one another in unapologetic fury as both men snarled and roared while trying to gain an advantage over one another; the pair got painfully close to one another after Fire Mane grappled the slightly shorter feline in an unflinching hold. Phantom found himself gasping slightly as he could taste the supervillain's breaths on his lips, right before he found his breath squeezed out of his lungs.

The white spotted leopard broke the two of them apart by swiftly imposing his knee into the supervillain's gut.

A flash of some emotion colored the superhero's black eyes when he saw the older anthromorph grunt and then draw himself back, but before he could allow it to fully manifest itself into demanding an action from him, he knocked Fire Mane's arms off from around his body and then kicked the other into the chest. The red maned lion took two hard steps back, giving Phantom just enough time to come at him with a roundhouse punch to the face. The crimson eyed feline ducked out of the way just in time from possibly having his lights clocked out, though in return for his opponent leaving himself so open, the supervillian unsheathed his claws from the tips of his naked fingers, and then raked them across Phantom's ass.

The yelp the younger male let out was almost musical to Fire Mane's hearing as his rounded ears twitched upon hearing the sound. A juvenile chuckle escaped from out of his throat as he watched his nemesis jump up several feet into the air before slamming back down onto the ground. Watching as the younger anthromorph turned around to look at his now slightly bleeding rear end, the red maned lion could only lick his tongue out across his lips as his crimson eyes shone with unabashed desire for his adversary.

Phantom couldn't help shivering as he watched the hungry predator leer at him. Shaking away the feelings of fear and slight arousal which surged throughout his body - there was no denying that the supervillain was a handsome man, after all - the white spotted leopard pulled his lips back into a feline snarl of indignation as he charged at the black lion.

The smirk which crossed over Fire Mane's face refused to go away as he and his rival returned to punching and kicking at one another.

The crimson flames seemed to fan themselves across the entire building as the pair knocked each other into walls hard enough to crack their paint covered exteriors apart. The red maned lion's head was snapped to the side from a vicious punch just as the sounds of fire engines could be heard coming from outside. Phantom found himself caught within a unyielding headlock a second after firefighters bust through the front door of the burning building. The men on duty could only stare in wonder as they watched the black lion yell out in pain as a firm elbow smashed square into his gut. However, none of them could think to say anything when the masked superhero slipped himself free from the other's hold, grabbed the larger feline by the arm, and then tossed him bodily across the room.

The white spotted leopard stood back up to his six foot height just as the supervillain crashed into the podium at the front of the building. A quick shake of his head, coupled with a few coughs to get most of the smoke which had built up out of his lungs, straightened the smaller feline's blurry vision, though not for very long, as oxygen deprivation was slowly starting to get to him. Turning his head to look at the men covered in tacking looking fireproof uniforms, the white spotted leopard opened his muzzle to say something at them, but a furious roar silenced whatever it was that he was about to say; a bright flash of light made everyone turn their heads to the side to avoid being blinded.

When the masked leopard blinked his jet black eyes open next, he found himself looking at Fire Mane as he stood in his true form as a pillar of crimson and orange flames which bore the silhouette of a nine and a half foot tall lion.

"GET OUT!!!" The fire coated king of the jungle roared loud enough to shake the building.

The firefighters, rightly fearing for their lives, turned and hauled tail out of the building as fast as their legs could carry them. The shouts of 'devil' could be heard echoing throughout the building for several seconds before all was silent once again, save for the cackling fires swarming throughout the church.

The white spotted leopard was unmoved by the other's outburst however, having heard it time and again throughout the past decade, instead, he watched in silent amusement as the living bundle of flames which was his opponent slowly died down to reveal the now naked form of the red maned lion.

"Had fun scaring the normies?" Phantom said before phasing out of existence as a support beam crashed down right where he had been.

"I always do." The black lion chuckled as he watched his nemesis rematerialize several feet in front of him. "Though I think the best fun I could have tonight is having you underneath me, where you belong." Fire Mane purred right as he reached down the front of his well sculpted chest to stroke himself.

The superhero couldn't stop his gaze from being dragged down the length of the masculine form which stood in front of him as his ill-timed sexuality decided to let him know that it appreciated the delicious looking figure which stood before him in all of its raw and sensual glory.

It was no secret to anyone that Phantom was homosexual, the younger superhero hadn't been shy about making this fact known the first time he had been interviewed by the mass media a year after first getting into the superhero gig. Of course, the other was smart enough to keep the more intimate details of his sex life away from the public's ears, if only for the rational fear that someone out there might try and use such knowledge against him, however there was no denying how physically excited the white spotted leopard was at the moment. His traitorous tail flicked twice in obvious want when Fire Mane spread his muscular legs to show off the thick black pouch of fur, for which a hint of red was slowly seeping out, that was nestled in between his thighs. A hint of drool escaped from out of Phantom's muzzle as he looked over two heavy set balls which dangled carelessly in between the taller male's legs. Unwanted submissive tendencies flared up within the younger feline, as he could just imagine the black lion holding his head down in between his legs and forcing him to choke on the barbed cock which now dripped clear nectar down from the tip of its tapered head.

Fire Mane chuckled as he blew out a stream of fire from his muzzle which curled into the form of a heart before fading out of existence. Phantom swallowed thickly right before he reached up to wipe the sweat which had long since been running down the side of his face off onto the blackened floor underneath his feet. Jet black eyes blinked when they noticed that the supervillain was slowly sauntering his way forward towards their owner.

"See something you like, ma cherie?" The crimson eyed lion asked knowingly as he reached a hand out for the other male's mask.

A firm hand caught him right before he could fool with the unseen straps which kept the other's identity from being exposed to the world.

"No." The white spotted leopard growled while squeezing down on the red maned lion's wrist.

"Hehe, oh yes." The larger male used his other hand to snatch the smaller feline's body forward after curling his claws into the superhero's backside. "And you're going to enjoy every second on it," The villain whispered into one of the white spotted leopard's slightly twitching ears. "But first," The superhero found himself actually coughing up some of his dinner when a hard knee crashed into his abdomen. "I'm going to make you suffer for it." The red maned lion chuckled right before he backhanded the white spotted leopard away from him.

More punches were thrown out after this, as the two clashed for minutes on end, however, by this point in time Fire Mane had unsheathed his claws, and so as their battle continued on the supervillain silently worked to shred the shorter male's spandex uniform from off of his lithe, yet muscular body. The black lion couldn't stop himself from purring with every strip of material that he tore from off of his rival's body, the sight of which made more of his manhood slip from out of the pouch which swung carelessly in between his legs. While some other superheroes might have tried to take a few unapologetic strikes at such a vulnerable opening being displayed before them - and despite what he would say later on if asked, Phantom was indeed aware of the black lion's erection engorging itself in between his thick legs - the white spotted leopard would not attack the other feline in such an cheap manner. However, Fire Mane shared no such compulsion, as evident by how, upon nearly stripping the younger feline bare, he swept the other off of his feet with one good sweep kick and then pounced onto his opponent with all the grace of his feral ancestors.

Phantom could only flail about helplessly as the older male grabbed him by the back of the head and then rolled his groin over and across the superhero's masked face. The red maned lion chuckled as he felt the white spotted leopard squirm underneath him, the knowledge that he held such power over the younger anthromorph excited him to the point where his body began to glow red from both the dominance and sexual excitement which he knew he now possessed. The feeling was short lived however, because just as the supervillain's heavy balls were pressing themselves deep within the black eyed leopard's face, smothering the other with the crimson eyed feline's sweaty scent, the superhero phased out of existence, only to then reappear behind the other.

Fire Mane yelped as a hard fist slammed itself onto the top of his head, much to Phantom's unabashed amusement.

"You asshole!" The white spotted leopard snarled.

"You act like I should be ashamed of what just happened." The crimson eyed feline retorted as he rolled forward, not at all minding the fact that he was in the path of a large plume of fire, stood himself up, flexing his back muscles in a very tantalizing manner, and then turned around to look at his nemesis. "When in fact, you love that I can turn you into my drooling kitten whenever I please." The red maned lion asked while popping his neck from side to side. "Don't you?"

The white spotted leopard said nothing to this, instead he merely huffed before drawing up his fists once again.

Outside the still burning building the firefighters worked their best to calm the raging inferno with their hoses. Nothing they did seemed to calm the towering flames, as, despite all but flooding the church with pressurized water, the fires, which were being mentally controlled by the supervillain still battling it out with the spandex wearing leopard, refused to die down. The firefighters finally ceased their wasteful attempts to control the blaze as two familiar looking figures walked up to the front of the building. One of said figures, a human dressed in red spandex and a yellow mask, waved for them to stand aside, while the other, a delectable looking border collie wearing a white spandex suit, stood back to allow her companion to do what he did best.

Inside of the smoke filled church Phantom found himself getting kicked in the chest from where he knelt on the ground, the rest of the contents within his stomach quickly came up out of his maw as pain flared throughout his entire body. The naked lion above him chuckled as he looked down at the other, that was until he noticed a faint tugging at the back of his head.

Turning his head up to look around the still burning room, the crimson eyed supervillain grunted as he noticed that the barrier of flames was slowly dwindling down, despite his mental fortitude still holding strong. A growl seeped out from in between his clenched lips as he realized that someone with superpowers similar to his own must have been outside trying to kill his inferno, however, before he could think up a plan of action to stop this mysterious interloper he was hit in the throat hard enough to make stars burst within his eyes. The supervillain fell back onto the ground, one clawed hand clutching at his injured Adam's apple, as he blinked wildly in confusion. The sound of a growl coming from up above him made the injured Fire Mane turn his just in time to see a nearly naked white spotted leopard snarling down at him. A dark smirk tugged at the corners of the black feline's lips as he watched the other raise up his booted foot in preparation to stomp on his face. The supervillain didn't resist. He simply waited for what would happen next.

Which turned out to be nothing.

Phantom, let his jet black eyes loom over the other for several seconds before slowly lowering his foot back to the charred carpet.

The pair stared at each other for several seconds following the shorter feline's action, the red maned lion growling all the while as he stared up at the other with both anger and frustration swirling within his crimson eyes. The white spotted leopard did nothing when the larger male pulled himself back up to his feet, though he did tip his head skywards when he noticed that the fires around them were quickly snuffing themselves out. The superhero turned away from his nemesis just in time to see a familiar face charge into the center of the room.

The sight of Lady Flash zipping up next to him was followed by a splash of fire igniting itself back behind him. The black eyed feline didn't need to look to see that Fire Mane was taking on his feral form in order to jump out of the top of the ceiling, instead, he simply listened as Lady Flash shouted at him to stop while watching her prepare to charge after the supervillain. No thought entered into the naked superhero's head as he stuck his leg out to trip the border collie up. As expected, because she was not fully paying attention to him, the female canine tripped up, completely missing her chance to capture Pyro Mane, who burst through the ceiling with a thunderous crash and then hopped across the top of the building out of sight to those watching outside. Also, as expected, the brown eyed canine, whipped her head around in stunned disbelief as she glared daggers at the white spotted leopard whose leg was still stuck outwards, as though it was frozen in time.

An hour later Phantom found himself getting royally chewed out by his superiors for 'accidentally' tripping up Lady Flash as she was about to get in pursuit of the red maned lion. The white spotted leopard apologized profusely for what he had done, though didn't exactly give a good reason for doing what he had done, something for which had him suspended from superhero work for a month, much to his embarrassment as he walked down the halls of the institute while trying not to listen to the snickers coming from his fellow coworkers. Thankfully, he departed from out of the hidden building with his clothes on, as he didn't want to imagine the humiliation that he would end up feeling if he had to do so in the nude; the leaders of the institute had made a policy to always take care of those that worked for them, and as such, Phantom had been patched up from the wounds he had received before being sent down to the interrogation room.

Going home, after turning in his badge to the front desk, was rather quick, as the golden furred feline simply needed to to walk through a regular storage closet door in order to distort space to the point where his entry into the room returned him to his condominium downtown in Metatropolis. A tired sigh escaped from out of the black eyed feline's lips as he called out to his boyfriend and roommate, Justin. When the other didn't answer him, Phantom, aka Alexander Rosenburg, guessed that the other was still out. Grumbling slightly, as he was feeling particularly needy at the moment from all of the mental and physical abuse he had received that evening, the white spotted leopard casually made his way up the stairs to his and his lover's bedroom in order to prepare himself to go to sleep.

The feeling of two strong arms grappling him around the front completely took the exhausted leopard off guard, fear welled up inside of his heart as he wondered who in the hell could have snuck into his house, as his boyfriend had more defense systems in place around their home than the average federal bank. His question was answered upon feeling a familiar set of fangs latched onto the scruff of his neck and then tug at his throat in just the right manner to make all thought vanish from out of his mind. A blanket of warm, fluffy bliss overwhelmed Alex's senses as the creature behind him drew him back into their overly warm hold. The sensation of the mysterious person grinding their sheath into the cleft of his rump in a very dominant manner sent chills racing throughout the white spotted leopard's body, as he found his inner submissive kitten raising its head in deep appreciation for what was now taking place.

"Naughty kitten," A deep bass voice chuckled after the fangs pulled free from off of the slimmer feline's scruff. "Coming in here late like this. I should punish you." The unseen male purred as he humped himself deeper into Alex's clothed bottom.

The white spotted leopard opened his mouth to call out his lover's name, as that was who was holding him within their impressively strong grasp, yet no words came out from his lips as the stronger male picked up bridal style and then carried him to their bedroom.

The off duty superhero said nothing as he was tossed onto the king sized bed like a rag doll, instead, he simply rolled his body around so that he could gaze up the black lion who he had fought earlier that evening.

Nothing was said between the two, despite everything that had happened earlier on that evening, instead, Alex watched as Justin reached out a finger and then swirled it around in a very telling manner. The white spotted leopard purred as he moved himself onto his hands and knees like the good kitten he was, and then waited for his more dominant lover to do what he did best. The chuckling growl which echoed from out of the crimson eyed feline's throat graced Alex's ears in such a way that the rounded appendage flickered twice over before settling down as nearly two hundred plus pounds of jungle cat pressed deeply into the side of his back. Justin always did know how to completely take control over him, and in this moment when he was so utterly exhausted from having fought the other earlier that evening, the off duty superhero needed his boyfriend to take complete control over him right then and there. The red maned lion knew this, and so without prompt he used his sharp claws to rip apart the flimsy shirt and pants that his mate had been given to wear on his way home tonight.

Shivers raced throughout the white spotted leopard's body as the primal action sent all the right signals to his fatigued brain; his long tail hiked up and then wove itself around Justin's neck, as the need to fully submit himself to his boyfriend became Alex's sole reality. Whatever had happened earlier on that night didn't matter at this point in time, instead, the most important thing to the off duty superhero was him offering both body and soul to the male who had long since claimed him as his lover and submissive. When the tip of his fluffy tail was taken inbetween two strong lips and then suckled on, it took everything within the white spotted leopard not to let out his patent moans of surrender; his lover always did know how to make him come undone from a hard day's work trying to protect the city in which they lived.

When the tip of his tail was nipped on the shorter feline grunted and then turned around to look into crimson eyes which danced merrily back at him.

"Justin." The white spotted leopard attempted to say, but shivers racked throughout his body making his throat close up as the black lion nipped on the tip of his long and limber appendage hard enough to make pain sing throughout his spine. A warning growl escaped from out of Alex's muzzle when the larger male began to lick and nibble along the end of his tail, however, he didn't move himself away from the red maned lion who still had the end of his tail within his muzzle.

"I do what I please, Alex," The larger feline said as he released his mate's fifth limb from his wet and warm hold. "And you like it that way."

The white spotted feline wanted to say something to challenge this fact, but before he could do so Justin grabbed him around the waist, flipped him up into the air, and then ferociously tore the rest of his clothing free from his lithe form. Alex could only stare up at the beige ceiling in pleasured filled bliss as he allowed his lover to fully strip him down until he sat naked before the larger anthromorph.

Justin took a moment to admire the body that he had happily worked over earlier that evening, going so far as he eased his muzzle down to nuzzle his maned head into the front of the younger feline's body, all the while breathing in the other's delicious alien scent that only Alex seemed to possess. His broad tongue snuck its way out from his boxy muzzle as he sought to map out every hidden line kept away from his vision, thanks to his lover's thick pelt of fur. The sensation of his mate's body shivering underneath him made a perverted smirk cover the black lion's face. One would have thought that after ten years of being together that he would have grown bored of seeing the younger male dance for him in the way that he was doing now, however that wasn't the case. Alex was a treasure that Justin adored, and even if he absolutely despised the other's goody-two-shoe nature whenever he donned his superhero outfit, he loved the man that wore said tacking looking spandex with all of his black heart. That was why, here in this moment with the white spotted leopard baring himself before him, the supervillain worked to tease and taunt his smaller lover's body to the point where Alex's breaths became desperate huffs of surrender, all the while his ample sized sheath spilled his pink, barbed cock out for the entire world to see.

A predatory smile crossed the crimson eyed feline's lips as he drank in the sight of the growing hardon which showcased itself for his pleasure. Without thought, Justin crawled his way down the length of Alex's body, nibbling at the golden fur strapped across the younger male's tight abdomen and fluffy groin as he did so, and then pressed his nose deep into his lover's nine inch erection. Looking up at the other, Justin was unsurprised to find that Alex had thrown one of his arms across his eyes, the white spotted leopard was just that sensitive when it came to a pleasurable touch, and so, without any further ado, the black lion ducked his head down and then slurped his tongue from the bottom of the younger leopard's ballsack up to the tip of his tapered cock.

The howl Alex released would have been enough to make the neighbors shout at them to shut down whatever they were doing in there, hadn't the career supervillain already padded the walls for just this occasion.

Alex didn't know what to think, barely could think if he were at all honest with himself, as Justin continued to lick over the intimate area in between his legs. The warm feeling of his boyfriend's gooey saliva and firm tongue stroking along his dick and low hanging orbs was so damn good that the off duty superhero felt as though he were about to lose all rational sense. Spreading his legs as wide as he could, the white spotted leopard fought to keep from bucking his hips up into his lover's lips, but it was a hardpressed fight, because damn it if Justin wasn't a pro at making him come undone from the outside in. From lapping his rough tongue around the length of his twitching manhood, to sucking on one, or both, of his tests, the black lion worked him over to the point where Alex had to bite his lip to keep from roaring out the other's name. When a familiar chuckle greeted his ears, the off duty superhero lifted his arm up just in time to watch his lover pop both of his balls out from his mouth, the sight and feel of the larger feline digging his tongue into the depths of his sheath around his cock made a low moan pour free from Alex's lips at the same time a splash of pre-come splattered the older male onto his red mane.

Justin chuckled, dark and low, as he pulled himself back from his smaller mate's body, much to Alex's confusion. When jet black eyes met in time with shimmering crimson orbs, the elder lion spoke a wordless command to the smaller male that the other immediately complied with. Justin smirked when the white spotted leopard lifted his legs up over his head, bending them down into his chest as best he could, and then flicked his tail out of the way, so as to expose his rose colored pucker to the older feline. Justin didn't think as he popped two of his meaty fingers into his maw, swirled his tongue around them for a bit, and then slipped them out from his lips. Alex gasped as though in prayer when the supervillain shoved the wet digits into his tailhole, thankfully years of use had made the clenched pucker easily accept the black lion's rough affections, because Justin showed no mercy as he dug his fingers up inside of his smaller lover's inner depths as much as he could before twisting and turning them around in an effort to prepare the well worn hole for the pounding that was soon to come.

Alex bucked without meaning to as Justin didn't so much caress his prostate, as he did bludgeon the bundle of nerves over and over again with the same 'tender' affections that he would soon be using with his cock. Trailing an eye in between the older feline's legs, the off duty superhero could see that, just like earlier today, the black lion cock was standing firm outside of his heavy sheath. The phantom feeling of having the larger male roll his manhood and balls across his face made Alex purr, as his inner submissive kitten howled at the memory of his boyfriend being so vicious and demanding with him earlier that evening. His tail tapped incessantly against the side of their king sized bed as the white spotted leopard called out for Justin to stop toying with his back door and just spear him onto his now drooling cock. The black lion chuckled at this and continued doing as he was, as if to silently remind the other of who was in charge at the moment, much to Alex's frustration.

Once Justin was sure that his lover was prepared for him, he pulled his fingers back and then brought them to his lips to lick over them; the sight of the older feline playfully slathering his tongue across the sticky digits made Alex groan and then pant all the harder. Gods, he loved it when his boyfriend was so deliciously perverted as he was right then. Winking at the other, Justin removed his fingers from in between his lips, grabbed onto his mate's legs, and then put himself into position so that the tip of his sheath rested within the folds of the white spotted leopard's cleft. The crimson eyed feline leaned down over his lover, so far so that their two noses touched, and then he began to nuzzle the half-aware leopard.

"Mine." The black lion spoke.

Alex could only nod at his declaration, something which made Justin smirk in that charismatically charming manner that would have normally made the white spotted leopard roll his jet black eyes in annoyance had they been anyplace other than their bedroom.

After a few more seconds of having his butt stained with the clear drool seeping out from the head of Justin's barbed cock, Alex threw his head back to moan out long and low as he felt his boyfriend's strong hips roll forward, forcing out the tip of his deep red, barbed cock to ease into the loosened seal of his tailhole. A few hard pumps later and the black lion was gasping in time with his mate as the two of them finally became one as Justin's manhood sunk itself home into the loosened hole which the supervillain had claimed nearly a decade ago. The crimson eyed lion didn't give the smaller male any extra time to mentally prepare for what was about to come, as he had long since trained Alex's body to accept everything he had to give the other, and so with a few hard thrusts he began to fuck his lover into the bed.

Alex groaned as he clenched his fingers into the bedsheets underneath his. The inner lining of the white spotted leopard's sensitive tailhole fluttered wildly as Justin used his body for his own pleasure, all the while driving the white spotted leopard wild with unrestrained passion as he was driven deeper and deeper into the bed. The two of them both looked and sounded like their feral kin as they swayed together in an age old dance, the likes of which only they knew the beat to. Despite this, or perhaps because of this, Justin shoved himself forward into Alex in alternating rhythms, all the while rolling his rump around while flagging his tail carelessly into the air, as if to change the tune which came from out of Alex's gasping throat.

The black lion looked down at Alex and marveled at the other, the off duty superhero was absolutely beautiful as he moaned and groaned and purred and yowled in passion as he was taken by him, just as he was supposed to be. The very notion that he had taken the proud superhero and transformed him over the years into the delectably submissive kitten that he was now filled the supervillain with a powertrip, the likes of which no bank robbery, kidnapping, or terrorist attack could do. And yet at the same time, if Alex was the truly submissive one in their relationship, then he was the captive that could never free himself from being imprisoned by the younger superhero, as the smaller male had long since arrested his heart. Had someone asked him years prior to their first meeting with each other in the hallway of the college they were attending if he thought that he would be happy gently, yet forcefully raking his barbed shaft deeper and deeper into the younger feline's rectum while listening to the other's purrs of pleasure he would have laughed in their face before punching them in the throat, but as it was now, with his chest rubbing deliciously into the front of the white spotted leopard's pectorals, Justin couldn't imagine himself being anywhere right now.

Grunting as he bucked his lower end harder into the golden leopard's plush rump, Justin leaned forward to kiss his boyfriend on the lips; he couldn't help marveling at the sweaty taste which covered the smaller male's face as he did so, as there was something so very pure about Alex's taste. Jet black eyes looked up at him, making his heart quietly thud just a touch harder within his chest. That those warm orbs looked upon him with lust, love, and acceptance, despite their earlier confrontation with each other, was something that amazed the supervillain to no end. Grunting in time as he tapped his balls harder into Alex's bottom half, Justin watched as those same eyes slowly clouded with blinding lust, the raw need which shown within their owner's face becoming more and more obscure as the black lion worked to drive the younger male into a hands free orgasm.

"Mine. Mine. Always and forever mine." Justin whispered as his body surged with warm red light, the eternal flame within him coursing out and across his body as his desire to claim the tailhole wrapped snugly around his cock clenched in just the right way to make shudders trace their way up across his spine threatened to overwhelm him.

Alex could only nod to this statement, as he was incapable of forming words right then and there, thanks in part to the larger male knocking the air out from his lungs with every powerful thrust of his hips.

Their passion didn't last for that much longer, as both were still somewhat exhausted from their earlier battle, and so, after a few dozen unrelenting thrust the black lion threw his head back and roared out to the waking world around him that he was claiming the smaller man beneath him as his one and only. Had Alex been in the dominant position he would have let out his own roar of pleasure, but as it was now - as it had been for quite a while now - he simply shivered and moaned as his boyfriend filled him with thick, creamy bursts of semen, the flow of which eased out from his ravaged tailhole as Justin continued humping his hips through his orgasm. His own cock spat out long streams of white up above his chest as he silently rode through his climax, thanks to Justin's firm barbs caressing his inner lining in just the right way to make the sting of them raking across his flesh mix perfectly with the sparks of pleasure which brewed within his lower body.

The two came down from their respective highs a few minutes later, with Justin rolling the two of them around so that his lover laid up on his muscular chest right where he belonged, irrespective of the ribbons of semen which decorated the smaller feline's chest and torso.

Silence filled the bedroom as the sun rose up through the sky to fill the blinds protecting the windows with its warm, golden light. Justin shivered as the heat which poured across himself sent a pulse of energy through his body, making his twelve inch, barbed manhood throb in just the right way to tell him that his lower half was priming itself for a second round.

"Don't even think about it." The white spotted leopard warned as he leaned forward to nip the other on the shoulder. Justin merely burst out laughing as he felt his smaller mate's fangs dig deep down pass his fur into his skin. "I'll have you know that I'm still mad at you." Alex chided the older feline after removing his teeth from the other's body.

"Oh?" The black lion tilted his head to the side as he looked down at the off duty superhero with a look that was somewhere between nonchalant and bored. "Did I do something that you didn't expect?"

"You burned down a goddamn church, Justin!" The white spotted leopard hissed as he tried to pull himself away so that he could glare at the supervillain he had fallen in love with, he was prevented from getting very far, thanks to the black lion's arm constricting him around the chest.

"I didn't kill anyone this time though," The other said with a level of pride that seemed to completely disregard the horror of his sacreligious action.

"Not the point!" Alex growled, as his frustration began to mount. Before he could say anything more, two lips descended down upon him to swallow away the breath from his lungs. The off duty superhero could only gasp as he boyfriend's tongue caressed his tongue and fangs, his mind fell slowly into a hazy daze as the older feline so easily dominated him.

Justin only relented his controlling kiss once he was sure that he had stolen his little lover's ability to process thought. "But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

"I am not a christian!" Alex grumbled.

The black lion leaned down and then kissed him across the nose.

"I know." Justin chuckled as he settled the two of them down further into the bed to rest.

Alex wanted to protest a bit more, but fatigue caused him to open his muzzle to let out a huge yawn. A few seconds later a warm blanket seemed to fall over him making his jet black eyes close as sleep came to sweep him up. Justin watched his smaller mate fall into the land of dreams with a small smirk covering his face. He continued to watch the slumbering leopard well past dawn, and even further on into the afternoon, despite his cell phone ringing several times over within the pocket of the pants he had left discarded within the bedroom earlier on.

Whatever Mr. BG wanted from him would have to wait until after his mate had woken up and he had pounded all of the frustration the other would probably still feel for his earlier stunt yesterday out of his system.

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