A Conditional Promotion

Story by Spicy4k on SoFurry

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#5 of Fiverr Commissions

Chief Bogo needs to get it all out of his system. Fortunately, that rabbit he's been eyeing is hungry for a promotion, and possibly some fun at work.

Zootopia fanfic commissioned over on Fiverr. This was great fun to write, but my writing definitely dropped off in a few places (definitely still some grammar issues in here). Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy!

A Conditional Promotion

By Spicy4k

From his office window, Chief Bogo could see for miles all around. Just to the east was the Rainforest District, where the forecast today called for a 110% chance of rain. To the south, the sunbaked Sahara Square. And finally, to the west, Tundratown, just beyond the former's massive heater units. He'd taken to just staring out the windows whenever he had the chance, taking a moment to reminiscence about the weight of his job. Unfortunately, that weight was becoming too much to bear both on his mind, and between his powerful bovine legs.

He'd always been very frisky after clocking out, which is why he was married. But lately, Mrs. Bogo had not been putting out like her usual self. Besides, he was usually getting home so late, she was in bed before he had a chance to act on the tension stored up in his balls. And in the morning, well, Bogo had been getting called to present the morning briefings every single day of the week so far. The stupid fox was undercover in Canal District, and would be out of the office for the next week or so, which brought Bogo to his opportunity: Officer Hopps.

If Wilde couldn't be reached, surely his rabbit would be in a similar situation to him as well, and if she was tempted with a promotion that only the chief could issue... Bogo might be able to get his problem solved after all. Just then, the rabbits signature cruiser pulled into the lot bellow. Perfect timing. She'd have plenty of paperwork to file, which meant plenty of time to call her into his office. Giving her a minute to get unloaded and settled into her office, Chief Bogo picked up his office phone and punched in the code for her office.

"Yes, Lieutenant Hopps, I need to see you in my office as soon as possible... Yes, it's urgent, it has to do with your position in the force.... See you soon."

The grey rabbit bounced into her office with the usual skip in her step. She had just come back from her patrol and was still wearing her full uniform. Bogo waited while seated behind his desk, glasses up with the usual miscellaneous report in his hooves. He tried to seem occupied.

"Did you need to talk with me about something, chief?" Judy asked, standing in front of the much taller desk.

"Yes, have a seat Hopps," Bogo responded, as if slightly annoyed. She did so, climbing up into the nearby leather armchair. Bogo let the silence sit for a moment as he got his papers together and finished reading the report. Letting the paper down he eyed Hopps as he spoke.

"You've been with the department for almost a year now Lieutenant, not that you didn't know that, but I wanted to establish up front that this sort of discussion would usually be happening with a more 'senior' member of the force," the water buffalo said. Judy's ears perked up, clearly interested in what started like the sound of a promotion offer. "Don't let it go to your head, but you've been a crucial asset to me and to everyone else here. It's difficult for me to overstate your accomplishments so far Hopps, which is why I want to offer you the position of captain."

"Oh gosh," Hopps answered, surprised at the offer. "What would I be doing as a captain?"

"You'd have say over an entire jurisdiction of Zootopia, for this specifically, Sahara Square. You would chiefly in charge of all ZPD operations in the area, reporting only to me whenever necessary. You'll be my go-to expert in the area, and an essential asset." Bogo said. He knew what this rabbit was after.

"Wow, chief, that's a huge offer. Thank you so much for thinking of me for the role," Judy said, still surprised. "When would I start?"

"Hold on their Hopps," Bogo said in a commanding tone. "I'll promote you to the role, under one requirement."

"What would that be, sir?" Judy inquired. She sounded so enthusiastic, Bogo thought it might be too easy to get her on his cock.

"Well, I'm glad you asked, is that door closed?" Bogo said. The rabbit turned to the door, turned back, and nodded vigorously. "Hopps, I want to be upfront and tell you I've been... neglecting myself."

"What do you mean," Judy said, concerned.

"I'm fine, it's just I've got a lot of built up tension from the job, and I'm sure you do too. All I'm asking is we take care of this little mutual problem of ours together," Bogo said, adjusting his pants, if the way he was wording it wasn't clear enough already.

Judy finally caught on, and recoiled slightly in disgust, but Bogo could tell she was still curious and excited about the opportunity.

"Uh... Don't you think that's a little unprofessional, chief? Asking a female officer to help you get off?"

Bogo sensed the opportunity slipping away. He had to take drastic measures. He stood up and quickly walked over to Hopps in the chair who moved back to make way. Standing tall, his crotch was right at the bunny's level. He reached down and unbuckled his belt, and unzipped his pants, letting his half-erect bull cock flop out right in front of Hopp's face.

"Does this look unprofessional to you?" He said, in a deeper, more assertive tone.

He watched Judy's eyes widen, and the look of initial disgust transform into total fascination. She blinked out of it, and looked back into Bogo's eyes.

"Chief.... Wow, I'm impressed, but--"

"No buts Hopps, unless it's yours were talking about." Bogo said, grinning a dirty smile down at the bunny. "I bet you've never seen anything like this with the fox of yours."

"Besides that one trip to the nude spa, no, I don't think I have..." Judy sounded fascinated from the tone in her voice.

"Go on, take it in your paws. Tell me about how heavy it feels."

Hopps did this time without much hesitation, reaching out both her soft paws to try and lift up the chief's turgid shaft. She could barely manage to hold it straight up.

"It's... very heavy," Hopps said, looking down his enormous length like the barrel of artillery piece. "I wonder..."

"What it tastes like?" Bogo finished her sentence for her. "Be my guest Hopps, go ahead."

He had her. He knew how bunnies like her were practically always in heat. All they needed was a little push, and away they went. Judy pressed her lips against his tip, getting it warm and wet with the limited saliva she could provide. There was just so much surface area for her to cover. As Bogo started to become fully erect and began to leak pre, he watched as Hopps happily slurped up the salty liquid, while the rested dripped onto her clothes and the chair bellow.

"Good work, Hopps," Bogo said, letting the bunny worship him.

Without evening asking her to, Judy continued, running her lips all along his length, getting Bogo nice and moist. After giving proper attention to his shaft, she got under the massive mast and took one of his enormous balls into her muzzle, moaning into it as she serviced it. Bogo let his head tilt back and felt a wave of relief wash over him, as well as the waves of pleasure the little rabbits tongue provided. He'd have her milking those ornaments all afternoon; she just didn't know to what extent yet.

"I'm guessing you'd like to accept the position then, captain Hopps?"

"Yes, sir...," Judy replied, too focused on the large cock in front of her to effectively respond.

"Good, let's get more serious then," Bogo said.

He easily scooped up the rabbit with one hand, and skillfully undressed her. Vest first, then her uniform, and finally her panties, until she was completely nude. He casually tossed the useless articles into the corner of the room. Best to have them out of the way for what was coming next.

He furiously cleared his desk with one hand, brushing the portrait of his wife and dozens of neatly stacked piles of reports to the side. In their place he set the rabbit down on her stomach, letting her legs dangle off the back, and leaving her rump perfectly exposed. He hummed in delight as he reached down and pushed her ass cheeks apart, prodding her butthole with just one thumb, enough to make the rabbit squeal in delight and fear.

"Chief, as much as I know we both want this... There's no way it'll--,"

"Quiet Hopps, that call is above your pay grade." Bogo said. Judy smirked back at him.That bastard she thought, as she wriggled her hips back up against his shaft, letting his juices drip down her fuzzy behind. Reaching into a drawer inside of his desk, the chief pulled out a bottle of lube the size of Judy's shampoo bottle and squirted it all along his shaft. He quickly gave his cock a few good pumps to spread it around, and rubbed the excess messily on Judy's rear.

"Always come prepared." Bogo said to himself, tossing the bottle aside.

The much larger buffalo gripped the rabbit by her back with one hand, and slowly forced his way in her backside. Right as the tip slipped past her medial ring, Judy screamed in a mix of pain and pleasure, which the chief quickly quieted by covering her mouth with his free hoof. Judy continued moaning into his large paw as Bogo continued to press every inch of his shaft inside her opening. It was so powerful, that Judy backside was lifted off the table as Bogo. He only got about halfway in before he could go no further. A noticeable abominable bulge pressed Judy's lower torso off the table.

"Still with me, Hopps?" Bogo yelled.

"Yes, sir." Judy responded, turning her head to the side, and breathing heavily.

Hearing his partner give an affirmative, Bogo pulled out his massive length, before quickly slamming it back home. While made much easier from the lube he'd applied earlier, it was still the tightest fuck he'd ever received. That's an area she could improve in he chucked as he thought to himself.

Getting drilled but a much larger male took all of Judy's focus as her ass was completely surrendered to him in a powerful mixture of pleasure and pain. She could only let her tongue bob as she let her entire body go limp on the table.

As Judy became looser on his cock, Bogo started to use Judy almost like a cocksleave as he wrapped both of his paws around her waist and pulled her back onto him. He hardly had to move himself anymore, and instead, he moved her. He could see Judy leaking pussy drip down the edge of his desk and onto the floor. He'd have her clean them up when they were finished, he thought. For now, he'd focus on himself, his own pleasure, and filling the rabbit with liters of pent of bull sperm. He could feel his balls slapping against the rabbit's underside and he slammed himself fourth into her. They ached for release. He wouldn't deny them much longer.

Judy looked back as her boss completely dominated her on the desk. Sure, she'd surrendered herself to several criminals during her time with the force, but never like this. She worried she would enjoy the romp so much, she'd be coming back for more in the future. Something Bogo would be happy to provide.

Nearing his limit, Bogo pulled his cock out completely, flipped Judy over effortlessly onto her back, and resumed power-fucking her now-well used ass. He could hear Judy begging, pleading for him to finish inside of her, to fill her with his children and douse her in seed. It was enough to make him peak.

With one final thrust, he gritted his teeth and shoved three-quarters of his shaft inside the bunny, practically spearing her on his cock. The already noticeable bulge inflated further, and Bogo's cock throbbed and released millions of sperm and liters of semen into the cop-turned-cockslut. Soon, the pressure from the surge of seed was too much, and Bogo growled and pulled himself out with a messy "Pop!" spreading the rest of his baby-batter all over Judy's waist, breast, and face.

Letting his spent cock rest on the newly anointed captain, Bogo looked down at the messy rabbit. Her asshole gaped five-times the width it had previously, and his cum still flowed freely from it. She panted heavily on the table, still in shock from experiencing such an intrusion. But it didn't take long for her to recover, just like all rabbits do.

"Wow, chief, you were great!" She said cheerfully, as if she had just had a cup of coffee. She slid in the puddle of semen into a seated position. "I'm assuming this won't be the last time you'll need me?"

"No, I'm afraid not. You'll need to clean up this mess. I've got more important business to attend to." Bogo said with a sigh. Promoting her was the best decision he'd ever made.

After Hours Activity

Another great commission from [Fiverr](https://www.fiverr.com/maciswriting/write-sfw-or-nsfw-furry-or-fantasy-short-stories). These are the same characters from my previous submission, "Their First Time." Had a ton of fun working with these two...

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Their First Time

Another commission from over on my Fiverr. I'm thinking about setting up another operation here on SoFurry, but I'm not too familiar with the interface :p These two sweet owls have been dating for YEARS and haven't had sex for one reason or another,...

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Bros in the Library

Contains M/M oral sex in public. This is a short sequel to my [previous story](https://www.sofurry.com/view/1603126), which I wrote for a friend's character he made in Amorous. Both stories I didn't take too seriously while writing, but I hope they're...

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