
Story by SniperSpartan-977 on SoFurry

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#5 of Source Code

A commission for Basque on SoFurry.

Crypto is invited to Hester's den where she has an interesting proposition for him.

{All characters depicted in this work of fiction are of legal age of consent.}

Crypto felt like he was applying for a job rather than walking into a den of very hungry wolves. The building facade was all glass, with weird oblique angles to the roof. The foyer was cavernous, enormous multi-coloured and nonsensical ornaments decorating the massive space with gantries lining the upper floor offices overlooking the large waste of space out front.

He'd passed a fountain, a dozen smart-bus stops and a small exercise ground on his way in, giving the mob's Highpoint headquarters more of a tech-giant campus feel rather than a seedy drugs production plant.

Then again, the mob had all the right people in their pocket. So, despite government going hard against digital trips all over the country, certain local councils turned a blind eye to the illicit trip-related activities of the local scumbags, so long as their pockets were appropriately lined.

Security was a similarly official looking affair. They looked less like the mob goons who'd hit Doxxa's server farm and were wearing matching uniforms, caps, decked out with armoured vests and had pistols holstered on their legs.

Crypto was halted in the foyer in front of the coffee-sipping programmers clocking out for the night, shoved against the nearest hard surface and frisked thoroughly. The 3-D printed revolver came out the back of his waistband immediately.

The employees who had paused to watch the rough exchange as Crypto struggled against security, quickly scattered when they sensed trouble.

"Alright, that's quite enough," a voice said, her husky tone dominating the foyer.

As security stepped back from Crypto, letting him up, the sharp click of Hester's high heels pealed around the cavernous chamber. Aggressively shrugging his jacket back over his shoulders, he looked over and eyed the woman from her feet up along her sleek legs to her shapely mid-riff, glossed over her large gravity-defying breasts and settled on the coy expression drawn over her white-furred face.

According to a number of official records, Hester was in her sixties; if the math Mrs Taylor had tried to hammer into Crypto was in any way up to scratch. But had he not known her, he could have mistaken the anthro goat for a thirty-something year old woman. Her white fur sparkled with a clean kind of glossiness and she had long stark white hair that cascaded in elegant waves down past her slim shoulders. The woman looked like a model with long elegant curves shown off by the way her scandalous little dress clung to her body. A string of black pearls hung around her slender neck, dark gems set into the ear-rings dangling from her ears. Golden rings jangled around her left wrist as she moved forward with a suave grace, planting her feet firmly with confidence despite the six inch stilettoes.

And just like a model reaching the end of the catwalk, when she stood before Crypto, towering over him, she cocked her hips to one side and rested a slender hand on the stylish curve.

A high-end boob-job stretched out the front of her dress with a plunging neckline down to her navel leaving very little to the imagination. The skirt was similarly outrageous, only barely long enough to fit over her hips. Visible in the gap between her slim thighs was the tip of her quim, hugged by a strip of silky black fabric moulding to the cleft shape of her tight, inviting pussy.

Crypto swallowed hard, feeling the tip of his cock peek out of its sheath as his heart pounded against his ribs. Once again, if he didn't know her and just randomly saw this woman on the street he would have thought of nothing except how desperately he wanted to fuck her.

"I'm glad you came, Crypto," Hester said, then her smile widened as she added, "And believe me, I don't normally say that to handsome young men in my company."

He slapped the goat's slender fingers away from his cheek. "Spare the bullshit, Hester. What do you want?"

"Oh, how boring. Always so quick to get straight to business?" Hester pouted too cutely for a woman who commanded an army of guns ready to open fire on Crypto. "Can't a girl get a little foreplay?"

She turned without gesturing and walked off, leaving Crypto to use his own initiative of whether he should follow or not. Not much liking the company of the security goons, he ambled after her.

Beyond the foyer the sprawling offices began, with a rather extravagant coffee dock just by the entrance. It reminded Crypto of an actual company headquarters, in keeping with the foyer, the building architecture and the walk up to the front door. It was less dingy warehouses full to the brim with thugs and guns, more a home to overpaid programmers chilling on exercise balls sipping hipster coffee and all that stupid shit.

Passing the coffee dock partition, on the other side was a lounging area where an all-too familiar face met them.

Relaxing in the larger bean bags was the hulking grey-skinned rhinoceros from the server farm. Crypto's fingers twitched at the sight of him, and despite his best efforts he couldn't help narrow his eyes at the guy.

Keeping the rhino company were several incredibly plain women. Not 'plain' as in not bedecked with cybernetics. Several had glowing eyes or phone displays integrated into their forearms. These women were plain because they were very average looking.

None were particularly well dressed, only one of them wearing a set of high heels with her long knee-length dress. The others wore jeans or leggings with regular blouses that were neither too formal nor too casual. And each of them had a regular sort of build. One, a hippopotamus, her skin a similar shade to that of the rhino, was plenty curvy, though a little on the wider side compared to her friends. There was another, a yellow furred giraffe with brown splotches who was particularly lanky and taller than her colleagues, the remainder of whom were fairly average canids.

They looked like they were average programmers employed by Hester.

Except now they were gathered between the rhino's legs worshipping his length with their mouths.

The lanky giraffe in the dress, decorated with a sunny floral pattern, sat on her hip with her long legs curled up under her. She had a slender hand caressing the thick shaft of the rhino cock beside where her chubbier friend was planting lingering, wet smooches, while simultaneously working her tongue up the length with side-to-side flicks. None of them looked like they particularly knew what they were doing, nor did they seem especially enthusiastic. It was like they were just fulfilling the fine print of an employment contract. They just stared blankly off into space as they dutifully set to work pleasuring a cock that looked like it hardly fitted inside any of them.

"I think you've met Blair already," Hester commented with a casual wave.

The rhino, Blair, laughed at that. He made no attempt to cover the way his eyes were drifting down to Hester's wiggling ass as she trotted by, saying, "Yeah. We're pretty well acquainted."

Blinking, he angled his gaze up at Crypto as one of the canid women in his lap worked her kisses up the side of the shaft, then smooched the flared tip of his cock. Her fingers caught the dribble of precum and slid it down the dark flesh, massaging it in like a salve while her other friends busied themselves worshipping the rest of the cock, his sheath and even his balls with their lips and tongues.

"Pity about that panda slut. A nice snug bit of pussy like that is hard to come by now and days." He laughed, making Crypto's eye twitch angrily before he added, "Especially after I've had a go at it. Don't give me that look, Wiener. The way I stretched her out, she would have been useless to you even if she let you fuck her."

It took every ounce of willpower to stop himself from doing something stupid, and Blair's gaze followed him as he walked by.

"Yeah, keep smiling, asshole," he murmured back as Hester led him onto the main programming floor.

Desks were separated almost like the workstations in a sweatshop. Rows and rows of computers all sat within arm's length of each other, offering little to no privacy. But each desk was individually customised with little ornaments, stuffed toys, souvenirs and in a few cases ergonomic keyboards and mice. But aside from that, it was a typical corporate workplace. Pack as many wage-slaves into one place as possible and work them to the bone with the illusion of freedom offered by fancy digs and comfy chairs.

"I've been watching you," Hester said as they walked between the rows. "You and that silly little trip of yours. Source Code, was it?"

Crypto grunted, but Hester went on as if she hadn't expected a response.

"Surprising you were able to penetrate the market with such a shoddy product and next to no marketing. But then teenagers are ridiculously stupid and will pump anything into their systems. case point and example, it's how Highpoint got started, until we targeted a more a more elite clientele. I dare you to name a celebrity who hasn't used our product yet."

That was easily done, actually. Not a single person with any sense used Highpoint. Hester and her street marketing team only 'said' the rich and powerful used Highpoint to make it seem more glamorous. And of course, an article here, an illicit social media post there, and the normies drank it up, associating Highpoint with elite society.

It wasn't all that different from the high fashion industry. Spread the right kind of lie and introduce urgent exclusivity ad a bunch of people who can't even afford it will want useless product they don't even have a use for.

"But despite all your shortcomings, Crypto," Hester said, breezing over to one of the emptier desks and whirled around, perching her perfect ass on the edge of the workstation before crossing her long legs, "I'd like you to join my team. You and whatever little nerd you have coding that Source Code garbage for you."

Crypto's thoughts raced as he thought of Proksy. Hester didn't know about Proksy, since she knew literally nothing about their operation, and protecting his friend where he'd failed to protect Doxxa became a very sudden priority.

"I wrote Source Code," he lied, in a desperate attempt to keep any potential investigation into who was writing Source Code at bay.

Hester slapped Crypto without warning. There was enough force to turn his gaze sideways and he had to blink a few times to realise what the hell had just happened.

By that time she reached out, grabbed him by the chin and forced his gaze back into hers, saying tersely, "Don't lie to me, boy!" She calmed down just as quickly as her mood had darkened, stroking him almost apologetically where she hit him "I know your type, Crypto. You're a cudgel... like Blair."

"I'm nothing like that guy."

She hummed thoughtfully. "Pity. I have uses for cudgels. Special uses."

Letting his eyes slide down her body, Crypto felt his cock engorge very much against his will. Noticing, Hester reached forward and pressed her slender hand against the forming bulge at the front of his pants. He tightened at her touch, cock throbbing through his pants desperate for the warmth of her hand, while at the same time his consciousness was telling him to turn and run.

The primal need stirring in his loins won out and he thrust against her palm just a little. Just enough to let Hester know she had her sexy claws firmly set in him.

She eased down his fly with ease and released the erection from its cloth prison. If she was impressed by the rat's size, she didn't show it. A woman her age had probably seen and gorged herself on dicks of every shape and size. So circling the shaft with her long deft fingers she gripped him tenderly and with a confident little smirk on her lips pulled him closer. Her legs uncrossed, thighs opening as her skirt rode up over the curves of her hips and her free hand pulled aside her panties.

"Come here and let me show you," she whispered pulling him in close. One hand still guiding him closer by his cock, the other rested elegantly on his shoulder as if she were letting him lead her in dance. Her voice lowered to crackle like hot embers on a fire as the tip speared her warm, soft labia. "Let me show you what benefits a cudgel in my employ can reap."

The plaint lips spread open to receive him, a bead of moisture tickling his spear as she encouragingly pulled Crpyto in. He couldn't help but gasp, his hands drunkenly falling on her hips as her sultry depths sucked him wetly inside. He felt every inch of the silky tunnel, glorious and warm, heating him to the very core of his cock as it slid up inside the woman.

She was tight. And became only more so as she rocked her hips against Cypto's and consciously clenched her muscles. A rippling motion worked its way from the base of his cock where her winking opening clamped down on him, and 'milked' its way up to the very tip that settled just short of her cervix. Again and again, she rippled as if her pussy were playing his cock like a flute.

Crypto had to make a conscious effort not to cum right away. All his sexual stamina that was both the wet-dream and bane of girls across Arcadia counted for nothing inside Hester as her body seemed specifically built and programmed to extract semen from the hardiest of men. There had to be a cybernetic upgrade working away inside her. Some sort of augmented pelvic floor? Or had her entire vaginal canal been replaced with a high end fleshlight?

As Crypto clenched his eyes shut, the sight of the glamorous anthro goat only contributing to setting him off, Hester on the other hand didn't even sigh. She had spread her thighs a little more to accommodate him and hooked her high heels behind his waist, flexing her body with ease. But as he stretched her out and tickled her core, she didn't react in the slightest. Her expression, while pleased, didn't twitch or waver. As if she was all too used to doing this.

"Your friend Doxxa reaped all the same rewards," Hester said. "She helped us, and in return she got all the benefits from working with us. Steady income. Open beta tests of Highpoint. A tight wet sheath around that custom cock of hers. She was actually becoming quite a close partner of mine."

"Fuck you, that's a lie," Crypto grunted, trying to keep his voice even. Though the high inflection at the end of the sentence was impossible to avoid as her canal rippled over his cock again. "She hated the mob."

Hester chuckled. "No wonder she kept it from you. Doxxa needed money, and she was desperate enough to let bygones be bygones. She was a great contact, her server farm was among the best out there. Blair's carelessness disappointed me greatly, and rest assured he'll be punished."

She drew Crypto into a tight hung, possessively digging her heels into his rear as both arms wrapped over his shoulders firmly. Her soft breasts flattened against his chest and he could feel the hardness of her nipples. While she wasn't showing any pleasure outwardly, she was clearly aroused.

"Nothing too serious of course," Hester added. "Just a slap on the wrist. He's my best cudgel after all. Best not waste that just to make an example over another clueless dead slut who couldn't make anything of herself."

He snapped. Grabbing the older woman by the shoulder, Crypto forced the goat flat onto the desk with a thud so loud he feared she'd cry out in pain and invite a hundred guys with guns on top of them. To his surprise however, Hester giggled excitedly.

"Oh, my! Now things are getting exciting." She smiled wolfishly. "What are you going to do to little old me, Crypto?"

Giggle it up, bitch, he thought venomously, digging his fingers into her side and keeping a hand firmly planted between her breasts to keep her flat on her back.

He wasn't able to kill her, not without incurring the wrath of the very many security guys prowling the floor. Besides, there wasn't even a pencil or a letter opener on the nearby desks for him to stab her with.

Lacking the tools with which to violently assault her, Crypto settled for violently fucking Hester instead.

He pulled back, his cock emerging glistening with Hester's faux-excitement, before he lovelessly slammed all the way back into her, the end of his sheath grinding against her furry outer labia. Then again, and again he repeated the assault; drawing back until just the tip lay in her entrance and slamming all the way back inside as quickly and as hard as possible.

Even the most thoroughly used whore would have cried out with surprise and any of the other women Crypto had been with would have clocked him for such a rough change in tempo. But Hester didn't even gasp. Her breast merely jiggled in her dress as he thrust into her again, the slap of his fur on hers growing moister with every clumsy plunge into her warm depths.

Crypto put his head down and kept trying, clenching hard and trying to ignore the divine slippery feeling of her wet sheath hugging his cock just right. He slammed her with all his strength, every muscle beginning to burn with the effort as he realised he was going for much longer than even his stamina could withstand at this pace. The minutes dragged on and by now Hester should have dried up and chafed.

But she only got wetter even as her pussy hugged him tighter, those skilled inner muscles still rippling up and down his length as he fucked her with reckless abandon.

Slamming the tip of his cock against that tight little mouth in the very depths of her canal didn't even illicit an uncomfortable whimper from Hester. Instead, the woman merely glowered up at him impassively as he lovelessly slammed her cervix.

"Oh, how adorable," Hester giggled. She barely moved, merely rocking back and forth as Crypto thrust into her, forcing her body into an undulating back and forth motion. Her breasts shook a little and so did the strands of her long hair. But whereas any other woman would have been panting and moaning by now, Hester looked like she was just having a polite conversation with Crypto.

Her expression didn't waver in the slightest. She just peered into his face as Crypto tried desperately not to twist his own features into an expression of pleasure. It was hard to remain impassive. Hester was wet, and hot, and as tight as a nubile teen just discovering her sexuality. He felt her juices flow freely, matting the fur on his balls and squelching noisily as he attacked her pussy with a jackhammer pace.

But very quickly he felt himself rising to an orgasm and let out a desperate pant, forcing himself to slow the pace. Still, Hester didn't react in the slightest, watching him almost like a mother gazing pitifully at a naughty child.

"Such a darling thing you are, thinking you can fuck me silly. I've been using digital trips for so long, nothing short of a good hit of Highpoint can get me off now and days. But I much appreciate you trying." She bit her lip and narrowed her eyes, letting out a loud and obviously fake moan. "Does this help you along? Oh, yes, Crypto! Fuck me! I feel so good, don't ever stop! Just like that! Right there! Oh, baby I'm going to cum if you keep it up!"

She giggled as Crypto's pace faltered again, her disingenuous tone clearly putting him off.

"I must say," she continued to say plainly, "I'm somewhat impressed by your stamina. Even Blair doesn't last this long in my tight pussy. I know I was teasing you with my moans just now, but I'll have you know I'm something of a decent actress actually. I can pretend to be genuinely pleasured if you like. Guys get off really quick in my pussy when I actually try, so it must be pretty good. Just imagine it, Crypto. If you come work for me, you could cum inside me regularly. I don't mind if you use me like a wet sheath whenever you like. God knows, Blair does whenever those programmers fail to get him off. I must admit I very much like your enthusiasm. And your cock is at least not so big it's uncomfortable. It fits me _juuuuuuust_right!"

Crypto was trying to ignore what she was saying, but the sound of her voice, along with what she was saying was all darkly intriguing. Her cunt was incredibly tight and wet, the only thing missing was the gorgeous mature squirming and moaning with pleasure under him. That was often Crypto's favourite part, the way a woman moved and her voice shuddered as she rose closer to the precipice of orgasm.

None of that was here with Hester, making this fast and frantic fuck an abomination of what the act could have been.

"Then there's the pay," Hester said, eyes glazing over as her mind seemed to wander elsewhere. Even as Crypto wrapped his fingers around Hester's throat and slammed her back down on the desk of some poor programmer who was going to find a mess to clean up in the morning. As he was trying to find and grind her g-spot with his cock, Hester went on to say, "Highpoint is the next generation of digital trips. The market is drying up of course, it always was with authorities clamping down and all that propaganda. The only way we can convince people to use our product now and days is lower the prices to the point of unsustainability. But we've managed to offset the cost of production by opening a new business venture. Data mining.

"We can use Highpoint to grab peoples' personal data and sell it to the highest bidder. It's technically a legal sale, even if the means of obtaining the data is not, but the marketing companies we sell to don't need to know that. It's almost more lucrative than sale of Highpoint itself. And you could be a part of that, Crypto. A perfect, tight wet sheath around your cock whenever you desire it, and a fat stack of cash in your pocket. What do you think, my dear?"

"I think you talk too much," Crypto growled, pulling out of Hester hard enough for her constricting pussy to let out a loud, wet pop. She didn't seem to even notice at first. Grabbing Hester by the horns, he yanked her off the desk, roughly shoved her down onto her knees and slid his cock between her lips.

Her mouth now full, Hester's impassive expression twisted into a little bit of surprise, and Crypto grinned, finally putting her on the ropes. Tightening his grip on her horns he started fucking her face in earnest.

She gulped, letting out a loud '_glug-glug-glug'_as Crypto assaulted her tonsils. The back of her throat was soft and wet, caressing his crown sweetly at the apex of every thrust. Her mouth felt amazing, even without her doing much more than lapping up the underside of the shaft with her soft tongue. There was little else she could do as he had a hold of her horns and yanked her down to hilt his cock with her puckered lips with every thrust.

Hester's arms dangled helplessly down her sides, and tears of effort were beginning to form black streaks down the white fur of her cheeks. Still, she peered up at him, her sparkling eyes watching him innocently, as if asking why he was doing this to her mouth.

Fuck her. She knew exactly why he was doing this to her mouth. Crypto never thought of himself as the sadistic sort, but for Hester he would make an exception. How many lives had she ruined on behalf of the mob? How many businesses extorted? How many start-ups hacked and ruined because they threatened to offer competition to companies she was in bed with? How much private data had she sold? How many lives ended with that Highpoint poison?

"Mmmmpmh?" came Hester's surprised, muffled question as she felt Crypto's cock swell in her mouth.

"Choke on it, you fucking bitch!" Crypto grunted and he thrust deep one more time before spending down her throat.

Hester jolted and tried to pull back, but suspiciously didn't move her arms to strike him or try to push off him. She rocked back on her toes, trying to pull away, but Crypto pulled her horns and held her firmly in place.

She gargled and choked, coughing hard onto his cock. Hard enough for a sliver of cum to shoot from her nostrils, more tears of effort streaming down her cheeks as she looked up pleadingly.

It was a pyrrhic victory. She'd drained him almost completely, but Crypto ended up on top in the end. Let that be a lesson to the bitch not to fuck with him again.

When the tears brimmed her eyes just a little more, only then did he ease his grip and pull back to give her some air. It was a bit like he was waterboarding her with his cock. He only wanted her a few breaths of air so he could take it away again.

Except Hester's eyes suddenly flitted downward, and with a half-lidded expression she began working her magic across his cock. Suddenly willingly, she slid her lips back down to the base, caressing his length with her tongue as the final dregs of his cum flooded her mouth and dribbled from her pursed lips. She then moved back and bobbed halfway down the shaft a few times, before swirling her tongue over the tip in a way that made Crypto shudder and clench, forcing out one more final spurt of cum his balls had been holding in reserve.

She pulled back and tipped her head, swallowing the mouthful cartoonishly before working her lips over Crypto again like she was getting paid overtime. She licked him eagerly from base to tip, suckled the end like she was trying to get to the centre of a lollipop and when he was finally too soft to be any more fun for her mouth, she draped his length across her face with a sultry smile.

"So delicious," she crooned, wagging her eyebrows up at a surprised and confused Crypto. "I love the taste of a young cock, especially when they explode in my throat. Oh, did you think I was uncomfortable? No, I like to play the submissive rape-bait from time-to-time, Crypto."

The younger man was heaving, trying to catch his breath as his shoulders slumped. He was completely drained, Hester had sucked down every dreg of his essence. Breathless and defeated, Crypto stood dumbstruck with his dick hanging in the wind as Hester climbed elegantly to her feet, caught a stray strand of cum on finger and pushed it into her mouth.

Security showed up by the time the rat thought to try and dress himself. And even with her ruined make-up and some errant strings of cum matting the fur on her face, Hester stood over Crypto like a triumphant gladiator bearing down on a defeated foe.

"My offer for you to join us will stay open for a bit. Think about it," Hester ordered, then she waved him off.

The nearest security guy grabbed Crypto by the shoulder and force marched him back to the foyer.

Blair was waiting just inside the glass doors, clearly having had his fill of his harem. Though when they passed the lounging area on the way down it seemed the harem hadn't had their fill of Blair, given the women were sitting around, cum decorating their faces and mingling with their hair, but all of them looking somewhat frustrated and unsatisfied.

The guy was a dick for life, so it was no surprise he was a dick in the sack too.

"This yours, Wiener?" Blair commented holding out the 3-D printed pistol security had confiscated earlier.

Crypto went to take it, but Blair immediately squeezed his fingers into a fist. The pistol cracked audibly, before a mess of shattered polymer debris and hand-loaded bullets clattered to the floor at his feet.

"Oops," Blair said coyly, before dusting the debris from his hands and walking off laughing.

Crypto could only scowl before his escort shoved him between the shoulder blades and directed him outside. Security left him by the door, but they watched him closely all the way down the steps and past the fountain in the square. Crypto didn't stop walking until he rounded a cluster of synthetic trees on the edge of the exercise green.

Out of sight, he quickly jogged to the end of the row and stepped inside, crouching by a backpack he had stashed earlier. At the same time he dialled his phone.

Proksy answered on the first ring. "I'm in."

"It worked?"

"Of course it worked," she said with a scoff. "Using your weblink I was able to wirelessly access the IoT coffee machine in the coffee dock. Those things have shit security. Once I was on the internal network I was able to gain root access to their modem and leave a little hole in the firewall for myself to access the network externally."

Crypto nodded, only half understanding what Proksy was talking about, but he got the general gist of it. Since the firewall was too robust to access from the outside, they had snuck by it physically piggy-backing on his cybernetics and attacked from the inside.

Opening the zip on his pack, Crypto produced a new gun. A far more robust model than the wheelgun he'd carried in earlier. He'd fully expected to be searched and figured it would look suspicious if he'd shown up unarmed.

Sliding a magazine in place and racking the slide, he slipped it holster and all onto his waistband, then slid another longer gun out of the bag. He unfolded the stock of the automatic assault rifle, slapped a magazine in place then hooked a finger around the protruding charging lever and gave it a sharp yank to chamber a round.

"Now we have access. What do we do with it?"

"I'm not going to settle for fucking Hester's face. I'mma fuck her ass, and I'mma fuck it dry."

"I hope you're speaking figuratively."

Crypto didn't answer. He only smiled knowingly.


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The Dunwich Whore - ISBN 9781005859312 [$2] Smashwords | Gumroad


{All characters depicted in this work of fiction are of legal age of consent.} It didn't take long for Crypto to get top-side again. But by the time he got there, squad cars and several ambulances were swarming the three-block area. Drones...

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Infinite Loop

{All characters depicted in this work of fiction are of legal age of consent.} Arcadia's grossly over-budgeted storm-drain hung open like a rotting wound. And the smell was about right too. The concrete groove, sliced diagonally through the city all...

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Mom's Friend

{All characters depicted in this work of fiction are of legal age of consent.} 1 Edith, had come to visit during a rainstorm that soaked her in the time it took the anthro wolfess to run from the car to the front door. Deacon hadn't heard her...

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