Thanksgiving Plans
A group of friends share some intimate moments prior to a thanksgiving get-together!
This vignette was written for Ebni as part of my Patreon request days for the month of November 2018. It contains sexual acts between multiple consenting adults, and thanksgiving related lewdness. ^^
Thanksgiving Plans
A Frozen Turkey
"Please, I... I've got to..."
Jessica's fingers worked their way down the front of Audrey's panties as the vixen whimpered bashfully, her restraint rapidly eroded by the first teasing touches to her clit.
"You've got to what? Is it really more important than this? Than me?"
Pressing Audrey's body against the front of the fridge-freezer, Jessica ground her hips against the vixen's ass from behind. Her wife's plump body was every bit as gorgeous as it had been when she married her twenty five years ago, and the vixen's libido was almost exactly as relentless as it had been then too. Audrey could never resist the chance to cum, and Jessica had never been able to resist the chance to make her surrender to that impulse. It didn't matter the time, the place or anything about the situation. If Jessica so much as caught the slightest glimpse or scent of even the most minute traces of arousal upon her lover's body, she had to satisfy her. And where better to do so, than precisely wherever they were when she noticed it.
"Oh god. No. Nothing is. N-nothing, I swear... oohhh, Jess."
The tigress purred happily, and dragged Audrey away from the refrigerator with one hand still buried down the front of the other woman's underwear.
"Good. Then, come to bed with me. I don't want to give you some little quickie and have you horny again in a couple of hours. I want to make this last. I... I want to have you screaming my name until midnight, and have us both changing the sheets again tomorrow morning."
Audrey took one last look at the fridge-freezer, and whimpered as she thought about the turkey which sat frozen within it. It would only have taken her a minute to take it out and set it on a tray to defrost. It still would, and all she had to do was tell Jessica to hold off on the night of mind-bending pleasure for just sixty seconds while she made sure they had something to eat the following night. And yet, she didn't. She couldn't, because she couldn't bring herself to wait sixty seconds for everything that Jessica was promising her. She wanted to roll into bed and get fucked by her wife right now. She wanted to be screaming, cumming, squirting alongside the woman she loved right now.
She wanted their night together to begin right now, and frozen turkey or not, she couldn't bring herself to wait a second longer than she had to.
The Wrong Tart
Sarah giggled as she felt her boyfriend's cock throb within her, and as she peered over his shoulder at the kitchen table directly behind where they were seated together, she reached out, plucked forth a fork, and broke into the delicious, glossy chocolate tart resting there.
"Open wide..."
She murmured, kissing the raccoon on one chubby cheek and giggling as he opened his muzzle, his nose twitching like crazy and his ears flicking out against the empty air as though hoping to hear the tart in exchange for his blindfolded face not being able to see it. Eagerly she fed him the first bite of the delicious ganache filled dessert. He savoured it, held it in his muzzle long after she had removed the fork, and swallowed it only as the squirrel began to gently ride his cock, rising up and down its length with gasps and moans emanating immediately from both their bodies.
"Want another bite, baby?"
Once again Sarah whispered seductively to her boyfriend, settling down with his cock hilted inside of her once more and scooping up another forkful of tart. He nodded, and this time she began to ride and rock astride his shaft even before the rich chocolate treat had slipped between his lips. His body shook, and he barely seemed able to chew as she fucked him to sweet, rich, velvety chocolate rapture. After he was done with his second blind tasting of the tart though, Sarah didn't stop. She kept on gently bouncing upon his lap as the chair beneath them creaked slightly, and the next time something rich and chocolate covered entered the raccoon's muzzle, it wasn't a fork. He felt his girlfriend's own fingers slide into his muzzle coated with rich ganache, and hungrily suckled them clean as she moaned and whimpered under the combined intensity of his cock slipping in and out from between her legs, and his tongue's tender efforts to cleanse her fingers of every last sweet drop of chocolate.
More chocolate filling and rich, buttery, crumbly pastry filled Sean's muzzle over and over again, both lovers growing more delighted with their choice to make an extra pie alongside the one they were taking to their friendsgiving dinner with each passing second. They both tried so hard to stick to at least a somewhat sensible and healthy diet, and though neither of them were the pinnacle of physical fitness, holidays like this were the perfect time to indulge their sweet teeth. And what better way to truly indulge in food, than combining it with one of their other favourite things to share together.
"I'm gonna cum... oh god, Sarah. More. Please, feed me more..."
Sean groaned in ecstasy as his girlfriend rode him harder and faster, milking his body towards its inevitable release while she continued to energise him with more sugar and cream filled tart. Another handful of chocolate and pastry was fed into his muzzle, then another, his eyes rolling behind the blindfold and his hands tugging at where they were bound to the chair behind him in order to ensure that Sarah remained in absolute control of his enjoyment of this tasty treat. It tasted so good, and it felt so fucking good as his mind was stimulated by the pleasures of delicious food and increasingly vigorous sex all rolled into one. But when Sean felt Sarah's muzzle press against his own and he not only felt the squirrel start to kiss him, but tasted chocolate ganache upon her lips and tongue as she did so, that was too much.
The raccoon wailed in pleasure through his lover's chocolate-stained lips, and no sooner had he begun to paint the innermost workings of her pussy with hot streaks of cum, Sarah's eyes rolled back, she whimpered in pure ecstasy, and surrendered to her own blissful orgasm right alongside him.
They quaked, gasped, moaned together, rubbing muzzle against muzzle and tongue against tongue as much to taste the last remnants of chocolatey perfection as they were attempting to actually kiss. Finally though their bodies settled, they whimpered in relief, in contentment and gratitude, and as Sarah slipped the blindfold and ropes off her boyfriend's face and hands, he glanced around to see how much, if any of the tart there was left for them to enjoy later that day.
His eyes widened, and he groaned softly, looking back at Sarah with adoration, but slight nervousness at the same time.
"Sarah... which pie dish did we cook the gluten free crust in?"
The squirrel thought for a moment, opened her muzzle to answer, then closed it again as her eyes widened and she groaned in dismay. She raised herself up off her lover's still hard, still rather sensitive cock a little, just enough to make him gasp and to let her see more clearly over his shoulder once again, and regarded the blue edged pie dish within which the one third or so of the remaining tart lingered, finger marks present across the surface of what filling did still remain.
"Oh shit..."
She whimpered, blushing and shivering as she sat back down and hilted her boyfriend's cock inside her once more. She nuzzled against Sean apologetically, and smiled as he cuddled her, and kissed her on the side of her muzzle in a manner that wordlessly proved that he wasn't mad at her for her mistake.
"Well... I guess if you wanna look on the bright side?
Sean murmured gently to the woman he loved, kissing her gently on the lips again, and reaching around to scoop a handful of filling from the tart himself, drawing it to her muzzle and letting Sarah smell it, then extend her tongue to taste it before finally taking his fingers into her mouth just as he had with hers. She moaned, and instinctively the squirrel rocked her hips against her boyfriend's recently spent, but still hard cock inside of her.
"On the bright side... aaaahh...
The raccoon moaned once again, beaming as he watched Sarah eagerly sucking his fingers clean one by one, a tiny drop of chocolate resting on the tip of her pink nose.
"...that means we have a whole other tart to eat, once we finish off this one."
In ten minutes, the potatoes, the cornbread and the green bean casserole would be ready. That was all Jakob planned on saying as he stepped through from the kitchen to the living room, but when he found Fiona sprawled on the couch with Garrett between her legs, he suddenly forgot all about the food he'd spent the majority of the afternoon preparing on behalf of his little household. He slipped off his apron, and smiled at the rabbit as her heavy lidded eyes fluttered open under the thrall of Garrett's pleasure just enough to see him watching them. She bit her bottom lip in excitement, and nodded as he began to unfasten the buttons of his shirt.
"Right there. Ahh... yes..."
Moaning softly, encouragingly to Garrett while the dalmatian's bare ass rose proudly up from the couch with his tail wagging gleefully at its apex, Fiona nodded to Jakob. She watched hungrily, eagerly as he stripped down to his boxer shorts, then slid them off to reveal his by then erect, eager lupine erection. The wolf stepped closer to the couch and his two partners upon it, closer still with his left hand gently massaging the length of his cock, until finally he was in the perfect position to strike. To playfully spank Garrett's wiggling ass, to lick a finger and stick it in his partner's ass, or just to grab the rock hard cock dangling between Garrett's legs and start pumping before the dalmatian could put his guard up. All the while Fiona stared with desperate excitement, as eager as ever to see the two men in her life fooling around together, and delighted to be part of an effort to double team Garrett. Her body shook, she moaned louder and louder with frantic sincerity as the combination of that anticipation and Garrett skilfully eating her out drove her ever more rapidly towards climax.
Just before Jakob could strike though, the dalmatian's ears twitched, his tail stopped wagging for a brief moment before redoubling its eager efforts, and though Fiona tried to stop him with her thighs the wet muzzled male lifted his head and panted breathlessly to Jakob.
"Hey Jakob! Wanna take turns fucking Fi, see which of us can be the one to make her squirt?"
Fiona's eyes bulged.
"Wait, hold on a second, what?"
Jakob looked from Garrett's tight ass to Fiona's exposed and soaking wet pussy, now clearly visible as the dalmatian pulled himself up and away from her in a sitting position, leaving the rabbit trembling and looking suddenly much smaller, much more outnumbered against the two larger canine men she loved and desired so dearly.
"Please, I... you were going to, Jakob... you were gonna... to Garrett, while he ate me out. We were gonna tag team him, a-and..."
The rabbit stammered and whimpered as she kept on glancing between the two canid males and their erect, knotted cocks. Her pussy remained exposed all the while, and as she looked between them and considered what she was asking for versus what Garrett had suddenly offered, her nether regions convulsed visibly, and let loose a fresh trickle of arousal.
Jakob grinned. All three of them loved one another, but it had been Fiona who had brought them together. Fiona who had dated them both casually, before finally resolving that she couldn't bear to let one of them go, and asked if they'd see about potentially making things work as a trio of some description. Now he loved and desired Fiona and Garrett equally, though each individually in their own right. But when it came to sex... when it came to pure pleasure, there was only one configuration of their relationship which all three of them could agree was the hottest, sexiest, most pleasurable permutation possible.
Fiona had admitted right from the start that part of why she wanted to keep dating them both was that they were the two most incredible lovers she had ever had. But, the first time they'd slept with her together, their first ever threesome... it was still the milestone by which every sexual encounter since had been measured.
And right now, all that Jakob wanted to do was to take a shot at surpassing that milestone once again.
He winked at the dalmatian, and grinned toothily as he approached the quivering, squirming form of Fiona upon the couch.
"Ohh boys... my boys... fuck me..."
She whimpered, her brief surprise having given way to a much more familiar response. Pure and unbridled lust.
"Please, fuck me! Oh god. Ohhh. Ohhhhh, Jakob, Garrett... yes. Yes!! Oh god!"
Her screams rang out across the house as her two lovers descended upon her as one, and she didn't fall silent against for almost thirty minutes as she was tasted, teased, licked and fucked by both her lovers in perfect unison.
Even then though, after those first thirty incredible minutes had passed, it wasn't a diminishing of pleasure that caused her shrieks of bliss to cease. She was still thrashing, indeed still locked in the throes of either her fifth or sixth orgasm at the two canids' mercy when their gleeful, unabashed pleasure was brought to a premature end by a sound even louder and more ear-splitting than her orgasmic screams.
It was the shrill, echoing beep of a smoke alarm. A smoke alarm warning the trio of a cindered, smouldering tray of cornbread, a charcoal-like tray of roast potatoes, and a solid, dried out husk of a casserole dish which awaited them in the smoke-spewing interior of their oven.
Three naked, red faced and desperately horny bodies ran naked into the kitchen, flailing dish towels at the alarm, dragging trays and dishes out of the oven with hastily donned oven gloves, and opening windows and doors to try and disperse the smoke faster. For a brief while their sex was put on hold, and they mourned the loss of their thanksgiving sides thanks to their shameless greed for one another.
The more they thought about it though... the more their cheeks flushed, and their bodies continued to ache and throb as the smoke alarm fell silent, and the kitchen air began to clear around them. The more the trio thought about it, the hotter they found it that they had been so distracted by sex that they hadn't even heard the oven timer beeping, and that they had been so caught up in one another that a whole afternoon of thanksgiving dinner prep had been utterly forgotten.
"We should... we should let the rest of the smoke clear out... give the oven some time to cool down before we clean it."
Jakob murmured as he rather breathlessly glanced at his two other lovers, both of them visibly turned on and shifting in anticipation on the spot. He grinned as Fiona nodded, and Garrett gave a needy whimper of agreement.
"Maybe we should go and wait somewhere else. Like, the couch?"
The dalmatian suggested with a hopeful straining of his cock. He glanced from Jakob to Fiona, and grinned as the rabbit made a suggestion of her own.
"Or, the bed. We could always, y'know... go and wait, find something to pass the time... in the bedroom."
The trio looked at one another. They blushed. They grinned.
And they ran up the stairs of their house as fast as their legs could carry them, before Garrett and Jakob's growling, and Fiona's screams rang out anew.
Happy Thanksgiving
Jessica, Jakob, Audrey, Sean, Garrett, Sarah and Fiona sat around the dinner table together, wine flowing, laughing and chatting gleefully, and feasting upon the Indian take-out they'd ordered as one by one they confessed to one another that their portion of the thanksgiving feast hadn't, for some unspecified reason, worked out.
It didn't matter though.
Thanksgiving wasn't turkey and potatoes and chocolate tart any more than it was curries and daal.
Thanksgiving wasn't the food on the table. It was the people around the table, or across the internet, or on the other end of the phone, or wherever those most cherished were as those two words were spoken with affection and sincerity.
Seven glasses were raised, seven faces beamed with delight, and laughter, and joy as they sat amongst friends and family, amongst lovers whom they hoped would be around for a lifetime longer. And seven voices rang out in unison, amidst the curry, and the companionship, and the lingering satisfaction of sex.
" Happy Thanksgiving!!"
By Jeeves
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