Voracious Voodoo

Story by Alice Clawford on SoFurry

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Patreon Story for the month of July.

Kaleo was travelling through the thick Haitian swamp with his exploring team, when suddenly they are ambushed and Kaleo gets seperated from his group. He's soon captured and gets knocked unconcious. He wakes up to see a crocodile there, smiling with a wide grin, telling him that she wants to keep him and challenges him to a game. A game for his freedom, or his servitude.

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Voracious Voodoo

The thick Haitian jungle stirred all around him as he slowly began to wake up. Kaleo had no idea how he managed to get here, yet here he was. Kaleo remembered travelling with a couple of friends, having heard ghost stories about the thick jungle and decided to travel there to grab some pictures, a group of online friends coming with him wanting to debunk or confirm the rumours. They'd heard there were ghosts or zombies hiding within and the Haitian people nearby warned them to tread carefully and beware the mosquito's.

They had been careful, having sprayed themselves with insect repellent and had been vaccinated against Malaria and other diseases likely to be encountered in the jungle. They donned themselves in boots and padded clothing, carrying a compass and all sorts of other items needed for their survival before leaving. It was a hike more than it was a journey, the swamp was thick and it was a lot easier to trudge through the waters of the jungle than it was to try to traverse across the vines and tree branches. Everything was slick and slippery, the vines tore and broke as soon as anyone grabbed for them, yet they watched monkeys jump tree to tree and small marsupials use the vines without a problem. Multiple close calls were had, a member of the group spotted an alligator or caiman in the distance, but it swiftly dived into the water and swamp far away. Turtles were a common sight that didn't seem bothered by the presence of the group, birds sang constantly above in calls and cries they'd never heard of before, and yet most of the time couldn't find any of the birds who were making the sounds at all.

Kaleo remembered the exact point they got separated. They'd been moving through a particularly thick portion of the swamp, the waters covered in greenery sticking to their clothes. They had been travelling for hours and hadn't stopped, but were on their way searching for a good place to rest for the moment. As they were reaching the end and heading towards dry land, water thrust upward and a group member near the back screamed in surprise and horror. Everyone in front dashed forward to get out of the water, whilst Kaleo and another member ran in opposite directions, scared for their lives. It was fast as anything, Kaleo got a small glimpse at a huge snake, one that must've lunged for one of them beneath the waters and pulled them under. He didn't see more, he thought only of his own life at that point, terrified and cut off from the rest of the group. He remembered running, delirious from the heat and sparked on by pure adrenalin. He hid away in the bushes, trying to catch his breath and hide, hoping the thing wasn't coming after him as well. He heard a twig snap behind him, and before he could cry out, something pounced on him, hitting him in the head, and he knew no more.

Until now, as he started to wake up and realised he was tied up. He was lying on the ground on his side, on what seemed to be stone, completely stark naked, and he was thankful his black fur covering most of his modesty. Rope was tied around his wrists, keeping his arms trapped behind his back, as well as his ankles being bound. His mouth, shockingly enough, was uncovered, and he licked his dry lips ready to shout and call for help.

"Well, well. Looks like our guest woke up." An American accent surprised him, actually hearing a voice at all speaking English warranted the feeling of surprise. He rolled over, with some difficulty, to see standing before him was an anthro alligator. She stood tall on her tail, looked large and strong with claws painted red. She wore a pink sleeveless shirt, gold bands around her wrists and ankles and a red bandanna keeping her blue hair back. Her teeth looked sharp and her tail powerful. What caught Kaleo's eye quickly was the ruby embedded in her belly button. Beside her were a couple of roosters, larger than normal roosters that stared at him with an eye of intelligence and spite.

"W-what... who are you?" Kaleo asked, stuttering slightly in his fear. He'd hoped with finding someone who spoke, he had uncovered a safe place, somewhere he could hide at for a while. Instead, he finds himself tied up and being scrutinised by this person, whoever they were.

"Normally I just dispose of people who trespass on my lands... but I rather like black cats, see."

"W-wait, trespass? You own this swamp?" As far as Kaleo had been aware, nobody stepped into this area of Haiti for years, finding nothing of value and the superstitions of dark magic kept most folks away.

"Well, ever since the deed to this place went missing, hahaha!" The alligator laughed cruelly, a shiver ran down Kaleo's spine at the dark attitude. "But ya know, I saw you running away. Right near the back of the pack, and nobody came to come find you."

Kaleo... well, he wasn't shocked. When his eyes looked downward, he knew he'd given himself away that this alligator had hit the nail on the head. He was a black cat, and with it the superstitions in some countries meant people saw him as a bad omen. It didn't help that he fancied the occult, the idea of belonging to a group of strange folk who practised questionable feats of talking to ghosts, or communicating with the dead or making deals with demons. None of them he'd tried, far too cowardly to attempt them, but oh when he was in school he carried with him a book on the occult and ever since then... he was outed as a freak. He was used to the loneliness, and this one meet up was the first time much of them had seen one another in person. He hadn't organised a thing, but rather joined on the side with others who were much more optimistic than he. Love for the travel, but complained about every inconvenience along the way.

"I'm gonna bet you don't have many friends, eh pussy cat?"

Kaleo growled slightly. He hated these mind games, and though still scared, it got enough of a rise out of him to speak up. "W-what are you playing at? Just... taking me, hitting me on the head and tying me up. What do you want?"

"Oh! Not much. I wanted to see if you want to play a game."

What was with this woman? "A game? What...?"

"I like you, you remind me a bit of myself. So, I'll give you a chance. See if you can withstand my mojo, and I'll let you free. I'll even have my servants escort you back to safety, where you can grab a plane and head on off home if you want."

This sounded... there was definitely a catch to this. "And... what happens if I lose?"

The alligator's grin grew wide, and those rows of teeth shone in the flame light, making Kaleo instantly nervous once again. "If you don't, and I win, you gotta stay here as my servant just like the rest! I'm sure you'll love it here and make nice friends."

That sounded both terrible and yet not the worst thing Kaleo imagined it would be. He thought death would've been a condition, but evidently slavery was the better option, in his mind.

"Okay, and what are the rules of this game then?"

The alligator whistled and one of the roosters jogged off. He disappeared behind some bushes, and upon his return, he brought back what looked like a doll. A voodoo doll. A voodoo doll of a black cat, and wrapped around the neck was a strip of the feline's clothing he recognised.


"That's right! I've got here a voodoo doll of you. If you can withstand whatever I do to it, and you don't release in thirty minutes, you'll win and get to scurry along home. If you do cum, then I get to keep you. Think you can handle it, pussy cat?"

W-wait, did she say...?

"C-cum!?" Kaleo's fur stood on end, a little stunned that maybe he'd heard wrong.

"Of course! I can tell by your essence, you've dabbled in the black arts before, or you certainly have the affinity for it. It attracts you. I feel like a full presentation into what dark magic can really achieve might change your mind. If you win, well... you'll have had experience." The alligator grinned wide, her eyes sparking with mischief as Kaleo wriggled in discomfort on the ground. He didn't like the idea of this game, being a servant to a woman like this, who was rather... malicious. She seemed to hold a lot of bent up frustration to the world, if Kaleo had to guess, and he wasn't sure playing a bet like this was a good idea. He had no clue what to expect, what she would do to him thanks to the voodoo doll and with her claws on him, he could feel ghostly hands on him. He shivered, fur standing on end but was unable to do anything about his current predicament.

"Aww, are you too cowardly? That's a mighty shame!" She laughed, squeezing the doll a little tighter, leaving the feline to shudder and yelp at the added pressure he felt against himself from an invisible force.

But that. That did get on his nerve, hearing her call him a coward. When she was the one who tied him up in the first place! "No! I'm not. Fine, I'll play your stupid game. I'll show you. I can handle it. I'll take any dark magic you throw at me." After all, he'd always been fascinated by it, had always wanted to try it out, and now here he was. His chance had finally arrived.

The alligator grinned wide, and she held up the doll for him to see. "Very well! You can call me Mz Ruby." She told him, as she began to grasp the doll tighter, slowly but surely. The effect wasn't visible against Kaleo, but his reactions were just that. His body stiffened and straightened up in a way that didn't look natural. His feet paws curled inward and his form shook, his chest rising up and down quickly in fear. It wasn't painful, but it was certainly a strange feeling, like being wrapped inside duvet covers all around and completely trapped. He could feel the warmth of her hands too, the rough scales against his fur as if she were touching him.

Then, she brought her other hand into play, bringing it to the dolls ears and then...

Kaleo groaned, closing his eyes against his better judgement as her fingers slid and rubbed his ears. He turned near limp in her grasp as she continued to play. The feeling was magnificent, though her scales were a little rough, he liked nothing more than his ears to be played with. It was his erogenous zone, just like most cats, and he couldn't help but immediately relax under the tender manner she played with his ears. He found himself purring, his entire being vibrating in pleasure and contentment as she continued.

Then, she moved to his tail, curling a grasp on his tail, gentle and sliding against his fur. Several times, she got surprisingly close to his privates, more than once Kaleo found himself flinching from the shock of it, but he couldn't stop purring and lulling himself as she continued to toy with him. Then, whilst still playing slightly but getting more serious, her hands stroked his chest, from neckline to abdomen. Her fingers brushed against his nips, leaving the feline shuddering in pleasure, and he felt his excitement make itself known, a slight pink suddenly revealing itself behind the black fur at his crotch.

Mz Ruby smiled. "I knew you liked this, naughty kitten." Of course, the black feline could hardly argue, too busy moaning in pleasure, and he barely heard what she said. Still, it would take more than this to get him to cum. He wasn't a virgin by any means, and he could endure a whole lot more than this. But he couldn't deny the fun he was having, even if he wasn't meant to be.

Her hand moved to his crotch, but never touching. She glazed between his legs, actively avoiding his cock and balls, teasing the area around it and rubbing between his legs. It was strange, but he couldn't say he hated it, as he began panting. She brushed against his anus, that ring of flesh twitched and Kaleo gasped a breath and stopped breathing for a second as she teased it, brushing against it but not adding any pressure whatsoever. She moved back to his balls instead, before finally touching his shaft. He hissed, his entire form still purring on occasion and a mewl left his mouth at the roughness.

"Oh, I suppose rough is a bit much on you, huh darling?" Ruby didn't seem sorry at all, rather she seemed delighted in his discomfort. The feline wasn't the least surprised, but what did surprise him was that he liked it. It was coarse, yes, but his tongue was just as rough. He'd had blow jobs from other cats before, and her grasp was similar in texture. He closed his eyes, surrendering himself and allowing his body to succumb to the pleasure. He was powerless to do anything, all he could do was fight the pleasure, to endure and survive for thirty minutes. But good lord... thirty minutes seemed like an eternity when she was playing him like this, grasping his cock, brushing against his balls and squeezing them gently. Swirling a finger against them, Ruby clenched her fingers around the doll slightly, then loosened up, and got into a rhythm, almost like she was pumping him. Kaleo breathed in, trying to reign in his erection, but this as a battle he felt like he was going to lose. Try as he might, her fingers were too clever, they touched him in all the right places he wanted them to, his balls were being assaulted and his cock was dribbling pre.

Then he felt another pressure against his anus again. With a gasp and a loud mewl, he endured the first intrusion. A singular finger, but it felt large within him. He yanked at his binds, the sensations too much and his entire being convulsed as his senses went haywire for a second or two. Oh, but Ruby didn't wait. She didn't stop and carried on, her finger wriggling inside and Kaleo cried out in over-stimulation. And still his cock jerked in excitement! He could feel stinging pain inside of him something slight as she moved too fast, but he couldn't ask her to stop. He wanted more.

"Oh, you are such a fun toy to play with!" Mz Ruby huffed out a chuckle, her hand letting go of the doll, but bringing her grasp to fiddle with his ears again. The feline mewled as tears fell down his face, and he groaned in defeat.

"J-jesus... I can't... More..." He grunted, the memory of the bet completely leaving his mind as he wanted more, more, more. He stopped caring, as he felt like a missing puzzle piece had finally joined together in his mind. This is what it was like. This was black magic. This is what he had been missing all along. And it felt so right, even if it was oh so wrong. He didn't care. This was something beyond what he had ever felt, and he wanted to swim in it, these powerful emotions leaving him as he came to terms with himself.

"I knew I'd convince you. You were just waiting for someone to push you over. Well, pussy cat. I hope you like getting wet. I think I can find a fitting finale for you." She spoke and laughed. Pulling a finger out of Kaleo and taking her hands away, she gave him a brief period to breathe as he stayed on the ground, shaking as if he had run a marathon. When she didn't do anything for a good few seconds, Kaleo opened one eye, to see what she was up to. Seeing this as a good sign, the alligator grinned again, opening her mouth wide and plopped the doll into her maw. Kaleo's eyes shot open, and he shouted in alarm, thinking the worst, to feel slime and her tongue against his body.

"Aaah! Urf... ugh!" He grunted, his cock pressing right up against her tongue, or rather the doll was. Her tongue was cushioned and felt like a smooth water bed, warm to touch and his entire front body pressed down against it. She couldn't move her tongue, but as she lifted her head back a little, Kaleo felt as if he were in the doll's place, as it slid down her throat. "Oooh my...! Ffff-ngh!" He could do nothing as his cock slid against the sponge like tongue, threatening to lose his load then and there as he skimmed down. Mz Ruby grabbed for the doll, and pulled him back up, making sure he stayed pressed on her tongue before doing so. Kaleo jerked his hips forward, but it made no difference, he didn't feel more or less pressure either way, as the doll didn't move with him.

This, Mz Ruby did three times, before she finally grew bored with that and closed her mouth. She did nothing for a while, as Kaleo was stuck feeling the damp wetness of her mouth, moaning as his cock drooled pre onto the floor beneath, close to letting lose.

Finally, with a glint in her eye, Ruby tilted her head back and swallowed the doll.

Kaleo could barely believe his eyes, watching as the voodoo priestess ate the doll. Then, he felt her tight throat close against him, constricting him all around with damp hot wetness and the poor feline knew he'd lost. With a loud mewl and moan of ecstasy, the cat shot his load, strings of white shooting from the head of his cock and onto the floor. His knees grew weak and his tail curled around his body. His form convulsed and shook with a groan as he came down from his high, his energy spent. Fur clung to him as he lay there, slowly recovering from the intensity of his orgasm. He hadn't expected such a thing, never anticipated the touches or the power behind voodoo magic. Slime and saliva felt like it clung to his fur, and he didn't feel like he was cooling down the tiniest bit. It was so much more muggy than the jungle itself, similar to being inside a water filled cavern, but he could breathe perfectly fine. He realised that the doll was still in the stomach of Mz Ruby.

At the thought of her, Kaleo opened his eyes, taking deep breaths, to see the alligator grinning like a cat who caught the mouse. Kaleo never thought of himself as a mouse, but at this moment, he knew what it was like.

"Well, I do believe I have won, wouldn't you say?" She practically sang as she swished her tail back and forth in excitement, the roosters from earlier nowhere to be seen.

Kaleo didn't have a good come back to that, he had placed a bet and lost. Yet... he couldn't find it in himself to feel too bad about it. What did he have to go back to? He did enjoy exploring, for sure, and he had family back home that checked up on him from time to time. But he didn't have many friends, nor did he have anything he enjoyed back home in Hawaii. His visa was meant to last him a month, and once the month is over he would be an illegal immigrant. He was sure such a thing wouldn't be a bother to Mz Ruby, who didn't seem at all perturbed into kidnapping him and tying him up.

It still hurt his pride a little to admit defeat, even if he enjoyed the moment whilst it lasted. "Yeah... that you did." He grumbled on the floor, shivering as he felt movement from the doll inside of Mz Ruby.

"Oh, guess it's not so comfortable having you in my stomach for too long." The alligator said to herself, right as she put an arm down her throat. Kaleo watched, a little horrified that the reptile didn't seem to care as she reached down into her mouth, the feline felt the moment Ruby grabbed the doll and shuddered and gasped as he was pulled out of her stomach and throat. He took deep breaths as if he had been suffocating the entire time, shivering as he felt the wind blow against the cold and slime covered doll. It hadn't been damaged at all, he would have suffered badly if it had done, and Mz Ruby put the doll down on the ground. She then shimmied herself towards the restrained feline on the ground, who became more wary of the alligator.

She laughed. "Come now! You belong to me, as was the rules of the bet. Now, I like you. So, here's a deal. I want you to be useful to me, so I'll teach you black magic. Whilst you are going to be my slave, I want you to get along well and treat my children with respect."

Kaleo had no idea who her children were, she didn't seem like the type to gain kids, but he nodded his head in agreement. He did want to learn black magic, and he lost the bet, he might as well gain something from this in his favour.

"Good, now come. Play with me, you got me all excited with your wriggling around." She demanded, and she turned around, exposing herself without a second thought. Not like Kaleo could do much, tied up on the floor. She didn't wait for him to figure it out, lowering herself slowly and carefully towards the feline on the ground, who rolled to be on his back, and she pressed her sex right up to his snout. He hadn't noticed in his own excitement, that Ruby had got a little aroused during the scramble earlier. Still, he had a duty, and he was going to have to fulfil it before he was free. So, he did as he was told, eager to trade sex for knowledge. His rough tongue pressed against her labia, licking at the bare flesh that was oozing juices, the alligator herself let out a breath and a slight hum as she pushed herself back further. He thrust his tongue and licked from the bottom to top, parts of his fur brushing against her thighs as he got to work.

Then, he thrust his tongue inside her, right between her lips and twisted around, licking at the rippled walls that contracted and shuddered beneath his touch. He only had his tongue, and he tried his best to be creative with it. He thrust quickly in succession, fucking her with his one free body part to begin with, then at times reached forward deep inside of her and licked against her walls. His tongue was rough with tiny hairs that could do damage if he pressed hard, so he tried to be as gentle as can be. Mz Ruby, it seemed, had other ideas, and was bouncing herself up and down without remorse or care for herself or him. So quickly, Kaleo threw caution to the wind and held nothing back.

Mz Ruby herself seemed to love it, groaning out loud and encouraging the feline with bare praises with mostly demands to go faster, keep going and never ever stop. The bare amount of praises were enough to motivate him and a hope that he hadn't ensured his early doom of a horrid slavery life.

When Ruby's orgasm arrived, it surprised the feline, who received no warning, until gushes of her release suddenly hit him in the face, coating him and his fur utterly. Her lips were big enough that Kaleo was sure he could've been engulfed by them as Mz Ruby stood almost half his size extra. He spluttered as he was submerged, enjoying some of the taste, but the majority of it was lost as it covered him.

"Aaah, that hits the spot! You're pretty good! Guess that's why they call you pussy cats, ha!" She laughed at her own joke, waving her tail and walking away as if the orgasm barely bothered her. Unlike Kaleo who couldn't function for a good minute or two. Said feline licked his cheek, shaking his head to clear his sight slightly.

"I've certainly heard that one before."

"Well, you heard it again. I'm definitely keeping you. Welcome to the family." The alligator announced, as she clicked her claws and suddenly all manner of creatures appeared. The feline gasped and yelped, hiding his cum covered crotch as he hadn't been cleaned yet, though his shaft had receded. Giant mosquito's, turtles and moss spirits appeared out of nowhere, watching him, judging him. "Ah, play nice children! Let him introduce himself." Mz Ruby spoke, as a single swamp monster wandered over to Kaleo and untied him. The feline got up slowly, rubbing his wrists as they got used to breathing again, and he shakily got to his feet. Everyone looked at him, and he was barely able to speak.

"Uh... My name's Kaleo..." He spoke in a small voice, but it was enough for Mz Ruby to hear.

"Kaleo, a new addition to our servants. Play nice! I'll see you tomorrow; Robert will show you around." Apparently this 'Robert' was the same swamp monster that untied his binds, who stared at him with these big yellow eyes and dangling vines of hair. He was slightly taller than Kaleo and shambled along much how he imagined a monkey did on all fours. It looked like it was made entirely out of plants and vines, brought to life with dark magic.

"Um... thank you, Robert." He was at least polite to the creature, and the swamp monster seemed happy enough as it tried to smile and its eyes shrunk smaller as it did. It was certainly going to take getting used to, but Kaleo was sure he could become accustomed to his new place in life.

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