Lynn's Beach Adventure Pt. 2

Story by strawberry_reian on SoFurry

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#6 of Lynn Chapters

Jake pulled into the single spot driveway for his parents beach house and shut off the car. As the radio shut off he thanked god for stopping the awful pop music and then quickly swore god off at the whining from the two girls. He got out of the car, stretching his arms and wings. He looked at the setting sun while the girls also got out of the car.

Lynn fluttered her wings, making Becky's ferret fur go everywhere as she shook the stiffness out. They watched at Jake impatiently as he stood there, mostly because one need to use the restroom and the other just wanted to go get in the water. Becky tapped her foot while Lynn cleared her throat, making Jake look over at them with a confused expression.

"Inside?" he said, hoping to avoid anymore harsh feminine glares. As their eyes lit up he turned tail and headed for the door, grabbing the key to unlock it. As he turned the knob he heard the girls come running, their laughter making him smile to himself. It was nice to see the two of them so relaxed.

He stepped out of the way and let them go in first. Becky made a slight noise of disgust at the temperature with in the place, but Lynn didn't seem to care. She frantically moved around trying to find the bathroom.

"Upstairs!" Jake called to her laughing a little as he walked through the door. He barely got the words out before the green dragon bounded up the stairs and slammed a door.

"A little to hot for you, Becky?" he asked the ferret. His parents naturally kept the place warm because they had so many reptilian friends, but this was probably quite uncomfortable for the ferret.

"Yeah. I kind of feel like I'm shedding," she said, shaking her body once again to fluff out her fur and improve the air to her skin. She watched at the dragon walked over to the thermostat and turned it from ninety five degrees Fahrenheit to seventy degrees Fahrenheit.

"That should help things in a bit," he said, turning to go back outside. "I'm going to get the rest of the bags. The bedrooms are upstairs if you want to go pick on out."

The ferret nodded as he walked out. She looked around the first floor a little more, finding the kitchen, washer and dryer, living room, and back patio. The house was very nice, almost a little to nice for what she was used to. She sighed, thinking of her parents and how they were struggling to put her through college so that she could eventually buy them things like this. She looked out the window of the door and remembered how she used to dream of doing things like this with friends, not being told by her parents that studying was more important then being with other people. As she heard Lynn come back down stairs and Jake enter through the door and drop some bags she turned around, allowing the memories and thoughts to shift to the back of her mind.

"So when do we go to the beach?" the ferret said to the two dragons as she rounded the corner.

"As soon as possible!" Lynn exclaimed happily. The two girls looked at Jake eagerly, but got a stare of death in return.

"If by as soon as possible you mean after we are unpacked and have eaten."

They nodded, not wanting to make him frustrated or angry and then have him push back the real start to their trip any farther. Lynn linked her arm around the ferrets and began to run off.

"We will go set up our room now," Lynn said going up the stairs. Becky laughed as she was pretty much carried by the dragoness, but couldn't help but notice that Jake seemed upset as they ran by. She shrugged it off as she stumbled up the stairs with Lynn.

As they reached a room at one end of the hall, Lynn pushed door open and continued inward, stopping in the dead center of the floor. Becky hunched over, her paws on her knees. Lynn turned and looked at the little ferret, surprised at Becky's panting.

"Was that to fast?" Lynn asked with a laugh.

"A little," Becky said, lifting her head up, "But it was a lot of fun!"

"Well, here is where we will stay for the weekend!"

"Why are you not staying with Jake in a room?" Becky asked, not expecting to share a room with the large dragoness who had a habit of growing even larger.

Lynn shrugged, "I'm not sure. I guess I'm not entirely comfortable staying in a room with him like that yet. He may be my soul mate and whatnot, but I have only known him for about a month."

Becky nodded, it all making sense now. She couldn't blame Lynn at all for her reasoning, after all, the ferret girl had never actually even kissed anyone.

"Sounds good! We can stay up all night and talk and do whatever else girls do at sleep overs."

"That was the plan. I've never really experienced one, so it should be fun and exciting," Lynn said with a light smile. "Should we go get our bags from downstairs now?"

The ferret nodded and went back out the door, the dragoness following behind her. As she hopped downstairs, she saw that all the luggage had been brought in and put in the middle of the floor, but there was no sign of Jake. She walked over and picked up her bag, which was the smallest one of the group, and suddenly yawned.

Lynn laughed as she saw the little ferrets mouth go wide. The dragoness looked over at the clock and yawned as well. The dragoness realized just how long of a day it had been, even if the clock only read seven thirty.

"Go on up. I'll be there in a few," Lynn said as she walked towards the kitchen. Becky nodded and trotted up the stairs She figured since Jake wasn't in the living room, he would probably be trying to make some food up. As she rounded the corner she saw the black dragon at the stove.

"You aren't mad at me are you?" she whispered, staying a few steps behind him.

"Mad? No, not really. I just didn't realize you hadn't intended on sharing a room," he said, still facing the stove. Lynn looked down at the ground, a little upset with herself. Why would she had thought he would know that she wasn't comfortable with it?

"I'm sorry about not telling you," she began with a heavy voice. "I love you dearly, but, I'm not entirely comfortable with spending the whole night with you. I...I just need time...This, well, it is still all so new."

Jake nodded, still not turning to her. He picked up the pot and bumped the contents into the strainer. As he put the pot back on the stove top he turned around.

"I can understand. I was just being hopeful," he said with a small smirk. "I am, after all, a nineteen year old male."

Lynn giggled and walked up to him, giving him a tight hug. He hugged her back, feeling a little better. He thought of how stupid it was to actually thing she was ready to just fully commit herself to him. They would never be happy with another, they both understood that, but to just dive in head first was not how people did it anymore. He sighed and looked her in the eyes.

"Maybe we can have dinner tomorrow night alone on the boardwalk?" he asked.

"That we most certainly can. I don't know about the beach tonight though," she said, another yawn interrupting her midway, "Becky and I are both wiped after calming down."

"I figured that would happen!" Jake said with a laugh. "Perhaps just a movie then. There is satellite TV here after all."

Lynn nodded. She separated from their hug and walked out back towards the living room. She picked up her big bag and slung it over his shoulder, her smaller one just being clutched in her claw. She turned back and saw that Jake was in the doorway.

"Order a couple of pizzas? We will be down in a moment," she said with a bright smile.

"Yeah, that sounds good. Get settled and I'll see you in a few."


Later on that night, after the three friends were fed and relaxed they headed to their separate rooms. Jake and Lynn hugged good night and Jake gave her a kiss on the cheek. The girls walked to one end of the hallway and Jake to the other.

As the girls shut the door behind them they began to chatter instantly about the things they wanted to do tomorrow and the places they wanted to go. The conversation was the normal barrage of going to the arcade and looking in the boardwalk stops, but then suddenly the conversation turned.

"I want to meet a boy," Becky said. Lynn looked over quickly at the ferret, very surprised at her request. She notice Becky's eyes go kind of distant, as if she were day dreaming.

"What kind of boy?" Lynn asked.

"That is the thing," she said, turning her head to look at the dragoness, "I have no idea."

Lynn smiled at her friend. She reached over to the pile of blankets in the middle of the floor, grabbing her huge comforter and wrapped it around herself.

"Well, I suppose we will work on that tomorrow. Right now though, I think sleep is needed."

The ferret girl nodded, curling up on her own make-shift bed. She thought of how great it was to have a friend like Lynn, even if some strange things happened while they hung out. She listened as the large dragoness drifted to sleep, her breathing becoming heavier and heavier.

"Good night, Lynn," she said softly, allowing her eyes to shut and the world of dreams to take her.

The following morning, the girls were up early. They made breakfast for themselves, plus Jake, which was made up of oatmeal, bacon, eggs, and waffles. Their giggling seemed to carry the wonderful smell of breakfast up to Jake. He walked down the stair groggily, eyes not even open. The black dragon rounded the corner into the kitchen, eyes finally opening to the table filled with food.

"It is great having two women around," he said sitting down and going to grab a pancake. Before his talons even got close, a green tail swatted them away.

"Wait for us to sit down!" Lynn sternly said to him, setting a pitcher of orange juice on the table. Jake scowled at her and rubbed his claw.


"It won't be long, love," she said with a smile. Becky grabbed the milk out of the fridge and placed it on the table as well.

"Is there anything else we need Lynn?" she asked. The dragoness shook her head and pulled out a chair next to Jake.

"I think we are good. Let's eat!"

As Becky sat down, Jake moved his leg closer to Lynn's, getting it so they were touching. Lynn looked over at him surprised at first, but she soon smiled at the small action of affection. Becky watched them, realizing they didn't even really notice her. The ferret smiled at the love they shared and hoped for something like that for herself. She got a pancake and brought it to her plate, eating quietly.


Becky was the first one to finish with breakfast and the one most excited to get to the beach. She started to picked up some of the empty plates and clean them, hoping the two lovey dovey dragons would get the point. Lynn eventually looked over and saw her friend cleaning up and cleared her throat, trying to get Jake to break his concentration.

"Oh, huh?" he said, looking around. "Breakfast over already?"

"Yes," Lynn said, pointing at the clock, "I think it is beach time."

Becky nodded, putting dishes in the washer and packaging up any left overs for tomorrow morning. As the two dragons got up from the table they emptied their own plates and cleaned up their own areas. Becky was still bustling around the kitchen trying to clean up more things and Jake looked at her.

"Go get changed, Lynn and I can handle this," he said kindly.

"Thank you guys!" she said, dashing out the kitchen. As Jake heard her go up the stairs and shut the door, he stood and walked over to where Lynn was. He took his mate in his arms and looked her straight into the eyes.

"Now that we have a few moments to ourselves," he said, planting a kiss on her cheek and traveling downward. She tilted her head back, making it easier for him to move and and nip at her neck. He pressed closer to her and he enjoyed the feeling of her breasts grow flush against him. He nibbled on her neck, right where he could feel her heart beat against his tongue.

She moaned loudly and her hair began to grow long. Her claws ran up and down his back, wanting to be closer to him somehow. His hands traced down her sides, lingering over her growing breasts for a moment. He sighed into her neck, always enjoying the pulsing they had when she was becoming aroused. His claws traveled farther down her sides and as he reached her hips he moved them closer to her front. She began to breath heavy, but at the same time, trying to keep her growth to a minimum for right now. He slipped a talon to the inside of the waistband on her shorts, slowly reaching down to her sex.

"Hey guys!" Becky said, turning the corner to the kitchen, "I'm ready!"

Lynn and Jake looked at her, both with very different expressions. Lynn's green scales now had a tint of red to them and Jakes eyes conveyed a sense of death. The ferret tried to smile at her friends, just realizing what had been going on and the size of Lynn's breasts.

"Sorry guys," she said, scratching her ear. "I didn't...I mean...Well..."

"I'm going to go get changed," Lynn said. She walked past the dragon and then the ferret slowly. The watermelon sized breasts on her chest made her very off balance when the rest of her wasn't matching, and she didn't want to trip over her now touching the floor hair. Jake followed her quickly, ready to catch her if she did wind up falling down.

"I suppose I will too."

"I'll just wait down here."

"No Becky, I'm going to need help," Lynn said over her shoulder. The ferret blinked, a little confused. She had thought they were going to 'finish up'. Apparently Jake did too, she thought to herself as she watched him ball up his hands. She followed after the two, trying to keep a few steps distance from Jake.

The stairs proved difficult for Lynn though. She couldn't use the railing cause she had to hold her breasts so they didn't get caught as she ascended. Jake had to keep a hand on her back so she didn't fall backwards, so he only had one hand to hold the railing with. Becky evaluated the situation and thought it best if she didn't go up until they were both clear of the landing. She heard Lynn begin to pant about half way up the stairs and the ferret's ears went down, sad for all the things her friend had to go through.

As the two dragons finally got to the top of the stairs, Lynn's breasts had shrunk enough that she could actually walk normally. Jake, without saying a word, left to go to his room before Lynn could even thank him. Her whole body language changed, her eyes becoming distant and her shoulder slouching. Becky bounded up to her friend, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Come on, well go get you fixed up."

Lynn smiled at her small friend and whispered a small thank you. Becky meekly smiled back as the dragoness walked into the room. The ferret followed, shutting the door behind them. Lynn removed her shirt and for the first time Becky saw another females breasts. She was entranced by them and couldn't look away. As Lynn stripped her pajama shorts and revealed her sex to Becky, the ferret found her breath quickening and her mind thinking of things she shouldn't have.

"Quick! Let's get you dressed so we can get to the beach!"

Lynn nodded, bending over to her bag and searching for her bathing suit. Becky watched, her paw going towards her own sex and realizing she had been getting wet at the sight of the naked dragoness; her ass was sculpted beautifully, her cunt was pink and glistening from her pre-cum from earlier, her breasts, while smaller than earlier, were ample and soft.

Becky turned around, shaking her head. She shouldn't be thinking about her best friend like this! She shouldn't be thinking about any female like this! Was she a lesbian? How would she know if she was or not? Why did she find herself aroused and wanting to please Lynn?

"Found it!" Lynn said, making Becky turn around. She watched as Lynn slipped the bottom part up her legs and then her mind played it in reverse, so that she was taking them off. Then the dragoness tied two of the strings for the top part right under her chest, then spinning the top part around so the tie was in the back. She pulled the other two string up and around her neck.

"Could you tie this for me?" Lynn asked. Becky nodded slowly, feeling both anticipation and fear. Her paws clumsily took the two strings and tied them quickly.

"Done. Let's go," Becky said, heading towards the door. The dragoness laughed and followed her friend out the door and downstairs, seeing Jake already at the bottom.

"Let's go," he said opening the door. He walked out, followed by Lynn and then Becky. He led the way to the beach, Lynn taking his hand and Becky following about a foot behind, her mind reeling at the feelings she had just experienced.

As the water came into view, Lynn began jumping up and down, making Jake laugh. Becky smiled, glad on one end that Jake was being normal again, sad on another that there was no chance for her. She watched as the dragoness ran off to the water, jumping in and laughing loudly. Becky shrugged and followed, trying to put all of the thoughts to the side. When she got two feet out she dived under water and swam in a circle around Lynn before popping up again.

"Come on Jake!" Lynn called out to him. He began to run to her at that point, absorbing the view of his mate in a bathing suit. As Becky saw him coming closer she swam a little farther away, not wanting to feel awkward.

As the time passed and the three frolicked in the water, Becky became more comfortable once again. She smiled at them and found the game of them having to catch her was a lot of fun. For some reason, dragons were not as agile in the water and they were not able to move as quickly as she was, which made her chuckle. They maybe able to beat her on land, but in the water she seemed to be able to win.

"Lunch time?" Jake asked after looking up at the sky and seeing the sun in the middle of the sky.

"Yes!" the two girls said, stopping their splash fight.

"Cool, you guys go hang on the beach and I grab us a pizza," Jake said with a smile. He flapped his wings and flew over to the shore, landing softly and walking off towards the board walk.

"Lets get out and dry off. That way our pizza isn't tasting like sea water," Lynn said, heading towards the shore.

Becky nodded, following her friend. This day was turning out to be quite nice , even with what had been going through her head earlier. As they reached the shore, she caught a reptilian man and a bull man heading towards them. She moved closer to Lynn, hoping her size would be enough to intimidate the newcomers. She was very wrong though.

"Hey ladies, enjoying the weather?" the bull said.

"Yeah, it is a great day for the beach! I'm so happy Jake brought us for vacation," Lynn said, stopping and looking them straight in the eye with a smile.

"We are glad he brought you two fine girls too," the reptile commented, looking straight at Becky. She found the sight of him disgusting and his comments very rude. She looked up to Lynn.

"Come one, Lynn, we have to go wait for Jake," she said, hoping the dragoness would get the point.

"We just wanna talk. Lynn here doesn't seem to mind," the bull said again.

"We are just talking, Beck. I'm sure Jake would want us to enjoy ourselves," she said with a smile.

"We can really show you a good time girls," said the reptile, taking a step closer to them.

Something about these two told Becky this was bad news. She looked around for Jake, but didn't see him. The reptile stepped closer to her, taking his webbed hand and putting it on her chin. She tried to move away, but he just held her tighter.

"It won't be so bad babe," he said, leaning in to her. Out of the corner of her eye she could see the bull moving closer to Lynn and occasionally brushing against her or touching her. Jake was not going to be happy at this at all.

Lynn finally seemed to get the point and stepped away from the bull, taking the ferret's arm and pulling her away from the reptile.

"We don't want the kind of fun your looking for," she said, her voice suddenly very stern and scary to Becky. The two men didn't seem bothered by the change in her tone, though. Lynn then started to look for Jake as well, not sure what else they could do. The men were walking towards them, and Lynn didn't have enough room to fly out of their. Before the two girls realized it, they were up against a rock.

"Going to cooperate now?" the bull asked, sounding upset. He put one of his hoof-hands on Lynn's breasts, the other going up to her face. The reptile put all of his attention on Becky, his own digits feeling under bathing suit. The dragoness froze in fear and the ferret girl closed her eyes tight, convinced this was all a bad dream.

"What the fuck are you doing Lynn?" Jake said from behind. It startled the two other men, making them turn to face the upset male dragon.

"They had asked us for a good time," the reptile said craftily. Becky's eyes snapped open and she walked over to him.

"Don't you lie!" she screamed, balling her small paws up into fists. "We did no such thing!"

She began hitting him on the chest, trying to swing at his face. He looked down at her and laughed, the bull soon joining in. Jake watched as the ferret girl tried to beat them up with all her might, but wasn't getting anywhere. He looked back at Lynn and saw her still frozen in place.

"Just get out of here guys," he spat, "If you don't, you will get hurt."

They looked at the dragon and saw that his eyes were cold and filled with hate. Jake began to spread his wings, and they finally got the point.

"Only this one time," the bull said.

"Yeah. For next time, teach this bitch how to listen obediently."

Becky let out a little squeak of a growl as the left and turned to Jake. "Thank goodness you got here when you did."

The dragon ignored her and walked over to Lynn who was still standing against the rock, eyes still filled with fear. Jake grabbed her arm and began to drag her off into the ocean, her body limply following. Becky could hear him yelling about betrayal, but she knew not to follow. This would have to be something they fix on their own, there was nothing she could do.

Lynn's Beach Adventure Pt. 3[Commission]

Lynn allowed herself to be dragged out to sea by Jake, she still in shock from the whole situation. Her eyes could see Becky disappearing in the distance, could feel Jake's claw tightly grabbing her arm, but her mind just wasn't processing the...

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Strawberries and Big Boobs Pt. 5

"Strawberries and Big Boobs" Series Copyrighted to Reian. This story is a work of fiction and any characters or instance that may reflect a real event or person is completely coincidental. Please contact me if you see any other distribution...

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Lynn's Beach Adventure Pt. One

Lynn was at the library with Becky trying to get all of the classwork that was due on Monday finished before the weekend. The tall dragon, her mate, a black and yellow dragon named Jake, and Becky were all going to the beach for Labor Day weekend. The...

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