Pluck and Determination

Story by neopuc on SoFurry

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Corey had been trying to meet with Grypha for a long time, ever since he had first seen her on the news. She had been stunningly beautiful with her perfect hourglass figure. Her feathers were impeccably groomed and her golden-brown fur glistened in the sunlight. She had a nice lithe body with a washboard stomach. And then, of course, there were her boobs. They were definitely boobs that would catch most men's attention for a long time. Just the sight of them could ruin relationships.

Getting a hold of Grypha was not an easy thing to do, though. She was probably the most famous gryphon on the planet right now. Her fame was not what made it difficult to approach her. It was not like she was a movie star or something like that . The reason she was so famous and the reason she was on the news so frequently was in large part due to her size. When they did a size comparison with a skyscraper she had been filmed next to on one occasion they had calculated her to be around 800-feet in size.

The fact that she was constantly smashing up cities also made it difficult to get anywhere near her. It was not really the trail of destroyed cities that discouraged Corey. What made it difficult to get near her were all the destroyed roads and refugees trying to go in the opposite direction as he was heading that slowed him down immensely. Corey was not exactly a small guy himself. It showed that he worked out and people would normally make way for him just because of that, but he was still a normal sized Doberman pinscher. When people were fleeing from an 800-foot tall gryphon they really did not pay much attention to him anymore.

He was catching up to her, though. It took a while to destroy a city and he got closer and closer to meeting up with her with every city she destroyed. When he mentioned that he was trying to meet Grypha to some of the people he came across they thought he was crazy. They were certain he was going to die just like everyone else that got in her way. Corey was not so sure about that, though. There was just something about her that made him think otherwise. Or maybe he was insane he thought to himself.

From the moment he had seen Grypha on the news he had fallen in love. It was not like he went around falling in love at first sight all the time. But, he knew that she was the one for him. Sure it was a strange idea, but many people would have said the same thing about an 800-foot tall gryphon going around tearing up cities all over the world just a few months ago. There was a chance that he could be wrong about Grypha, but Corey knew it was just a small chance. Of course, no one else believed him, but Corey would get to see whether he was right or whether those people were right when he finally managed to get Grypha's attention.

With each passing day Corey managed to get a little closer to her. That was easy enough to tell since a good portion of the city he had just passed through was still in flames. He felt that he was pretty lucky after that city too. Some of the abandoned cars were still functional and one of them even had keys in them. It was not likely anyone would be coming back for that car anytime soon, so Corey did not feel that bad about borrowing it for a while to help catch up with Grypha. The gryphon normally messed up the roads bad enough that no one could actually use them and sometimes the terrain was bad enough, even without footprints all over it, that it was quicker to walk. Corey had been forced to abandon his own car a few cities back. But, whenever he could find a car and the streets were in pretty good condition, like the current streets were, he could go a long ways toward catching up with Grypha.

Another sign that he was catching up with Grypha was a gas station that he had passed by out in the middle of nowhere. Half of the building had been smashed in, indicating that Grypha had paid the gas station a visit. Normally when he passed by something like a gas station it had already been looted, when there was enough left of them to be looted. There were actually a few snacks left in this station as well as some much needed fuel for his procured vehicle. That meant the refugees from the next city had yet to reach this gas station in their flight, or even better yet, Grypha had yet to reach her next target.

After that realization Corey quickly fueled back up and sped down the road. There was not the usual stream of refugees clogging up the roads. When Corey started listening to the local radio he did not hear anything about a macro attacking any city yet. As the moments passed by he started to feel extremely hopeful. It looked like he might have finally caught up with her. Without all the people trying to go in the opposite direction he was able to make much better time than he ever had before.

After about an hour from leaving the gas station he finally came into view of the next city. Corey smiled to himself as he saw that the city was intact. That was definitely a good sign. But, what he did not see was an 800-foot tall gryphon. Even with a few buildings over 1,000-feet tall in the downtown area Corey thought he should at least be able to see a few signs of her. But, he could not see anything that indicated Grypha might be here. No one in the city was panicking, there was no giant form looming in the horizon, and there were no ominous thumping noises. It looked like a perfectly peaceful city.

Corey frowned, wondering if he had somehow headed in the wrong direction. There were other cities in the area after all. She might have headed to one of those other ones even if they were further away. Corey decided to head into the city anyways to see if he could find out what was going on. Grypha might be on the news attacking some other city and if that was happening Corey wanted to find out right away.

He had just made it to the outskirts of the city when a shadow passed over him. The first thought that occurred to Corey was that it was just a cloud, but with a giant gryphon in the area he decided to actually look up and see what had caused the shadow. Sure enough, there was a titanic form blotting out the sun with its wings, wafting down slowly to the ground. Corey could understand why the road was in such good condition this time since Grypha normally left crater like footprints in them as she walked to the next city. Apparently she had decided to go out flying before hitting her next city. She must have been flying around for quite a bit too or she would have easily beaten Corey to the city.

Other people in the city noticed the gryphon too and it was not long before alarms started going off. People would be trying to get out of the city very soon and Corey was determined not to let them slow him down this time, not while he was so close to his goal. Grypha looked like she would be coming down pretty close to him as well. And in fact she did land just a couple hundred yards away from where Corey was driving on the road. Even from that distance, all 800-feet of gryphon hitting the ground shook the ground so violently that Corey's car bounced.

Grypha was faced away from Corey at the moment, giving him a rather pleasant view of her backside. It had a pleasant sway to it as she started walking, temporarily mesmerizing him, which nearly lead to him running into a traffic sign. After Corey got control of his vehicle again he watched Grypha walk off into the city. If anything, Corey felt even more in love with her now than he had when he first saw her on television. There was no way a television could do her justice. It just was not possible for something with a screen as small as a TV's to let you know what it was like to see something that was a few hundred feet tall with your own eyes. She was a truly spectacular sight.

Corey sped after Grypha as she walked away from him. It was going to be difficult catching up with her with those long strides of hers and she was already doing a bit of damage to the road he was on with those nice wide paws she had. Then there was the matter of a building she happened to knock over with her shapely hips. The building fell directly into Corey's path, cutting off his direct route to the gryphon of his dreams. He was going to have to waste a bit of time driving around the wreckage.

Screams could already be heard throughout the city and Corey knew it would not be long before the streets were crowded with people and other vehicles. He decided to abandon his own car for now. With the way people would be flying down the streets in opposite directions he was more likely to get in an accident than reach Grypha. Of course, dodging cars on foot was not going to be the most fun thing in the world, but he had been forced to do such things before while pursuing Grypha. He did not mind it, especially now that he was so close to the object of his affection.

Still, he decided to stay in the car for as long as possible. Grypha had a much longer stride than he did and keeping up with her on foot would not be the easiest thing in the world to do. It had only been a few seconds since the building had been knocked into his path and Grypha was already getting out of sight in the time it took him to drive around the obstruction. Fortunately, Grypha was doing a pretty good job of taking care of the traffic coming from the opposite direction.

The street that she was traveling down had been rather full of traffic. It still was actually, but those nice large paws of Grypha's were doing a rather efficient job of clearing out the streets. There was just something so appealing about the way she stepped on things to Corey. Despite the fact that she was smiling while she stepped down on cars and drivers it did not seem like a malicious smile to him. She was just having a little fun. He could have sworn she was stepping on things in an exaggerated manner too. She was not exactly stomping on things, but it did seem almost like she was putting on some sort of show for someone as she crushed a few more cars like tinfoil beneath a mammoth paw.

That last thought seemed like it might be wishful thinking on his part to Corey. But, he liked to think that she was thinking about someone like him when she went on a rampage and that this was just her way of attracting him to her. It might be strange to try and attract a lover by going on a rampage, but it was a pretty good way of getting noticed and displaying just what she could do with that glorious body of hers. Corey was not sure how someone could be so sensual and so destructive at the same time, but Grypha managed to do it.

Or at least Corey thought she managed to do it. Everyone else seemed to have a different opinion of the gryphon as they tried to run or drive off. The cars in the streets were desperately trying to maneuver out from beneath her paws, usually with very little success. Cars were ramming into each other or people were jumping out of their cars if they thought that would be faster. The street was so full of cars that there really was not much room for them to dodge around and with all the drivers panicking things were getting worse by the second. Quite a few people ended up getting trapped in their own vehicles as other cars packed in tightly around them.

Grypha's paws were the only way left to relieve traffic. Each step cleared out large sections of the street. Cars were crushed flat in the blink of an eye. The occasional vehicle would stick cutely to the bottom of her massive paws and one or two managed to get wedged between the boulder sized toes on that lion like paw of the gryphon's. Since Corey was still behind Grypha he was able to enjoy the show while the gryphon never even noticed he was there. That might have been a good thing to many people, but not to Corey since his goal was to get noticed. He was trying to catch up with her, but while he was driving along the same street Grypha was walking down, that complicated things. Her paws were leaving good sized craters in the streets that were filled with quite a bit of debris. Driving around all of that was proving to be rather difficult and Grypha was getting ahead of him since there really was not much that could slow her down in this world.

Grypha chose to prove Corey's last thought by walking straight through a small apartment building as if it were not even there. The building was blasted into dust by the impact of her leg and she did not even seem to notice that she did it as she made her own little shortcut to wherever she was heading. Debris from that building went flying everywhere. A couple of chunks even hit Corey's vehicle, but only caused a few minor dents. What did really inconvenience Corey was trying to find a way to catch up with Grypha. He could not exactly follow her through the remains of the building she had just walked through.

Corey tried to find a street to turn down to follow Grypha, but the first one that was available was clogged up with traffic headed in the opposite direction. They were probably all headed away from Grypha. That was a wise idea for most, but truly inconvenient for Corey. Things got even worse as cars started flying down the street right in Corey's direction. Dodging all those cars proved to be a real test of skill for Corey and his vehicle did not come out of it unscarred. He did manage to avoid a head on collision, but by the time he was through the worst of things he was missing the passenger's side rear view mirror and the driver's side of the car was dented in with a nice long scar going along its length.

It would have been nice if he could have just driven on a nice empty sidewalk to bypass all the traffic, but others had already gotten that idea. If there was any space wide enough for a vehicle to fit down, people were using it. With conditions like that, pedestrians had decided it was a better idea to seek shelter in the closest buildings for now. Corey was being slowed down more than he thought he would and he cursed under his breath as Grypha started to get out of sight. Fortunately, there was still a lot of city left to destroy and Grypha did tend to be pretty thorough with her rampages, so Corey did not have to worry about her leaving the city anytime soon. It was not like Grypha was hard to follow either. All he had to do was follow the fresh path of destruction.

This was the first time Corey had really been in a city at the same time Grypha was going on a rampage and it was proving to be quite the experience. Truthfully, he had always thought Grypha destroying things would be the biggest obstacle for him, but that was proving not to be the case. It was hard to truly visualize how many people lived in a city until the majority of them were all on the streets and trying to get out of the city at the exact same time. Sure, the destruction that Grypha was causing just by walking around was causing traffic to slow down, but even without what she was doing it would take the better part of a day to evacuate the entire city.

No matter where Corey went he always seemed to be moving against the flow of traffic. That got him quite a few angry glares from other drivers, but no one was willing to stop to complain about it. Corey was able to spot the occasional police vehicles headed in various directions and they were able to maneuver through traffic a little easier than he was. Some seemed to be heading in the same direction Grypha was in, but others were headed in various different directions, probably trying to get to areas where they could help organize the evacuation. Corey wished he could follow a few of those police vehicles to Grypha, but they never seemed to be traveling down the same street he was.

Eventually, Corey did start to grow frustrated with all the traffic. It had been a few minutes since he had last spotted Grypha. He was starting to think that after getting so close to Grypha he might just miss her once again. That did not mean he was willing to give up just yet, though. Corey just kept on driving, dodging traffic all the way. Then a bit of extreme misfortune hit him.

While driving down one street Corey got wedged in between two lanes of traffic and really did not have much room to maneuver. That had happened a couple of other times before, but other vehicles had not been willing to drive straight into him yet when that happened. This time was a different. Instead of another car headed toward him, it was a pretty large bus and the bus driver did not look willing to stop. Corey could see he was panicking even from a distance and that was not a good thing. He tried to slow down and throw his own vehicle into reverse before the bus could hit him because he most certainly did not have the room to turn around and he did not think he would win out in a head on collision with a bus.

But, just as he was about to throw his car into reverse, a huge hand reached down and plucked up the bus. Corey looked up and could not believe he had been so focused on the bus that he had not noticed Grypha was nearby. That would certainly explain why the bus driver had been scared enough to possibly ram him. And now Grypha had saved him, probably without realizing she had done it, but Corey chose to believe that was a sign of some sort.

While Corey was thinking of it as a good sign he was certain the people on the bus were not thinking about it in that way. Grypha was looking at the bus with a certain hunger in her eye that had nothing to do with a desire for food. The hunger she wanted to satisfy with the bus was completely different. Corey could see that Grypha's feminine region was already moist with desire and the bus had the fortune of being chosen to satisfy that desire. After briefly looking over the bus Grypha moved the bus down to her nether regions and gently started pushing it into her femme. Corey could see her quiver with pleasure as she inserted the bus into herself, taking her time to enjoy the sensation of the object entering into her.

It was hard to believe, but at her size not even a bus came close to being able to satisfy Grypha. She was able to insert the entire bus into her pussy and she still had room for more. The giant gryphon gathered up quite a few of the vehicles that happened to be within her reach. She really was not paying attention to regular cars. What she was after were large vehicles like buses and semi-trailers. It was rather obvious that Grypha enjoyed stuffing herself with those vehicles as she moaned in pleasure while inserting each one. Little drops of her pleasure were already raining down on the street below her. And when she did finish stuffing herself those drops became a torrential downpour that would have drowned anyone beneath her.

For Corey it was an arousing show, but the flood of feminine juices that suddenly filled the streets were yet another obstacle that made it difficult for him to get to her. If she had just stayed still to have some more fun with the surrounding vehicles he would have been able to get to her right there, but once again she decided to move off in the opposite direction he was in. It was nice to have another one of these close encounters, though, and he hoped that if he continued to have them that he would eventually be able to get noticed by Grypha.

Corey tried to be a little more careful as he continued with his pursuit of Grypha this time. That was once again no easy task. Grypha's rampage had not been going on for long yet and there were still plenty of cars left in the streets. In Corey's experience that tended to change. Not many cars seemed to make it out of the other cities he had passed through. Of course, it was not just Grypha that thinned out all the cars as was demonstrated to Corey no more than minutes later.

As Corey was turning down another street He spotted three cars speeding down the street about a block away from him. They were all going much faster than was safe even if the streets had not been clogged up with other cars. No more than two seconds after Corey spotted the cars disaster occurred. One of the speeding cars glanced of another one of the speeding cars. If they had been going at a normal speed that might have resulted in a minor fender bender, but at their speeds it resulted in one of the drivers losing control of his car. With all the other cars in the street, that resulted in a complete and utter disaster scene that would have made the creator of an action movie proud.

Cars were bouncing off of each other and hitting other cars. Some drivers lost control of their vehicles and wound up running into the surrounding buildings. People were panicking trying to get out of that disaster zone and only made things worse in the process. Corey was amazed to see how some people managed to flip their cars over even without getting hit by someone else. While it was a neat sight to watch, he did not like the fact that the disaster scene was headed in his direction. Then he watched in stunned awe as the third car that had been speeding managed to run over a fire hydrant, causing it to bounce up just enough in the air that when it hit another flipped over car it acted as a ramp. The car was launched into the air and came speeding at Corey's own vehicle like a guided missile. He had a split second to jump out the door before the car hit and he did just that. That was a very good thing for Corey since he probably would have been killed by that impact had he remained in the car. Losing his mode of transportation was not that big a lose for Corey. He had been expecting to lose it eventually, just not by car missile.

Traveling around on foot proved to be quite the experience awfully fast. With all the cars flying about he really wished that he had the protection of a vehicle of his own again. There was one good thing about being on foot, though, and that was that he could cut through buildings and narrow alleys instead of having to drive around them. It surprised him how easy that made it to at least keep up with Grypha. Crossing a street was never any fun since no one was paying attention to things like crosswalks anymore.

The buildings were not nearly as crowded as the streets were at this moment. While Grypha may have walked through the occasional building, she was mostly destroying things that happened to be in the street. That meant a lot of people were hiding out in what they thought were safe areas of the buildings they were already in instead of just sitting around on the ground floor trying to get out into the streets. Chances were that would change soon enough. Corey had seen the conditions that buildings were in after Grypha passed through a city.

When Corey did manage to get within sight of Grypha again it was not because of his own efforts. It was because Grypha had decided to take a seat on a building. Corey could hear the building groaning in protest to having such a large creature right on top of it. Since this was not the downtown area of the city Grypha was still the largest thing around in this part of the city. Most of the buildings were barely thigh high to her. It was obvious that the building would not last for long and that was why the people inside actually were streaming out of it.

As those people ran outside Grypha was casually popping them beneath her toes. There was a slight smile on her face as she did so, but she also seemed a little bored. A big beautiful creature like that probably would get bored of everyone she came across running away from her eventually. It probably made her fairly angry too. Maybe it was even a reason for these rampages Corey thought. That was certainly not a thought that seemed to be crossing the minds of all the others that streamed out of that building. They just kept on coming, many of them doing their best to dodge those paws of Grypha's and none of them succeeding in dodging those lovely deft paws of hers.

When the people streaming out of the building finally stopped Grypha sighed in boredom and shifted around on the building. That was all that the building could take. It gave one last groan as Grypha stood up and it finally collapsed. If anyone had still been left hiding within it Corey doubted that they could survive that. Gryhpa did not even give the building a second glance. She just dusted herself off and moved on to whatever she had planned next.

Of course, Corey had not been standing still while Grypha did all that. He had been running toward her, screaming for her attention the whole time. Unfortunately she had not been able to hear him over the screams and the crunching of the other people from the building. Now she was inadvertently putting some distance between them again as she walked off with Corey still screaming after her.

Corey was getting exhausted fast chasing after her and he was very happy that he happened to be in excellent shape or pursuing Grypha would have been impossible. Still, it would have been nice if she did take a break a little more often. Just as Corey felt that he did need to take a break even though it meant Grypha would probably get out of sight again fortune finally smiled on him. As the giant gryphon reached an intersection a few blocks away from where Corey was a fleet of police cars finally showed up to oppose her.

Grypha paused, but it did not look like she paused out of fear to Corey's eyes. To him she looked more surprised than anything else. Police and SWAT were pouring out of vehicles and setting up to fire at Grypha. It probably would not have taken much effort on Grypha's part to finish off the whole lot of them, but she seemed content to just tap a paw impatiently against the ground as she waited for them to finish setting up. When they were finished Corey was further surprised himself to hear one of the police officers on a megaphone actually ordering Grypha to leave the city. He threatened to shoot if Grypha did not comply and she showed how threatened she felt when she threw back her head and laughed.

Instead of complying with their demands Grypha took a step forward. The police warned her that if she took one more step they would fire. Grypha took that step and the police did what they said they would for all the good that did them. Bullets bounced harmlessly off of Grypha, which Corey thought they should have known would have happened. It was not like the police or the military had not tried to stop her in previous cities. However, their efforts did seem to amuse her.

Grypha could have finished those officers off in any number of ways, stepping on them like the ants they were before her, knocking a building over on to them, pounding them into dust with her fists, but she chose something different. What Grypha did was kneel down in front of the police in front of her and started to lay down on top of them. The police only kept on firing for a few more seconds before they finally accepted that their weapons could not harm the titan before them, but by that time it was already too late to hop back into their vehicles and escape.

Her rather massive breasts bored down right on top of the entire group. Their weight must have been enormous because when they hit armored vehicles even they crumbled as if they were made of nothing more than tinfoil. If the armored vehicles could not stand up to that weight then the police officers also caught beneath those voluptuous hills stood even less of a chance. There was a series of crackling noises as vehicles and police alike were crushed with startling ease beneath Grypha's sizable boobs. And just like that, Grypha defeated the city's police force as if it were child's play. She just stood up, cleaned her breasts off, and walked away, leaving all those that had dared defy her behind in twin crater-like prints in the ground.

Corey noted that the entire police force probably had not been present, but that what he had just seen crushed was more than likely the majority of the city's local law enforcement. What was left would more than likely be organizing the evacuation of the rest of the city or fleeing themselves. If that was the best opposition cities could muster to slow Grypha down Corey could understand why it had taken so long for him to catch up with her. Even though he had been running towards her while the police had been attacking her he still had not been able to catch up to her before she started walking off again.

There was something else that would slow her down in about a block, though. It turned out that the police had chosen their spot to oppose Grypha for a good reason. Just about a block away was one of the main roads that went through the city and was currently being used as the main avenue of escape from the city. The streets were crammed from one side to the other with people trying to flee as fast as they could, which did not happen to be all that fast given all the people in the streets. Corey was just close enough to Grypha that he could get a good look at her eyes as they lit up with joy at the sight of all the tiny furs before her.

Grypha took a step into the crowd which was followed by a resounding crackling noise as dozens of people were crushed at once beneath her wide paw. She took a moment to twiddle her toes against the ground, seemingly enjoying the feel of all those crushed bodies before she took a stroll down the busy street. Even if Corey had not been able to see Grypha it would have been easy enough to follow her just by those crunching noises that followed her all the way down the street. Corey did decide to follow her by that noise too. Getting onto the same street that she was would have been a mistake. Even with Grypha thinning out the crowd a bit, it was still fairly crowded and the deep footprints that she was leaving behind just created another obstacle. For now it would be easier to follow her in the side streets that many of the people were too scared to think to use until it was already far too late.

There were a few people in the side streets, though, and by few that only meant less than the people in the main street. Corey was still slowed down by the people in those side streets, but he was happy that Grypha was not walking all that fast at the moment. She seemed to want to take her time enjoying her walk and that let him keep up with her for once. It was not until Corey heard her thudding footsteps stop that he bothered to try and get onto the main street to see what was happening.

Corey rounded a corner just in time to see Grypha taking a seat right in the middle of the street. People that had been missed by her paws when she walked over them certainly were not missed by that titanic rear as it crashed to the ground with bone shattering force. Grypha did bother to look down at the damage her rear had done to the smaller beings beneath her for just a moment before smiling and looking at those now caught between her pillar like legs.

People were fleeing from Grypha as fast as they could. A few people were even trying to climb over her legs since they did not seem to think they would be able to get away from her fast enough otherwise. Grypha simply watched them for a little while. At first she seemed like she was looking for them to do something, but Corey could not tell what that something was. Failing to see what she wanted, Corey expression changed to one or wry amusement. It was as if she now found everyone's reactions to her entertaining in some way.

Then her hands started probing around in the crowd of people before her. She gathered hand full's of people and started dropping them right down her cleavage. That was certainly hard for Corey to watch and not have a bit of a physical reaction himself while wishing he could be one of those people. Of course, some people did not land right in her cleavage. Some landed elsewhere on her breasts, usually causing them to start sliding off. There were a few that managed to stop that fall before they took what looked like a deadly plummet back to the ground. Corey noticed that there was even one tiny figure hanging on for dear life from one of her boobs.

When her cleavage did look full Grypha started placing all those little people somewhere else. She did not actually force those people were they were going, but she placed her hand in front of them and started pulling it toward herself. Her hand was basically herding them toward her own body while she used her other hand to hold the lips of her pussy opened. She really did not have to push anyone in herself. The crowd that was pushing and shoving to get away from Grypha's oncoming hand forced the crowd close to her pussy right in.

With the crowd having forced its way into her and her cleavage full, Grypha was ready to play. She inserted a couple of fingers into her pussy while using her hand to grope her boobs. The person hanging from her nipple looked like he was crushed instantly when she started doing that. Corey could hear her moans of pleasure as she fingered and groped at herself. He was mesmerized by the show she was putting on, enjoying it almost as much as he would if this were a show she were putting on just for him.

Her fingers eventually emerged, wet with her desire, from her pussy. Apparently she needed both hands to grope at her mammoth breasts now. That was not good for the people stuck in her cleavage. Before, they just had to endure what looked like a rough ride, but now with both hands massaging and pressing her boobs together it was becoming much more than a rough ride. Corey could hear little bodies getting crushed between those two huge mounds of flesh that served as Grypha's breasts. When the wind blew in his direction Corey could smell her arousal on the breeze, further accentuating the show.

Without even realizing it, Corey had stopped to watch and just enjoy Grypha's beautiful body while it was on full display. There were a few other people just staring up at Grypha like Corey was, but they were the people that Grypha had missed when she was herding them into her pussy. While the others had chosen to run they seemed to be rooted in place by the alluring scent of Grypha's pleasure. Anyone that was not hypnotized by that scent, though, seemed to have the good sense to run while they still could. However, as Grypha continued to pleasure herself and the scent of her arousal permeated the air her scent seemed to catch more and more people in its grasp.

For some people that did not matter. They were a safe enough distance from Grypha that they could just enjoy the view, like Corey. There were many other people that were not so fortunate. When Grypha came, a torrent of feminine juices erupted from her. There was also a crackling noise that reminded Corey of wood splintering accompanying those juices. That made it pretty obvious what happened to those people that had been trapped within her pussy. The people that had been gawking right in front of her femme did not suffer very pleasant fates either.

When Grypha's feminine juices washed over them they found out just how hard it was to swim in the waves of warm, thick, creamy liquid. The smell alone overwhelmed senses and left people disoriented. Even if they could have told up from down they would have had trouble staying afloat in the stuff. Dozens of little people were left drowning in her cream and Grypha had not even finished climaxing yet. By the time she was done her juices had wiped the streets clean of any person and she took a while to admire her work before moving on.

It took Corey a moment to realize that he needed to follow her once more, before she could get away from him. The scent of her pleasure was very strong in the air and that left him feeling a little heady as her juices drained from the streets. Corey nearly feel into pools of the stuff on a couple of occasions as he continued with his pursuit of Grypha. While he did enjoy the smell, he did not want to end up getting stuck in the stuff like so many other people had been, especially if that meant he would fall too far behind Grypha to hope to catch up to her again.

Grypha did not even bother to stick to the streets this time as she walked. She walked through building after building as if they were not even there. Larger buildings were knocked over as she walked while the smaller ones were simply crushed under her paws with effortless ease. That was causing greater pandemonium in the city than anything she had done before. Corey could tell she was just hurrying up and destroying the city while having fun crushing things at the same time. That worried Corey a little since it meant that Grypha might be leaving the city soon. It was also making it difficult for Corey to keep up with her.

With Corey knocking over all those buildings, just about every street he was following her along was quickly blocked off. Huge dust clouds were forming that were making it hard to see her through. Then there were all the people flooding out of the buildings that they had been hiding in. People had been able to fool themselves into thinking that those buildings would be safe since Grypha had only been absentmindedly destroying them so far. She had been toying with things in the streets more than the buildings and they seemed to hope that this city would not end up completely flattened like every other city Grypha had passed through. Now she was in the process of showing them that they were wrong.

Corey was very impressed with Grypha. It was amazing to see just how quickly someone that was 800-feet tall could decimate a city when she really wanted to. He also had to laugh to himself. While everyone else in the city was trying to get away from Grypha he was trying to follow her and that seemed to leave him in the safest place in the city, right behind Grypha. Everything in front of Grypha certainly did not seem to be doing all that well. But, Grypha eventually made her way into the downtown area, where she finally encountered buildings that were taller than she was.

Corey could still see people in the windows of the skyscrapers that dominated the downtown area. He was a little surprised to see that they would still be watching her instead of trying to escape, but he was not one to be talking since he was the one following her around. Corey had to admit he would probably be watching her from those windows too if he were them. Grypha was a pretty pleasant sight to look at to him. Those people did back away from the windows when Grypha approached their buildings though.

It was incredible to see that even many of the skyscrapers were not equal in size to Grypha though. There were only three of them taller than she was while the others were around her size or significantly shorter. The ones that were taller than Grypha was were the ones that seemed to get her attention. To get to one of them she did have to go through a group of smaller skyscrapers, but they only served to slow her down for a little while. She pushed over one skyscraper that was barely 600-feet tall with just a little bit of effort. There were a couple more that were only chest height to her and she actually did use her breasts like giant wreaking balls, swinging them around into the buildings, decimating the upper portions of the buildings and causing them to tip over just enough to begin their fall. As they fell, Grypha only smiled briefly at them before moving on to what she was really interested in.

The skyscraper Grypha was standing before was well over 1000-feet tall. It was not the tallest in the world, but it was still impressive to anyone looking at it, anyone except for Grypha. She just seemed to have an amused smile on her face as she walked right up to the building and gave it a little hug. Even though it was just a light hug, her very large breasts were pressed tightly against the buildings windows. Corey could hear some of them shattering even from the ground level. He would have taken a bit more time to admire the sight too if it was not for his own exhaustion. It was just nice that she was standing still again so he could catch his breath after the taxing exercise of trying to keep up with her in the chaotic city.

Grypha was not the least bit winded as she went about with her new game. The people in that building were probably wishing she was. They were retreating deeper into the building, trying to get as far away from Grypha as was possible in the confined space. That would not do them much good as Corey listened to the building creaking and groaning. It was barely noticeable at first that Grypha was tightening her grip around the building, but Corey could just barely see powerful muscles ripple in her arms when she did so. The skyscraper was a mighty testament to modern architecture, but Grypha was proving her superiority to it.

Corey watched as the building cracked and distorted around her arms and under the pressure her boobs were placing upon the building. Windows were shattering all over the building, even in places where she was not hugging as the building continued to distort. Large cracks were forming throughout the building, Grypha's breasts looked like they might cause the upper portions of the building to pop right off, and Gryhpa only looked like she was putting in a small amount of effort to do all this. In the end, despite being taller than Grypha, the skyscraper never stood a chance against her might. It started to crumble like a house of cards, coming down in large chunks that broke into smaller ones as it fell to the ground and Grypha looked on with satisfaction before moving on to the next skyscraper.

People were trying to get out of the other skyscrapers now, but with Grypha continually knocking down lesser buildings, there was actually quite a bit of debris blocking the exits of the all the remaining skyscrapers. Even if they could find a way out they still had to deal with Grypha's mammoth paws stomping their way, often reducing those few that did manage to get out into paste as she walked toward the other skyscrapers. For now, Grypha was still concentrating on the other two skyscapers larger than her and the people in those buildings did not look too pleased about that. The people in the lesser buildings in her path were not overjoyed either since Grypha had a tendency to plow straight through them.

The next skyscraper did not go out exactly the same way as the other one had. Grypha had something different in store for this one. What she did was walk right up to it and squeezed it right between her boobs. While the building was larger than she was, it was actually relatively narrow when compared to her. Still, it was a tight fit and Corey could see as much as hear the building bending under the pressure her breasts placed on it. Things did not get any easier when Grypha started pressing those enormous boobs together, placing even more strain on the building. Under that type of punishment, the building could only take but so much. The section of the building pressed between her breasts was crushed flat, leaving the upper proportions with no support. It just slid off her breasts and to the ground far beneath it, shattering against the ground like some sort of massive egg. The rest of the building did not last much longer either. Grypha started leaning down on the building, her breasts placing ever more weight on what remained of the skyscraper. Corey watched in stunned amazement as Grypha crushed the remains of the skyscraper with her breasts alone.

That left only one skyscraper left. Corey had been rushing over to it while Grypha had been dealing with that other one. That was a bit dangerous since it would place him ahead of Grypha and he still had no way of getting her to notice him. He was just going to have to depend on fate to help him out. That seemed like something that would be pretty farfetched to many people, but Corey was confident something would work out. He did not just sit back and do nothing as Grypha headed his way. Corey did at least try calling out her name. When Grypha was close enough that her next step would have ended up crushing him something did cause Grypha to look down. He was not sure if his voice had actually reached her ears, but he was certain she was looking right down at him.

Corey did not run, but he did keep waving his arms to get her attention. Grypha cocked her head quizzically, as if considering what to do with Corey. Everyone watching the scene instead of cowering in a hiding place thought Corey was insane and was about to be crushed. But, to just about everyone's surprise except for Corey's, Grypha actually leaned down and spoke for the first time that day. "Aren't you going to try and run away from me?" she asked.

Corey smiled at the fact that she had chosen him to be the first one she talked to that day. Then he said, "Nope, I've wanted to met you for a while now."

"Really?" Grypha asked. Corey could have sworn she sounded a bit hopeful as she asked that. "You are the first one I've ever met that wanted to do that. Here, step into my hand so that I don't have to keep looking down at you like this." Grypha did present her open hand to Corey and let him step right into it without any trouble at all before standing up and lifting him up to face level.

Grypha leaned against the skyscraper she had been intending to destroy. Corey listened to it groan in protest and Corey had to wonder how long it could remain standing with all of Grypha's weight leaning against it. As Corey thought about that Grypha started talking, "This is certainly unusual. What made you think I wouldn't crush you?"

"Don't really know," Corey said while shrugging his shoulders, "I just had a feeling and here I am. And besides, if I had to be crushed at least it would have been by someone as beautiful as you."

Corey had to smile at the way Grypha actually blushed at that last comment before she said, "Well, you're kind of cute yourself little guy. What's your name anyways?"

"It's Corey."

"Well Corey, I'm Grypha. You probably already know that, but I like introducing myself personally," she said.

"It's nice to meet you Grypha," Corey responded.

"It's nice to meet someone who finally doesn't run away from me," Grypha said with a smile, "You have no idea how much people running away from me annoys me."

Corey took a moment to look out over the devastated city before saying, "I think I have somewhat an idea." Just as he said that there was a load groan that emanated from the skyscraper Grypha was leaning on. It broke apart at the base and fell over, nearly catching Grypha by surprise, but she managed to keep her balance and avoided falling over like the skyscraper did.

Grypha looked at the building topple and then looked around at the rest of the city before looking at Corey in her hand and saying, "Yeah, I guess I can go a bit overboard, but if they'd stop running away so much I would not feel the need to do this so often."

Corey tried to hide a smile when Grypha added that 'so often' qualifier to what she was saying. "Well, I'm not running at least," Corey said.

"Yeah, you're not," Grypha said a bit wistfully. Then she cocked her head at him once more as if wondering about something and then she actually blushed before she asked, "I don't suppose you have a girlfriend do you?"

"Not at the moment," Corey responded before grinning as he asked, "Why do you ask?"

Grypha blushed even deeper as she said, "Just curious. How would you like to go and talk back at my place?"

"I think I would like that very much," Corey said.

Grypha beamed at him as she said, "Good, just let me put you someplace more comfortable for the ride." Corey found himself being lowered from around face level and being dropped into Grypha's cleavage. "There, is that a good place for you."

As Corey found himself in between Grypha's boobs, boobs which had been used to crush entire buildings, he actually did not feel the least bit concerned. They were amazingly soft for breasts that had been used as weapons of mass destruction. "Quite comfortable, thank you Grypha," Corey said.

"You're welcome Corey," Grypha said while smiling affectionately down at him. The two of them continued to talk while Grypha walked out of the wrecked city, not paying much attention to where she was walking as she conversed. What few buildings were left were crushed under her paws as she walked, but at least a few of the survivors stood a chance now that Grypha was distracted. That gave people everywhere a bit of hope. Everyone hoped that things worked out between Grypha and her new companion. Maybe she would not have as much time to rampage if she had a boyfriend to spend her time with.

Changing the World

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Accidents Happen

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You Know You Want To

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