Splash Park

Story by Zrathie on SoFurry

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#22 of Omorashi

Nathan and Holly have invited Jamie to Splash Park. A theme park built on an island in the centre of a lake. Nathan has agreed to pay for the day out but the catch is Holly and Jamie are locked inside of their bathing suits. It will be a challenge keeping their kinky play hidden or do they really need to do so...

I hoped you enjoyed my story. I was thinking about doing a kinky theme park story for a while I'm glad that I've finally done so. Please leave a comment if you liked this story. I love knowing when my writing pushes peoples' buttons.

Splash Park

By Zrathie

Holly couldn't help but fidget. She had not been allowed a bathroom break since last night. Her "carer" or more truthfully her lover, had supervised her morning shower and dressing. Next, their mutual friend had Jamie arrived. Currently, they were drinking coffee in the lounge room. Holly's bladder was getting worse and worse. She would have to ask Nathan for permission to use the bathroom or risk having an accident in front of their guest. She pulled in close to Nathan.

"Can I use the toilet?" asked Holly quietly.

Nathan turned his white and rust coloured muzzle towards Holly before leaning in and whispering, "Yes, I'd like you to change into the bathing suit it's draped over the shower rail, and your key is in the jar near the sink."

Holly was relieved many times when she would ask permission to pee, and he would deny it until she was trembling and shaking with desperation. She quickly walked inside and towards the bathroom. Holly arrived at the bathroom door and went inside. Inside was a shower, toilet and washbasin. There was a jar on the shelf near the sink, alright. Instead of just one key, there must have been twenty or so keys inside the jar.

Holly gulped as she looked into the mirror above the sink. In the reflection was a brown and tan timber she-wolf wearing a knee-length soft-pink dress. The dress wasn't an ordinary one. It was an adaptive clothing dress; designed for creatures with neurological disorders or special needs. Holly wasn't disabled or required such clothing, but it was part of kinky play between her and her coyote. The base was a one-piece bodysuit made from firm anti-tear fabric. The manufacturer had sewed the skirt around the bodysuit's waistline to make the design look like an ordinary dress.

With the bodysuit covering her crotch and upper thighs, she couldn't just hike up the dress to pee. The neckline was too tight to wiggle a shoulder free, and the bodysuit continued to midway down her arms as well. The only way to remove her clothing was via the industrial zipper at the back. Nathan had installed a padlock that was keeping the zipper shut. The padlock was why Holly needed a key.

The timber wolf tried a key, the first one at the top of the layer of them. It went in the small padlock but didn't turn. She quickly removed the key, placing it aside and went for the next one. Over some time, she had tried five keys, and none of them was the right one. She could feel her heavy bladder throb. It didn't help that she was in the bathroom; that fact alone made the urge to piddle much stronger.

Holly's paws were trembling as she tried the tenth key. Her jittery fingers nearly dropped the key as she pressed it into the lock. Of course, it wasn't the right key she let out a whine as she added it to the growing pile of dummy keys. Holly did her best to hold one as her need made her shiver and tremble. She was down to the third last key and just about to wet herself. One paw clasped down over her fabric-covered vulva as she worked the key.


The lock came undone, and she threaded out the padlock. The sudden excitement made her bladder shudder, and to her horror, she felt a small gush of pee sneak past her defences. It was a small leak that she had stopped, but the tempting moisture threatened to make her gush. She unzipped her dress and stepped out of it. She straddled the toilet; her need was too great even to pause to sit down.

A heavy pulse of piss left her body before a much larger stream poured out. The room filled with the sound of pouring piss as the stream hit the toilet. Holly let out a grunt as her bladder shuddered as it emptied. It was a magical relief. She had won the erotic game this time. Nathan knew how to design bladder games and no doubt their outing today would contain more of them.

Back out in the lounge room, Nathan was chatting with Jamie.

"Have you heard of adaptive clothing?" asked the coyote.

"No," answered the fox.

The coyote's muzzle pulled into a grin.

"You know I work as a carer for some creatures with cognitive health issues. Well, some of them take off their clothing or try to interfere with their incontinence wear. Adaptive clothing is locking clothing used discreetly to prevent such behaviour. It looks like normal clothing but hides its other functions," said Nathan.

"So, is that why you said, I didn't need to bring bathers for Splash Park?" asked Jamie.

"In a word, yes. I have picked out swimsuits for you and Holly. I've laid one out in the guest room for you," said Nathan.

Jamie had to take a look and see for himself. He walked inside the guest room and quickly spotted the swimsuit Nathan had picked out for him. The swimsuit was purple and soft pink coloured with a stripe of aqua where the purple and pink met. The purple coloured fabric mirrored a classical fox chest and belly markings flowing down the swimsuit's exterior. The soft pink would have been where the red fur of a fox would be. Jamie picked up the garment with his paws. It was smooth and slightly stretchy. The Hyperwave fabric was deceptively strong and durable, yet it felt like it wouldn't hold water and acted like spandex or lycra material in the water.

Jamie picked it up and noticed no visible seams even the back zipper looked as if the manufacturer had melded it into the fabric. There was writing near the neck on the inside of the collar of the swimsuit. The writing was a brand name "Farris Adaptive Clothing," it read. Jamie began to pull it on. His legs slipped down the leg holes, and he pulled it up before threading his tail through the hemmed tail hole. The cut turned out to be conservative, the legs came down to almost above his knees, and as the fox pulled it up over his body, the sleeves came down halfway to his elbow. With a bit of effort, he pulled up the back zipper--the zipper, made with a type of metal that was coloured black. I soon zipped up, and Jamie took a look in the mirror.

He looked like he was from a cyberpunk novel in the sense of the colouration. It didn't show off his maleness; there was a sizable undefined lump where his crotch was. He wouldn't be breaking any public decency laws in this. He walked out into the lounge room and soon found Nathan. He smiled upon seeing Jamie; he quickly took an item from his pocket. Walking behind Jamie, the coyote placed it on the back zipper of Jamie's swimwear. Jamie heard a click, and then Nathan brought up his keychain from his pocket. There was a softer click as a lock engaged on whatever the coyote had placed on his zipper.

Jamie couldn't help himself but run his paw pads over the lock. Exploring using his hand paws, he could feel it was a small teardrop-shaped object; a loop of metal threaded through both the swimsuit's zipper pull and a metallic ring on the back collar of his outfit. It felt like a slightly oversized zipper pull and was probably designed as such a discrete padlock so that special needs animals couldn't take off their swimwear at inappropriate times.

Holly walked in, and the timber wolf was wearing a similar swimsuit. Her model was metallic silver and gold coloured with a copper coloured line separating the two primary colours. The pattern was identical to his too, and the silver was the primary colour with the thin stripe of copper separating the outer gold colour. Jamie had thought she looked radiant in her outfit. Her swimsuit's contour caressed her body, showing off her breasts, hips, but that was more a result of the glistening fabric than the tailoring. Holly turned around as Nathan approached. Jamie could get a better look at the locking device as the coyote locked his lover inside. The small padlock did look like a zipper pull only the most curious creatures would notice that there were two zipper tabs.

Jamie took note of the strange key Nathan used to engage the lock. It was a black hexagonal box that could have been confused for part of his keyring. The coyote ran it over the small padlock. Jamie could hear a click as an internal mechanism engaged the lock. It must have been a magnetic key or perhaps a radio activated one. Jamie wasn't sure. It was part of the fun, not knowing how the bondage devices worked. Sometimes it was fun to try and be an escape artist.

"Alright, now that you two are dressed, let's go," said Nathan.

"What about our clothes and towels?" asked Holly.

"This thing doesn't have a pocket. How am I meant to pay my way?" asked Jamie.

"I have loaded up the car with a towel or two and a cooler full of drinks. Jamie, I'll bring your wallet if you want, but I wasn't kidding that this was my treat," said Nathan.

Jamie got his wallet from the guest room and scooped up the clothing he had been wearing. He placed his clothing in the overnight bag he had brung with him for his visit. He brought it out into the lounge room where Holly and Nathan were waiting.

"You don't need your bag, Jamie. You won't need your clothes until we get back," said Nathan.

"Are you sure, Nathan? I don't think water parks appreciate kinky play even if it's discreet," said Jamie.

The coyote winked at Jamie before saying, "You'll see."

The fox and timber wolf turned to each other. Both creatures knew deep down that today's outing was going to be a wild ride. Jamie handed over his wallet to Nathan for safekeeping, and the three animals walked outside and jumped into the coyote's car. It was a mid-sized sedan and had plenty of room for the three. It didn't take long for them to be on the road. The coyote informed them it would be an hours drive to Splash Park and they should have a soda or two. Jamie and Holly were sitting in the back with a cooler between them. They both decided to play along, opening up a soft drink each even though they both knew it was part of the coyote's game.

By the time the three arrived at the water park, Jamie felt the need to pee. It wasn't urgent, so he had some time to figure out a plan to wet himself discreetly. He and Holly had been drinking some of the sodas in the cooler, while they were on the road. Jamie was sure the timber wolf was feeling some bladder pressure too. Nathan parked his car in the large parking lot, and they all got out of the vehicle.

The coyote took a small backpack from the car's boot and joined the others walking towards the main gate. As the creatures drew closer, they could see the large sign where the words "Splash Park" were written. There was a small queue of different animals lining up to get inside. They were soon at the head of the line, and Nathan took over and did the talking. He took out his phone from his pocket and showed the mouse attendant.

"I'm Nathan and my two guests, Holly and Jamie. Here's my barcode," said Nathan, as he offered the screen of his phone to the employee.

She scanned the coyote's screen with a handheld scanner and took three wristbands from the wall next to her. The mouse ran the bands over a black box on her desk. A beep played out of her computer each time she scanned them; once activated, she handed them to Nathan. The coyote took the black one and gave one each to Jamie and Holly. Their bands were coloured yellow.

"These are your passes for Splash Park. You must wear them at all times inside the park. They enable you to go on our rides and purchase food and beverages and items from the gift shop. As per your group package, all purchases run through the primary pass holder's account," explained the mouse.

"That'll be me. Like I said Jamie, it's my treat today," said Nathan.

"I see that you two have already changed into bathers, but we do have a change room and public use lockers for your convenience. We recommended that you wear clothing you don't mind getting wet and keep your electronic devices, wallets and personal items in your locker," said the mouse.

Jamie slipped on the wrist band. It had a side release buckle and an adjustable strap. He quickly snapped it shut around his right wrist, he fiddled with it until it was tightly on but comfortable. The other two did the same with theirs.

"I hope you have a fantastic time today, welcome to Splash Park," said the employee with a smile.

With that, the three creatures walked into the park. A sizable paved path led downhill towards a large building, past that was a wooden dock. There was a massive lake and in the distance was an island in the centre of the lake. The island was large enough to contain various rides, some of which were rising above the treetops.

A few creatures were walking back up towards the exit, and some more walking downwards towards the dock. Jamie wasn't expecting an island and judging by Holly's expression neither had she. The fox looked across to Nathan the coyote had a sly smile on his muzzle. They walked down to the large building. Signage indicated it was the change room the mouse had referred to at the main gate. There was a sign advertising lockers for rent too. Nathan stopped and turned to the other two.

"I'm going to change, I won't take long," he said.

Jamie and Holly made some small talk about the island off in the distance. It must have been the offseason because it had fewer creatures roaming around as both expected. That wasn't a bad thing with their current predicament. Jamie leaned in close to Holly.

"How is your bladder holding up? I need to go but not desperately," whispered Jamie.

"I can't believe we're doing this. I am feeling the need, but I'm sure I can hold it until-until I get into one of the pools I guess," Holly whispered.

"That'll be the plan. I don't think Nathan wants us to make a scene and get kicked out. Only a bit of sneaky play," said the fox.

Holly nodded.

About a minute passed before Nathan returned. The coyote was wearing orange board shorts with a white blossom pattern on them. He was shirtless, showing off his broad shoulders and muscular body. The 'yote had a defined physique but not yoked like some of the ox or bulls get. His fur was mostly rust cloured that flowed to grey and then to cream colouration across his frame. His bright green eyes met Jamie's, and the fox instantly felt terrible for letting his eyes linger. He turned towards the dock and began walking towards it.

Jamie could soon spot another creature that took his attention when he arrived at the dock. She was a doe in her mid 20's who seemed a bit jittery. She was wearing a cute pink one-piece swimsuit that had a swim skirt around the waist. What got the fox's attention wasn't that but the way the doe was acting. The deer's legs were trembling, and her knees were almost knocking. Jamie had seen enough omorashi content to know the doe was getting desperate to pee. She had her hand hooves clutched together, hovering above her waist. One of them had a yellow wristband wrapped around. Holly and Nathan arrived not long after, and Jamie turned away from the potential omorashi victim.

The rumble of a diesel boat engine announced the arrival of their transport across the lake. One of the dockworkers was a ram, and he stepped forward to grab the rope thrown at him as the boat slowed down next to the dock. He tied off the vessel and moved a gangway across to the deck of the passenger ferry. As some creatures exited the craft, Jamie got a chance to see the name Cherrywood painted on the side of the boat.

With the last of the guests walking past them, it was now time to come on board the boat. Hooves trotted, and claws clicked as the around ten or so creatures walked up the gangway. The doe who had been walking in front of Jamie stepped onto the deck and walked inside the main passenger cabin's open door. The fox watched as she tried a door labelled restroom. The handle turned, but the door remained sealed. Upon seeing the out of order sign taped on the door, the doe let out a snort and reluctantly moved to a seat.

Jamie, Nathan and Holly took up some seating out on the main deck facing outwards away from the boat. They were on the starboard side of the vessel. The superstructure tapered inwards at both the stern and the bow so they could still see the view on each end if they chose to. A slight breeze blew across the lake as the dockworkers prepared the craft for departure. A cheetah lady sprinted up to the gangway just as the ram was about to move it away. She was lucky to be the last passenger. The gangway got withdrawn, and promptly the mooring was undone. They soon could hear the rumble of the throttle as the boat pulled away. Jamie hunted down his omorashi quarry. She was sitting inside the cabin on the vessel's port side. Jamie sat back down and sighed as he could only get a peek from where he was seated without making it clear he was watching.

As the boat was about halfway across to the island, Jamie's quarry made her move. She walked out of the main cabin, past where he was seated and walked down to the boat's stern. She took up a position at the metal hand railing. Jamie knew he was a voyeur here, but he couldn't help it when bladder desperation was involved. She slowly reached down and discreetly pulled up the front of her swim skirt. Most of the passengers were inside in seating that faced the bow, so she was alone as she was going to be. The thumping of the diesel engine was all that he could hear, but Jamie could see what was happening.

The doe was wetting herself. Jamie could see a stream of piss cascade down from between her legs. The puddle under her would shift side to side; before flowing off the deck's edge into the lake. He continued to stare as the thick piss stream died down. The doe slowly dropped the front of her swim skirt. Tugging it as far down as it would go it would hide the wet crotch of her swimsuit but just barely. A minute later, she casually left the scene of her crime. Before the doe turned around, Jamie made sure he fixed his gaze out onto the water in front of him. He could hear her hooves as he came closer before she passed by and took up a position at the bow of the boat. Jamie felt a little flustered by now but distracted himself by looking out at the view. It was true he preferred the guys, but he always appreciated a good wetting.

Another thing keeping the fox's arousal at bay was his filling bladder. It was getting to the point when it was getting annoying. He would have to find a discreet place to pee and soon. The rest of the boat ride continued without any incident, and they were quickly approaching the dock at the park propper. A Doberman began tying off the boat to the pier, and a canine woman brought over a gangway.

Nathan and Holly lead the way as they descend from the boat's main deck. Jamie lagged behind the group of passengers. He was on the lookout for a spot to piss. They walked across the dock and caught up with his friends. It was then he spotted it; there was a large fountain on one side of it a mouse was splashing his pink hand paws into the water. It was a few inches deep, but it would be enough for his needs.

Jamie pounced, he ran up behind Holly and scooped her up. She let out a squeal at the sudden action. Jamie carried her bridal style, carefully stepping over the edge of the fountain before he delicately crouched down, placing her in a seated position in the water. Jamie splashed water over Holly who continued to squeal. Jamie crouched down, and as soon as his crotch was under the water, he let loose his filling bladder. He kept up the horseplay with splashes and cupping water with his head paws and pouring it over Holly's head. It only took a few moments for Holly to cotton on to Jamie's purposeful activities, and the fox felt warmth spread near one of his legs as Holly began to pee too.

"Welcome to the water Holly, I'm not much of an otter, but I do have my moments," said Jamie.

Holly splashed Jamie back and began to giggle, her laughter was infectious, and the pair soon had a giggle fit. Jamie was the first to stand, offering his hand paw to Holly. The timber wolf shot Jamie a wink and mouthed "thank you." Jamie helped Holly up and out of the fountain. As Jamie turned to face Nathan, he could see the smirk on his muzzle. While Jamie and Holly's actions were as subtle as a brick to the coyote, it concealed their public pissing from the other creatures hanging around the dock area as a few silly antics.

As Jamie and the timber wolf trotted down the path away from the fountain, he was feeling better about agreeing to a kinky day out. It was a water park so there would be plenty of places to pee and not be caught. He did feel guilty about when he would have to use one of the pools, but then again, that is why they used chlorine. He turned and flashed a toothy grin to the coyote. Foxes and coyotes had a trickster nature that sometimes turned competitive. He wondered if the 'yote would try any tricks on him or Holly.

Feeling much more confident, Jamie and his friends lined up at one of the water slides. It was then Jamie noticed something strange about the water park. There weren't any children. It was the weekend, and a warm summer's day there should be more kids running around. Scanning the line for the water slide and as they climbed the stairs up, he couldn't spot any younger animals, even one in their mid-teens. His thoughts were interrupted as he reached the top of the waterside. The operator gave Jamie's group some safety instructions, and they all lined up at the row of three waterslides. They all picked a slide, and all jumped onto their descent at the same time.

They flowed down the slide, going over some bumps that made Jamie's stomach lurch. Soon they hit the water. With a splash, Jamie lost track of the others before swimming to the surface. He found his two friends as he exited the ride and Nathen was already beckoning them over to a small food court. Holly was wagging her tail, obviously having a good time. Nathan grabbed Jamie's hand paw and dragged him over to a table.

"Jamie, you have to try Brutal Velvet. Wait here," he said before rushing off to one of the venders.

Jamie sat next to Holly as they waited for the coyote to return. Nathan didn't take long to produce three drinks. One was a glass of coke with ice, the next one was a bottle of water, and the last was a small bright blue drink. Jamie assumed that must be the one he was raving about, Brutal Velvet. Nathan placed the water in front of Holly, the small glass in front of Jamie, leaving the coke for himself.

Jamie took the small double shot-glass and eyed its contents. The drink was bright blue. He sniffed at it, his nostrils flaring as he huffed in the sweet scent. He knocked it back in one go. Its taste was very refreshing, and delightfully tingled his mouth.

"You know, that's not half bad," Jamie exclaimed.

The coyote just grinned as he took a large swig of his coke. Jamie relaxed some more as the self-consciousness of being bound in a swimsuit in public eased from his mind. There was a grinding of chair legs that drew Jamie's attention across the way. A grey coloured wolf had suddenly gotten up and was rushing over to a queue of creatures lining up to use the toilets. The wolf looked desperate, Jamie couldn't believe he had another desperation sighting in so little time.

"The wolf dude needs to go," whispered Nathan, who was following Jamie's gaze.

The line moved slowly, and the poor wolf pressed his tail between his legs and began shifting his weight from one paw to the other. In what seemed only minutes, the wolf grew more and more desperate. He placed one of his knuckles into his maw and bit down and crossed his legs tightly. The queue moved forward, leaving the wolf next in line.

It turned out to be too late for the poor lupine as a wet spot appeared at the crotch of his purple and white coloured board shorts. A tinkle of piss flowed down one of his legs as he flooded his swimwear. Jamie couldn't believe it; the wolf was pissing a full bladder's worth just across the way. The lupine piss puddle grew under the wolf until he finally stopped the uncontrolled flow.

There was a cheetah in the Splash Park uniform over next to the wolf in an instant. The feline took the wolf's lack of bladder control in his stride and soon brought him to a door along the side of the wall. The park employee took a key from his keyfob and unlocked the door, disappearing both the wolf and himself inside. Meanwhile, a badger park employee was spraying down the piss puddle. She used a hose that was connected to a tap already set up outside the restroom.

"Enjoying the view you two," asked Holly.

"Yes," answered Nathan, shooting his lover a smirk.

Jamie didn't answer, but he did too. The wolf put on quite a show. The three furs continued to enjoy their refreshments even though Jamie had already gulped his down. If the fox was paying closer attention, he might have noticed the empty drink at the wolf's table and the remaining ring of Brutal Velvet at the bottom of the glass. Jamie, however, was already eyeing the next ride he would go on. It was a merry-go-round. The classical pipe-organ music drew him over like a moth to a flame.

He queued up for the ride, one that he had only been on when he was a cub. He had happy memories, and even Nathan had noticed how the fox's eyes began to twinkle as lined up next to it. It didn't take long for the line to move and Jamie looked back to see Nathan and Holly had pulled up to a fence next to the ride. They could watch if they wanted, but Jamie was going on it. He flashed his wristband to the horse attendant's scanner at the ride entrance and walked over to pick his mighty steed.

Jamie found his merry-go-round horse. The ride's owners had outfitted the horses with safety shackles that secured a rider's legs into stirrups and arms around the horse's neck. Otherwise, it was a typical merry go round. Jamie was getting quite wise by now that this was a very different kind of theme park. He didn't ask any questions as an attendant buckled him in. The attendant, a panther, flashed the fox a grin before retreating from the ride.

Pipe organ music began to play, and the ride started to move. Jamie and the other riders started to move up and down atop their merry-go-round horses, bound and strapped into place. Jamie felt there was something wrong as soon as they did the first lap. He had an unmistakable urge to pee. At first, the fox tried to deny it, but his body sent a strong impulse as if Jamie had been holding for hours. He hadn't needed to pee this bad before he had got on, so the powerful urge came as a shock. Sure, Nathan had been liberally supplying drinks on the drive over but not enough to cause this.

It made no sense; he had only been here for at most an hour. He shouldn't need to pee already with such an intense urgency; he had gone in the fountain just less than an hour before. Jamie tried to claim himself. He didn't want to make a scene. Jamie would hold it until the ride ended and try to sneak off to a less populated area. It was going to be hard, but he would have to try at least. He would look for a bush or a corner to hide behind.

Jamie clamped his legs down on the saddle and tugged at his hand, restraints. His hand paws were locked just under the faux horse's head, and he could not free them. His bladder felt swollen, and it was only getting worse, he would have to hold it and try to get out of public view. His vulpine bladder continued to throb.

His foot paws began to sweat from the strain of holding his overfilled bladder. He could feel his sweat beading over his black rubbery foot paws. His paw pads often acted as a weather barometer for how long he could hold his bladder; the more they sweated, the closer he was to wetting himself. He wanted more than anything to bring his hand paws down and clamp over his sheath. Anything to stem the desperate feeling. In what felt like hours the ride was slowly starting to slow down. Jamie bit his lower lip as the ride came to a standstill.

It was agonising waiting as the attendants unbound and swapped out guests a few at a time. When it came to Jamie's turn, the panther passed by him. Jamie called out and got his attention, and the panther walked over.

"What's up," he asked with a smirk.

"The ride is over. You forgot to undo me," said Jamie trying to play it cool.

"I didn't forget you have a second turn," said the panther.

"I-I don't want a second turn," said Jamie.

"Oh? Why is that?" said the panther, his smile turning predatory.

Jamie clamped down for a moment as a powerful desperation wave overcame him. "I need to pee," he answered finally.

"Oh, I know. Your sweaty paws and jerky movements gave that away. Splash Park can handle such accidents, so don't feel bad if you can't hold it," the panther replied.

With that, the panther walked off and motioned the operator to start the ride.

Jamie tried his best to hold it, but the horses' motion and how the saddle spread his legs made his effort complicated. Still, part of Jamie wanted to deny the panther attendant his show. Jamie could feel the sweat drip over his slickened, exposed paw pads; a large chance of yellow rain. He suspected he wasn't getting off this ride dry even if he did manage to hold it for this turn. Jamie began to pant, and his pink vulpine tongue rolled out of his maw, expanding to accommodate more heat exchange. His body was past the point of being able to even get off the saddle without a flood. He was still struggling, stubbornly holding out. A loud hiss was the first clue that he had lost the struggle.

Jamie didn't have to look down to know what was happening. He instantly made himself small and tried to keep any attention off what he was doing. The sound of the pipe organ hid the sound for those further away. What he couldn't hide was the pee, it flowed downwards out of the sheer fabric of his swimsuit and onto the saddle, there if rolled off down each side as the horse moved. There still was a chance that other riders of the other creatures wouldn't notice the growing puddle under him; a lot was going on, perhaps no one would see. The crowd didn't let him; a few creatures shouted about the fox in purple wetting himself, and then it felt as though all eyes were on him. Jamie closed his eyes as he concentrated on the relief of emptying his bladder.

He could feel the torrent of piss still flowing, almost unopposed from his crotch and pouring over the saddle and pooling under his rump. He moaned and rested his muzzle against the horse. The ride slowed down as Jamie tried to pretend that he didn't just piss himself on a merry-go-round in full view of strangers. The panther was back and swiftly began to unbuckle Jamie. He didn't mind handling the piss soaked ankle cuffs that had bound Jamie's legs to his steed.

"My colleague will hose you down with some warm water. Judging by your reactions, this must be your first time at our theme park. There's no need to be shy; this is all part of the experience for our piddle pants pass holders," purred the panther.

Jamie slinked away, and sure enough, there was a tiled alcove at the ride's exit. Jamie got ushered inside the side area by a bubbly pine marten lady who gently guided Jamie inside a shower area. Before Jamie could ask questions, the pine martin had begun hosing down Jamie's body. The fox tensed expecting ice-cold water to blast him, but the water was lovely and warm.

"Close your eyes darling I'm going to spray you with a bit of foaming soap," she said.

Jamie compiled. He could feel the foam hit his crotch and lower legs. He turned around, and she spayed his backside. Then there was more warm water rinsing away the soap. Jamie cooperated, knowing this must have been a thing they did all the time. Jamie opened his eyes and watched as the friendly pine marten washed away the last of the soapsuds.

"Do you want to drip dry or some time under the fan force fur dryer?" asked the pine marten, shutting off her hose.

"I'll be fine," said Jamie.

Jamie thanked the lady and stepped out of the booth. The fox walked down the path still sopping wet but with just water. Jamie wasn't worried because he would soon be dry and this was a water park anyway. It dawned on him why there were separate wristbands for guests and why his and Holly's were yellow. Piddle pants pass; that sly coyote.

After watching Jamie's wet ride, Holly decided to look for a ride by herself. She knew Nathan would tease the fox a little before heading out for more fun. It wasn't a massive park so the timber wolf was sure they would meet up again soon. She walked down some paths looking for a ride that tickled her fancy. It was then; Holly saw a brightly coloured sign advertising an orca themed thrill ride. The advertisement had a cartoon illustration of an orca floating among icebergs with an arctic fox riding on its back. The fox was shooting robotic penguins with a water gun.

Holly lined up for the ride behind a bobcat and waited for her turn. When it was her turn, an employee guided her inside the building and into one of six rooms. Inside the room was a shallow pool with a large inflatable orca in the centre of the water. The underside of the orca was attached to a mechanical stand. The setup kind of reminded Holly of a mechanical bull.

The attendant helped her onto the inflatable and cuffed her thighs to the orca with straps. In front of Holly was a water gun. It connected to the ceiling with a chain with a transparent pipe coiled around the chain and attached to the gun's back. She took the weapon in her hand paws and pulled the trigger. A short, sharp jet of water pulsed out onto the wall in front of her.

"That's the spirit. Ice Cold Killers is a shooting game, use your water gun to target the penguins when they appear on the wall. Have fun! The orca will explain the rest," said the dingo employee.

The dingo waded out of the pool and closed the door leaving the room in semi-darkness. A light appeared on the wall in front of Holly. It was a projection of a game world; icebergs across a frozen ocean. The orca lifted out of the water and slowly rocked left and right before tipping forward and backwards.

"Please scan your wristband on my fin to start," came a voice.

Holly scanned her wristband, and the screen flashed with the same logo from outside. The projection changed to a single iceberg in an empty ocean. A single penguin flopped up and slid to the centre of the ice on its belly. It turned upright, and its chest opened, revealing it to be a robot. It pointed a gun concealed in its robot body towards Holly. The timber wolf shot her water gun at the penguin. It shorted out with blue electric sparks before exploding in a puff of smoke. The display was accompanied by sound effects and flashing lights when she had pulled the trigger.

"Great shot! I'm Oscar the Orca by the way. There will be more on those killer penguins so lookout," said the voiceover.

The orca lurched to the left as a real blast of water sailed past Holly; it hit the wall behind her. The rubber creaked under her, and if it weren't for the thigh straps, she would have been in the drink. The orca began the rock forward and back as the screen tracked as if they were moving. Two icebergs came into view, and the game started proper. Penguins began to flop out of the water and deploy various weapons. Holly started to shoot them and play the game. The penguins' shots were made real. Hidden trap door would open and shoot water towards Holly.

"Rock and twist your body to dodge incoming shots," said the orca.

She found that Oscar responded to her shifting her weight on his back pitching forward and backwards when she pressed forward and back and rolling left and right when she leaned in the same direction. She accidentally made the inflatable orca yaw by squeezing her thighs together and twisting her body.

Holly was having fun, but the reactive movements of the orca were grinding against her crotch. Suddenly, one of the water jets flying past her made contact. The water jet struck her chest dead-on; the water was cold much colder than the pool water. It made her shriek. Holly worked harder to avoid the next few shots. There was a high score and hit point metre at the top of the projection--the one-hit cost her five HP out of one-hundred.

"Level one complete! You blitzed them!" said Oscar.

As the orca rocked back and forth while the projection moved towards the next level, Holly began to notice just how hot she had become. Her inner lips were now sensitive to the sheer fabric of the swimsuit. The material had hiked up, forming a camel-toe outlining her vulva. Before she could adjust herself, the next level began. What was worse was when another shot hit her chest, the icy water was making her nipples firm up. She continued to play shooting the pesky penguins, but the supple rubber brushing over her crotch took up more of her attention. At the end of this level, she was panting. As Oscar moved to the third stage, Holly took her free hand and squeezed one of her nipples.

Holly loved having her nipples toyed with even nibbled by Nathan, so she found her hard nipple with her free hand paw and rubbed it between her fingers. She reluctantly removed her hand paw when the level started. Her libra was wet, and her clit had engorged, so her dodging was having a more masturbatory effect than anything. Holly gave into her feelings and ground her womanhood into Oscar's back. This level took longer because she was more focused on her self pleasure than the penguins.

"You creamed them!" came Oscar's voice.

"Ah!" Holly cried as the penguins weren't the only thing that got creamed.

Holly's head rolled back as she felt her orgasm rock her body. She came with cum gushing between her thighs. The timber wolf let go of her gun and puffed and panted. She didn't notice she was in a different part of the game one where she had to avoid icebergs. The screen flashed as she crashed right into one.


What must have been a bucket's worth of water had dropped down from above. The sudden slash snapped Holly out of her post-orgasm haze and made her squeal in shock. While this water was warmer than the penguin's ice blasts, it still wasn't how she wanted to recover.

"Game over! New high score," said the orca.

Holly opened her eyes, brushing away some water dripping over them. On the projection was her name and high score but as a backdrop was an in-ride photo. It was a shot taken while she was cumming. The timber wolf's shiny swimsuit showed off her erect nipples and the taut outline of her vulva complete with a darkened wet patch dripping with cream. Holly's head was tilted back in ecstasy, completing the scene. In a panic, she rocked the options over to purchase the photo, and her wristband was already on Oscar's fin, so the sale went right through.

As Jamie walked around, making a loop of the rides and attractions, he noticed an area he hadn't been in yet. Before that, he found out all of the special drinks that one could order at Splash Park from Nathan. Jamie now had decided to explore on his own, seeing that Holly had done so too. Two hills hid this new area with trees and shrubbery covering the slopes. Jamie trotted down the winding path coming to a queuing site to a ride.

There was a sign advertising the ride. Written in bold red writing was "Tunnel of Love." Jamie walked up to the admission queue and found it empty. An operator was sitting behind a series of controls in a small shack. He was a spotted hyena, and he looked like quite the hunk in Jamie's eyes. The guy was brimming with muscles and was just wearing a singlet with his name badge pinned to one of the straps.

Jamie wasn't too interested in the ride. It was a cheesy, corny sort of thing. He doubted that even if his direwolf boyfriend were here, he would go on such a cliched ride. It offered a chance to check out the hyena discreetly. The name badge said he was Terence. The hyena looked up at Jamie and shot him a friendly, welcoming smile. Jamie trotted closer until he was at the counter.

"Do you want to ride sir?" asked the hyena.

Jamie wanted a very different ride, so he said yes without thinking. It was too late to change his mind without embarrassing himself, so Jamie handed over his right wrist, scanning his wristband over the reader. Soon, Jamie was looking down at a large Swan Boat built for two. Jamie was about to change his mind and forfeit his ride when the strong arms of the hyena gently grasped his hand paws.

"You can ride solo or duo, so don't be shy, Mr Fox," said Terence.

The hyena's charms had melted Jamie's resistance, so the fox stepped down into the Swan Boat. This one was complete with cheesy red coloured seating. Perhaps it was meant to inspire the passions of love, but instead, it made Jamie's eyes roll. The fox looked up as the hyena winked at him. It took a moment for Jamie to process that wink before the Swan Boat jolted forward and began its leisurely cruise.

The Swan Boat began rounding a corner until the station was out of view. The dim lighting inside the tunnel was a star pattern of fairy lights that covered the tunnel walls and roof, and it had scenery painted depicting romantic Roman villas and vineyards. Despite the corny nature of his surroundings, Jamie was beginning to relax.

Suddenly there was a hissing noise as fog machines began billowing mist. The mist started obscuring the water of the track up ahead. Slowly and leisurely the Swan Boat approached the Misty section of the tunnel. The vapour clouds only rose a few inches above the water, and as Jamie drew closer, he felt a little nervous.

Jamie inhaled sharply through his nose. There was a scent in the air. The fog must have been laced with an unusual perfume of some description, although it was hard to tell. It was a strange scent that Jamie couldn't quite place a finger paw on, something sexy. It reminded him of something sensual like the bed of a lover after they had shared a night of passion--nothing dirty more like a feeling of security, of being loved.

The strange perfume was affecting Jamie in another way. He could feel his male heat building up around his groin. Jamie tried to calm himself. It must be part of the ride; perhaps it wasn't the corny ride Jamie had led himself to believe and more of a thrill ride experience.

One part of the fox that was enjoying the ride was his fox rocket. It was currently semi-hard pressing into his swimsuit. The strange mist was still covering the track, and the scent was beginning to get stronger. As much as Jamie wanted to dismiss his sudden arousal as simply a no reason boner, he simply couldn't ignore that The scent that lingered in the air was affecting him.

The boat slowly moved forward. Jamie felt his pulse thundering in his ears. His full, proud erection was forming a roughly oblong-shaped bulge up from his groin. His breathing came out in soft pants. Up ahead, Jamie noticed there was a display on the banks of the canal. He couldn't make out the show only the silhouettes of painted characters and buildings. The Swan boat coasted slowly forward before coming to a stop.

Lights switched on and lit up the dioramas on both sides of the canal. Jamie could now clearly see what was on the different cutouts. The one nearest his boat was depicting a cartoon version of the Swan Boat containing a duo. The couple was a wolf and a ewe. They were sitting in the Swan Boat. Their poses were cold and standoffish; with crossed arms facing their bodies away from each other, including scowls on their muzzles. Then a voiceover sounded out through hidden speakers.

"Hello love birds, you may have noticed by now that certain parts of you are getting a little heated. Don't be alarmed; it's just our aphrodisiac mist. A secret from the Goddess of Beauty, Aphrodite herself," explained the voiceover.

Jamie looked at the next cutout. It depicted the same couple as the first except this time it showed the wolf panting, and the ewe blushing exaggeratedly from her cheeks and love hearts floating up between them. The backdrop was a scene from Venice; with its many buildings, waterways and boat creatures with their gondolas.

"If you feel the need to snuggle your partner close, please feel free. We will assure you, you will not be interrupted by our other guests," continued the voice over.

Jamie's swan boat started to move again. The fox took note of just how close he had positioned his right paw to his crotch. He was just as excited as before, and he wanted to adjust himself, to give his sex more breathing room. It was then he noted the last cut out that featured the ewe and the wolf. In this one, the wolf had one of his hand paws reaching down between the ewe's legs. They were kissing one another with larger love hearts floating up around them.

The tunnel was still misty as the swan boat slowly travelled down the channel. Jamie was having a much harder time staying composed. His fox cock was straining inside his soft, smooth tempting bathers, begging for his touch. His tail flicked next to him, and he balled up his paws into fists. There was another darkened display around the bend. The boat slowly approached the next section of the ride.

Again the boat stopped, and lights switched on. There were cutouts, but this time, they were more explicit. There were depicting straight, gay and lesbian couples engaging in sexual intercourse in cartoon illustrations of swan boats.

"Hello lovebirds, by now you have figured out why this is very much an over eighteen ride. Aphrodite's mist is proven to melt even the most prudish of creatures modesty into acts of wanton lust. Go ahead and pull your partner close," said the voiceover.

Jamie whined loudly, and it echoed in the tunnel. He flung a hand paw down to his crotch and rubbed hard. The supple, seamless cloth of swimsuit met his paw pads. His hot hard vulpine prick twitched at the sudden attention.

"Fuck! Only a quick touch," Jamie exclaimed.

The swan boat began moving again. The pleasing scent of Aphrodite's mist, making Jamie even hornier. He pressed down and rubbed his crotch, stimulating his loins. His panting puffs echoed in the tunnel. Jamie needed to give himself a touch and a clutch, but keep his fox rocket payload from blowing up with the silo doors still closed. He slowed down his paw so that it had to work harder if he wanted a proper release. Jamie's intent was for only a feel up session. Creaming his locked-on swimsuit would be very embarrassing indeed.

At first, he settled for a slow and steady rubbing pattern, but as the swan boat continued down the tunnel, Jamie became more desperate. The inside of the swimsuit was now damp from the pre he was leaking. His paw pads pressed into his crotch as the fox was careful only to provide a minimum of stimulation. He was only teasing himself, delaying the release.

Jamie was so preoccupied with his sexual needs that he didn't notice the boat had stopped at another display. The lights coming on made Jamie jump. The exhibits depicted different couples of different species in swan boats redressing and giving each other knowing looks.

"We are nearing the end of the ride. Now's a good time to freshen up before you arrive back at the station. We hope you enjoyed each other and the ride," said the voiceover.

Jamie grunted as he withdrew his paws from his crotch. He had made it. He had to stop; otherwise, he risked getting caught masturbating. The mist gradually dissipated as well as his resolve to deny himself release. The fox was now frantic; he pressed one hand paw on top of the other and pressed down, rubbing his palm over his swimsuit covered crotch. He thrust his hips as tears welled up in his eyes. The mist had broken him; he needed to cum! The boat moved forward as Jamie desperately attacked his crotch. He had wasted time he could have used pawing himself off much sooner and at a more relaxed pace.

"Come on!" Exclaimed Jamie.

His arms began to tire from the effort. He needed a little more time. He continued to grope and press his erection so he could see daylight approaching at the end of the tunnel. It was then, he burst. He felt his fox cream shoot into his swimwear. He reluctantly placed his hand paws on his knees. Trying to pretend he didn't just frantically paw off. He was still panting by the time he arrived back at the station. He was greeted by the hyena who knew from Jamie's expression alone what the fox had got up too.

A few minutes later, Jamie and his friends met back up at the dock. Jamie was relieved to have found a shower on the way back. He spotted Holly, who was carrying a large envelope. Jamie was curious what was in it even more so when she showed what was inside to Nathan. The coyote seemed to enjoy the photo, but it seemed to be a "couple thing" so Jamie didn't pry. It was time to head home, but they would be back to explore the park in the future.

Coyote Vulnerabilities (Alt Version)

Coyote Vulnerabilities (Alt Version) By Zrathie A hazy light came in from behind the blinds covering the windows as a nude coyote walked over to his bedroom coming straight from the shower. Qillaq opened his bedroom door and spotted a white...

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Coyote Vulnerabilities

Coyote Vulnerabilities By Zrathie Qillaq, the coyote looked upwards as he was being transported down the long corridors. He was secured in a gurney in five-point restraints. His wrists, ankles, neck and middle we locked into place. Pushing...

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A Routine Trip

A Routine Trip By Zrathie Georgia's breaths came out in pants. The ewe nurse was seeing a fox patient, yet she was getting treated. She looked down at the medical scanner and the fox secured to the table. The table was tilted downwards so that...

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