An Endless Voyage Ch 51: Shore Leave Continued

Story by MercenaryCanine on SoFurry

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Maya, Karen and their new friends had been on the road for quite some time now, and Maya and Karen had once more traded places following another food stop. It was late, around midnight, and they were on one of those seemingly endless stretches of road winding through back-country.

Maya was driving again. Karen was looking over the map, when a light in the distance caught her attention.

She put the map down to see what it was, and saw a person in the distance. Apparently he had never heard of flares, Karen thought, as he was waving some kind of crude torch. It looked like he'd made it by tying a sock to a stick and soaking it in gasoline no doubt taken from the motorcycle parked nearby.

Maya saw it too, as Karen was just about to inform her when she started downshifting, and got on the radio; "Breaker One Nine, Death Angel here, Better start backin 'em down boys an' girls, looks lahk somebody's broke down up ahead."

"Ten Four Death Angel, you call it in yet?" Flamerider asked.

"Not yet, Flamerider, Ah'm gonna check it out firs'. Might be somethin' Lovegoddess kin take care a'. Maya replied.

"Ten four, Death Angel." Flamerider said. "Just be careful. could be some drugged up nut or anything."

"No worries hand, Ah kin handle mahself if'n it comes t' that." Maya replied.

Maya pulled off onto the shoulder, and brought her rig to a stop a few feet from the person waving the makeshift torch. The others pulled off on the opposite side of the road to watch.

Karen rolled down her window as the man approached their truck. "Your bike giving you trouble?" she asked.

"Yeah its been acting up for the last fifty miles or so. Then it jus up an quit all of a sudden." the man replied.

Maya got out and was already coming around the front of the truck at this point.

"Alright, why dont you show me the problem." Karen said. "I'm a mechanic." she opened her door, and began to climb down as she spoke.

The man looked Karen over thoroughly, marveling at her sexy shapely body. He found her canine appearance odd, but naturally assumed she was wearing a really good fursuit. (he was a backwoods hillbilly, so out of the loop he didn't know anything about having made First Contact, or the Xian war either for that matter.

The glow of the trucks' lights glinted off the metal of the bike, as they started off.

Seeing Maya, the man froze up. Her sheer size nearly made him wet himself for one, but it was more than that. Her expression was stoic, but she had that look in her eyes. Like someone who had seen and done things no one should see. things she wasn't proud of. He reasoned that like Karen, her canine looks was a hyper realistic fursuit, of course. He couldnt figure out her size, but assumed it must be some kind of medical thing, some kind of growth hormone issue or something like that.

"Relax, we are here to help." Karen told the man. "I know Maya looks scary being so big, but she is here to help too. I'm Karen. Whats your name?"

"Jed. Jed Hickory." the man said. he ad visibly relaxed a little, but Karen could still hear the nervousness in his voice.

"Maya Dawn." Maya said. "S' what seems t' be the problem?"

"I dont know." Jed replied. "Like I said it just started getting hot and losing power, not wanting to take the gas, and then when I came over the hill back there it made a loud noise and just quit. I tried to start it back but the kickstarter is stuck, here, look." Jed demonstrated.

"There is your problem." Karen said. "The engine is completely dry of oil. See the connecting rod sticking out of it there. That noise you heard was that rod punching through the crankcase. See this." she held up the connecting rod, "That is supposed to be inside the engine. there is one on the other piston too." she paused trying to dumb it down enough. "The things that go up and down to make the power. they push on these, and it makes the motor turn, but without oil the metal parts rub together and get really hot, and then this happens."

"But I put plenty a oil in it miss." Jed said. "See here." he opens the gas cap to show the two-cycle mix in the tank. "Mixed it nice an' strong like ma pappy taught me."

"This is a four-stroke engine." Karen said. "You are supposed to put oil in the crankcase, here." she pointed to the filler cap. You do not mix it in the fuel."

"Can ya fix it er not?" Jed asked.

"I would have to completely rebuild the engine from scratch." Karen said.

"Yeah, better come with us.." Maya said. "Open up them saddlebags an' Ah'll go put yer stuff in the truck."

"Thanks miss, thats awful kind a' ya." Jed said, opening the saddlebags as she spoke.

"Aint no trouble." Maya said. " S' where ya headed anyway?"

"Nowhere in particular." Jed replied. "I just want to keep going, see where the road takes me." he paused seeing how effortlessly Maya hefted his belongings. "You work out a lot?"

"Somethin' lahk that." Maya said.

"We are actually mercenaries." Karen explained. "This is just a job we are doing between contracts."

Jed followed them to the truck after that, and once Maya got on the radio explaining what happened, they were soon on their way once more.

The newcomer was silent for a while, but considering the shock of suddenly being stranded as he had been, Maya reasoned he likely needed time to sort his thoughts.

Karen however was concerned for his mental health. She reasoned it could simply be his complete lack of simple mechanical knowledge grating her nerves, but couldn't help thinking he seemed a bit reclusive.

Jed sat quietly, watching the mile-markers go by. He couldn't help noticing how incredibly detailed Maya and Karen's fursuits were, they looked so lifelike it felt weird. He couldnt figure out what crazy sort of animatronics it took to make the eyes move like that, or the ears and tails either. Nevermind the fact he couldnt imagine how they managed to make the noses look wet, and how the heck did they eat and drink as they did, when he couldnt see any lips in the back of the mouth's. He couldnt figure out how the mouths actually slobbered when they did their panting for roleplay as they did either, but he reasoned the suits must have cost a fortune. They did say they were mercenaries afterall. It sent a chill down his spine to try and think of how many people they must have killed to afford those suits.

It wasn't until they stopped for fuel an hour later, that he finally got talkative.

While Maya was pumping fuel, Jed finally worked up the nerve to ask Karen; "I dont mean to pry, you've been kind enough to give me a ride and all, but isn't it a little hot to be wearing all that?"

"It is a bit uncomfortably warm, but it can not be helped." Karen replied simply. "Maya might not mind getting naked in front of a complete stranger, but I prefer to keep my clothes on, at least until we get to know eachother better. Who knows what might happen before this trip is done."

"I'm sorry, I meant your fursuits." Jed apologized. His ears felt like they were on fire, as his face flushed red of embarassment.

"We are not wearing any fursuits." Karen replied. "Here see for yourself." she fished her ID card from her wallet and handed it back to Jed.

"Hahaha very funny, "Vice Admiral" Karen of the mercenary starship Excalibur!"..."Am I supposed to believe that's real." Jed remarked handing her ''id card'' back. "I dunno what sorta sci-fi freakshow convention you two are into, but everybody knows FTL travel is impossible...Astronaut Cletus tried to go faster than light got killed in the attempt."

"I assure you it is very real, and Cletus is very much alive." Karen remarked. "We found his ship crashlanded and rescued him."

"His ship was vaporized when he tried to break the lightspeed barrier." Jed remarked.

"What you saw was a radiation flare." Karen said. She figured it was futile trying to explain Hyperspace theory to someone who didnt know the difference in two and four stroke piston engines, so she just said "the ship worked, but he lost control and crashlanded where we found him."

"Damn, you really play your role well." Jed said. "You should consider an acting career."

"Alright you leave me no choice." Karen fished out her communicator, "Vice Admiral Karen to Excalibur." she said.

"Go ahead Vice Admiral." one of the temporary crew replied.

"Lock the transporter onto the human lifesign next to me, and lock onto my comm signal, prepare to beam us up on my command."

"H-Hey wait a minute." Jed remarked, starting to wonder if maybe Karen was telling the truth.

"Two to beam up." Karen replied. An instant later, both she and Jed vanished in a beam of light, and just as suddenly rematerialized in Excalibur's transporter room.

"Thats Earth out the window over there." Karen said, retargeting the transporter for the return trip. "We are extraterrestrials, and you are aboard the starship Excalibur."

"S-send me back." Jed said. "Y-your not gonna ppp.probe me aaare you." he stammered in fear.

"I had not planned on it." Karen said. "Although given your ''nomadic'' appearance, I have no doubt Doc Natalie would scedule you for a colonoscopy as part of your physical if you were staying aboard." she finished her adjustments, and pulled Jed back onto the platform just before the time-delay activation she had set kicked in, and an instant later they were back in the truck.

"Ever'thang alrahgt hun?" Maya asked, as she replaced the filler cap on the drivers' side tank. She hefted the fuel hose over her shoulder, and walked around the front of the truck to get to the other tank.

"Yeah." Karen replied, having rolled the window down earlier. "Jed just thought we were wearing some kind of costumes but I explained we are extraterrestrials."

"Yeah." Jed added. "'re not gonna eat me later, are you?"

"Naw, 'course not." Maya said. "We don' eat sentient beings, only nonsentient ferals.... An no we aint here t' take over Earth. Yer people an' mahne're allies, an' we jus got back from leadin a fleet t' stop sum bad aliens that really was tryin t' takeover the rest a' the universe too."

"Then I want to go with you." Jed remarked. "I just want to keep traveling."

"What are you really running from?" Karen asked.

"I aint killed nobody or anything if thats what you're asking." Jed replied. "Just dont like stayin in one place."

"When we leave Earth we kin take ya 's far 's the Canid Homeworld, seein's we're goin there fer a contract anyway." Maya chimed in. "Y'kin start yer travelin again there, an' ya'll have a whole new world t' explore."

Karen waited for Maya to finish filling the second tank, and replace the cap, then she opened her door, and began to climb down from the truck. "Come on Jed, lets go see what kind of goodies they have." she said. "I have to check the oil before we get going again anyway.

"As long as I'm not on the menu." Jed laughed. He climbed down after Karen, and then Maya having finally finished putting the pump hose away, led them inside and proceeded to pay for the fuel while Karen and Jed started shopping. Maya caught up with them as soon as she finished.

They loaded up on all kinds of potato chips, hot pepper cheese bean dip, and all sorts of jerky and various kinds of slimjims, and then while Karen went to get a big jug of oil, Maya helped Jed carry everything they had to the counter, and then went to microwave some burritos the station had, and get Flamerider, Tall Cotton, and Big Daddy each a cup of coffee. It was Maya's turn to make the grub run this time.

Finally Maya paid for everything, and went to distribute the coffee and burritos, while Karen and Jed put everything else in their truck. Then Karen checked the oil, and finding it half a quart low, topped it off. They all went for a bathroom break after that, before finally getting back on the road.



THe surgery had been a complete success, and Tom was recovering well. They were on a plane headed back to the Hotel in Richmond now, and while he was mostly resting and recovering, Tom had already began learning to master his new body.

Doc Natalie was with him, of course, as she had been the entire time. She helped with physical therapy as he had to re-learn how to walk and balance all over again, and kept him comfprtable administering pain meds as well.

Grace and Tom Jr helped with relearning basic motions as well, though perhaps one of the most difficult was having to learn to pee all over again, now that he had a full Red Rocket, complete with baculum and knot, and a proper canine sheath. To that end, Tom Jr. was the most helpful. To make matters worse, the regular atmospheric jetliner they were aboard didn't have inertial dampers, so he had to learn to do so whilst under the g-effect of motion as well.

Then there was the cravings. The food on the plane wasn't exactly ''bad'', but he wanted real Canid food, especially meat, the fresher the better.

His new eyesight, and heightened hearing took a lot of getting used to as well, but perhaps the most notable was his sense of smell. Natalie and Grace still smelled good of course, but he could tell so much more now. The scents flooded with information it took his brain time to learn how to process correctly...and then there was the potent odor of all the passengers, sweat and armpits primarily. Funny thing he hadn't noticed it before the surgery, but now the smell was difficult to ignore.

"The smell is difficult to ignore." Grace confirmed. "It is the reason Molly asks Doc Natalie for a nasal numbing agent whenever she will be working in close proximity to large numbers of sweaty humans."

"It aint /that/ bad." Tom said. "But nonetheless I look forward to being surrounded by Canids and other Mammilians again... The more of them, the better."

"Aye lad, I canna argue with that!" Natalie replied, smiling.

"I was gonna wait till later because you were asleep, dad, but Hank called to check on you again. I told him you are recovering well and would call him back later."

"Thanks son." Tom said. "Still no word from Maya?"

"No, but that is to be expected." Tom Jr replied.

"Maxine still has that old handheld." Grace said. "When we get back to the hotel, I can jury rig a booster and antenna that should be able to get through to her."

"Sounds good to me." Tom said.

"Come on dad, let's go get something to drink." Tom Jr said. He held out a hand to help Tom steady himself as he climbed out of the ''bed'' made of a reclined airline seat.

Tom got to his feet slowly, wobbly at first. Thankfully his son kept a firm grip on his right hand until he finally managed to steady himself.

"Nice and slow, dad." Tom Jr said, step, counterbalance, shift your weight, step, just like me."

"Aye lad, that's the way." Natalie called after them.

Each step was still a bit painful, but moreso it took a conscious effort. Tom had to be aware of not only how he intended to move his feet, but also how and when to shift his weight, and counterbalance with his thick fluffy kuvasz tail. He still hadn't learned to carry it curled the way Maya, Tom Jr, and the other LGD's did, it was hard enough just using it to counterbalance without further complicating things like that. As a result a lot of people who knew LGD bodylanguage likely mis-interpeted the lack of upcurled tail as a sign of unhappiness when in reality nothing could be further from the truth.

After what felt like an agonixing eternity, they made it to the in-flight bar at last.

"What can I do for you, sir?" a Flight attendant asked Tom Jr.

"I'll have a Kentucky Bourbon, neat." Tom Jr replied.

"And how about a juice box and a coloring book for your son." she added, patting TOm's head. "Such a cute pup!"

Tom Jr fought hard to keep from bursting out laughing.

Tom felt like his ears were burning from the embarassment. He bared his teeth as he'd often seen Maya and others do, but forced himself to keep his cool.

"Actually, this is my father." Tom Jr said. He got stunted due to a rare puppyhood medical condition, but you can check with our family Physician, Doctor Natalie who is also on board, she can confirm it."

"Yeah." Tom said. "And I'm mated to Admiral Maya Dawn, now I'll have a glass of Captain Morgan if you got it. Neat. If not then give me a Kentucky Bourbon Neat too.

THe flight attendant stuck her head through the curtain and shouted back; "Is there a Doctor Natalie here?"

"Aye lass." Doc Natalie replied standing up. "That would be me. And Aye Tom SR contracted enstactolic glandulosis when he was a young pup. (a glandular disease affecting growth hormones). While yoor at it you can bring me a single malt Scotch, neat since I canna imagine ya havin the more potent Canid equivalent. Not at these ticket prices lass."

"Of course, Doctor, thank you." the Flight attendant said, then returned to her work and set about getting the drinks. Meanwhile Tom Jr helped his father get back to his seat.

The flight attendant brought their drinks not long after they had made it back, and then asked if anyone else wanted anything.

"If you have Canid whiskey, I will take that." Grace said. "If not, then get me your finest Kentucky Reserve Aged whiskey. My mother is a Vice Admiral, and the owner of AMD. Money is no issue."

The flight attendant hesitated, unsure of the sexy spaniel's age. She thought Grace looked mature, as best she could tell, but then again she could easily be just slightly underage.

"I need to see your ID to verify your age first." the flight attendant said. "You dont look like a pup but you could still be slightly too young."

Without a word Grace got up, bent over and dropped her pants, showing that she was once again in full standing heat.

The room burst out laughing at that.

"Well go on, take a sniff." Grace said. "I'm not Admiral Maya, I am not going to fart in your face or anything like that."

"SHe dont have the nose for it, honey." Tom said. "Gods you smell wonderful..." Forcing himself to focus, he added, "Show her your Excalibur ID card."

"Oh...Sorry." Grace said, a little embarassed at having mooned the entire First-Class section for no reason. She pulled her pants back up and showed the attendant her Excalibur ID instead.

"Lieutenant Commander Grace, Starship Excalibur, Test pilot, Fighter Pilot, Engineer 1st class." the Flight attendant read. "Sorry about that. I'll get your drink right away."

"Nice display sexy!" a middle aged man a couple rows down said. "Nice to know there's another pilot on board just in case.

"She's mine!" Tom growled.

"Yeah I guess you gotta fuck spaniels cause your too short to reach your own breed." a smart-ass college punk remarked.

"I can hump Kuvaszok girls just fine." Tom snarled, starting to get up.

"Don't dad. You'll only hurt yourself. You need to rest." Tom Jr said.

"Yeah let your son fight me instead, midget." the punk remarked. "I'm a pro wrestler and kickboxer."

"And I am a decorated mercenary, I won't go into detail but suffice it to say my training outstrips yours." Tom Jr remarked."

Thankfully the flight attendant returned moments later, causing the punk to back down.

"Once again, Thank you for flying Dixie Airlines." THe flight attendant said, handing Grace her drink. "Our sceduled in-flight meal will be in half an hour, and our in-flight movie will begin shortly. Please enjoy the rest of your flight." and then she left once more.

Tom was too focused on Grace to pay much attention to the movie of course, or anything else for that matter. To that end it came as a bit of a shock when Doc Natalie pulled him into a passionate kiss, and afterwards said, "Grace isna' the only bitch here in full standing heat, laddie."

"Yeah I noticed that, Doc." Tom said. "I guess it would be easier as you could keep an eye on medical things."

"Aye." Natalie said. "Thats the idea, lad. I always wanted ta have yoor puppies, I canna explain it better than that."

"Wait your turn, Doc." Grace said playfully. "Nah, I'm just fooling around. You probably need this even more than I do, being so pent up."

"What about delivering the pups though?" Tom asked, after they shared another kiss. "I mean I could do it, sure... but I dont have your experience."

"Aye lad, yoor going ta take care of that." Natalie replied.

"Fine by me." Tom said. THey shared another passionate kiss, but unfortunately that was as far as they got before the flight attendant returned, pushing a food cart.

They didn't have any real Canid dishes on the menu unfortunately, so they all ordered traditional Confederate dishes which were canine-friendly instead.

Of course, Tom was still learning how to eat with his new canine muzzle, so for the time being, Natalie and Grace took turns chewing his food for him, and feeding him like a teething pup just starting to eat solid foods.

Some people might have been embarassed having to be fed like that, but for Tom, it was not all that different from normal intimate food-sharing.

When they finally finished, they washed it all down with another drink, and then Natalie reminded Tom to clean his teeth, and in doing so gain experience in using them properly.

To that end, he made use of one of Grace's chew toys. It was a tough chunk of home-made rawhide from Excalibur's farm deck, and shaped to resemble King Jerry of X. Or it used to anyway, By the time Tom had borrowed it, Grace already had it pretty well mangled, but you could still tell what it was intended to be.

It was slow going, and he felt clumsy seeing how easily Tom Jr and the others did it, but it was certainly easier than last time. When he finally finished, Tom picked up where they left off earlier, making out with Natalie and Grace like nothing else mattered, and losing all track of time in the process. Before they knew it, the plane was landing in Richmond, and they all had to stop, and fasten their seatbelts as the pilot had announced.

Once they were on the ground, Tom and the others made their way through the terminal, and met up with Hank, and May, who were waiting for them.

"Lookin good, Pa! Gods Ah missed ya!" May remarked.

"Yeah, I'm glad everything went okay." Hank added. "So whats it like?"

"It certainly takes a lot of getting used to." Tom replied, "But Its more than worth it."

"Doont worry lad, I got yoor appointment." Natalie told Hank. "Yoor flight leaves tomorrow night."

"Thanks Doc, but why not right now?" Hank asked.

"Laddie, I'm in full standing heat, and I need ta get some relief." Natalie remarked.

"Fair enough." Hank replied.

THey started back for the Hotel as they talked.

"You decided who to bring along?" Tom asked Hank.

"Mabelle for sure (One of May's daughters from her oldest litter), and probably Jack." Hank replied. "I was gonna ask May too, I know she's one of yours, but we really had some fun while you were away getting the surgery."

"Ah'd love t' go, but Ah thought the doctors only let two guests in." May said.

"Aye lass." Natalie said. "Only two at a time."

"Then take Mabelle." May said. "Ah'll be waitin fer ya when ya git back."

"Alright." Hank agreed.

"An' curl yer tail, Pa." May said. "People're gonna thank yer feelin' bad if'n y' keep carryin' it lahk that."

"I'm still working on that, princess." Tom replied. "Right now I do good just to manage to balance as it is."

"Should be a little easier for you though, dad." Grace told Hank. "I don't know what its like trying to counterbalance with a big fluffy Kuvasz tail of course, but I would imagine its more difficult. A short fancy Spaniel tail like mine would surely be easier to master."

"Aye that sounds reasonable." Natalie added.

When they got back to the hotel, Tom took Natalie up on her offer from earlier, while Grace set about tinkering with Maxine's handheld CB radio. Cannabalizing an alarm clock, a communicator, and a few Earth power supplies for parts, it didn't take her long to modify the handheld greatly increasing its power. Technically the modifications were illegal, of course, but considering they were all war heroes to the people of Earth, it was something that would be easily overlooked, especially considering Grace had increased the power without distorting the frequency lock or interfering with adjacent frequencies in the process. The downside was the modifications worked for channel 19, and only channel 19, as to change frequencies would require a redesign of the booster circuit in order to maintain a perfect match. She hadn't tried transmitting yet, but was just double-checking her work, when she heard: "Ten Four Flamerider, we'll pull in fer the night at the next rest stop. SHame y'all aint got a backup driver though s' we kin jus' keep rollin." and then "Ten Four Death Angel, sounds good to me." in reply.

At that moment Tom was busy anyway. After struggling to learn to use his new anatomy for a bit, he'd finally managed to mount Natalie properly. He was panting like crazy and humping just as fast, and before he realized it was happening his knot swelled tight, and Natalie's vaginal sphincter clamped down like a vise behind it, locking them together.

It felt absolutely incredible, to say the least. To put it another way, it was so different from what he knew so well, it was like having sex for the first time all over again. It was great, But the sudden immobilization came as quite the shock.

"Uhh Doc..." Tom panted. "I'm....kinda' stuck..."

"Aye lad...good boy..." was all Natalie said in response.

Tom took that to mean it was all perfectly normal, and of course he had seen this happen with canine/canine pairings both sentient and feral a great many times as well. Following that as an example he remembered how the male would dismount and turn following the tie. Unfortunately seeing it, and actually doing it were two different things. Eventually he managed it however, and afterward got a pleasant surprise, as the good doctor pulled forward a bit, keeping the base of his knot tight against the vieslike grip of her vaginal sphincter.

What really surprised him however, was how much he had already came, and continued to do so. Before, he was typically good for a half dozen or so big squirts, and that was it, but now, he just kept cumming.

At first it was absolutely pure perfection, but as time went on, being stuck on all fours and unable to move without dragging Natalie with him began to grow tiresome despite the constantly changing blissful pleasure as her muscles milked his thick red rocket for all its worth.

The good doctor was truly insatiable, yipping, howling, and pleasuregrowling in between panting like crazy, and praising Tom in Canid.

Tom could do little but reciprocate himself. His old zoophilic "have my puppies good girl ohh gods! have my puppies! didnt really feel appropriate now, so instead he praised Natalie for how wonderful she felt, and panting like mad himself.

They were both panting so hard they had their tongues out to one side, and drooling all over though that simply could not be helped.

It was a good hour before they finally uncoupled, and when they did, Natalie had been so pent up, and her orgasm's so intense as a result, that she took off running around the room like a feral bitch.

Meanwhile Tom set about licking himself clean, the added moisture helping to coax his red rocket back into its sheath in the process. Even with all their advanced technology, this little feral trick was still the most effective method of doing so.

After that, Natalie went to shower, and then slept nude. Meanwhile Tom got dressed, and headed back out to the commons area to see if Grace had completed her work, and then give her the same treatment he had Natalie.

"Its all finished." Grace said as soon as she saw Tom. "Gods' you look exhausted!"

"No worries princess! I'm good for another round." He took the radio, and pressed the transmit button, then spoke; "Death Angel, Bullseye, you copy?"

"Not like that!" Maxine remarked. "Let me show you how its done."

"Sure old friend." Tom replied, handing her the radio.

"Breaker one nine, how bout it Death Angel, you got your ears on." SHe spoke as she pressed the transmit key.

"That's a big ten four there hand, whats yer twenty?" Maya replied.

"Actually I'm still at the hotel there Death Angel." Maxine replied. "Grace made a few tweaks."

"Ten Four Gearjammer, Ah recognized yer voice, but ya sounded awful close." Maya replied.

"That's Grace's handywork." Maxine replied. "What's your twenty, Death Angel?"

"Rollin' coal through Mississsippi at the moment, Gearjammer, but gonna be pullin in t' the next truckstop s' Flamerider, Big Daddy, an' Tall Cotton kin git sum shuteye. Ah reckon we'll be comin in t' Louisiana bout tamarra afternoon if'n traffic permits."

"Ten Four Death Angel. I'm gonna give Bullseye the radio now, he's back and doing well, and Gator will be leaving tomorrow night."

"Ten four Gearjammer." Maya replied.

"Talk as I did." Maxine told Tom, as she handed him the radio. "Its proper ettiquite."

"No problem." Tom said, then "Breaker One Nine for the Death Angel, you got your ears on." he spoke keying the transmit switch.

"Ten Four Bullseye, s' good t' hear yer voice."

They spoke for a good hour after that, catching up on all that had happened. Tom was a bit embarassed talking about some aspects of the procedure over the open air at first, but knowing and hearing once more how Maya had no such inhibitions helped him to relax, and explain all he had experienced.

In turn, Maya explained more of the sorts of things he would experience, that was just part of being a kuvasz. Tom Jr, May, an' the rest a' our pups kin teach ya about all that in person." she added. "Ah'd teach ya mahself but it'd be kinda' hard t' do over the radio."

"Ten Four Death Angel, I know what you mean." Tom said.

They made idle conversation, just relaxing and 'shooting the bull' for a time after that, and then eventually, as the battery was needing charged anyway, Tom bid Maya and Karen goodnight, and safe travels, then handed the radio back to Maxine, and took Grace to ''bed''. Of course sleeping was not the first thing either of them had on their minds, as you can imagine.


They all pulled into the truck stop, and after a trip inside for a bite to eat, Maya and Karen bid the others goodnight, and retired to their own truck. Karen left the engine running to blast the A.C. in this heat, but instead of going to bed, they waited for Jed to fall asleep, and then stripped off their clothes and started making out like horny teenagers.

To begin with, they took time to sniff eachother's butts, savoring their uniquely wonderful scents.

After that they climbed back into the sleeper, and Maya toyed with Karen's fancy ears as they shared a deeply passionate kiss. then Karen climbed on top of Maya, and proceeded to suckle her teats while rubbing their canine vulvas together like two horny pups having just got their first heat.

Thanks to the size difference, Karen was able to penetrate Maya's canine vulva slightly with her own in the process, and in doing so the little bit of spaniel fluff fur extending from the narrow tip of her vulva tickled Maya's clit as they rubbed their Honeypies together.

Due to the size of Maya's clit, the friction as they ground their honeypies together forced it into Karen's little (Y) vulva as well, and in doing so their clits rubbed together in such a manner they were both happily wagging their tails, and breathing heavily from the pure pleasure.

Karen continued to suckle, but Maya was very vocal, panting like crazy with her tongue out to one side, and begging for more. Karen was more than happy to deliver.

Karen and Maya climaxed together moments later, flooding eachother's honeypies with their lovejuices. Karen flooded Maya without spilling a drop, while Maya squirted with such a flood that the pressure alone forced some of it inside Karen's Honeypie, and due to the size difference making for a poor seal between them, it also soaked the spaniel's inner thighs, lowermost teats, and ran down her bitch stripe where some of it soaked her tailfur and canine anus as well.

Gods! Karen, Yer s' wonderful." Maya praised after coming down from her tenth climax. She caressed Karen's ears lovingly as she spoke. "Ah love ya more'n anythin, mah sweet little princess."

They said little after that, as they curled into a sort of 69 position, though due to her size Maya was curled up while Karen was lying mostly straight. Maya really loved getting to watch Karen's perfect little canine anus quiver in pleasure and enjoy her anal scent, while she worked her thick dexterous canine tongue deep in the spaniel's perfect little (Y) vulva.

Karen watched Maya's huge richly pigmented canine anus quiver in pleasure, and inhaled deeply Maya's divine anal scent, then withdrew and stuck her head deep in the Kuvasz's huge (Y) vulva. She used her hands to spread the (Y) so she could breathe, and alternated betwwen working her tongue in as deep as she could, probing Maya's pisshole, and suckling her clit, all the while giving muffled yips of pleasure as Maya continued her own tonguework as well.

It didn't take long before they had tongued eachother to another mutual climax,

Next they took turns with a canine strap-on. first Maya knotted Karen first vaginally then anally with the inflatable canine strap-on. Each time they turned butt to butt for a proper tie, and Karen's rear was held high in the air due to Maya's size despite Maya spreading her legs and squatting down as much as she could.

Karen felt a bit of discomfort at her vaginal sphincter, and then her canine anal ring supporting half her weight like that, but the pleasure she felt was more than worth it.

Jed woke up to the bouncing of the truck, and their yipping, howling climaxes while Karen had Maya anally knotted for the fifth time. How he had not woke up before now is a mystery, but one could only assume he was a VERY heavy sleeper.

It was all he could do to unzip his fly and start masturbating immediately. Well, actually, he WANTED to do a lot more, but Maya's sheer size frightened him.

When they finally uncoupled once more, Karen said; "I think I needed that as much as you did, my love."

"Yeah Ah kin tell, Mah sweet princess."

It was then they noticed Jed was awake, and had splattered cream all over the carpet.

"Reckon we oughtta give 'im sum relief." Maya said.

"Alright." Karen said, then to Jed. "Come on over here, boy. You find us attractive do you not?"

"I thought ya'd never ask." Jed replied.

"Hold on." Karen said. "No anal, that is how my people express true love, and you can not possibly love me as we only met recently.

At that moment, Maya had finished cleaning up Jed's cream, and set about preparing her canine strap-on once more.

"Fine by me." Jed said. "Lay down sexy."

"That position is awkward." Karen said. "Even Hank has trouble getting it in." she assumed the position on hands and knees instead.

"Up and in." Maya said, handing Jed an antibacterial wipe. "Clean yerself with that, firs."

Jed took time to do as Maya asked, and then did his best to mount Karen. No matter how he tried however, he never seemed to hit the angle right, and the head of his cock just kept slipping out of her estrus-swollen (Y) vulva.

Eventually Maya had to reach between them and help guide him into the right hole.

Jed had barely gotten balls-deep, when he blew his load instantly. The sheer pleasure of the sensations he felt, combined with Karen's higher body temperature totally blew his mind. He was so pleasuredrunk he became like a drug addict high as a kite. For a time he was literally aware only of the intense pleasure. Several minutes later he finally came down enough to actually start thrusting, and remarked, "Damn, I never knew anything could feel so good!"

"Good, then yer gonna love whats next." Maya said. She waited until Jed was too busy thrusting to pay attention, then, making sure her strap-on was good and slick with lube, quickly mounted him from behind.

"Ow H-hey, I thought you said no anal." Jed remarked.

"Ah never promised anythin, that was Karen." Maya said, increasing her pace. She kept at it until she could see Jed was finally enjoying himself again, nearly lost once more in the sheer pleasure of humping Karen. THen she finally pumped the knot tight, and dismounted for the turn and tie.

As Jed was now immobilized by Maya's Strap-on's knot, Karen did all the work, pulling forward and humping back against him until he once more lost himself in pure carnal pleasure, as he blew his load again.

Maya kept him tied for the full hour or so, so Karen just waited for him to get hard again, then started humping back once more.

Eventually once they all climaxed together, Maya deflated the knot, and they uncoupled. Jed went back to bed saying that he would be sore for a week but that was the most fun he ever had in his life.

Maya and Karen went a few more rounds, then stayed up another hour munching chips and beef jerky.

After that, Maya and Karen cuddled up in bed and went to sleep in eachother's arms.


The next morning, Maya and Karen were up brushing their fur, and had only recently got dressed, when Jed finally woke up.

"I'll be back in a minute." Jed said. "I gotta go, ''ten one hundred'' as you truckers say.

" 1 or 2?" Karen asked.

"1, why?" Jed replied, a bit embarassed at the question.

He reached for the passenger side doorhandle, and soon began to climb down.

As soon as he made it to the ground, he turned next to the truck and started to undo his fly.

Karen barked, startling him. "Dont do it there, I alreadly marked that side." she said. "Or are you challenging me? If that is the case I strongly recommend you reconsider."

"Yeah Ah know she looks cute but she's a trained mercenary same's me. Maya remarked"

"Sorry I didn't know." Jed replied. He started to go around to the driver's side, but this time, he nearly pissed in his pants when Maya gave her boomy Kuvasz bark.

"Ah already marked that spot." Maya said.

"Yeah you REALLY don't want to do that." Karen added.

"S...Sorry... I'll go inside." Jed replied.

"S' alrahgt we're jus' messin with ya." Maya said. "We'll go too, gotta drop off sum ordinance mahself.

"Yeah me too. Must be all that bean dip. Watch the puddles though, we really did mark here." Karen added.

Jed visibly relaxed at that. He stood by the front of the truck while Maya and Karen climbed down, and then they all headed inside.

The bathrooms were pretty bad, as one might expect. Granted, Maya and Karen had seen far worse on otherwise well kept space stations and trading posts, but still, it was pretty bad. There was graffiti all over the stall walls, mostly sexual in nature, and the toilets themselves were filthy. That part was somewhat excusable as it was early in the morning, so they likely had not yet been cleaned for the day.

It hardly mattered for Maya, as her size and weight meant she had to just squat above the bowl since there was no chance it would support her weight. But despite the odd shape and strange posture they necessitated, Karen usually had little difficulty with earth toilets. Sitting down in on a cold seat wet with cold piss was a nasty surprise however. Karen swore in Canid, loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.

" 'S...The matter...Nhhh Hun?" Maya asked immediately."

" Some nasty - ass drunken whore pissed all over the seat and didn't clean it up!" Karen shouted back.

"Yeah, Mahne's pretty...Ahh bad...Too." Maya replied. "Ah jus' squat over it s' it aint a problem."

"I cleaned it off now, but whoever did that should spend a night in our brig." Karen said.

"Yeah that's fer sure." Maya said. "Mhhh...When Ah git done Ah'll come hold ya up s' its lahk yer mah height an squattin over it."

"Thanks for the offer, I know you would, but I got it this time, my love." Karen said.

Unsurprisingly it took Maya a lot longer than Karen to finish, as Maya having megacolon made it more difficult.

When they finally finished, they washed their hands, and met up with Jed who was standing outside the door to the mens room waiting for them, and they went to get something to eat.

"So who's you two talking to on the radio last night?" Jed asked while they waited for their orders..

"Mah mate, Tom." Maya said.

"I thought Karen was your mate." Jed remarked.

"I am, but Canid marriage is not monogamous." Karen replied.

"Sounds fun!"Jed remarked. "Guess I'm zoo now after last night, huh."

"Ah reckon that depends if'n yer attracted t' feral bitches too." Maya said. "Ah'm omni mahself, anyone's fair game includin ferals."

"Yeah." Karen agreed. "I still have yet to try feral canines myself, but I did rim a dairy lioness while Hank was milking her though."

"Damn that's hot." Jed said, then, "Wait, you have dairy lionesses?"

"Shure 'nuff." Maya said. "How else're we gonna git milk an' make cheese an' stuff? Well Ah reckon we could always milk ourselves but s' kinda inconvenient."

"Most people here milk cows." Jed said. "I had goats milk a few times too, even had mare milk once, but I aint never had lioness milk."

"So that's why the milk tastes funny here." Karen said. "I thought it was something in your atmosphere, and had even drafted up a theory for our science officer to look into what was causing it."

Big Daddy, Tall Cotton, and Flamerider joined them not long after that.

"Hope you girls actually got some shut-eye last night." Big Daddy said. "I wanna make New Orleans by sunset."

"We should make it all the way t' Port Allen if'n all goes well." Maya said.

"Sounds good to me." Big Daddy agreed.

"Yeah me too." Tall Cotton agreed.

"Same here, Death Angel." Flamerider added. "This place has sure went to hell in a handbasket since old Jim died though. The bathrooms were never this nasty before."

"Yeah I would hope not." Karen said. "The toilets in our brig are cleaner than that."

That brought a heavy round of laughter, and even stone-faced Maya cracked a hint of a smile.

"So who's Bullseye anyway?" Flamerider asked. "I know Gearjammer, but the only Bullseye I know was a fighter pilot. I never met a Hand with that name."

"Naw, he's the same fighter pilot." Maya said. "He aint a hand, but he's good firends with Gearjammer, an' usin her mic t' talk t' us. He's one a' mah mates."

"That's alright then." Tall Cotton said.

"Yeah we was gittin a bit worried you was talking to a ghost rig. There stories down in these parts." Big Daddy added. "So where is miss Gearjammer anyway. I didn't see her rig on my way in."

"She's up in Richmond. Got herself a real nice linear." Maya said. "Ah reckon the skip musta bin rollin good too cause she sounded lahk she's ridin up on mah back door a couple a' times."

"That explains it then." Flamerider said. "got a little 250 myself but I don't use it unless the weather's bad."

"Yeah me too." Tall Cotton said. "Sure wouldn't have thought Gearjammer would be on one though. she used to hate running power."

"Necessity has a way of convincin' people." Big Daddy said. "Used to think I'd never use my 500, then I blew my trailer brakes down in swampland way down in bayou country and you bet your ass I fired that sucker up, and good thing too. Managed to get through to Flamerider and she got a mechanic out there and going again just in time fore the levy broke."

"Yeah that's fer sure." Maya said.

"It will not be an issue for us though. If anything breaks down I can fix it." Karen added. "That being said, we have one as well, that came already installed when we got the truck."

They discussed many things pertaining to the road ahead as they ate after that.


Meanwhile, back at the hotel,...

Tom had just recovered from anally knotting Grace, and they had finally got dressed and returned to the commons area. They had done vaginal last night of course, but at any rate, Hank, May, Mabelle, and Karen Jr were planning to take some of the younger pups to the closest city park after breakfast, and had asked Tom to join them. Since Grace and Natalie intended to spend the morning giving eachother additional relief, Tom would be bringing Adult Sarafina, and Lily, the husky girl Cletus had goosed his first day aboard Excalibur. Sam and Maxine would be coming as well, despite their pups being too young to really enjoy the park. Partly because they wanted to get out of the hotel and stretch their legs, but also because with Maya and Karen absent, that meant Maxine was the only other person among them with a Confederate CDL, and as such they needed her to drive the big RV/Bus that was already rented as it came with their hotel accomodations.

Karen Jr, being a little younger than Grace, Jack, and their other same age siblings, only had one litter so far. Interestingly enough, Hank, Mike, and Tom were all their fathers (two from each male) as Karen Jr had pulled the three of them into a drunken orgy to celebrate the day the fleet had finished dealing with X. It had made for an awkward moment when the pups were born, as being used to human relationships, Mike had initially tried to deny his involvement, fearing how Erika would react. Of course he had worried over nothing, and once he saw Erika was not upset over it, he gladly accepted that two of the pups were his own.

It was only a short drive to the park of course, but they had taken a bit of a detour first. Maxine thought it would be fun to stop and get everyone who had come a nice rare burger first, and of course all the other adults agreed.

"Eww... Humans actually eat boogers?" Lily remarked.

A lot of the pups laughed at the idea of someone eating boogers.

"No, not a booger, a burger." Hank explained. "Its nothing like a booger at all." He paused then; "Some silly kids DO eat boogers though, but thats just cause they dont know any better, so if any of you see that at the park, just ignore it."

"Dad, what's a burger?" one of Tom and Grace's daughters, Jasmine, asked.

Maxine pulled the RV/Bus up to the drive-thru, waiting in line to order, as Tom explained as best he could.

"Its a kind of sandwich." Tom said. "Meat on special bread called a bun, with cheese, and various toppings."

Most of the adults knew what a burger was, having eaten aboard one of the earthships at some point or other in the years they were in the Expanse. Lily was usually too busy helping Doc Natalie to get out of Sick Bay very often though, and as such had never had much time to sample human food until now. As such she was the only adult among the little group going to the park, who didn't know what a burger was.

The car in front of them finally moved, and Maxine pulled on up to the window to finally place their order.

Tom, May, Hank, and all the other adults offered to pay part of the order, but Maxine insisted on taking care of it herself. Like everyone, She had her cut of the big payday from the contract to deal with X, and being more money than she had seen in a long time, she wanted to get the group a nice snack.

She ordered a hundred extra-rare quarter pounder bacon cheeseburgers for herself and the other adults to all eat, All but ten with Haban'ero sauce as she knew May, Karen Jr, Tom, Sarafina, and Hank enjoyed spicy food as she did.

She also ordered another hundred ''meatlovers'' kids meals, extra rare (The burgers being 100% beef, as some humans had soybean allergies hence why they had a pure meat version as opposed to being part soy as was the case with the standard kids meal). for all the pups with them. The kids meals also came with chicken nuggets, tater tots (which incidently the Canids had as well, so the pups knew what tater tots were), a couple strips of bacon, and a soft drink. Maxine made sure she got all regular, non diet lemon-lime sodas with no artificial sweeteners, of course.

She also got herself an extra-large coffee, and ice water for the other adults, as she wan't sure what they liked, and planned to stop at a gas station up the road for a couple cases of beer and some chips and dip anyway.

"Having a party?" the worker at the window asked, having taken everything down

"Nah just a picnic in the park." Maxine replied. "There are a lot of us."

"Alright." the worker said. "It will be a while on such a large order but we'll get it done as fast as we can. Go ahead and pull on up to the next window."

"Ok thank you." Maxine said, and then proceeded to do just that.

While they waited, Maxine introduced them to "99 bottles of beer on the wall" a counting game to pass the time.

Half an hour later, their order was finally done, and May, Hank and Mabelle all had to get up and help collect bags as they were handed in the window. After that Maxine thanked the worker, and paid for everything.

"Thank you and have a nice day." the worker said, and then once more they were on their way.

The gas station was literally right across the street ahead of them. May got out to go in with Maxine to get the beer, chips and dip, and of course ended up getting some beef jerky as well.

While they were waiting, Hank and Mabelle's young daughter Mayamay noticed someone putting gas in their car, and asked, "Daddy why is that man putting industrial cleaner in his car?"

"People here on Earth use it as motor fuel." Hank explained. Earth cars don't run on Deuterium...but some of them use electricity instead of fuel."

"The gasoline we use as an industrial cleaner is also more refined." Karen Jr pointed out.

"Yeah I know." Hank said. "I woulda liked to try a few gallons of that in an old hotrod musclecar I used to have. Sold it a long time ago though but I bet it would have ran nice on it."

"Being a hundred and twenty octane, and filtered crystal clear to .5 microns I would say so." Karen Jr agreed.

Not long after that, Maxine and May returned with the beer and goodies, and at last they set out for the park.

Two cases of beer would go quick with that many adults of course, but the idea was to get a light buzz and have a good time watching the pups play, not get shit-faced drunk.

A short drive later, Maxine parked the RV/Bus, and they collected the food and beer, and made for one of the picnic tables near the playground area. Most of the pups walked with them, but Hank carried Mayamay on his shoulders, grunting with effort in the process as she was already a good 80lbs or so. Still, he did it because she was special. Hank and Mabelle often spoiled her rotten to make up for the teasing she often got from other pups.

She had the same sort of medical issues May had, and of course May made her feel special too, as that sort of teasing was something she remembered going through herself, all too well.

Mayamay loved the special treatment, of course. Though she hated that her father dressed her in such silly princess dresses and the like. She idolized Admiral Maya, and wanted to dress like her instead.

Hank finally let Mayamay down with the other pups once they got to the picnic/play area, and helped Mabelle and the others get the food unpacked and laid out.

Tom got a beer, and followed the pups as they explored the playground area. All that walking wasn't exactly easy, but it was good for him. he needed the practice, and at least he finally managed to curl his tail so no one would think he was unhappy or feeling bad. He even pushed Jasmine in a swing a bit, as her legs still couldn't quite reach despite being a week older than Mayamay.

A few other kids were playing on the swings, jungle gym, and merry-go-round nearby, as well as the sandbox and bouncy horses. Unsurprisingly the curious young pups came over to see what they were up to.

"Hi there." a taller boy greeted them. "You must be those aliens we learn about in school."

"Shure 'nuff." Mayamay said. "Ah'm Mayamay, an' this's Jasmine, an' Melody." she pointed to the two spaniel pups with her, as she turned around and lifted the back of her dress, expecting to be sniffed. The other pups all introduced themselves after that.

When the boy had not doneso after some time, she sniffed him anyway, and said. "It aint polite t' not sniff when ya meet somebody y'know."

"You're weird, Mayamay." the boy remarked, "Trying to make people smell your butt. I bet you was gonna fart in my face if I did wasn't you." and the other kids all laughed.

"Naw, that's really how we say hi where Ah'm from." Mayamay said. "Ah aint tryin t' trick ya 'er nothin lahk that. Mah culture's jus dif'rent."

It wasn't long until they all got to playing, but of course that complicated things. Mayamay wanted to wrestle and run around, and none of the human kids could keep up with her.

Thankfully Mayamay saw the kids had brought a feral husky who was more than happy to greet her properly, and she promptly returned the favor, and soon after that, Mayamay and the feral husky girl were running, playing, and wrestling about like two ferals really having a blast.

They were having so much fun, Mayamay didn't even hear Karen Jr calling them all to come and eat, and it wasn't until Tom gave a boomy Kuvasz bark to get her attention that she finally noticed the food scent was much stronger, reasoning it was time to eat. "Ah'll be back later" she told the feral, using her body language to actually convey the message along with a lick to her muzzle to seal the deal. Then Mayamay quickly hurried off to catch up with the other pups before all the food was gone.

Hank wasn't too thrilled Mayamay had gotten her nice fancy princess dress all dirty, but it would wash, besides she enjoyed herself and thats what mattered.

May, Maxine, Karen Jr, Lily, and the others had the picnic tables resembling a scene from the mess hall, only using disposable trays they got at the gas station instead of standard mess trays, and finally they all took their seats. They sat two adults to a table, with the pups mix and matched to fill the remaining seats. Needless to say, Maxine, Hank, and Tom had their hands full explaining things, as the pups were used to Canid foods, but then again at the same time, Karen Jr and May had to help Tom as he was still getting used to his new canine muzzle.

While they were eating, one of the other kids' parents came over to talk to Hank, apologizing for the taller boy's behavior.

"Sorry about that." The man said. "Mark can be a bit of a rude bully at times, but thats just how he handles meeting new people."

"I don't think he offended Mayamay." Hank said. "Usually she's the one to do the bullying."

"THanks for understanding." the man said, turning to leave, and then to May and the other adult canines "I can't thank you people enough for what you did. I dont think any of us would be here otherwise."

"Jus' part a' the job." May said honestly.

The man went back to where he had been sitting after that.

After a few hilarious attempts, Tom managed to feed himself some chips and dip, and a jerky stick. He was getting better at tipping a beer into his muzzle without spilling too much as well.

The quarter pounder bacon cheeseburgers were another matter however. All the different textures and consistencies proved too difficult and in his first attempt he ended up wearing more than he actually got to eat.

Thankfully May was more than happy to chew the burger for him, and Karen Jr helped out as well.


Meanwhile back at the hotel

Grace saw what Natalie had planned, as soon as she entered the doctor's hotel room. the enema equipment was set up, and a ''carpet'' of towels over a rubber pad protected the carpet that covered the floor.

The enema hose was large, with a big T splitter leading to a pair of double-bardex type balloon plug nozzles, which at the moment was the same diameter as the hose itself. a bottle of water-based lube sat on the nightstand.

The enema tank, Grace knew was filled with the same concoction Doc Natalie used every time she had to clean Mayamay out. Designed to be absolutely impossible to hold, so as to defeat the retention complex that pups with megacolon tended to develop due to the pain of trying to pass such hard dry logs.

"We gonna make love, or you just want to play with my butt." Grace asked Natalie.

"Both, lass." Natalie said. "We could both use a good cleaning out ta make room for the smorgasboard we're having tonight...and I need yoor wonderful spaniel pussy."

THey made out for a bit, losing the towels they had around themselves in the process, then Grace assumed the position She lay on her back, pulling her knees up to her chest, and held her tail out of the way, so that the doctor had free access to her perfect canine anus.

Natalie lubed up the first enema plug, then stuck a lubed finger up Grace's butt, rubbing the lube around inside as she pushed the healthy firm scat up a bit, to make room for the hose.

Then she shoved the enema nozzle deep in her mate's beautiful musky spaniel browneye, and quickly pumped both balloons up tight.

Next she took time to insert the other nozzle into herself, and similarly inflate the balloons. This took longer as Natalie clouldn't see what she was doing, but she got it eventually.

"Mmm Gods! that's good." Grace said, enjoying the sensation as the hose ''knotted'' her ass. That was precisely what it felt like. Like a male spaniel had buried his bone in her musky shithole, and his knot had swollen tight. The rush of water as Natalie started the flow elicited another pleasured sigh as well.

Natalie told Grace she could put her legs down now, and once she did, she moved into position, and quickly buried her canine strap-on in her lover's sweet canine pussy, as she bagan making love to her missionary style. It was a tricky position for mammilians, well canids anyway, due to the angle of their anatomy, but Natalie managed to get it right on the first try.

With the enema flooding deep into both of their bowels, and Natalie pleasuring her puppymaker, Grace was already panting. Her tail wagged beneath her as best it could, in response to the pleasure.

"Gods! Grace, I love you more than anything." Natalie said, gradually quickening her pace.

"I love you more." Grace replied. Her panting growing more rapid.

The enema flow had began to reach well into thier decending colon's at this point, and given their size, it already made their bellys swell a little.

The urge to expell the stuff was already so strong thier canine tailholes stuck out, opening and closing reflexively in response to the cramping urge to relieve themselves. But to no avail. They were both cheated by the double-balloon enema plug, sealing thier tailholes, no matter how much they craved to expell the fluid filling their backsides.

Natalie rode Grace harder.

Grace bucked up into her with each thrust. Despite her face showing the discomfort and frustrtation she felt at trying to expell the big balloon-plug enema nozzle.

Strangely enough this was the first time Grace had played this game with Natalie. Enemasex was something she usually did with Maya.

When Natalie finally deflated the knot and dismounted, Grace took the strap-on and gladly returned the favor.

She didn't attempt missionary as Natalie had, instead she had the doctor on all fours, and mounted her from behind as that was more natural. After a good bit of thrusting that had Natalie panting like mad, Grace pumped the strap-on's knot tight, and at last dismounted turning butt to butt with the good doctor in a proper turn and tie.


Back at the park, the pups were really enjoying all the food. They knew what tater tots were of course, but the burgers, chicken nuggets, and strips of bacon were a huge success, as was the ice cold lemon lime sodas they had to drink.

"Shure is nice here, especially that feral husky girl."Mayamay commented, making conversation as they ate.

"It sure is, princess, but I thought you might like to play with the local kids too." Hank said.

"The husky girl 's more fun though." Mayamay said. "Sahdes the other girls don' lahk t' wrestle, an' the boys git mad cause they cain't keep up with me playin soldier."

"You could try doing what they like." Maxine said. "Most girls their age like playing with their dolls or playing house. I know you aren't into that, but most boys and some girls their age like to play with trucks too, I know I did when I was their age."

"I think we all played with trucks at that age." Tom said.

"The little redhead girl, Keisha, had a big semi she was giving the other girls' dolls rides on." Jasmine offered.

"Kind of looks like my old rig too, well a toy replica of the same truck model anyway." Maxine said.

"The younger boy, Kenny had some toy soldiers too." Melody added. "Confederate Soldiers and Xians it looked like."

"Ah reckon that does look fun, but they don' even greet me properly." Mayamay said. "An' they smell weird too."

"Human culture is different." Karen Jr said. "We are on an alien world, it is only natural their ways would be different from ours."

"Yeah Ah reckon so." Mayamay said. " 'S jus, Ah get on s' much easier with the feral husky girl."

"That's also t' be expected." May said. "Ferals kin understand our scent, an' body language easier'n humans do."

Their conversation was cut short as the feral husky girl came over and gave them each a sniff, the shock of her cold wet nose beneath his tail nearly knocking Tom off balance in the process, despite his being used to the greeting.

They all promptly returned the gesture of course, and then the girl gave a happy yip, and looked at Mayamay beggingly.

"Go on, Princess." Hank said. "You two have fun."

"Thanks dad, yer the best!" Mayamay said, giving what was left of her food to one of her brothers, as she got up to go play with the feral husky some more.

"I don't get it." Hank said once Mayamay was busy playing. "I get her these fancy dresses, and expensive dolls like I did for Grace and all the others, but all she wants to do is strip down to her underwear and run around with her brothers' toy guns pretending she's Admiral Maya."

"May did the same thing at that age. Mabelle too." Tom said.

"Yeah, while you were gone, they were playing soldier, and she got into a brawl with one of Callie's pups over who got to be The Admiral." Sarafina said. "She even mooned me when I tried to break it up."

"Yeah they're definately cut from the same cloth." Lily said. " She burps and farts without apologizzing, gets into fights, and likes to play rough. She's even picked up a few swear words already."

"Always wondered what Maya was like at that age." Tom said.

"Yeah Ashley can tell you they had some pretty big brawls." Lily said. "And Agnes will tell you Mayamay is actually tame compared to how Maya was."

"I bet her mother was even worse." Karen Jr said.

"Actually Agnes says Old May acted more like Karen. " Lily said. "They were close friends and sworn sisters growing up. Agnes and Old May, I mean. So she would know."

Once they had finished eating, the other pups went to play with the human kids, while Mayamay continued to run and play with the feral husky. The adults kept eating, and sipping their beers as they talked.

"Ah reckon it caint be helped." Mabelle said. " S' jus the way she is."

"Yeah." Hank said. "She's still our little princess, no matter how crude she acts."

"She's a kuvasz, what did you expect." Sam remarked.

"That's racist." Tom returned. "I know plenty of feminine Kuvaszok bitches. Like Callie, for example."

"Relax I'm just fooling around." Sam said. "All joking aside though it certainly looks like it runs in the family."

"At least she's having fun." Hank said.

"Yeah." Maxine agreed. "We certainly had some good times when we were younger too."

"Yeah." Tom said. "Me and Hank knew eachother a few years before you moved in across from Hank, and then Mike moved in to the house on the other side of mine about a year later. A lot of those early years are a blur, but I clearly remember all the fun we had."

"Yeah." Hank said. "Of course we got into some brawls too, like when we beat the snot out of that bully Andrew for picking on Mike's little sister.

"I remember we gave him a swirley too." Maxine added. "He certainly never picked on Lucy anymore after that though."

"Hahaha yeah, those were fun times." Tom agreed. "And now here we are again, serving together under Admiral Maya, and watching eachother's backs just like old times."

"And nothing ever happened between any of you?" Karen Jr asked.

"Not on our end." Hank said. "Maxine had a crush on Tom in middleschool but being entirely one-sided it obviously never went anywhere. We were all just really good friends. We even made a blood oath to always be there for eachother."



Their little convoy had pulled into a wal-mart about 50 miles from the state line. They /HAD/ been making good time, as the morning traffic was light, but unfortunately they needed to make a stop so Flamerider could pick up some ''feminine necessities'' as she called it.

That too had made for an interesting moment, as Karen had to explain how she and Maya didn't need such things in response to Flamerider's inquiry as to if they had enough for the rest of the trip.

"Must be nice going into heat twice a year." Flamerider replied.

"It has its perks." Karen agreed. "Although your people do not have to deal with the intense burning craving to be bred so strong it simply has to be sated."

"Yeah I guess Estrus is a mixed blessing." Flamerider said. "Well I'll see you around, Lovegoddess, hopefully this wont take long. lines should be short this early." She got off the radio and climbed down from her truck after that.

Maya climbed down from their truck moments later. "Need t' pick up a few thangs mahself." She told Flamerider. "antibacterial wipes, sum snacks, batteries, an' stuff like that."

Jed was asleep, and figuring he needed his rest they didn't wake him. Maya had shut the engine off to let it cool, so Karen could check the oil, and without the air conditioning it was uncomfortably hot even with both windows down.

It was so hot, Karen finally gave in and removed her shirt. She wasn't wearing teat-cups underneath as she would be driving the next leg, and they tended to chafe with all that shifting. <>Can't be helped.<> she thought, <>Got to let my girls breathe<>, as Maya would say.

To that end, Karen got up on her knees in the seat, and leaned over the door, with her head and part of her upper body hanging out the window, panting to cool off. She thought it would be funny to have a bit of fun with the locals, if anyone mistook her for a feral.

As luck would have it, A younger looking woman with a cute little girl came walking by not five minutes later.

The girl had long cornsilk hair, and looked to be maybe 5, by her best guess at how humans matured.

"Cute puppy mommy!" the girl said "Up there look."

Before the woman could stop her, the little girl ran over to the truck and started babbling, fawning over Karen as kids typically did with feral dogs.

The woman chasing after the child finally noticed what the little girl was on about, and quickly devolved into baby talk. "Such a pretty pup yes you are." "whos a pretty pup!" and the like.

Karen allowed this to go on for a bit, waiting for the perfect timing.

The woman eventually started to climb up on the truck, ignoring Big Daddy's warning of "I wouldn't do that, miss.", and started petting Karen, and playing with her ears as one would a feral spaniel, all the while continuing her baby-talk, even offering to go get her a doggie treat.

FInally Karen had enough. "You're not too bad looking yourself, miss." Karen surprised the woman. "Keep fondling my ears like that and you better buy me a drink though."

"Ohh I...I'm so sorry, miss." the woman said, her cheeks rosy of embarassment. "I thought....I looked like you were a feral dog.''

"I'm Karen, Vice Admiral of the Avenging Aces." Karen said. "I would have to get out of the truck to greet you properly though." Karen paused then, "Are you zoo?"

"What, no, what makes you think that?" the woman asked, growing more embarassed.

"The way you were fondling my ears, when you thought I was a feral." Karen replied. "That is a form of foreplay to my people."

"Everyone does that." the woman said. "I wasn't looking for a date or anything."

"Told ya you didn't want to do that." Big Daddy remarked, finally catching the woman's attention. then helping Karen play with the woman he added "Better run along 'fore Death Angel gets back she wont take too kindly to someone propositionin her Lovegoddess."

"But we were only talking!" the woman protested.

"Aint me you gotta convince, missy, its what that big burly kuvasz girl thinks you gotta worry 'bout." Big Daddy replied.

"Truckers!" the woman grumbled. "Come on Ellie, lets go." she pulled her child after her and headed toward the store. Karen, Big Daddy, and Tall Cotton all blew their truck horns as she left.

Karen waited a bit, to see if anyone else would fall for it, and then finally opened her door and climbed down to check the oil. She was still topless of course, but it was so hot out she really didn't mind.

Once again the old Detroit was only a little over half a quart low. Considering the miles they'd covered, that said a lot about how well maintained the previous owner had kept the truck.

Since Maya and Flamerider still weren't back when Karen had finished topping off the oil, she checked the belts, and all the other fluid levels, saving the radiator for last to make sure it was sufficiently cool to relieve the pressure.

She had only just finished, when an elderly couple came out of the store, and found their car wouldn't start. Knowing all too well how horrible the heat felt, Karen grabbed her toolkit, and ran over to help them.

"Pull the hood." Karen said at once. "I'm a mechanic."

The elderly couple looked at her curiously, as if trying to decide if their eyes were playing tricks on them, but nonetheless the man pulled the hood as she asked.

Karen made a quick but thorough check of the engine and electrical system, and immediately found the problem.

One of the battery cables had come loose. A few turns of a wrench later, she shouted "OK try it now." and sure enough the old luxury car fired right up.

Karen shut the hood, and started back for her and Maya's truck, but the old couple insisted on paying her for the help. The old man held out a huge wad of money. $100 Confederate bills, Karen recognized from the picture of General Lee on the front. "Take as much as you want." he said "Your a real lifesaver in this heat."

Karen took only a single bill from the wad the man held. Mercenary that she was, she had briefly considered taking the whole wad, but she was too honorable to take advantage of a helpless, and probably a little senile, old man like that. She took the single bill and headed back to the truck, just as Maya and Flamerider emerged from the store.

"Sorry Ah took s' long, hun." Maya said.

"Yeah, we would have been done sooner, but Maya insisted we help a lost little boy find his daddy." Flamerider added.

"Didn' help that the boy mistook me fer a feral at firs', but turns out Ah knew the boy's ma." Maya said. We gotta wait fer the man t' come t' the truck though, cause Ah gotta deliver a letter. Turns out the man's married t' Captain Amelia Anderson, an' the boy's 'er son."

"At least that's another one out of the way." Karen said. She climbed up into the driver's seat, and fired up the old 8v-71 as she spoke.

"Good thinkin hun, we're gonna need the A/C, that's fer sure." Maya said.

She climbed up into the passenger seat, and set about retrieving a letter from the safe stowed beneath it.

After half an hour that felt like an eternity, the man and his son finally came out of the store.

Karen drected them to go around to the passenger side, and Maya opened the door for them.

"Hey pup, climb on up here an' have a look around." Maya said,figuring looking around the truck would distract the kid, then to the father, "Ah'm sorry 'bout Amelia." Maya added, handing him the letter. "She's a fine soldier, an' always had somethin' t' brighten the mood in our weekly meetin's. She did her homeland proud, an' in the end, made the ultimate sacrifice t' see the mission through."

"It was an honor to have fought beside her." Karen added.

"Thank you Admiral, Vice Admiral, it means a lot you bringing me the news and this letter in person." the man said.

" "s the least we kin do." Maya said. "B'leave me, Ah know how it feels t' lose someone close t' ya." She was referring to Trina of course, as she was the most recent example.

"I believe that, Admiral. " The man said.

"Daddy daddy! can I go for a ride?" the boy asked.

"Not now son, come on down from there, let's let the Admiral and Vice Admiral enjoy their shore leave."

"But I wanna go for a ride, daddy." the boy said. "Whats shore leave?"

"It means the Admiral and I are on vacation, pup." Karen said. "We live up there." she pointed to the sky, "On a great big old space ship, and we fly around shooting bad guys for money."

"Thats neat miss pretty spaniel lady, you two are cool." the boy said.

"I'm Karen, and this is Maya." Karen corrected. "And thank you."

"Come on son, we've taken up enough of their time." the man tried again.

"Go on pup." Maya said. "Maybe when yer older ya'll have a truck lahk this yerself." After that she helped him down.

"Thanks for that too." the man said. "He really loves trucks, you just made his day."

"Ah jus wish Ah wad'n bringin bad news t' do it." Maya said. SHe shut the door as the man left, and then once he was gone, they all finally got underway once more.

While Karen got them back on the interstate, Maya went through the bags of things she'd bought.

There was the antibacterial wipes, and batteries for flashlights and vibrating buttplugs, and various types of snacks, which included a bucket she had filled with ice, and then loaded down with conatainers of chicken tenders, jalapen'o poppers, ham slices, slices of various cheeses,and a large container of sour cream. Maya intended to use the ham to make a Trucker's fast food approximation of Canid Ham-shell tacos, stuffing them with the poppers, chicken tenders sour cream and cheeses.

The bucket of ice was hardly necessary, as there was a mini-fridge in the sleeper, but Maya figured Karen might find the bucket ''useful" if the bathrooms at their next stop were as bad as the last one had been.

"That is sweet of you, but hardly necessary." Karen said. "If the next one is that nasty, I'll just go beside the truck like we do for # 1 anyway." She took a bite of the ham taco thing Maya held for her after that.

Maya was feeding her like this, so that Karen could keep both hands free to steer and shift, of course.

Unsurprisingly the smell of the food woke Jed not long after that.

"So what are we having today, my beautiful friends?" he asked groggily, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"A little taste a' home... sorta." Maya said, handing him one of the ham taco things. "The flavor's a good deal milder cause a' yer funny tastin dairy products, but 's the closest Ah could git."

"You /did/ wash your hands first, right?" Jed asked, taking the food Maya offered.

"Ah wouldn' be givin ya somethin Ah wouldn' eat mahself." Maya said. "Sahdes, Ah'm feedin Karen the same thang."

Hearing that, Jed hungrily dug in. He didn't know what Maya was talking about though, to him, it tasted perfectly normal. Really rich, greasy, and spicy, but otherwise normal.


Back at the hotel...

Natalie and Grace had gone to the shower to clean up after their kinky lovemaking, and while they were at it they took turns using the special showerhead to finish the job the kinky lovemaking started. They were still at it, when Mike showed up to take Erika out to a fancy restaraunt for lunch.

"THe Jackson's not shipping out until Excalibur does, The brass wants us to tag along on your little VIP trip." Mike said. "That means we can spend the rest of shore-leave together my love." he paused then "It took some doing, but I pulled some strings, and got us a VIP table at the fanciest restaraunt in town."

"That sounds wonderful, honey." Erika replied. "But this restaraunt sounds like the sort of place Molly would like. Maybe we should just go to a bar instead."

"You deserve the best, my love." Mike said. "You'll love it, I promise."

"Alright, let's go." Erika relented.

"Here, put this on first." Mike said, handing her a fancy dress that matched his tuxedo. "As I said this is the sort of place rich corporate executives and politicians go to."

While Erika went to get changed, Mike had a beer with Ashley, Belle, and Hank's son Jack, and in the process learned that he'd just missed seeing the new Tom, as Tom had gone with Hank, May, Maxine, and several others to take some of the pups to the park a few hours ago.

As soon as Erika returned, Mike bid the others goodbye, saying he'd see them all later, and with that they left.

Ashley thought the limo they drove away in must have cost a fortune, and considering how Mike was spending his lifes' savings to treat Erika like a queen, it probably did.

Molly was stretched out on a couch in the commons area watching the news with Kayla who was helping Molly play with her babies at the same time.

When the newscaster suddenly switched to a view from space, Molly immediately grabbed the remote and cranked the volume up for all to hear.

"The Confederate Air Force is proud to announce the completion of six new Titan-Class battleships." The newscaster was saying. _"Details are sketchy, at best, but I'm told these new ships are considerably faster, better armed, and better shielded than the older Lee-Class design. General Sarah Landry, distant cousin of our own President Chloe Landry, refused to comment on the extent of the upgrades, saying only, quote; "We learned a lot from the Xian war, an' our trial bah fire in the Expanse's left us better prepared fer what's out there." _

_ "On the subject of space, President Chloe Landry made a bold statement in her latest re-election campaign speech. In that speech, our president outlined a plan to put our first deep-space colony on a world Admiral Maya Dawn and her fleet discovered in the Expanse, within a year of re-election. We still don't have all the details on that yet, but I'm told by our Confederate White House Correspondants that the president will be traveling to the Canid homeworld to meet with their Queen Molly, and that she has once again hired Admiral Maya, this time to see to her safe arrival._

_ "In other news, we just recieved word earlier today, the Russians have completed their first new ship, the Suvorov, based on the new Titan-Class design. We have even less to report on that than our own Titan-Class ships, but I am told, Xian War veteran, captain Dimitri Poloniev will be commanding the new ship."_

After that, the news station moved on to other matters, and after the weather report, Molly turned the volume back down to normal.

"What do you think she's doing now?" Molly asked "Admiral Maya, I mean."

"Knowing Maya, probably Karen." Kayla replied. "All joking aside though I bet they're having a blast. The two of them alone, on the open road like that."

"It certainly sounds very romantic." Molly agreed. "I almost wish I had gone with them....almost...I am glad I am not riding in a smelly fossil fuel guzzling truck belching noxious fumes and bouncing along primitive roads, but the romantic aspect would almost be worth it."


A little after noon, Tom and the others started packing things up, and told the pups it was time to go.

They were all having such a good time, he hated to do so, but Hank wanted to get in some private time with Mabelle and still have time to catch a nap before he had to go with Natalie and the others to catch their flight at midnight.

While they were getting things ready and cleaning up all the paper mess, Mabelle had to get some napkins and one of the paper bags the burgers had come in, to clean up after Mayamay. While running and playing with the feral husky, Mayamay had slipped out of her undies, and after ''watering the grass" a few times the way her feral friend did, she finally found a spot next to an old Oak tree, and proceeded to unload a half dozen thick hard bricks.

Mayamay thought her new friend was silly for eating it, but at least it left less for Mabelle to clean up.

The feral husky obviously couldn't eat it all, of course, so while Sarafina took Mayamay to the park bathroom to get cleaned up, Mabelle picked up what was left, and disposed of it with the rest of their garbage.

Hank was a bit embarassed that one of his daughters had done that, but given that Mayamay had trouble using the bathroom because of congenital megacolon anyway, just seeing her relieve herself without having to have a suppository, enema, or going to see Doc Natalie to get cleaned out was a small blessing in itself.

The adults were all making light of the fact, and they were finally finished and would be ready to go as soon as Sarafina got back with Mayamay, unfortunately a nasty little prissy cunt drenched in perfume and sucking on one of those long plastic straw things with a cigarette in the end came up bitching that Hank and Mabelle needed to potty-train their kids better.

She ranted and raved to the point that Maxine was about to pop her in the mouth, but Mabelle shut the cunt up just in time.

"Fer yer information, y' prissy little snoody fuck, Mayamay's got megacolon. She's lucky t' go at all without help, s' she needs t' go 's soon's the urge hits. Maybe Ah oughta take you t' go see Doc Natalie sence y' seem t' be talkin outta yer ass. " 'S park's fer ever'body, s' shut the fuck up, an' enjoy it, 'er go back t' yer fancy house, but if'n ya keep smartin' off 'bout mah daughter havin a accident, she won' be the only one fertilizin the lawn." Mabelle dressed her down.

The snob turned and went back to her bench after that, a little embarassed. She'd never thought of the possibility someone might have such a medical condition.

Sarafina returned with Mayamay moments later, and they all piled into the big RV/Bus and left.


The limo ride was truly first-class. Erika noted. Even the alcohol looked like something that would fit right in in Queen Molly's palace. Of course the fancy champagne was like water compared to Canid Whiskey, so it did little to actually lighten the mood, but it was nonetheless impressive. SHe didn't see why people spent such ridiculus ammounts of money on these lavish accomodations, especially when Tina and her engineering crew could build an equally comfortable seat without all those precious metals, for a fraction of the cost. Molly of course would argue otherwise, as she had once asked Maya to install a solid gold, gemstone encrusted toilet in one of the ship's latrines.

Mike kept her busy with passionate kisses, and lovingly caressing her body the entire ride. Once they reached the restaraunt however, he acted completely chivalrous. Holding Erika's door for her, kissing her hand like a princess, and that sort of thing.


Maya was trying to get some sleep, as their little convoy rolled through Louisiana.

Karen called it in to the others about the traffic thickening ahead, and started downshifting. Out the window she was treated to a view of CSAF Shipyards stretching as far as one could see on the right side of the road, and a thick Canebreak, or sugar cane field, on the left.

Jed was still wide awake, so Karen put him to work. More specifically, she had him sit in the passenger seat, and check the roadmaps for the best route that would take them through the middle of New Orleans, down through Baton Rouge, and ultimately into Port Allen where they had to deliver their load.

Karen also planned to make a stop in New Orleans for dinner, as Cajun food was something she enjoyed the last time she was on Earth. Granted it would likely mean Jed getting a double-dose of canine flatulence in the sealed air-conditioned cab, instead of just getting it from Maya, but that food was so delicious it would be worth it. In fact it was one of the few human foods she actually enjoyed as much as real Canid foods.

At any rate they still had quite a ways to go.

Karen also had Jed using her digital camera, (after explaining how to operate it) to photograph some of the scenery as they drove past. She and Maya had been doing that from the start, so as to have some nice pictures for everyone when they got back.


Once they got inside, Erika noticed other people dressed similarly to her and Mike. The air was heavy with intoxicating scents which actually did little to hide the natural human body odor, to a nose as sensitive as hers, and simply added to it instead with overpowering flowers, vanilla, lavender, and other such scents.

She thought it a bit odd being referred to as a 'Beautiful Southern Belle" by the staff tending their every need, as anyone with eyes could see she was clearly an offworlder, but reasoned that was likely scripted, and how they addressed every female customer, just as every male was referred to as a "handsome Southern gentleman."

"Happy anniversary, my beloved!" Mike said, once more kissing Erika's hand in that strange manner, as staff led them to an ornate table for two. Hearing that, Erika reasoned Mike was trying to make up for all the years he'd ''only'' been able to take her to dinner in the Admiral's mess aboard Excalibur while they were in the Expanse.

The staff brought various appetizers, and one of the waiters read the house specials from a menu, and promptly took their orders. Trying not to make a scene, Erika waited until the staff had moved on, then asked Mike; "When do they bring the bones to clean our teeth?"

"We do not do that, Honey." Mike said quietly, pretending he was simply dabbing appetizer residue from her muzzle with a napkin as his reason for leaning in close as he did.


"Breaker One Nine, Any hand out there know a nice choke and puke where we can suck down some Cajun grub?" Karen asked as they were coming into New Orleans.

"Ten Four, Lovegoddess, I know just the place. " Big Daddy replied. "Its called "The Greasy Gator. Got a big sign with a truck pullin a giant alligator on a flatbed out front, you cant miss it."

"Ten four, thanks a lot." Karen replied.

"Its Hands only, no four-wheelers or pedestrians allowed." Tall cotton added. "You got to show your CDL to get in."

"Its where I first met Gearjammer in person. We all had some good times there." Flamerider added.

"Ten Four, sounds like a nice little place." Karen agreed.

"sounds like a grubby trucker bar, just with an exclusive nightclub to me." Jed remarked. "Never been inside one of course, but I can imagine what its like."

Comical as the timing was, Maya noisily broke wind in her sleep just as Jed finished. It was pure coincidence of course, but it made Karen laugh anyway. "Excuse you, my love." Karen said when she stopped laughing. then to Jed, "I guess Admiral Maya disagrees with your assessment."

"Damn... crack a window or something." Jed remarked. "Seriously how can you breathe, your nose is a lot more sensitive than mine."

"Its not half as bad as that damn smelly stuff you insisted on buying at our last fuel stop." Karen said, downshifting as she spoke. "We are almost there anyway." she added.

Jed didn't seem to mind the kicking and woofing Maya and Karen did while sleeping, or even Maya sleeptalking battlefield orders as she relived some mission, but her flatulent outbursts really got to him for some reason.

"So what do your men do to smell good then?" Jed asked.

"Just a clean shower, and their own natural scent." Karen explained. "The same as we do." she paused to hit the Jake Brake, then added "Hank used to wear stuff like that until I mentioned it was unpleasant though."

Their conversation was cut short, as Karen listened to Big Daddy on the radio.

"How bout it, Diesel Smoke Dolly, you got your ears on." he said.

"S a big Ten Four Big Daddy." a deep accented Cajun woman replied. "Whats yer twenty."

"Shiftin down and rollin your way, bringin a couple a new Hands too." Big Daddy replied.

"Ten Four Big Daddy, that be them in the ol Detroit Ah reckon." the woman replied

"Ten four on that." Big Daddy replied. "Well go on Lovegoddess introduce yourselves... Diesel Smoke Dolly don' bite..less your into that sorta thing."

"Ten Four Big Daddy." Karen replied, then "Breaker One Nine, how about it, Diesel Smoke Dolly, you got your ears on."

"Ten four, that you lovegoddess." the cajun woman replied.

"Ten four." Karen replied. "I'm shifting down and braking hard, we'll be there any manute."

"Ten four, an' come on in." the woman replied. "Ah got some nice hot bowls a' Alligator Jambalaya waitin fer y'all."

"Ten four, that sounds delicious!" Karen replied.

"What about me?" Jed asked over the hiss of air brakes as Karen brough their rig to a stop.

"Climb back there and wake Maya up." Karen said. "Since you can not come inside I will see if I can get something brought out to you.

"Ok thanks." Jed said. then "Wait you want ME to wake Maya up....Isn't that a bit like poking a sleeping bear?"

"I didn't say anything about goosing her!" Karen replied. "Don't worry Maya isn't hard to get up."

"Actually (yawn) Ah'm already up, hun. Ah woke up when Ah felt the brakes come on. S' where are we." Maya interrupted.

"THe Greasy Gator." Karen replied. "Its Truckers only though so Jed will have to wait out here."

"Sun's goin down s' it shouldn' be too bad." Maya said. "Sahdes 's plenty a' ice water in the mini-fridge, an' we kin leave the windows down."

"And here." Karen said, handing him a strange looking packet with Canid writing on it. a large silver ''pill" could be seen inside. "Its a Canid Thermal cooling capsule. use it if you start feeling groggy, lightheaded, or otherwise unusual."

"Look at that thing, I can't swallow that!" Jed remarked, turning the packet over in his hands as he examined it closely. "Maybe if I chewed it up first."

Karen laughed. "Silly human!"

"Yer not supposed t' swallow it." Maya said.

"Eww...You mean...." Jed asked.

"Yes." Karen said. "Its a suppository. Don't worry its spaniel size so it should fit."

"Gross!.... Who invents these kind of things anyway?" Jed remarked, dropping the packet as if it were on fire

"That'd be Doc Natalie." Maya said. "An' Karen's right, it'll fit. One mah size'd split ya in two though." She held up one of the packets Natalie had issued her before the trip to prove her point.

"....OUCH...." was all Jed had to say seeing that.

"See you later Jed, just try and stay cool, we will be back as soon as we can." Karen said. She took the keys so Jed didn't start the truck and accidently knock it in gear and drive through the building or anything, and then climbed down, just as Maya climbed down from the other side.

Flamerider, Tall Cotton, and Big Daddy joined them moments later, and they each held up their Confederate CDL for the bouncer, a big tough looking Cajun man, who gruffly told them each "all good, go in in." which is precisely what they did.


Having heard the name ''Lovegoddess" come over the airwaves, Tom, May, Hank, Grace, and several others were gathered around, listening to Maxine's handheld while they waited for room service to bring the smorgasboard they were all having for dinner.

The signal went in and out, even with the ''augmentations'' but they all heard the name again, and Karen's voice was unmistakable. Naturally sensual and seductive without trying to be.

"Who's she talking to?" Tom asked the next time the signal cut out. "Who's Big Daddy, Flamerider, and Tall Cotton....And who the heck is DIesel Smoke Dolly."

"Big Daddy, Flamerider, and Tall Cotton are old friends." Maxine said. "Three of the most hardcore die-hard truckers you will ever meet. For them to be running with Maya and Karen says alot about how well the Admiral and Vice Admiral have settled into the job." she paused a moment, then, "As for Diesel Smoke Dolly, She runs The Greasy Gator down in New Orleans. She used to be a Hand herself, hense the name, then she struck it rich and opened that Trucker-Exclusive restaraunt/nightclub.

She said no more, and everyone nearby fell silent as the signal came crackling back moments later.


Getting inside was the easy part, but as they made their way toward the main bar where Diesel Smoke Dolly was waiting to greet them, another muscle-bound Cajun man moved to block their way.

"This place's fer truckers only." he grumbled. "How'd a couple aliens git past Big Bubba."

"Relax Leroy This is Death Angel and Lovegoddes." Flamerider said. "THey're Hands, same as us."

Maya and Karen flashed this second big man their CDL to prove it.

"Don' mean they aint up t' somethin!" Leroy snorted. "After what them dickheads did y' really want aliens in here? Search 'em!"

"Leave 'em alone, Leroy, they're Hands, they stay! Dixie's a free country y'know." Diesel Smoke Dolly remarked. "Sahdes who y'reckon helped us deal with them damn pointys, silly."

"We aint here fer no trouble." Maya said calmly, looking Leroy straight in the eyes, "But if'n we was, yer kiddin yerself if'n y' think y'kin do anythin bout it."

Hearing that, Leroy's demeanor changed completely. The big man gave a hearty belly laugh, clapped them both on the back, andgruffly remarked "Fer a couple a aliens you lovely ladies're alrahgt."

Karen burst out laughing at that.

Another patron asked her what was so funny, as they continued on, and Karen replied simply; "Death Angel is about as unladylike as you can get."

"Don' Mahnd Leroy, he's jus' overly protective." Diesel Smoke Dolly said as they approached the bar. "Ah'm Diesel Smoke Dolly. S' always a pleasure t' meet new Hands."

"I'm Lovegoddess, and this is Death Angel." Karen replied. "Its a pleasure to meet you too."

"If ya'll come around the bar, we kin greet ya properly bah our culture." Maya added.

To her surprise the woman did just that

Diesel Smoke Dolly was a bit surprised by Maya and Karen's cold wet noses as they took turns sniffing her, inciting a round of laughter throughout the building in the process, but nonetheless when they finished, she returned the favor.

"Y'all aint the first a' yer people Ah met." she said afterward. "S' what'll it be? Mah special Alligator Jambalaya's the house special, 's what we're famous fer, but Ah kin git ya anythin' ya want."

"THe house special sound perfect." Karen replied.

"Shure 'nuff." Maya agreed.

"What about somethin t' drink." she asked next. "Don' worry we got free 24 hour parkin s' y'all kin sleep it off afterward."

"Kentucky Bourbon, Neat." Maya said.

"I'll have the same." Karen added, then "We picked up a hitchiker that broke down a ways back, I don't suppose there is any way you could have someone bring him some grits or something. We would cover the cost plus a bit extra of course."

"Well normally Ah'd say no, but we got some chitlins an' some taters an' gravy Ah reckon Ah kin spare. Cooked up more'n ah needed t' it turned out." Diesel Smoke Dolly replied. "Ah'll bring 'em out when Ah git done with yer order. Yer drivin' the Detroit haulin the big tanker rahgt."

'Shure 'nuff, an' thanks." Maya replied.

"Ain't no problem sugar." Diesel Smoke Dolly said, as she set about getting thier food and drinks

"Death Angel I kin see but I had you figured for that fancy schmancy fruity stuff miss Lovegoddess." a tall skinny man remarked.

"Sometimes I enjoy a cold fruity drink, but usually I'm in the mood for a good stout whiskey." Karen replied.

"Good 'cause we aint got none a' that sissy stuff here." Leroy added, as Diesel Smoke Dolly finished pouring their drinks and turned to get their food. "Lemme see ya drink that 'thout makin a face, an' the next round's on me, fer ever'one!"

To his surprise, and the delight of everyone in the room as it meant free drinks, Karen did just that.

Maya of course fit right in without having to ''prove'' herself like that. To her, Karen knew, this sort of place was more appealing than a five-star restaraunt. It wasn't the first time Karen had to do it of course, due to her cute looks, she often had to do that sort of thing whatever planet or space station they were on due to the sort of bars Maya preferred.

Still it went better than expected. Downing that Bourbon was all it took. At least she didn't have to ''demonstrate'' her fighting skills as well, as she had on Ares IV, or any number of other such places they'd visited.

Diesel Smoke Dolly brought their food not long after that, then set about pouring a round of whiskey's for the entire bar as the two of them hungrily dug in.

As usual, Maya voraciously ate like a pig, and wasn't shy about talking with food in her muzzle either.

Karen of course ate in a much more dignified manner, and did not talk with food in her muzzle. She made it clear she enjoyed the food as much as Maya did, but did so with good table manners, unlike Maya.

WHile they ate, Diesel Smoke Dolly took the leftovers she had mentioned out to Jed, and then poured everyone another drink upon her return.

Mmm Mmm Nothin like Bourbon and good old fashioned Alligator Jambalaya to put all them miles to rest." Big Daddy remarked. "Diesel Smoke Dolly sure is somethin' aint she."

"Yeah That's fer shure." Maya replied. " 'S definately mah kinda place."

"I couldn't agree more." Karen said. "I could eat like this forever!"

"Well THank ya kahndly." Diesel SMoke Dolly replied.

The tunes on the Juke box shifted through various tunes as they finished eating, and continued to drink, and ''shoot the bull' with the other patrons to pass the time.


It was late by the time Mike and Erika returned to the hotel.

Most people had gone to bed already, though Hank was wide awake getting ready to leave with DOc Natalie to catch their plane, and of course Tom and a few others were up to see him off as well.

It had been quite the day to say the least. Erika had learned a lot of new things, as Mike had to teach her all about proper ettiquite in such a fancy human restaraunt, and then they had completed the day at an equally high-class nightclub. It had made for some hilarious moments, as it was all so new and strange to Erika. What little experience she had with such posh things had come from a fancy Canid restaraunt Hank had insisted taking Vice Admiral Karen to a few years ago, and Erika had came along as Mike had suggested they make it a ''double date''.

Actually he had suggested a triple-date of course, wanting Tom and Admiral Maya to come as well, but as you can imagine Maya found some excuse why she and Tom couldn't go.

Of course that had been pretty funny as well, as Hank and Mike had been about as lost as to posh Canid ettiquite then, as Erika had been today with posh Human ettiquite. At any rate, Erika was certainly glad Admiral Maya wasn't with them today. She thought she had embarassed Mike enough not knowing things, though he insisted she could never embarass him, and that was bad enough. Maya would've cleared the place out and gotten them thrown out with the crude way she was. Vice Admiral Karen would have probably been alright, as Erika knew she had handled the posh Canid restaraunt well, but then again she could clear a room too with how sensitive these high-class types were, she would just be more polite about doing so.

Erika hadn't made that mistake thankfully, but that was most likely thanks to the red-rocket buttplug she had slipped in and inflated while changing into the fancy dress earlier.

Mike couldn't help smiling seeing Tom's new look. "Always knew you were canine at heart." he said with a laugh

"Yeah." Tom said. "Happy anniversary you two. I hope you had fun!"

"THank you." Mike replied. "THe new look suits you well."

"Still taking a lot of getting used to, but yeah I couldn't be happier." Tom said.

"We certainly enjoyed ourselves." Erika said. "Definately NOT the sort of place you would want to take Maya though."

"Yeah I can imagine." Tom said. "Maya's idea of ''fine dining'' usually involves a lot of drinking, and often a bar-room brawl for good measure. I thought about taking Molly, as she would absolutely have a blast being treated like that, but then again all that perfume in the air used to make me would be a torture-chamber now."

"Yeah Karen would probably enjoy it too." Hank said. "even with all she has seen and done she enjoys being pampered now and then....Of course she would hate all the smelly perfume too though."

"What about you, Doc?" Tom asked.

"Aye lad, it wouldna be the first time." Natalie said. "Yoo'd be surprised the sort a' fancy things that come with medical confrences."

"Well we better get going, as soon as Mabelle gets out of the bathroom." Hank said, "Don't want to miss our plane. Enjoy the rest of your Anniversary." He paused to finish off his beer, then to Tom, "Look after the pups for me till I get back....And give Mayamay some special attention because of her medical problem."

"No problem." Tom replied. "Good luck."

Mabelle returned moments later, and not long after that she, Natalie, Hank, and his son Jack set out to catch their flight.


Jed really enjoyed the food that Diesel Smoke Dolly had brought. He didn't have any idea what she was talking about when she had said "Shure is somethin aint she!. Good ol' 8v-71, even got a 13-speed roadranger Ah see. Shure don' build 'em like this n'more." But aside from the strange wonderlust, and almost romantic fascination the woman had with the truck, she certainly seemed nice.

After he had finished eating, curiosity got the better of him, and he finally decided to have a look around.

He was a little hesitant, afraid of what he might grab ahold of, after Karen had handed him that gross thing, earlier, of course. He was also afraid to move anything much. Afraid of what might happen if the girls knew he was ging through their stuff.

He saw the little safe where they kept those letters, and didn't dare mess with that, He also saw a couple other lock boxes, and a small container of sex toys, but no sign of the alien device he had seen Karen speak into when she had showed him they were really aliens. He reasoned they must have taken the devices with them.

Looking through their clothes, he saw what could only be their version of a bra, as it had ten ''cups'', but curiously the only one he saw was Karen's size. He also noticed all Karen's underwear smelled clean, and were a crisp pink, while Maya's were taded, with various stains he didn't even want to guess what they were.

As interesting as the pantyraid was however, what really caught his attention, was the stack of alien porno magazines under the bed. He did his best to quickly put the clothing back as they had left it, and took one of these to read instead. He couldn't actually read it of course, the alien script looked like gibberish, but he knew a porno mag when he saw one, and he could certainly enjoy the images within.

At first he figured it would be mostly male aliens though, despite the enticing Collie bitch on the cover of the one he'd chosen, but soon found, to his delight, it was primarily females, showing off alone or with eachother, with some nicely equipped males, a few herms, and ferals of both genders mixed in as well.

He liked the sexy collie in bottomless farmer outfit showing off in various poses as she milked a Dairy Lioness quite a bit, and the little corgi with the clear toys was certainly interesting, but the kuvasz girl in a dominatrix outfit with a maremma sheepdog girl and a great pyrenees girl in a lesbian 3-way really got him going. He also liked the spaniel centerfold with a speculum opening her canine butthole. He couldn't help thinking she reminded him of Karen despite having totally different markings. At any rate the night wouldn't be so lonely afterall, even if all he was really getting was his right hand.


As the night grew long, one by one, Flamerider, Tall Cotton, Big Daddy, and the other patrons eventually staggered back to their trucks to turn in for the night. In the end, only Maya, Karen, and big old Leroy were still going strong.

Diesel Smoke Dolly kept the whiskey coming, and even joined inthe conversation when they talked about their trucks. Leroy's speech was definately slurred, she noted, but the two newcomers still seemed very much able to function. They were definately getting ''buzzed'' of course, but seemed to be holding their liquor better than anyone she had ever seen.

"Yer rig's shure somethin." she was telling Karen and Maya, whilst pouring another round. "Kinda' makes me wish Ah's back in the saddle mahself. Don't see too many a' them n'more, but Ah bet the ol girl kin really run."

"Yeah that's fer shure!" Maya said. "Shoulda' seen us haulin ass through Mississippi."

"Yeah." Karen said. "And when we get back on the road we'll come around the long way so you can get to hear that old 8v-71 winding up as we come through the gears."

"Ah'd appreciate that." Diesel Smoke Dolly said.

"Aw c'mon now." Leroy slurred. "Them Detroits'll run but y'caint beat the rumble an' torque a' old Cummins slantin'six." He looked like he was about to keel over as he said it though.

Maya and Karen finished another round, and Diesel Smoke Dolly went to get them another, but when she went to refill Leroy's glass she found it still full. The big man was out cold.

"Ah'll carry 'im t' his rig." Maya offered, downing another shot. "WHich one is it."

" 's the old cummins with the nose painted lahk a gator head." Diesel Smoke Dolly said. "But y'cain' carry 'im bah yerself. Ah reckon it'll take all three a' us t' drag 'im out there."

To her surprise however, Maya hefted the big man easily and said "Ah kin manage. Jus' git the door fer me."

"Shure 'nuff, an' thanks." Diesel Smoke Dolly said. "Ah never thought Ah'd see Leroy bein carried t' his truck, usually hes the one carryin people t' theirs. Let alone meet someone big enuff t' do it.

"Aint no trouble Maya said.

Maya took the big man to his truck, and Karen climbed up to open the door for her. Then Maya climbed up carrying Leroy, and laid the big man in his bed. She put the wastebasket that Diesel Smoke Dolly had given Karen next to him, then the two of them headed back inside for one last round before turning in for the night.

WHen they got to their truck they found Jed seated on the bed with one of their issues of "HEAT" magazine, masturbating. and a pair of Maya's underwear wrapped around his face in such a way only his eyes were uncovered.

Seeing the girls had returned, Jed froze stiff. "Its not what it looks like... I can explain..." he began

"Don' worry 'bout it, Ah'd be curious too." Maya said.

"You know these are Scratch and sniff, right." Karen said, "You did not need to pull a pantyraid, here let me show you."

Jed removed the underwear he had around his head, and while Maya put them away, Karen scratched the sweetspots of the centerfold, and held it up for Jed to sniff.

"Ohh... That's Nice!" Jed remarked. "It smells so real too!"

"Scent fer us 's the mos' inportant." Maya said "S' whad'd ya thank?"

"I think I want a subscribtion to this magazine." Jed said. "I just wish I could read the stuff too."

"That kin be arranged." Maya said. "Yer welcome t' look through the rest too, jus' do it quietly s' we kin git sum rest."

"Thanks!" Jed said. "Are they all scratch and sniff."

"Yes." Karen said. "Your nose is not really designed for it, but you should enjoy them anyway."

and with that, they turned in for the night.


an endless voyage ch 50

The fleet sailed on, and while most people relaxed, secure in the knowledge they were nearly back to Earth, Admiral Maya was busy as usual. She'd been overseeing Cletus' training personally, and today was no exception. She was in the gym presently,...

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an endless voyage ch 49: Rogue Planet

"Alright, the Admiral wants this done quickly so lets split up." Tom said. "I'll take the west, Shark, Longsword with me." "Wilco Bullseye." they both replied. "Alright, Hotshot and Yinyang with me. We're headin east." April said. The pilots...

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