Drac's Domination 1

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#1 of Drac's Domination

This time around, Draconicon has been working in a half-mundane way in this world, making a living less as a teacher or a mage and more as a writer and part-time professional dom (where people aren't paying attention). However, just as he's trying to get out of the sex life and into the professional novelist, a particularly obnoxious lion tries to pull him back in. The annoyed dragon takes the lion on as a 'charity case', and decides to educate this feline in what it means to assume that what someone does for work is how they want to live.

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Drac's Domination 1

Sponsored by GlynWolf

By Draconicon

"It's taken over a decade...but it's finally done...finally..."

The black dragon smiled at the covers of the books that he had created over the last ten years. A few hundred words squeezed in here, a few dozen edits squeezed in there, always progressing forward while he was handling his day job. Few enough people had cared about this back then, but now? Now, The Shadow's Fall was on top of the Best Sellers list, and there was a promise of a massive advance for the second book when it was done. Considering his notes on the topic, he imagined that he'd be able to knock it out in a few months, and then...

Well, then, he'd be set. He could actually be financially solvent enough to pursue this full time. There'd be no more need to -

"Excuse me?"

Draconicon looked up from his table in the middle of the bookstore, finding himself looking at a young man that looked like he'd just popped over from the college down the road. The lion was grinning wildly at him, almost with a certain manic quality that raised several red flags in the back of his head. Regardless, the black dragon adjusted his black shirt, making sure the buttons were properly adjusted, and leaned forward as his wings furled a bit tighter.

"Yes, can I help you?"

"You're him, right? Draconicon?"

"That's me, yes. Are you here to pick up a copy of my book?"

"You write?"

The dragon's smile fell as he realized just what was going on, and he sighed under his breath. As the lion looked at the books, he tried to find a way to divert what he knew was going to be the inevitable question.

"Yes, I write, and that's -"

"Man, I knew that you wrote some hot porn, but never thought that you'd be spending time doing something like this. So, what's this about? Some sort of shadow that possesses people and turns them into whores? Or is this something like -"

"There's no porn in this."

"Oh, okay." The lion nodded. "So, uh, when are you opening up for more, um, sessions?"

...This would happen on the first fucking day, wouldn't it?

Draconicon rubbed his forehead for a moment as he struggled to keep a professional face on. This was still his first book, and if he went overboard, he could easily lose any chance to show off when the next book came out. Not to mention that this lion could make one hell of a scene if he overreacted.

"I'm cutting back on those," the dragon said, pulling one of the hardbacks down. "Now that they're not required -"

"Cutting back?! But - there's so many of us that want it! What about your fans?"

The interruptions, they just kept coming. He knew that there was going to be some sort of reaction to his cut-backs, but he had hoped to keep the blowback to just the online interactions with his fans, not to real life. That had just gone down the tubes.

Worse, if he didn't do something, he was going to have to deal with store security. The lion was getting louder and louder, and he doubted that it was going to get better with a simple no.

Well, you brought this on yourself, little lion.

Draconicon looked up, met the lion's eyes, and just...stared. The lion stared back, his mouth making a few quiet words before he fell silent. After that, he just stared, lost in the dragon's eyes.

Shaking his head, he nodded towards one of the back corners of the bookstore. He didn't have to say anything; the gesture, combined with the magic that had done the job, had been more than enough. The feline started walking away, wobbling slightly, but no more than someone that was a little overwhelmed with a situation might have done.

He sighed. This was going to be one of those days. Thankfully, an otter stepped forward, dressed in a jacket and button-up shirt, and was quick to take his attention off of the lion and back to his book.

"How can I help you?" he asked, settling in for a good chat.


Around lunchtime, he was finally free to go to the back of the store. Placing a sign on the desk stating that he'd be back in an hour, the dragon slid his chair back and made his way through the aisles of other books. He groaned as he stretched legs that had been folded under a too-small desk, unfurled wings that had grown progressively tighter throughout the day, and popped his tail as it was finally allowed to move again. His agent might have gotten him a good location, but a good set-up? Not a chance in hell.

Shaking his head, he wandered towards the abandoned self-help part of the bookstore, and wasn't surprised to find the lion still staring straight at the wall, not moving in the slightest. He hadn't had the time to give the feline a better set of commands other than to leave him alone and stay put, so he hadn't done anything else.

Always the problem transitioning magic from the imagination to real life...

And that was why the lion was here in the first place, he imagined. They always seemed to have a way of finding him, ever since he was stupid enough to post some 'evidence' online of his talents. The black dragon sighed, rubbing the bridge of his snout.

As he did, he took a second look at the lion. At least this one had taken a little time to try and make himself presentable before coming around and asking about a 'session.' The slender, almost-femboy lion had put on a nice pair of shorts, just small enough to look like a pair of briefs rather than actual pants, but made of denim to keep confusion down. His tail was decorated with leather straps, almost looking like a whip or a flogger, though without the actual power behind it that such a tool would normally have.

The lion's top was a tight thing, something that exposed the belly slightly, and it made him look like a total boy-toy. Draconicon sighed. He should have guessed what the feline wanted before word one.

Sighing, he snapped his fingers, and the college student blinked, coming out of his trance. The lion whipped around, leather straps flicking the bookshelves before he managed to spot the dragon. His lips turned up in a grin.

"That was awesome! Can you make me -"


The lion stopped as he held up his hand, shaking his head. No command, this time, no hypnotic use. Just a simple word, spoken in a deeper, less ignorable tone. Draconicon pointed at the lion.


"Um...Deke, sir."

"Deke, hmm? And don't call me sir."

"But...what should I..."

"You came here expecting to buy a session. Don't deny it; you're dressed up like a boy-toy, and you started asking when I'd be open for that again. Why?"

The lion shuffled about, shifting from one foot to another and kicking the carpet. The black dragon didn't allow him to shift away, either; instead, he stood right there, staring him down, not looking away, until the feline finally caved.

"I just...you know. Life's hard, you know? And I thought...maybe it'd be better if I just..."

"If you just gave up and turned into something less?"

"...Well, I wasn't..." Deke shook his head. "That's not what I meant."

"I think it's a good deal closer to what you want. A chance to not have to do as much. The chance to attract someone's attention and keep them around to take care of you. To be good at one thing and let that be enough."

"Hey, if you have to get lessons to be a slave, there's no way that it's that easy."

And there it was. The same misunderstanding that so many had, and the same annoyance that always came with people like this seeking him out. He never, ever, ever should have exposed what he could do. Draconicon sighed.

"It looks like it's time for another lesson, then."

"Then...I get to..."

"Oh, you're going to get a session. But it's not going to be the sort you wanted."

"What -"

"Stop talking."

This time, there was a bit of magic, a bit of hypnosis under the word. The dragon's fingers burned with a black fire, twisting and writhing around the digits like a nest of serpents, and the whites of his eyes glowed slightly. Deke stiffened up, his eyes going wide for a moment before he slumped forward, unable to move, unable to speak.

"You will go back to school, finish your day. When you finish your last class, you will meet me at the Park and Ride two blocks from here. After that, you will do whatever you are told, and we will take it from there. Repeat."

"I will go back to school and finish my day. When I finish my last class, I will meet you at the Park and Ride two blocks from here. After that, I will do whatever I am told."

"Good. Now, go."

Letting go of his magic, the dragon watched the lion leave the bookstore, going so far as to follow him to the door and stare him off. Every now and then, there was someone that could resist the magical commands, but they were few and far between. Deke, it turned out, was not one of them.

When the lion was completely out of sight, he sighed. Just when he thought one part of his life was done, he was getting dragged back in. But...

At the same time, it would be fun to have one more. The lion had a nice body, and he would be a pleasant enough bedfellow. Giving him a 'session' would be pleasant, certainly pleasurable...

He just had thought he'd be finished with that by now.

Well...one more. He glanced at his watch, sighing. Annnnd just enough time to get a sandwich and run back to the table. Lovely. You cost me my lunch, Deke.


The dragon finished out his day and waited with his legs crossed at the bus stop, looking into the distance with his mind off in the past. It was not that hard to avoid getting stared at, either; for all that he was better dressed than the average person taking the bus today, he was very good at putting off an aura that said 'leave me alone.' And the little magical mark he'd drawn on the collar of his shirt helped a lot, too.

Magic. Heh. He smiled slightly as he remembered what it had been like, coming here and discovering that it was one of the low-magic worlds, where the actual practice of it had been replaced by technology and more universal methods of convenience. For all that he had struggled to learn some of that when he first arrived, he had to admit that it was something that he'd miss if he was ever forced to leave, or chose to.

Of course, then he made the mistake of revealing it...

Not publicly, of course. He hadn't been that stupid, not since he'd done that the first time about thirty worlds back. But he had made the mistake of wanting to show off a little, and he ended up putting up a video on the internet, thinking that it would be easy enough to get rid of if he really needed to.

How wrong he had been...

Rolling his head back until his horns rested on the back of the bench, he looked at his watch. He imagined that Deke would be done with school, soon, and that would mean that he would need to deal with the lion again, and Deke would be back to talking about the 'sessions', probably with a list of things that he wanted to do.

Sessions. He smiled, shaking his head, his horns making a rattle-rattle sound as they clicked off the bench. That wasn't how that worked...and particularly not when he was taking on a charity case.

When he'd first arrived in the world, his usual magical approach towards staking out a place for himself and his comforts had been right out. Taking up teaching again would have forced him to control a number of people in a government agency to keep them from finding out that he was faking the license, even after he got the actual piece of paper. Most of his skills of manipulation and power were more or less useless in the modern world, unless he wanted to actually conquer it and turn it into something different.

Which he didn't. He'd done that. He had several worlds out there that were already changed like that, and he didn't need to add to his collection.

So, he'd gone back to a different style of creation. Writing. The dragon had always thought that he had a few tales to tell, but starting out had been...difficult. Most people were not interested in his smaller stories, and it wasn't bringing in any real money. He could create bills, but after a few close calls with duplicates of the world's currencies, it seemed better to save that for emergencies.

And then, he found the market for erotic, and porn. That was when things started to explode. Not enough to get him into financial security, but enough to keep him going, and then, the sessions.

It didn't take long for people to want to experience what they read in the stories for real, and some of them were willing to pay money for that. Draconicon had turned them down for a while, but after some of his fans managed to find the old videos where he proved that he had magic, that he could take it further down the road to greater fantasies, the offers got bigger.

Some people, of course, thought they could blackmail him. That hadn't gone well for them, but afterwards, the offers only got larger. Eventually, he caved, allowing himself to become the 'master' for his first customer, an orca that had been rather desperate for the chance to fulfill his fantasies.

Weaver hadn't realized just how intense it would be, nor had he been completely honest when he'd pushed for it. While the orca had presented himself as someone just looking for a bit of fun, it had quickly turned out that Weaver was more interested in someone that would take care of him, someone that would use him, someone that would make him feel wanted rather than anything else.

It was a losing proposition, to put it mildly.

He crossed his ankles as he remembered how that first 'session' had shaped all the ones to come afterward. Rather than kicking Weaver to the curb, as he probably should have, he had invested more time into the orca, and rather than just dominate him with magic, turning him into a sex toy, he started training him. Not as a sub - though some of that happened - but as a person, reminding them how to enjoy themselves without becoming nothing.

And so it continued. The dragon had numerous people visiting his apartment, then his house when he moved out. He had no idea what the neighbors must have thought seeing college and high-school students popping in and out of his place, and some of them staying for upwards of a week at a time. For all he knew, they thought that he was running drugs or something.

In reality, he had turned his dwelling into a training school. He made sure to keep everyone in at least a half-trance for their sessions, opening their minds to the things that they kept out. There were many different techniques for that, from pheromonal musk, to his hypnotic eyes, to individual spells, to enchanted items, and more, but everyone had something that they were weak to.

While under his control, his mastery, they were taught how to rise again, how to be themselves, how to actually want to be a person once more. Too many that came to him just wanted to get themselves off based on some sort of humiliation, and most of those were using that as a way to get away from the real world, to get away from themselves.

Some people can manage subbing like that, having fun like that, without losing themselves...but they already have their masters, he thought, folding his hands behind his head. These guys...wow.

It had been a train-wreck to start, and there were days when it got far, far worse. It was like he was fighting them, dragging them out of their self-isolation, their self-pity, even self-hatred at times to get them to face the world properly again. Their urge to be under a master wasn't even the urge to submit at times, it was just to escape something that they couldn't cope with.

However, they'd all paid him for it, and they'd all eventually improved. He got his fair share of ass, pussy, throat, and everything else that he could want as a master, and they learned how to serve him, and how to serve themselves for a change. When they left, they weren't any less perverted - in fact, it was safe to say that they were bigger perverts, at that point - but they were more focused. They were more themselves. They were more like people and less like objects.

"Um, uh..."

That would be Deke. The dragon opened his eyes again, tilting his head further back to see the half-dressed lion making his way through the parking lot. He smiled.

"I guess classes run a bit long these days."

"Yeah, they, uh...they kinda do. I was expecting you to take me earlier."

"Embarrassing end of the day?"

"...Public Speaking."

"In that?"

Deke nodded, and Draconicon winced.

"Well, that would have been a small nightmare, but at least the other guys got their eye candy."

"Mmph. I didn't want to show off for them."

"Oh? Then you're going to hate the nightly cam-show."

Deke's eyes widened, and Draconicon smiled. He gestured to the bench, and the scantily-dressed lion made his way over, his cheeks burning as he did. Once he was seated, the black dragon wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

"Let me make something very clear to you, Deke. If you want to be a slave, then that means that a certain amount of your choices and autonomy are gone. If you want to be a submissive to someone, then you put your wills, your wishes, your general sense of self, beneath what they want of you. Ah. No talking just yet," he said, closing the lion's mouth with a tap of his finger. "Let me finish.

"This is what you wanted, so that's what you're getting. You wanted to be under a master, so I'll show you what it's like to be under someone that will treat you the way you say you want to be treated. You will do as you're ordered, and you will do as I ask, and if you do well, then you will be rewarded. The things I will ask you to do will push you, stretch you, but they will fulfill you more than anything else you've done in your life so far. Do you understand me?"


Unsurprisingly, the lion had a boner. He had expected that; Deke might have annoyed him, but the lion was definitely eager to be taken. There was shame, a trifle of fear in those eyes, but the feline's lust was at the point where he wasn't going to question what happened to him. Not yet.

Beep, beep. The bus announced its presence as it came around the bed, and the dragon groaned as he got to his feet.

"Come with me."

"Um, I have a car..."

"Not for the weekend, you don't."

"But...but what if it gets towed?"

"I'll pay the impoundment costs. For now, you're going to be tied to me. Understood?"

"Um, I...yes?"

No, you don't. But you will.

Shaking his head, the dragon walked to the bus with the lion following just behind. They walked up the ramp, the dragon passing by the bus driver -

"Hey, you gotta pay, man."

"He is paying for the both of us."

It was a bit cruel, perhaps, but it was a good way to remind the lion that this was more than just sexual domination. One being controlled was not merely being cared for, was not suddenly lacking in responsibilities. If anything, their responsibilities were guaranteed to go up, or at least become an entirely different list.

Thankfully, Deke was able to adapt fast enough to keep from making a scene, and paid up. As the lion joined him towards the back of the bus, the feline was shifting from foot to foot, then from cheek to cheek as he shuffled along the seat. Draconicon leaned on one fist, looking out the window.

"So, um, what are we going to do? Are you gonna, you know, make me blow you? Control me and make me strip? Oh, oh, or is it going to be like in that story -"

"I'm going to take a nap. And you're going to tell me when we reach 27th and Roosevelt."


"I trust you not to miss the stop."


The dragon turned, fixing the lion with another stare. He gently tilted Deke's face back, making sure that they were looking eye to eye.

"You will do this."


"Deke. Do I need to force you this early?"

"No, no, you don't, but..."


"I'll keep an eye out."


The dragon closed his eyes and leaned back against his fist. It had been a long day, but not quite long enough to make him need a nap. This was more a way to see just how well-behaved Deke actually was, and whether he would go along with this the way that he was commanded. It would determine just what sort of treatment he'd get when they got back to the dragon's house.


The lion was smart enough to wake up him a few intersections back from their stop. The dragon opened his eyes at the first touch, rewarding responsibility with attention. The lion smiled a bit, almost like he wasn't aware of it.

"Almost there, s - I mean, Draconicon."


Pulling the stop-string, he got to his feet, nudging the lion to do the same thing. They disembarked the bus at the middle door, getting out on the sidewalk.

He glanced down at Deke again, cocking his head to the side at the lion. He was clearly desperate for some sort of attention, and the fact that he had gone through the effort of getting dressed up for the role of a slave, the fact that he had come out in public to ask for it, even still begging when they were on the bus despite everything, meant that there was some deep-buried part that needed this. It wasn't just a fantasy. He would have turned back, whined, shown some form of complaint if this wasn't something he wanted in the core of his being.

Unfortunately, it was just as clear that he had no idea how this worked. He expected to be used, rutted, humiliated, and to still have it be on his terms. He expected it the way that a John would expect a prostitute to please them without any concern for their own wellbeing. As much as the dragon was willing to work for a living, a little basic respect was always due. After all, one was more than their job.

It was time to start taking Deke into his new role.

"Off with the shoes."

"Huh? Oh, I'm not into foot fetish stuff, but -"

Draconicon flicked a finger down, a few of the tendrils of black fire shooting from his fingers to the lion's jogging shoes. The laces undid themselves, falling limp over the sides, and the socks disappeared completely. Deke's eyes went wide.

"That was not a request. If you are going to serve, you are going to serve. You've already lost access to all socks while you're under me. Do you want to lose the right to shoes completely, as well?"

"I thought we were -"

"You signed up to be a slave to a master. At no point did you set any limits. Instead, you trusted me to read your mind, to do what you said, without communication. Tomorrow, we'll have a chat about what you might want to set as limitations. For tonight, however, you will be subject to my wants and needs."

He gestured again for the lion to take his shoes off, and this time, Deke listened. The feline knelt down, pulling one shoe off, then the other, revealing a pair of somewhat damp soles. Damp enough to leave marks on the sidewalk, at least. The dragon smiled, walking around his latest slave, and he nodded in approval at the way that the lion's feet were nicely proportioned. The claws were kept blunted on the toes, and the soles were a nice plantigrade shape, with a series of different pads to break up the fuzzy flesh.

They were going to feel nice around his cock later in the weekend.

"Come with me."

"Can't I put my shoes back on?"

"You ask a lot of questions for a slave."

"I guess...I thought it was going to be different."

"Those that know how to go through this properly get treated properly. You, on the other hand, get the 'genuine' treatment. Now, come along, unless you want me to make you walk with your dick out."


The lion fell in step behind him, his head down, his cheeks obviously burning. Draconicon smiled to himself, hearing every little slap of bare feet against pavement, and the soft winces from time to time that came from the lion's lips.

There was no need to ask Deke what he'd been imagining. He could guess. The lion had been looking for a big dragon to indulge him in all his perverted fantasies, wanting someone that would make the deviant and somewhat illegal completely okay, to control the minds of other people, to erase his shame, to make him into nothing but what the dragon wanted. He imagined that there were fantasies of getting ass-fucked in front of other people at college, to look like a slut but never risk being seen as one, or fantasies where the dragon even went so far as to transform him, making him into something utterly sexual, but always focused on him.

Some of those would happen. The dragon wasn't cruel enough to deny someone what they had been dreaming of for who knew how long. But this time, it was going to happen his way. He hadn't been hired. This was a charity case, and that meant that he was going to get paid in different ways.

They walked down the sidewalk to his house, and his neighbor was out and about. Mrs. Totter, a mare woman, and a decent enough baker, too. Had a nice ass, as well; she was more than willing to let him have a piece of it when her husband wasn't home. Finding out that his neighbor was a submissive stud with an eager, randy wife had been a rather beneficial relationship. He hadn't even had to use any hypnosis to make it happen.

"Evening, Mrs. Totter," he said, waving at her.

"Evening, Drac - oh, are we having someone for dinner tonight?" the black-furred mare asked, adjusting her garden dress.

"Not quite for dinner, but he will be staying for the weekend. I might have to move our next session to Tuesday, if that's alright."

"Oh, surely. No problem. Just, is he one of them?" she asked, making a gesture of a finger going into a hole.

"Heh, yes. Don't worry. I'll save some for you."

"And for Steven, please. He's eager to fluff you for me again."

"I figured. Don't worry; he's new, so he's going to need a lot of education."

"Oh, don't worry, young man. You're in good hands."

It was rather amusing to see Deke so at a loss. Perhaps he imagined that his fantasy master lived in a mansion, surrounded by other slaves that were brainwashed to stay hard as steel all day long, with girls that were constantly humping stripper poles when they weren't on their hands and knees begging for him to fuck them. Perhaps he had fantasies that he'd be locked in a chastity cage, made to beg for cock up his ass, and always get it.

Fantasies. They were never quite the same as reality. And he was trying to push some of the porn lifestyle back out again.

The door unlocked at his touch, and opened with less than a nudge. He stepped inside, then looked back at the lion. Deke stopped just before he could step over the threshold, and then waited. Draconicon smiled.

"So you do have a small understanding of what's expected. That, or you're a vampire."

"Those exist?!"

"Somewhat. Not as dangerous as you might think from all the horror movies, but more dangerous than the sparklers."

"...Does that mean that Twilight vampires exist, too?"

"Not here. And where they do? Oh, ho ho ho. You'd wish for the movie version."

The lion stared at him, his mouth working soundlessly, almost like he was trying to find the right question to ask. Eventually, Draconicon curled his finger, and the lion was allowed to step inside.

"Now, we'll get started with your duties for the night."

"Duties? You mean, we're not..."

"Oh, we're going to have fun. I'm going to put you through your paces, don't you worry about that, and you will not have nearly the choice in the matter that others would. I will fulfill that particular fantasy of yours. Your body will be mine to control for the whole weekend. Mine. Not yours."

Was he finally getting through to Deke? He was pretty sure that he was. There was a hint less of a boner, and just a bit more concern. The lion looked back at the door -


Draconicon flicked his fingers. This time, the black tendrils flicked out like puppet strings, and they attached to the lion's four limbs and his head. He pulled gently, twisting the feline around so that they were facing one another again. Deke's eyes were wide, and they stayed that way even when the strings were released.

"First off, you will order pizza. Pepperoni, double cheese for me, free reign for you. I will pay for it. Then, you will strip. Everything comes off. And then you will come back to me in the living room, kneel before me, and let me see what I'm working with. You have ten minutes. Don't waste it."

The End