Goldheart - Issue 3 - Night Of The Skull Pt1 - Back To School Again

Story by Talon_Fire on SoFurry

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#2 of Goldheart II - Night Of The Skull

Auro swung open his locker door. New day, new school year, oh joy. Now to fill his locker...Spare white muscle-shirt on left hook...Spare baggy brown pants on left hook...Spare baggy grey coat on right hook...Photo of Chase, Sabrina, Lance, and him on the inside of the locker door...Books and binders in the top half...Gym bag on the bottom half...Pens and paper on the center shelf...Close locker...Complete.

Auro sighed as he closed his locker. "Hey," Sabrina greeted as she appeared behind him. Giving his left shoulder a kind massage. Auro fought to avoid wincing as searing pain reared up. Sabrina had unknowingly squeezed a muscle he had torn badly during his fight with Dario Shtylle's assassins. "New school year...what've you got for classes?"

(Day One/Day Two) "History/Latin, Spare/Math, Gym/Gym, Gym/Gym, Chemistry/Computer."

"Same here." The pair walked down the hall side by side. Auro wore one of his common clothing combos: White muscle shirt, tan baggy coat with rips and tears, and baggy blue jeans that were also torn. Sabrina was wearing one her favorite sets of clothing as well: a blue beret hat, a blue turtle neck with the torso part cut off revealing a netting-design that covered her lower torso, and black jeans. They soon turned a corner to find an semi-unusual sight. A scarred and rough looking male lion (wearing a tight black t-shirt, an unbuttoned red vest, and black leather pants with a studded belt) was glaring at a wolf (Wearing a blue turtle-neck) and had him suspended by the shirt-front. "Hey, isn't that the new guy? Orleano Timbers?" Suddenly the wolf went flying as a golden furred fist collided with his face. The wolf's papers flew all over while the lion made his exit through a maintenance hallway. Quickly, Auro and Sabrina made their way over to the wolf. Sabrina picked up the scattered papers while Auro helped the wolf to his feet. "Why does it seem that everyone's knuckles love your face, Lance?"

"Oh, har har, Sabrina." Spoke the wolf while he dusted himself off.

"Who was that guy anyways?" Asked Auro.

"New guy, Orleano. Really rude, that one." Suddenly the bell rang.

"Gotta go! See you later Lance!"

Like usual, since it was first class the teacher liked to sleep and put on a tape recording of the lesson. But while he slept, the class left behind their own recorders and would go off somewhere else.

Auro's friends laughed in amazement as Auro showed off, lifting a rather heavy barbell and holding it effortlessly in one hand above his head. Off to the side of the room Auro noticed two new students. "Hey Blake, catch!" The dog was sent to the floor as the heavy barbell was tossed into his hands. Auro walked over to the two new students. Both white-tigers. The taller one had black shoulder-length straight hair parted down the middle, an open black sweater revealing bulging pectorals and formed abs without a shirt on, and jeans. The slightly shorter one (Who probably was only slouching) had black (with blue streaks) hair parted to the side covering one eye, ripped black jeans, a tight black nylon muscle-shirt, and spiked-bracers, and was obviously into 'Gothic'. "Hi, I'm Auro Rex."

The taller one shook his hand. "I'm Xero, and thats with an 'X' not a 'Z', this is my twin brother Raven. So what's this competition? Weight-lifting?"

"Weight-lifting, Flex-offs, anything to have a friendly show-off."

"Well then how about this?" Xero took off his sweater to reveal washboard abs, bulging biceps, profound back and shoulder muscles, and hard triceps and pectorals, but at the same time wasn't muscle-bound. His muscles were a bit like Auro's, except Auro's were scaled down to work on his slim form. But they didn't have to on Xero's broad chest. A female in the back corner fainted and her friends looked like they would soon follow. But then Xero threw on his sweater again. "Maybe I'll show you my training program sometime."

"Thanks, I'd take the offer today except...," He turned to see Sabrina behind him talking to one of her friends, "I promised...," grabbing her wrist he pulled her around into his arms, "this beautiful girl a date." The bell rang out.

"See you later Xero," Auro spoke as he and Sabrina turned to leave.


As only children, both Auro and Sabrina grew up alike, but in two very different worlds. Where Auro was an orphan millionaire who employed fighting as a way to quell his anger and sorrow, Sabrina grew up in the slums of Arc city, fighting to stay alive and to keep others out of her territory. Which happened to be a run down apartment. Eventually the two met, and in seeing no reason to hate one another, they eventually befriended each other. Sabrina eventually moved into Auro's mansion, adding her life to that of Auro and his butler Chase Monnilman...

Auro and Sabrina both let out sighs of annoyance before looking at each other and chuckling at the coincidental timing. Their english teacher had asked for a start of the year assignment: to create a story from their life stories. Auro and Sabrina were entwining theirs.


Goldheart - Issue 2 - Goldheart Pt2 - The Perils Of Heroism

This will be unbearably short and unlikely to be favorited, but when I upload the comic forms, it will probably look better. But that won't be for some time anyways. * * * Auro put on his GH suit. Time to go to work; only a few minutes ago, had an...

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Goldheart - Issue 1 - Goldheart Pt1 - Mystery Of The Deathmask

An athletically built cheetah stood looking out a large frosted window, watching the snowflakes fall gently to the ground. His ears flicked towards the sound of paw steps behind him. Turning he found Chase's lion facial features staring back at him....

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Goldheart - Issue 0 - The Hero Begins

_My name is Auro Rex. I am an 18 year old cheetah. I live in Arc City, where I attend school, work, and everyday things. Arc City is no paradise...far from it. It is crime's playground..._ _Crime runs rampant..._ _The most unexpectable people...

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