The Knight's Long Night

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A raccoon knight decides to try and rid a village of a monster oppressing it, and instead becomes the monster's next target.

Commissioned by Roureem

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The Knight's Long Night

For Roureem

By Draconicon

Raccoons were seldom spotted acting as knights of the realm, but Guillain was a different sort of raccoon. Settling for stealing glory rather than stealing gold, he traveled the lands looking for peasants and those less well-off that needed his help. In a mere three years, he had already gathered more glory and acclaim than any other raccoon of his generation, and it showed in the little additions to the plate armor that he wore. Gems and gold pieces had started to stud and decorate the shiny metal, and he knew for a fact that if he were to try and sell the armor, he would get more than three times the price that he had paid for it back, and that was saying a lot.

That said, he wasn't a cruel man, nor that vain, despite having the right to be. The ringtail had that handsome look usually reserved for the bigger species, with broad shoulders and a thick neck that showed off the muscle that he had earned over the years, as well as the occasional scar that had come from a fight that had been a bit too close for comfort. He carried a sword on his hip, and he rode a large, fancy stallion that was just as much a part of his look as everything else.

Of course, as soon as he rode into the latest village, that look brought the village people out, and they were quick to lay the latest problem before his feet.

'Disappearances,' they called it, though the people that disappeared always came back. Changed, though, as if they were constantly distracted, always thinking of something else out there, something...otherworldly.

It only took a moment or two for the experience knight to understand what was going on. There were only so many ways that someone could be changed like that in this world, and few capable of such changes were willing to let their prey go once they had sunk their hooks into them. When the villagers told him about rumors of glowing eyes in the darkness, it was all but confirmed.

"I will handle this," he told them, and the village was, if not completely mollified, at least soothed from its panic.

The raccoon stabled his horse at the inn, and then took up watch at the only pathway in and out of the village. Anyone that was being lured away would have to come by him, and anyone coming in to do the luring would have to do the same. It had been a good plan.

Unfortunately, it neglected to take into account the powers of a demon. The clock had barely struck midnight before Guillain slumped over, affected by a simple but powerful technique that he had forgotten to take into account: a rock to the head.

And so, the long night began as the raccoon was floated away from the village on powers great and terrible, about to endure a far worse treatment than any of the villagers.

Guillain groaned as awareness seeped back into his skull. It felt like a bit of it had also seeped out of his head, too, and he bit his lip as he rolled his head to the side and felt the sheer ache that followed. His skull felt bruised, and he winced again as he shook his head, fighting the dizziness that followed.

Well...that was...ugh...

The raccoon's attention was diverted from his headache to the weight around his wrists and ankles. He slowly tilted his head back, feeling, then seeing his hands shackled to the wall over his head, and then he lowered it, looking down at the metal bands that were wrapped around his ankles, holding his legs apart. He was forced into a seated position, it seemed, tied up, restrained...naked...

That last part was definitely something new, but at the same time, something that he should have expected. With what was responsible for stealing the villagers away, there was no way that he'd have been left dressed.

"Alright, demon. Where are you?" Guillain muttered. "You have to know that I know you're here."

"Indeed, I do...but that doesn't mean I have to show myself just yet."

There was almost a purr to the voice, a sound of smug self-satisfaction that was hard to ignore. It was coming front of him? Yes, and slightly to the left, the raccoon thought, though it was hard to tell in this light. It was like trying to make out where a shadow was moving when there was no light in the room.

Guillain blinked, then groaned. As a raccoon, he should have been able to see more, but no. This darkness was defeating his dark-vision. That meant that this place was enchanted, left in the dark intentionally so that the demon couldn't be revealed. It was hiding, keeping itself safe so that it couldn't be identified until it wanted to be.


The raccoon leaned his head back, feeling the chunks of stone against the back of his head. That implied a large building, a ruin, or a dungeon. All three of which had been within a day's journey of the village, which didn't help him much. He tried to feel around with his hands, to get some idea of whether the stone was clean or dirty, or perhaps if it was a little bit more moldy and moss-covered, but he couldn't twist his arms around enough for that. Nor could he bring his feet down to feel the stone underfoot so easily.

As he squirmed, trying to get more information, the voice in the shadows chuckled, continuing.

" seems that you're not quite content to be my prisoner. Tell me, why are you so...upset with me?"

"Because you're a demon that needs to be stopped."

"Is that the only reason?"

"Is there a better one?"

"Many," the demon said, and he could almost swear he could hear it shaking its head condescendingly. "After all, there are those of us that merely offer a good time."

"Hmmph. Do you claim to be one of them, then?"

"I am one of them. The best of them."


"Have you figured it out yet, Knight?"

"Incubus," the raccoon growled.

"Oh, very, very good."

Click. With the sound of snapping fingers, the darkness finally faded, and the room was suddenly lit with two torches, one on either side of Guillain. He was trapped in a cell, alright, one that was bigger than he expected, with the walls looming up and over his head by a good few feet, and a series of metal bars between him and the hallway that likely led the hell out of there. And in the hallway...

In the hallway was the most muscular panther that he had ever seen.

Guillain did the same thing that he always did when he found his enemy. He studied the panther, his eyes flicking up and down the naked, dark-furred body, taking in the muscles in the shoulders and chest, up and down the arms, along the abs and in the calves and thighs. The feline was built, stacked with muscle, and there was little chance that he would be able to physically overpower the other man. There was just no way for him to do that, even with all his experience in the field.

Worse, the panther was deliberately showing off his cock and balls, thrusting them forward as he leaned against the far wall across from the cell. They were heavy, thick, and the shaft itself had to be almost as big as the raccoon's forearm. The raccoon knight shivered at the thought of that going into anyone, but if it had, it would have explained some of the distracted looks from the villagers.

"You like what you see?" the panther asked, smirking as he reached down and fondled himself. "It's quite a bit to take in, I imagine. I'm not like the average, ugly demon."

"No. You're worse."

"Oh, now I'm offended."

"Ha. I'll do worse than offend you by the time that I'm done!"

"I imagine you'll try, but dear, dear, little knight, do you think you'll be done anytime soon?"

"You'll be trying to kill me for my life force, soon, but I'm not going to go without a fight!"

"Oh, dear, we're doing this, are we?" The demon sighed. "Well, I suppose that you won't be good and introduce yourself like a proper guest, will you?"

"A guest?! I'm in a cell!"

"Yes, a cell of mine. Thus, a guest." Shaking his head, the panther stepped forward, almost seeming to darken further as he reached the metal bars at the edge of the cell. Somehow, he passed through them as if they weren't even there...or as if he wasn't. The panther knelt down in front of him, smiling. "My name is Simon...and if you will not tell me your name, then I suppose I'll just have to refer to you as what you are."

"I am a knight."

"No, that's what you were. What you are...Cock-Meat. Yes. I think I'll call you Cock-Meat."

"You -"

"Ah, ah."

The demon tapped the raccoon on the nose, and suddenly, black tendrils burst into being. They wrapped around his mouth and muzzle, keeping it clenched shut.

"I didn't invite you to argue, did I?"


"That's right. I invited you to join me for some pleasure. And for that, we'll need to...adjust things."

Guillain's rage knew no bounds, particularly as the demon lowered one hand to his crotch. This 'Simon' was all too good at the fondling game, and feeling those meaty fingers rubbing along his crotch was not helping him. He grimaced, trying to shake his head, trying to ignore the feeling of those digits rubbing along his balls and up his cock, but it was nearly impossible. It was like they were magic themselves, hitting every little sensitive spot, rolling his sac, teasing it forward, all while slowly stroking up to cup his hardening cock.

Soon, the raccoon had a stiff erection that refused to go down, and he grimaced as he felt the panther giving it a stroke, then a second one, and then a third, slowly pulling him to a full state of arousal.

"That's a good start, but for my meals, I prefer something a bit more...robust," the incubus said, chuckling. "Let's see about marinating that load of yours...and I have the perfect thing..."

He had a horrible feeling that he was going to hate it, and as the demon held up his free hand, calling forth some other kind of magic, Guillain was proven right. He gritted his teeth as the demon summoned some sort of cock ring, one that had a band of gold and strange runes written along the outside. He glared at it, trying to summon whatever defiance that he could, but it made no impact on this Simon.

But the ring definitely made an impact on him.

The magical thing seemed to swell as it slid down his cock, growing big enough for it to be able to take the whole shaft, and then his balls, as well. The panther was surprisingly delicate as he lowered the ring, then slid his balls through the band, one by one. The feeling was surprisingly intense for how gentle it was, his cock throbbing, stiffening all the further until -


Guillain arched his back against the stone wall behind him, gasping for air as the metal band suddenly tightened around his dick, dragging itself flush to the base of his shaft and forcing his balls forward. The sudden tightness brought with it a powerful tingle, one that could only be magical in nature. The raccoon's toes curled tightly, his eyes clenched shut, and he hissed as he felt the ring tightening yet further. It was like his cock had gone from hard to tight, feeling as if it contained some great energy that was just begging to spill out.

He gasped as the panther gently hefted his balls, pulling them forward just a hair or two further, and he swore that they were getting bigger, heavier. The knight clenched his jaw so hard that it hurt, and he twisted his head side to side. The demon chuckled, removing the gag with another flick of his hand.

"Ah, don't struggle. There's nothing that you can do, little knight. Your cock is claimed; your crotch is marked. You bear my sign, now."

"Mmmph...I won't...won't be an...easy meal."

"The best never are, heh...Now...grow...grow and marinate in your lusts...I'll be back in a few hours."

And with that, the panther disappeared, leaving the raccoon to his own devices. Even without the demon in front of him, he could feel the needs that were bubbling in between his legs, the urges that were growing ever stronger. He bit his lip, leaning his head back, trying to ignore the pulsing, churning, throbbing feelings that were getting ever stronger.

A knight did not lay with man or woman, and that meant that he hadn't had any experience but his hand for the last few years. That, combined with the fact that even his hand was discouraged and he only used it when he was really, really sure that it was excusable, meant that his cock and balls were a little...sensitive.

Okay, very sensitive. They were both eager for any attention that they could get, and the demon was hitting one of his bigger weaknesses right then. He squirmed, trying to pull his legs together, but he was chained down too well for that. His ears lowered against the back of his skull as he tried to think of something, anything that didn't involve something sexual, but -


His cock had never, ever, ever been this hard before, and he shivered as he tried to ignore it. Yet, as his balls churned and pulsed, he could feel a slow flow rising up through the center of his cock. Guillain huffed, his cheeks burning beneath his fur, but the feeling of pressure kept rising, and rising, right up to the head of his cock.

And then, without even being touched, he started to dribble.

The knight hissed as he felt his pre-cum flowing so quickly and so freely, his cheeks burning as he realized how his cock had suddenly gone from disciplined to greedy, needy without even being touched. He tried to shift his weight around, to do something to distract himself, but no. There was no focusing on anything but the slow flow of pre-cum that was gradually forcing its way out of his cock. His cheeks burned all the hotter as he realized that it was dribbling right down to his much heavier balls, feeling it soaking his fur, drenching it in his own sexual scent before it dribbled down to the stone, puddling around his sac.

The more that he tried not to think about it, the more that he found his attention rebounding to his shaft. It was like it was becoming a magnet for all of his thoughts, making it impossible for him to think of anything else. He tried to come up with plans to escape, but his mind was bent back to his dick. He tried to think of fantasies of revenge, but it always ended with him fucking that panther up the ass somehow.

No, no...have to...focus...

His cock was just a cock. He had ignored his hard-ons for years before getting a better handle on his own libido. He had managed to bring himself forward from where he had started, being a better raccoon than most of his species ever was.

He could beat this. He could be better than this.

The knight leaned his head back, breathing slowly through his mouth rather than his nose. He had tried the latter before, but all it did was feed him his own musk, his own need. He tried to put it out of his head, but couldn't, forcing him to use his mouth, instead.

It worked...mostly. There was an urge in his crotch that he had never felt before, and that urge was pushing him to want things that were wrong for a knight to want. Regular holes to fuck, regular orgasms, regular...regular release...

His balls churned and swelled regularly, and he swore that his cock was doing the same. The raccoon refused to look down, knowing that it would only tempt him, but fuck it was not getting any easier.

Guillain didn't know how long he sat there, his legs spread and his head against the stone wall behind him, but he knew that he was wetter than he should have been when the panther returned. The naked, muscular feline appeared before him, almost as if he had teleported into the cell. He smiled, his yellow eyes glowing.

"Well, now. It seems that you're building up quite a bit for me..."

"You're...forcing it..."


The panther reached down, and as soon as his fingers made contact with the knight's cock, the raccoon arched his back, thrusting forward before he could think about it. Meaty, furred fingers gripped his cock tightly, squeezing it from base to tip, and a moan escaped his lips before he could think about it.


He shivered as that soft-furred hand dragged up and down his cock, no more than teasing touches, but he was somehow so sensitive that it was making it hard for him to fight back. He wanted to pull away, but the pleasure...

Simon chuckled.

"You certainly did not do yourself any favors holding back."


"Yes, I know. It feels good. Too good, yes?"

"Mmmph...demon...I told you...I won't..."

"Oh, you'll give me a meal...plentiful meals, as a matter of fact. You'll help give me exactly as much as I need for my plans."

"Hmmph...World domination, then?" he grunted.

"Hardly; I just need a little patch of earth to call my own. Of course..." The demon smiled, stroking a single finger from the base of the raccoon's cock to the drippy tip. "It would help if that patch had many different men on it to feed from."

"You monster."

"Demon. It goes with the territory. Now...I think you have quite the meal for me...and I think you're going to fight me if I just use my hand, aren't you?"

Guillain said nothing.

"Yes, I thought so. Well, I have been looking forward to a proper virtuous cock. Let's see if you can deny yourself when I do this..."

The panther licked his lips, slowly lowering himself to the raccoon's shaft. The knight's eyes went wide. Surely, the demon wasn't going to actually -

Lick. The first lap of that tongue was enough to send a lightning bolt of pleasure through his unprepared cock. The raccoon arched his back again, gasping hard as he felt his cock throb all the harder, drip all the more. Simon licked the droplets that were starting to run down his shaft away, then -


The knight clenched his teeth tighter, his muscles going stiffer and harder against the bindings that held him down. He tried to bite off the moans that were rising from his throat, but that was getting more and more difficult the more that the panther did...and the panther was doing a lot. He bobbed down, taking in more inches than Guillain remembered having into his throat. The soft tickle of the teeth, the gentle warmth of that mouth, the suction, oh god the suction. Every time that the panther swallowed a bit more of his pre, it felt like he was blowing his load right then and there.

As Guillain drummed his heels helplessly against the floor as his cock was sucked, the panther looked up at him with shining eyes. There was mockery in those eyes, a teasing reminder of how much the raccoon was loving this. The incubus had to know what he was doing to the knight, and it was just one more reminder of its power.

Lick, lick, lick went that tongue, and the raccoon kept twisting about, tensing his muscles in a desperate attempt to keep from feeding the incubus everything that he wanted. He could feel his balls rising, falling, could feel the veins popping along the side of his shaft as the blowjob left him harder than ever, but he still had some strength. Even as the pleasure reached mind-numbing levels, he was managing to keep from blowing his load...kind of.

The panther shoved his head down, going all the way to the base of the raccoon's cock. His teeth teased the very base of his shaft, and the head of the raccoon's shaft went right into the back of the panther's throat. Guillain gasped, his eyes wide, his hips trying to thrust in the grips of a hard rut that wanted to fuck, that wanted to blow his load, but the chains and that mouth held him too perfectly.

Swallowing motions teased him, but didn't take him over the edge. He managed to hold back from that. His jaws hurt from how hard he tensed up, how hard he clenched, but he managed to keep his cum down in his balls, even as the demon sucked and bobbed, even as he swallowed and licked. The raccoon's cock felt harder than it had ever been in his life, more needy than even his teenage years, but he was holding out.

Finally, the panther popped his head back, pulling his lips away from the cock tip. Spit lines connected them, and the demon chuckled.

"Well, you have some willpower. Good."

"'re...too smug."

"Cat, and demon. It works well together."

"Why aren't you...why aren't you angry?"

"Oh, you think your defiance would leave me furious?"

Simon smiled, getting to his feet. The demon leaned back, his eyes glowing all the brighter as he fondled himself.

"I prefer a little fire in those that I turn."

"You won't turn me."

"You say that...but you'd be surprised."

With a flick of his free hand, the black tendrils returned, but this time, they were creeping across the floor. They ran over his sac, and then up his shaft, teasing him like hundreds of little tongues all the way up. Guillain's eyes went wide, his breath coming harder and faster than it had throughout the entirety of the blowjob just previous. His hips twitched, his balls churned, his cock started to drip once more -

"You see, there are many ways to get a man off...but I prefer a hands-on approach. Usually. However...I need a quick...snack."

The panther clenched his fist, and the various black tendrils suddenly pushed down, sinking into his skin, pulling at his balls as if they were going to yank the cum right out of him. In fact...they did.


The raccoon thrust his hips forward, lifting them right off the ground. He came, alright, came in long, white lines that went shooting across the room. They were still arcing through the air when the panther gestured again, collecting them and spinning them around, making them collect in a floating sphere of white goo. The panther demon smiled, spinning it around a few times, and then pushing it together into a tighter, smaller bubble that was about the size of the raccoon's palm.

"That's better..."

"What...what did you..."

"I have power, remember? I am an incubus. And that is my mark on you. I can control whatever I have need to control."

The shivers that ran down his spine at that reminder were nothing compared to the throbbing that came running up from his cock and balls. Despite the forced orgasm, his urges were no less powerful. He was still horny, still desperate for something, for some sort of relief, and his balls...his balls churned all the more.

"It seems that you've grown a little in the past few hours," Simon continued, spinning the white ball over his own palm. "Look down, raccoon. Look at what you're becoming."

Guillain didn't want to do anything of the sort, but when the panther fixed him with a steady stare, he had a hard time avoiding the order. Slowly, he lowered his head, looking down.

His cock was bigger, alright. Much, much bigger than it had been. He shivered as he stared at the thick thing, how it was bobbing up and down, how it had gained...what...three inches? He had been a good seven inches long, before, but now he looked like he had ten between his legs, ten long inches that were fatter than they had been before, looking like something that was designed to break in holes.

And his balls...his balls were heavy, looking more like those of a horse or a bull rather than those of a raccoon. As wet as they were, they looked smooth, almost shaven, and that made him blush.

"Yes, quite large, aren't they? Like a beast's balls," the demon said, chuckling. "Bestial and needy, driving you a rut."

Rut. The word made his hips twitch again, and he grunted, trying to pull himself flat against the stone wall again.

"It seems you need a little more time alone. But first, let me 'reward' you for the meal."

Simon stepped forward, his half-hard cock in hand. The raccoon tried to turn his head away, but no sooner had he twisted it to the left than the panther twisted him around again, forcing him to face forward.

"You will look...and you will enjoy."

The reddened demon dick tapped his lips, and as it did, it left a small dash of the feline's pre-cum behind. Guillain tried to spit it away, but it was too late. It had been rubbed into his lips, and the taste seeped through into his mouth. He gasped, his eyes going wide, a new hunger beginning to burn.

"Enjoy, my little knight. The night is long...and so are you, now," Simon said, laughing as he disappeared.

Was it one night? Guillain was no longer sure. The hours passed slowly, the sessions with Simon quickly. The panther would tease him, work him over, and then leave when he was finally starting to get his head on straight again. Yet, he would always leave the knight with another 'gift', another tease.

The pre-cum in his mouth was only the beginning. The next one stained his asshole, and the one after that his cock. His body was teased, admired, but never quite given the satisfaction that he needed. He wanted to fight back against the demon, to push the panther off, but every time that he felt that touch, that slight ease to the fires that the demon had lit inside of him, he couldn't bring himself to fight as hard as he'd need to in order to get free.

Just a bit more...

That had become his mantra. A bit more time until the demon came back, and then he'd fight. A bit more time to enjoy what he was forbidden, then he'd fight. A bit more time to throw Simon off, then he'd fight. Then the corruption would set in again, the rut would get worse, and he'd have to wait for hours before the demon came back, only to taunt him again.

This time, he was barely even chained down, his ass up in the air, his ringed tail pulled flat against his back. The panther was on top of him, grinding between his ass cheeks, spreading more of that rut-corrupting cum along his ass and against his hole. Every time that the tip kissed his pucker, he moaned, and his cock throbbed beneath him.

"You're so close now, little knight. All you have to do is ask, and you know what you'll get."

Relief, but slavery. Slavery, but relief. He grimaced, biting his tongue, knowing that he could end it all with a single word. All he had to do was give in, and the demon would let him have what he needed, what he had been made to crave. His hips were pushing back almost on their own, even with all his resistance, and he panted as he started to wonder if slavery would be that bad, really. All it would mean was that he had to follow a different king's orders, and if Simon really did conquer his little part of the world -

He pushed back without thinking, almost grinding into that dick, and the panther pulled away. The raccoon bit off the whimper before it could come out, but it turned into a moan when the demon pushed against him again.

"Give in...and I'll make it better than you can imagine..."


"Just one word, word..."

That meaty hand was under him again, stroking him slowly, milking him, edging him. His cock had never been so hard. He didn't know if it was even a mortal cock anymore; it had to have been hard for hours, for days, but it never stopped dripping. Oozing. Running. Leaking. It was dripping in a single long, silver line to the floor below, running with his life essence, his need.


"One word, knight..."

The hand started to move, and he gasped, thrusting forward.


He said it. He fucking said it just as the hand was starting to leave. He felt the ring tighten again, pulling close to his crotch, and the raccoon gasped again as he felt the heated head of the demon's cock against his ass.

"There...was that so..."



Guillain didn't have an answer. He was too busy cumming his brains out.

The raccoon woke with sheets and blankets around him. His armor was on the floor of his room at the inn, and he...he felt better. He felt as if he had a nightmare, but he no longer felt so insanely aroused. He blinked, slowly looking around for any sign of how he had gotten to the room, then...

Then he lifted the sheets.

There was the ring, pulsing, squeezing around his cock, and he groaned as it suddenly started lifting up again. It was real. It was far too real.

Guillain got to his feet, pulling on a pair of leather breeches before making his way to the room door. He opened it, then felt a pulling, a tugging. He followed it in the pre-dawn hours, making his way down the hallway, and then down the stairs into the common room.

There, sitting at the center table among the sleeping drunks, was the panther demon. Simon smiled at him, curling a finger, and Guillain had no choice but to take a step forward, then another, then another as he was dragged along by his dick.

"Come here, little toy...little Cock-Meat. You and I...We have much to discuss."

The knight knew that he had fallen. The only thing that he could do now, it seemed, was follow his new oaths...

And maybe, maybe, see if there was a way he could resist the corruption long enough to fight back. The way that the demon's eyes glowed, however, told him that it was going to be almost impossible, and even welcomed.

The End

Summary: A raccoon knight decides to try and rid a village of a monster oppressing it, and instead becomes the monster's next target.

Tags: M/M, demon, raccoon, panther, bondage, humiliation, rut, cock growth, ball growth, magic, cock ring, milking, forced orgasm, orgasm, cum, anal, domination, slavery, masturbation, oral, blowjob, dripping,