Overtaken by Lust

Story by Alice Clawford on SoFurry

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Patreon Story for June

Iskandar the leopard cat travels to the Temple of Kiamat, looking for the legends of the Temple and any treasures he may find. Deep into the structure, he finds paintings explaining a tale or legend, and finally a mirror. Curious, he steps forward, and is caught off guard by the creature of the Temple of Kiamat.

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Overtaken by Lust

Iskandar had made it! After travelling through the treacherous Jungle of Kiamat, the leopard cat finally found what he had been looking for. The Temple of Kengerian; long left abandoned after centuries, it's purpose almost completely unknown and it's history completely erased. Many spoke of it, the place that brought doom and many people were far too superstitious to attempt to come near this temple. Very few pictures existed of the temple itself, Iskandar could almost believe he was the first one to step onto these ruins since the last time the temple was used for any purpose at all. Large pillars stood, holding the ceiling up to a wide open walkway. Vines and tree roots crawled along the floor, up the limestone walls and grew across them, yet the walls remained adamant and stood in rebellion. The colour of yellow blended with brown and green, dulled by the years of rain and soon mixed further into the jungle. A waterfall roared not too far away, Iskandar would not have been surprised if many used to live here centuries ago.

He marched forward, his binoculars at the ready and ears pealed for any danger that might jump at him. The jangles from his backpack followed him, as did the sounds of wildlife roaming above in the trees. Monkeys called to one another, birds sang and danced, but Iskandar knew of all the hidden horrors within the branches of the jungle. It was called the Jungle of Kiamat for a reason and Iskandar was happy to have avoided the worst of the dangers he knew of. Giant plants that could swallow a person whole, some that moved ever so slightly, so slowly it was barely noticeable and tigers larger than people who hid well amongst the greenery. That wasn't even taking into account the environment around him that would slow him down, such as the very ground he walked on. It was wet and slippery, some covered with leaves that clung together and created a false platform that Iskandar could fall through and tiny insects flew that would bite at him and the chance of Dengue Fever to set in. He'd taken vaccines to prevent that and sprayed himself with bug spray to deter any insects that would try to attack him He also kept a compass on him so he would always be able to find his way, and enough food and drink to keep him going for a long time. He had a knife if he needed it to hunt, and a gun for protection. He had been well prepared for this journey.

As he walked into the Temple of Kengerian, the leopard cat brought out his torch when the scarce light of the sun barely piercing through the trees could no longer reach him. He could see wooden sconces aligning the walls, ready to be lit and the slight tang of oil hit the back of his throat. Lifting one of them off the wall and putting his torch away, Iskandar brought out his lighter, lighting the sconce up and revealing to him the walls of the temple. They weren't just walls, but carvings, symbols and words and letters he couldn't begin to read, in a language long lost to him. He'd never seen such symbols before, aggressive lines and flicks that had been seared into the stone. It was clear the writing was telling a story, or maybe were instructions of some kind or chanting, but Iskandar couldn't begin to guess what they were telling him. They were mirrored on the other wall, telling the same story he couldn't understand. Still, he continued on, watching as the wall scripts grew and grew. Sound slowly muted as the life outside was too far away now for him to hear with only the sound of his breathing and his heart beat reaching him, as well as the flickers of the fire from his torch.

Drawings finally followed as the leopard cat walked on, his claws clicking against the ground. It left him feeling... quite nervous. With the view of this drawing, the air felt like it had gone cold and a sinister grip of claws held over his heart. He suddenly felt like he should turn back around and head home, pretend like he had never found this place and forget its existence. Drawn into the walls, a large group of people were on their hands and knees, bowing down towards a pedestal. On that pedestal was... Iskandar had no idea. It was black. A smudge of black, like someone scratched it out, or tried to cover up its presence, and yet there was a single colour within the black. Yellow. Yellow eyes staring at him from the smoke of black. Iskandar felt a shiver run down his spine and turned his eyes away, feeling unsettled and fur standing on end as he looked into those eyes for a few seconds. It felt... uncomfortable, like a heaviness seeping onto him, blanketing his body that stopped as soon as he turned away. It unnerved him, and as much as his curiosity was burning for his eyes to turn that way and look again for smaller details, he resisted.

As Iskandar walked down the hallways of the Temple of Kengerian, he lit the torches along the way, giving a signal of where he had walked and his way out so he wouldn't be lost. The hallways seemed to expand, almost never ending and the flames struggled to pierce the darkness. It felt consuming, blocking Iskandar from seeing what he wanted. It was deadly silent now, the flames crackling and his breathing were all he heard for minutes. He had no way of knowing how long he had been exploring, but the walls changed around him. What were words written before in a somewhat sensible manner, changed into chaos. Letters slanted, crossing one another sloppily and some grew bigger. Some began repeating the same thing, whatever it was, over and over, seeming more and more frantic as the leopard cat kept walking down. He felt like it was a warning, or perhaps it was related to some religious ritual that happened centuries ago. He wasn't sure, though he was fascinated and terrified of it at the same time. Still, he carried on, determined to find something, to at least discover what this is all about, what it meant, what the purpose was.

It felt like hours, but finally Iskandar found himself some place different. The hallway opened up into a large area, but the seeping darkness kept him from seeing very far into the room. He lit the torches around the walls, hugging it until he lit up the entire outside, to see what lay in the middle. It was... almost lacklustre. The entire edge of the room was a platform above and stairs lead down towards what looked like an arena. A large square area that held nothing but a tall standing mirror. It was decorated on the edges, swirls like roots from the trees curled around the glass making up its border that looked like it was made of graphite stone or charcoal, something similar in colour. At the top of the mirror was a small statue, almost like a gargoyle guardian, but it looked like... a melted being. A tar monster. Something not real. But it had a clear rounded head, nostrils and an open mouth with jagged fangs and a tongue. No eyes to speak of, no ears, nothing else but a head, connected to the tendrils of tree roots that kept the mirror in place. It was freestanding, melted into the floor like concrete. Standing on each side of the mirror, two torches waiting to be lit.

Iskadar felt a little hesitant, for two reasons. Dust covered the entire area, the platform was thick of it and spider webs coated much of the ceiling as was true through the hallways as well. However, the mirror looked pristine, escaping the dust cloud somehow. Second; there was a heaviness in the air, an impeding sense of doom the feline couldn't begin to explain. He wondered if he was being paranoid, there was nothing else but a mirror, no markings anywhere in this room. The walls were clean, unlike the hallways. No scratches, no paintings, no writings, nothing. If anything, it seemed like this was the safest part of the temple. So, gaining courage and ignoring those gut instincts, Iskandar walked down the steps, slowly and cautiously.

As he did, his ears flicked. He could hear... whispering? It was quiet, too quiet to hear what was being said. It sounded like a man; lips smacking and tongue clicking, but the words themselves were far too quiet. Iskandar moved forward regardless, to try to catch any hint of those words, what they could be saying, who it was, what it was.

The whispers were coming from the mirror itself, yet nothing changed. Nothing moved. It was just a mirror, as far as Iskandar was concerned, but the words nagged at him, that he couldn't understand them. It wasn't like it was a different language either, he could catch certain words, like me, dark, lonely, but most of the words were nonsense. He couldn't form a coherent sentence from what he was catching, so he moved closer to the mirror.

Now, standing in front of the mirror, he saw himself. Just like he thought he would and nothing else. The whispering was louder now, but he still couldn't make sense of what they were saying, frustrating him. He brought a paw to his mouth, and saw his reflection do the same thing. Nothing different there. He wanted to laugh, he was being stupid. Far, far too paranoid for his own good, and so far there had been no rumours to prove the Temple of Kengerian was any more dangerous than others. Snorting, the leopard cat walked forward, right up to the mirror, and put a paw onto it.

His reflection behind him suddenly went dark. He could still see himself, standing there, dropping his arm in shock, but the surroundings were gone. He looked behind himself, to see the torches were still lit up and burning through the oil, the whispering getting louder again. He turned his head back, his reflection mirrored him. He felt fear and his body begged him to turn back, to run away, but he was curious. He wanted to know what would happen next. The scenery just went black behind his reflection... that was all. So he watched, the whispering continuing. Until, finally, it stopped. Silence followed it, silent but his heart beating rapidly, the white noise he never paid attention to always ringing in his ear and the pants of his breath coming in and out quickly, too quickly to be healthy.

There, behind his reflection, he saw two yellow eyes, slitted with no iris nor pupil, the entire eye the sclera that was burning bright neon yellow. The eyes were just reaching the top of Iskandar's head, like the thing was leering over him, but only just. He could see nothing else, no mouth, no body. He could hear it, like it was behind him, but a quick eye flick over showed nobody there, the fires were still burning bright and the room around him was clearly empty. Turning his eyes back to the mirror, it was still there, standing right behind him to his right side.

"So, you finally found me, Iskandar." The monster whispered, his voice sounded like multiple men talking at once both high and low. "You've found the secret of the Temple of Kengerian, just like you wanted. How does it feel?"

Iskandar was shaking with fear, and felt like he couldn't move. His body betrayed him and he felt cemented to the ground. He gulped, swallowing spit, yet his throat felt so dry. His paws shuddered and his ears moved constantly. He wanted to run, but he couldn't. He kept looking behind him, but nobody was there.

"Come now, there's no need to be afraid. You wanted to solve this mystery, did you not? I stand before you now in the mirror, trapped. You could ask me anything you'd like." The amalgamation spoke again, whatever it was, its eyes moving as it did so. Iskandar felt air brush against his neck as it spoke, he really was sure it was behind him, but he still saw nothing. His mind was playing tricks on him, or perhaps this was a form of hypnosis by the mirror? Or it showed your nightmares, or dreams? The feline didn't know, but he was equally scared and excited in both measures.

"This... is i-incredible! Unlike an-anything I've ever seen before! Wh-what are you? What's your name? What is it you w-want?" He had more questions than that, but it was a miracle they came out near perfectly. Or, rather, not the jumbled mess he felt like right now.

The monster chuckled, at least Iskandar thought he did. Might've been a cough for all he knew. "Ah, to be that curious! I've long lost my name, but I used to have so many worshippers here, long ago. Times change, the old ways die out, but here I remain. You are the first I have seen in many years."

Iskandar blinked. "Others have made it here?"

"Yes, many asking the same questions as you. One person tried to steal the mirror, but I cannot be moved. He soon gave up. But these jungles are dangerous, nature has taken over and most get killed on the way in, the rest on the way out. It is a perilous journey."

"What are you doing trapped in the mirror? How are you trapped in there?"

The monster seemed to hesitate. "This is my home. I cannot live in your world, not without my people. They are long gone now, forgotten and buried, and here I stay behind glass. Ah, but do not pity me, I've lived a long time and will live many more. I am, if nothing else, patient."

Yet, Iskandar could not relax around this monster. Though it seemed friendly and welcoming enough, his body refused to relax. It felt like something was wrong, something was going to happen. "Did you just talk to the others as well?"

"Yes, just like you. They only wanted knowledge, and I'm very happy to give it. Anything you wish to know. I am a deity, my answers are near limitless. But, just like you, I crave knowledge in return. Ah, but something easy for you! I wish to know more about you, the world outside as it is now. I grow ever so lonely, this mere company delights me so much already."

Well, the feline couldn't refute that. He could imagine it, being trapped behind glass all day. So, seeing no harm in it, he decided to humour the monster. "Okay, I can do that. So, if I may go first; how old are you?"

"Ancient. Not as old as your planet, but existing before you as the human race did. Thousands of years old. I have seen men come and go, wars being won and lost and still here I stay. Now, delight me, how old are you, dear Iskandar?"

"Twenty four, I finished my degree a couple of years ago and I've been travelling ever since. Is this your temple?"

The questions went on, with the monster answering truthfully, and the cat giving him the same gesture. They learnt much, asking questions back and forth, and as time went by, Iskandar felt more at ease, ignoring the nagging feeling of something not being right, and sat on the floor. He didn't take much notice of the flames dying down, getting dimmer as their oil was running low.

"Now, do pardon me for being intrusive, but do you find yourself alone with no partner?"

Now, Iskandar blushed. There was no mistaking the way the... darkness brought it up. Over time, he did feel like something touched him every so often, and he would flinch most of the time. But, soon, it just became an annoyance that he dealt with. "Well uh... y-yes. I do. I do consider myself gay, but I've... always been too busy to really think about it. I've come to terms with myself, but it's not something I'm overly concerned with."

The monster hummed. "How intriguing! Have you never shared a night with another?"

He was aware that the monster was breaking the rules, but it seemed pretty interested. A little odd really. "No, I have. It's just not something I value over my work: seeing the world and finding mysteries like you."

The thing suddenly seemed to purr, as if happy by this notion. Iskandar supposed he had said that finding a mystery such as this was better than sex, a mighty compliment to most. "That is indeed fascinating. Even as I had my people, sex was a must. It's something most crave: contact, to feel loved, appreciated, pleasure, and sometimes pain. Feeling raw emotions... that's something I really commend humanity for. Tell me, what do you think of the idea of you touching me? To place your hand on my skin?"

You have skin? That was the first thing Iskandar thought, honestly. He wasn't sure the thing was even a physical being, but apparently it could touch things, at least so far as it was admitting. He was... very curious, to see what it looked like, what it felt like. "I'm definitely very curious about you."

It purred again. "Do you want me to touch you?"

That was a dangerous game. Confirmation that, yes this thing could touch him if it wanted. Had it been prodding him this entire time and he ignored it? He had to admit, he was most certainly curious, but he was nervous. He had no idea what this thing was, but that made it exciting too. What would it feel like? Slime like a slug, or rough like a snake? The creature that had no name had been kind to him, what other chances would he have to witness such a thing again?

So, he took the gamble, nodding his head with a slight verbal agreement. Iskandar heard the purr close to his ear, and he shuddered with a slight flinch in surprise. He wanted to turn to look behind him, feeling the breath against his neck, but he knew nothing would've changed, so he watched his reflection and the monster in the mirror. He felt it before he saw it on the mirror. Cold to touch, wet and clung to his fur. As it touched his skin, he felt tingles of excitement, his fur standing on end as his nerves set alight. It was like he felt hyper aware of the creature somehow, a long slimy thing that brushed against the back of his neck, then down his chest beneath his clothing. As it moved, it left a residue, almost like a tar like substance, which carefully, Iskandar did touch.

"You're so very warm, and your fur is so soft." The creature hummed. "You've taken great care of yourself."

It seemed like an odd thing for it to say, but Iskandar was hardly paying attention. He found his breathing elevated, his body shuddered and shivered as the tendril of the creature explored his chest. Whatever the residue was that the creature was leaving behind and smothering his skin must've had an effect on him, as he embarrassingly found a tent beginning to form in his trousers. He was panting and found one of his paws reaching up to stroke the tendril, encouraging it further.

The thing chuckled. "It appears you certainly wouldn't turn down a night offering now, would you?"

He was not immune to what the creature was asking. His brain was entirely short circuiting, and at that moment he didn't care. What he was feeling was amazing, and this creature clearly found him appealing as well. "Yes, please. Oh God... touch me anywhere, everywhere. Do with me as you will, please! It feels... so good!" He cried as the tendril teased him further, sliding down slowly to his abdomen, and slowly to his crotch.

"Of course. I don't want to disappoint a friend, after all." Was what Iskandar heard, as he felt the tendril press down on his trousers. It managed to slip slightly under, then with enough pressure, the button to his trousers popped off and slid down as the tentacle thing moved down. His boxers soon went with it, and Iskandar felt a cold chill encase his erection. He gasped in shock, the cold was almost painful for him, but also a blessing against his heated member and he found himself collapsing, the tendril holding the leopard cat up as he felt a suction against his crotch. It was better than any blow job Iskandar had ever gotten, since of course the beast with no name didn't need a break. It added pressure against every part of him, squeezing like real flesh where it needed, suckled when the pressure got too tight and Iskandar couldn't help but moan pathetically as he thrust his hips deeper into the tendril. It was unlike anything else, but Iskandar could not regret his decision.

Any other feelings of regret disappeared as he felt a prodding at his entrance. It hesitated, but when Iskandar pushed back with a plea, the monster answered him. Like cool silicon, the tendril entered him, smoothly and carefully. Iskandar relaxed his muscles, or tried to, feeling the cold appendage slither inside of him, brushing against his walls with tender care he hadn't expected.

"Do you like what I do to you?"

"Yes! God yes, please." Iskandar breathed.

"Give in to me. Let me in."

"Yes, anything! Get inside of me, please!" He begged, the slight teasing of his tendril both front and back driving him insane. The creature chuckled again, though it was definitely excited by this display the feline was giving too.

"Yes. Of course, you beautiful thing you." Iskandar was sent wailing as the tendril inside of him begun to vibrate slightly, brushing close to his prostate that sent his nerves haywire. His feet thrashed as his sight turned white and he cried out in pleasure. His balls tightened, surely ready to burst and spill his load into the tendril that still suckled on him. The wet slimy appendage plunged into him, pushing him forward onto the other which held his cock captive and a scream of pleasure left him. He begged and shouted as his body was taken and used up, a thing he had asked for, and most certainly would not have taken back. He didn't look away from the mirror, seeing the tendril plunge into him and spots his cock had disappeared in the blackness that was the creature.

Still, through all of this, the creature never showed itself, never ventured closer into the light. A light which was quickly disappearing. What had once fitted the mood, grows darker and darker as Iskandar was driven higher and higher, his orgasm on the peak and ready to blow as his flesh quivered. He did his best to fight it off, to hold the tension back and feel this pleasure for as long as possible. He kept his eyes open, watching, hoping to see a glimpse of what this was that refused to show itself. However, that was a losing battle. He found his eyes couldn't remain open as his body quaked one last time, and he felt oozes of his release escape. He groaned in pleasure as he jerked slightly, the tendril suckling harder against him as it absorbed whatever he released.

He heard a chuckle in his ear, sweet nothings whispered. "There you are. I'll take good care of your body, always. You never have to fear, my dear friend." He flicked his ears as he heard this, the tendril in his anus pushing harder inside as he did so. Iskandar shouted in surprise and pleasure, his tongue hanging out, that then touched and tasted the slime of another tendril. It was cold, incredibly salty to taste which surprised him, yet a little bitter too. He got more of it, when the tendril pressed on his tongue, then moved forward. Iskandar only moaned as he did that, pressing his tongue on the underside, returning the favour.

Or so he thought.

The tendril didn't stop.

It moved on, pressing down his throat and passing his gag reflex. Iskandar choked, yet... he wasn't afraid. He still felt the flames of desire in him, flaring up as the tendril pressed down his throat and down his oesophagus. He could feel it inching inside, slithering there inside of him, and he felt disappointment as the tendril at his anus pulled away. When he was finally spent and exhausted, the first tendril at his crotch also let him go, and the feline fell to the floor in an exhausted heap. He shuddered and his eyes rolled into the back of his head, his form convulsing as lengths of the monster dove down into his maw, down into his throat. Tears rolled down his face from the stimulation, and he hardly felt alive anymore, feeling nothing but the slithering inside of him. For minutes upon minutes, he couldn't move but choke and feel the coldness inside of him, like he ate hundreds of ice cubes.

Then... nothing.

He gasped for breath, like he had been drowning and he felt a mess against his fur and crotch. He felt too weak to do anything, to lift an arm or paw. He shivered, then slowly blinked his eyes as he came to. He groaned in pain, though he was satisfied, his muscles complained and his bones cracked as he moved to stand up. He did, running a paw through his fur on his head and over his eyes, and he sat up. He looked up to see... he was still lying down. In the mirror, he could see his form lying on the ground, like he hadn't gotten up. Was he... was he dead? What happened? Where was the monster?

Iskandar crawled forward, his behind too painful to stand at this moment, and he reached his paw out to touch the glass. He did. There was definitely glass still on this mirror, but he realised that the torches were back on in the mirror. He could see himself perfectly, messy fur and black sludge sticking to his fur and pink pulsing tail hole. It looked slightly irritated and he wondered how long it would take to stop hurting, even as the monster had been careful. The feline took the time to look behind him, to see... darkness. Endless darkness, and the only reason he could see his paws was because of the light from the other side of the mirror. Did the torches in the Temple of Kengerian run out of oil?

The other Iskandar on the other side of the mirror groaned, and he perked his head up.

"Hey, what's going on?"

There was no reply, for a while. He didn't expect one. Not until the Iskandar in the mirror shook his head like he woke from a bad dream and looked around, dazed. Then, he looked at himself. And a large grin of sharp fangs grew and those eyes... turned yellow.

"Oh, my friend! You have blessed me with such a wonderful gift. To do with your body as I please, a wondrous sentiment!" That voice. It was the creature's. The monster's. And it looked like him. He looked down at himself, he didn't have the same sludge against him, the same ruffled fur. It were as if he hadn't been touched, but he ached so much.

"What is... what?" Iksandar was confused and terrified.

"You said I could do what I want with your body. And so I am. Trapped in that mirror for centuries... here I am." The fake Iskandar stood up and walked to the mirror, grinning wider and crouched near where the real feline was still stuck to the ground, his limbs near useless. He reached a paw out, touching the mirror. "I am you now. And I'm going to fucking enjoy the world."

Iskandar's eyes widened. He had been tricked. Duped. He had agreed to a pact without realising it, and the bastard took advantage of that without asking. Now... he was trapped inside the mirror, watching in horror as the monster rose in his body, stroking his cock in front of him once, twice, before yawning. "Whilst it has been a pleasure, my friend Iskandar, I really must be going. Your body doesn't last long compared to me, and I don't want to waste it. You enjoy the darkness, it becomes rather friendly when you've got nobody else." He grinned, then turned away, leaving all of Iskandar's belongings there. The feline screamed, scratching at the mirror with his claws, but it did no good to stop the monster. It walked like he did, all the way up the stairs, and disappeared around the corner.

No matter how much the feline cried and shouted and screamed, nobody came. He was trapped, alone, and soon the flames died and he was left in the darkness.

Slowly but surely, he would wilt away. Gone. And nobody would know it.

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