Derrick's Descent

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Derrick's Descent

Derrick was a piece of shit, and he knew it. Fat, ugly, and sweaty, the black pig was painfully alone and disconnected from society. Those who walked past him would always make an effort to look the complete opposite direction, wrinkling their noses and holding their breath, as though they might catch the gross from him. The only thing that made his job of stocking shelves at the local supermarket bearable was that he got to ogle little boys as they dropped by with their mummy or daddy after school to buy groceries and treats. Derrick loved watching their perky little asses bounce by in tight-fitting school shorts so teasingly, and by the end of every shift, his underwear would be moist with cock juice after daydreaming about doing horrible things to the sweet little kids all day.

On his way home after every shift, Derrick would buy a pack of beer, as many snacks as he could carry with both arms, and then go back to his apartment alone to stuff his gut and rub his little dick to fucked up child porn all night, every night. On weekends, from the time he woke up, to the time he went to sleep, he'd sit at his computer desk, drooling, panting, and masturbating in his own filth to the sounds of kids crying in pain and adults groaning in pleasure. Left on his own, he had no concept of time, and the thought of cleaning or showering or even going to bed at a decent time would slip away -- his mind lost in the hedonism of playing with his cock and balls. He'd squirt out a dozen loads or more in a day, and when he'd run out of tissues by his desk, he'd just start smearing his semen into his own skin and keep on beating it rather than getting up to go get more.

At first, he had started stroking his dick to skimpy pictures of young boys -- secret photos taken of innocent little cubs at the pool or by the beach that had been posted online for pervs like him to enjoy. Then he found fantasy stories that described the very same depraved desires he had been fantasising about, and worse, on sinful sites like Inkbuddy -- the kind of website that only fucked up sickos would ever want to visit. But if those photos and stories were a gift, what he found on the dark web was the Holy Motherfucking Grail.

It had all gone rapidly downhill from there.

Over the years, the pig had retreated into darkness and isolation. His friends drifted away, as did even his most dedicated family members. At first he made excuses to get out of going to family gatherings, and stopped going out with his friends so he could stay home and watch kiddie porn, but then he stopped replying to messages, and stopped answering the phone, and then he drew the curtains closed and turned off the lights and stopped answering the door, so that even while the people who were concerned about him were knocking at his door, he was sitting naked in his computer chair rubbing out another sloppy load to the sight of a wailing little boy getting his ass destroyed.

His life was consumed by masturbation.

In that time, he came to realise the truth -- something so obvious to him now that he couldn't believe he'd ever thought otherwise.

Children were not simply little furs. With their tight holes and round curves and high-pitched little voices, they were sex toys perfectly designed for the pleasure of masculine males. There was no greater purpose for them than to be fucked and used and tortured. He idolised the hung wolves, bulls and horses who could ruin kids with the sheer size of their penises, and seeing a hot stud impale a cute kid on a massive dick was the only thing that made life worth living for the pig. To Derrick, those men were like gods, claiming what they deserved despite the law, and living the goddamn life. And the ones who were the biggest, roughest, and meanest... he was in love with. It pained him to no end that their anonymity meant he could never kneel at their feet and stroke their toned bodies in adoration, telling them how perfect they were, and how much they deserved what they were taking from their little conquests.

Nonetheless, he still received their blessings, full of gratitude and awe. He lived for the thousands of photos and hundreds of videos he had downloaded to his hard drive. He'd watched them and jizzed to them countless times, such that he knew them intimately and could quickly find whichever video suited his mood, and he could recognise the hot studs probably better than any of the investigators trying to track them down.

But, always, there was a... lust, for more, bubbling deep inside of him. An endless need for something continually worse that never stopped growing. Whenever he found something new and twisted and even darker than something he'd seen before, his heart would race with excitement and joy unlike anything else in his pitiful life. In this way, the more fucked up something was, the more thrilling it was, driving the corruption of his mind, which he willingly embraced.

But the availability of the darkest videos on the darkest places of the internet could not keep up with the dark descent of the pig's mind. As his mind sank further into the depths, he started to grow bored of yet another underage boy sucking yet another cock. As he endlessly searched for something better, something worse, something even more fucked up, every day and every night... eventually he'd seen it all.

The disgusting pig's life revolved around getting off to kiddie porn. And when he found himself in a state where it just wasn't enough for him anymore...

He knew he needed to take it further.

There was a cute little dalmatian boy who often came into the store by himself around the same time Derrick got off from his shift. He wore a cute backwards cap and would buy a chocolate bar with a little bounce in his step, listening to music through his earphones. He was a gorgeous thing, and the pig had dreamt about doing horrible things to the child for months now. The puppy was one of his go-to fantasies when he was lying in bed pumping one out at night. That's why, when with perfect timing the dalmatian boy entered the store as Derrick was leaving at the end of his shift one day... he knew it was time.

Derrick waited for him around the corner of a building in the suburbs at the end of an alleyway, his heart beating rapidly, sweating with fear and excitement unlike he'd ever felt before, his little dick already tenting hard through his pants. He couldn't believe he was actually doing this. He'd fantasised about it so often but he'd always been too scared to actually go through with it. But he needed this now, and he needed it bad.

He heard the noise of gentle footsteps coming towards him from around the building, mixed with a light hum along to unheard music, and Derrick froze silently, his eyes anxiously scanning his surroundings. No one was watching.

This was his chance, he told himself, to be like the guys he worshipped. Finally, a pathetic waste of space like him doing something manly. Taking what he wanted like a proper man. Yeah. Yeah! He could do this! He was gonna do it! He was gonna fucking do it!

The second the dalmatian boy walked past him, Derrick lurched forward from the darkness and wrapped his arms around the kid, squeezing the kid in a tight hug with his hand around the boy's mouth. "Mnnngh! Mnnnnnff!" the boy screamed into the pig's palm, as Derrick pulled him backwards into the alley and bolted. The dalmatian kicked and flailed against his comparatively massive body to try to escape, and the kid's newly-purchased chocolate bar smacked against the pig's neck like a useless weapon, but Derrick enjoyed the struggle, his cock throbbing painfully hard.

There was a shadowed alcove underneath a fire escape in the alleyway, and Derrick threw himself into it, panting heavily as his ears perked up listening for any signs that someone had seen him. But there were no shouts or screams. Just the frantic whimpering of the beautiful boy in his arms, and his own heavy breathing. He'd hidden a big backpack and some rope here, and he'd been planning on getting his toy home before playing with him, but his cock was throbbing like crazy from the thrill of his capture, and he couldn't wait.

He ripped the boy's pants down and groped his premature dick roughly while grunting and panting, "Fucking... fuck... oh fuck... so good... fuck yeah". The boy let out a muffled scream and tried to kick the giant pig away, but Derrick was too big and strong, and nothing was gonna stop him from taking what was his.

He flipped the boy around and shoved him up against the brick wall of the alley, his hand still over the boy's mouth, and he pinned him there with his weight while he unbuckled his pants and pulled out his own raging hard-on, struggling to reach it under his fat gut. There was no time to waste. He angled his precum-pissing cock head between the boy's perky butt cheeks and slammed forward with a quivering, breathy groan, crushing the puppy against the wall with his weight. He missed the mark the first time, and the dalmatian screamed, but Derrick just kept on throwing his full weight into thrusts with no regard for the pain he was causing. The feel of the dalmation's bouncy butt cheeks and fuzzy fur against his aching cock head was so good he bit his lip hard in a struggle to avoid blowing his load already. After a few tries he connected with the tiny, tense little asshole, throwing such weight into his needy thrusts that he forced his way inside instantly.

"Guhhhhh! Mnnnuuugghhnmnmm!" he groaned, his eyes showing just the whites as he rapidly pounded the tiny puppy, smacking and grinding him against the rough brick wall, desperately raping his little hole like the nasty pedo he'd always dreamt of being. His cock had never felt this good, and his balls had never felt so full.

The dalmatian, meanwhile, groaned and cried in agony as the dirty pig forcefully broke through his anus and viciously pounded his poor little ass. His limbs slapped weakly against the bricks and his body trembled with fear, making his asshole so tight...

"Fuckin whore! Fuckin little cunt! Fucking... slutty fucking bitch!" Derrick groaned breathlessly as an intoxicating sense of power flooded his body. Like the adrenaline had drugged his brain so it didn't work properly, all he could do was slam desperately and grunt dirty things while gripping the terrified puppy tightly in his arms. "Who's a fuckin man now?! Fuck! Who's my dirty little fucktoy?! Fuck! Yeah! Ughhh! Fuckin a kid! Fuckin a little boy! So fuckin good! So... fuckin... guhhhhh!"

He couldn't hold back any longer. His small penis was already gushing before he even realised his orgasm had taken hold. "Oh... fuuuuuuccck!" he whimpered helplessly as his legs went weak and he rammed his hips against the puppy's cushiony butt cheeks as hard as he could, feeling his sperm flood through his throbbing rod and filling the puppy's guts. He'd fantasised about this a thousand times before, but it was infinitely better in reality -- he could feel the hotness of the puppy's insides around his head, the tight ring clenching around his shaft, the boy's distressed screams against his palm and his squirming beautiful body against his own fat gut. He could sense the boy's fear and it spurred his cock to shoot even harder in the midst of the best orgasm of his life until he had absolutely nothing left and all the strength had faded from his body.

He tumbled onto the ground on his side, utterly exhausted, still clutching the boy in his arms, panting heavily. "Oh... fuck... So... good..."

It was minutes before he was able to drag himself up to his feet and begin binding, gagging, and bagging his little victim to take him home. Then, holding the gently wriggling backpack in one hand, and eating a chocolate bar with the other, he strolled home with a tremendous smile on his face. For the first time in his life, he didn't felt worthless. He didn't feel like a useless piece of shit. Just like the manly gods he adored, he'd finally done something for himself. Fucking taken something that he wanted.

And from the time he woke up, to the time he went to sleep, every single day, he was gonna use and abuse and enjoy the hell out of it.