Finding Hope at the Bottom of Life

Story by BlakeRedFox on SoFurry

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#1 of Far Series

Warning, this story does contain violence and some parts can get a little hard to read. Also this story is very depressing but it ends very good, I'm petty sure you know what I mean by that though ^.-.^

This story is for avatar?user=92983&character=0&clevel=2 Far and he really needed it. I hope he starts feeling better soon. Oh and as you could guess, Far is © Far and Drake is © by Me. Enjoy

Oh and the next story you see from me should be for Dave8ball. I'm still waiting for the reference sheet for his character. As soon as I get it, then the sooner the story will show up. Please, Please Leave comments. I don't care even if you say something like "cute." Any comment is gladly accepted. Enjoy

Finding Hope at the Bottom of Life

Far was walking down the street, with his head down and his hands inside his pockets. It was started to rain and everybody outside started to rush inside excepted for him. He wasn't even wearing a jacket and he didn't care that it was raining.

Far was a white fur wolf about five feet, ten inches and he had been really depressed lately. He wish that he could go back in time and warn himself of the upcoming event but even then he wouldn't have been able to do anything about it.

Far just continued to walk and hope that he would get stuck by lightning so his life would be over. He had nothing to live for anymore. He wanted nothing more but to just disappear from the world, and be alone. His parents pass away when he was eighteen, his cousin live to far away so he didn't know them and the only one he could trust was now gone. Far just kept walking down the street without a care in the world, without any care about himself either.

Meanwhile I was walking outside of the hotel I was staying at and I could see the white wolf. When I notice that he wasn't wearing a jacket, I quickly rushed over there grabbed my umbrella and cover him instead of myself.

When Far felt the rain stop hitting him, he look back and saw a red scaled dragon holding an umbrella over him.

"Leave me alone. I not in the mood."

"What's wrong?"

"I rather not talk about it."

"I only wish to help you."

"Then do me a favor and leave."

"No. I won't leave. There is something that you need help with and I won't leave until I help you."

"Do you really want to know what happen?"

"Yes, I want to help you."

"Fine here it is. My parents are dead, my cousin are to far away and my mate just left me. I have nothing in my life worth living for now. I don't even have a place to stay."

"Then come stay with me. I am going back home now, and I don't live that far away from here."

"Thanks for the offer but I don't want to be in your way."

"No I insist and beside I live alone. You won't get in the way."

"Thank you, so are we going to walk there or are we getting a ride."

"You are getting a ride," I laugh as I finish that sentence and saw his face expression.

"What do you mean?"

I grabbed him and opened my wings and took to the air. He was shock at first and started to scream at first but then he got used to it and relax.

"Feel peaceful, doesn't it?"

"Yeah, I fell as if I can just forgot everything that has happen."

"I usually take flights to forget my problems too. By the way, I never got your name."

"It Far."

"Well Far, my name is Drake."

"Thank you Drake. So how much longer?"

"We're here," I said as I slowly started our decent onto the ground. Far looked at the house and was amaze at how huge it was. It wasn't the biggest house that Far has seen, but it was the biggest he has been in. It was a two story building, three bedrooms, each room as big as the master bedroom and it even had a basement.

"You live here!?"

"Yeah. I used to live with someone but then they pass away."

"Your wife?"

"Yeah, it okay though. I learn to deal with the loss already."

"You don't have anything against gays do you?"

"No, or else I would hate half of myself. After all I'm bisexual."


"Yeah, I always been." I answered him reassuringly as I opened the door to my house. The look on his face was priceless, which I couldn't help but laugh at him. Far looked right at me and then shook his head as he realized why I was laughing.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh."

"It okay. I could have guess my face look petty funny. It just I never been in a house this huge."

"I only bought this house for my wife and the child we were going to have."

"So now that you are alone are you going to sell the house or are you going to keep it?"

"I already paid for it and besides I don't think I could leave this house. It holds a lot of special memories for me."

"So you are going to live here by yourself until you can finally leave?"

"No, I am looking for a roommate, what to stay?"

"Yeah, I be happy too."

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a cup of water for myself, I quickly downed it and then ran to get a towel for Far and I. I quickly dried off, since I was scaled, but Far didn't because his fur was soak. I then looked around my house to see if I had anything he could wear. I keep looking for something but then I found a pair of pants and shirts that no longer fit me but could fit him.

I grab the blue jeans and the white quicksilver shirt and went into the living room. When I walk in, I saw Far naked and I could help but blush and as soon as he saw he, he quickly jump and grabbed his wet cloths to cover himself.

"I'm sorry, I should have announced that I was coming into the room."

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been naked. It your house and you have the rights to do anything."

"Ah here, I found theses clothes for you. I just leave them here," I then drop the clothes on the couch and turn and left into the guest room. I grabbed the blankets for him and placed and made the bed so it was ready for him when he wants to sleep. Once I finished making the bed, I turn around and almost jump as I saw him at the door way.

"Oh, gosh. I didn't expect to see you at the door." I was so shook that I could have had a heart attack. My heart was racing and slowly started to relax again.

"Sorry, about that. Is this my room?"

"Yeah, if you need help I will be in the room next door." I said as I walked pass him and into my room.

Far moved to the side as I passed by and then went onto his bed. He smiled as the bed felt just like the one he used to had. It was nice and soft, but it was also firm. The bed size was queen, and it was just the way he like it. He then started to think about me, and for some reason, blushed deeply.

"Okay, he taking care of me and he is kind and cute, but I don't even know him. Why am I thinking about him this way?" Far whisper out loud to himself. Far placed his hand on his head as he tried to conquer the thoughts running through his head.

Meanwhile, I was also lying on my bed and I placed my and across my head. I was also starting to fall for Far. I always had a thing for wolfs but I didn't think I would end up this close to one. I knew that Far was gay so I didn't have to worry about him rejecting me for a women. It just didn't feel right to try and ask him out.

"Why are you feeling like this? He just broke up with his husband, and he most be feeling depress right now."

It just keep coming back into my mind and the more I tried to deny it the more I realize that I was falling for him. I barley knew him and I didn't feel conferrable enough to ask him out. Finally I gave in and decided to get to know him better since he is staying here. I closed me eye and laid my head on the pillow about to sleep when I heard a knock on my door.

I got up and open the door, and saw Far looking at me he had his hand on his stomach.

"I'm sorry to bother you but do you have anything for me to eat?"

"What do you want to eat?"

"I don't know, what do you have?"

"Follow me," I walked into the kitchen and open the pantry so he could see what he wanted to eat. Far looked through the pantry and found out that I had the ingredients needed to make some mash potatoes, corn and some chicken.

He told me what he wanted and I quickly grabbed what I needed and started cooking. I didn't take to long because I used my fire breath to speed up the process really fast. I fried the chicken easily and I had a rice cooker so it only takes about five minutes to cook. The only thing that took a while to cook was the corn but even then it wasn't long.

When I finish cooking everything, I handed him the plate and he was surprised to see how appetizing it all look.

"Here you go, please tell me if there is anything else you want."

"I will," Far responded before getting a mouthful of corn. His eyes immediately went wide as he was surprised by how everything taste; it felt like he was eating from a four star resultant.

"This is amazing Drake. How long did it take you to learn how to cook like this?"

"My dad thought me when I was younger. He is the executive chef at the Downtown Club. He cooks for the mayor, and high class people everyday."

"He taught you well, I haven't had a meal like this is such a long time."

"I'm glad you are enjoying your meal. So Far is there anything you are going to need me to get you tomorrow while I go to the mall?"

"What do you mean?" Far spoke after whipping his mouth.

"Well I saw that you don't have any clothes so you want to come with me to get you some clothes?"

"Yeah I'll go. What time tomorrow?"

"I don't know, whenever you want to just ask and we'll take my car and go."


~Tomorrow Morning~

I woke up and yawn loudly as I got up and walk into the bathroom. I splash my face with water and got into the shower and wash myself from all the dirt I got on my body from the rain.

Once I got out, I walked back into my bedroom, put some clothes on and walked into the living room. I looked around and I couldn't see Far, but then I reassured myself that he was sleeping. I walked into the kitchen and started breakfast for Far and I. It only took my about ten minutes to cook everything and once I was done, I walked back and knock on Far door.

"Far, get up. Breakfast is ready."

There was no response from Far and I open the door only to see Far wasn't on the bed. The bed was made and on the bed was a note from Far. I quickly rush over and grabbed the note.


You have been very kind to me but I don't feel right living here for free. You are treating me much better than my ex and my parents. I am leaving because I don't want to be in your way.

Although you told me that I am not any trouble. I will return when I feel ready and confident. I am now looking for another job and once I do get a job, you will see me again.


I quickly ran outside and flew into the air. I had to look for Far, I just had a feeling something bad was going to happen. I looked around the whole town but I couldn't see any sign of him.

Hours, pass by and I keep looking for Far but my stomach wouldn't let me so I grab some lunch then continued to search. Nightfall came and I had to end my search for him. I started to walk back home from town, since I was tired from flying all day.

As I was walking, I came across a group of furs in the ally. They continued moving deeper in the ally and then I saw that they were attacking someone. I got closer and saw that they were attacking Far. Without any concern for myself, I quickly jump in and push the three furs away.

"Leave him alone!"

"Let get him too!"

They then quickly rush towards me and attack me. I was able to take on one easily but three at a time was to much and I end up on the ground with them kicking me and punching me all over. I work hard to try and move or get them off me but it wasn't working.

My body ached all over and I turn my head to see Far trying to get up. He had blood all over his fur and even coming out of his mouth. He had a look of pure anger on his face and quickly charged at the attackers, getting them off me.

Once they were off me, I slowly got up and I look at the gang. Far walked his way besides me and he was panting heavily. One of the gang members took out a pocket knife and threw it at Far, hoping it would end his life but I opened up my wings and it got stuck in my wings.

I roared loudly and the look on their face was of pure horror because I started to get my fire breath ready. Before I had a chance to, they ran away and I move my mouth up and releases the fire. I turn my head and look at Far, who was in very poor condition. We both needed to get to the hospital and I had to fly us there. Before I grabbed Far, I reach for the knife and pulled it out quickly. I roared again and grab my arm tightly, hoping the pain would be gone fast.

I was dobbed over in pain, and I wish that I could just make all the pain disappear forever. I looked over at Far, and he was pass out on the ground. I knew that I wasn't going to last much longer either so I grab him and carried him and flew to the nearest hospital. I flew for about a minute before I couldn't last anymore, and I came crashing down in front of the hospital. I didn't want Far to received the damage so I turn over and landed on my back. Once I hit the ground I released Far and my vision turn black as I black out.

~Couple hours later~

Far was woken up by the doctor shacking him lightly, and Far almost jump and attacked him. Once Far realize that it was a doctor he relax and look at him wondering why the doctor woke him up.

"Good, your okay."

"Why did you wake me up?"

"We had to make sure you were going to be okay and if we didn't you could've ended up in a coma."

"What about Drake?"

"You mean your boyfriend?"

"He not my boyfriend, he just a very good friend."

"I think he might want to be your boyfriend though. Not just anybody would have done what he has done for you."

"Yeah, your right."

"Well Drake is... not doing so well. He had lost a lot of blood and he is in a light coma. We already fix up what we can and we know that he should wake up soon but we don't know if he would be able to fly as well as before."

"He shouldn't have risk his life to save me."

"He must really love you to risk death to save you."

"Where is he?"

"Turn your head to the right."

Far looked over and he could see me, and he felt tears coming to his eyes. I had buries all over my body and when he look at my left wing, he could see the bandages on the cut.

"I leave you alone," the doctor left the room and closed the door and lock it from the outside. He knew that Far would want privately.

Far got up and rested his head on my chest. He slowly started to rub my chest and he felt bad for everything. "Why? I never meant for you to get hurt looking for me. I should have never left the house. Only then would this be over." Far softly cried on my chest and he wish that I haven't risk my life for him.

"I only risk my life because I love you," I said as I painfully got up. With Far on my too, the pain got worst but I didn't care about that. I knew he wasn't trying to hurt me.

"Drake, your awake!"

"Yeah, and I heard everything you said. It not your fault, you were only trying to be a good friend. Uh Far, if you don't mind, could you please stop pressing your weight on me, it hurting me."

"Sorry." Far was happy because he felt loved again and he forgot all about his ex. He knew that with me, he would never get hurt.

~Couple days later~

I was finally able to leave the hospital and Far was there to help me walk inside the house. It still hurt to fly so I wouldn't want to fly until I finally had the bandages off. Far help me walk in the bedroom and laid me on the bed. I smiled at him and think him for helping me.

"Oh I'm not done yet," Far smiled and had a big grin on his face.

At first I didn't understand what he meant but then I understood what he was planing. Far removed all his clothes and started to undo mine as well. He start to blush as he saw me already getting hard.

"I haven't even started and you are already getting hard."

"Sorry, it been awhile."

"How long?"

"About four years ago when my wife passed away."

"Wow, it has been awhile. Let me help you with that," and before I had a chance to respond, Far moved his head and gave me a big teasing lick from base to head. I moaned loudly and since it been awhile, I almost cummed right there.

Far smiled and slowly lowered his head on my penis and suck on it softly. I wasn't able to take it anymore and released already.

Far swallowed it quickly and smiled; he really enjoyed the taste of my cum. "Wow you taste amazing," Far lick his lips hoping to get more of the taste.

I just laid there panting, and Far loved how I look so weak and submissive. He looked down and saw that his eight inch member was already out and he saw that it was leaking pre. He slowly went down and started licking me at my tailhole. I gasp and moan loudly again as I was receiving the rim job from Far.

Far keep licking at my tailhole until he thought it was slick enough to push himself inside me. He look at me and ask, "Drake, have you ever been taken?"

I blush madly at that, and my scales almost turn pink but thank to the red scale, it just got a little brighter. "No, I haven't. Please be gentle, I'm still in pain from the gang attack."

"I will gentle,I promise."

With that Far slowly pressed the head of the dick at my hole and push softly. It felt weird to have someone member pressing at my hole and I was starting to get a bit scared, hoping that it wasn't going to hurt to much.

Far push in and got the head in, and I threw my head back and cried softly. Far started to rub my chest as he tried his best to help me relax. I grab the bed sheets and pinch it tightly as Far push in even deeper into me. I wanted Far to enjoy himself to, and he needed it more than I.

He had just got over his ex and now he mating me. I knew that he was enjoying himself but I could tell that he wasn't truly happy yet.

I told Far to keep going a little farther but he was too worried about me, but I didn't care about myself that much. I quickly push my hips against his and felt his eight inch member rush through.

As much as it pain me, I was happy that he inside me but the pain was getting the best of me. I tried to hide me pain so he would keep himself inside me. It seem to work because he keep himself inside and I look at him and saw he was lost in pleasure.

I laid my head on the pillow and relax as much as I can until he started to pump himself in and out of me. It hurt a lot as he keep pumping in and out, picking up speed each time.

"Far! Stop please!" I cried, praying that he would listen but he keep going. He then hit my prostate and I felt pleasure instead of pain. I moan softly and then Far pump harder into my prostate and it felt so much better. I start leaking ever more pre off my member.

Far looked at me and I saw the passion in his eyes, and he moved closer and kissed me deeply as he continued to destroy me hole.

I kissed back and having him take me fast and steady. The heat coming off our body made the whole room increase in temperature. During the kiss, Far slipped his tongue into my mouth and he lick my tongue. It taste amazing and was very sweet, like candy. I started to suck on his tongue hoping to get more of the taste.

Far hasn't slowed down at all and soon I felt something round hitting me at my hole. I tried to see what it was but I couldn't because of the kiss. I broke the kiss and took a deep breath, and catch my breath as well. As I was catching my breath , I look at my hole and saw what look like a knot. I look at Far, and he look at me reassuringly.

"Are you going to knot me?" I ask nervously because it hurt when he was all the way in at first, so I don't know if I am able to take the knot.

"Yeah but don't worry about it. I'll help you tomorrow if you need help. It will hurt but don't panic, or else it will hurt even more."

I gulp and nodded, as I felt the knot try and push through but it didn't go in yet. I trusted Far so let him continue to push harder and harder.

Far look down and saw his know was almost able to push in, and he look at me. "Okay Drake, he it comes," Far pulled out one more time before he rammed his knot inside me. My eyes water immediately and my energy was almost gone. Far crash onto me as well and I rubbed his back the best I could.

Far moved his arms behind my neck and gave me a deep kiss.

After breaking the kiss, I look at Far ans ask, "Far, would you marry me?"

"'Drake, I'll be happy to, but I think we should wait a little bit. It not that I don't want to but it just to soon."

"I understand. I love you Far."

"I love you too Drake."

That night we both slept conformable in each other arms. Safe from any danger. We were meant to be together... forever.

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