Cody's Love: Part Three

Story by SlyLemur on SoFurry

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It had been about a week since the incident between Alex and Cody. Neither of the boys could take their minds off of what they did since it happened. Cody thought over the encounter fondly, remembering every sweet moment. He even was so bold to masturbate to the thought of doing it again, which is something he eagerly wanted to do. Alex on the other hand was unsure of what they did together. He wondered if he had forced Cody, even if he did enjoy it. He had never had a more powerful orgasm in his life before Cody. He wanted to feel that pleasure again.

Cody sat alone at his lunch table, he was normally the first one to get there. He liked to watch his friends arrive and make the table a little bigger. Like always, the second people to arrive at his table were the Richards twins. They were raccoons, and they were alike in almost every way. It would be hard to tell them apart if they didn't have such different personalities. Colt was the more outgoing one of the two, he would always be the first to ask out a girl he liked, then tell everyone about the sex he had with them the night before. Although, Cody never believed him. In fact, he thinks Colt is a virgin. The other twin, Devin was the quiet one. He did have a great sense of humor, when he decided to show it. Devin's eyes always seemed to be wandering, he was never quite focused on the present. "Man," Colt said dramatically, "That history test was brutal!"

"Damn straight," Jason said as he sat down at the table, slamming down his lunch tray for emphasis. Jason was a tall and mighty black bear. He seemed to be the biggest kid in school, the only thing larger than him was his ego. He was a first chair cello player in the school's orchestra, something he liked to rub in Colt's face often. Jason was wearing his signature orchestra shirt and cargo shorts, something he seemed to wear every day. "Hey there third chair," Jason gloated in Colt's face. Colt's paws formed into fists, but relaxed when he heard a voice say sternly;

"No, I don't want to hear this shit today," Sam scolded the boys as she sat down. The leopard flipped her long black hair out of in front of her eyes. "It's always the same thing with you two, I'm tired of it. Shut the hell up!" Sam often played the role of mediator, which annoyed her to no end. Sam removed her sweater to reveal a black v-neck tee, she took out a folder and flipped through it. She stopped on a page of sheet music and began to hum the song to herself. Cody had always liked Sam, she always seemed calm and controlled, until she had to break up a fight. Not to mention she was the most beautiful girl he knew, not only in looks but her voice was that of an angel. She was in the school's choir, the orchestra often collaborated with the choir to put on shows, he normally practiced with her. He would have asked her out a long time ago if it weren't for one thing;

"Hey beautiful," Damien culled as he walked up to the table with his lunch tray. He was a slim and sleek lion, his fur was a tasteful shade of gold, his mane was large and well-kempt. He was Sam's boyfriend. Damien leaned in towards Sam to give her a short peck on the lips before sitting down. He was on the basketball team, though he didn't act like a typical jock. He played crude jokes and laughed at what wasn't funny every now and again, but he was mostly a good person. The handsome lion turned to Cody and flashed him a quick smile, flashing his white fangs. "Hey," He said casually, although to Cody, it seemed almost mocking.

"Hey Damien," Cody said half-heartedly. The lion gave him a strange look before his face lit up with excitement.

"So Cody, I think I found us a new friend!" Damien jeered, before standing and gesturing someone to come over to the table, "I met him in gym, he seems like a pretty cool guy so I thought I'd introduce him to everybody."

The lemur looked up to see a tall Dalmatian walking towards the table. He wore a white button-up shirt, it had an design of a large Griffon on the back. It's wings wrapped around the entire shirt, the collar and sleeve were even shaped to look like ruffled feathers. Underneath the Griffon shirt, he had a blue silk shirt with the word, 'Believe', written in a complex cursive format. Tight, black jeans covered his legs, and black combat boots covered his feet. The whole outfit looked like it had cost at least five hundred dollars, but based on how the Dalmatian looked in it; It was worth the money. When the well-dressed canine reached the table he stood closely behind Damien, half of his body hidden by the lion's.

"This is Hunter," Damien said confidently, like he was proud to bring such an addition to the lunch table.

"Hey," Hunter said nervously as he hesitantly waved a paw at the table. After he was introduced, he took a seat next to Damien and right across from Cody.

Everyone else at the table had continued their conversations like nothing had happened. Colt and Devin talked amongst themselves, giggling every few moments. Jason tapped out texts onto his cell phone, then idly waited for a response before his phone would vibrate and flash. Then he'd repeat the process. Damien held Sam's paws tightly in his own as they talked about the dance coming up next Friday. Finally, Cody glanced to Hunter. The Dalmatian's eyes looked over everyone at his new table, just like Cody had done just seconds before. Then Hunter looked to Cody, and their eyes met.

The canine quickly looked down at his fiddling paws, Cody chuckled, "Is this your first day?"

Hunter's eyes glanced up to meet the lemur's, "Eh, yeah. It is," His voice was soft, even more so since his tone was hushed.

"Can I see your schedule?" Cody asked, his tone matching the canine's.

The Dalmatian's head cocked to the side in confusion, "Why would he care about my schedule?" He thought to himself. The dog sunk his paw into his pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. He tossed it to the lemur while asking, "Why do you want to see my schedule?"

Cody caught the paper in his paws and unfolded it casually. His eyes carefully scanned the paper, comparing times and teachers. He sighed, "We don't have any of the same classes, that's too bad. I wanted to show you around."

Suddenly the lemur's ears perked up, Colt had started to laugh hysterically at the other end of the table. His eyes glanced back at the schedule, he had the all of the same classes as the twins. "Colt, Devin!" He called the raccoons, they both turned their heads to look at him in perfect unison. "Come here for a second."

The 'coons stood and padded over to the table and sat next to Hunter, one twin sat on either side of the dog. Their long, fluffy tails waved like flags behind them. Cody swears they practice doing everything at the same time at home.

"What's up, spots?" Colt nudged the Dalmatian next to him, teasing him with a nickname that would surely stick to him.

"So, I looked at Hunter's schedule," Cody pointed at the dog, making sure the twins knew his name, "And he has the same exact classes as you guys. Why don't you show him around school?"

Both Colt and Devin's eyes grew wide. The twins took a quick glance at each other, then Colt gave Devin a slow nod before turning back to face Cody. "Sure, we can show him around. What do you think about that spots? You get to hang out with me and my lame-ass brother all day." Colt chuckled as Devin stuck his tongue out at him.

The Dalmatian's cheeks burned as he felt the raccoons scoot closer to him, sandwiching him between their lithe bodies. "Sounds great..." He said hesitantly, his voice cracking a little.

Cody leaned back, satisfied. "Good, now that's settled, why don't we start eating?" He eagerly grabbed a chocolate chip cookie off of his lunch tray and took a healthy bite into it. Hunter merely opened his milk and took a slow sip out of it. He stared off into space with a nearly strained look, it was becoming hard to hide his discomfort. The raccoons were so close to him, the heat was building up quickly.

He nearly spit out his milk when he felt both of their tails rub against his rump...And crotch.


Cody sat in his Algebra 2 class. Mr. Buteo was standing in front, droning on about how important math was in life. The Red-tailed hawk even came up with ridiculous real-life applications to prove his point. Like if you were a fruit stand owner and you were selling lemons and a customer wanted only one fourth of a single lemon. The price of each fruit was determined on how much it weighed...Cody spaced out after a few moments of the teacher's attempt to reach the students. As the lemur's eyes wandered the room, they landed on Alex. He sat at his desk, half-asleep, trying as hard as he possibly could to stay conscious. Cody then fondly remembered the pleasurable night he had with the wolf. The way the wolf had howled when he shot his seed down his throat. Then how the wolf helped him finish, it was perfect. Before long, the lemur had sprung an erection in his jeans. He crossed his legs, trying to hide the bulge in his crotch but inevitably failed. Anyone who looked in the right place would see how badly his jeans were tented.

This gave Cody an evil idea. He tore a piece of paper out of his notebook and wrote on it. He quickly folded it up and passed it to Alex.

The wolf awoke from his daze to find a piece of paper folded up on his desk. A scribbled heart was drawn of the front, right below it, the words, 'Read me' were written in the lemur's handwriting. He looked to his left to see the lemur looking towards the front of the class. An evil smirk crept along Cody's muzzle. Alex looked back down to the note and he unfolded it slowly. The paper crinkled lightly under his paws, when it was fully opened Alex read it to himself,

'Meet me in the bathroom of the eight hundred building after class.


The Sly Lemur'

When the bell rang Alex jumped and quickly shoved the note into his jeans. He clumsily gathered all of the supplies on his desk. Cody stood up, completely calm and composed. He hid his arousal behind his school supplies, no one suspecting a thing. As the lemur walked past Alex's desk, he slid his tail over the canine's chest, and his crotch. The Artic wolf blushed deeply as the lemur's tail ran over his quickly hardening cock. Alex jumped up, almost tumbling over, and he quickly left the room.

Mr. Buteo chuckled to himself when the room was empty. He had been watching the spectacle between the lemur and the wolf, and it reminded him fondly of his high school days. In those days you had to be more careful though, almost everyone bashed on gays when he was a teenager. You could get beat up for just looking at another boy without his shirt off, now kids walked around the locker room as naked as the day they were born. The Red-tailed hawk shook his head, "Kids these days," He mused.


When Cody arrived at the eight hundred building bathroom, he checked the stalls, making sure they were empty. After that he leaned against the tile wall and eagerly awaited Alex to come through the door. He had planned on what to do, he wanted Alex to take his virginity. Cody didn't expect he would lose his virginity in a bathroom stall, but he didn't care. He just wanted Alex to be inside of him. He wanted to hear him grunt and moan in pleasure as he shoots his cum into the lemur's tail hole. Cody's erection firmly pressed against his jeans, he murred and slipped a paw into his underwear.

He closed his eyes and moaned as he imagined Alex's rock-hard member slipping inside of him. The lemur slowly pawed at his erection, precum was steadily leaking out of it, running over his paw and all the way down to his balls. He increased his pace, moving his paw up and down his slick cock. He started panting, imagining Alex's knot pounding against his ass, begging for entry. Cody's eyes screwed shut, his paw moving rapidly across his dick. He shot one last string on pre on the inside of his underwear, his balls pulled up closer to his body...He was so close...

Suddenly the door opened and Alex walked in slowly, making sure no one saw him enter the bathroom. The wolf looked over at the lemur, his paw in his pants, his mouth hanging open. Alex's pants suddenly grew tight. A smirk appeared across his muzzle, "Hey, save some for me will you?" He teased.

Cody jumped, instantly pulling his pre-soaked paw out of his underwear and blushing furiously. His tongue hanged out of his mouth, sweat was visible on his fur. Both boys stared at each other for a moment, both of them wanting to know what the other will do.

"Why don't we go in the stall?" Cody purred.

Alex nodded, "Yeah, I don't think I want someone catching us."

Cody walked inside of the handicap stall, his tail waving seductively behind him. Alex followed suit. Once the wolf was in the stall with him, Cody slipped past him making sure to 'accidentally' grope him. Alex giggled at the lemur's touch as Cody locked the stall door closed. Then the lemur stood close to the wolf and wrapped his arms around his neck. Alex looked down at the lemur, his wide, sapphire eyes looking back up at him, "So what do you want to do?" Alex said wantonly.

The lemur didn't speak, instead he leaned forward and placed a loving and tender kiss on the canine's muzzle. His paws massaged right behind the wolf's ears, which made Alex sigh in content into the kiss. Cody cocked his head to the side, giving the dog's wide tongue entry into his mouth. Their tongues wrestled with each other as the two teenager's muzzles were locked together in passion. Cody pulled back, panting, he said;

"I want you to take me,"

Alex's eyes shot open, completely surprised by the lemur's request, "You want me to what?!" He gasped.

"I want you to mount me, I want you to make love to me, I want you to...To be my first," Cody whimpered as he sensually rubbed his body against the canine's.

"Your first?" Alex asked, no wonder the lemur was so sensitive. "Okay." He whispered into Cody's ear.

Cody smiled up at the wolf as his paws reached down to undo Alex's pants. He unbuckled his belt, undid the button, slowly pulled down the zipper to make the canine whimper. Then all at once, Cody pulled down the wolf's pants and underwear, leaving him half naked. The wolf's seven inch penis was at it's full length, pressing against the lemur's own manhood.

Cody completely pulled off all of his own clothing, and stood as close as he possibly could to the wolf. His cock rubbing against the canine's. Both of their dicks were leaking pre, serving as natural lubrication as they rubbed against each other. The lemur reached his hand down to the wolf's cock and started to stroke it slowly. He motioned for Alex to sit down on the toilet. Without making a sound, the wolf did as he was told. He sat down, his reasonably sized penis jutting out from his lap.

Cody slowly approached him, becoming more nervous as time went by. The lemur's tail was tucked so far between his legs, it came up at his thighs to cover his privates. He firmly placed his hands on the wolf's shoulders and straddled him. His virgin tail hole hovered just inches above Alex's dripping cock. With growing hesitation he lowered himself down. He stopped when he heard Alex moan in delight as the tip of his penis poked his virgin cherry.

"Oh God!" He exclaimed in pleasure, forcibly grabbing the lemur's hips.

"Wait!" Cody yelled before Alex could impale him with his member, "Please, be gentle."

Alex nodded, "I promise I will," He said breathlessly, removing his paws from the lemur's hips.

Cody began to moan and precum dribbled from his cock as he started to lower himself down onto the wolf's shaft. "Nngh!" He grunted as Alex's cock started to sink into him, inch by inch. Cody squirmed as the canine's member slowly impaled him, which just made Alex moan louder. Unbelievable pain surged as his tail hole was stretched and filled by the wolf's dick.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Alex was buried to the hilt inside of Cody. He was almost ready to blow from just sitting there, the warm heat surrounding his sensitive shaft, the unimaginable tightness of the lemur's passage. They sat there for a moment, Cody's chest heaved with pain that was only just starting to dissipate. Alex grunted and moaned every time the lemur moved, trying to get used to the intruder in his tail hole.

Then Cody leaned forward placing his muzzle right next to the canine's ear, "I'll be okay, you can start now...I love you," The lemur whispered in the wolf's ear breathlessly.

"W-what did you just say?" The wolf asked, not sure he had hear correctly.

"I love you, Alex."

The canine whined as the lemur repeated those words. Alex squirmed, realizing what was happening. He was balls deep in another male! "No, no..." He whimpered to himself.

Cody, tired of waiting for the wolf decided to continue on his own. He lifted himself up, almost letting the canine's dripping cock slip out. Then with an exasperated grunt, he impaled himself back onto Alex's member.

Alex moaned uncontrollably as the warmth and tightness of the lemur's tail hole lifted off of his penis, only to return a moment later. The passage kept contracting with every movement, never releasing the pleasurable grip it held on his cock. He was surely going to explode, until his 'he' came into his mind.

Years before, Alex had become best friends with a panda named Toby. When Alex was just ten years old, he started to experiment with him. It started out simple, such as pawing off together. Then as time passed they began to fall in love, and they continued to take their relationship to the next level.

One night, Toby slept over at Alex's home. After dinner, they decided to make love to each other. They kissed lovingly, removed each others clothing and massaged their bodies, getting ready for their time together. In their fit of passion, they had forgotten to lock the door. When Alex's father walked in, he found his son being impaled by the panda. In a fit of rage he punched the panda nearly rendering him unconscious. He did the same to Alex, breaking his nose. He can still hear his father's screams,

"So this is what you do when that little fuck sleeps over?! You little faggot!" His screams were followed by more punches and repeated kicks to his stomach. Both of the boys were helpless from his father's rage. Toby was thrown out of the house by Alex's father, without his clothes. That same night Alex was thrown into the back of his dad's truck, being taken away from his home and his first love. The look of despair on Toby's face as he chased the truck down the street still haunts him.

"NO!" Alex screamed as he lifted Cody off of his penis, throwing his body onto the floor of the stall.

Cody yipped as he fell to the ground, the full feeling he was just starting to like leaving him. "What the hell?!" He shouted.

Alex stood up and frantically picked up his clothes and slipped them on, completely ignoring the lemur as he started to cry.

"Why?! What did I do?!" He sobbed.

Once Alex had all of his clothes on he looked back at Cody, who was weeping uncontrollably on the floor. "I can't, I just can't!" Alex said as tears started to matt down the fur on his cheeks. Alex unlocked the stall and threw it open, the wolf stormed out of the bathroom.

Cody was left alone, naked, and vulnerable. He leaned against the tile wall, still sobbing. He curled up against himself, the warmth from Alex, gone. He remained there for quite a while skipping lunch, and three other classes. When Cody started to cry dry tears he stood up and started to pull on his clothes. He reluctantly left the stall and looked at himself in the mirror.

His eyes were bloodshot, so much so they almost seemed to glow red instead of their usual soft blue. The fur on his cheeks were matted down and wet from his tears. His clothes reeked of the wolf's scent. His hair was a mess, and on the inside, he looked worse. With his head low, he quietly left the restroom;


Cody's Love: Part Four

Alex sighed deeply, the Arctic wolf twisted and turned restlessly on his bed. It hadn't even been that long, and Alex already missed him. He wanted to be close to him, to feel his soft fur, to rub his fingers through it and inhale his scent. He didn't...

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Cody's Love: Part Two

Alex and Cody sat next to each other in Alex's living room. It was more like a home theater, the television was almost as big as Cody's bedroom, and the couches were so comfortable. He sunk into the soft suede, he wished his own bed was that...

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Cody's Love: Part One

Cody Graham opened his bleary eyes to the sound of his blaring alarm clock. He slammed his hand on the alarm, instantly silencing his small room. He murred happily as he stretched his arms and legs, his toes pressed against the wood paneling on the...

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