Wires Crossed for Christmas

Story by Senjer on SoFurry

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Ladies and gentlefurs, may I present one of the strangest story/character concepts I've come up with to date! I really can't do it justice in a short description.

This almost destroyed me, by the way. When the concept solidified it grabbed me, and I could NOT stop writing. This monster is 17,417 words and I wrote in three weeks flat. HOW? I don't know. I suspect I only made it Christmas themed so I had an excuse to bump it in front of all my other projects. I wasn't able to get it done in time for Christmas, but at least it's still December... in some of the world. Woops.

Once again, massive appreciation goes to my beta readers wrenquire and wafflefloof for tremendously helpful input. I'm treading a lot of subject matter here I was unfamiliar with! Also, I discovered several symbols I did not know completely broke SF BBCode parsing. Greater than/less than and ampersand all borked my story and I had to track them all down and find replacements. Took me an hour to track them all down. Blah.

I am now going to sleep for three days.

Ian's tail swished eagerly. He swiped his ID, put in his password. And the PIN code. And the other password because he got the PIN wrong in his excitement.

The screen flashed WELCOME, DR SHON as the door finally clicked open to admit him.

Gloom awaited inside - the lights were out, but a hundred tiny status lights and soft glowing monitors gave an unearthly glow to the lab. His desk awaited, under the largest monitors, flanked by server racks and switchboards, rows upon rows of green and amber lights. Ian dropped off his coffee beside a brass-framed photo of a rabbit; a grinning boy, brown fur adorned by white spots, a particularly large blotch across his face.

Ian had a tote with him today, but that didn't go at his desk. He carried it past the idle backup generator, around the extensive tool racks, and finally to the "harness", as it was affectionately named. An arched alcove inset into the wall. In the center, at about the right height, hung a metal facsimile of a torso and arms, intricately articulated. The outer layers were a smooth cushy white foam speckled with sensors, appearing as dark dots. The back and shoulders were bursting with cables and tubes running up into the ceiling. Smiling at the empty opening of the torso's neck, Ian patted the bag and set it on a nearby workbench. If Cam was still sleeping-

"Oh hi, Doc Fox!" The camera up by the arch tipped his way.

Ian fought down his smile; the voice pumping through every speaker in the lab sounded properly cheery. He crossed his arms and cast a stern eye up at the camera. "Did you even sleep, Cam?"

"Mhm! Don't worry, I slept way better last night."

"Glad to hear it. You could turn the lights on to let me know you're up, at least."

"Sorry, Doc." The lights came on.

Ian let his mask slip, tail again swishing happily as he turned back to the workbench, hands diving into the bag. "Your inflection is sounding great. You've been training it, haven't you?"

"Yeah... with lines from the anime I've been watching."

"You're supposed to be training it with your own voice."

"I know. It's just... hard to watch the old videos, you know?"

The fox sighed, hands falling still, the bag's contents smooth and cool against his fingertips. Of course Cameron would have a hard time watching them. Seeing his old self, and everything he lost, replayed for him over and over. "I'm sorry. I should have thought of that. But... We're about to make another huge step forward." He drew the object from the bag. It was sleek, white, with a pronounced muzzle and triangular ears. It looked like a helmet with a window-like faceplate across where the eyes should be, but it was a screen. The jaw dropped open as Ian lifted it, showing off soft, flexible stuff the jowls were made of, and a pliable black tongue. "Only problem... I don't think the engineering department got the memo about you being a rabbit."

Cam giggled. It only sounded slightly fake. "It's kinda cute, to be honest. But what makes the head a big step?"

"Just about everything articulates. Besides the faceplate, anyway. This is a very early prototype for the finished thing. But more importantly, it's preloaded with an alpha version of the NervaSim 2.0 firmware. Nearly a full nervous system simulation."

"It's here? It's ready!?"

"Keep in mind," Ian waggled a finger upward, "It's a very early version. There are going to be bugs."

"I know, but... When can I try it!?"

"As soon as I get this hooked in."

It wasn't quite plug-n-play, unfortunately. The wiring situation was a right mess, and the new head demanded no less than a dozen new cords to the bundle routed up to the ceiling. Cable managing the harness was an ever-growing pain. When he finally flipped on the power, there was an error, of course. Ian slotted himself at his desk, sipping cold coffee, hunting down the errant bit of code throwing exceptions.

He glanced over at the side monitor, now and again, where Cam was working through a basic algebra lesson. Looked a lot like homework doing itself; a thought Ian always found amusing.

The fox got up for a coffee refill and grit his teeth when he realized it was already past noon. Mr. Elridge was expecting a report this afternoon on the NervaSim test flight. But he'd spent far too long looking at code in frustration. Pinching the bridge of his muzzle, he paced about the lab, coffee in hand.

He paused at a heavy cart in the middle of the room. A silver tank of sorts sat there, looking like a coffee maker, if a coffee maker had a handful of protruding tubes, and a square patch panel with well over twenty cables hooked into it. The tubes wrapped around to other equipment on the cart, faintly hissing and thumping, and the wires ran up to the ceiling in a bundle, and straight over to the harness. The bottom rack of the cart was a massive battery, and it would be the only thing keeping Cam alive if power went out for any duration. Ian reached out, tenderly brushing his knuckles against the cold metal, though he knew he wasn't supposed to.

"Please be careful with my phylactery. Your coffee makes me nervous." Cam sounded hesitant over the speakers.

"Don't tell me what to do, you're just a brain in a jar." Ian smiled, but stepped back respectfully, waving at one of the cameras tracking him all day. They made light of it on a regular basis, they gave it nerdy nicknames, but it was true. All that was left of Cameron's body was in that tank.

And Ian smiled to himself. The inflections really did make him sound... so normal. It was much easier to think of Cameron as a person now that his speech synthesizer was properly trained to read his laryngeal nerve impulses. Glancing at Cameron's algebra, it didn't look like he was getting anywhere either. Probably too excited or impatient to focus.

"You know what?" The fox lifted his head. "Screw the bugs. I know the exception's somewhere in the jaw interface, so I'll just disable that section."

It only took a few more minutes to make the changes. A few more to run through a few rounds of testing simulated nerve connections in batches, making sure none of them would cause Cam any discomfort. There were a few he said tingled weirdly, and Ian just disabled those clusters too. None of them were particularly critical to the test.

At last, it was time. Every sensor and motor in the harness was linked to the appropriate nerve pair, and the rest would be simulated. The fox rested his hand on the harness' breaker box. "Ready?"


The breaker snapped on with a satisfying clack. The harness jerked, and the fox watched carefully. The first thing Cam should notice was the shift to the head's onboard cameras, mics, and speakers. The head - Cam's head lifted, looking left and right. Ian was happy with how smooth the servos ran. The rest of the harness was temporary... Well, even more temporary than the head. But they worked for now. Cam lifted his hands before his new face, and sucked in a breath.

"W-Wait, did I just..."

"Breathe?" Ian's grin spread. "Try it out. Your lungs are simulated, but your voice synthesizer is already hooked in to respond appropriately."

Cam tried a few deep breaths. "Yes, YES!" he laughed, "I... I actually feel everything!"

"Here." The fox stepped forward, offering a hand. "Good to finally meet you. As it were."

"Don't say that. It's been like five years." Both mechanical hands clasped his. They had more sensor-riddled padding, and Cam could grasp with a very natural pressure. "You're the one who actually understands me."

Ian shrugged. "I dunno about the only one. What about your online friends? Your family?"

"My friends are cool and all, good people, but I don't think any of them get it. They know everything I say and do gets monitored, too. My family... I dunno. I can tell this," he gestured at the body, the harness, "is just stuck on their minds the whole time."

Cam shrugged, and Ian nodded to himself; the motor control all seemed incredibly natural. Kudos to the dev team, the NervaSim motor control seemed to operate very naturally. If he called attention to it now, though, he'd invalidate the rest of the test. "Okay. So I was told in a very dry, clinical manner to test out all the physical sensors. They seemed to forget something I consider pretty important though."

"Hmm?" Cam's head tipped.

"They seem to forget you're a person."

"I can feel something for the first time in years, I- Why would I have a problem with this? God, you don't realize how much you'd miss the ability to feel simplest textures..." Cam turned Ian's paw upright, cold fingers exploring the texture of the coarse pawpads, squeezing gently, and moving on to the soft black fur of his forearm. His head snapped upward. "Umm... I don't want to make it awkward, though."

"Go ahead. Try out as much as you can." The fox took a stepped closer beneath the harness' arch, letting those curious, trembling fingers explore. Past his black paws to his red-orange fur, his rolled-up shirtsleeve. Cam, while his faceplate was blank, still managed to feel demure. A lot of it was in the way his breath caught, hesitating as he invaded Ian's space. The subtle inhalation of wonder at every new texture. His shirt button. The pen in his front pocket. The collar of his undershirt. Five years, Cameron's brain kept sending impulses to lungs that weren't there, and all the emotion carried by it lost. Until now. It was honestly incredible how much the lung simulation added.

But they weren't done yet. "So, I apologize in advance for this test."

"What do y- ah!" He was cut off by the sudden pinch to the cluster of sensor dots standing in for his nipples.

Ian waited, but Cam was quiet, breath caught. "Did I overdo it?"

"Y-You're fine! I... just realized some of the, um, assets. There's... nothing below the belt on the harness, is there?" One of Cam's hands slid down to the edge where there should have been a thigh.

"Nope, that's purely simulated." For which Ian was glad, mostly. He took a step back from the harness. Suddenly overly conscious of what he did with his hands, he shoved them in his pockets. "Erogenous zones are working correctly, then? The devs flat out told me to test them with the physical sensors."

Cam sucked in a simulated breath, nodding. "Yeah. I-I'm just like... why're they simulating my junk?"

"You do realize NervaVirtual caters to adult entertainment, right?"

"Oh gawd," Cam buried his face in his hands. "Y-You're kidding, right?"

"Sorry, I probably should have said something a long time ago, but..." Ian shook his head. "You were legally underage when we started working together. We had a routine, and it never seemed right to... Well, you're 19 now, and you have free reign of the internet. I thought you'd figure it out. Bad assumption."

"I guess I never- I mean, everything I do is monitored! I don't look at that stuff...!" Cam took a deep breath, hands sliding off his face and down along his chest, brushing the harness' crude foam. His head tipped at Ian, and he broke the silence with a giggle. "You look about as embarrassed as I feel. You're just doing your job, it's totally understandable. Do we, ah, need to test more?" He reached out a hand again.

"Whatever you're comfortable with." The fox laid his hand in the grip of cold metal, cracking a little grin despite himself. "Glad I didn't upset you."

"You haven't! Honest. This is all maybe just a little fast..." He brought Ian's hand up to his new prototype head, to the cheek; a colorless, slightly transparent pseudo flesh covering made it a very realistic touch. Cam gave a little sigh, openly leaning to the touch of a real paw. "But that's okay, if it means giving the devs lots of data."

He managed to wiggle in the harness, and it was just too cute. Ian grinned, fingers following the pseudo flesh along down the muzzle, and up behind the ears. The little whimper at a good scritching was just adorable, and if only the jaw was working... he just imagined Cam bitting his lip.

Cam's fingers played with the harness' nipple sensor clusters again, and the fox pretended not to notice. As much as he wished to let the moment linger, he withdrew. "So... There's a new version of the sandbox, too, and they want you to test... Well, the adult market."

"I shall bear this burden." He crossed a hand over the harness' 'heart' and dipped his head.

Ian couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah. There should be, ah, toys to help with that. They asked me what you were into, and I honestly couldn't tell them. I make no assumptions!"

Cam posed a hand behind his head. "Heh, I'm not sure I even know that, myself. Hard to really explore freely when everything's monitored, you know?"

"Yeah, that's not right..." The fox glanced away. NervaVirtual had so many waivers on Cam's privacy, it was no joke. It was way over Ian's paycheck, but... "Tell you what. I'll give you my personal login. We're gearing up to start building a real body for you. You'll want to spend some time on self-discovery."

"Wouldn't that mean sharing a search history? A-Are you sure you're okay with that?"

"Promise I won't judge if you don't. Don't look if you don't wanna know stuff about someone as old as me!"

"Hey, you're only thirty!" Cam laughed.

* * * * *

_ ZombieCookie15 -- Hey mom! I can't talk about it much (NDAs, what's new) but big progress today! I feel SO ALIVE. Are you and Dad going to visit for turkey day this year? You know Mr. Elridge says you guys have a free pass._

_ N.Snowfaire -- That's great honey. I don't think so, we'll be out of town until the 1st. Halley loves playing with the cousins._

_ ZombieCookie15 -- Okay. Tell Halley hi from big bro!_

* * * * *

The office of the Mister Elridge was large enough Ian's whole apartment could've fit comfortably inside. One entire wall, a window overlooking the city skyline. The conference table in the corner felt like an afterthought, and it seated ten in a semicircle facing an enormous monitor on the wall. And Elridge, the badger magnate himself sat with the window as a backdrop, looking enormously pleased as he often did. He was a short fellow, but his force of personality made up for it. A gold-capped laser pointer wand poised like a particularly long pen.

The scene on the monitor looked like something out of a game from 30 years ago - the sandbox was a tech demo, not a AAA title. Cam's eager wave proved how natural his movement in the 2.0 interface looked. Aside from his currently immobile face. His 3D model was a bit generic, but loosely based on his old brown furred, white spotted rabbit self. The virtual room around him was incredibly simplistic and cluttered with objects sporting as many different textures as possible: plushies, glass figurines, a soda can, potted plants. In this version, he was dressed in a polo and khakis, and the other toys were disabled.

As if Ian didn't feel suitably out of his league, he sat beside Dr. Zara DeLarcee, a stout zebra woman with a bun of silver-streaked hair. A legend of a surgeon, a literal miracle worker much acclaimed for saving Cameron's life. His life support tank was her work, and she was one of very few individuals worldwide qualified to be the primary care physician a case so extreme. "How are you doing today, Cameron?" She asked, as she cracked open her heavy metal clipboard like a book.

"I'm good! Nothing new since last checkup. Sleep is still hit-or-miss, but I just got a huge quality of life boost! I can feel the world, now!"

She had Cam's file open, and Ian struggled not to stare. The x-rays, the diagrams of the tank... There was so little of him left.

"Mr. Snowfaire, allow me to introduce Randall Parforth," Mr. Elridge indicated across the table with his wand toward the lizard on the other side of Ian. "The supervisor from our robotics engineering department, he'll be overseeing the actual manufacture of your body."

The lizard lifted his eyes from a tablet to wave at the screen and smile. "Don't mind me, I'm just here to take notes."

"Dr. Shon will of course be responsible for the overall design, of course," the badger aimed at Ian next. Then he spun the wand. "Five years ago, I made young Mr. Snowfaire a promise. A new body! Everything has fallen into place, and we're ready to make my promise come true. You are, in a very real sense, my dream team."

It didn't make Ian feel any less out of place. It was a combination of interests that made him a candidate; he was neither the best firmware engineer nor the best concept artist, but the fact he had experience with both and participated in robotics competitions during his computer science doctoral program apparently inspired Mr. Elridge to hand pick him. To sit here and feel, if not an equal, at least respected... it was a good feeling. Intimidating as all hell, but good.

Dr. DeLarcee barely glanced at the badger. She propped her clipboard up, hands folded atop it. "So Cameron. The question of the day is, what do you want to be able to do? You're in school now, but what are you looking at, long-term?"

Cam shrugged on screen. "I love art. I love computers. With the accessibility aides I already have, I can already pursue my interests. Obviously what I'm really lacking is mobility."

The magnate spoke up again. "If it were just about mobility, we'd put you on wheels. There's no point in going somewhere if you can't interact."

"Well, yeah. What I miss most is actually interacting with people. I just want to live a normal life, where possible."

Ian cleared his throat. "If I may, Doctor," he glanced at the Zebra; she returned a motherly smile and an encouraging nod. "We're discussing the physical abilities of a synthetic body. How fragile is the tank, really? First and foremost is Cameron's safety, of course."

"Well, that depends on Cameron." She turned to the screen. "What's the most physically active you'd like to be?"

"I don't need to be Robocop." He paused. Ian could almost hear the grin that his avatar didn't show. "Umm, most physically active... Nothing too crazy. I prefer to take things easy. Dancing maybe?"

"Narrow it down for us," Mr. Elridge waved his pointer at the screen. "Dance can mean anything from waltz to break-dancing!"

"Not break-dancing. I'm not thinking anything too crazy athletic. I'm thinking... I dunno, mariachi? I just want to be able to bust a move without breaking something, you know?"

DeLarcee turned to Ian. "The important design consideration for his safety is impact force. Any force transfered to the tank is roughly equivalent to getting hit on the head. I'm assuming you'll have to house it in the torso. That, and ensuring uninterrupted power."

The fox nodded. "We thought of that, and we're going to have a reserve battery that will only kick in for life support. For everything else, my rough estimates put battery life under an hour. But that's peak physical activity. The more sedate his lifestyle, the more time he can spend unplugged." He smirked at the spot under the monitor where he knew the actual camera was. "Sorry Cam, no long Mariachi sessions."

The virtual rabbit raised a hand. "So, back to impacts. What about falls? Should I be especially worried?"

"None of us stand up out of bed without the risk of falling," the zebra smiled sweetly. "You still have your inner ear canals. Your sense of balance should still be very natural. You'll brace like anyone else, so I'm not overly worried. Life is about risk management versus quality of life."

"And let's not forget independence," the badger rapped his wand on the table, "The same technology can help others achieve the same independence. Give amputees, paralytics, and many others the ability to function in day to day life. We're laying the foundation for a new generation of prosthetics. Randall, let's make sure our designs are modular."

The lizard nodded, keeping his eyes on the tablet he was tapping away at.

"Also," DeLarcee carried on, "Social interaction is critical to mental health. Right now you live in a virtual box, in every sense of the phrase. Having a body will be a vehicle for interacting with people. That may even be more important than your independence."

Cam nodded. "Er, yeah. About interaction. Bedroom activities? Sorry if this is a really inappropriate question, but I know the new NervaSim can support it, and I-I'm just wondering if that's on the table..."

The zebra cleared her throat. "It's a valid point for your quality of life."

Mr. Elridge nodded. He didn't look the least bit surprised. "I'll approve it, but I don't think we need to hammer out all the details here, for the sake of Mr. Snowfaire's privacy. Dr. Shon, if you're comfortable working with him on this aspect as well?"

"Of course, sir."

"My next question, then. Do we think it might be possible to complete a full body prototype by new New Years?"

New Years? It was only a few months away, but the lizard lifted his eyes from the tablet to the ceiling, humming. "Get me some designs soon enough, and assuming no major setbacks? Doable."

"Consider it a target date, then. I haven't decided if I'm going to announce it publicly yet..." Elridge rapped his knuckles with his pointer, nodding to himself. "Perhaps when we're closer to the mark."

"Um, Mr. Elridge, sir?"

The badger turned a paternal smile to the screen. "Yes, Mr. Snowfaire?"

"What if..." Cameron leaned in closer to the virtual camera. "Do you think it's possible to have something ready in time for Christmas? A-And to keep it quiet before that? I'm just thinking... it would be an amazing surprise for my family!"

Elridge hummed. "That would be a wonderful little reunion, wouldn't it? Heartwarming. I love it." He aimed his pointer over his shoulder at the fox. "The concepts and design phase will have to be done very quickly."

"Hell, I'll do it." Ian found himself grinning, shoulders rolling in a lazy shrug. "Let me sleep in an office and keep the coffee warm. I'd love to see Cam get to spend Christmas with his family. I'll put in whatever time it takes." The fox fixed his eyes on the camera again. "It's worth it."

"Mmh. A quiet family Christmas. A massive reveal, the first of the year, some heartwarming family footage - a new year, a new Cameron Snowfaire, a new NervaSim on the horizon..." The badger tapped his pointer to his lips. "Yes. Yes, Dr. Shon, whatever you need to make this happen, you need only ask."

* * * * *

_ ZombieCookie15 -- np man, we all need to vent now and then._

_ BigT -- I appreciate it. I seriously don't know how you stay so cheerful._

_ ZombieCookie15 -- I just focus on what's good in my life. I have to, just to get by, you know?_

_ ZombieCookie15 -- I literally have the chance to reinvent myself from the ground up. And I have tons of support. Lot of people aren't so lucky._

_ ZombieCookie15 -- Emphasis on 'invent'! I could probably ask them to design me a girl's body and they'd 100% do it._

_ BigT -- Next you're gonna tell me you're gay._

_ ZombieCookie15 -- ngl I am seriously wondering that about myself rn._

* * * * *

A new message arrived, and Ian's ears perked up as he read it. "Hey Cam! CAD team just got back to us."

"Okay, let's have a look."

A small notification popped up, 'ZombieCookie15 is now watching your screen. When he wasn't plugged into the virtual sandbox, Cam existed mainly as a 'remote' computer user. It was an older accessibility system for quadriplegics he'd been hooked into his first year since the accident. He'd used it exclusively so long he was faster than most people on a keyboard.

"Apparently they're not sure what to do with the ears." Ian pulled up the model the CAD team was working on, and for reference, Cam's initial sketches in a very anime style, and his own refinements attempting to bridge the gap between a purely 2D art style and the world of 3D modeling. None of it was colored, but that would come later. Every limb was it's own modular element, including the long catlike tail he'd picked out. But the ears on the new head design were awkward back-swept tubular protrusions.

"Aww." Cam sighed. "Yeah, I guess those don't look right, do they?"

"Well, the good news is we can figure them out later, because we don't need to figure it out for Christmas, since we already have one prototype head. It won't match, but..." Ian shrugged, leaning back in his chair. "The bad news is, Randall says we need to finalize dimensions today. This is our last chance to make sure we're happy with it."

The body type Cam was going for was... not exactly masculine, and he'd asked for it to be as small as they could make it. Cheaper and lighter, he'd said. It obviously had to fit the 'brain jar', but in the end he favored the waspish build over shaving off a few inches. His frame was shaping up to be just shy of 1.6 meters.

"Did they make the thighs thicker?"

"Oh..." Ian glanced down at the message he never finished reading. "Yeah, says here they were looking to beef up the batteries to hit that one hour of mariachi."

"Why did I even say Mariachi? It was the only thing I could think of." Cam sighed. "I'm gonna have to do it at some point, aren't I? Ah well. I'm good with the thighs. Makes me want to tweak the head a bit larger, too. Enhance the chibi look!"

Ian picked up a stylus and hovered over the model's head. "Is that a request?"

"...Can I test it as an avatar?"


Replacing the rabbit body in the sandbox was a simple matter, the way the CAD team had set it up. The virtual room booted up on the side monitor, and the flat gray model loaded in with Cam taking possession. He tested out his range of motion with some stretching motions while the fox kicked back. "I never asked... why the cat tail?"

"Was always jealous of my dad's. Body language, you know?" He glanced behind himself, swishing the added appendage adroitly. "It makes me happy!"

"Hey, if getting to be a cabbit makes you happy, don't let anyone stop you. Torso, though. What do you think?"

"I approve! Let's send it to Randall."

* * * * *

_ ZombieCookie15 -- Hey dad! I know we don't talk much. I'm hoping you're enjoying the vacation, and maybe have some time to chat!_

_ Marcus_S -- Vacation?_

_ ZombieCookie15 -- Were you not going with mom to visit her sister and the cousins?_

_ Marcus_S -- No, couldn't get away from work._

_ ZombieCookie15 -- Aww. House feel a little empty?_

_ ZombieCookie15 -- Hello?_

_ ZombieCookie15 -- Bump_

_ ZombieCookie15 -- Why don't we ever talk anymore, dad?_

* * * * *


Ian had to turn the lights on himself, the old-fashioned way. The side monitor was permanently on, and it was starting to feel like a window into Cam's world; he was spending more and more time in the sandbox with his new avatar. They'd added a bed for him to try sleeping in, and he was laying on it, an arm crossed over his face. He waved as Ian approached the desk.

"How was it, Cam?"

"Awful. Third night in a row and it's not getting any better. I sent DeLarcee a message. I'm not feeling good. Very not good."

The fox glanced toward the tank. All the status lights were green, blinking softly as normal. "Is she coming soon?"

"She looked at my vitals remotely and told me I needed to sleep, unplugged if I had to. But I can't unplug myself."

Ian nodded somberly, barely pausing to set down his coffee before shutting down the sandbox. "There. No deadlines today, sleep as long as you need. Is there anything else I can do? Anything at all?"

Cam's disembodied weary sigh came over his desk speakers. "God, a hug would be nice right now."

"I wish I-" He cut himself off, glancing toward the harness. Actually...

It only took a moment, and flipping a breaker. Cam shuddered to life in the crude testbed, making a bemused mewl, an instant before Ian threw his arms around the harness' torso. The foam body might not have been especially pleasant to embrace, but the sensors were there. The cool metal arms slowly encircled him as well. "I did say anything." Ian pulled back to smile down at Cam, brushing a hand along the muzzle and cheek.

Cam leaned into the touch with a shaky sigh. "I- That means a lot, Doc. But warn me next time you boot this thing, will you? It's really disorienting."

"Sorry." Ian fondled an ear and pressed a kiss to the top of Cam's head. "Get your rest."

Harness shut off once more, Ian sank into his desk chair and pondered what to work on. There was one thing he'd been putting off for a long while. Genitalia. Last week, in a fit of indecisiveness, Cam produced no less than ten different concept sketches. Ian said he was fine working on the bedroom stuff, and he was, but he'd always found himself too flustered to do it in near constant company. Some of the lab cameras might have a view if he had a 'reaction' to what he was working on.

They'd quickly decided to make them interchangeable modules. That also made them a low priority. All they needed by Christmas was a "ken doll" cap, more or less just covering the port and blending in. But sooner or later they had to develop the ideas. That was somewhat easier on Ian while Cam was asleep, and it made for an interesting morning. It wasn't every day Ian got to send such not-safe-for-work concept art to coworkers.

By the time he was finished, the latest from the CAD department came in. The new body model was the same in dimensions, but now it was slightly less flat and gray; light regions indicated what would become rigid framework for the body's structure, and the dark areas would be pseudo flesh, same as the prototype head's cheeks and ears.

Ian expected all of it would be covered regardless. Stylus already in hand, he started working on coloration ideas. One to mimic Cam's old body; brown, white spots on his back, shoulder, thighs, and face. He tried one in blue, yellow, and white accents. Black with accents looked really good, too, in almost any accent color.

"Morning," came a groan from the speakers.

The fox glanced at a clock; it was getting late for a normal shift, but Cam had only slept at most six hours. "Go back to sleep if you can. You need to catch up."

"Can't. What're you working on?" ZombieCookie15 is now watching your screen. "Hrmm."

"Are you feeling better at least?"

"Yes. Not great, but better. What're all these?"

"Ideas for your outer looks. If you look at the color breakdown, the dark bits are-"

"The bits that are nice to grab," Cam giggled.

He wasn't wrong. That included the neck, frontal chest, sides, derriere, inner thighs, shins, and feet were all indicated. As much of the arms as they could get away with, too. "The structure can have a pseudo flesh coating as well, but it would only be skin deep. Have you given any thought to how you want this thing to look on the surface? We might be able to give you a fake fur coat."

Cam was sprawled on his virtual bed. "Fur coat sounds like a pain to wash, honestly."

Ian chuckled. "Excuse me? The rest of us manage."

"The rest of you won't short circuit in water."

"Fair. So, any of what I've thrown together give you ideas?"

He just shrugged. "Umm... I dunno. I kinda like the original."

The fox blinked. "You want to leave all that just... black and white?"

"Kinda? I like how the contrast that shows everything for what it is. I don't want to hide what I am. Or even cover the hard bits. Your designs are cool and all, but I dunno if any of them fit me. Maybe the one based on my old fur pattern, but even then... feels like I'd be pretending to be something I'm not, anymore."

Ian's gaze fell to the framed photo of old Cam. "What's your favorite color?"


To the side of the model, Ian opened a color wheel and dragged out a swatch. "Like this?"

"Redder? More like an amber I guess. Just a touch darker- Yeah, that."

"I think we can keep the contrast without being so monochrome." Ian replaced the white frame with the new color and increased its sheen effect on the model. Burnished brass and black. Another variant in silver chrome.

"I dunno. I'm trying to keep an open mind, but why is it wrong to like the black and white aesthetic?"

"It's not. I just want to make sure you're going to be happy wearing it." Ian swept all his variations off-screen, leaving only the black and monochrome model from the engineering team. "I just... It looks like a retro robot toy. Are you sure you're okay with that?"

"Yes! I want to take that and make it my own. Be a retro robot with pride!"

"Okay. Maybe we can play into that." He studied it some more, and picked up the stylus again. The white should definitely be high gloss. "I think it just bothers me that there's no color at all. Can I try adding some yellow accents?" The pawpads, perhaps? And the fingertips - they could stylize some claws. That would work on the feet, too. The current model ears were something of a hybrid between rabbit and feline, pointed largely backward, the tips of those could do with a dab of color, as could the tailtip. He found himself imagining a yellow cock tying the whole thing together, as well.

Ian sat back. Overall... it felt flat, lacking detail. "What would you say if the pseudo flesh had a recessed pattern to it?" He tried sketching some lines, but quickly erased that; it didn't look right on the chest. Hexagons?

"Thoughts?" Ian glanced at the side monitor, but it was blank. His heart sank a moment; he missed seeing Cam, even if his face was still inanimate. "Hey, you're being awfully quiet. It's okay to tell me my design sucks, you know."

"Nah. You got it." There was a smile in his tone, and it made Ian beam. "Absolutely nailed it. The hex pattern just... Yes. And just enough color to make it interesting."

* * * * *

_ ZombieCookie15 -- Hey sis whats up? Back from turkey day vacation?_

_ DatComet -- I get it now. You're literally Alphonse Elric._

_ ZombieCookie15 -- Oh mom finally let you watch it!!_

_ DatComet -- Does this make me Winry_

_ DatComet -- How is your username not a reference to Al?_

_ ZombieCookie15 -- I think this one's funnier._

_ DatComet -- I don't get it_

_ ZombieCookie15 -- Brain in a jar. Looks like a cookie jar to a zombie!_

_ DatComet -- omg #### bro_

_ DatComet -- Take your life seriously you ####### dork._

_ ZombieCookie15 -- Nevar!_

* * * * *

There were way more people in the lab than usual today. A half dozen techs from the engineering department swarmed the harness, installing the new chassis. The pseudo flesh was still in production, and it was missing the vast majority of the tactile sensors, but today's test was all the basic motor functions. The old prototype head looked out of place on the bare framework.

Mr. Elridge stood by with a grin watching the progress. Cam, on the side monitor, avatar updated with the new color scheme, was bouncing on the balls of his feet. Randall nodded over the work as his techs cleared out, cast a grin over at Shon, uploading the firmware, and finally turned his grin to Cam. "Ready to try out your new body? Mariachi certified."

"Hell, I'm nervous. I don't want to break it!"

"Better you break it now, before we install the most important part: you. I'm not kidding, put it through it's paces! Just keep in mind it's still on a leash."

The new body would have to stay wired to the ceiling until Cam's tank was housed inside it. Despite Randall's assurances, they were going to test it first. Trust, but verify.

"Still a problem with the jaw interface," Ian called out, "but we're ready.

Cam stilled himself and nodded. "Alright, let's do this."

Randall threw the switch himself, and the new body shuddered to life. Cam tipped, and every hand in the room started toward him, but he caught himself on the arch of the harness. "Whoa..."

Randall stepped around the harness with a keen eye. "Easy, Cameron. Everything looks like it's working, so far. You got this."

"Haven't stood on actual feet in five years. I have absolutely no sense of balance."

"Probably cuz it's all your brain jar." Ian pointed out. "And that's not moving. For now, just be careful."

"Shouldn't be that different from the sandbox, should it?" Cam let go, stood upright, and took a few furtive steps. As he ventured out from under the arch, and a tech lingering behind him made sure the hanging cordage didn't get caught on anything. "It feels really light."

"Most of your frame's carbon fiber, baby," Randall spouted, clearly proud of the fact. "You're missing the batteries and your tank, though - that's a huge chunk of your final weight."

"Are you calling me fat?"

One of the techs facepalmed and groaned.

Slowly finding confidence in his feet, Cam shifted his weight around, rolled his hips and spine, stretching out every which way. The empty shell of a body gave only the softest whirs and hums at his motion, the finely tuned machine that it was.

"What do you think, Mr. Snowfaire?" Elridge asked.

Cam answered by walking up and hugging the badger magnate. "Thank you!"

"Ach-! Careful, you're not pinch-proof yet!"

"Oh, s-sorry sir!"

Randall dismissed the techs. Leaving the badger, Cam traipsed toward Ian, arms spread to help balance. "Hey I had a question. What happens if I swallow something?" He brought a couple of fingers up to this mouth and pulled open his effectively paralyzed muzzle with a couple of fingers.

"Swallow what?" Ian stepped closer as Cam teetered. The new frame only stood neck-height to the fox. "I mean, the throat ends where the head meets the body."

Cam's fingers dove into his mouth, exploring. "Okay, but is it, like, sealed and watertight down there? Wow, they textured it all the way down..." His speech synthesizer didn't seem to care if his mouth was obstructed.

Randall chuckled. "Well, yeah. Our eventual goal is to mimic pretty much all normal body functions."

"Yes, it's supposed to be watertight, but please don't try eating or drinking." Ian sighed. "It's going to be a pain to clean out and you can't taste anyway. Better stick with your DeLarcee-approved nutrient drips. Also if you don't get your fingers out of your throat, I'm adding a gag reflex."


* * * * *

_ ZombieCookie15 -- Hello. Can I get in touch with someone on the NervaSim 2.0 dev team, please? I have a special request, and I'd like to keep it discreet if possible._

_ Auto-Response@NervaVirtual.corp -- If you have a tech ticket number, please enter it now. If you would like to open a new ticket, please respond 'new ticket'._

_ Randall.p -- Cameron, can you get Dr. Shon to open a ticket for you?_

_ ZombieCookie15 -- No, because I need to keep a secret until Christmas._

_ Auto-Response@NervaVirtual.corp -- Sorry, I don't understand. Please enter your tech ticket number or respond 'new ticket'._

_ Randall.p -- Say no more. I'll call you direct._

* * * * *

Dr. DeLarcee was still dusting snow off her coat in the broad entryway when Ian arrived. "Good morning, doctor." he gave the zebra a respectful half bow and waved her along. She had a small suitcase on rollers with a caduceus decal. "Ready for the big day?"

"Yes. Better question, is my patient ready?"

The fox kept his mouth shut for now. They weren't actually allowed to mention Cameron by name until they passed a security checkpoint, much deeper in the building, past the impressive face of NervaVirtual's grand headquarters - a postmodern vista of sweeping steel and glass, irregularly shaped rooms and open air venues. The echoed chatter from the grandiose lunch room and conference halls fell away as Ian's card got them through the restricted access doors, and once the doors shut behind them, it was dead silent. Even their footsteps and the zebra's suitcase wheels were muted by unusually thick carpet. Ahead, just endless hallways of offices, and the same small selection of fake potted plants posted at every intersection.

Ian broke the silence. "I can't help but worry about him not being able to sleep in the sandbox. The real body's not going to be any different, in theory. His insomnia was bad enough before this... Do we have any idea what's causing it?"

"Maybe." The zebra glanced both ways as they passed an intersection. Empty, but she lowered her voice anyway. "From the data logs, he's getting kicked awake every time he enters REM sleep. My running theory is, he's so used to sensory deprivation as the norm that any tactile input is too much. It may get better for him with time, but there's no telling."

Ian sighed. "That's why I worry about putting him in a permanent body. Do you think we need to give him the ability to just... disconnect from the tactile sensors? Or at least adjust sensitivity on the fly."

"That seems prudent."

"I'll see what we can do."

Ian rounded the final corner. The security door to the lab was already open, and there were a half dozen technicians in white coveralls and masks working on the harness.

DeLarcee surveyed the room with pursed lips. "No parents today?"

"No, he wanted to surprise his parents for Christmas."

She glanced at her smart watch. "Well! I suppose he is old enough to make independent medical decisions. Goodness, they grow up fast, don't they?"

"I'm not qualified to answer that, ma'am."

"Hmph. Get yourself a girl, Mr. Shon. You won't stay young forever."

Ian shrugged it off with a smile. "My ex said I was too married to my work to marry anyone else." Despite the face he put on it, it still stung a bit... Though it had been years, his boyfriend couldn't quite deal with the hours Ian had to put in when Cameron came along.

But DeLarcee had already shrugged him off, tugging her suitcase along over toward the cart housing her patient. "Good morning, Cameron! Are you nervous?"

"Nah, I'm excited! Been a while since I was clinically dead."

Ian winced. He said it positively, but the comment hit a little too close to home. The risks were real, and up until last year, they needed Mr. And Mrs. Snowfaire to approve any time they had to unplug him. Thankfully, a rare occurrence.

DeLarcee retrieved a tiny capsule of liquid from her case and slotted it into a receptacle on the tank. The dosage was minuscule. "Just to be on the safe side, I'll be putting you under for this. It should take affect very quickly. If all goes well, we'll see you in your new body shortly after this wears off."

Cam sucked in a virtual breath. "Hey doc?"



The fox and zebra shared a glance, smirking. Ian bowed slightly; a medical doctor had more claim to the title than his doctorate in computer science, by his estimate.

"Just in case something does happen," Cam went on, "I'd rather my family not know how... How close we were to being able to touch."

"Don't you worry," DeLarcee smiled. "You'll crash the family Christmas party before you kick the bucket. Anything else?"

"No, that's all. I'm ready."

She glanced at Ian, then Randall and the techs for confirmatory nods, then pushed the plunger. She checked her watch, unchocked the cart's wheels, and tugged it over toward the harness.

The frame of Cam's new body had received a gleaming white finish, and the openings in all the limbs were patched with dark hex-textured pseudo flesh, but the torso was splayed open, awaiting its occupant. The technicians stood in a semicircle while the zebra began flipping switches, unplugging wires, crimping hoses as she disconnected Cam from his lifelines. For every device she disconnected, a new portable version waited in the snug confines of his new body. She started a three-minute timer on her watch and pulled the final plug. The tank's subtle whirr and clicking faded away even as she waved a tech over to help her move it.

The fox caught himself clenching his teeth. He knew Cam was in good hands - the best, most qualified hands in the world, no doubt. Still, he had to ward off thoughts of a future should the worst happen. He'd worked with Cam so long, Ian wasn't sure he could just go back to his old job in firmware development. Even if Elridge assigned him to some new project, or promoted him, he doubted NervaVirtual could ever fill that hole. Could anyone, besides Cameron?

The tank beeped, its status lights strobing orange while DeLarcee watched her timer. One by one, the lights switched to steady green. The Zebra glanced at Randall. "So far, all seems to be working correctly. And it's damn quiet in operation."

The lizard drew himself up tall and proud. "We didn't skimp! The backups are the most reliable components we could find, too."

She stopped her watch. "Alright. Button up." She turned, tail flicking as she grabbed the old cart and hauled it out of the way. The white-clad techs swarmed in to close up the torso.

Randall grinned after her. "Pleasure to work with the legend, Dr. DeLarcee."

"Get stuffed." She shot a smirk back at him. "But you did good."

Ian shuffled up by the cart. "How long before he wakes up?"

She smiled. "You can stop worrying, Mr. Shon. Cameron will be fine. The sedative will wear off in an hour tops, but I'm hoping he gets some natural sleep after that."

The fox's ears perked up. "Speaking of sleep, hey Randall!"

It was a short discussion, but the lizard promised to make it happen on the double. When he and the techs cleared out, they took Cam's left arm with them. DeLarcee hung around until she was satisfied with the tank's vitals, finally leaving Ian with the promise to return at the first sign of trouble, and leaving the fox to settle shakily at his desk.

He still had work to do; the new head and genital modules were still undergoing revisions after all. But it was proving rather fruitless.


Something seemed off about the voice, and Ian glanced at the side monitor. But no, Cam wasn't in the sandbox; his voice wasn't coming over the lab speakers anymore, only his new body. Ian forced himself to walk, not run, to the harness. "How is it?"

"I feel okay, aside from being unarmed." He reached over and patted the open stump of a shoulder. "What's up with that?"

"Randall took it for modifications. We're giving you a computer to control your body a little better. We're hoping you may be able to sleep better if we give you the option to turn down your tactile sensitivity."

"You guys think of everything." Cam reached up and brushed the cables suspending his body in the harness. They slackened when he stretched upward with his own two legs. "Are we ready to cut the strings?"

Ian nodded. "Let me grab a screwdriver for that."

Each cable that came off the shoulders and hips, Ian had a little white screw hole cap to pop in and cover the mounting point. And, with all of those removed, he gripped the power line, the last tie to the ceiling, and squeezed latch. It clacked loudly as it popped off Cam's back. "That's it. You're running on your own batteries."

Cam set one foot outside the harness and tipped. The fox caught him immediately; he'd been watching for any sigh of imbalance. "Ugh," came the synthesized groan. "Ow, just got some serious vertigo."

Ian gathered him in his steady arms. "Is it getting better?"

"Y-Yes, I think. A bit."

"Okay. Let's try walking nice and slow, together."

Cam's head tipped up, and nodded, gripping Ian's hand tightly.

* * * * *

_ ZombieCookie15 -- So what are the Christmas plans this year?_

_ N.Snowfaire -- Quiet time at home_

_ N.Snowfaire -- Since we just visited the family it's just us_

_ ZombieCookie15 -- Are you making peanut brittle this year?_

_ N.Snowfaire -- No Halley doesn't care for it._

_ ZombieCookie15 -- Dad and I loved it tho_

_ ZombieCookie15 -- I wish I could taste it again_

_ ZombieCookie15 -- Just show up at the door and everything go back to the way it was._

_ N.Snowfaire -- Oh Cameron. If only it were that simple._

_ N.Snowfaire -- This time of year has been hard for us since your accident_

_ N.Snowfaire -- My boy is so far away_

_ ZombieCookie15 -- I'm closer than you think, mom :heart: I love you._

* * * * *

Ian adjusted the strap of the tote across his shoulder so it didn't drag his green scarf down. "Seriously wish you'd wear a coat or something, Cam. You're still supposed to be a secret."

"Nobody's gonna see! I just wanna rock my new robot bod, yaknow?"

The fox shoved open the heavy side exit door out to a narrow alley between the main NervaVirtual building and the adjacent parking structure. A van, already running and warm, awaited them; its windows heavily tinted and a cloud of condensation accumulating behind it. Ian had rather expected it to be branded, but no... nothing indicated it was a company vehicle. Elridge wanted them to keep a low cover, and having a marked vehicle showing up to the Snowfaire's on Christmas eve might spark rumors, he supposed. As the he held the door, practically out of habit, Cameron emerged. The white of his chassis glinted orange from the parking structure lights. No breath fogged when he sighed.

"Bit isn't it a little cold to be streaking?" The fox grinned.

"Oh come on, it's not streaking if there's nothing to show off!" Cam slapped the white plate currently making up his groin region; it was contoured to suggest the slightest bulge, but no moreso than some perfectly innocent dolls. But he stepped out, fingers trailing on the door frame, barely missed by the door as it thudded shut, and he brushed along the concrete wall, and down to a snow drift. His hand crunched through the top layer, and he brought up a fistful, rubbing the frozen bits and powdery stuff against his yellow palm.

"Hey, Cam, are you okay?"

His ears and tail perked up first. "Huh? Ah, sorry." He brushed his hands off, but kept staring at the flakes that clung to his hand. "It's just... I'm finally out here. Actually here, not like I'm just watching a camera feed... It's... God, I'm shivering!"

Ian couldn't tell if it was the cold, the excitement, or both. But he reached out, hooking Cam's elbow and easing him toward the car. "I know, but you shouldn't spend too much time outside. The real you can get frostbite if all you're wearing is a tin can. Come on." He got the car door.

Cam ducked to get in; the fox's arm slid around him before he realized his foot was sliding out from under him. "Shit!" He laughed as he he half-fell into the car seat, but the laugh quickly turned into a groan. "Ha... Oof. Head's spinning."

Ian helped him get situated and buckled in. "Vertigo still?" Cam nodded, and the fox set the tote in his lap. "Get plugged in, and the vertigo medication DeLarcee got you if you need it."

He finally circled around to the driver seat and climbed in, taking a moment to familiarize himself with the van. Elridge didn't skimp on the company loaners; the seat warmer was nice. And the GPS already had the Snowfaire's address plugged in. All he had to do was buckle in and drive. While he pulled out into the street, Cam stuck a cable in the car charger, the other end slotting into a port on his thigh. His wrist display made a pleasant ding to signal it was charging correctly.

"I know I don't have a stomach, but seriously feel like I'm about to puke..." Cam groaned.

"That's why you have the vertigo meds..."

"Doc said they would make me drowsy. I'm afraid I'm just going to conk out."

"It's a long drive, Cam. It's okay if you do. Better than feeling sick, even if you aren't going to make a mess."

"I guess." He dug out a little rattling bottle. With a sigh, he pulled open his chest; the largest piece of hex patterned pseudo-flesh, stretching from what would be his sternum all the way down his abdomen, peeled back to expose the knitty-gritty of his day to day functions. The seatbelt handily held him open, and the visor mirror let him see well enough to finagle a tiny capsule into the appropriate slot on his tank and and hit the plunger. Closing up his chest again was a slow, methodical process.

The fox switched on the headlights as it grew darker. He offered to turn on the radio, but Cam declined. The fox watched him out of the corner of his eye. They got onto the freeway, light flurries rushing by. None of it was sticking to the road yet, but that was liable to change. "Feeling any better yet?"

"Yes. It works pretty fast." Cam's fingers idly roamed across every texture. The chrome door handle, the subtly textured plastic around it, the padding on the door panel, the glass.

The fox smiled. "You're acting like a kid."

"It's just so surreal. It's really happening." With a start, he dove back into the tote. "Did you bring the picture...?"

"Yes, though I'm not sure why you want it."

Cam pulled out the framed photo from Ian's desk. His old self. "They're not going to recognize me. Just, a knock on the door, a freaking robot standing there... What're they supposed to think? I want to hold it when they first see me. So they know."

"Just because you're holding the picture doesn't mean they'll automatically know it's you."

Cam stared at the photo a moment longer, then pressed it to his chest, sighing as he leaned against the car door, faceplate clinking against the window, glinting in moonlight. Ian let him be; breaking the silence again didn't quite seem right, just now. And maybe he'd get some rest. That didn't seem to be the case, though; at no point during the drive did Cam stop moving completely for any appreciable length of time.

"We're almost there. How're you feeling? Did the vertigo meds make you drowsy at all?"

"Not exactly. I definitely feel a bit... well, drugged? But I'm always tired."

They pulled off into a twisty forest road. It hadn't been plowed, and only the ruts of prior passing vehicles gave any indication where the road was supposed to be. The lots were sizable, but the houses weren't particularly big. They finally pulled into the driveway. The fox shared a glance with his passenger. "So this is where you grew up?"

"Yeah." Cam's breath was shaky. The garage and house made an L-shape around the driveway, and the front door was flanked by large bay windows, shedding a soft glow through drawn curtains.

Ian reached over to grab his hand reassuringly. "You'll be fine. I'll be with you every step of the way."

"W-Wait." He stopped Ian with his door half-open. "I wanna do this by myself. I know you're supposed to stay with me, but this is my family. I'll be back, and I'll introduce you."

"Okay." He waited until Cam was safely on his feet outside the car before shutting his own door again, though. Actually, he had met Cam's family in passing before, at various visits they'd made to NervaVirtual. He usually stayed out of the way, though, and doubted they'd remember one innocuous fox. He shut off the car in the meantime; this wasn't an EV.

Cam was careful with his footing on the way up to the door, still clutching the picture to his chest. He reached up and caressed the doorbell before he brought himself to push the button. At the muted tone, a long-eared shadow passed over the window, approaching the door. It opened to the uncertain face of a plump rabbit woman in a broad red sweater. Though Ian couldn't hear what passed between them, he watched her eyes go wide, her jaw go slack. But there was tension Mrs. Snowfaire's smile, and her gaze was slippery. A younger bunny girl bounded up behind her, beaming. Cam's younger sister. But even her tremendous grin slipped.

Ian's breath caught. They weren't going to reject Cameron now, could they?

But Mrs. Snowfaire waved Cam indoors. He hesitated at the threshold, but his little sister hugged his arm, egging him inside. He finally made the step, but his tail was tucked. The door shut, and the fox looked on from the car, uncertain. It wasn't rejection. Something else had happened.

He watched the silhouettes embrace in front of the window, and Ian hugged himself. There was a pit in his stomach. He hated not knowing what Cameron was going through... and not being there for him. 'I wanna do this by myself.' As much as he wanted to barge in... There was clearly a family matter at play. He couldn't just step in now. "You're strong, Cam," he breathed, though there was no one else to hear. "You can do this."

Chill crept into the car. The fox huddled, wrapping his tail about his legs as the minutes slunk by. What a way to spend Christmas eve.

There was a rap at the passenger door. Ian's head snapped up to see the younger rabbit girl. He unlocked the door, and she poked her head in, ears brushing the top of the cabin. She had a sweet smile. "Hey, Ian right?"

"Yeah. You're... Halley?"

"Yup, that's me! Cammy asked me to get you. But, uh, just so you know what's going on." Her face darkened. "Umm... Our mom and dad broke up. Years ago. And nobody... told him. We kinda all hid that from him."

Ian gaped at her. "You hid that from him!?"

"Mom said it would be too much for him."

"That's so... wrong. Nobody said anything?"

"Hey, I was fucking ten when it happened!"

"I'm not... accusing you. Directly. I'm just... God," Ian slapped a paw to his muzzle. "That's so messed up."

"Yeah, yeah." She sighed, and her eyes softened. "Look, I'm telling you so we don't have to rehash that in front of Cammy. He's asking for you, though."

Ian blanked a moment. Cam was asking for...? Well, someone who hadn't been lying to him for years? "Okay." Ian collected the tote, fingers fumbling to coil up the charging cable and stash it, fingers numb. He slung the bag over his shoulder and allowed Halley to lead him up to the house. She got the door for him, ushering him straight into the family room.

Cameron and his mother sat on opposite couches. The former, hands in his lap, head down, silent. Mrs. Snowfaire was anything but; her shoulders trembled to her shaky breathing and she sniffled into a tissue. The picture of Cam's old self sat on her coffee table. Ian shifted his weight uncertainly; to be in a stranger's home while they had a breakdown was incredibly uncomfortable. It didn't even feel right to interrupt her to announce his presence. But cold fingers caught his arm. Ian was dragged down, tote and all, into the spot next to Cam, and he found the needy, quivering boy pressing into his lap, cool faceplate pressed under his chin. He had no words; the fox just held him close. Halley plopped on the floor at her brother's feet and lay her head on his knee, reaching to clasp one of his hands.

"I'm sorry, Cameron." Mrs. Snowfaire collected herself to some extent. "That this is the kind of Christmas surprise you came back to."

Ian nosed behind the synthetic ear, the spot where he knew the actual microphone was, murmuring, "You're strong."

It took him a while to respond. His voice sounded so tiny. "W-Were you...ever going to tell me? Mom?"

To her credit, she mustered the courage to meet her son eye to eye. "It was a mistake to keep it from you. I knew that. Your father knew that. We... I felt it would be too much for you, at the time. So soon after the accident, it was such a struggle for you to interact at all, we didn't want you to feel like it was your fault."

"Why would it be my-"

"We argued," she carried on over his frail question, "Your father didn't want to give you to Mr. Elridge... to a corporation, and let them just take you like that. It wouldn't be right to talk about this without him, though. I'd prefer to let him speak for himself."

Halley piped up from her spot on the floor. "Too bad he's not here, huh?"

She was one to talk. She went along with hiding it.

"Sis." Cam reached down to grab one of her ears, gently. "Don't be like that. My family's already torn up, can we please not make it worse?"

Mrs. Snowfaire sat up straight, pulling out her phone. "She's right, though. You deserve better, Cammy." She started tapping away and, a moment later, held the phone up to her head.

Halley started. "Fuck, you're calling dad now?"

"Language!" she hissed back. "If there's any chance we can come together, for Cameron's take, I have to try."

The younger rabbits' ears flopped as she shook her head. "He's not gonna answer. You know how he totally disconnects in the evenings. Especially holidays."

Mrs. Snowfaire pursed her lips, but lowered the phone, hanging up on the tone of a voice message system. She stared at the phone in her lap. "You're right. But I can call Jeannine." Her fingers trembled as she thumbed through her contacts.

Cam sat up straight. Ian fondled one of his ears, a lump in his throat, but he felt very out of place in the middle of all this unfolding. That name seemed to mean something to Cam, but the fox was just an observer.

"I don't even know if this number still-" Mrs. Snowfaire stopped herself as the ring tone broke off. "Hello, Jeannine. It's... It's me, Noel." She paused. Whatever the reply she was listening to, she began tearing up all over again. "I-I know. Listen. Can you get Marcus? It's Cameron. Yes. Thank you. ...N-No, no! He's fine, he's... he's right here." She broke off and struggled for a breath. "Cameron came home to surprise us and-" She cut off, biting her lip. "I... Yes, thank you. Thank you.

"Okay." She hung up and sucked in a breath, resolute. "We're going to dad's."

"Really?" Halley's eyes shot wide. "Just like that? I thought you and Jean fucking hated each other!"

"Language! We didn't always," Mrs. Snowfaire sighed. "And it's mostly been me, clinging to the past. And some words I had for her on their wedding night. But I have to let that go, for Cameron's sake. Do you still remember her and Tristan?" She glanced at her son.

"Yeah, I do. She was my old babysitter, and I used to play with her kid Tristan when she watched us... I guess he's like, my brother in law now?" He lifted his head a bit. Despite his quiet sigh, he was slowly easing the death grip on Ian's waist. "My family certainly got more complicated while I was living in a jar, huh?"

His sister slapped his knee, and he shied against Ian again. "Ow! That does hurt, you know! What was that for!?"

"Maybe you should have thought about possible complications before you just drop in on us. Fuck." Halley didn't sound angry, but she did level a stern look at him. "You know what you're putting mom through?"

"Nick's sake, Halley dear, let it be." Mrs. Snowfaire pinched her brow and slowly pushed to her feet. ""It's Christmas eve. Come on. Jean and your father invited us all over. I just need to get my shoes - and you need a coat, Halley. Also, language."

She stuck out her tongue as her mother turned away. "Meh."

Ian tried to get up, but Cam was still laying on him. "I can drive you all, if you don't mind, ma'am!" Mrs. Snowfaire actually jumped slightly at the sound of his voice. "It's the least I can do."

"I almost forget you were here, mister...?"

"Ian Shon. My pleasure ma'am. I only wish the circumstances weren't so-"

"Psh. Stop ma'am_ing me - it's just Noel. And the circumstances?" She stooped to pull on her shoes, glancing back at him with a sparkling tear in her eye. "My baby came home for Christmas! Anyone who played a part in making _that miracle happen is a friend of this family."

Cam finally pushed off the couch. "He's more than a friend, mom. He's been there since the start, kept me sane through some of the worst." He offered a hand to help the fox off the couch, but Ian was wary of pulling too hard. "Actually, I'd be surprised if you hadn't met before."

"I know I remember you in passing, Mrs. Snowfaire. But I try to stay out of the family's way." He offered a smile.

"It's just Noel, please."

It was a much more talkative van, this drive. Halley was bursting with questions. "How long have you had that body? Whatcha got on that wrist computer? Is that a phone? Do you need, like, oil or something?" Cam deflected with very few details - he was still under NDA's after all - and turned the conversation to anime instead.

"Wait, so you do all the maintenance... Ohhh so you're Winry!" Halley leaned forward, practically leaning on Ian's shoulder.

"I have no idea what you're talking-"

Noel cut through it. "Hal, sit down and put your seatbelt back on."

"Aww. Just wanted to see Cam's-"

"Now, little miss! Sorry about that, Mr. Shon."

Ian fought down a grin, but he was quietly grateful nobody else was on the road at this hour. It had stopped snowing, too, and the drive was a short, back-roads affair to another neighborhood. Smaller lots, much larger houses; these were all two-story. Noel pointed out the right place, and she was the first out of the van, immediately at Cameron's side helping him out. She tasked Halley with helping him up the steep driveway slope, however, and forged on ahead up the steps to the front porch and tremendous double doors.

"I remember this house." Cam's head tilted back to take in the two-story affair before them, fully decked with Christmas lights in the shape of icicles strung all along the roof. The yard was tiny compared to the country lot of his childhood home, but sported a massive inflatable polar bear Santa on one side, and a nativity on the other. As Ian got out and tromped slightly behind, he overheard his lowered voice. "...used to babysit us here."

"Did she? I don't remember it."

"You were pretty young. I still remember some of your old spots for hide and seek, I think."

The door opened to Noel's knocking, and a collie woman came face to face with her. A moment of uncertainty between them was dispelled as Mrs. Snowfaire uttered something under her breath, the fox couldn't quite hear, and the rabbit embraced the canine. They were ushered inside and out of the way by a white-furred feline. A snow leopard, from the looks of it.

Cameron, seeing him, launched himself from the bottom step to the porch in one great bound, practically falling into him. "Dad!" It took the cat aback, being tackled by the short, unfamiliar figure. Quickly composing himself, he grasped Cam by the shoulders, held at arms length, and looked over the shell that contained his son. "You're really in there?"

He rapped on his sternum. "Right here, dad."

The feline sighed through his teeth and waved Cam inside. He then offered a hand to the approaching fox. "Mr. Shon, wasn't it?"

"Good memory, Mr. Snowfaire." Ian shook it.

The cat had a soft touch, but a dignified bearing. "Come in, come in. Make yourself at home" He waved the fox and Halley inside before shutting the door. He glanced off to where the women huddled with hushed, sincere tones. "Looks that we'll be dealing with... family business for a moment. So Cameron, is this... treating you well?" The feline gestured at his full body.

Cam bounced on his feet, weight shifting side to side as if it were some subtle dance. "I can feel the world again. My quality of life is the best it's been since the accident. Umm... Mom told me you weren't exactly all-in with this, though."

Mr. Snowfaire nodded. "I didn't want all this. Don't get me wrong, I never doubted Elridge could deliver on what he promised, but I have some experience with RnD cycles. I knew it would be years. Incredible as Dr. DeLarcee was, with one organ failure after another, every surgery taking away a little bit more of you... I started to wonder if she went too far. Maybe her work wasn't the mercy everyone said it was."

"So you argued with mom... about saving my life?" Cam shifted his weight again, this time in discomfort. "I just want to understand."

"Yes, you deserve my straight opinion. I just had to ask myself, was it really worth the intervening years you spent..." The cat gestured at Cam, sighing, struggling for words. "When was it too much? When would letting you pass be the more merciful option? Your mother didn't want to let go of you, wouldn't even let me ask you. And then the media, and Elridge. They painted his offer as this incredible act of kindness. If we chose to let you pass peacefully, we would've been painted as villains."

Ian started as the collie - she must have been Jean - arrived offering him a glass of warm cider. The ladies were apparently done with their own session. Peeking around a corner, from a hallway, was a wolf. He looked about eighteen, about Cam's age. Jean beckoned him over and clasped his hand. Apparently everyone was gathering around now to watch the discussion between father and son play out.

The cat gestured broadly. He obviously had a flair for the dramatic. "I still don't know if it was worth it. But you're old enough now to decide that for yourself."

Cam was nodding. "I think I understand. If you'd offered... especially on my worst days... I think I might have decided it was too much for me. But then, I wouldn't have met some of the amazing people who've helped me through." His head tipped toward the gathered audience. They hadn't found the time to animate his faceplate like they wanted, but the fox didn't need that to feel Cam's gaze. "For what it's worth, I don't blame either of you. Even for hiding all this from me. I know that life... is hard enough to navigate when everything's clear cut. And it hasn't been, for any of us in this family. But you're my family. At this point, it's all said and done, and maybe we're all a little messed up, but I love you all."

He reached for his father's arm, and his mothers shoulder, dragging them into a hug. And Halley piled in from the side.

Ian stared at his cider glass. His ears perked up at Cam's lowered voice.

"Mom. Is it okay if I consider Jean and Tristan family too?"

The conflict played out on her face, but she swallowed, and caught the collie's eye. "You know, Jean and I dated a few years before I met your father. She's a great mother. It's fine by me."

"Are you fucking serious, mom!?" Halley blurted. She wore a stupefied grin. "No way! You were lesbian?"

"Language!" Noel hissed.

Cam extricated himself to embrace the startled Jeannine as well. "Thank you for having us, Sitter Lady."

She snerked. "No trouble, Cammy."

"I..." Tristan cleared his throat. "I just got an awesome-looking robot for Christmas. And I got one of my best friends back. And he's my brother now." He was grinning broadly. "We haven't even opened presents yet and it's the best Christmas ever!"

"Heck yes." Cam fistbumped his new brother.

"Want to come play on my xbox?"

Jean cleared her throat. "Did you clean your room, Tristan?"

The young wolf's ears pinned back.

"I'd love to, but..." He glanced at the fox. "I think Doc is feeling like a fish out of water."

Ian smirked, holding his cider to one side and diving into the tote with his free hand, pulling out a wall charger to toss at Cam. "I'll be fine. Go on. It's Christmas eve, have some fun."

He caught the cable, glanced at his wrist readout. "Alright, but don't go far! I wanna talk to you once I'm charged up, okay?"

"I'm coming too!" Halley charged after the boys retreating down the hall.

Jean glided about, offering mugs of hot cider. Mr. Snowfaire accepted his as he watched Cam vanish around a corner. "Couldn't you have made him look more... himself, mister Shon?"

"It's just Ian, please." The fox shrugged. "The mismatched fox head's temporary. Thing is, he designed most of that himself. He wanted a feline tail to be more like you."

"Never mind the tail. That whole prosthetic looks like a toy commercial."

"Dear!" Jean slapped his arm.

"He wanted that, though." Ian shrugged. "I offered him more realistic designs, but he wanted that look. It's not everyone's aesthetic taste, but it's his way of embracing what he is and what's happened to him. On some level, you just have to respect that."

Noel nodded faintly. "I wondered that too, but I didn't quite want to say anything. In the end, it doesn't matter. My baby's back, and he's happy."

The collie came and put a hand on her shoulder, steadying the bunny woman. She had her own mug of cider now, and took a sip while she eyed the fox. "Thank you for letting him be here with us. There's munchies in the kitchen you're welcome to. I'm sure it can't make up for missing your own family on Christmas, but..."

"Who, me?" Ian shrugged. "I really don't have any to speak of. I moved across the country to work at NervaVirtual, and I haven't had much of a life outside work since I took on Cameron's project, but... he's been worth every minute I've spent with him."

"He asked for you at my house. Sounds like you mean a lot to him, too."

Ian shrugged it off. "Well, years working closely with someone, you either develop a healthy rapport or drive each other completely insane."

* * * * *

_ Randall.p -- Well, I meant to say something before you left, but I got wrapped up in work. We still have more deadlines to make before New Years._

_ Randall.p -- Totally slipped my mind. But I'll say it anyway._

_ Randall.p -- Merry Christmas, and all the best to your family_

_ Randall.p -- I hope you enjoy those mods you asked for ;)_

* * * * *

"All charged up! Ian, can we go for a walk?"

That was the first thing out of Cam's speech synthesizer when he emerged from Tristan's room. Ian was just finishing his second mug of cider and was just starting to feel comfortable around the coffee table with the Snowfaires. Despite the fox's misgivings, Noel liked the idea of letting him out and about, and when he insisted Cam wasn't to be seen by the public and probably shouldn't be outside in the cold too long, Jean pulled out a spare set of tall boots and a fur-lined hooded coat. The coat was huge on him, but it served to allay both of Ian's concerns somewhat. The boots fit surprisingly well too, actually. The fox wrapped up in his scarf again, but he left the tote behind.

He was nervous as the lights from the Snowfaire house receded behind them. He kept checking windows on the houses they passed, wary they'd attract undue notice. The sidewalk was mercifully level and recently shoveled. Hefty oak trees dominated yards here and there, most wrapped in Christmas lights of one color or another, all the way up their stout branches. Plenty of lit bushes and seasonal yard art to peruse. Seemed like a nice enough neighborhood, but... something hung in the air between them. Something he sensed Cam needed to say. If only he'd say something. "So..." The fox prompted. "Spending time with family everything you hoped for, despite the unpleasant surprise?"

"All things considered? I'm really just happy to be here. This is not at all how I imagined the evening going, though."


Cam reached up and batted a low hanging tree branch, narrowly missing dislodged snow. "I imagined walking out in the woods where I grew. I'd love to show you my old stomping grounds, go stargazing. I didn't think about light pollution. This area's gotten way worse since I was a kid."

"What I'm hearing is, this walk was premeditated. Is everything okay?"

"Yes, I..." Cam trailed off with a weak chuckle, stopping under a red-lit tree branch, face glinting pink under his hood. "Yes. Thanks to you." He reached for the fox's hands; his fingers were chilled, but Ian didn't pull away. "I wanted to get away from everyone to tell you... how I feel. About you."

Ian put on a jovial grin, but he had to push past a lump in his throat. "Oh come on. You don't want an old coot like me. You're young, find someone more fun."

"You can't fool me. I know what fun you're into. We shared a search history, remember?"

He sighed. "You went through my porn folder, didn't you? Seriously, though. Cam." He wanted to shake his head, but instead he stepped closer. "My last boyfriend was right when he said I was married to my work. I don't have the time for relationships."

"Don't make excuses for this. You're hard working because you love what you do, you're considerate, and want to help people... You help me. And you accept me for who I am."

"You say that like... it makes me special somehow. I'm no one, Cam."

"You say that like it makes a difference. You're special to me; that's not something you get to decide." Cam pulled his hand from Ian's and went to his wrist display, tapping into sensitivity settings.

"What are you-" The fox broke off as Cam's mouth opened. Synthetic lips moved. His jaw was working? Lips, tongue, all of it? When...?

Cam shoved past Ian's defenses in his surprise and kissed the fox squarely on the lips. A tiny moan escaped one of them, he wasn't sure whose it was, but it was a fleeting moment. Cam retreated, though his fingers still clutched at the fox's sweater. With his mouth working properly, he really was biting his lip now, and his tail swished behind him in excitement. Red lights reflected in his faceplate, a tiny starscape. "I-I love you." His lips formed the words, or at least they appeared to; Ian knew there was a speech synthesizer in there, but Cam felt more real than ever. "I've wanted to say that for... months. But I wanted this to be the first thing I feel, the first thing I do, and the first thing I say with these lips." He was smiling, and it melted Ian's heart to see. And as Cam's muzzle tipped up for round two, Ian gave in with a flutter in his chest.

It slowly dawned on him as he kissed back. Cam had to know. The lithe frame, the smaller body type he chose... was very much the Ian's type. He'd kept a professional wall between himself and any recognition of attraction. Was all this for him? Not to mention... they'd been more than friendly, increasingly so. These last few days, with a real body to call his own, they'd gotten very comfortable in each other's personal space. Ian was blown away. His arms slid around Cam's body, and he pushed into that synthetic muzzle just a little more... Cam's mouth tasted of latex, and a metallic flavor. Also, it was awfully dry; the fox made a mental note to do something about that on the next head model. He let neither of these things stop him from invading that mouth. Dryness aside, that tongue felt incredibly real against his own.

The smaller boy made an adorable mewl and broke away, gasping for air he didn't need. Ian reached into the fur hood and cupped his cheek. "I can't believe you did all this for me."

Cam's smile more than made up for cold fingers as he nuzzled into Ian's touch. "I had help. The jaw thing's been fixed for ages, but I asked Randall to leave it disabled. Even snuck in a fake bug to throw you off. Also I ahmmff-"

He was cut off by another assault to his lips, Ian pushing him back, crunching through a snow drift to press the incredibly light synthetic body against the light-wrapped tree. The speech synthesizer didn't care that his mouth was occupied, but now that Cam could feel his lips, he could be caught off guard. And Ian loved the adorable mewls he dragged out as their tongues twined.

Cold fingers gripped the fox's head, and Cam's muzzle tipped to the side to let them push deeper together. His moans were music. He was really into this makeout session; Ian might have been surprised, but he was surprising himself too, how much he realized he wanted this. Wanted Cam. How much he cared for the boy, and never allowed himself to think that way. But they weren't in the lab now. They weren't being watched, they didn't have a checklist to test.Pinned to the tree, the smaller body rolled against him. Cam's arms slid down, gripped Ian's shoulders, and all at once he quivered from head to toe with a particularly sharp moan.

Ian's ear pivoted toward a pair of approaching footsteps. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw it was nobody they knew. A spike of panic ran down his spine, but between the boots and the coat, and their kiss, Cam was almost all covered... the hands! He grabbed Cam's hands and pulled them to his chest. Those fingers dug into his sweater, kneading. Cam went limp, panting, but Ian kept their muzzles locked together, waited until the passing couple hastened by.

"God, that was... awkward," he panted, grinning shyly up at Ian.

He winked down at Cam. "Just another couple taking advantage of Christmas eve. Nothing to worry about. But it's high time we get you back indoors. Your hands are freezing."

"But I feel so warm, suddenly." He giggled. And his knees very nearly gave out when he slid off the tree.

Ian steadied him. "Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah. Just... May need to play with some sensitivity settings later." Cam slipped his hand into the fox's own, and they headed back the way they came. "I did want to say one more thing in private. You may be my chaperon tonight, but even if you weren't... I wanted to spend Christmas with you. As my plus one. Maybe even... boyfriend? Now that you know how I feel." There was a spring in his step.

Which reminded Ian he hadn't precisely responded. "Kindof sudden to think about making that official."

"Yeah. With all the other stuff my family's going through right now, maybe not the best time."

"My point is, let's not take it too fast. That's usually a bad sign." But he found he had no trouble thinking of Cam as a boyfriend.

"Sorry. I've felt this way for so long... A-At least it feels like it. By the way, while we were making out-"

Ian shushed him under his breath. They were approaching the house and Mr. Snowfaire was on the porch, leaning on the rail, tamping a pipe. The cat greeted them as they neared. "Noel wants to stay the night. Assuming that won't be an issue with your, condition, Cameron."

"Condition? It's a prosthetic, not a skin disease, dad." He chuckled. "I think it's fine. I don't wanna leave and strand mom here anyway - we drove together. It's fine, right?" He glanced at Ian.

Elridge hadn't said anything special about Christmas day. Mental note to send him a message later with a status update. "I don't see why not."

"Very well. Guest rooms are upstairs," the feline went on, flicking a lighter and puffing to start his pipe. "You two will have to share the one on the left. Do be quiet on your way in. Jean and Noel are bonding. I was asked to leave them be for a while."

Ian nodded. "We'll go straight upstairs and try not to bother them."

He moved toward the door, but Cam hung back with a question. "Is this weird? Having your current and ex wife under the same roof?"

The cat took a long draw on the pipe while he pocketed the lighter, and sighed smoke, offering a palms-up shrug. "I love them both for the lessons they've taught me, and I've made more than my share of mistakes with both of them. My wives of Christmas past and present."

"Dad, are you trying to make a joke? This really is a Christmas miracle."

The feline wore the faintest smile, before he hooked his muzzle with his pipe. "It seemed poetically appropriate when it occurred to me. Ah, before you go."

He'd already turned, but he glanced back over his shoulder.

"Whatever my misgivings about how right or wrong it was to put you through these last few years, Cameron... I'm proud of you." He smiled. It was a tiny curl to his lips, but a genuine sparkle in his eye. "To have come so far."

Cam's only response was a radiant smile. He couldn't seem to form words, but he moved to Ian's side, and their hands slipped together automatically as they stepped indoors.

There were hushed voices from one side of the house, muted explosions and Halley's cursing from the other. They stopped only to divest Cam of the coat and boots. Slinking up the stairway, steep steps carried them out of earshot. Upstairs, it was quiet enough to hear Cam's servos whir every time he moved, and the steady _tock_ing of a grandfather clock in the corner of the upstairs sitting room, steadily encroaching on midnight.

Ian briefly grit his teeth. "We were out longer than I thought. Should have set a timer or something. We should probably get some sleep."

Cam bounced on his feet. "I'm so giddy, I don't know if I can. Did you bring a sedative?"

"No, unfortunately. Didn't anticipate spending the night, so I didn't think of bringing them. Might be able to get away with another dose of your vertigo meds if you think it will help?"

"Nah, I'm still feeling the last one. I guess that's our room." He pointed out the open door to a bedroom; Ian's tote rested on an ottoman at the foot of the singular bed.

"Sleeping together the very night of our first kiss, the scandal!" Ian smirked, tail swishing despite himself as they stepped inside.

It was quite spacious for a guest room. Cam gestured at the sofa in the corner. "Knowing my dad, he expects someone to take that. But I think we can share, can't we?"

"Yeah. What am I going to do, take advantage of a robot?" Ian shut the door and killed the light. The moonlight alone spilling in the window was more than enough.

"Yeeaaaah. About that." Cam's hands slid behind his back, put one foot behind the other, lowering his voice. In that stance, moonlight silvering his frame, he looked so picturesque Ian was almost tempted to pull out his phone to snap a pic. "Maybe it's too fast, but I wanted to do so much more than kiss you tonight."

Ian tipped his head. The "ken doll" cap didn't even have sensors. "Mostly hung up on...how?"

"I asked Randall to, er, rewire my penis to different sensors..."

"To what?"

"Um..." Cam shifted his weight from foot to foot, eyes on the floor a moment. Sucking in a breath, he lifted his head, opened his mouth, and pointed at his tongue. The fox's eyes widened, and Cam shifted foot to foot. "Y-Yeah. Our kissing earlier kinda made me... I-I came..." He hid his faceplate with a palm.

Ian found his own jaw slacking open, and shut it with a snap. That certainly explained why Cam had been so into their makeout session, the moans and quivering... the signs were all there, but he'd been oblivious. "I, ah... how did that... feel?"

"So weird. But sooo good..."

He gathering Cam in his arms, running his eyes over the bashful black and white synth boy he was finding increasingly attractive. "Can you describe it to me more? For... scientific purposes, of course."

"I-I don't... know if I can."

"Are you uncomfortable? You can tell me if I'm going too fast, too, you know."

"N-No. I... want this." To drive home his point, his cold hands snuck under Ian's sweater and up into his chest fur.

The fox brought a pair of fingers to Cam's lips. "Then open up." After sucking in a deep breath, he opened up, and Ian's fingers slid inside to stroke that tongue. Cam sighed heavily, leaning into the fox. "So it feels like rubbing your cock?"

He nodded meekly.

A little tug exposed as much of the length as he was going to get; he curled his fingers around it and played his thumb across the flat surface. "Hand job?" He got another nod. Experimenting, the fox reached deeper into that pliant muzzle, getting his fingers around more of that tongue and beating it off like an oddly shaped, inconveniently located cock. But as he improved his technique, he got Cam whimpering in pleasure, pressing against him and humping his thigh. He might not have been equipped with anything down south, but he still had instincts.

Cam groped a bulge Ian hadn't quite registered he was sporting, and pulled the fox's fingers from his muzzle with the other. "M-May I? Or is this... Too fast?"

It was fast. But it was too late to go back; Ian wanted it too much. Though his cheeks were hot, the fox nodded. "It's only fair," he whispered over Cam, slipping fingers back into that adorable muzzle even while hesitant fingers undid his belt and pants. "I've seen about a dozen of your cocks, 'bout time I show you my one and only."

Cold, but delicate fingers dove into his boxers and led his erection out, and Cam got his first close look over the red vulpine member, leaning down to push the fox's pants the rest of the way down. He ventured to lick the exposed shaft.

"Ow! Your tongue is bone dry."


He hugged the fox's bare hips, returning to his exploration more carefully, teasing the tip of his tongue through the steady supply of pre Ian was producing. Cam explored, spreading his ration of natural lube south until he could play with the knot. Ian Idly fondled one of those synthetic ears. Nice as it felt, it wasn't quite doing it for him. He reached under Cam's arms, hefting the boy until he could reach what he really wanted - those lips. Ian recaptured them in a tender kiss, and nudged them toward the bed until they toppled in. They barely broke liplock, and Ian dove straight back in to suckle that synthetic tongue. It had to feel like getting head... but kissing at the same time. That just seemed... really hot. He pulled back with a huff, savoring the sight. Cam, wriggling beneath him, hips rolling up to meet the fox's bare thighs. "But this feels very one-sided..."

"Well, I don't want to stop kissing you. What're you going to do about that, mm?" He just couldn't keep their muzzles apart. Why would he want to?

Cam's fingers slid south, warm enough now not to be a shock as they wraped around Ian's dangling cock. His palms weren't so bad as his tongue for dry stroking. The second set of fingers wrapping around his sack, fondling gently, oh that was nice. But Cam broke away, gasping. "Aahh...! Next time we should bring some lube."

"I'm happy we're getting to do this test drive before we finalize your new head and genitals... We're learning a lot. Like the importance of self lubricating."

"I-I just want to make you feel good tonight, too."

"You are, Cam. Your hand is fine." He smothered that muzzle once more.

"You deserve better than 'fine'," Cam managed to goad his speech synthesizer to function without moving his lips to breaking them apart this time; with a low buzz, it sounded strangely like a voice in Ian's own head. There was a rhythm between them, to the tug-of-war between their tongues, the stroke of Cam's fingers, and the drip of Ian's pre. Cam's legs raised and hooked around his hips, and ground the vulpine member against his pseudo flesh stomach. "I want to give you everything. Any part of me that brings you pleasure, or joy, have your way with it - because I love you."

A frantic low beeping interrupted them. Ian groaned; Cam's reaction was more of a whimper, and his legs held the fox firm. "You can let me go now." Ian brushed his cheek. "It'll only take a second."

"I don't ever wanna let you go." But, reluctantly, he did loosen up enough to let Ian extricate himself, and the fox rolled off the bed, digging in the tote for a charging cable. Happily, he'd included an extension cord, or it would never have reached. Cam rolled on his side, hand was stuck between his legs like he had something to hide while he presented the port on his hip for Ian. The beeping stopped as soon as the cord was seated His tail curled up happily. Backlit by the window, it was another idyllic moment Ian had to pause, savor. He also took the opportunity to strip off his shirt.

Cam wiggled in waiting for the fox's return. His fingers trailed through the mess of pre on his stomach. "Spoon me? I have an idea."

"Brain in a jar is good for ideas. But it's kindof cold, so..." He pulled the covers back, mindful of the cable as Cam repositioned. Ian flopped behind Cam, shading him from the moon as he gathered the chill synth body into his arms. Cam curled his tail out from between them, draping it forward over his hip before they pulled the covers over them. Ian nuzzled into Cam's neck, pressing his bone into the soft pseudo flesh derriere, getting himself hard again. He nipped at the back of an ear. "I never thought about giving you a tailhole... Would you want one?"

"For you, yes. But tonight, I don't need one." He turned his neck far enough to kiss Ian again. It did not look comfortable, but...he might feel a good hard stretch, but it wasn't like servos got sore. The fox couldn't complain about making out with his little spoon.

Cam's thighs spread, raising the blankets as he hooked a leg behind Ian's hip. His hand dove between and found Ian's erection once again. Gentle stroking and the occasional firm squeeze on Ian's knot quickly had him leaking, drooling pre onto Cam's inner thigh. And the fox started to suspect Cam's plan when he noted the boy kept checking how much fluid was accumulating there. "You really want to give me a hole tonight, don't you?"

"I work with what I have." Cam grinned, pulling his leg back in, closing his soft inner thighs around the throbbing fox cock. With just the tip of the vulpine cock poking out beneath his own groin, he rubbed at the head with his fingers, eliciting Ian's groans against his neck. The fox clutched tightly at the smaller body against him, rocking his hips. Those diligent fingers worked hard to spread his copious pre along his cock, letting him glide through those slickened thighs on his thrusts.

But far more important than raw lust was who he was sharing it with. Ian's fingers traced the hex pattern of Cam's chest, gripping, kneading, loving every detail. He'd helped craft the body, yes, but it was the realization of Cam's dreams and desires...and that he chose to share it Ian was the most precious thing in the world to him.

"Ian..." Whatever he was about to say, was smothered as their lips met again; their affections played out between their tongues. The fox just couldn't get enough. That he could make Cam cum from his tongue alone was... incredibly hot. That was his mission, to bring his lover to another orgasm before he lost it.

Cam's fingers snuck between them, gripping Ian's painfully swollen knot, dragging a groan from him. In response, he lured that oversensitive tongue into his mouth, pressing it against the roof of his muzzle and suckling relentlessly. The heavy moan Cam made, the way he shivered and tensed up, the adorable whimper was what finally dragged him over the edge. Ian's breath caught as he sprayed a rope of cum into their bedsheets, pumping his hips and leaking several more spurts over Cam's leg with a growl.

The fox slowed, stilled, coherent thought falling away as he clung to Cam and savored a moment where nothing mattered beyond the two of them and their intimacy. Synth fingers wrapped around his own. His lover's tongue retreated, and he whimpered softly, wanting it back. The kiss he got for his seeking muzzle was tender, but painfully short lived.

"I-I've never made anyone cum before..."

The voice was timid, and a awe-stricken. The words forced Ian to fight through the haze to comprehend, though. "You're incredible. But did you finish?"

"Y-you made me cum earlier, remember? I don't need to."

"No. But I think you deserve it anyway." The fox trailed his fingers through his own cum and brought them to Cam's lips. "All you have to do is open up."

Cam sucked in a breath and admitted Ian's slick fingers with a lusty little sigh. Which quickly turned to a moan as Ian spread his cum against that eager tongue, stroking insistently.

"Maybe this is a little fast," Ian murmured while he finger-fucked Cam's muzzle, "But I want you to know how I feel about you, too. It's like a dam broke... I've cared about you since the moment I met you, and that's only gotten stronger over the years..." Cam arched his back, body beginning to roll while his jaw went lax. A subtle surrender to Ian's ministration. "That's right. After you said it first, it's like a dam broke... and I realize how much I want you to be my boyfriend." The fox's free hand roamed from toying with Ian's chest, south to his inner thighs, encouraging the urge to thrust. His fingers rubbed insistently in that pliant muzzle, and those adorable whimpers rose in tempo. Ian felt just right moment to whisper, "I love you."

And it worked. "Ian...!" He went into a jerking frenzy, rolling against the fox as need and confession drove him over the edge into a second climax. His tail whipped beneath the bedsheet, how toes curled, and at least a couple servos made worrying noises as they overextended. When Cam fell limp, quivering, Ian rolled him gently so they could face each other. He kissed his synth lover's faceplate, his ceek, his lips, and gently worked his tongue in to clean out his natural salty lubricant.

"Merry Christmas, Cameron."

He got no reply; Cam had fallen asleep.


Verdant forested valley gave way; rolling mountains broke the eastern horizon off Zathreigan's left wing, while the valley river curled away to the right, wending its way to a broad lake on the plains. Flying low over the forest, he angling...

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Chastened (WS)

Verdant forested valley gave way; rolling mountains broke the eastern horizon off Zathreigan's left wing, while the valley river curled away to the right, wending its way to a broad lake on the plains. Flying low over the forest, he angling...

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AJ's Size

AJ's eyes latched onto a pair of white lacy panties falling to the floor. They made no sound upon hitting the linoleum, and the sheer fabric nearly disappeared against the plain flooring of the aisle. Clicking heels receding, tawny canine tail curling...

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