First Session

Story by ShadowLightning on SoFurry

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#1 of Tutoring Sessions

Here's a story I finished writing a few months ago. It's been a long while since I last wrote anything, and I was kinda on and off when it came to doing this, but I managed to finish it at least. Any constructive criticism is much appreciated. Hope you like it~

Class was ending in a few minutes. The professor gave his lecture as usual, with the students all listening and taking down notes when needed. At least, most of them were. All classes had their fair share of "academically-challenged" students, this one being no exception.

One of said students was a large boar, barely hiding the fact that he was only pretending to pay attention. His head rested on his hand while his eyes lazily glanced over the board before looking at the clock on the wall. He let out a sigh, wanting the lecture to be over with so he could go home and take a nap, like he always would. It was no wonder he was struggling so much in class, yet he himself gave no effort to study.

The bell rang and the students prepared to leave. The boar was about to do the same when he heard the professor call him.

"Randy, I need to speak to you. Please, come closer."

He groaned out as he was called, walking over to the table, his expression showing he was clearly annoyed. "Yes, teach?"

"I think you already know why I called you over." The professor explained. "You've been lagging behind the entire class, and you've showed no signs of improvement."

Randy could only nod his head in response, knowing full well he was right.

"Now I don't want to say you haven't been trying, but it's clear you need some help if you want to pass." He gestured behind the boar as another student walked closer. "This is Kyle."

The fox smiled up at Randy, shyly waving at him.

"I've assigned him to tutor you. Hopefully, with his help, you may still have a chance of getting a good grade."

The boar lazily nodded his head again.

"Well then, if you have no further questions, you are free to go now."

The boar left the room with the fox following after him.

"S-So Randy, um... You know, we have a test next week. I-I thought maybe we could get started with our tutoring." Kyle smiled up at him, which was only met by Randy's look of indifference on his face.

"Sure, I guess."

"O-Okay! Well, I don't have any more classes today so..." He fiddled with his paws a bit. The fox was a bit intimidated by the boar, not helping was how much he towered over him. He was a full foot taller than him, from what he could estimate.

Randy rolled his eyes. "Alright, fine. Let's do it in my place." He turned around and began walking.

Kyle nodded and followed him.

The two of them walked to the men's dormitory, not too far from the main university building where most of the classes were held.

"Oh, you live here too, huh?" The fox said.


"N-Nice, nice." He smiled up at him. "Guess that'll make this whole tutoring thing much easier now."

"I guess."

They entered the dorm and went inside the elevator. The boar pressed the button to the floor they were going.

"4th floor too! Even better, hehe." Kyle chuckled. The boar simply replied with a shrug.

There was some awkward tension in the room as they waited for the doors to open, the fox's attempts at small talks not being reciprocated in the manner he expected. He could only sigh and keep his mouth shut until the doors opened.

Randy led the way down the hall to his room, taking out his key and unlocking it.

His room was quite a mess. His dirty clothes were left all over the floor, along with some trash and litter. He had a simple bed, big enough to accommodate his size. Beside it was a desk with his books stacked on top of it along with his computer.

"Uh... Sorry, wasn't really expecting someone so..." He scratched the back of his head, turning away to hide the small blush on his face.

Kyle shook his head and smiled up at him again. "I-It's fine! I-I can be a little messy too sometimes." He went inside, carefully stepping over his clothes. Immediately, he caught a whiff of the boar's musky scent upon entering the room. He wanted to cover his nose but felt that would be rude. Instead he ignored it as best he could.

The boar sat down on his bed, idly scratching his large belly. "So... How do we do this?"

"Well, let's start from the beginning, I guess. At which part did you start having trouble understanding the lessons?"

"Uh... I dunno." He shrugged, scratching the back of his neck.

"Okay..." Kyle went over to his desk. "Let's focus on the coverage for next week's quiz then. May I?" He gestured to his books.

The boar nodded. "Sure."

The fox began to open the books and scanned through them, surprised on how they were in near perfect condition, almost as if they haven't even been used yet. He read the topics to him and gave an overview for each one, explaining them to the boar as simply as he could. Randy continued nodding along, letting out a soft yawn every now and again.

"O-Okay, well, could you repeat what I just said then?"

"Uh, yeah, sure. There was uh, this... And that..."

The fox blinked at him and sighed, convinced that he wasn't paying attention. "Randy, I'm here to help you, but I can't do that unless you do your part too."

The boar rolled his eyes and groaned. "I know, I know."

"Good." Kyle sat down on the bed with him with a book in hand. "Let's start over then..."

He began to explain the topics once more, this time with Randy trying to listen. The boar however couldn't help shifting his attention to the fox's body, getting a better look at him with how close he was.

He was quite the chubby canine, almost as much as the boar. With how he was sitting, his soft fluffy belly peeked out from under his shirt. Even with his shirt on, the boar could make out the curves along his plump body. He had a cute face too. The boar was surprised how he'd never noticed the fox until now, especially when they were in the same class and building together. He was very clearly his type.

"... so, yeah, that's about it." Kyle closed the book, turning towards Randy, who had gotten closer to the fox. "You um... got it now?"

The boar blinked. "Oh. Uhhh... No, sorry."

The fox frowned, huffing out in annoyance and set the book aside. "Okay, maybe... maybe you're just tired. Class did just end a while ago, so maybe you need a break first."

Randy nodded, inching closer to the fox with a smile. "You know what, you're right. I do need a break. And maybe you do too."

Kyle blinked as the boar got closer. "Excuse me?"

The boar licked his lips and crawled even closer, their bodies almost on top of each other. "Yeah, I think you could use a break too. You're doing so good in class, after all. Would hate to see you get all stressed out."

The fox blushed heavily, pulling away from the other male. "W-What... What are you...?"

Before he could react, the boar had managed to push him down onto his bed, trapping his head between his arms as he towered over the fox, their bellies lightly pressing against each other, a devious grin on his face.

"R-Randy! W-What are you doing...?!"

"What does it look like, dummy?" He chuckled teasingly. "And here I thought you were the smart one."

"I-I don't-"

His words were cut short as the boar leaned down to kiss the fox deeply. His eyes grew wide as he immediately tried to push him away. The boar could only chuckle more at his struggles, his weight keeping him pinned down underneath him.

After a few seconds, Randy pulled away, groaning softly and licking his lips once more. "God, you taste so good."

Kyle's face was bright red at that point. "R-Randy..." He panted out.

"Shhh, I'm not done." He pressed his lips back on the fox's, making him moan and whimper as they resumed their kiss.

The fox continued to struggle against the boar, wriggling against his large body, though all this did was turn him on even more. Randy kept his head close to his with one hand as the other reached down to lift the fox's shirt up, rubbing over his soft fur and plump belly.

"You're a big boy too, aren't you?" Randy broke the kiss to whisper teasing words. "Love big boys like you. God, how in the hell have we not hooked up yet?"

His tongue slid out of his maw and licked over the fox's lips, asking for entrance before he hesitantly opened them for him. His thick tongue began to wriggle around his maw, eventually finding the fox's own tongue and began to dance and swirl around each other.

"Mmmmph!" Kyle shivered and moaned from the boar's deep kiss, his struggles getting weaker.

Randy pulled away from the kiss, grinning widely down at the fox. "Like that?"

He nodded slowly.

"Good." With one quick motion, he tore his shirt right off him with his one hand, revealing the fox's chubby torso.

"H-Hey!" He quickly tried to cover his body with his arms. "W-Why would you d-do that?!"

"You won't need clothes anymore while you're here." Before Kyle could react, the boar gripped his pants and tore them apart, leaving the fox in just his tight white briefs.

Randy looked over his naked chubby body with a perverted smile, his eyes taking in and savoring how nice he looked; his round soft belly, his fat chest and thick nipples, his wide hips and chubby curves, and the tent growing on his underwear. The sight of it all riling the boar up more and more.

"Mmmph... you look so good, Kyle." He teased with a low growl.

The fox's face was bright red in embarrassment. He turned away from the boar, his arms failing to cover himself up. "W-Why... are you doing this...?" He whimpered softly.

The question only made the boar chuckle more. "Why am I doing this?" He shook his head, gripping his shirt as he slowly started to undress in front of the fox. "Come on, Kyle. Use your head. I thought you were the smart one between us."

The fox blinked up at him, his eyes watching as the boar stripped off his clothes, showing off his naked body to the canine. He had an equally chubby torso with a large belly and chest, thick arms and legs, showing a bit of muscle to them. Despite having such a lazy lifestyle, it was clear the boar was quite strong. But what caught the fox's attention as his eyes trailed down to his crotch was his massive thick erect member, throbbing and twitching.

"Like what you see?" Randy teased, gently stroking his member with one hand while the other rubbed over his belly and chest.

Kyle stared up at him before looking away again. "Y-You c-can't be serious..."

"Oh I am very serious." The boar got back on the bed and on top of the fox, his hands keeping him in place.

The canine yelped out, wriggling against him and making their bellies grind and press against each other, this time without their shirts getting in the way." R-Randy..."

"Shhhh..." He covered his muzzle with his one hand as the other began to feel up the fox's chubby chest, groaning softly at how soft they felt.

Kyle shivered and moaned out from his touch, making the boar grin even wider.

"Oh? You like this, huh?" He stuck his tongue out at him as his hands gently fondled his moobs, giving them soft squeezes and squishes while pinching his nipples between his fingers.

The fox shivered and shook his head. "N-No I don't!" He moaned out.

"Oh yes you do..." The boar squeezed them even harder. "Love having your big tits played with, hm?" He licked his cheek teasingly as his fingers pinched his nipples, making Kyle shudder and moan out more in pleasure.


"Mmmhmmm..." Randy lowered his head and began to lick over one of his fat nipples before taking it into his maw to suckle it gently, his other hand still pinching and teasing the other.

"O-Ohhh!" The fox yelped out, his one paw holding on to the boar's head as if to push him away, but it was clear how much he enjoyed the sensations.

The boar groaned as he continued to nurse his chubby nipples, alternating between them, suckling, licking, and even biting them gently, eliciting all sorts of lewd sounds from the fox.

"Mmm... can't get tired of those cute sounds you're making." He teased, flicking his tongue against his nipple before lowering his head down further, giving gentle kisses and licks all over his belly until he was right at his crotch. He grinned at the sight of the tent in his briefs, rubbing over it with his hand.

"See? You love it." He gripped his underwear and pulled them down slowly, revealing the fox's hard canine member in front of him. "Mmm, wonder if you taste good here too..." The boar began to lick over his cock before quickly taking it into his maw, suckling him and swirling his tongue around it.

"A-Aahhhh!" The fox moaned out more, shaking and shivering from pleasure.

The boar chuckled and pulled away to speak for a moment. "What, surprised I can give good head?"

He shook his head. "N-No... J-Just, no one's ever done that b-before..."

The boar chuckled even more, stroking the canine's cock and wiggling it a bit. "Well then, I'll be sure to give you your best first one." After saying that, he went back down, showing off his oral skills to the fox. His experienced tongue swirling and licking around each inch as his maw squeezed hard around it, his head bobbing up and down while he sucked him good.

The fox could only moan and whimper out more, his paws gently holding on to the boar's head, pushing him down a bit to spur him on. Something he immediately caught on as he moved his head even faster.

"A-Ahhh, R-Randy..." He whimpered out, his toes curling up in pleasure. "I-I... T-Think I'm..."

Upon hearing that, the boar stopped his motions, pulling his head away and groaning out. "Mmmm... Tasty. So fucking tasty." He grinned up at the fox.

Kyle blinked down at him. His hard member leaking pre and twitching hard.

"What? Wanted to cum?" Randy chuckled. "I don't think so. At least, not yet."


The boar stood up, showing his massive throbbing member in front of the fox. "You haven't even taken care of mine yet." He wiggled his cock at him. "Now, that wouldn't be fair, would it?"

Kyle whimpered and nodded slowly.

"Good. Now, get to work."

The fox gulped and nodded again, moving down to get closer to the boar's massive cock. His eyes stared at it, watching it throb and twitch. Hesitantly, he reached over with his paw to hold it gently, making both him and the boar shiver a bit.

"Mmm, been a while..." He groaned under his breath.

The fox's paw couldn't even wrap around him due to his sheer size. Slowly, he began to stroke his hard member, feeling up each meaty inch.

"Mmm, like that. Keep going."

Kyle kept stroking his thick cock, leaning his head closer to bring his fat tip to his muzzle. His tongue gave a hesitant lick over it, shuddering at the taste.

"An acquired taste, I guess." He chuckled. "But you'll be loving it soon enough."

The fox kept licking at his tip before finally taking it into his maw, his tongue swirling around as it slid into his muzzle. The boar's cock felt even more massive while it stretched his maw wide. The poor canine could only take a couple inches before having to pull his head away.

"No." The boar held on to the fox's head, looking down with a lustful stare. "Keep going."

He whimpered as he stared back into his eyes before pushing his cock back into his muzzle, his cheeks bulging out, his thick tip tickling the back of his throat.

The boar sighed, keeping his firm grip on his head as he pulled out of his maw before pushing back in, each time sliding another inch into his muzzle and down his throat.

The fox could only moan and whimper out against him, his sounds muffled by his meaty cock stuffing his muzzle.

"Shhhh, come on, you can take it. I know you can." Randy looked down at him with the same lustful grin on his face. His hands kept the fox's head still while his hips started to thrust faster into his muzzle.

"Mmmmph!" Kyle's maw and throat stretched wide around the boar's massive cock, breathing his musky scent deeply each time he slammed his member into him, making him deepthroat his hard meaty dick.

"Gonna cum..." The boar groaned out as he throat fucked the poor canine, drool and pre leaking out down the fox's chin. With one last hard thrust, his tip shot his thick creamy load down his throat. "Drink it. Drink it all down."

Kyle whimpered as he swallowed down as much of the boar's thick cum, but it was too much and he started to drown, causing him to pull his head away as the rest splattered across his face and covered his chest.

"A-Ahhhhh..." He panted and gasped for breath, some of the cum spurting into his open maw.

"Hehe, oops." Randy chuckled, gently ruffling the fox's head. "Guess I might have gone overboard."

Kyle couldn't even utter a response, still catching his breath.

"Hey, we're not done yet." The boar pointed to his member. "Look how hard I still am."

The fox's eyes went wide as he stared at his meaty cock still hard as ever. "H-How...?"

Randy simply shrugged. "You tell me, man. It's both a curse and a blessing. Now then." He laid back on the bed, resting his head on top of his hands. "Why don't you clean this up while you catch your breath?"

Kyle looked at him. "Y-You... c-can't be serious..."

He raised an eyebrow. "What do you think?"

The fox gulped and slowly lifted himself up on the bed, leaning forward to his still hard member, cum oozing out of his thick tip.

"Come on, get to it." The boar gave his rear a gentle pat, making the fox jump a bit and whimper. He hesitantly brought his head closer, his tongue sliding out of his muzzle and began to lick up the cum.

Randy let out a low grumble of approval, his hand gently fondling and squeezing the fox's plump rump. "Mmmm, you got a real nice ass, Kyle." He chuckled, giving it another spank, a bit harder than the first.

"A-Ahh!" He yelped out, his tongue still sliding over and around the boar's thick member, licking it clean of his cum.

Suddenly, Randy pulled the fox on top of him, his fat ass right in front of his face. "Damn..." He licked his lips as his hands were quickly all over it, fondling and squeezing him roughly, giving each cheek a firm slap, making them bounce and jiggle.

"A-Aaahh! H-Hey!" Kyle whimpered and panted, turning his head slightly back at the boar.

"Hehehe, sorry. Just been a long while since I've gotten an ass as nice as yours." The boar chuckled, spanking him roughly again, each time stopping to gently rub over and squeeze his fat cheeks.

The poor fox let out moans and whimpers from his constant teasing. It was quite obvious he enjoyed the attention however, with his hard cock rubbing against the boar's belly a clear sign of it.

Randy spread his plump cheeks wide, exposing his tight hole. He groaned under his breath at the delicious sight, licking his lips again as he leaned closer and began to slide his tongue all over it, making Kyle let out more lewd sounds.

"O-Oh, God!" He yelped out.

The boar chuckled as he kept licking over his hole, giving it soft kisses and nibbles as well. The tip of his tongue began to wriggle against his pucker, asking for entrance, as it slowly began to give way. His thick tongue sliding inside of him and wriggling about, sending shivers of pleasure up the fox's spine and eliciting more moans and gasps from him.

"A-Ahhh, R-Randy...."

Randy grinned widely from hearing his lustful noises as he ate out his hole, sliding his thick tongue in and out of him, tickling his prostate as he did. His hips gave a gentle push up at Kyle, making his hard member poke and boop his muzzle. The fox gulped and opened his maw again, allowing his massive cock to slide back into him with another thrust.

The boar groaned in pleasure, making his tongue vibrate as he slid it in and out of the fox, timing it with his thrusts. His hands moved away from his ass and began to rub over his chubby body, fondling and squeezing his wide hips and love handles, then moving up to rub over his round belly before stopping at his chest. His hands quickly found his nipples and pinched them.

The fox's moans and whimpers were muffled yet again by the boar's meaty dick stuffing his muzzle. "M-Mmmmph!"

The boar continued to tongue fuck the fox's hole while also fucking his muzzle. Once he was satisfied, he pulled his tongue out, chuckling and giving each cheek a hard spank. "Alright, I think we can move to the next part." He reached under his bed and pulled out a bottle of lube.

"N-Next... part...?" Kyle asked.

"Mmhmm." Randy lubed up his hand and responded by sliding it into his hole. The sudden insertion drawing a gasp from the fox. "Hehe, you're taking it well. How about a second one...?" He didn't wait for a reply as he slipped in a second digit, sliding both his thick fingers in and out of the canine's hole.

"A-Aaaahhh..." Kyle panted and moaned, shivering as he felt the boar's thick fingers stretch and wriggle around inside him.

The boar fingered the fox's hole, slowly getting faster as he wriggled them more and more inside of him, making him let out more moans and whimpers. "Don't usually do this, huh?"

He shook his head. "N-No..."

The boar chuckled, his fingering getting rougher. He reached down with his other hand and started to stroke the fox's own hard cock, his pre leaking like crazy with his constant teasing.

He yelped out as he felt his large hand wrap around his canine member, his strokes moving in sync with his fingering. "O-Ooohhh..."

"Like that?" The boar teased, shoving his fingers hard into the fox's hole, tickling and brushing his prostate as his hand squeezed hard around his throbbing member.

"Y-Yesss..." The fox nodded, letting out shuddery moans and gasps as he felt himself get closer to orgasm again.

Randy knew this and slowly stopped his motions. "Alright then..." He pulled his fingers out and picked the fox up, turning him around and letting him sit on his lap, his hard member slipping between his ass cheeks as it throbbed against his tight hole.

"W-Wait, a-are we really d-doing this...?"

He rolled his eyes as he chuckled. "What do you think?"

"B-But... Y-You're so b-big, I..." Kyle whimpered softly, his face blushing deep red.

"Hey, come on, I know you can take it." Randy looked up to him with a reassuring smile, his hand reaching up to gently stroke the fox's cheek.

"Y-You... T-Think so...?"

He nodded, his other hand gently rubbing Kyle's hip. "And uh, not to stereotype you or anything but you are a fox so..." He chuckled.

Kyle blinked down at him, chuckling a bit as well. "O-Okay..." He took the bottle and put a bit on his paw, reaching back behind him to spread it all over the boar's hard cock, eliciting a groan from him. Once he was finished, he put the bottle away and lifted himself up, lining up his thick tip against his hole.

"Take your time, bud. We got all day." Randy winked up at Kyle, making him blush even more.

"H-Here goes..."

Slowly, he pushed down on his hard cock, biting his lip as he felt a sting of pain as it began to push against his tight entrance before his tip finally popped in.


"Shhhh, it's okay." Randy's hand gently stroked his cheek again as his other rubbed and squeezed his hip. "Go slowly, you can do it."

Kyle nodded as he slowly lowered himself more, his gentle words encouraging him. Once his thick tip pushed in, the rest of his massive member began to slide right into the fox's tight hole, taking in inch by meaty inch, before finally taking in all the way.


"Mmmm, there we go." The boar groaned, the fox's insides clinging tightly to his hard cock. Both his hands moved down to his wide hips, rubbing and fondling them gently. "Feel nice?"

Kyle nodded, moaning and gasping softly as he felt each throb and twitch of the boar's meaty cock, his insides slowly adjusting to his size.

Randy grinned up at the fox, taking more time to admire his features. His hands moving up to gently rub his belly and chest, groping and squeezing him wherever he could. "Mmmm, god, you are just so sexy, you know?"

The fox blushed heavily and turned away. "N-No I'm not..."

The boar couldn't help laughing and shaking his head. "Seriously? I am balls deep inside you."

" I-I know, b-but-"

"Shush." He shut his mouth with his hand, gently stroking his cheek as it moved behind his head, pulling him down closer. "You're beautiful."

Before Kyle could reply, Randy moved in for a kiss, pressing his lips against his, his hand keeping him in place. His tongue slid out of his maw and into the fox's, swirling and melding around with his tongue, drawing cute moans and whimpers from the canine. The boar grinned widely as his other hand squeezed his chubby hip, moving to his lower back to fondle his fat rear. He grinded up at him, letting his hard cock tease his insides and prostate, making the fox yelp out.


"Mmmm, like that?" He pulled away from the kiss and growled teasingly.

Kyle nodded, grinding back against him with a needy moan.

Randy chuckled. "Go on then. I wanna see you ride it."

The fox nodded again and sat back up. Slowly, he lifted himself up from his lap, moaning and gasping as he felt the boar's thick cock slide out of his hole, before he stopped halfway, then lowered himself back down. He kept it up until he had a steady rhythm going.

"A-Ahhh, o-oh god..."

"Ohhh, yeah, that's it." The boar groaned out, looking up with a smile. "Keep going, babe."

He nodded down at him as he kept going, bouncing and riding his fat cock. Each meaty inch grinding along his insides and sending tingles of pleasure up his spine as it slid in and out of him. His pace slowly gained speed and strength, starting to slam his hard member into him.

The boar licked his lips hungrily at the sight of the fox's chubby body bounce and jiggle in front of him, his own hard canine member leaking pre on both of their bellies. He reached up and began to rub over his chest, squeezing them with his hands while his fingers tweaked and pinched them hard, making the canine let out squeals of pleasure.

"You just love having your tits played with, don't you?" He teased.

Kyle nodded down at him, unable to give a coherent reply as he let out more moans and whimpers, bouncing and fucking himself harder and faster on the boar's thick member.

"Mmm, thought so." He pinched and held on tightly to his chubby moobs as he started to thrust his hips up to meet the fox's bouncing, letting out some loud groans of his own. The canine's insides clinging tightly to his thick member.

"Alright, my turn."

Suddenly, the boar pushed the fox back down on the bed, pressing and pinning him down with his weight.

"H-Huh...?" He yelped out, looking up at the boar.

He grinned down at him, holding his legs up and keeping them spread wide. He slowly pulled his cock out of him until just the tip was in before slamming it all back in with one hard thrust.

"A-Aaahhh!" The fox moaned out in pleasure.

The boar chuckled as he pulled out again before thrusting back in just as hard and fast. The change in position allowed him to thrust his massive cock into the canine with ease. His strong hips bucking into his hole, stretching him out and ravaging his insides with each savage thrust.

Kyle was in absolute heaven, his muzzle hanging open, letting out lustful moans and whimpers as the boar truly began to fuck him hard.

"That's... a good look... on you." Randy huffed out in between thrusts, a perverted grin wide on his face, matching the fox's own expression. He moved his legs, keeping them spread wide as his hands moved down to grip his wide hips, holding them tightly and pulling him back to meet his thrusts.

"O-Ooohhh, g-god!" Kyle's lewd noises filled the room, mixing in with the loud slapping of his fat rear against the boar's hips. His canine member leaked pre like crazy against his jiggling belly. The boar's cock brushing and teasing his sweet spot each time he slammed it deep in him, giving him so much pleasure he had never experienced before.

Without warning, the fox's member began to spurt cum all over himself as he moaned and yelped out in delight. "O-Ohhhh, oooh God!"

The boar chuckled at the sight, making his cock shoot more cum each time he pile drived into him. "Woah, cumming hands free? Haven't seen that in a while." He groaned as he felt his insides clench tightly to his meaty cock.

Kyle let out more lustful moans and whimpers as the boar continued to fuck him as he orgasmed, his cock spurting out his cum and covering his chubby torso.

Randy huffed and groaned as he ravaged the fox's tight hole with hard thrusts, feeling his orgasm start to draw close again.

"G-Gonna... Fill you up, foxy..."

He gripped his wide hips as he went into overdrive, going even faster and harder, before finally slamming into him one last time, his thick cock unloading his cream into him.


The fox panted and moaned as he felt the boar flood his insides with his cum.


He laid his head back, looking up to the boar with a tired smile.

He looked back down at him with a smile of his own, keeping his position still as he caught his breath. His hands still held onto his wide hips, rubbing them gently.

"T-That... was g-great..." Kyle moaned out.

The boar grinned widely down at him, slowly moving his hips and churning the cum inside of him with his meaty cock, making the fox squirm and squeal softly.

"Oh? Did you think we were done...?" He growled deeply, his hips slowly gaining speed as he resumed his thrusting.


"I got you for the whole day, babe." He grinned down at him, his hands rubbing over his love handles and up his chubby torso.

"B-But... s-so soon?" He moaned and whimpered out with each hard thrust.

The boar chuckled. "I told you, it's a blessing and a curse."

It didn't take long for him to start slamming his massive cock into the fox's cum-soaked hole, his thick cream spurting out and leaking onto the bed as he thrusted into him.

"H-How... m-much... more...?" Kyle moaned out in between thrusts.

The boar shrugged as he kept his pace. "Hard to say. Been a while since I got to fuck so." He teased, his hands rubbing over and holding onto his chubby moobs, squeezing and fondling them roughly. "Besides, I think your ass can handle it."

The fox let out more moans and whimpers, yelping out as the boar manhandled his chest while he slammed his hard dick into him. "A-Ahhhh...!"

He chuckled and leaned down closer, licking the fox's cheek before gently stroking it with his hand, gazing deeply into his eyes as he continued to fuck him. "I love those sounds you make. It's so adorable."

The comment made his cheeks turn bright red, looking away and stifling his moans, making the boar laugh.

"There you go being cute again." He licked his lips and wrapped his arms around the canine, lifting him up and pinning him against the wall, the boar showing off his unexpected strength.

"A-Ah!" The fox yelped out, his own arms wrapping around the boar's neck.

He chuckled, licking his cheek again as he pushed the fox's back onto the wall, keeping his legs spread wide as he thrusted up into him while also lifting him up and down onto his fat member, letting gravity do half of the work.

"Mmmmph, come here." The boar leaned close and kissed him deeply, their tongues quickly swirling and sliding against each other.

The fox's moans and whimpers were muffled by their hot slobbery kisses, their tongues dancing and melding together, all the while the boar bounced him on his hard cock. His kissing got rougher and rougher, his tongue soon sliding deeper into his maw and down the fox's throat.

"Mmmmm!" His eyes rolled back into his head, moaning and yelping in delight.

The boar chuckled as he slid his thick wet organ in and out of his throat and maw, fucking both of his holes in wanton glee. He felt his next load starting to build up as he put more strength into his thrusts, pleasuring the fox with both his skillful tongue and massive hard cock slamming into his used hole.

Kyle felt his motions getting stronger, his arms clinging tighter around Randy as he bucked into him roughly like a wild animal while stuffing his throat with his thick tongue. His own canine member leaking pre all over both of their bellies, his own load starting to build up again as well.

The fox started to bounce himself in time with the boar's thrusting hips, moving in-snyc as both of their orgams drew closer. With one final thrust, the boar's cock began to unload his second flood of thick cream deep into his hole, while his own canine member spurt cum all over both of their bodies.

He pulled his head away to groan out in delight. "Fuuuuck yeah..." He kept the fox pinned against the wall.

"Aaaaahhh...!" He moaned out.

The two of them held onto each other with heavy breaths, their orgasms slowly dying down. Randy pulled away from the wall and sat back on the bed, still keeping Kyle close against him. His hand gently brushed the back of his head while the other held onto his back, rubbing it softly.

"You okay, babe?" He huffed out in between heavy pants.

Kyle nodded, nuzzling against his head. He shivered a bit as he felt his thick cream leak out of his stuffed hole. "Y-Yeah..."

"Was... I too rough...?"

The fox blinked and shook his head. "W-Well... Y-Yeah, actually, b-but... I kinda liked it."

The boar grinned widely at him, giving him a soft kiss on his cheek as he held onto him closer, snuggling the fox. "That's good."

The two nuzzled against one another, enjoying the afterglow and intimate moment together. After a while however, the boar gave another thrust into the fox.


Randy chuckled and looked to Kyle with the same perverted smile as always. "The whoooole day, babe."

True to his words, the boar spent most of, if not the whole, rest of the day fucking the poor fox for as much as he wanted, much to his dismay, though he was certainly enjoying it more and more with each orgasm they drew out of each other. It wasn't the kind of day both Kyle and Randy expected to have, but it was one they were glad to have. Sadly, not much tutoring actually took place, but neither of them cared about it anymore.