Broadening Ken's Horizons - Chapter 11 - The Big Reveal

Story by ErickTheClyde on SoFurry

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Guess I should post this with every chapter: This is adult material, be sure you are old enough to view it before you do.

The next day, I woke up and headed to the bathroom to piss and to get ready for the day. My head was getting dangerously close to hitting the door frames in the house. I lived in a place that was built to human specifications, which meant that the doors were standard six foot, eight inch tall openings. If my growth didn't subside soon, I might have to look into moving into a place built more for taller furs, like Tank and Tom's place.

I gave myself a thorough inspection in the mirror. I have to admit I really didn't mind my bigger cock and heavy balls. They were getting increasingly harder to package up when I was dressed, though. I had been trying all different sizes and styles of underwear to find something that comfortably supported my package. Tight jeans were pretty much out of the picture unless I was out prowling for sex - something I hadn't necessarily had to do lately.

I hadn't removed the hair from my arms lately. It was still growing in like it always had been. It was actually fairly smooth once it got past the stubble stage. It was more like fur than hair. I was pondering the last thought as I looked down at my legs and noticed they were now doing the same thing.

My existing leg hair had actually turned finer and was slowly starting to fill in with a more solid appearance. At least I could generally cover my legs with long pants. I decided to let that hair, or fur, continue to grow in so I could see what it was going to look like.

Aside from all those changes, I was starting to raise the suspicions of my co-workers. People don't just start growing taller, especially at my age. I had to decide on something there if I was going to continue growing in height. The whole thing was starting to get out of hand, or at least I thought it was. I decided right then to email my supervisor and tell him that I wouldn't be in the remainder of the week. I had plenty of vacation time, so that wasn't a problem. Maybe after a few days this stuff would start clearing up. I also decided I would confide in Tom what was going on and get his opinion.

After I showered and dressed, I called Tom's office to see if he was available. Julie answered the phone.

"Hey, Ken," she answered cheerily. "How are you?"

"Great," I replied as cheerily as I could manage. "Does Tom have any open appointments today?"

"He's fairly booked," she answered. "Let me check with him. Is anything wrong? Are you OK?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I lied. "I mainly wanted to discuss something with him. Maybe an end of day appointment?"

"Sure," she replied. "Hold on and I'll buzz him."

I listened to the hold music for a minute or so before Julie came back on the line.

"He said to come on in at four-thirty, Ken," she said. "Are you up for some dinner afterwards?"

"Maybe," I replied. "I'll give you a call later."

"OK," she replied with a slight tone of concern in her voice. "Let me know if you need anything."

"Sure, no problem," was about all I could think to say. "Talk to you later. Bye."

"Bye," she said and hung up the phone.

I worked around the house all day. I decided not to hit the gym given my somewhat furry appearance. When it was time to head to Tom's office, I was somewhat nervous. It didn't help matters that I could barely fit into my car now. I might have to trade it in on a truck.

I arrived at Tom's office just as Julie was leaving.

"Hey, Ken," she greeted me with a hug. "Just leaving. Tom's back in his office. Listen, if tonight is not a good night, I understand."

"Yeah, let's try another night," I replied. "Got a lot on my mind."

"I understand," she replied, smiling. "If you just need a shoulder to lean on or someone to talk to, you have my number."

She stood on her tiptoes trying to reach up and give me a little kiss, so I bent down to meet her. It unintentionally turned into a lingering kiss. Then she smiled, patted me on the ass and headed out the door. I nervously smiled and headed back to Tom's office. I gathered myself together and stepped on in.

"Hey, Ken," Tom greeted me with his typical handshake. He seemed to be in a good mood, at least. "What's up?"

"Sorry I forgot to call you back yesterday," I apologized. "What did you need?" I figured that would be a good way to lead into the discussion at hand.

"Oh, nothing really," he replied. "Just seeing if you wanted to go out for a couple of beers or something. No worries."

Well, that didn't quite lead where I thought it would. I decided to see what Tank might have said to him.

"So, did you see Tank last night?" I probed further.

"He came in and went on to bed," he replied. "Why?"

This wasn't getting anywhere. I thought about asking about Roger, but Tom looked like he still had no idea about what was going on. I decided to go ahead and jump right on in.

"Never mind about Tank," I replied. "Look, here's the deal. Those pills that Tank tried to give to me and you took back - well - Tank slipped them to me anyway. I was taking them for a while. Tank was going to tell you last night and take all the blame, but really the fault is all mine."

Tom sat back in his chair and rubbed his chin while he thought it all through. Then he leaned forward and spoke in a little more serious tone.

"You said you were taking them for a while," he said. "I assume you stopped, then?"

"Yes, a couple days ago," I explained. "After I started getting uncomfortable with some side effects."

"Like what?" he asked, leaning back in his chair again. "Obviously you've packed on some major muscle."

I went on to explain all the side effects I had noticed - the height gain, cock and ball growth, increased cum output and the fur growing on my arms and legs. Tom pondered on it for a while before speaking. At least he kept a level head about it all.

"I'm only a physical therapist," he said, after weighing all the information. "I really would like you to see a specialist. I'm not sure what he could figure out, as this is a somewhat peculiar case. I'm most concerned about the height change and the fur. Stay off the pills for now. Actually forever, for that matter. I'm not sure what's exactly going on, but hopefully the changes might reverse over time. I'm hoping it's more or less like a hormone imbalance."

"Yeah, me too," I replied. "I mean, I like having more muscles and the big cock is pretty cool. But to be honest, the rest of it kinda scares me. It's getting more difficult to go out in public. I don't want people staring at me like I'm some kind of freak."

"I understand," Tom replied, in a consoling manner. "I would like to have you stay at our place for a while so I can keep you under observation, if that is OK. Also, can you get some extended time off from work? Maybe a medical leave? I can contact your employer for you."

"That all sounds good," I replied, somewhat relieved. "If you could do that, I would appreciate it. Here's my employer's phone number."

"Consider it done, buddy," Tom smiled. "Go on home, pack what you need and come on over to our place. We'll take care of you. I'll get that specialist to make a house call. He owes me one, anyway."

I thanked Tom, then headed home to pack for an extended stay at Tom's place. I made sure my own place was set up for an extended absence. I dropped off forwarding information at the post office since I wasn't sure how long I would be gone.

I carried my first load of stuff up to Tom and Tank's apartment. As usual, the door was unlocked so I went on in, dropping my bags in the living room. Tom wasn't there from what I could tell, but I could hear noises from Tank's room. There were muffled moans coming from inside, so I figured he had found someone to fuck. I headed back to the car and got the remainder of my stuff.

I came back into the apartment and set down the rest of my stuff. The moans were much louder, but still very muffled. It sounded like whoever Tank was pounding probably had his head buried in the pillows. Actually, I was starting to get turned on by it. I flopped down on the couch and picked up a magazine and idly thumbed through it. The sounds of sex were too distracting, though, and I soon found myself rubbing my cock through my jeans.

After a while, my cock was getting too big to stay in my pants, so I unzipped them and pulled it out. I was rubbing it slowly, watching as precum started beading up on the head, then smearing it over my shaft. Whoever Tank was fucking was really having a time of it. The moans now sounded more like screams, albeit still well muffled. Tank was grunting and groaning, as well - a sure sign he was getting ready to pump his victim full of horse spooge.

Though I was getting more into it and my own cock getting ready to blow as well, I eventually stopped and listened more carefully. I could now tell that the screaming I was hearing wasn't the sound of someone vocally enjoying the sex, but rather more like screams of pain.

I pushed my softening cock back down into my pants, zipped back up and crept quietly down the hall, stopping outside Tank's door. I listened intently for a minute and was sure that there was more of a struggle going on. It sounded like Tank had an unwilling participant. I could hear sounds like someone trying not to cry, along with a pleading tone in their voice. It was Roger!

Without thinking, I burst through the door. Roger was face down on the bed, something stuffed in his mouth to muffle his screams. His legs and arms were tied off to the corners of the bed. Tank was above him, fucking him doggy style. His cock was pushed into Roger's outstretched tailhole past the medial ring, but not buried to the hilt.

Tank hadn't noticed me come in. He was just starting to cum. His head was reared back and he was just starting to whinney loud enough that it was more like a roar. I looked down in time to see his huge ballsack scrunch up to release his first heavy load of cum inside Roger. Watching his cock shaft, I could almost literally see it pulsing through the shaft and into the outstretched hole.

Roger screamed even louder as the first long stream of cum coursed through his colon. I felt sorry for him, but found myself just standing and watching, somewhat in shock at what was happening. As each of Tank's powerful streams of cum pumped into the husky's body, I watched as Roger's belly distended lower and lower, getting very tight. Roger was whimpering more than screaming at this point. I figured Tank was about to run out of cum by now, but that wasn't quite the case.

Tank shoved about five more inches of cock into Roger, who screamed again at the intrusion. I could picture that flared cockhead shoving organs out of the way in the process. Tank's ballsack drew up one more time as his cock shaft swelled, pushing one more heavy load into Roger. I seriously thought Roger was going to burst. Cum was leaking out around Tank's shaft, puddling on the bed. Tank left his cock pushed into Roger to let his flare die down, then turned to face me once he realized I was standing there.

"Get the fuck out!" he exclaimed. His face was contorted in a look of madness I had never seen before.

I looked down at Roger. His eyes looked like he was pleading with me, but I wasn't sure if it was to help him or to leave like Tank suggested. I assumed the latter and slowly backed out of the room and shut the door. I went back to the couch, wondering what to do next. Fortunately, Tom walked in just at the right time.

"What's wrong?" Tom asked me. He apparently read my fear pretty well. "More changes, or just worried about the current ones?"

"No," I started, trying to choose my words carefully. "Go look in Tank's room."

Tom looked at me for a moment longer as if he was trying to figure out what I was talking about. Then his face changed to a look of fear and he turned and ran down the hall, throwing open Tank's door. I stayed on the couch and listened.

"I thought I told you to get the fuck out!" I heard Tank exclaim. Then it was obvious he realized it was Tom. "Oh, hi Tom. We were just..."

"What the hell is going on?" I heard Tom ask, his voice raised just a bit. "Tank, pull your cock out. Roger looks like he's ready to explode. There better be a good explanation for all this. Hopefully Roger isn't hurt, or you're explaining to the emergency room staff how this happened."

I heard movement in Tank's room, but nobody was talking. After a little bit, Tank walked across the hall and went into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. I debated going to check, but figured Tom had things in control.

I saw Tom come out of Tank's room carrying Roger, who was wrapped up in a blanket. They went back to Tom's room and I heard the door gently shut. It was quiet after that for a bit.

Tank eventually came out of the bathroom and went into his room. I heard him rustle around in there for a couple minutes, then he came back out. He was dressed now and was carrying a backpack. He went straight to the front door without looking at me and opened the door.

Tank paused at the door for a few seconds, then turned and looked at me. A tear was running down from one eye. He didn't say anything and I wasn't sure what to say, myself. Tank finally turned and walked out the door, quietly latching it behind him.

I sat on the couch for several minutes. I felt sorry for Tank, in a way, but was more concerned about Roger. I kept debating going back to Tom's room, but then decided to just wait. The silence was deafening. Then I heard Tom yell from his room.

"Ken, can you call an ambulance?"

Broadening Ken's Horizons - Chapter 12 - Surprise!

By the way, if you run across this story and haven't read the previous chapters, go back and find Chapter 1. Also, if you are too young to be reading this type of stuff, turn back from your evil ways! -------------------------------------- "How are...

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Broadening Ken's Horizons - Chapter 10 - Phil Him Up

As usual, this is adult subject matter. Don't read it if you're too young to do so. ------------------------------------- The next afternoon during work, all I could think about was my upcoming date with Julie. It had been forever since I had been...

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Broadening Ken's Horizons - Chapter 9 - Changes

This story contains adult material. if you are too young to be reading this stuff..... scram. :) ------------------------------------------ Randy slid back down on top of me, resuming the kiss we had been in the middle of earlier. I started rubbing...

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