Sexting the Herm

Story by Orfeous on SoFurry

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Innocent introductions give way to a night a texting-based debauchery between two openly horny strangers.


A light-hearted story that had no right to be as long as it ended up. This is that rare moment when my title perfect describes exactly what this story is going to be about. This was honestly just written as a fun little distraction, but the ideas just kept coming and I just kept adding. Hopefully it provides some entertainment for those who read it. It was a a whole lot of fun to write!

Her name was Elisavetta - Eli for short. She was a hermaphroditic wolfess a few years older than me, one of those maned wolves you didn't see too often, and a damned tall one at that. I stared at her profile picture for a long time, scanning the piercing emerald eyes that squinted at me alongside a cunning smirk, as if to say, 'Go on. Take a chance.'

I took that chance, and on the likelihood that we did match, I left her with a simple greeting. Nothing fancy or creative for that matter, but enough to start a conversation with.

In truth, I didn't think much more of it once I closed the dating app. Having convinced myself that this was a long shot, I turned my attention to the weekend ahead of me.

Whatever it is that Eli saw on a coyote like me... I don't think I'll ever know. A palpable relief washed over me when my phone buzzed with the notification that someone had matched with me, followed by a strange mix of anxiety and excitement when I realized it was Eli.

She took my greeting in stride and, in what I took as a harmless jab, remarked on the simplicity of it.

11:02 PM: [That's the best you have?]

I opened the app, only to see a little speech bubble in the corner dictating that she was still typing. With bated breath I waited, while once again looking at her profile picture. Her eyes said something else - rather than baiting me into taking a chance, they now warned me that I'd fallen hook, line, and sinker into her trap.

11:02 PM: [Come on. You can do better than that.]

A nervous anxiety bubbled in my chest as I settled back into the couch. I couldn't help but giggle at her comment. At the very least, it looked like the rest of the evening wouldn't be so boring after all.

11:03 PM: [Was it that bad?]

Her reply was instantaneous.

11:03 PM: [Yes. Try again.

A compliment would be nice.]

I stopped and scrolled through the few pictures she had posted to her profile. The standard fare - pictures you'd put up so that others could look at your face without revealing so much about yourself. I'd done the same. There wasn't much to go off on.

11:05 PM: [Nice nose.]

11:05 PM: [REALLY???]

11:05 PM: [Yeah!]

11:06 PM: [That has to be the worst compliment.]

I curled my body in until my knees pressed against my chest and laughed at her remark. In that brief lull of the conversation, I found myself drawn to the info she'd pasted on her profile.

A whole six and half feet tall, slender and graceful, with a well-groomed coat of reddish brown fur that capped off at each of her paws with solid black, giving off the impression that she was wearing gloves. Apparently she preferred a movie night at home rather than going off to a nightclub, but some of her pictures spoke otherwise.

She obviously wasn't taking me too seriously, so at the very least it looked like she had a good sense of humour.

As much as I tried, it was impossible not to get my hopes up.

11:10 PM: [But it IS a compliment!]

I appreciated how quick her reply came, and how attentive she was to the conversation. It was a refreshing change of pace.

11:10 PM: [Try again.]

11:10 PM: [Now you're just being greedy.]

11:11 PM: [If you want things to go beyond this conversation -]

I felt my heart skip a beat as I waited for her to type out the rest of the message. She'd done that pause on purpose. Seemed to me like she was the kind of person who enjoyed a flair for the dramatic.

11:11 PM: [Then you better try again.]

11:11 PM: [That's not fair, Eli.]

11:11 PM: [It's fair to me.]

I couldn't help but roll my eyes, grinning ear-to-ear. This was the game she wanted to play, and I was more than willing to tag along. I quickly typed up my reply - it almost felt like her presence was looming over my shoulder as I wrote. Somehow, I knew she was sitting, watching, and waiting for my answer.

11:12 PM: [Your fur.]

Probably a strange place to begin with, but I had a feeling it would get her attention. Although, from the look of it, I don't think I had to try very hard. Much like she had done to me, I added a pause between my messages. Although unlike myself, Eli was quick to pounce on the opening, and sent a leading question.

11:13 PM: [What about it?]

I shook my head, erased what I'd already typed, and scrambled to form a reply.

11:14 PM: [It's pretty!]

11:14 PM: [Oh?]

11:14 PM: [It's, you know...]

With a devious smirk, I hit send and waited.

11:17 PM: [... I know... what? I don't know.]

11:17 PM: [It just looks nice. Long, and soft like silk.]

11:17 PM: [Mhm. Mhm. Go on.]

11:17 PM: [And it has a nice color. Browns and reds and... all that fun stuff.]

11:18 PM: [Color, huh?]

11:18 PM: [Mhm!]

A string of messages came to me in rapid succession.

**_11:18 PM: [Your profile says you're colorblind-


Brown and red.

Do you really see that??]_**

I shook my head, letting off a slight sigh. This was where the conversation was going?

11:20 PM: [Well... yes?]

11:21 PM: [I see a question mark there.]

11:21 PM: [I see the red and brown, but... muddled? They kind of muddle together a bit.]

Understatement of the century.

11:22 PM: [They muddle together a lot.]

Her text bubble started up and stayed active for a solid minute, then stopped for a second minute, then intermittently turned on and off throughout the third. One simple message carried through it all.

11:26 PM: [What's your phone number?]

That was... quick.

I blinked at her message, at first unsure if I was reading things right, and then excited at the thought that she wanted to move things forward a bit. As fast as my fingers allowed me to, I wrote out my reply, triple checked just to be sure, and sent it her way. I could hear my heart beating against my throat.

My phone _dinged_with the notification of a message coming from an unknown number. I closed the dating app and checked the new conversation.

**_11:31 PM: [Hey!

It's me.

Eli, I mean. The wolf.]_**

A picture popped up on screen before I could say anything. It was a blurry - very obviously hastily taken - shot of her arm sat against her thigh. The colour of her fur contrasted nicely against her sky blue jeans. It gave me a good idea of just how tall she was, considering the impressive length of her limb.

11:32 PM: [What color do you see?]

11:33 PM: [Are we really doing this???]

11:33 PM: [Mhm.]

11:35 PM: [Red and brown, like I said before. But your hand is black. I like that.]

11:35 PM: [Never had someone compliment my hand color before.]

11:35 PM: [Like you're wearing black gloves. It's cute.]

11:36 PM: [Uhuh.]

Another picture popped on screen. This one was much clearer - a direct shot at the inside of her maw. Her large canines glistened with saliva, and her long pinkish tongue was curled tidily into the cradle of her snout. Even with her mouth open, Eli's lips were pulled into a grin. She knew exactly what she was doing. I couldn't help but stare for more than a few seconds, holding in a short breath of air I then let out in a slow and low whistle.

Adjoined to the engrossing image was another message.

11:40 PM: [What color are my teeth?]

So quickly the mood had shifted that I couldn't help but laugh at her ridiculous request, somehow aware that she was serious about it as well. I tapped out my simple reply and sent it her way.

11:41 PM: [A dull yellow.]

11:41 PM: [Wow. Talk about brutally honest.]

11:41 PM: [You asked.]

**_11:41 PM: [I did. I did.

I hope I didn't put you off with the colorblind questions.

Curiosity, you know.]_**

I quickly reassured her.

11:42 PM: [It's okay. Nothing nobody has ever asked me before.]

11:43 PM: [You get that question a lot, don't you?]

11:43 PM: [Not nearly as much as you'd think.]

11:45 PM: [Sorry.]

11:46 PM: [No, really! It's cool. I kind of like answering it, seeing people's reactions. Sometimes it's funny.]

She didn't reply, not instantly at least. A few minutes passed before I got anything from her, at which point I'd laid down along the length of the sofa.

Another picture. I felt a lump form in my throat as I opened it to be met with an image of her face. Her emerald eyes peered directly at the camera's lenses, giving off the effect that the image was alive and staring right at me. And she had a smile - such a small, barely visible smile. Just a small quirk at the corners of her lips, but it livened up her face, crafting this strange clarity to her visage. Behind it all there was this tempered intensity. The thought of bottled lightning came to mind, and it seemed to fit her pretty nicely.

I... I really liked it.

11:51 PM: [Call it a hunch, but I like you. You're funny.]

It made me burn up inside. A warm, comfortable, feeling in my chest. Ears hot. Breathing felt easier.

11:52 PM: [Just from this little conversation?]

**_11:53 PM: [I'd like to think that I'm a good judge of character.



Good judge of character. Once I thought about it, I felt the same way about her. She was funny, knew how to have a good time. Maybe I'd just caught her in a good mood, but I wanted to believe that she was always like this. At least most of the time.

We'd caught each other so late at night - I certainly wouldn't have been able to keep up pretenses. It was easier to just be myself, for whatever good or bad that did to my chances. I partly felt like she was under the same circumstances, having the same thoughts as I did.

11:55 PM: [So tell me.]

11:55 PM: [Yeah?]

11:56 PM: [Am I a good judge of character?]

I wasn't sure how to answer. I wanted to say yes, but...

11:57 PM: [That's for you to decide, right?]

11:58 PM: [Maybe. Yeah, you're right. I'm not usually wrong about these things.]

11:58 PM: [Keep that up and you're gonna make me blush.]

I waited around for a while, until finally my phone's screen went dark. It was only until about half an hour later that Eli replied - it felt like an eternity.

**_00:28 AM: [That would be a sight.

Sorry. I was got busy for a little bit. Hope you didn't miss me too much.]_**

00:30 AM: [A little bit.]

A part me felt like she was smiling on the other end.

00:31 AM: [I figured you'd fallen asleep, or something like that.]

00:32 AM: [Not usually at this time, but sometimes I do, yes.]

00:33 AM: [Something keeping you up?]

00:33 AM: [You <3]

Another pause. Another knot in my stomach. I almost pinched myself just to see if I was really in a dream. But I got over that initial shock pretty quick. Eli was the kind of person that knew what she wanted. I could appreciate that.

00:34 AM: [Wow. Such a charmer.]

00:35: [Oh, hush you little colourblind 'yote. I'm staying up for you.]

00:35: [Well I'm staying up for you as well.]

00:35 AM: [Ah. You didn't mention that before.]

00:36 AM: [Now I have.]

00:38 AM: [And does it bother you to skimp on your beauty sleep?]

I rolled my eyes, curling into myself for comfort.

00:38 AM: [Hardly.]

**_00:40 AM: [Good. I wanted to keep going.

Do you?]_**

I nodded, waited out the minute, then replied.

00:41 AM: [Yes.]

00:45 AM: [That makes me happy. Hope you know that.]

She needed to stop, else that knotted feeling in my stomach would never go away. Not nauseous like, such as when I had a little too much to drink. More like... vertigo when standing at the edge of a cliff. That weird moment when it you first look down and the world seemed to shift around you. As if you were moving without moving. That's what I felt like.

It was pleasant.

00:47 AM: [Let me see what you look like.]

00:48 AM: [My face?]

00:48 AM: [What else?]** **

I laid out on the sofa, with my phone held out over my face. A cold draft came in through my open window, but I was far too comfortable to get up and fix it. I smiled a bit and fixed to turn the camera to myself, only stopping for a quick thought.

00:50 AM: [Look at my profile pic.]

**_00:50 AM: [That's not fair.

Picture. Now.]_**

00:51 AM: [I don't see how it isn't fair, but... fine.]

I turned the camera toward me, smiled, and flashed myself into a brief state of blindness. The half-dazed expression that stared back at me was as genuine as it was going to get. I sent it to Eli and put it out of my mind, unwilling to think myself into an early grave.

00:53 AM: [Oh.]

00:53 AM: [Hm?]

00:53 AM: [Wow.]

00:54 AM: [I feel like I'm getting mixed signals here and don't know what to think.]

**_00:55 AM: [No, nothing worth worrying about.

I like your eyes...

Real pretty. Like ripe mangos.]_**

00:56 AM: [Mangos?]

00:56 AM: [Never heard that one before, huh?]

00:56 AM: [I'll give it to you, no I haven't.]

She gave me no chance to say what I had in mind.

00:56 AM: [Are you flustered?]

I pressed myself further into the sofa. There was a still silence to my studio apartment. Sometimes I'd hear the floorboards settling into structure, or occasionally there'd be the kick of a motor coming from the fridge. I wanted to put on some music, if only to fill the void and keep myself from listening to the beating of my heart. It was starting to become distracting.

00:57 AM: [What makes you say that?]

00:58 AM: [Intuition.]

There was so much certainty behind that word. She'd known she was right, even without my confirming it.

00:59 AM: [I don't know if 'flustered' is the right word for it.]

**_1:00 AM: [Flustered is absolutely the right word.

Don't worry. I think it's cute that you're flustered. Just like your eyes.


It was hard to suppress my giggle. Even though I was alone, it felt like Eli was sitting right beside me.

1:02 AM: [Okay, fine, yeah. So maybe I'm a bit flustered.

Who wouldn't be, talking to you?]

Big grin. Small laugh. How many emotions had I gone through in the last hour?

1:05 AM: [Hah! Alright, alright. You got me there.]

1:05 AM: [Goooood.]

I got up to close my window, put on some soft and melancholic music to fill the silent void, and turned on a small orange salt lamp to cut through my studio's darkness. By the time I settled back into my spot, I found a fresh message waiting for me, no more than a minute or so old.

1:06 AM: [I have a request. I don't know if you'll do it. Might be pushing it too far.]

I could feel my breath hitching for a second as my eyes went wide. Was she thinking...? The audible clicking of keystrokes almost sounded desperate to my ears with how quickly I created and then reformed reply after reply, until finally coming up with something worth saying. Even then, I forced myself to stop and think things through for a second. The last thing I wanted was to put Eli off to the conversation in some way.

1:10 AM: [Maybe if you ask nicely.]

It looked like she didn't share those same anxieties as I had. Her side of the conversation emanated an air of confidence, as if the maned wolf knew that she had me under her spell. I couldn't help but feel the flush of heat that rose to my cheeks when I thought of things that way, and so almost impatiently watched and waited for her next few messages. They came in a quick string, one after another, as one would do when they spoke without thought.

**_1:11AM: ["I'll ask nicely.

But you need to play nice too.

And then we'll see where things go from there.]_**

1:11: AM [I think I know where things are going.]

1:11 AM: [Ohoh!]

One word. One stupid, silly world. That's all it took to get a laugh out of me.

1:11 AM: [Care to enlighten me?]

1:12 AM: [No, no. We go at your pace.]

Her first command got straight to the point, casting off any small doubt that we were really going to do this so quickly. I checked the time and - god, how did time go by so quickly?

1:13 AM: [I want to see more of you.]

1:13 AM: [How much more.]

1:14 AM: [More.]

No further prompt was needed. Again I turned my camera to myself, pulling my phone back a little father from me this time, and took a second blinding shot. I sent it to her and waited.

**_1:16 AM: [There's definitely a blush.

You can't hide it. And that cheeky little smile.]_**

Like being put under a spotlight - all eyes on me. I felt as if I had to perform my best.

1:17 AM: [The shirt has to go.]

1:17 AM: [Already? It's so comfortable though.]

Eli didn't need to know that I'd already done as she said, having tossed my shirt halfway across my apartment before she'd told me to do so.

1:17 AM: [I don't care. It has to go.]

1:17 AM: [You're supposed to ask nicely.]

Another long pause. Maybe she thought I was just going to give up and send her another picture. I shook my head as if she were watching me and waited. She'd eventually come through.

1:20 AM: [Please?]

1:20 AM: [That's more like it!]

Another picture. This one I didn't send outright, even though she was probably anxiously waiting for it. I just had to look at my body for a few seconds, wondering what she'd think when she saw me. My nipples were hard already, both from the chill of my apartment and from the excitement I already felt. And there was a look about my face; uncertainty and an almost child-like excitement were all mixed in my 'mango' eyes, as she'd put it. Would she notice my anxieties? Would she like what she saw?

I attached the picture, and with a sheepish smile sent it to her.

1:21 AM: [Yummy.]

I sat up, a short and nervous bout of laughter escaping me as I read and reread that single word reply.

1:21 AM: [Are you cold?]

1:22 AM: [A little. Not as much as you'd think.]

1:22 AM: [Ahh. Someone's excited then.]

1:23 AM: [Was it so obvious?]

**_1:23 AM: [Mhm. I wanna lick them.

Was that too forward?]_**

A little, I thought to myself, but I was playing along just as well, and enjoying every second of it. It felt like we both wanted this just as badly, the feeling of having someone else's eyes on us.

1:24 AM: [Not at all.

I think I like that about you, Eli.

Straight to the point. No sugar-coating.]

A little pause. She didn't reply, so I took another picture to further encourage her roaming thoughts.

I put on my most innocent face - brows quirked slightly upward, my lips twisted into a fine smirk, and my head turned slightly away from the camera. Further down she'd have a clear look at me pinching one of my hard nipples between two fingers. She just couldn't see how hard I'd done it, and still did so even as I idly typed my next message.

1:26 AM: [What else do you want to see?]

She replied with an image of her own.

Eli was lounging on her own sofa, not unlike myself. The picture was framed perfectly so that it was centered on her breasts, ready to burst from her lime green shirt. She groped herself with her free hand, thumb placed just above where her nipple would be. Bigger than I'd first thought, but then they hadn't been the focus of my attention until now. At the topmost part of the image peeked her sly smirk, all that I could see out of her face.

1:30 AM: [Good boys like you get a reward. What do YOU want to see?]

1:30 AM: [You could lose the shirt. It's getting in the way.]

1:30 AM: [I like your taste.]

I shifted a little on the spot, pressing my thighs against one another as my own throbbing member became impossible to ignore. It took everything to keep myself from losing the pants to relieve some of the pressure. Not yet - we'd be getting to that soon enough.

Another image, then a second soon after. Seems like Eli was a bit more photogenic than myself, but I wasn't about to complain.

The first picture was taken halfway through her taking off her shirt, which she'd tucked into the underside of her breasts to better define their shape against the straining fabric. Eli didn't have an outright athletic build, but it was clear to me now that she took very good care of herself. Everything about her just seemed so... comfortable.

Her shirt was gone in the second image. All that was left to keep her modesty was a black bra that looked one size too small. Her nipples almost showed through them as bumps on the fabric. She also gave me a full view of her face - her eyes were brilliant with excitement and that long thin snout was turned upward into an infectious grin. Eli seemed to me like the kind of person who had a good laugh at the smallest of things. She was very clearly enjoying herself right now.

1:32 AM: [The bra has to go to.]

1:32 AM: [You took off your shirt, I took off mine. If you wanted more, you should've been more specific.]

1:32 AM: [That's hardly fair!]

**_1:33 AM: [Seems fair enough to me.

I do like what I see.

Maybe I can be convinced to take it off?]_**

1:33 AM: [How would I do that?]

A hand had slunk down to between my thighs. I couldn't stop myself from feeling at the bulge that pressed against the side of my leg. With a suppressed moan I began rubbing up and down the length of my shaft, feeling it throb against my jeans with every little tug and pull. I was only brought back by another of her message strings.

**_1:34 AM: [You look to me like a smart boy.

Surprise me -

And maybe I'll surprise you back.]_**

If she'd been here in person, I swear she would have winked at me.

Like some mindless drone I turned the camera forward and pushed my hips up into the air. In perfect frame was my bulging erection, throbbing hard against my pants, aching for a release from its confinement and needy for pleasure. I brought my other hand down and wrapped it around the side of my shaft, then used my thumb to very gently tease at the head of my cock over and over in short and little circles. With a slight shudder, I took a picture just as my dick swelled with a small bit of precum, its trickling warmth spreading against the inside of my thigh.

Was this going too far, too fast? No. I shook my head and pushed those thoughts back. Eli wanted this about as much as I did - one of us would have put a pause on things three pictures ago.

A quick little message set my heart aflutter.

1:36 AM: [Don't keep me waiting.]

I complied, attached the image, and sent it.

Her reply came to me seconds after she'd received it.

1:36 AM: [I bet you're desperate you take your pants off.]

I nodded while slicking a finger down my length.

1:36 AM: [I bet I'm not the only one.]

1:36 AM: [Oooohhh. I like you.]

1:36 AM: [So, did I earn my reward?]

She replied with another image. It mirrored my own, framed perfectly at her straining bulge, but her size far exceeded what I'd expected. Her own dick must have been the length of her forearm, thick and veiny from base to tip. She had her hand resting atop the midsection of her shaft, where it grew thickest before tapering off a bit as it reached her knot. I salivated like a common dog, and rubbed at my own bulge while staring at hers.

Despite how I really felt, anxious and excited and needy for more of her, I still tried to keep a collected composure in my messages. I'm sure she could see right through my little façade.

1:37 AM: [Yup. That's definitely a good reward.]

1:37 AM: [Hah! You like what you saw?]

1:38 AM: [Do you even have to ask?]

1:38 AM: [Amuse me. I like hearing it.]

1:39 AM: [Yes, I like what I see.

You're... so fucking big.

And veiny.

And thick.

And just... fuck.

I don't know how I'm going to fit all of that in.]

So quick I'd typed, and so little thought I had put into what I was saying, that my own words didn't dawn on me until after her reply. I was left flustered, my whole body flushed with heat, and with my head flooded with thoughts of taking every last inch of that huge dick inside me.

**_1:40 AM: [Oh! Already thinking five steps ahead, aren't we?

Are all coyotes this horny, is it just you?]_**

1:40 AM: [Sorry! I just... I wasn't thinking.]

**_1:40 AM: ["Don't apologize. That was hot.

If that's what is going through your head right now, then please, don't stop sharing.]_**

I grinned, for a brief moment completely forgetting about my own needs. Some part of me felt like it knew exactly what she liked to hear. Now I just needed to test out my little theory.

1:41 AM: [So you like reading my thoughts, huh?]

1:41 AM: [That's putting things mildly.]

1:41 AM: [Well, I'm looking at that picture -

With that huge dick just begging to be let out.

I might have a few more thoughts I'd be willing to share.]

**_1:42 AM: [What kinds of thoughts.

I wouldn't say no to hearing these.]_**

1:42 AM: [The kind where I tell you what I'd love to be doing if I was there with you.

You know. Like daydreaming. Only naughtier.]

1:42 AM: [Well don't keep me waiting, you tease!]

1:43 AM: [Just a question first.

Is it really as big as it looks?

You know. Your dick.]

As if I had to clarify on what I was talking about.

I gulped, sat up, and waited. My heart now hammered against my throat. It felt like something had been lodged against my windpipe with how hard I suddenly found it to breathe. She wasn't typing anything, but I knew she was still there. My intuition told me so.

And then came the picture.

I gulped, breathless, and just barely stammered words of admiration at the thick pillar of flesh. She knew what she was doing, taking the picture at an angle so that it looked like I was staring up at it from my knees. A large bead of precum had formed at the very tip of her tapered head, tempting me to reach out and lick it clean, yet teasing me because I couldn't do so. And it wasn't the first either - the entire undershaft was already coated with a thin sheen of pre. Her knot was already out of its sheath and well engorged, just as veiny and angry-looking as the rest of her shaft. And her balls - the two huge orbs that bunched up on her sofa - had to be each the size of my two fists combined. And below them? I could only imagine for now.

1:43 AM: [You tell me. Is it just as big?]

Smug bitch. She took whatever chance she got.

1:46 AM: [Bigger. You've impressed.]

1:46 AM: [Only impressed???]

My fingers and my brain worked on autopilot. I didn't even think about what I was saying - I just knew it was right.

1:47 AM: [Well I'm sorry I'm a bit speechless.

But I can't stop staring.

It's so big. And sexy. And intimidating. And exciting. And hot. And every other fucking adjective I could possibly use to describe it.]

I had to take a breath, just a single one. While Eli typed her reply, I looked down at my myself. Every few seconds my dick twitched with excitement. Without a moment to spare, the pants had been tossed and I was back to laying on my sofa with my dick in my hand. In a slow motion I stroked myself to the image of her own sexuality.

1:48 AM: [Okay, yes. You're more than impressed. I'm happy you like what you see.]

1:49 AM: [Who wouldn't?]

1:49 AM: [It's just pretty exciting. You're the first guy I've shown myself to. It's nice to know we're clicking.]

That gave me some pause. The first guy? I'd lost track of how many times she's already made me blush tonight. I tried not letting it get to my head, but...

1:49 AM: [If you were here, what would you be doing?]

1:49 AM: [I don't think I could keep myself from worshiping you.]

1:50 AM: [And how would that look?]

1:51 AM: [Like my head between your thighs, staring up wide-eyed, afraid, and excited at your intimidating length.

It would be me grasping you with both hands and stroking your dick while I licked up the length of your cum vein.

I'd be sucking on the side of your fat knot, slobbering and drooling all over it.]

1:53 AM: [Fuck. You're horny.]

1:53 AM: [I wouldn't stop until you begged for me to stop. I want my lips wrapped around your head so I can drink your precum still hot and straight from the source while I cradle and fondle your balls in my hands.

And then I want you to grab me by my head and force yourself in until I'm gasping and gagging and begging for more of it.

Until you've left me nothing more than a sloppy coyote for you to enjoy to your heart's content.]

I paused, swallowed, and reread everything I'd just said. What depravity... I loved it.

1:54 AM: [How does that sound?]

1:54 AM: [You're incredible.]

I could see she was still typing, so I held off on saying anything more. Instead I idly licked my fingers, tasting my own precum, wondering what hers tasted like.

**_1:55 AM: [Can't stop twitching from that. If only you were here.

Have you service me till you're cock drunk.

So you like things rough?]_**

I nodded.

1:56 AM: [That usually makes people happy.]

1:56 AM: [But do YOU like it???]

1:56 AM: [I do.]

1:56 AM: [That's good to know.]

We each sent each other an image almost at the same time.

On my part, I sent her a picture of my own cock, figuring it was only fair to give back for what had been given. I was holding myself just by the base of my shaft, and angled it so that my urethra pointed straight to the camera. She would see every vein and bump and curve of my dick, and the thought excited me so enough that yet again I could feel more of my pre gushing and dripping down my shaft.

She, in turn, sent me an image of her breasts. They were just as captivating as the rest of her package below, hanging with a natural pull to them from their size, and capped each with a large black nipple that already looked swollen and ready to be sucked on. Eli held her arms close together, pulling her breasts tight against one another, and stared on through the image with an equally devious and innocent smile.

**_1:59 AM: [You look tasty. You'd be a perfect fit for my mouth.

And I wouldn't let you go until I've had my fill. Every last drop, while I tease and suck and lick at every little sensitive spot you have.]_**

I moaned just thinking about it, closed my eyes briefly as I just allowed myself to try to feel what she said. My hand wasn't doing it any justice.

**_2:00 AM: [I'll sit there, the obedient little bitch, so that you can fuck away at my skull and use me like your own little toy until you've had your fun.

It's only fair.

If I do it to you, then you can do it to me.]_**

So lost I was in my own imagination that I mouthed the words I'd meant to type - that sounded incredible. I held on to the base of my knot and squeezed until I felt another drop of precum trickle out of me after a hard throb. My fingers teased into the fringes of my sheath, not quite all the way in, but enough for that tingling buzz to shoot up my core.

My phone buzzed and dinged with another message. Another picture.

Her pussy, below that hefty package that was her plump balls and mind-breaking cock, glistened with arousal. A mixture both of her own fem-cum as well as the copious amounts of pre that had slicked their way over her balls to tease at the edges of her dark labia. Eli spread herself out a bit with her ring and index fingers and barely teased into her entrance with the third. I could almost picture myself laying under, eager to take her for as long as she wanted.

2:01 AM: [Wanna hold you down and bury myself in there.

I could eat you out for the rest of the night.]

**_2:01 AM: [Hopefully that's not ALL you'll be doing to me.

But you have a cute face.

Picturing it soaked through really gets me going, you know that?]_**

Another picture. She'd pushed two fingers knuckle-deep into herself, no doubt curled upward to hit her g-spot.

I began stroking myself, then took a picture of what I was doing and sent it to her. My own fingers were already lubed up with my pre. It gave off a messy impression.

2:06 AM: [Hey. Want to see something interesting?]

2:06 AM: [Do you even have to ask at this point?]

**_2:07 AM: [You're going to love this!

I think.]_**

There was a minute long pause.

2:08 AM: [Yeah. You're going to love this.]

She was taking her sweet time. Flare for the dramatic, again. I began typing up my reply to hurry her along and -

I paused. Stared at my screen. The picture she'd sent me. Innocent emerald eyes sparkled under her ambient darkness - the only innocent thing on screen. Everything else? She bent forward and took the head of her cock into her mouth, the rest of which sat nestled comfortably between her breasts. I could see her long tongue slinking just at the underside of it, tasting herself, and licking it all clean. Precum gushing into the back of her throat, of that there was no doubt. And so painfully engorged - so needy for attention. Veiny and bulging and... I salivated, envious. I wanted that to be me.

2:13 AM: [Got a little distracted with myself. It's hard to stop once you start. What do you think?]

2:13 AM: [Holy shit.]

No. I had to say more than that. I was impressed. I was amazed. I throbbed and ached and needed that in my life. I...

2:13 AM: [Breakfast in bed?]

And I laughed. I laughed at the ridiculousness of my reply. I laughed when she texted me back, confirming that she was laughing too, while mocking my simple reply. I laughed, knowing she was enjoying herself too.

It felt good.

**_2:15 AM: [YOU CAN'T SAY THAT!

Almost fucking chocked on my on dick.]_**

2:15 AM: [Seems to me like you were already doing that.]

2:15 AM: [I swear when we see each other the first thing I'm doing is hitting you.]

When we see each other.

2:16 AM: [Surprisingly enough I don't do this too often. But... I'll indulge once in a while. Breakfast in bed is never out of the table.]

2:16 AM: [I'm shocked. Figured you'd be buried in your own dick all day.

I know I would be if I was there.]

2:18 AM: [Seriously, you're the horniest coyote...]

2:18 AM: [Look who's talking.]

**_2:18 AM: [Not that I'd complain having you service me. But I need to be productive most days, you know that?

Talking about productive.]_**

A long pause. I fidgeted on the spot, sucked on the tip of my finger, tasted my own pre while thinking it was hers.

2:19 AM: [You better be careful when we're with each other. I can be pretty messy.]

2:19 AM: [Messy?]

2:20 AM: [Comes with the baggage.]

2:20 AM: [Baggage?]

With that message she sent me another picture. Her balls in perfect frame. Slightly furred to the color of her body, seemingly swollen with seed. She held one in her free hand and raised it a bit, as if enticing me to come for them.

2:21 AM: [Baggage.]

2:21 AM: [OH! Right. Baggage.]

It didn't feel like a real word anymore.

2:21 AM: [So... you cum a lot?]

2:22 AM: [I mean shit that's putting it a little crudely.]

2:22 AM: [Crude is good sometimes!]

2:23 AM: [But yes. I cum a lot.]

2:23 AM: [Like... a lot, a lot. Or A LOT, a lot?]

2:24 AM: [A LOT, A LOT, a lot.]

2:24 AM: [That's a lot of cum!]

2:28 AM: [That doesn't... it doesn't put you off?]

2:28 AM: [Why would it?]

2:29 AM: [People can't handle it sometimes.]

2:29 AM: [Well I still haven't seen just how much you, you know, cum.

But I'm something of a degenerate myself.

I can think of worse things than getting absolutely blasted with spunk.

I think some people would call that 'cum drunk'.

Cum bath?

Cum drunk in the cum bath.]

There was a brief pause, followed by the single little message that again made me forget all about how horny I was.

2:31 AM: [<3]

I texted her back the same.

2:32 AM: [Gonna have to give me a little more to work with here, if you want to see how messy things can get.]

2:32 AM: [You just want a look at my ass, Eli.]

Didn't take a detective to see that.

2:33 AM: [It's not like you're going to refuse me.]

She had a point.

I rolled over on the couch and glanced back over my shoulder, the smirk on my face falling into an annoyed frown. First I raised my hips a little, then flicked my tail to the side, then turned my body slightly, and finally collapsed back unto the couch.

2:36 AM: [This isn't an easy angle.]

2:36 AM: [Hush up and give me that ass.]

2:36 AM: [Okay, okay.]

Again I brought my phone back over my body, fingers awkwardly holding to the side as my thumb hovered over the capture button. Tail raised, body turned to the side so she'd get an angled view of me. Not the most picture perfect image, but it should be enough to give her something to work with. And, looking at it again, it must have given her a good impression of how tall I was - or more specifically, how much taller she was compared to me.

Sent. And then I held myself in that uncomfortable position, my dick lodged between the couch and my midriff, hips rolling slightly to tease out some more of that deeply intense and concentrated pleasure at the sensitive end of my dick.

One minute.

Then two.

Then three.

2:40 AM: [Eli?]

**_2:40 AM: [Sorry, cutie.

Got distracted by a cute little butt.

Couldn't help myself. Had to have a little taste.

You look so tasty.

Took a video. Figured you'd like to see.]_**

She suckled on the tip of her head. Her tongued traced lazy arcs back and forth against her solid shaft, pressing against the tight and veiny flesh before flicking against her urethra. One throb, then two, then a twitch, and finally a third strong throb and surge that almost looked as if it had pushed yet another inch of unseen dog cock into her mouth. Eli closed her eyes, moaned, and I could see her visibly gulping. Once. Twice. The video cut out just as I saw something - a water runny liquid thicker than saliva - dribbling from overflowing lips.

Just a few seconds long. I re-watched it a dozen times.

2:42 AM: [Did you see it?]

2:42 AM: [There was a lot to look at there.]

**_2:43 AM: [Yeah. My cum.


Video cut cause I had to start swallowing more.

Got too excited. Didn't want to make a mess on myself yet.]_**

I watched it again. Her moan was pleasant, like that a starved man would make upon taking a first bite out of the supple flesh of a pear. That liquid that poured from her lips just as the video cut...

2:44 AM: [I thought that was slobber???]

2:44 AM: [Nope.]

2:44 AM: [Pre???]

2:44 AM: [Pre!]

2:45 AM: [It was... thick.]

2:45 AM: [I know. Tasty too.]

2:45 AM: [Really thick.]

**_2:45 AM: [Comes with the baggage.

Someone sounds hungry.]_**

2:45 AM: [A little. That was a lot...]

2:46 AM: [You're still here.]

2:46 AM: [Well duh.

I wonder how much I could swallow.

If that's just your pre?

Geez. You're gonna stuff me full, aren't you.]

**_2:46 AM: [Mhm. I told you. I'm messy.

Gonna coat you in cum.

Make you smell like me for the rest of the week.]_**

Just the thought of it alone was driving me insane.

2:47 AM: [How long does it take you to... you know? Finish from the start.]

2:47 AM: [Finish?]

2:48 AM: [You said you cum a lot, right? Long orgasms?]

2:48 AM: [Curious about how long I'll be filling you for, huh?]

She made me blush. I bit down on my lower lip, as if I were back at my parent's place trying to hide a moan, and rubbed my thumb along the curve of my sensitive head while waiting for her reply. I could feel the pressure in my core - I couldn't afford to be careless yet.

2:48 AM: [When I'm alone? A solid minute, maybe a few seconds more.]

2:48 AM: [Constant?]

Another picture. She'd wrapped a condom around her mast. It was already filling up with her pre.

2:50 AM: [Constant.]

2:50 AM: [And what if you weren't alone?]

2:50 AM: [Meaning...?]

She knew what I meant. She wanted to hear it out of me. I couldn't refuse Eli, not after everything we'd already shared about one another. This felt natural to me. It felt good.

2:51 AM: [Meaning you had me there, cradled between your legs, sucking on your balls.

Licking your pussy and nibbling your clit.

Massaging that fat knot and stroking your intimidating shaft.

Teasing out every lit bit you have to offer until you're ready to blow your brains out from the pleasure.

What if you had me there as your personal obedient cumdump?]

2:53 AM: [Holy shit you're a real slut, aren't you?]

2:53 AM: [A little bit. Answer my question.]

**_2:53 AM: [I'd be absolutely drained.

Stuff you full.

Make you want for nothing else than just me.]_**

Then came a small pause in the conversation. I knew what she was doing - same thing I was doing at myself. I had to put the phone down and just focus on my hands, my dick, and all the wonderful sensations that came from contact between the two.

I really needed this. She needed this. Almost seemed like fate that we'd found each other at just the right time. I didn't want to know if things would go beyond this conversation; right now all I needed was more of her and more of...

A quick snap of myself was enough to get another message out of her. How could she possibly ignore me? Just like I couldn't keep my eyes off her. She paid attention to me, craved me like I craved her body. Painfully erect now, my balls tight against my groin. Just a little more and I'd reach my end. But I wasn't ready for it to end. Not just -

**_2:59 AM: [You look ready to cum.

Are you close?]_**

3:00 AM: [I am.]

3:00 AM: [I want you to wrap your fingers around your shaft. Just above your knot.]

A soft whimper left me as I did as she said.

**_3:00 AM: [Tease yourself with your thumb.

Gentle little rubs.

I want you to tease yourself to the edge, but don't go quite over.

Get there slowly.]_**

I gulped. It felt like I was swallowing down a brick. My heart hammered against my chest, my dick throbbing with every blood-rushing pump against my hand. I pressed my thumb just to the underside of my head, squeezed gently, and rubbed over and over. That feeling, that indescribable feeling of slowly rising to your end, was sweet and painful. A slow buildup of pressure, a dryness in your throat, and a twisting of a knot in your stomach as you loomed ever closer to the edge.

3:02 AM: [How does it feel?]

I had to type one-handed. I didn't dare stop.

3:03 AM: [I'm going to go insane.

It's good.

I need to cum.]

**_3:03 AM: [Almost there.

I want to hear your moans.

I want to watch you cum your head off.]_**

Without a second thought I began recording myself. Two strokes, that's all it took for the hours of pent-up need to finally boil over in rapid spurts which arched high overhead. My chest, my face, even got some of it in my mouth. And I moaned - the loudest I ever had - just because I knew she'd be listening.

With it, I sent her an image as well. My full body, a lazy and satisfied smile, a little sparkle to my eyes, all coated and covered in cum. Attached to it was a simple message.

3:07 AM: [Next time it better be you doing this to me.]

Next time. Would there be a next time?

3:10 AM: [Count on it <3]

I didn't want to, and I shouldn't have, but the sleep quickly came over me. That warmth I felt inside was too good to pass up. Didn't even bother curling up in bed - the couch would do just fine.

Morning came early. I couldn't help myself. A few hours of sleep would have to do. The first thing I did was open my messages to find a picture of her waiting for me. She had a condom filled to bursting with cum dangling from her teeth, devious smirk playing at her lips. Two messages below it.

3:12 AM: [Can't wait to see you perform in person.]

3:34 AM [Goodnight, cute stuff <3]

A shiver. A sense of dread. Everything we'd done came back to me. What the hell was I thinking, going to sleep after getting off?

7:12 AM: [Hey!

You're probably asleep. Sorry for falling asleep. I didn't mean to.]

7:14 AM: [Morning.]

7:15 AM: [Please tell me I didn't wake you.]

7:15 AM: [You did, but that's alright. Wanted to talk to you anyway.]

7:16 AM: [Yeah? What of?]

**_7:16 AM: [About last night.

Did you have fun?]_**

7:17 AM: [Absolutely.

And you?]

**_7:18 AM: [I think you already know the answer.


Now that you're up. Slept thought it all. Given it some thought.]_**

7:20 AM: [Mhm?]

**_7:21 AM: [You...

You know.


You and me.]_**

7:22 AM: [You're cute, you know that?]

7:22 AM: [Come on, you can't just say that out of the blue.]

7:23 AM: [Yes I can. And yes, you and me. I want to meet you. We've still got a first date to go through.]

On the Night of the Falling Stars

You shifted the car into gear and rampaged down the winding cliffside roads. I grasped tight to your shoulder and stammered something - I don't quite remember what it was anymore - while you laughed and laughed and sped along faster than you should...

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The Price of Knowledge

A search for an ancient artifact. The discovery of the century. A quest for boundless knowledge. He threw every pitch in the book. Adélie couldn't have cared less about any of that nonsense; she wouldn't take a job if the pay wasn't worth the risk....

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The Beast of the Redwoods

The 8th and 13th, an aptly named coffee shop nestled in the corner of two equally named streets, sat on a rather solitary part of town. Jaz always likened it to the sort of place that he'd look at and think to himself that it would be nice to visit,...

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