Entwined Tails, Entangled Souls

Story by Oridian on SoFurry

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#8 of Fledgling Study Group

Reylin's impromptu sleepover at Knaster's home comes to an end.

Reylin had _expected_an uneasy night. In the past, her limited experience with sleepovers at friends' houses or with overnight field trips organized by her school had taught her that she didn't sleep well when not in her own bed. No matter how tired or sleepy she was, or how soft the bed was, or how quiet the room was, she just always had trouble sleeping in a new foreign environment that she wasn't used to.

It was for this reason that she hadn't expected to get good rest while sleeping over at Knaster's bedroom. Yet contrary to her expectations, her sleep was deep and thorough. That was an unexpected but welcome outcome, though in hindsight perhaps not entirely unpredictable. After all, Reylin had been to Knaster's house and his bedroom plenty of times during their many study sessions over the past semester, so debatably this environment wasn't foreign to her at all. And the two young dragons were well acquainted with each other's bodies, given the amount of hugging and kissing they'd done, or even the other things they'd done last night. So really, she shouldn't have been surprised by how comfortable it was.

It was unspeakably delightful to feel the reassuring sensation of Knaster's scales against hers. They hadn't closed the windows last night so the air inside the bedroom was cool and moist, but under the blanket it was warm, snug, and cosy. Reylin had fallen asleep hugging Knaster from behind, then at some point in the middle of the night she vaguely could recall waking up to find they had drifted apart slightly--though this was easily rectifiable, and she'd shifted towards him to cuddle again before soon drifting back into deep sleep.

And now morning had come. Reylin blinked her eyes open and lazily stared across the room and out the window. The curtains weren't fully drawn, and through a gap Reylin could see that the sky was faintly starting to come alight as dawn approached. Sunrise wasn't yet here, but it would surely happen in less than an hour. The fog and clouds from last night had cleared away, with the sky now clear enough to see pinpricks of stars spread across the black, inky expanse of the celestial sphere--the lights of the city did make those stellar lights harder to see, and soon the blinding glow of day would wipe them away entirely until the next night, but for now the stars continued to twinkle.

The young female fledgling moved about as she stretched her four limbs, which led her to discover that Knaster was now hugging her from behind with one paw around her waist. Reylin grinned, and she shifted backwards, pressing into her friend's hold and feeling the comfortable, warm touch of all his scales against hers. She could feel Knaster's chest pressed against her furled wings, moving slightly as the young drake slowly inhaled and exhaled, and for a while it was just quiet and cosy as they lay together. The blanket was still covering most of their bodies from just below the shoulders. Sliding her tail about under the blanket, Reylin waved it around until she managed to find Knaster's tail, and then she entwined their tail tips.

After a few minutes, Knaster stirred and shifted his position--his paw that was around her midriff pulled her closer, and Reylin also felt his snout brush against the back of her neck. She even felt his warm breath wash faintly against her scales as he murmured something incoherent. "...eylin..." The mumbled words were hard to make out, but Reylin's ears flicked as she thought she heard Knaster saying her name.

Keeping most of her body still and turning her head, Reylin glanced back at Knaster. His eyes were still closed. She had no reason to disturb his rest, or indeed her own rest, so Reylin just continued relaxing. There was no rush to get up. In the past she had always hated wasting time and doing nothing, even the action of lazing around in bed, yet now she was experiencing a deep, comfortable peace simply lying here.

After what felt like a minute more, though, Reylin wondered if there was a rush to get up--Knaster's parents weren't aware that she was sleeping over in his room, and whether they would approve was an open question. They were aware who Reylin was, but they knew her merely as one of Knaster's friends who came over regularly several times each week for a study session--and sure they were still friends now, yet their relationship had advanced into something else. They were dating, which made them more than friends--were they partners? Or lovers? Parental disapproval or at least awkward questions seemed like a distinct possibility if her presence (and relationship status) was revealed, so her plan last night had been to sneak out the window and fly off in the morning, though a stealthy departure would probably be easier if she left before the sun was properly up. She still didn't move, though. It was too comfortable lying here in bed with Knaster.

Reylin slowly shifted her tail, continuing the coiling encirclement around Knaster's tail so that it wasn't just their tips that were entwined, but more and more of the appendages. More contact led to more of that lovely feeling of smooth, flat, tiny scale plates gliding against each other--scales rubbing against scales--and that contact point moved up until their tails were almost fully entwined, up to the tail bases.

This also led to their hips being brought together. Reylin's eyes had been half-lidded, but they went wide as she felt something warm and unscaled poking against her hindquarters, brushing against an area in the overlapping zone of her lower back and tail base. Was that what she thought it was? The young drakka again turned her head around to glance at her friend--but no, Knaster's eyes were still closed and his breathing was slow and calm. Even though Reylin felt comfortable and relaxed when talking or discussing something with Knaster, she still felt faintly relieved that he remained asleep at the moment. That gave her some leeway to do a little exploration.

Shifting her right forepaw backwards, Reylin reached behind her until she found the source of that warm contact point against her tail base. A quick touch confirmed it that it was not Knaster's paw or any part of his leg, and that it was exactly as phallic in nature as she'd suspected (or hoped?). Reylin didn't even really think about it--she just acted, casually wrapping her paw around Knaster's penis. That length of masculine flesh felt warm and alive in her touch, all stiff and engorged with blood, and faintly throbbing in time to his slow heartbeat. For a moment, Reylin entertained the fantasy of shifting her hips to line him up, and then just rocking backwards to slide him in... But she didn't move. Last night they had already done much with each other, but that level of sexual intimacy was not something they had yet done. Much as she would have liked to do it, it would be meaningless if Knaster wasn't awake to share that experience with her.

Instead Reylin just casually held Knaster's erection, feeling its warm length and how the tip pressed against her scales. She didn't stroke it like she had done yesterday night, but instead she simply held onto it and gave it a casual squeeze. Reylin idly wondered why Knaster was erect--was he dreaming about something arousing? Or was it her close presence? Maybe it was simply a reflex that happened while he was asleep.

Reylin used her other paw to touch Knaster's paw, which was still loosely resting on her midriff. To hold his paw with hers felt nearly as intimate as the way she was grabbing his erection, and thinking about that made her grin and hold back a laugh. Reylin let go of Knaster's paw and instead slid her touch down towards her own underbelly. Spreading her legs slightly, she let out a soft exhale as she touched her own genital slit, rubbing in a gentle, delicate circle and feeling pleasure start to trickle through her body. Leaning back against Knaster, Reylin let out a soft, contented sigh and enjoyed the moment. She kept her motions limited, only just barely moving her paw about so that she wouldn't disturb Knaster. She wasn't trying to chase an orgasm, just lazily playing with herself to pass the time and enjoy the sensations for what they were.

As the minutes went by, the pleasure continued to build inside her and Reylin grew bolder. Her motions of self-pleasure became more vigorous, and she also started to move her other paw that was holding Knaster's erection, playing with it and moving it about--she moved her grip backwards, sliding down the length of his shaft to wrap her paw around the mild bulge near the base. Reylin squeezed the still uninflated bulb of Knaster's knot, recalling just how it had felt yesterday night when she'd rubbed her friend until that part of him had swelled, and his whole erection had pulsed to make a sticky mess of his front. The memories were fresh in her mind, and replaying them sent her arousal climbing on a sharp upwards trajectory.

Then Reylin tried tugging on Knaster's knot, gently pulling that bulb in a way that he had previously said was very stimulating, and that might just have been too far. "Mhrrh..." Knaster let out a soft grunt and Reylin felt him move behind her. At some point in her own arousal Reylin had grown distracted enough to let her eyes slide shut, but now she blinked them open. Freezing her movements, she silently snatched her paw away and let go of Knaster's length. She glanced around to look, but Knaster's eyes were still closed even as his paw clutched around her waist pulled her close, and his hips made a few slow thrusts that slid his erection against her back, leaving a smear of his pre-ejaculate against her scales.

There wasn't anything inherently amusing about it, but Reylin found herself grinning. Her neck frill perked up around her head. "Are... you awake? Knaster?" she quietly asked.

The young drake's ears twitched when she said his name, and he stirred. "Hnnng... ahk--ahm. Hmm. Hmm?" His hips bucked slowly once, rubbing his erection along her back in a way that Reylin found temptingly sexy, and then he stopped and blinked his eyes open. His gaze was blank for a few seconds, then his eyes and his awareness focused on her. "Reylin?"

Reylin had her head turned around to stare at her friend, and now she bumped her snout against his. "Good morning."

Knaster blinked sleepily, but he gave her a lick on the snout. "Mmh. Good morning. I was having a lovely dream, and you were in it..." Burying his snout against the side of her neck, he took a deep sniff of her scales and let that breath out in a slow, satisfied sigh. "Hmmm."

"What were you dreaming about?"

"We were flying. Flying together and doing a lap around the city," Knaster replied slowly, with his eyes closed again. "But then you got tired again and so I was somehow helping to hold you up, sort of... I don't know how, but just hugging you with all four paws while you were below me."

Reylin giggled. "Hehe. Sounds fun. We can do that next time you try and drag me out for exercise. You can just carry me."

"It's nice to hug you, but I don't think I have the strength to actually carry you in flight," Knaster sighed. "We weren't just flying, though. We were... close. Close enough for a mating flight. It was... pleasant."

Reylin's neck frill twitched. "Oh, oh, I wish I was in that dream! I always just dream about forgetting to do homework or missing classes by going to the wrong classroom. Your dreams sound way more fun than mine."

Knaster chuckled. "Haha. Dreams are dreams, real life is... real." His hips shifted, slowly humping against her back again, then Knaster seemed to realize what he was doing and he stopped. He opened his eyes again. "Hmmm... Reylin, want to mate?"

Reylin's neck frill went straight up, pressing against the pillow and the bed. "Oh! Yes. Yes I want that very much. If you want that too? I thought that last night you said you didn't want to make too much noise since your parents are home, and that you wanted to save some fun for another day?"

"It's another day. That was last night, this morning is this morning, and I want you," Knaster muttered, and his paw pulled against her hips, lazily humping his erection against her lower back. A possessive growl rolled out from his chest, but then it dropped in volume almost immediately. "Grrrrrr... Uh, we would have to keep it quiet though. The room walls are decent at blocking sound, but I still don't want my parents to hear anything. So don't... uh... scream or anything."

"I won't scream! Not that I normally ever scream. Unless you really can make me scream, in which case I almost just want to do that anyway," Reylin muttered. With a grin, she pressed her hips back against Knaster's. "But we should totally do this."

"No expectations. We're just having fun and trying things out."

"Just a test. A test to see what mating is like, to see if it feels good or if it hurts or whatever," Reylin agreed. "Let's do this."

"No pressure, no stress. We can stop at any time if you want, or if I want." Knaster shifted his hips, but this time with some purpose. Instead of humping blindly against her, he tried to get his erection lined up with her genital slit, and simultaneously both young fledglings realized this might not be as straightforward as they'd expected. "Hmm. Ok, how do we...?"

Reaching her paw back again, Reylin searched around until she managed to find Knaster's erection and grab it. Then she tried to line him up with her slit, but her tail base was getting in the way. In the end they had to untwine their tails and shift slightly apart, then Reylin twisted her lower half one way and Knaster twisted the other way, bringing their underbellies together. The first moment when she felt his length prodding against her underside was teasing--his tip was a warm, tempting point of contact that bumped and slid against her scales repeatedly but didn't managed to find her genital slit until Knaster found the right position and angle to line himself up.

Then the young drake made a slow thrust in, and both fledglings moaned softly as his tip slipped into her slit. Warm, wet, sensitive flesh slid against equally sensitive flesh, and Reylin's eyes went half-lidded at the exquisite sensation. It was hard to describe how it felt, really--there was all that smooth, delightful friction as his length slid against her insides, but there was also a unique feeling of being filled as her walls were spread apart by that penetrating length. Her muscles tensed, but then relaxed to allow the intrusion.

Knaster only went in a little bit before halting. "Ok. That's... that feels good. Are you ok? I'm not hurting you, right?"

Reylin made a small shake of her head. What she felt was the opposite of pain. "No. I want more, please," she murmured in a needy voice, and Knaster obliged her.

With one paw around her waist and the other paw on her shoulder, he pushed forward so that more of his penis sank into her, deeper and deeper at that slow pace as his tapering length spread her apart and filled her. He kept going until there was a moment of light pressure against the outside of her slit--before Reylin could even realize what it was, his knot had slid inside her with only the mildest resistance. No need for forceful ramming or repeated grinding, his knot just slipped in with ease and her muscles pulled it all the way in.

A shiver ran down Reylin's back, and Knaster surely felt it from how close they were. They were slit to slit, with him buried all the way inside her. It was the most intimate, sensual moment she had ever experienced, and they had only just begun mating. Reylin enjoyed the sensation of deep, filling pressure inside her, scratching an itch she hadn't even known she'd possessed. In the past she had tried exploring herself with her paws, her tail, and even various random phallic objects like a banana or the handle of a brush (not that she was going to admit that to Knaster unless he asked)--but all such things were merely inferior substitutes for what was meant to be inside her slit--a drake's penis. They couldn't compare. Knaster's erection was warm, alive, hard yet soft at the same time, and just the right size and shape like a key inside a lock. It was exactly what those organs were made for, and it just felt correct to have Knaster inside her, holding her so close and mating with her.

Reylin's neck frill was fully raised around her head, but Knaster nosed it aside so he could nuzzle at the side of her snout, and then she turned her head back so that they could kiss. Joined at the lips, joined at the hips, the two young dragons savoured each other. With a smooth upwards flick of his wing Knaster threw the blanket off them both, bringing a wave of relieving cool air for suddenly that soft cloth covering had become overly hot and suffocating. Reylin pulled back from their kiss to let out an amused chuckle, then she pressed her snout against his again and let out a pleased moan as Knaster flapped his wing down and draped it around her. "Haha... Mmh! Ohh..."

Reylin could feel both of her hearts pounding hard in her chest, and she shivered again in Knaster's grasp. His wing felt protective and reassuring as it wrapped around her. They kept kissing, and Reylin felt her tongue brush against Knaster's in a sloppy, disgustingly intimate manner. Only their tail tips were still touching, but Reylin started entwining their tails together again--because they were so close underbelly to underbelly, she managed to coil their tails almost right up to their tail bases, though this would hinder any actual thrusting. A few seconds later, this consideration became irrelevant.

Reylin felt a growing pressure on the outer portions of her vagina, but coming from within. Simultaneously Knaster pulled back from their kiss with a gasp, and he blinked his eyes open to stare at her. "Huh! You're getting tighter. You're squeezing me..."

"Am I?" Reylin replied. "I'm not doing anything. Is that your knot?"

"You're squeezing me right there and... I might just... Ugggh..." Knaster's eyes were still open, but his gaze was distant and distracted. Neither of the two young dragons moved, just holding each other close and feeling it happen.

Reylin could sense a distinctive increase in pressure right near her vaginal entrance as Knaster's knot started to engorge with blood. It already felt like the length of his erection was spreading her wide, but now that bulb near the base swelled up and pressed even further against the puffy, sensitive flesh of her insides. It was a unique, oddly pleasant sensation that was like nothing she had really felt before--instincts made her slit muscles tremble and clench down on Knaster's length, in preparation for what he was about to do. Even if her conscious mind was still figuring out what was happening, her body could tell that a drake had seated his knot inside her and was about to properly mate her.

Reylin gasped softly, panted a few times, and then she grinned. "Huuh, woah. Woah now. Wow. Did you just tie with me?"

Knaster's eyes were half-lidded, and his mouth opened and closed a few times before he responded with an uncertain moan. "Mhhm..."

Reylin experimentally tried pulling her hips, but that just made Knaster's knot tug on her insides in a way that made her clench down on it even more, and it made her friend buck towards her and groan. Knaster wing tightened and his paw gripped her waist, pulling her against him. "Grahh... Stop! Don't... don't move..."

At first Reylin was concerned when she saw the strained expression on Knaster's face, but then she realized it was a look not of pain, but of intense, overwhelmed pleasure. It made her giggle softly. "Hehe. I thought your knot only swells up when you're right about to climax?"

With eyes still tightly shut and brow furled in concentration, Knaster letting out a hiss through clenched teeth. "Yesss..."

"And your knot just swelled up inside me," Reylin continued.

"Yes..." Knaster replied.

"So you're right about to climax?"

Knaster blinked one open one eye, saw the amused look Reylin was giving him, and then let out an awkward laugh. "Haha... uh... yes. I'm trying to hold it back, but I just... you feel so... This is beyond anything I've ever felt before." The young, grey-scaled drake opened both eyes wide and took a deep breath, and his expression calmed slightly. "How embarrassing! My first time mating, and I couldn't even make it past a single thrust."

Reylin burst out into laughter. "Hahaha!"

"Shh! Not too loud!" Knaster shushed her and he playfully moved his paw to cover Reylin's mouth. That made her laugh even more, though at least her laughter was muffled as she giggled into his paw.

After a moment Reylin gently shook her head, and Knaster moved his paw away from her mouth and onto her shoulder again. "Sorry. I'm not laughing at you. I'm just thinking that all this... this is great. It's wonderful," Reylin said with a grin. "I'm so glad we're doing this together. It's even better than what we did yesterday." Shifting her hips about, she enjoyed the exotic feeling of Knaster's engorged knot pressing around at her insides, and each motion sent a tingly spike of pleasure rushing through her body.

With a soft grunt, Knaster grabbed at her waist against, half-hearted trying to hold her still. "Arrggghhaa... Seriously I can't... I can barely hold it back. Keep still or I'm just going to make a mess inside you."

"I don't mind. You can, if you want." Reylin stopped moving, but instead she leaned back against Knaster and curled her tail tighter around his. "From the moment you asked about us mating, I did expect you would end up finishing inside me."

Knaster chuckled, and he playfully nibbled on the scales of her neck. "Sure, but I thought we'd get at least a few minutes of mating in before that happened! Except you're so warm_and _soft and I couldn't help but go all the way in, which in hindsight I probably shouldn't have done so fast. Then I should have recognized that my knot was beginning to swell and pulled it out before it got fully stuck, but it felt so good that I didn't. And the way you just... just squeeze down on me is... it's too much."

Reylin did exactly that, tensing up her muscles to feel the filling sensation of Knaster's erection, and both of them let out soft moans. "Ohh... Mating is fun," Reylin murmured.

"It's an experience," Knaster replied in a soft whisper. "Ok, if we just... if we both stop moving and relax, I can calm down and my knot should deflate. Then I can pull it out and... and actually mate with you properly."

"Ok, then!" In her opinion, Reylin was happy to do whatever Knaster wanted, as long as they did it together. So she remained calm and luxuriated in the cosy feeling of Knaster's chest pressed against her furled-up wings and her back, and the comfortable touch of his wing draped over them both. Though of course, both of these sensations weren't quite as sexy as the way he was inside her, filling her. A hug or even a kiss wasn't as deeply intimate as sex, as fun as those actions were in their own way.

Reylin did try to keep mostly still, but she slid her paw downwards towards her underbelly to feel about. Knaster erection was still hilted into her with his slit pressing against hers, though there was still enough room for Reylin to move her paw to gently rub about at her clitoris. That delicate nub of flesh felt exquisitely sensitive, even more so than usual--the way Knaster's knot was all bloated up at her entrance pressed against her clitoris from the inside, stimulating it with pressure but also pushing her flesh so it was easier to rub. Reylin let out a pleased sigh as jolts of tingly pleasure ran though her body.

Knaster made a quiet growl, and Reylin could even feel his chest vibrate from the deep, rumbly sound. "Rrr... Are you touching yourself?"

Looking back over her shoulder, Reylin made eye contact with Knaster and gave him a (hopefully confident) grin. "Yes."

"That's sexy," Knaster murmured, and he rested his chin against her shoulder. "You're sexy..."

Even while still playing with herself, Reylin chuckled softly. "Hehehe. Am I? I don't think I am. I've thought about myself as many things--clanless, a fledgling, a student who has to work hard, a sister, a friend... Never thought of myself as sexy, though."

"I think you're sexy. You're sexy and cute and smart and so hardworking and lovely," Knaster murmured. He nuzzled against her chin, then his paw moved from her shoulder to lightly pat her head. "You're a good dragon, and right now I want you more than anything else in the world."

Reylin laughed, and she tilted her head back to let Knaster pat her. "Yes, please..." After a few seconds he stopped, and the two fledglings went mostly still in their entwined embrace.

However as a minute went by, then another, it became increasingly apparent that Knaster's knot wasn't going to go down. That bit of anatomy stayed fully engorged, and the longer it just stayed inside her, pressing against sensitive spots, the harder Reylin found it to keep still. She was still slowly touching herself, but then there came a moment where even the gentle rub of her own paw was too much to take. Reylin snatched her paw away as a sudden burst of electrifying pleasure and tension snapped through her body, making her slit muscles briefly clench down hard.

"Ahh..." Knaster made a soft moan, and his wing draped around her tightened. His penis throbbed inside her, seeming in response to being squeezed, and from that moment it was all inevitable. Ancient instincts started to seize control over the both of them, and there was nothing either of them could do to resist. Reylin felt her vaginal muscles flutter, trembling against Knaster's penis in a way she couldn't control--at the same time his erection felt like it was stiffening even further, with his knot engorging up even more. Knaster moaned again. "Ahh... grnnnaa... It's going to happen..."

Reylin felt like her whole body was charged with energy, with all that sexual tension building up to unbelievable levels and on the verge of being unleashed. "Hey, Knaster, kiss me...!" she murmured, and he did. The two fledglings touched their snouts together and let their tongues entwine, and the moment seemed to stretch and slow down as a sense of inevitability built. Even as they kissed, there was a brief second where Reylin made eye contact with Knaster, and in that instant it felt like they were peering right into each other's soul. Then that moment of maximum intimacy dissolved away into pure, primal pleasure.

"Mhhhm!" With a muffled moan, Reylin's climax washed over her like a flood, drowning out awareness behind a wave of mindless ecstasy and release. All her thoughts were instantly defocused, as all she could do was try to stay conscious as her body ran through reflexes.

Her vaginal muscles clenched down harder than she'd thought they could, moulding around Knaster's erection and grabbing him tight. A split-second later her partner bucked his hips, trying to push deeper even though they were already slit to slit, and his penis throbbed hard inside her. "Reylin...!" Knaster groaned, gasping out her name.

"Ahh..." Reylin moaned softly, delirious from the intensity of it all. She couldn't even manage the concentration to keep kissing Knaster, let alone maintain any coherent thought as pleasure and intensity jolted through her whole body, originating in her underbelly but then blasting out throughout her form. Knaster groaned quietly and clutched her body close against his, and Reylin could feel each wave as orgasm rocked them both.

The first few throbs were irregular and slow, but then Knaster's length started pulsing inside her with a rhythmic pattern, and Reylin felt her own muscles synchronize and match that throbbing sensation. It was a feedback loop--her muscles clenching down made Knaster's length throb, which only instinctively made her clench up again--waves of pulsing pleasure rolled back and forth between both of their bodies, and it was hard to even tell where one person ended and the other began. "Agrrahh... uh... uhhh..." groaned the young drake. Each time Knaster made a small grunt and he bucked his hips against hers, Reylin could feel a splatter of wet, liquid warmth inside her as he pumped his essence into her. Her internal muscles reflexively clenched up from that sensation, trying to pull her mate's seed deep while coaxing ever more spurts from him.

Reylin shuddered, and her tail would have coiled itself into knots if not for the fact that it was entwined tightly with Knaster's. His wing was wrapped tight around her body, pulling her close while his paw grabbed her shoulder. The two young dragons writhed against each other, fledgling bodies pressed together and shaking as they rode through the process of mating. Every point of contact felt electric, but the epicentre was right at their underbellies--their genital slits were pressed tight, and no amount of movement would dislodge that physical coupling. Reylin could feel an overwhelming tide of pleasure that made her feel like she was floating, yet she could also feel distinctive waves of rewarding intensity as Knaster throbbed inside her slit and her muscles clenched down on him rhythmically, as they both ran through the process of transferring his essence deep into her.

The waves of rising and falling pleasure gradually started to slow and smoothen into a general haze of happiness. Both the two fledglings panted tiredly, catching their breath from what they had just experienced together. After the mad delirium of orgasm had faded away, Reylin felt her conscious awareness return, and she eventually regained full control of her body. "Oohh... Wooo... Hehe, Knaster... We just mated. That was... it was more intense than I expected..." she murmured.

Knaster nodded his head. "By the sky spirits, that felt good."

Reylin found herself giggling, and she barely managed to keep it quiet. "Hehehahahaa!"

Knaster was still hugging her from behind, and he gave her an affectionate lick. A small string of saliva briefly connected his tongue to her snout, and that sight made Reylin laugh even harder until she could barely breathe. She grabbed Knaster's paw from her shoulder and held it over her mouth to muffle herself as she broke out into joyous, uncontrolled laughter until Knaster had started laughing too. The two young dragons just revelled in their shared, barely silenced mirth, lying together comfortably with Knaster holding her from behind.

Eventually Reylin managed to get control of her laughter, though she was still grinning and her neck frill was perked up. "You know, by one definition we're no longer fledglings and we're now drakken because we've mated," she murmured.

"Yes but by the actual legal definition, we're still fledglings because we don't have magic," Knaster replied. He hugged tight against her body, but then he lifted his wing away and flapped it up and down to wave some cool all over their scales. "Did you... did you enjoy it?"

"I enjoyed it very much. What good fun we're having with each other!" Reylin cheerfully concurred. Yet despite have orgasmed once, she felt little satisfaction and if anything her arousal was even higher than before. A desire to go again sometimes happened whenever she was pleasuring herself--in those occasional moments where she could find the time and the privacy back in the dormitory--but more often than not she simply felt satisfied, or even slightly guilty for having taken time out of her schedule for bodily stress relief. Now though, the academic term was over and she had a clan. No more rushing for time or endless stressing about schoolwork. And so lying in Knaster's bed with him, her body and mind wanted more with him. "More, please. Want to do it again?"

"There's a... a cooling off period," Knaster replied. "Normally I can't just keep going nonstop, at least when I'm touching myself."

"Oh? Why?" Reylin partially untwined their tails to get some room to move, and then she shifted her hips to begin rocking back and forth. Knaster's knot had finally deflated now that his penis had accomplished its job, but the rest of that reproductive organ otherwise still appeared to be fully erect as it sat inside her. "It seems like you're still aroused."

"Just because I've got an erection doesn't mean I'm aroused," Knaster muttered, but then he grabbed Reylin's hips and began thrusting as well, humping into her in time with her motions. With his knot no longer locking them together, they were free to thrust and move. "Although... maybe I am. Huh." Knaster made a few slow, experimental thrusts to get used to the feeling, then he started picking up into a steady rhythm and depth. "Yes, ok. Let's do it again."

"Haha." Reylin laughed again, though she didn't stop moving. The sky outside the windows was still dark while the air was cool and quiet--lying together on a bed, two young fledglings made love. Reylin moaned softly with each pleasured stroke as Knaster slid in and out of her repeatedly, and she could hear him breathing heavily, panting quietly in her ear. Their underbellies felt like a warm, wet, sticky mess that all this thrusting was only making even messier, but the instinctual motions felt too rewarding to put any concern into anything but continuing.

A low growl rolled out of Knaster's throat, a powerful and dominant sound. "Grrr... That feels good. This feels so good, Reylin."

Reylin hummed with pleasure, and she grabbed Knaster's paw that was on her shoulder to rub it against her cheek, then her chin, enjoying the warm contact of his paw pads against her scales. "I want you. You're my drake," she murmured, and Knaster responded by possessively wrapping his wing around her to pull her close again, and he instinctively made a series of firmer, deeper thrusts that sent pleasure sparking through her form as he rubbed against sensitive spots.

Reylin used her other paw to grab Knaster's other paw--the one he was using to clutch her around the waist--and then she moved it lower towards her underbelly, sliding along her scales until he was touching the edge of her genital slit, just above her entrance where he was steadily humping into her. Reylin started gently rubbing her clitoris again, but this time using Knaster's paw, which for a reason she couldn't fully explain just made it feel better than if she was using her own paw.

Within a few seconds Knaster had gotten the idea, and Reylin didn't need to keep moving his paw about because he made the motions all on his own, touching her in time with each thrust. "You like being touched here, do you?"

"Yeah, right there. It's a sensitive spot. Keep doing that, if you please," Reylin sighed happily. She continued her grip over the back of Knaster's paw, occasionally adjusting the way he was touching her, but mostly just enjoying the sensation of having him close. Her sense of time was probably skewed and unreliable, yet Reylin felt like it took barely any time at all for her arousal to build back up into something overwhelming.

"Mnnneeerrhhh..." An odd, incoherent, choked sound that was like a moan mixed with a yelp found its way out her throat, and Reylin grabbed at Knaster's paw, stilling his rubbing so she was just pressing herself against that contact point even as he kept thrusting his length into her with a steady rhythm. The pleasure felt like it was rising and falling in tiny waves, going up and down, up and down with each stroke like waves cresting near the top of a dam as she lingered near the edge of orgasm. Knaster moved his head towards hers and gently licked the side of her snout, and that simple, fondly affectionate caress tipped her over the edge.

A shudder ran through Reylin's body, than another, and she groaned softly as her eyes rolled back in her head and her muscles went all tense. Intensity and pleasure flowed through her form, lighting up her nerves until her mind was filled with nothing but blissful ecstasy. Her slit started tensing up again, releasing more of her natural lubricant and squeezing down on Knaster's length to try and persuade him into joining her in climax, though this time without success. Involuntarily she jerked about, but Knaster's wing and his paws held her still, holding her against him so he could keep thrusting, and those repeated strokes provided enough stimulation to keep her orgasm going--not quite as good as the feel of him knotting or releasing inside her, but still dragging out her pleasure for many long seconds.

Even as Reylin started to come down from her high, the young drakka vaguely noticed that Knaster was thrusting faster than before, and that instead of withdrawing fully his strokes were staying deeper. Reylin still felt like she was floating on a cloud of heightened arousal and sexual pleasure, but vaguely her conscious mind analysed the situation and came to a simple conclusion. Though she didn't vocalize it aloud, it did amuse her when Knaster took a few more seconds to realize what she'd already guessed--he was about to orgasm too.

A soft growl rolled from his throat again, and Knaster said in a slightly nervous voice, "Grrr... Ok, so... so this time I'm in control of myself. I'm properly aware of what's happening, and I'm... getting real close. But this time I'm not going to lose control and tie or finish inside you without warning."

Reylin laughed from mild amusement at how unintentionally defensive Knaster sounded. "Hahahahaha. Ok...? So you're going to warn me first? Knotting imminent, ejaculation surely to follow? Sure. Alert acknowledged! Please proceed!"

Knaster chuckled too, and some of the tension left his tone. "Hehe. Is it silly if I tell you it's going to happen? Because I feel it was worse just now when I only made it one thrust before knotting. That was humiliatingly fast. I just think that... that I should be making sure you enjoy this experience too and get pleasure from it as well. That's only right and fair."

Reylin curled her head back slightly to nuzzle affectionately against Knaster's snout, as his head was over her shoulder and next to hers. "How considerate of you. Or... is that standard expectation for mating? I don't know the standard procedure for sex. I am very much enjoying this, though. Or are you asking for permission? Because permission is granted." Using her paw, Reylin reached up to pat Knaster's head--normally he was the one patting her head, but now she did it to him and fed him silly, reassuring compliments just like he'd done to her. "You're a good drake, Knaster. And I'm seriously amazed that you are willing to date me and so happy that we're actually in some sort of relationship and doing the mating thing. Because I think you're a fantastic friend and person, so helpful and friendly and honourable and kind. But also very sexy and handsome and lovely."

"Mmh, thank you. I think you're a wonderful person too," Knaster replied with a grin.

"And yes, mating with you is fun and pleasurable and you can finish whenever you want," Reylin continued.

"Great, because I'm going to. Grahh..." Knaster let out a soft grunt, and he made a prolonged thrust to push his erection deep inside her and hold it there. As before, he slid right in with ease, hilting himself with his knot barely providing any resistance--but within a second Reylin felt an increasing pressure quickly develop at the entrance to her slit as Knaster's knot blossomed open, swelling up to lock him in. That spreading sensation made her muscles clamp down in response, and from that moment it was inevitable--neither of them could pull away even if they'd wanted to, and everything that followed was unstoppable.

"Reylin...!" Knaster groaned, and he made a muffled groan of pleasure as his body tensed up and jerked. Again he spilled his seed deep inside her, adding more the wet, liquid mess already inside, and Reylin shivered as the sensations pushed her into orgasm too. Knaster went stiff but Reylin went limp, slumping back against him as he held her close. The two fledglings shuddered against each other, lost in the overwhelming pleasure as instinct and reflexes fired through them.

Reylin felt like everything lasted longer and even more intense than before, to the extent where it was a struggle to even remain conscious. Eventually she was left slumped back against Knaster, both the young dragons again panting tiredly against each other, enjoying the warm afterglow of a deeply intimate experience. Her need felt satisfied now, with a mellow, satisfied calm replacing her earlier intense desire. "We... we should really do this more often," Reylin murmured.

"Hmh." Knaster chuckled, but he nodded. "I would like that."

For a long moment of several minutes, everything was quiet and still and neither fledgling moved. The sky was starting to come alight, and through gaps in the curtains Reylin could see orange beams of sunlight starting to illuminate the adjacent apartment towers. It was cosy and warm to snuggle with Knaster, but eventually they would have to move and get on with the day--this progress was precipitated when Knaster's length finally slipped all the way out of her, causing a small splatter of messy, mixed fluids onto both their underbellies.

"Oh," Knaster murmured.

"Oh ho, wow, haha!" Reylin laughed. "Sex is definitely one of the messiest things I've ever done. It's messier than the training hunts where we go out into the forests and splash in the mud."

"At least it isn't as messier as what we did last night? Then it got all over my scales and yours too. This time the mess is reduced," Knaster said.

''It's only reduced because it's contained inside me! I can... I can actually feel how wet and... you really just... just put it deep, didn't you?"

"Sorry," Knaster replied quickly, then he shrugged. "Or... not sorry? Sorry about the mess, but I'm not sorry for mating with you. This was really fun."

"I'd do it again in a heartbeat," Reylin agreed. "Uh, we do have to wash up again, though." Sliding off the bed, she rolled onto all four legs and stood up, only to have to hurriedly unfurl a wing and hold it below her underbelly. "Wow, it's _dripping_out of me. I guess I should have expected this..." She scampered over to the bathroom, and with a chuckle, Knaster hopped off the bed and followed her.

Knaster helped Reylin put her gear back on--she was surely capable of doing it herself, yet she cheerfully sat still while he secured the flight harness straps over her shoulders, back, and tail, and then after that he tied her pennant flags around her wingtips. "Yesss..." she hummed, with her tail tip flicking happily from side to side.

With the last strap clicked into its corresponding buckle, Knaster gave Reylin a pat on the shoulder, then the head. Her scales felt faintly damp under his touch since both fledglings had just showered, but flying in the morning sun would dry her off quickly. "Alright. Good to go. Do you have plans for the day?"

"I've got an enrolment appointment with my new school in the morning, and then Glecion and I are having lunch with some of the other clanless fledglings." Stretching her neck, Reylin bumped her snout against the side of Knaster's in a quick kiss. "We meet for dinner?"

"Sure. I'll call you in the afternoon," Knaster agreed.

Reylin slid to her feet and briefly hugged him tight, throwing her wings around him for a few pleasant seconds. Then she stepped forward towards the balcony, flicking her wings and extending her flight scales as she prepared to fly off. However halfway to the exit, she stopped and crossed her hindlegs. "Uhhh, can I say something weird?"

With a chuckle, Knaster nodded. "You can say anything you want to me. I'll listen."

Reylin curled her head down and sniffed at her underbelly, then she straightened up and stared at Knaster. "It... it sort of feels like there's still some of your... seed_inside me, dripping out slowly from when we mated earlier. And I thought it would go away after I showered and washed it all off, but... I guess you went _deep. Hhm. Weird feeling. Not bad, but weird. I hope it doesn't drip out while I'm flying."

Knaster laughed again. "Haha. Sorry!"

With a lazy shrug, Reylin resumed strolling towards the window. "They never teach this grown-up stuff in school, do they?"

"It just something you have to learn from experience, I guess. Oh, hey! Wait. You almost forgot this." Knaster went over to the other side of his bedroom and picked something up from the floor. Trotting three legged, he passed it to Reylin--it was a cylindrical tube made from cardboard, usually used to transport documents.

"Oh, I almost forgot. What's in that thing, I wonder?" Reylin said, taking the tube from him--it was the gift that Caden had given her last night, and now Knaster watched as she pulled the lid off the cardboard tube to check its contents.

Instead of documents or scrolls, the tube contained a large rolled-up piece of paper. Reylin unrolled the sheet to reveal that it was one of Caden's paintings. In colourful, stark, artistic strokes of paint, the painting showed a scene of all four of the young fledglings--Reylin, Knaster, Glecion, and Caden--all sitting together at a table with notes and books laid in front of them, chatting during one of their afternoon study sessions.

Reylin's neck frill perked up. "Wow," she murmured.

Knaster was similarly impressed. "Caden really can paint!"

The two fledglings spent a minute more slowly taking in the details of the painting, looking at their own images depicted in artistic honesty. It was a mark of Caden's skill that the scene seemed to perfectly capture both the productivity of their study sessions and the friendships they'd forged together.

After a while Reylin let out a happy sigh, and she started rolling the painting back up. "I'm going to hang this up in my room, when I move into the residential hall and actually have a room. It is so... so nice to have good, reliable friends. I'm already looking forward to next year, when we have more study sessions and more time together with all four of us."

"Yeah, me too," Knaster agreed.

"It's also fun when it's just the two of us, in an entirely different way." Reylin grinned at him. "Knaster? Uh, thanks."

"You're welcome. What for?"

"For letting me stay over last night. And for your help in these study sessions, and for being so nice to me, and for the headpats, and being a great friend, and just... just because you're an amazing person. I... I really like you."

Knaster smiled back. "I like you too, Reylin. There's greatness in you."

Reylin's neck frill perked up to full extension, but she shook her head and glanced away, though she couldn't hide her happy grin. She started to put the rolled up painting back into its tube, but then as she tried to slide it in she realized there was a second painting still in the tube--this one turned out to be similar in size, but instead it was a portrait of Reylin sitting down on a floor cushion, with her tail curled around herself to write on some paper. In the image Reylin had a faint smile and her curious gaze, glancing off to the side. "Oh. When did Caden paint this? I definitely never sat still for her long enough to paint me."

Knaster chuckled as he looked over the picture. "Maybe Caden did a painting of Glecion, just without the blindfold so it's essentially the same as a painting of you? Or maybe she just did it from memory."

Reylin laughed too. "Haha. Maybe. Is this really how I look like?" she asked, turned the painting towards Knaster.

"It's a good painting, except you're much better looking in real life," Knaster insisted, which made her giggle again. "You're studying hard in the portrait, which is definitely realistic. Also, it captures your inquisitive look."

"Hehe. You're just flattering me now. I... I should go before the sun gets any higher." Reylin rolled up her portrait and passed it to Knaster. "Here, you can have this. I think it would be... strange if I hung up a picture of myself. I could look a mirror if I ever forgot what I looked like."

"Alright, sure." Knaster took the portrait and put it on his table. Then he used his paw to pat Reylin's head, and gave her a quick kiss on the side of the snout. "I'll see you for dinner?"

"Yes, please," Reylin murmured. "See you!" She kissed him back and her tail brushed against his side, then she stepped out onto the balcony and threw herself off the ledge, dropping into the thick, cool morning air.

Her wingbeats were quick and impatient as she flapped hard to gain altitude, and Knaster stepped out onto the balcony to watch as his friend and lover flew off. He raised a wing to wave, and Reylin must have seen the gesture, for she rocked her wings from side to side, rolling her flight path to wave back at him. Knaster continued to watch as Reylin flew off into the lightening skies, until finally a building obscured her from view. Taking a deep breath, Knaster let it out in a warm, contented sigh. They'd meet again soon, and again, and in the following days, weeks, and perhaps even years or more--and that was something he very much looked forward to, spending more time with Reylin.


Knaster dragged the floor cushions from the bathroom, across his bedroom, and out onto the balcony to dry. He had just finished cleaning and rinsing them off to clear any residual staining from what he and Reylin had done last night. He adjusted the cushions so they were in the sunlight, then he padded back into his room to continue the clean-up.

Grabbing the bottle of fruit drink with his jaws, Knaster tilted his head back and gulped down all that was left in one swallow. The frost-hold enchantment had worn off and the liquid was room temperature, but it was still sweet against his tongue.

"What else...?" wondered the young drake to himself. He gathered up the playing cards and put them back into their box, before returning the card deck to its place in the cupboard for storage. All in all, his room was mostly back to its usual state after their celebration last night.

Trotting over to the door, Knaster unlatched and quietly opened the door to peer out into the corridor. It was still early enough in the morning that the house was not fully lit from sunlight, with beams of orange illumination coming in through the windows to light up portions of the walls, but not the floor or most of the house. His parents were probably still sleeping since it was the day after the clan anniversary, and work was expected to start late.

Knaster nudged his door all the way open, then he used his tail to pull along the small trolley cart back to the kitchen. Uneaten snacks went back into the pantry, while the empty drink bottle, discarded food wrappers, and other food waste went into the rubbish bin. He trotted back to his room, glanced around again, then he strolled up to the balcony and sat down on his haunches to peer out over the cityscape and take in the familiar sight of countless spires and towers being gradually illuminated by the morning sun. Dragons could be seen soaring around the skies, and Knaster caught a glimpse of angular, shiny metal as an airship passed behind several towers in the distance.

After a few minutes, he heard the faint sound from another bedroom door opening, then footsteps approaching. Knaster glanced over his shoulder just in time to see his mother come strolling down the corridor. The older drakka paused, then entered Knaster's room. "Good morning."

"Good morning," Knaster replied automatically.

"Hmm. I'm a bit surprised to see you still here. Your father said he heard wingbeats earlier, and that you had probably flown off somewhere already," said his mother. "But it must just have been someone else flying nearby."

Knaster thought of Reylin, but he just nodded. "Must be."

His mother came over and gave him a friendly pat on the back. "I see you obviously made it back home on your own after the clan meeting. Did you stay long?"

"I... I stayed till the end of the meeting. I had a friend who was getting an award," Knaster replied.

"Oh, really? That's nice. Who was it? Which award?"

"Uh, Reylin. She got a scholarship and clan membership."

"How nice for her!" His mother nodded. "Reylin... she's that friend of yours who is part of the weekly study group? The one with the twin sister?"

Knaster nodded his head. "Mmh. Yeah."

"I remember her. She seemed bright. I didn't realize she was from Taslin too? I knew that Caden was from our clan, but I didn't know Reylin was."

"She wasn't, but now she is." Knaster shrugged. "We... um... after the clan meeting, we all came back here and played some games for a little while, just to celebrate. The four of us from the study session."

"After all the studying you've done over the semester, and given your grades, I think I'd say you've earned a chance to relax," replied his mother, giving him a warm smile. "And I'm always glad to know you've got good friends to rely on. You didn't play games too late, though? When your father and I came back it was all quiet, and we thought you had already gone to sleep."

"They only stayed for a while. We certainly didn't play games all night, and the others went back home after... maybe about an hour?" Knaster replied, which was partially true, but also not completely true. Reylin had stayed for rather longer than an hour.

His mother nodded. "The clan anniversary is a day for celebration, after all. I hope you enjoyed the day." She turned around and started strolling out the room, only to pause. Moving over to Knaster's bed, the drakka picked something up from the sheets--it was a small, hexagonal scale plate. "Whose scale is this?"

Sliding to his feet, Knaster trotted towards his mother and took the scale from her. Discarded scales were a common item to find in any place where dragons spent much time, except this scale was different. One of his own scales would have been light grey, and a dark grey scale might still conceivably have been one of his, but this one was green. Again Knaster thought of Reylin, and the faint green stripes she had under her wings. "Um," he said.

His mother had a subtle look in her eyes that might have been a bit more knowing than Knaster would have preferred. "Caden has green scales, doesn't she? Or I also remember that Reylin and her sister--what was her name, Glecion?--they have green stripes under their wings?"

"It's... it's probably from one of them." Knaster tried not to let his neck frill twitch. "Maybe Reylin. While we were playing card games yesterday, she was... she did dance and wave her wings about a little, because she was so happy about her scholarship and getting into the clan. Maybe that scale got dislodged and ended up landing there."

"Maybe." His mother sniffed at the air and her expression scrunched up in a slight frown, then she shrugged and headed out the room. "I'm going to make breakfast. Come over to the kitchen soon. Your father's washing up and then we can have breakfast together."

"Mmh, sure." Knaster waited until his mother had left, with her tail disappearing around the doorway. Then he stared at that small green scale he was holding, wondering on which specific part of Reylin's side it had been shed from. Walking to his table, he unrolled the portrait of Reylin and stared at the image of her. Without really thinking about what he was doing, he raised the scale to his nose and sniffed at it--perhaps unsurprisingly, that scale faintly smelled of Reylin. The scent almost made him miss her already, despite she'd only been gone for a short while.

Then Knaster felt silly for having done so, and he shook his head. "Right then," he muttered, and then he continued on with life. He would see her again soon enough.