They catch you staring, and suddenly you realize you're about to learn a lot more than just fashion from them.
No Capes.
Trisha smiled in her subtle, charming fashion. 'a lot of work has gone into this one. i know you'll look exquisite in it.' she chrrled back, smiling.
Change of Fashion
"bless you, oh fashion priestess." the black and green striped cheshire scratched his cheek. "d'aww, you don't need to call me that~! how's about we get to the next outfit?" gnarl suggested.
Fashionably Late
The girl danced and twirled to the mostly-female roar of her supporters; her unstable body was surprisingly graceful, and the 'doll'ish creature was fashionable this year. she strutted on the stage; then, finally, graced the catwalk.
Fashion Senseless
A little trade i did with bobert on fa :3 fashion senseless by luther "they're full of holes." "what?" "you asked me to find a problem with the clothes you're wearing.
Fashionable Revenge
But, what she had in spades were opinions, and those were oddly difficult to find in the world of fashion journalism. so many of the fashion writers in the world today wrote to the very specific audience of high fashion.
Usurpation of Fashion
You can donate via paypal (ask) or on my patreon > usurpation of fashion.
True to Form: Part Eight
The tunnel ran deep through the area, the floor covered with thick layers of sludge and silt while the walls glistened with abnormal slimes. Anyone going through the area would be certainly be at odds trying to get through it unstained. Beyond the...
Student Body Chapter 5
The polygonal race car crashed into a sidewall with a satisfying foray of crunching metal booming from the speakers of the old television Toni had stuffed into the corner of the factory. Tristan had hooked up one of his older games consoles, one he was...
Fashionably Late (by: BRNQuil)
You should perhaps also comment/fav the original, fashionably late **|||_fashionably late_|||** **i** _ahhh..._ the endless roar. the air felt hot on the wooden stage.
The Old Fashioned Way
In similarly efficient fashion to before, anna oriented and then covered two more nipples. at this point, anna paused, wiping her head again.
Brat Fashion (Story)
No resistance came from the fashion model. in fact, charlie felt rocky's hands reach around his ass and hold him steady to keep him pushing.