Better Than Usual

Story by strawberry_reian on SoFurry

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#2 of commissions

Razor copyrighted to BlackRazor ( Al other character copyrighted to Reian. This is a work of pure fiction as commissioned by BlackRazor and none of the events or characters can be attributed to real life people or actions.


Razor grunted and rolled over, covering his black and red ears with a pillow. He refused to open his eyes yet. There was no way it was time to get up yet. It felt like he had just fallen asleep. His paws waved around in the air, trying to find the snooze button. As he finally slammed down on the button another noise happened.


He bolted up, pillow flying to the end of the bed. He hated that goddamn cell phone alarm. He leaned over the side of the bed, grabbing his pair of shorts and dug around in the pockets for the blasted item. He flipped the phone open and then shut it, shutting off obnoxious noise. He flopped back on the bed, letting out a long sigh.


"Alright already!" Razor screamed, pulling the alarm clock out of the socket and the battery out of the phone. He clipped the batter back in and flopped down on the bed but could not get comfortable. After tossing and turning for a few minutes he was almost asleep again when the damn phone started going off again. His eyes shot open and dove for it. His worst fear was that it was his boss telling him he was late again.

"Ugh!" he said, flipping the phone open. "This is Razor."

"Hey man! Don't sound so glum," the voice said. "It is Saturday after all!"

Razor sat back, his head making a thud against the wall. His ears twitched as he tried to stifle a laugh. Why was he both so pissed and so happy at this new found information?

"Thanks Phil," Razor said, his laughing finally under control. "I was seriously about ready to head to work."

Phil laughed through the phone. "Huh. The weekly grind ingrain itself into you that much? Ahhh, never mind. Wanna come over? Having a party later on and could use some help!"

"Man, I don't know. I could really use some more sleep," Razor sighed, opening the door to his apartment back up.

"You always say you need more sleep! Come on! There are some nice girls that are coming later."

Razor sighed. His friends were always pulling the girl card. Mostly because girls would flock to Razor and then his friends would come, get them drunk, and take them home.

"I might come. Let me get a shower and think about it," Razor said and hung up the phone before Phil could protest. He very well knew that he would go, but Phil did not need to know that yet.

"I can't believe you didn't come man! You let me down..." He could hear Phil saying.

"Dammit all," he swore as he climbed out of bed.


He sped down the road on his black, red, and white CBR at a slightly faster than reasonable sped, enjoying the summer air through his open visor. The trees were a blur of green rather than any defined shape. The sound of the cars around him were muffled by not only.

As he pulled into Phil's neighborhood he could feel the engine begin to die. He released the throttle, pulled the clutch and down shifted. Suddenly the bike came back to life even though the rumble of the engine was much lower, almost a soft purr rather than the strong roar.

Razor pulled into Phil's driveway he though it was odd that only Phil's car was there. He shut off his bike and dismounted it, taking off his helmet and putting it on one of the back pegs. He replaced the helmet with shades as he walked up the driveway. Bounding up the small set of stairs he noticed that the house was quite. He rung the door bell. When he did not get any kind of answer he pushed the little button again. After the third ring he heard Phil's voice shout something in the distance and shook his head. Phil was the one who asked him to come over and help and he wasn't even ready himself.

The door opened and Phil's wiry frame slipped into view. Razor almost crushed his glass as the meerkat stood there in a towel, water dripping off of his ears and over his well kept honey colored coat. The buzzed expression his alert eyes gave off was even worse than usual.

"You came!" he said excitedly. "Great. Could you do the grilling for me?"

Razor looked at him with a brow raised. He knew this was going to happen, so why did he come? He just nodded his head at his so called friends and walked in the house.

" Do you at least have everything set up so I can grill? I'm not buying things this time."

"Yeah yeah, it is all in the kitchen. I uncovered the grill, but haven't cleaned it off. I told everyone to come around noon, so you don't have to start cooking yet," Phil said, quickly moving from one place to another.

Razor looked at his cell phone and sighed. It was only 9:30! Why could he not of slept for another hour and then headed over here? He sighed and plopped himself down in a chair, closing his eyes and putting his head back.

"Fine. I'm going to take an hour nap though."

Phil looked over at the large wolf sitting in the chair and smiled. "Fine I suppose. I'll wake you up when people start to arrive."


The next thing he knew, Razor woke up to a house full of people, some of them he knew others he did not. At least it isn't my house, he thought to himself as he rubbed his eyes and sat up straight. He looked up at the clock. It was only 10:45. Phil had forgotten to wake him up and seemingly forgot about what time he told people to be here.

He stood up and walked out from the living and into the kitchen. With only a few people in a corner talking, the room was much less crushing. He looked around for the food he was supposed to be cooking, opening the fridge and the pantry, along with the various amounts of coolers that were around. All he found was booze.

He opened the door that led from the kitchen to the patio, putting his sunglasses back on. There was no one outside, at least there wasn't until unfamiliar face by the grill. The face slender and female, which he found strange since Phil was one of those guys who believed that grilling was a man only activity. He closed the door behind him and walked over to the woman. She moved around from behind the grill and was looking into the open lid. She had tongs clamped in the hand she had resting against her hip while the other hand grasped a lighter. She had very modest frame, just enough curve to define her as a woman. Her fur was a gleaming white that hinted at frost, almost the polar opposite of his warm red accents against jet black. Her face was elegant despite her confused expression. The shaped pegged her as a fox; arctic, if her fur and black whiskers were any indication.

He took a step towards her and felt the tongs hit him in the gut. Her body had not moved besides her hand, but there was still enough force to make him stop in his tracks. She did not look at him, not even a quick glance with her eyes. "Step away from the grill," she said with a serious tone.

"Excuse me?" he said with a confused look at her, then to the tongs pressing on her diaphragm. Was this girl really going to kill over a grill?

"I'm really bad with these things. I tend to light things on fire when I'm using one," she said, rolling her eyes like he should have known.

"So then, shouldn't you be the one stepping away?" he said as he loosely gripped the tongs.

She blinked for a moment and looked up at him, the butt of the lighter still pressed against her chin. Her bushy white and gray tail flicked back and forth in agitation. He watched her and noticed that her body was quite a bit smaller than he had first thought. He towered over her by at least a foot in a half.

She quickly let go of the tongs and stepped away, holding her paws up. He tightened his grip on them and held them down at his side. Her black eyes went from being deadly serious to a little lighter, as if with each step back there was less and less pressure on her. He smiled at the girl, finding her actions to be adorable.

He walked up to the grill and began to flip the burgers, roll the hot dogs, and turn the kebabs. He could still hear her behind him and noticed that she was trying to stand on her tip toes and look over his shoulder. It was as if he could sense the amount of awe coming from her at how fast he got the grill going. He laughed and turned his head to her, a big toothy smile on his face.

"Can I help..." he paused, suddenly realizing her name had not been revealed, "you?"

"Oh," she said, rather embarrassed if the blush on her muzzle and ears were any indication. "Just watching you. It is interesting."

He raised a brow at her, a little confused. She certainly was not the normal girl that Phil normally invited to these parties. He stood there and looked her over, trying to figure out why she was here.

"Razor! You woke up!" Phil practically screamed as he came on to the porch from the yard.

The black wolf rolled his eyes and turned to the meerkat as he came to a halt next to the pair. The fox and Phil standing side by side showed exactly how much smaller she was. Phil was short, but he still had almost a half a head on her.

"And I see you met Sarah!"

"Yes. I had finally convinced to hand over the weapons," Razor said playfully waving the tongs. Phil nodded and winked, the universal sign of good job buddy, then turned on heel and headed back towards the kitchen door.

He stopped in the middle of the door opening. "Do either of you want a drink?"

"Me! I want a wine cooler," Sarah said, but Razor shook his head no. He had no idea how late Phil planned to have everyone here and did not need to get caught with even the slightest buzz on his bike.

The meerkat nodded at Sarah and walked inside, getting stopped by another small group of people. The arctic fox leaned against the side of the porch, continuing to watch Razor and he carefully monitored the food. Razor wondered why she stayed by him. She obviously had a swimsuit on underneath of her tank top so why didn't she instead go swimming?

"You're rather adorable Razor," she said. He had not actually told her his name so she must have picked it up from Phil. He shrugged back at her. He had heard in all before, just for Phil or one of his other buddies to come swoop down and grab the girl before he could even make a move.

"Your tail is particularly adorable!" she spoke as she moved closer to him and touched his tail. She traced the outline of the red arrows. His eyes became a little softer at the touch, a slight smile playing across his muzzle.

"Thank you," he said to her as he turned to look at her. She had such a white smiled that it was only possible to tell the difference between her fur and teeth by the bright pink gums. He put down one of the sets of tongs and was about to stroke her cheek when the door opened.

"I come bearing gifts!" Phil said in a loud voice. Razor rolled his eyes and went back to the grill. He should have known better.

"Thank you!" Sarah said, simply taking the drink and going back to trying to talk with Razor. Phil looked a little stupefied at the fact that this girl was more interested in the tall and rather quiet wolf than him. The meerkat wrinkled his nose and walked off again.

"So, Razor, what brings you here today? One of my friends dragged me here so I could drive her home later," she said. Her voice had a slight sound of disappointment it, as if there was something else she wanted to do either.

"Phil coerced me into coming...I had wanted to stay home and sleep."

She laughed and to him it sounded like beautiful music that were not worthy of any person's ears. He let out his own chuckle and realized for once things might actually go way. Perhaps even a second meeting after this BBQ!

The two continued to talk about various things as he finished the grilling. They found a few chairs in the shade and began to talk about work, friends, and hobbies. Razor talked about his bike and the feeling of going fast while she spoke of her painting and the calming effect it had on her. She continued to drink the wine coolers, her body becoming visibly relaxed as time went on.

She slipped the chair over closer to Razor and laid her head on his arm as she sipped on yet another drink, this one smelling of apple. The black wolf smiled absently. His shoulder was to far up for her and she was to giggly to know. This was nice, just to sit outside and enjoy another's company.

He got up and told her to wait. He walked over to the table where the food was set out on a table. He grabbed a few kebabs and some salad and was about to return to his new found friends when Phil came up behind him.

"So, having a good time with the little fox over there?" he asked with a tinge of annoyance.

"Yeah. She has an interesting life and seems to enjoy listening about my boring one," Razor said in a cheerful voice and with a bright toothy smile.

"Her friend brought her here thinking I could hook up with her."

"Sorry dude. You can come over and try. I'm not going to stop you," Razor said with a shrug.

Phil looked at him and turned, running off to go speak with Sarah. She looked at him like he was an alien. She seemed to try and make subtle signs that she was interested by simply nodding her head and looking around at other things. Razor watched for a few moments before walking over, offering her a kebab.

"Razor! What took so long? I think it might be time for another wine cooler!" she said excitedly before turning back to Phil. "Now what were you saying Phil? I wasn't paying attention really."

Phil looked at her with minor disbelief and got up. There were other girls here he could get, it wasn't as if he could not get one of them. It was just so strange for a girl to pick Razor over himself. Razor was used as the bait, the tall silent type that girls thought they were interested in and then Phil would ultimately get them since he was the charming funny time that could sweep them off their feet.

Sarah, however, had only eyes for the tall black wolf. She grabbed another wine cooler, this one being blueberry flavored. They nibbled at the kebab and laughed at the people who were now playing some strange form of Marco/Polo in the pool.

The wind began to pick up, but neither Razor or Sarah really payed it much mind. They continued talk as the clouds began to darken and the temperature dropped. There was suddenly a clap of thunder in the distance, making most of the girls suddenly shriek. Everyone dashed out of the pool making Sarah almost roll backwards in her chair laughing. Razor watched her fall back and suddenly began to laugh even louder. As another sudden clap sounded off, the two of them perked up their ears realizing that it was a little serious.

The two canines began to walk towards the house, climbing the stairs to the deck and looking in the door. There were almost thirty people squished into the living room and kitchen. They looked at one another and sighed. The sky began to spit drops of water at them and they looked at one another.

"I don't wanna go in there!" Sarah said, walking back down the stairs. "I think I'll just go home!"

He watched her stumble down the stairs as she spoke and cringed, his ears going back slightly. She definitely had a few too many drinks. That much was apparent as she giggled while she fumbled around her pant pockets for her keys. Razor walked down the stairs as the rain began to pick up.

"Let me drive you home. It is raining and you have been drinking. I can drop you off and ask someone to come get me and bring me back."

Sarah looked at him, her black eyes wide and her tail wagging. The lightening flashed in the background, outlining her tiny frame and illuminating her white fur. Razor smiled lightly and took her arm.

"Let's get you home," he said calmly. She simply nodded back to him, allowing him to walk her out of the back yard. He got her into the car and took a tarp from Phil's open garage and covered his bike, not wanting to come back to a soaked ride.

The rain poured down and made the car thud lightly. Razor drove carefully. The way Sarah was taking him was known for flash flooding and he didn't wish to get caught in rushing rapids. She still talked, almost to herself it seemed. He would occasionally nod at a comment, but other than that he was silent.

"Turn left here!" she said practically jumping up and down in her seat and pointing out the window.

He smiled at her antics and enjoyed the simplicity that the fox displayed. She gave him a few directions, still equal excited about each one. The car pulled up in front of a small bricked townhouse. The front yard was neatly kept and had bright flowers of all kinds. Thunder rumbled deeply as he got out of the car. She opened her door and laughed at him and his damp fur.

"What is so funny?" he asked her. His ears were drooped downward, drops of water dripping.

She brought a paw up and batted at his ear which made the drops go everywhere. "You're just very adorable!"

He looked at her and smiled softly. He offered her his arm and walked her up the small sidewalk and steps. She stumbled less than before, but still seemed off balance. He handed her the set of keys, assuming that one of the many keys on the ring were for her house. She quickly picked the right key, despite her inebriation, and opened the door.

The inside of the townhouse was just as neat as the outside. All of furniture was light in color, he assumed it was a precaution against her fur appearing all over it. She flopped down on the couch and sighed.

"It is good to be home," she said.

"Well, if your good I'll just leave," he said, turning back around, "I guess I'll see you later."

Sarah sat up quickly, obviously baffled by his statement. One of her ears cocked to the side and the other was perked up as the roll of thunder echoed. It was still pouring out and the lightning did not seem to be willing to let up. She couldn't let him go home in this!

"How do you plan on getting back? It still isn't very good out there."

Razor shrugged with his hand on the doorknob. "Walk?"

She quickly stood up and stumbled, falling against him. His back was flush against the against the door and his arms were under hers as he caught her. She looked up at him bashfully, her black eyes filled with .

"I don't want you to go," she said softly as she stood on her tip toes and nuzzled under his muzzle. The sudden amount of affection made Razor relax. Rather than just holding her up he found himself embracing her and realized that he didn't want to really go either.

"Alright. I'll stay until the storm is over," Razor said. He let go and walked her over to the couch. They sat down and she leaned on him, her paws stroking his chest.

"Thank you. I'm not afraid of the storm or anything. I just wanted to spend more time with you."

"Oh," he said simply, glancing down at her. Her paws wandered down farther to the inside of his legs. He became very rigid, ears sticking straight up and, if it was possible, his whiskers were boards. The touch wasn't unwanted, just foreign. Plus, she was drunk. Should he really be even thinking about having sex with her in this state?

That question was answered, but not by his own free will. Sarah climbed onto his lap, her legs straddling him and her paws being placed on either side of her head. His eyes looked into her, not sure of where else to go. She brought her muzzle down to him and softly kissed him. He was shocked at first, yet, he slowly relaxed and her arms went around her waist and he started to kiss her back. They sat there like that, exploring each other mouths as the thunder clapped outside. His paws began to sneak up under her shirt. He crept his hands up slowly, making sure he was not going to be slapped. He finally came across her bra strap and fumbled to get it unclasped.

A small gasp was released from her mouth as she was released. They broke the kiss long enough to remove her shirt and reveal a pair of surprisingly sized, firm yet supple breasts. He initiated another kiss and cupped her breasts with his paws. The began to fall to the side on the couch with Sarah staying on top. She ran her hands through his short hair and used her digits to rub his ears and he began to lightly massage her breasts. They moaned into one another's mouth, their kisses becoming more fierce and their tongues beginning to intertwine.

Sarah grabbed his shoulders and pulled, making them roll down onto the floor. She made is so that she landed on top still, and pinned his arms down. He looked at her and saw the hunger in her eyes. He allowed her small frame to hold her there, enjoying the feeling of her on top of him. She brought her muzzle down to his and once again began to kiss him gently. She sat back up and unbuttoned her pants, slipping them off one leg at a time. Razor propped himself up on his elbows, all caution was gone now gone as the feeling of wanting more pleasure. He found his mouth in front of one of her breasts and he began to lick. She squealed at the sudden feeling, but the noises slowly turned over to moans and sighs as he began to suck.

Sarah felt something pressing against her bottom and realized that he had gotten hard. She began to move herself back and forth over him, making them both moan in pleasure. She began to work as his pants, trying to free him from their constraint. She began to tug his jeans and boxers down, watching as his unsheathed member appeared. She leaned down and took him into her mouth, her tongue running his length. His body shuddered and his cock grew harder as she began to suck on him. He began to thrust almost instinctively, making his fully hardened cock reach the back of her mouth. She gagged at first, mostly from surprise. She adjusted though, and took his length in up to the knot. The taste of his pre-cum was bitter, but strangely good. She could feel her own juices begin to leak and soak her panties.

A small shot of cum slid down her throat as Razor gasped in pleasure. She swallowed it happily and removed his member from her mouth. She looked at his face and his slightly glossed over eyes. He acted like he was a virgin! She giggled slightly and repositioned herself over him. She pulled her panties to the side revealing her soaking cunt. She took his cock in her hand and slid it into her and released a great sigh of relief. His eyes snapped back to attention at the feeling of her sex engulfing him. He started to try and thrust into her, but she held him down and looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"Nope, your just going to sit here and enjoy," she said. She began to move agonizingly slow up and down him. He began to pant and moan as if he was in pain. That was far from the case though. They fact that there was a woman willing to take charge seemed to only make him harder. His ears relaxed and he closed his eyes as he allowed the pleasure to resonate through his whole body.

The arctic fox smiled at the sighed and began to slightly move her tail against his balls as she picked up her pace. His paws moved to her legs and began to stroke them, his digits running through the fur. She murred at the feeling and leaned back down over him, her paws on either side of her head. Razor picked up his head and licked at on of her breasts making her breath quicken. She could feel the pleasure building inside of her as his cock throbbed, stroked, and slammed against her walls.

Razor audibly panted in between the licks. This felt so good it was as if his cock wanted to prolong it as long as possible. He would feel himself get close and then nothing at all. No sudden feeling of ecstasy, no release of cum, nothing except for being back to the beginning of a building sensation once again.

"RAZOR!" Sarah suddenly screamed. He felt her juices stream down the side of his cock and make her walls even slicker then before. Her walls pulsed against him and he arched his hips against the inside of her legs, trying to push himself even father into her sex.

She slowed her pace down, gasping for air. It had been a while since she had felt so good or had cum so much. However, she knew that she had not fully pleased her partner. His hard cock was still inside of her and showed no signs of giving up. She giggled lightly and licked his nose.

"That wasn't good for you?" she asked playfully.

"It was fantastic. Perhaps too good," he said with a smirk. She sat back up simply straddling him. She began to move, turning her back to him. His ears perked along with his curiosity as he watched her move. Never once did she pull off of him, the new slickness of her walls allowing her to easily turn while on top of him.

Once she was completely turned against him she began to rock once again. The new feeling made him cry out in pleasure and made him grind into her. Razor wanted to be deeper inside of her. He got his wish when his knot finally slipped into her and the moans she was making seemed to vibrate his member. She slid back and forth on him, making his knot come in and out of her.

Their moans became one. The reverse cowgirl seemed to cause so much more pleasure for the both of them that her pumping and his thrusting merged together. It was as if they were writing music with their bodies and singing the score with their moans. His paws reached up and rubbed her ass. It wasn't big, firm, or plump, but a cross of the three, the happy medium.

He could feel himself getting close once again. He continued to move in tandem with her, fighting the urge of his body to lock up. His moans slowly turned to grunts as he moved his hips. This was great! Between the scenery of her ass, the tightness of her cunt, the feeling of her sounds vibrating through her core and down his member, it was becoming sensory overload!

"YES!" he finally screamed. His eyes glossed over and his body tightened. Only his cocked twitched inside of her, releasing his hot seed in large and gushing amounts. Sarah continued to rock against him, enjoying the feeling of his cum against her walls. Her motions were much slower and gentler now, as if her body was getting tired.

When Razor was done, he lifted her off of his still hard cock. He placed her down next to him and crawled on top of her and looked into her eyes. The black bead like eyes seemed to be clearer than before, more emotional rather than primal like. He angled himself at her cunt and slowly pushed himself back into her. She squirmed underneath of him, as if she didn't know what to do.

"Just hold me. Just relax and hold me," he said in a loving tone. He began to pump in and out of her at a slow and sensuous pace. Sarah placed her paws around his neck and smiled. This feels so good for some reason. Normally, being on the bottom made her feel trapped and claustrophobic, but right now she felt comfortable and warm.

She could feel her climax building once again as he slowly stroked her walls. She had never felt like she was going to climax so fast! She could feel his breathing against her body, something she had never experienced with another. She enjoyed watching his expressions and took a paw and stroked his muzzle. She felt his hot breath on her paw pads and could tell he was getting just as close as she was. She smiled and leaned up to kiss him, which he gladly returned, sending an electric feeling down her spine.

With on last pump they came at the same time, his cock throbbing and releasing more cum into her and her walls clamping down around him. Razor collapsed on top of her, slightly laughing. She nuzzled into his neck. He nuzzled her back and rolled off of her, still snuggling as close to her as possible.

"That was good," Razor whispered into her ear.

"Yes, it was very good."

They laid there in silence for a few moments, both looking at the ceiling. Sarah tried to move closer to Razor, which made him smile and put his arm around her.

"Was that it though?" she asked in a serious tone.

"I hope not," he replied. It sounded as though he was half asleep, so she let the topic drop. As she laid there next to him she felt his heartbeat slow down and his breathing become more even. She quickly was off to sleep after him, her body putting up no resistance.



Razor grumbled and reached around for his pants, not wanting to move. He found them and grabbed the phone flipping it open and closed to shut it up. He reached out and grabbed a shirt that was near, eyes still shut and mind still asleep. He began to pull it over his head and wondered why it wasn't fitting to well.

He finally got it over his head and opened his eyes. He looked over to his side and realized that he had an amazing night last night and must of fallen asleep on the floor. He watched as the arctic fox began to stir and suddenly noticed that he was trying to put on a shirt that was designed for a much smaller body.

"Shit....I did it again," he said looking at his phone. "Only on Sunday this time."

He removed the shirt and laid back down next to her, ignoring the feeling of the floor, and just held her tight.

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Lynn's College Adventures 1.

College. It is a pretty scary place when you arrive for the first time. Leading up to it you are anxious and excited, but then you arrive on your first day and you freeze. Lynn was no different. She arrived, her parents basically just dropping her off...

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