Milah vs Winnow 1

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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#77 of Tik Tik and the Tournament of Pleasure

In this match of the Tournament of Pleasure, the paladin feline, Milah takes on the strange scientist, Kazue "Winnow" Yukimora. Will Milah's training in battling the forces of evil win her through, or will Winnow's knowledge of biology prove to be too much for her to handle?

Milah and art by shusuke the fox

The Adventures of Tik Tik, is a fantasy erotica series starring a kobold woman seeking to learn more about the sexual nature of different cultures and creatures of the fantasy world she lives in. In this series, I like to delve into interesting characters and mix storytelling, character analysis, and sexy scenes to make an interesting read for all involved, and its all made possible by the support of my generous patrons on Patreon. If you'd like to see more Tik Tik, please consider funding me at any level. Different tiers grant you more content and more input on the creation process of these stories, but I'm always looking for feedback on my work, so please, also consider joining my Discord Server.Like Tik Tik? Buy a Tik Tik Sticker!

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Shoulder Devil

Hanioc: Paladins of all types fill the world, from the Order of Love to servants of more specific divinities. Many times, these portfolios overlap.

Tik Tik: Many-worlds Tik Tik visit through Tournament of Pleasure. Tik Tik learn there many different type science and technology.

Hanioc: Today, we have Milah, the Feline Paladin, and Kazue Yukimura, the cybernetic engineer. They are champions of two very different types from two very different worlds.

Tik Tik: Seems worlds are brought together with sex! Tik Tik like that!

Hanioc: Let us see now their battle.

Milah steps into the sterile white room, sniffing the air and shuddering. Something doesn't feel right. But a paladin is fearless if nothing else, so she readies her weapon for whatever was coming for her.

A door opens at the end of the white chamber, and through it steps a human figure, young but scarred, with an eyepatch over one eye. They reveal their mechanical hand from their pocket. In their grasp is a cube no more massive than their fist. "Let us begin the experiment, shall we?"

"What, no witty banter?" the paladin asks.

"No need. I'm not your opponent today."

"You're not Kazue??" Milah asks, narrowing her gaze.

With a sigh, the scientist speaks."Call me Winnow, but my creation shall do the fighting today, not me." With that, Winnow opens up their palm and drops the cube onto the floor. It rolls forward, opening up into six panels, and then into more and more, until the creation is a polyhedron of immense size threatening to collide right into the paladin!

Milah hops aside, facing the creation as it stops rolling. With a hiss, its panels fall apart, and from the opened panels, tendrils shoot out.r.

The paladin swipes at the attacking tendrils with her blade, stepping closer to fight it. "Oh, if it's a monster you're sending after me, then you'll have to do better than this!"

"This is no monster," the scientist says, watching the engagement with an impassioned glare. "This is the latest in my creations."

"I sense no compassion from this thing!" Milah says, dodging another tendril. More of the panels open up, sending out more and more of the devices at her.

She yowls when one finally catches her, grabbing her wrist and yanking it, so she stumbles. Another wired tentacle lashes out, this time, sliding into her open mouth.

The paladin groans when the thing suctions her. She falls to her knees, her eyes widening when the air flies out of her lungs.

Milah focuses past the burning that rushes through her body and channels her divine energy, sending out a shockwave of holy light.

The force blows the polyhedron back, and it retracts the tendril with a rough pull.

Milah stumbles to her feet, rubbing her neck and speaking with a hoarse whisper. "You really aren't making this fun, you know?"

"What fun is there in the creation of ultimate life?" Winnow responds, shrugging. "I've tried to subdue you, but now I must focus on the breeding possibilities of my device."

The scientist waves their hand, and the polyhedron whirrs and clacks ot life.

"I won't let whatever this is continue!" Milah says, rushing forward and going for a massive swing. Her weapon breaks through the metal making up the device, cleaving it in twain.

She turns around, sheathing her weapon and smirking. "And that is how it's done."

"Oh, you think this is over...?" Winnow says, a slight frown forming on their stoic lips. "You forget what sort of contest this is."

From the bisected device, there emerges a figure, feline, naked, colorless. It wraps its arms around Milah, grabbing her breasts, pressing its cheek against her.

"W... what is this!?" Milah gasps, pulling herself free and spinning towards the new creation.

"Allow me to introduce my perfect breeder. From the analysis of your DNA, I have found the perfect match for producing the perfect offspring. It may not look like much, but I assure you, your child will be the most exceptional cat you've ever seen."

"My... child?" She hardly has a chance to acknowledge the implication. The creation hops out of its egg and grabs her by the throat. "Nnngh... s... strong!"

"And ready to pass on the perfect seed to you," Winnow responds.

Milah's eyes widen when she looks downward, seeing the cock ready and throbbing. The creature is faceless, nearly like some kind of dummy.

Milah quips, "S... sorry, but this thing is not my type."

"Your type in this tournament is your opponent, and this is your opponent."

"Oh, we'll see about that," she says. "Well, go ahead!" she coughs through it. "Don't need to be this rough. Let me see what you can do!" she lowers her hands from her neck and starts to undo her armor.

The breeder creature lets go, letting her fall to her feet. It works on her armor, stripping her down with virginal eagerness.

Once she is exposed, the breeder creature thrusts its hips forward, but she grabs its cock, pressing her other hand on its chest. It claws at her arm while she strokes the length. "Oh, no, you don't. We're doing this my way if we're doing this at all!"

The scientist watches with a disinterested eye. "How pointless. Such a waste of time. Accept the genetic material and be done with it, already!"

"Oh, someone's accepting material, alright," Milah says, leaning in and placing a kiss on the breeder creature's cheek.