The Border Post Stories

Story by Baron03 on SoFurry

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I very rarely write anything M/M related so double check the tags if you do not like that! Over the past year I wrote little stories and vignettes about Tsarin's Border Post idea on FA here: this is the latest picture with links to all of the others... there's a total of 16 scenes and at least 3 more to come in the near future. All of them are drawn by the artist FR. The stories range from over 500 words to about 2500 or so. I only wrote about 14 scenes and about 5 or so bonus scenes/continuations. Someone else wrote a story about the thirteenth picture so I refrained from writing about that one.

The Border Post revolves around Tsarin's idea of a northern fort manned by a lion captain named Farryn who "enforced" an order to no longer where pants. Essentially, it's a somewhat roman-British medieval background where magic is very rare. All of the scenes detail daily events at the border post, following the pictures, but I tend to include more adult oriented scenes as well since it is hinted at...

You can find everything listed in this folder: . Each scene I wrote corresponds with its numbered picture.

Credit to the owner of the entire idea/characters: Tsarin

Credit to the artist: FurryRevolution

Edit: corrections

  1. Farryn at the Border Post 660 words

A stout candle flicked inside the stone room inside the northern outpost. All was quiet as the light casted enough to see with before retiring for the early night. Heraldic symbols casted in bronze hanging hanging by the entryway glowed with subtle luster. Farryn the lion was seated on a lone wooden bench with his sword in hand, and a cloth in the other. The cloth ran cleanly over his unsheathed blade without hurry. Having just sharpened the weapon, the blade was ready for any moment of action. His eyes remained steady until the entire length of metal appeared to glow from the candlelight.

Grinning with satisfaction, he looked it over from tip to pommel. The lion was a warrior. There was no doubting that. The simple black undershirt he wore hid little of his impressive physique. Broad shoulders, heavy arms, and broad fingers were all plain to see. However, his undershirt barely covered down to his navel. The lion wore no other clothes to speak of. Plates of armor that had been worn during an earlier patrol were scattered about the room. Well muscled legs and even a scar to his thigh were all completely naked.

Glimpsing down he could see his own plump member resting between his spread legs on the wooden bench. The little tuft of unruly red fur just above resembled a little line of fire, the same color of his mane. He smiled with satisfaction that the men of the base under his command had taken his "wear what you want" policy to heart. In fact they had taken very well to the unofficial rule. Pants, loincloths, and virtually every other garment were only used during routine patrols or during an annual inspection. Other than those instances everyone freely went about their duties nude. The openness had a profound effect.

His goal was to help his fellow man relax and have fun in the barracks and surrounding post as much as possible when given the opportunity. Allowing as much fun and relaxation as hard work paid off in enormous amounts. What used to be the unruly remote northern outpost had astonishingly changed under Farryn's leadership. Camaraderie, discipline, and character had been molded into the core being of every military member present.

Farryn sheathed the blade and set it aside. Glancing back down at his groin, the lack of pants and open nudity just became another fact of life on the outpost. The lion's eyes rested half open as he thought back. Declaring pants unnecessary was the biggest visible change to the men, but that was only one piece of a much larger story. All of the hard work everyone put in amounted to something. It bonded them together.

The soft patter of approaching footsteps stirred him from his reminiscing thoughts. Lifting his gaze to the closest entryway, a nimble male mouse covered almost completely in solid grey fur entered the room. Like the rest of the men, the rodent was starkly naked from head to toe and completely comfortable about it. Quickly trotting down the half flight of steps, he stopped beside Farryn.

"Hello Farryn."

"Yes, Timorus?" The lion greeted the courier.

"I know it is late in the evening Farryn, but I have news to deliver. We recently received a message that a man claiming to be your younger brother's personal guard will stop by out outpost."

"My brother's personal guard?" Farryn furrowed his brow. "What did this person look like?"

"A canine, sir. I believe they mentioned a Rottweiler." The mouse recalled.

"I believe that's him." Farryn slowly nodded. "Hmm. When dawn breaks I want you to send for him immediately and ensure he reaches this post with good company. We will greet him kindly and welcome him here like any other weary traveler."

"Yes sir." Timorus nodded before hurrying away. The lion's gaze wandered to the open window where the trees outside stood still, wondering what the next day would hold.

  1. Evening wrestle at the Border Post (2303 words)

"Thank you for your patience waiting outside, sir." The mouse was very polite as he spoke.

"I should thank you again for the offer of hospitality." Sebring the Rottweiler kindly rebuffed Timorus as he was led down a hall. He had embarked on a journey northward from the Capitol, but had arranged plans to stay at the northernmost Border Post before he completed his task. Unfamiliar with the sparsely populated land, he was glad to have a warm welcome and a place to stay.

The canine was brought to a cool room with a wide window facing the northern mountainous forests. A bucket of water, towel, and wash cloth were already provided for him as well as a stool and a bench to sit on.

"You can wash up here if you'd like. I'll take care of your clothes and have them washed." He offered.

"Thank you. I appreciate it." The Rottweiler didn't have any qualms about disrobing before the male. He had done it plenty of times in the city baths to wash himself. The mouse gathered his clothes as they were removed before leaving with them.

"I have to say," the canine quietly spoke as the door shut, "their hospitality is very nice. This Farryn guy must be very professional about maintaining such a distance fortification from the Capitol." He was impressed and began washing himself with the provided bucket of water and washcloth. The soft echoes of water droplets were the only source of noise for the following minutes. A cool wash was needed after the long journey north. He used the provided towel to dry off with and promptly hung it onto a rack. However, the mouse hadn't returned yet with a fresh pair of clothes yet.

'What's taking so long?' He wondered and started pacing. Patience wasn't his strongest suit. A few more minutes ticked by before the canine stopped pacing, and decided to do something about it. There were no dry towels that he could use to cover up, so he grabbed the wet one from the rack and loosely covered himself up. Not afraid of a little embarrassment, Sebring left the room in search of someone who could assist him. However, the coolness of the hall wasn't the only thing he noticed.

"Sheesh, everything is dangling and bouncing around..." He mumbled under his breath, but he was hoping to quickly run into the mouse soldier. Sebring stopped upon reaching the end of the hall.

'Which way should I go?' He looked to the left and then the right. His ears wiggled as fading echoes came from the left. He promptly followed the shouts and cheers coming from down the hallway. The closer he approached, the more the noises sounded jovial like a contest. Another twist and turn in the labyrinthine complex led him to an open room. The canine stopped dead in his tracks. His eyes widened at the sight before him.

A Doberman and tiger were wrestling to the best of their abilities in the center of the room. Their muscles were tight and the looks on their faces resembled a friendly version of determination. However, neither were wearing pants! Several of the barracks men were seated on either side of the ring, actively cheering for one of the wrestlers. All of them were completely naked as if nothing was abnormal about it.

"What's going on here?" The Rottweiler was bewildered at the wrestling and cheering men in the wide room. The Doberman was the only person wearing an article of clothing, but it was a mere tunic that failed to cover much of anything below his navel when he wasn't twisting around the tiger. However, the stout tiger gained the upper hand and managed to pin his adversary.

"Antonine wins!" A red maned lion declared. The wrestling pair disengaged from each other. They grabbed arms and exchanged a few kind words before returning to their seats.

"Hey! You must be Sebring!" The red maned lion beamed a smile. Sebring blinked as all eyes quickly turned towards him. The canine wasn't sure what to say, but he could not help himself from looking over the strongly built male lion. His arms, legs, and torso were finely sculpted from a life of hard work, discipline, and determination. However, most obvious to the Rottweiler was the fact that the lion was completely naked as well!

"My name is Farryn." He held out a hand.

"You're... You are Farryn?" The Rottweiler was surprised.

"I'm sure there's a strong family resemblance between my brother and me."

"Yeah... but, uh. Everyone's naked." He dumbly pointed out. His reaction almost made Farryn a little bashful.

"But so are you." He pointed out. Glancing down, the Rottweiler noticed that his towel had pooled around his ankles innocently enough leaving his manhood for all eyes to see.

"I uh..." The canine blinked as several of the men chuckled. "I was bathing!" He felt his face redden underneath his fur. "But why is everyone else?"

"Well, that's part of how I run this border post since it came into my command." He began to explain. "You see, it began one day with an order declaring pants unnecessary in the barracks. I think those are the exact words that I used." He hummed aloud. "I'm not particularly fond of wearing a lot myself, especially when the weather is sunny and beautiful. You'll see what I mean if you take a hike in the mountains." He offered a little grin. "We rarely encounter visitors, but none seem to mind how we live here. Some even enjoy their stay in the nude."

"However, guard duty outside of the perimeter walls will always require being fully dressed in regular clothes and armor. I can assure you that despite what we don't wear, I run a tight ship at this Border Post." The lion explained himself fully. The Rottweiler closed his slackened jaw and processed all of the information that had been given to him.

"Farryn! I can't find our guest!" Timorus the mouse unexpectedly burst into the room. "He-!" The rodent stopped and noticed Sebring standing alongside the lion. "Oh..."

"No need to keep an eye on him anymore." The lion smiled and placed a hand on the canine's shoulder. "He's here with us."

"How long has thing been going on? And why didn't your brother tell me when I made my journey this far north?" Sebring was confused.

"It has been some time since I started this..." Farryn hummed aloud.

"A few years." The horse piped up.

"It has been a while." The lion chuckled. "As for my brother, he doesn't know. You might say I keep this little secret very... private."

"Well, I guess I don't have to worry about modesty then." Sebring half joked much to Farryn's amusement.

"How about a quick wrestling match to move past these formalities?" The red maned lion offered. "You can toss the towel aside." He flicked his tail. "We only use them to dry off."

"Alright. You're on." The Rottweiler was competitive and didn't typically shy away from a challenge, naked or clothed. The observing men murmured at the visitor's brazenness to accept a wrestling match from their captain. Both men took to the center of the room and crouched down.

'I might make a name for myself if I best the captain.' Sebring ambitiously thought to himself. He sized up the look of determination in the lion's eyes as a jaguar stepped up to them.

"Ready... Begin!" He yelled before jumping back. The two collided, but the Rottweiler quickly found himself at a disadvantage. The cheers and shouts quickly ensued as the larger lion began to overpower the visitor. They grappled and twisted, but Farryn managed to get to the canine's back.

"C'mon. Give me your best shot!" Farryn boasted while handily containing Sebring under his arms. The Rottweiler strained and struggled to no avail as the much larger lion successfully pinned both of his arms over his head.

"Twist away! Don't get ensnared!" One spectator cheered for the match to continue.

"Ah!" Sebring felt pain in his shoulders. "I give!" He yelped and hit the ground with his foot. Plenty of resounding cheers were given to Farryn as the pair decoupled. Both stood up and cordially ended the match.

"Good game." Sebring shook the lion's hand.

"Good game." Farryn smiled. "Your arms were very strong, and I had trouble overpowering you."

"Your size helps, but your technique is pretty tough to counter." The canine rubbed his arm.

"If you stay here long enough then I can get some solid abs on you." Farryn teased and tapped the Rottweiler's front. Sebring gave a brief frown, but glanced around and noticed that everyone else was very physically fit.

'He wasn't joking when he said he ran a tight ship.' He thought to himself. "Since the day is long past, is it alright if I sleep in the barracks with everyone else?" Sebring asked.

"Of course!" Farryn beamed a welcoming smile. "You are more than welcome to stay and enjoy our hospitality." The lion offered the entire grounds to Sebring.

"Thank you. I appreciate it." The canine deeply nodded his head.

"We can talk about more private matters once you have rested. Tuketu! Please show Sebring the closest sleeping quarters."

"Yes sir!" The horse jumped from the bench and led their guest down the hall.

"So you're Tuketu?"

"That's right." The horse humbly nodded.

"How long have you been stationed here?"

"About four years." He said after thinking for a moment. "I tell ya, things were a lot different before Farryn took charge. We were a rag tag of misfits, but he managed to whip us into shape and order before long."

"Didn't anyone complain about the no pants rule?" Sebring quietly asked.

"I don't think anyone did." The horse mused about the possibility. "We were pretty quick to do so, and after a little awkwardness and occasional embarrassment, we were more than happy with the change." Tuketu explained before stopping by an entryway. "Here's one of the places we sleep at." He showed Sebring a small room with three bunk beds. A tall window gave plenty of fresh air and an extensive landscape to view. The Rottweiler noticed a small shelf for bedsheets, but he was still mildly surprised to not see any clothes laying around.

"It isn't much compared to lavish lifestyles, but it's comfortable."

"It's nice and secluded from any noise outside." Sebring observed.

"You haven't heard Titus or Darius snore then." The horse chuckled to himself.

"Uh oh. I forgot my towel." Sebring realized. "I'll come back with it." He didn't want to come across as rude and promptly walked down the halls once again. Unlike before there was only silence echoing from the main room. He turned the last corner only to pause. Nearby, he could see Antonine the tiger and the Doberman who had wrestled each other sitting close together. They were the only ones left in the once lively room, and were whispering amongst themselves. The Doberman had a pleasured look on his face with his arm placed around the tiger's shoulders. One of his legs was also resting over the tiger's leg. The Rottweiler noticed Antonine's hands in the doberman's openly naked lap. The tiger was tenderly stroking the doberman's plump erection while fondling his dangling orbs below. A glistening drop of pre lazily dripped down the Doberman's veiny shaft.

Sebring felt his heart quicken from the sight, and he quickly walked away and returned to the sleeping quarters.

"Did you find your towel? Woah. You look like you've seen a ghost." Tuketu chuckled at the canine's surprised expression.

"I kinda uh... stumbled across two people being a little intimate." His cheeks warmed a little.

"Intimate? What do you mean?" The horse looked at him skeptically.

"Touching one another." The canine felt a little embarrassed from simply mentioning it.

"It's no big deal." The horse calmly shrugged. "It's nothing too intimate, probably just a little stress relief."

"Oh... Really?" Sebring was surprised at Tuektu's nonchalance about the whole discussion.

"Men get aroused from time to time, it's nothing new." He pointed out. "Without clothes it will be a little more obvious, but there's nothing to feel ashamed about it. You can't be flaccid every second." Sebring's brow furrowed once he realized where Tuketu was pointing. Glancing down, the Rottweiler noticed his manhood standing at attention from the rush of excitement. Sebring felt his face redden at his open arousal, and quickly covered himself.

"See? You didn't even notice it." He chuckled.

"I would have!" He quietly fretted and waited for himself to soften, but his length was a tad stubborn just like his nature.

"If you need any help with that then just let someone know. No one's gonna jump scared around here." Sebring felt a little blush form on his cheeks at the thought of "letting" someone tend to his own arousal.

"Trust me." Tuketu mentioned. "It's a lot better than walking around with a hard staff between the legs." He half grinned. "As a horse, I would know."

"Eh. I guess you're right." The canine remained skeptical, but was glad that he hadn't stumbled upon something he shouldn't have. "But I'm worn out." He breathed a heavy sigh. "Farryn's much stronger than I first thought."

"Haha. I never hear anyone underestimate Farryn's strength. His scars have stories. If you plan on staying here for a while, I'm sure you'll hear a few fantastic tales."

"I'll save the tales for my dreams, but thanks again for letting me sleep here."

"Of course! And I'm sure you'll sleep well tonight." The horse laid back in his bunk. Sebring was quick to follow suit and happily laid down for a good night's sleep.

  1. Battle at the Border Post (1006 words)

Even with sunny weather, the mountainous pine forest bordering the BorderPost was dark and eerie. There were no chirping birds, or noisy insects blaring through the summer air. The moment was tense. Through the rare glimpses of the dappled sunlight that reached the mountainside, a naked figure could be seen running up a rugged path. Normally hiking or border patrols required some clothing for obvious reasons, but Farryn was in the midst of an emergency. He had taken with him what he could carry when Timorus the courier mouse reported grave news to him.

"I hope I'm not too late!" Farryn feared the worst as he ran up the wooded path of the mountainside. The forest appeared like an endless maze from ground level, but having lived at the border post for several years, the lion knew the terrain well. After another twist and turn through the trees led him to a tiny flat space surrounded by foreboding pine trees.

'Oh no!' The red maned lion found a gruesome scene. Tuketu was on his back, utterly naked, and the cheetah was laid out on his front in a similar manner. Both were breathing, but unconscious. Whatever happened to them was swift, fierce, and overpowering. Their clothes were ripped clean from their bodies with mere scraps lingering on their unconscious bodies. The culprit was looming above the fallen soldiers victoriously.

"A Minotaur..." Farryn mumbled under his breath with worry. They were the main reason why their border post was so vital to the surrounding regions below the mountains. Allowed to roam free in the meadows and fields to the south, would ensure total destruction for many town and farms. It would lead to disaster and cause disarray within the empire. Every single one had to be stopped, but that didn't make the task any easier.

The Minotaur was of a beastly size, nearly twice the height of Tuketu or Farryn. But his height was nearly dwarfed by his own appearance of strength. Bulging muscles from his neck to his legs sent a chill down the lion's spine. His massive arms were the size of modest tree trunks, and could maim or knockout opponents with ease. He was no stranger to brutal fighting either. His left horn was broken off halfway down, which was only capable with a great amount of force, likely from the hands of another Minotaur.

His fierce gaze locked onto Farryn. Crouching low, the beast's thigh muscles flexed with impressive girth. A proportionally large set of genitals swung with weight between his steps. The wispy tuft of coarse hair along the bottom of his heavy brick sized balls nearly dusted the ground! It seemed like he was ready to claim a prize, but Farryn hoped to immediately stop whatever the beast planned on doing to his fellow soldiers.

'How strong is this monster?' He clenched his sword and shield tightly in hand and prepared himself for a dangerous fight. The Minotaur didn't waste any time, and discharged a heated breath with a shrill hiss before charging the lone lion. The beast was fast for its size, and closed the gap between them in a split second. Farryn's eyes widened as he barely had enough time to guard himself. The lion raised his sword as the beast swung his massive club. Their weapons met with unequal force. The sword and club both hit the ground with all limbs intact.

Farryn panted from the sheer strength of the beast. Glancing down by his foot, he had managed to deflect the blow, but only just enough. Jumping back, he watched as the Minotaur lifted his club. A noticeable dent was left in the hard ground below.

"Gah!" Farryn gripped his arm as it stung from the first strike. 'How am I going to defeat him?' The lion was afraid to block using his shield, lest he suffer a broken hand during a fight. His opponent stepped forward causing his balls to slap noisily against his inner thigh. He swung again with great force. The lion evaded and found a defenseless arm. Sensing an opening, Farryn attacked with a wide slash with success. The Minotaur roared in pain as a cut emerged on his right arm.

With a mighty roar, the enraged beast swung his club with fury at the lion. Farryn retreated and deflected with his sword when he couldn't evade. The lion was struggling to defend himself in the thick forest. Parrying with his sword was virtually impossible. The swings of the heavy club were too much to defend against. At best he could deflect each blow with the risk of losing his sword or an arm, but how long would that delay the inevitable?

'Think of something!' Farryn ducked and ran behind a sturdy tree. 'I can't dodge forever!' He leapt away as the bull swung at him again. A loud crash erupted. Bark splintered into the air and the entire ground seemed to tremble from the forceful hit. Glancing back, the club had left an obvious impression on the side of the tree. Over his other shoulder his friends laid out defenseless. His task seemed impossible.

"Hey!" Shouting caught his attention.

'Not another one...' Farryn feared the worst, that all hope was lost. He had plenty of scars to prove his bravery, but the lion didn't need several broken bones added onto that. Emerging from the trees was a group of soldiers armed and ready to help.

"Everybody!" Farryn couldn't believe it. Stelios was leading the charge followed by Darius, Sebring, and Timorus. They quickly faced off against the beast who was beginning to tire after his unfinished third fight. Outnumbered with only one escape route, the Minotaur fled up the mountainside and disappeared behind the dense forest. Several triumphant yells and cheers sent the monster running faster.

"We came as quick as we could!" Stelios bellowed as everyone gathered around Farryn.

"Don't worry about me." The captain shook his head. "Tend to them, please." He breathlessly pointed towards Tuketu and the jaguar.

  1. Sparring at the Border Post 995 words

In the middle of the sparring field, two figures were in the midst of a mock duel.

"Hhrrrahhh!" A Rottweiler barked as he swung his sword at the armed lion standing before him.

"Aaaggh!" The lion roared in return as their blades collided with metallic force.

"Look at them go." Tuketu quietly spoke to the jaguar leaning on the fence beside him. The pair were watching the sparring match with interest. Sebring the Rottweiler, and recent recruit to the northern most border post, was sparring toe to toe with Farryn, the captain of the defensive area.

"Yeah, Sebring has good reflexes. His moves are crisp and clean, not wasting a single second." The jaguar noticed.

"No cuts either. He's holding his own pretty well."

"And they're sparring with real swords." The jaguar winced as both blades connected again with a distinct metal snap. Farryn scurried to the side to deliver a thrust, but Sebring was prepared and easily stepped aside before their shield met with a resounding clack. The lion and canine stepped back only to find themselves exactly where they had started off, facing each other without landing a decisive blow.

"I think this is a good stopping point." Farryn sheathed his sword. "I hope you two are ready to go." He glanced at the jaguar and horse idly watching nearby.

"We'll look like amateurs!" The horse joked.

"You two were giving us a show." The jaguar chimed in. Farryn and Sebring grasped hands before leaving the center of the little field.

"Yeah. You're swordsmanship is impressive, Sebring."

"Thanks." The canine flashed a tired grin.

"Yeah, much better than wrestling against the lion." The jaguar mumbled out of earshot.

"I hope that you two were watching with a close eye." Farryn told them. "Just remember, no striking or aiming below the belt."

"Or where the belt would normally be." The jaguar chuckled.

"Or waistline." Farryn half grinned as they picked up the wooden practice words and exchanged shields with the lion and canine. Sebring took off the shoulder guard and set in on the closest post. The Rottweiler retired for the afternoon and approached the nearest building's brick wall. He sat on the wooden bench that was out of sight for the most part.

"Phew." He blew a sigh and closed his eyes. "That was a good match." His arms were already feeling a light burn from his physical exertions. The sound of footsteps quickly drew his eyes back open. Sebring looked over and found the lion approaching him. His gaze connected with Farryn's groin where the lion's masculine genitals rested, lightly swayed between his well toned thighs with every step. Sebring felt his flaccid member stir awake from the sight.

"Hey Sebring." The lion spoke up.

"Uh, yes sir." He pushed the thought aside.

"Is everything alright? You're not too tired?"

"No. I will be sore in the morning, but I feel pretty good." He rotated an arm.

"That's good. I haven't had a tough sparring partner like you in some time." He commended the canine. "You know when to step forward and attack without giving someone room to recover."

"Thanks. I appreciate it." He nodded. "And think I'm getting used to the nudity now." Sebring added with a grin. "It took a while, but I'm enjoying it."

"It always takes a while to adjust." The lion acknowledged. "I'm glad to hear it. Although, you don't need to point your sword at me after practice." The lion grinned and pointed with a single finger at the canine's groin. Sebring's gaze lowered only to feel his cheeks redden slightly at the sight of his erect member standing tall and free. It jerked from the most subtle movements.

"Heh. Sorry, I guess I'm a little hot blooded from all that sword swinging." He bashfully rubbed his neck. "Especially since there's nothing holding it back."

"It's nothing to feel sorry over. I'm glad we weren't swinging our more personal swords at each other." The lion chuckled. "That's the only kind of fencing that I wouldn't agree to."

"Yeah, I hope there wouldn't be any injuries..." He bashfully spoke as his member twitched, refusing to go down. A little awkward silence passed between the two.

"I can lend a hand." Farryn offered.

"Please." Sebring parted his legs, and the lion straddled the bench beside him. Reaching over, Farryn grasped the erection tenderly. The lion's palm and fingers were warm from the sparring match, and they glided with ease along the canine's rigid flesh.

"Ah," Sebring's hips began rolling after the first strokes. "It's been way too long since I've felt this..." His voice softly hissed.

"I encourage all of the men to bond together during their stay here, so if you're feeling pent up, there's always someone willing to help relieve any pressure."

"Yeah, when if wake up with morning wood with all the guys... nnggh." He couldn't contain a grunt.

"I know that sex isn't uncommon on the outpost, but it isn't too prevalent and does not interfere with our duties." Farryn spoke calmly without missing a beat.

"I understand sir." Sebring clenched his fingers tightly onto the bench. "Ohh. I'm already close." Just a few more graceful stokes and the canine came with a blissful rush. "That hit the spot." He mumbled out a tired sigh as Farryn pulled his hand away. "Thank you. I really needed that."

"Like I said, I encourage all of the men to bond together. It's only natural, albeit I don't want it to become too prevalent."

"Yes sir." Sebring nodded.

"Take a nap if you need to rest." Farryn rose to his feet. "I'll return to sparring with the others." The canine nodded as the lion walked away. It didn't take long for the sounds of yells and smacking of wooden training weapons against shields to resume.

"Farryn has a lot of endurance." He hastily blew a sigh and listened to the clacking of wooden swords in the sparring field. "I'm spent!"

  1. Showering at the Border Post 1,420 words

The crisp morning air of an early summer morning was oddly quiet outside the barracks. The chattering of early morning birds in the distance was faint upon the ears. A horse and canine stood ready for orders while their leader impatiently tapped his sandaled foot. Tuketu and Sebring looked around expecting something to happen any second.

"Ok... Let's do a quick jog around the perimeter." Farryn finally ordered after a reluctant sigh.

"Without everyone else?" Tuketu asked.

"I think they're still asleep." Sebring held back a yawn. "It is early."

"Didn't you wake them up?"

"Yes! But maybe they fell back asleep." He didn't actually remember anyone else getting out of bed at daybreak.

"Let's get through a quick morning exercise first." Farryn interrupted their chatter. "I will figure out something." With that said all three set out on a dirt path that led around the entire perimeter. A typical jog wasn't a particularly difficult exercise for the men. It covered plenty of hilly terrain. But the views were no less than astounding.

One corner of the barracks had a full view of the valley below. Rushing waterfalls created several deep pools within the shallow river that snaked its way less than a mile away. The river was also a perfect little retreat to swim with the rest of the men during a particularly hot day. Other sections of the border outpost were close to the forested mountains and their imposing peaks.

They rounded about the sparring field's fence bordering the small archery range. Years ago it was rumored to have been a small fenced in pasture for sheep. Jogging along, they reached a section of plowed land where a water filled barrel rested. It was the outpost's young, but well tended to garden. The rich earth was mounded up into rows with only smaller sprouts and leaves emerging. Lettuce, beets, carrots, potatoes, corn and beans would soon fill the void space with greenery, provided that they kept the deer away... All frontier outposts were required to be self sufficient for at least one full season for any emergency. This meant gardening took place in various forms depending on the environment. Digging through a large plot of land was hard work, but reaping what one sowed was a strong incentive for a distant reward.

'I think my turn to garden is next week.' Sebring thought to himself as they continued along the pathway. The Rottweiler didn't mind working in the dirt for a day, whether it was hoeing or watering. The canine almost felt a surge of excitement about working in his bare fur.

"Hey, Tuketu." Sebring called up just ahead.

"Yeah?" The horse answered between breaths.

"I think I'm getting used to the captain's clothing policy." The Rottweiler spoke up.

"Didn't you say that a few days ago when Farryn was sparring with you?"

"I did, but I wasn't really thinking about it then. Now that I'm thinking about it, I'd say I feel pretty comfortable being naked with everyone." Glancing behind him, Farryn was jogging easily behind them several paces back. His own masculinity was bouncing around naturally from the exercise. The look on the feline's face was anything but arousal. Sebring glanced down at his own flaccid member flopping around in front of him from their simple morning jog. "This might sound weird, but it actually feels kind of freeing." He admitted. The horse in front of him snickered.

"Coming from any background you'd think the opposite until you tried it."

"Yeah, although once in a while I find myself looking up someone, I think someone else is looking me up." He admitted as his friend laughed.

"I think you're fitting in just fine, Sebring." The horse chuckled as they jogged around the border post's perimeter. The entire outpost was fairly large given its geographic importance. Due to the self sufficiency rule one compound held a forge for metalworking, another contained a mill, and so on. The barracks was simply one stone building among many.

The horse and canine finished after half an hour at an easy pace, and Farryn finished up behind them.

"What will we do now sir?" They asked.

"You two wash up. I'm going to find the other sleepy heads and have them clean the barracks, or the mess hall for missing out on what was supposed to be a morning routine."

"Sounds like they'll be in trouble." Sebring and Tuketu happily trotted off towards the outdoor shower. Neither minded an early morning shower to start the rest of the day fresh. Pulling on a roped handle, water began pouring out from the two shower heads below the chute.

"Ah. A nice cool off." Sebring happily rinsed off. The horse standing beside him hummed in agreement.

"You know, when Farryn first arrived here we didn't have anywhere to wash up." Tuketu mentioned. "Except for the river a short hike away."

"You didn't?" The Rottweiler was surprised. "Then where did this water tower and chute system come from?"

"We all built it with his help."

"All of you built it? That's some professional engineering and teamwork."

"Since Farryn is educated from the Capitol, he brought a lot of talent to this otherwise remote place. Not a lot of us were the orderly type. That's putting it mildly." The horse admitted. "Farryn had to discipline us like the crack of a whip. Soon thereafter he started his clothing optional policy, and within weeks we were all going around without pants."

"I had no idea." Sebring looked around the water tower and showering system. While they washed, Farryn the lion returned with a satisfied look on his face.

"What happened?"

"Someone accidentally fell back asleep before telling the others to wake up." The lion informed them while unfastening his sandals.

"Told you." Sebring mumbled to Tuketu.

"When I walked inside I found someone just started to yawn and stretch." Farryn mimicked the motion. "But I decided to yell and make sure everyone was awake. Everyone either fell or jumped out of bed before lining up. It was an interesting sight to see." There was a hint of amusement as the maned feline grinned.

"You taking a shower too?" Sebring guessed as Farryn approached them.

"Of course, but I'll get your back first." The lion stepped around Sebring and began washing the canine's shoulders. The Rottweiler could feel the lion's hands rubbing away all the tension in his muscles. They glided over his muscles adroitly like a masseuse.

"Hhmmm." Sebring relaxed as Farryn washed his back. 'That feels so good.' He thought to himself.

"Seems like someone is relaxed and enjoying their little back rub." Tuketu's voice stirred the Rottweiler from gazing out ahead.

"Huh?" He felt a finger teasingly prod his side. "Hey!" Looking down the canine found that he was half erect from the innocent passes grazing his lower back. His cheeks reddened a little as Farryn laughed behind him.

"Well, being men that will happen from time to time." He didn't bring much attention to it. "It's no worry." The lion reassured him. "I was more concerned with you falling asleep." Sebring loosened up and took the matter lightly. Sure enough his problem went away, and he remained awake when Farryn finished washing his back.

"You're all done I suppose, or do I have to wait my turn while I get Tuketu's back?"

"Nope. I'm done." The Rottweiler stepped out from under the makeshift shower head. The lion eagerly rinsed off before turning his attention to the horse. Sebring walked over to a doorway, but chose to lean back into the wall beside it and let the sun dry his fur. Pretty soon Tuketu walked by, dripping wet and in search of a towel

"I'm going to see if everyone is cleaning the mess hall or the barracks." Tuketu mentioned and headed for the side door. "You coming?"

"Nah." The canine shook his head. "I think I'll enjoy the breeze."

"Suit yourself." The horse shrugged before returning inside. The Rottweiler admired the natural beauty of the northern lands before him. Everything was rugged, yet pristine at the same time. The pine trees were numerous and acted like a private wall standing at the edge of the fields. The large mountains lingering in the background resembled distant giants by comparison. As a breeze ruffled through his damp fur a smile emerged on the naked canine's face. A warm sensation spread throughout his chest.

'I feel happy and free.' Sebring thought to himself and lifted his arms behind his head.

  1. Evening Meal. (807 words)

The silvery glow of the full moon rising in the night sky illuminated the entire mountainous landscape from its peaks to its river. Only a passing cloud disturbed the tranquil heavenly light. The occasional hooting of an owl echoed from the forest, but went unnoticed. Outside one of the buildings at the border post, a warm fire was crackling with the savory smells of food cooking. Several of the soldiers were seated around the warm fire, naked as usual, while sharing tall tales and stories. Kyyanno, Sebring, Tuketu, Titus, and Timorus were all together.

"You're joking." Sebring turned and straddled the log to look directly at Kyyanno the cheetah. "There's no way that story is true!"

"I'm not joking! It's what I heard in my travels less than a year ago." The spotted feline insisted.

"How could anyone float downriver asleep, and then wake up in a town they had left six days ago?" Tuketu

"Like I said. It's only what I heard. I'm not changing the story in the slightest." The cheetah told them.

"That traveler is lying. No one could do that without magic." Sebring added.

"Just don't tell Farryn." Timorus piped up. "He's not very fond of magic."

"Not very fond?" Tuketu nearly laughed. "He's very wary of magic, and doesn't like it at all."

"Why don't all of you share some more fascinating tales then." The cheetah teased.

"Why don't you tell Kyyanno about what those rat bandits did while you were walking past the storage house?" Sebring looked at Titus.

"Geeez, those rodents." The jaguar huffed and rolled his eyes. "Oh, sorry Timorus." He bashfully apologized to the mouse to everyone's amusement.

"None taken." He modestly smiled.

"Anyway, I was walking by the locked door. There was nothing unusual. I just passed by it, but on my way back a few minutes later I saw that I was open." He told them. "I looked inside and found a bag of grain missing, but before I could even yell I noticed a piece of paper on the ground. So I picked it up and it read 'thanks for the food' with a little smiling rat face drawn on it! I was so angry that I can't remember what I did with that note." He shrugged as Kyyanno roared with laughter.

"Did you burn it?"

"I have no idea." He shook his head.

"They always do something to us. It's small, but you notice it." Sebring added.

"I didn't realize you guys had trouble with little pesky bandits. How bad could they be?"

"They always steal stuff from us." Timorus explained. "It could be equipment, food, or the most random items. I think they do it for fun."

"I hope we manage to capture some of those rat bandits." Tuketu mentioned. "But I'm sure Farryn will want to whip them into shape while they pay for their thefts with hard work."

"Then we'll be looking at their naked butts all day." Titus sighed.

"Surely you have bigger challenges to deal with than petty thefts?" Kyyanno spoke up. "I've heard beasts roam the edges of these beautiful mountains like minotaurs." The mere mention of that last word had the men silent.

"Any tale involving a Minotaur should be told cautiously." Sebring mumbled.

"We had to fight one not long ago." Tuketu rubbed his neck. "Titus and I had to run up without any armor. That's how sudden everything unfolded. We were both knocked out so fast..."

"If that beast had gotten ahold of us, then none of us would be walking for weeks... and that's a best case scenario for you." Titus pointed out. "Luckily Farryn held it off until reinforcements could arrive."

"Sheesh that's awful." Kyyanno looked at his bottle with a frown. "Sorry to bring up something like that."

"You're alright." Tuketu reassured him.

"Did Farryn receive a new scar from that?" He asked.

"Hmm." Several of the men wondered.

"I don't think so." Sebring shook his head.

"That lion has enough to tell an entire saga from them." The cheetah remarked, and everyone nodded. "I traced the one on his thigh once, and I felt chills run up my tail." He briefly grimaced. "That's far too close for comfort..."

"Sounds like you wanted to make a story rather than tell one." Titus smirked.

"Pf. Hardly!" The feline laughed as the others chuckled.

"We should get Darius from the night watch to come tell stories with us." Timorus suggested with a smile.

"He's always a riot when there's plenty of ale around." Titus chuckled.

"That fox would probably end up in a tree or something ridiculous." Sebring couldn't hold back a wide grin.

"That's a good idea, but I hope Farryn shows up." Kyyanno looked around. "Where's that old lion at? I'll eat his share if our fire burns out." He boldly declared.

  1. Royal inspection by wolf. (All nude version) 1,428 words

It was a special day at the Border Post. Farryn was actually dressed in his armor despite the warm summer sunlight shining from above. The red maned lion captain was accompanying a wolf commander sent from the Capitol to inspect the grounds and general welfare of the entire post. Since he had cleaned up the Border Post from previous mismanagement, the northern post no longer received unannounced inspections from the Capitol. Everything was planned in advance to a yearly check, much to Farryn's liking. After all, the lifestyle he and the others lived at the border post was a well kept secret.

"I have heard very good reviews from soldiers who have been stationed here." Commander Wolfram spoke highly of the place as he finished up his inspection. "Maybe it's because there are no women in nearby towns to distract them from their duties." The wolf joked.

"Distractions like that aren't a problem here, sir." Farryn reassured Wolfram.

"I'm glad to hear it." He contently spoke as they walked through the grass. "There are some barracks in or around cities that don't have as clean of a record as you have."

"I can't speak personally for any cities sir, since we are so far into the northern wilderness." Farryn humbly answered.

"The rugged terrain may have something to do with it." The commander guessed. "You've done impressive work reconstructing the centuries old adjacent building, and you've done it without requesting aid from a nearby city. I am impressed at the self sufficiency you have generated here."

"Thank you sir." The lion proudly nodded. "Although, we have a lot of repairs left for the adjacent stone building. We want it fully functioning and able to use."

"Excellent." Wolfram noted. "I like your attitude about tackling a problem head on. The last thing to do is to inspect the soldiers before giving you top marks." The wolf laughed.

"Yes sir." Farryn beamed. "They should be lined up along the east side of the fort complex." The lion happily walked alongside his superior. They walked through a free standing stone archway to the small yard clearing where several figures were lined up. However, something was amiss, or rather, very typical for the Border Post. The lion's eyes widened in realization. Everyone was lined up but starkly naked like any other typical day at the Border Post.

'I forgot to tell them this was a royal inspection!?' Farryn realized but held back his shock. Normally the lion would perform a small regular inspection himself to make sure everyone was in shape, orderly, and disciplined. However, it appeared the most important details of today's royal inspection had slipped someone's mind or ear.

'Oh, Icarus...' Farryn barely kept a straight face at their newest recruit. Having only started a mere week ago at the Border Post, the mountain lion was still largely unaccustomed to the everyday nudity, and his reaction was typical. He was brandishing a sturdy erection poking freely ahead. The guilty expression on his face as he stared up at the sky said it all.

"These are... your men?" The wolf whispered with a hint of surprise, but not entirely disappointment.

"Um... Yes sir." The lion squeaked out a reply before hastily gulping. The wolf sighed and shook his head as he walked past them all. Turning around, the commander rested his chin in hand and thought for a minute. Farryn worried what the consequences would be. Reassignment? Demotion? Or hopefully a petty disciplinary notice?

"I suspect this is how you and your soldiers are 'dressed' every single day. Is this correct?" The wolf quietly guessed. Farryn guiltily nodded.

"It's uh... Um. It is a little difficult to explain sir." The lion spoke up only to be waved off with a hand from the commander.

"There's no need to." He firmly spoke much to Farryn's dismay, but what the wolf said next threw the lion for a loop. "My obvious complaint is that only one of your men is properly standing firm and erect." He feigned a complaint. "If a man cannot do so, then he may be in poor health." The lion looked at the commander with worry and confusion etched onto his face. "I will inspect each of them for their vascular health. Improper circulation can be a sign of heart problems among others, and we don't want soldiers with such problems in dangerous areas."

Farryn's eyes were wide with fear and uncertainty at what Wolfram had said. Tuketu stood firm and didn't waver as Wolfram approached him first. Without any formalities the commander reached down and inspected the horse's pouch. The wolf lightly fondled the heavy orbs and seemed to weigh them in the palm of his hand.

"Heavy of course, but not a full." He noted before focusing on another part of the equine's anatomy. His fingertip slowly trailed up the entire underside of the horse's growing shaft. It grew to its full length when the wolf traced up to Tuketu's flared tip. "Good girth." He lightly gripped the base. "And a strong pulse." The wolf concluded.

The newest recruit, the feline, was next in line. His cheeks were blushing red as the commander approached him next.

"I see that you are already at attention." The wolf noticed with a characteristically stern gaze. Icarus kept his gaze high and steady as the commander intimately felt him over.

"Stout with an upward curve... Healthy." Wolfram mumbled. Icarus's toes curled as he blew a heated sigh past his teeth as his sensitive member was touched. The wolf's padded hands felt wonderful against his throbbing length. Icarus had to clench his fists behind his back with the hope he wouldn't climax right then. The commander seemed to notice the mountain lion's hair trigger sensitivity.

"Don't fire your weapon just yet, soldier." The wolf dryly joked as he released the feline's pulsating member.

'Thank goodness!' The mountain lion steadied his breathing. 'I was so close!' He thought to himself. Everyone else in line quickly got the hint, and sported their erect manhoods for inspection.

The lion felt humiliated about what was happening to his soldiers, but there was nothing more he could do, the damage had been done. Wolfram returned to Farryn once every last soldier was 'inspected.' Each and every one of them was now standing attention in more ways than one in an odd display of manliness.

"Everyone seems to be in perfect health, practicing good hygiene, and regularly firing their weapons... But not too frequently." His choice of words hinted more than enough.

"We can walk back now." He waved for the lion to accompany him. "Everyone else," Wolfram addressed the others, "at ease!" Everyone relaxed their stances as the pair departed.

"Ok, I will offer a deal." The commander told Farryn as they passed back through the free standing stone arch. The lion felt dumbfounded, but didn't know what to expect. "I will give your post a perfect inspection report."

"You will?!"

"Yes. After all, I haven't found anything serious to report to the Capitol. However," his tone changed, "during next year's inspection, Captain Farryn," the wolf officer spoke tersely, "you better make sure that all of your men are properly dressed." He warned the lion. "Or..." His voice trailed with a hint of intrigue. "Everyone should be standing firm and 'erect' to prove they're in good physical health. Is that understood?"

"Yes sir!" The lion immediately answered with a huge amount of relief as they walked through the grass to the front of the Border Post. A small entourage of armed guards were waiting with a military carriage for the wolf commander's transport.

"Your command is... unique in many ways Farryn." Commander Wolfram mentioned.

"I understand that very well." He agreed.

"If I were to arrive unannounced unofficially, would I be welcome to stay in one of the unused rooms of the Border Fort?" Wolfram asked. "I assume I would have to follow all of the rules?"

"Most certainly sir!" The lion didn't hesitate to answer. "And yes sir, I do not hold exceptions."

"Thank you." He gave a kind nod before boarding the military carriage. "Have a pleasant rest of your day. Send my kindest regards to all of your soldiers. They are well taken care of under your watch."

"Yes sir." Farryn grinned as commander Wolfram gave a final wave before departing with his entourage of guards. The red maned lion had been in many tough battles before and received scars to prove it, but never had he sweated so much without holding a sword.


(A night's rest) This is technically 10, but it occurs right after 7 - (641 words)

The entire evening's talk was about the royal inspection held earlier in the day. It was the topic of discussion even when they retired to their sleeping quarters, but the men were in great spirits.

"I didn't know we were having a royal inspection today!" The jaguar spoke with animated hands.

"The new recruit told me it was a regular inspection, you know, the ones that Farryn gives to make sure everything looks fine."

"But Sebring told me it was going to be a normal inspection, so I didn't bother fetching my armor." The newest recruit told his innocence. "So I told everyone else it was a normal inspection like Farryn would normally give."

"Woah, don't blame me!" The Rottweiler said. "I was just joking to you, and it would have been funny if you were the only one not dressed, but I thought it was a royal inspection."

"Then why weren't you dressed in your armor?" They poked at the canine.

"No one else was! And Tuketu told me it was a regular inspection..." The canine scratched his head seeing how it had become a circular argument.

"Something was misspoken, and I should've reminded everyone." A familiar voice interrupted. The red maned lion was standing in the entryway to the common sleeping quarters. Farryn was naked once again too, fitting right in with the rest of the men.

"They say logistics is the most important task of an army, but I have to say communication is right up there!" He laughed with everyone. "But it feels great to be out of my armor again." Their captain ruffled his mane.

"I haven't seen you so relieved in my years here Farryn." The horse chuckled.

"I was really sweating underneath it all earlier!" He admitted much to everyone's amusement.

"I'd say we struck it lucky to have Wolfram as our commander." Tuketu added. "If it was someone else from the Capitol who didn't have a sense of humor, or lax disposition... we'd all in be in a lot of trouble."

"Don't make me worry again." Farryn rubbed his head.

"I didn't mean to, sir." Tuketu held back a laugh.

"That reminds me! Commander Wolfram mentioned arriving here unannounced for a short stay." Farryn added to everyone's surprise.

"I guess we struck it off really well." Tuketu happily surmised.

"A short visit? Does that mean he will be taking orders from you, Farryn?" Sebring asked.

"I suppose." The lion shrugged. "I am the captain of this post." Everyone's faces lit up.

"Wow, a commander from the Capitol taking orders from Farryn."

"I don't suppose Wolfram will be giving us a new recruit salute." Sebring half grinned.

"We will treat him with respect." Farryn humbly spoke. "And if he approves of how the Border Post is run, then we'll be glad to host him here for any stretch of time. He will probably enjoy it more than he'd like to admit." The lion added with a grin.

"Wolfram needs fresh air on his fur. Maybe the wolf was frowning at us because he was jealous." Sebring joked.

"I need to air things out." The jaguar chuckled and fanned himself. Tuketu threw a pillow at the feline.


"Alright. Let's get a good rest in." Farryn halted the potential pillow fight. Everyone was happy to dive into bed after the long day of cleaning and working to ready the Border Fort for what turned out to be a royal inspection.

"It's the end of the month, so everyone is rotating duties. Farming, mess hall, and cleaning duties will be rotated again. If there are any complaints. Then I can be a tiebreaker."

"Yes sir." A few sleepily mumbled.

"And keep any after dark activities quiet, so everyone else can sleep." He added. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." Everyone was glad that they day ended on a good note.

  1. Archery Practice 926 words. (1736 with bonus scene at end)

Thwack! The bowstring was released and an arrow flew truly through the air before landing close to the center with a decisive thud. Beside the brick laid storage house, the fenced in archery range was busy. Farryn was helping Sebring, Tuketu, and Darius master their archery skills. Around the corner was the sparring field, but numerous pine trees from the thick forests surrounded the entire perimeter. It was a scenic place where mountain peaks were visible from one corner of the field.

"Splendid marksmanship, Sebring!" Farryn congratulated the Rottweiler.

"Thank you." He wiped his forehead. "It's very hot, so I am impressed that I managed to hit the target each time."

"You managed very well." Farryn commended his friend and collected the arrows while Spering walked back to the fence where Tuketu was perched. One more person stood in the grass waiting to practice.

'Oh geese, I'm up.' The new feline recruit gulped nervously and donned the small chest guard. He was sweating from the summer heat, but also from his own nervousness. He clearly felt his naked malehood freely sway with subtly at every step he took. Even a gentle breeze was a reminder of the fact.

Surviving the embarrassment of the royal inspection during his first week at the Border Post was a little jarring. It had only been his second week at the border fort, but the differences compared to regular life elsewhere were stark. However, the feline was very gradually acclimating himself to carrying out his duties in the nude. Not one to brag or show off, displaying any skill sets was a source of nervousness and anxiety for him.

"Here you are Icarus." Farryn handed a few arrows over. "Show us what you've got!" He gave a pat to his back and stood aside. The feline gulped and took ahold of one arrow.

"Ok." He nodded despite biting his lower lip. Icarus glanced down and couldn't help but notice how much his member stuck out in the open. 'Everyone else is naked too. Don't worry about it.' The feline told himself and notched the arrow. Drawing the bowstring back, he took a good aim but couldn't suppress the giddy anxiety. The first arrow flew astray and landed on the edge of the target. The second and third arrow followed suit. However, the fourth arrow he launched missed the target entirely, sailing towards the towering pine trees.

'Stupid wind!' He frowned as he felt the breeze brush past his thighs.

"Here. Let me teach you a few tips." Farryn approached the anxious feline.

"A few tips-?" Icarus felt his back arch as the naked lion pressed against him.

"They're uh... very close for archery practice." Tuketu murmured to Sebring.

"Hmm. Maybe Icarus is just nervous." Sebring guessed. Icarus couldn't hear either as the tall lion loomed behind him He nervously stared at the target ahead, but his thoughts worried around the lion's own member snugly pressed against his outer leg. Icarus didn't mind it necessarily, but it was definitely distracting him! Even the little "mane" of red groin fur tickled his hip.

"Keep your back straight." The lion's front gently touched the mountain lion's back. "Use your two fingers to grip and pull back the bowstring." Farryn whispered and mimicked the gesture using his own hand. Icarus held his breath and followed suit, drawing the bowstring back to his ear. "Stay still and aim right here." Farryn instructed. "But keep your arms steady.

The feline felt his tail tip twitch as the lion touched his arms. He could feel something stirring in his gut.

'Focus on the target. Focus on the target!' Icarus told himself despite the fluttery thoughts in his head. But it was difficult trying to ignore the naked muscular body touching him. The mountain lion bit his lower lip to maintain his concentration even as a little arousal coursed through his body. His eyes glared at the center of the target ahead. With a deep breath his fingers released the arrow. The projectile zipped through the air and struck with a resounding thud. Everyone's eyes lit up seeing the arrow notched directly in the center of the target.

"There! Now you got it!" Farryn congratulated the mountain lion. "Keep practicing like that and you'll have deadly accuracy in little time."

"Yes sir!" He quickly turned formed a proper salute to the lion. Icarus didn't notice, but the lion felt something firm brush over his groin. With a quick glance, he could see what the issue was.

"That's what we call the new recruit salute!" He chuckled.

"Huh?" The mountain lion glanced down only for his face to turn a few shades of red. The feline was erect, and his masculinity didn't seem so shy about rising up to prominence in front of the others. It was even touching the captain's flaccid member!

"Oh uh... I-I-!" He tried to explain.

"It's nothing to feel ashamed about. It's normal for a virile male."

"Y-yes sir. Sorry sir." He gulped nervously.

"Go head to the showers and cool off." Farryn played down the incident. The feline quickly departed feeling his member bouncing along the way in front of him. "I think we are done with archery practice for the day." He waved. "I'll put everything up." Farryn walked over to collect the arrows. "Help him put down his sword if he isn't too bashful about it." The lion told Sebring and Tuketu with a half grin.

"Yes sir!" Both didn't mind and looked forward to a cooling shower from the summer heat.

Bonus continuation:

"Phew!" Icarus caught his breath once he reached the post's shower. Glancing over his shoulder, he didn't see anyone behind him. 'That was too awkward!' The mountain lion wiped his forehead and glanced down between his legs. Thankfully he wasn't sporting an erection any longer.

"Now you are all quiet down there..." He mumbled. "If I'm not sore from that bouncing all the way down here, then I shouldn't complain about wrestling anymore." He chided himself with a little humor. Despite the mountain lion's complaints, he wasn't as susceptible to it as his first days on the Border Post's grounds. It wasn't a terrible experience at all though. Icarus couldn't help but admit that the nudity in close proximity was a little erotic at times. All of the soldiers working hard with nothing clothing their naked bodies left little to the imagination. His thoughts distinctly recalled Farryn pressed intimately against his backside.

'Hmm...' The mountain lion shook his whole body only to feel something very familiar sway stiffly. "Hey! I just told you to go back down." He frowned at his member throbbing painfully erect once again.

"Hello!" Voices called out from nearby.

"Uh oh." Icarus spun around and spotted Tuketu and Sebring walking towards him. His eyes couldn't help but glance at their gently swaying masculinity, reminding him of his own immediate problem. Icarus quickly looked over the shower system, wondering go to operate it.

"Hey! How's it going." They greeted the feline.

"That was a good practice round of marksmanship back there." Sebring pointed back towards the range.

"Hey guys, um. How do I turn this thing in again?" Icarus asked while trying to hide his obvious erection. Sebring chuckled at the feline's bashfulness.

"You don't need to hide anything that obvious." Tuketu spoke up.

"Huh? What do you-?" Icarus starting playing dumb.

"It's fine. You're among men here." He patted Icarus's shoulder. "There's no ladies spying on us."

"Yeah, uh sorry." Icarus nervously rubbed the back of his neck. The feline felt awkward standing there with a hard on though.

"Here. Let me get everything started." Tuketu offered. "Stand under one of the spouts."

"Thanks." He blew a sigh. "It is hot outside."

"Yeah, it's been a hot summer for sure." The Rottweiler added with a nod. The horse worked the simple controls and allowed the water to pour into the chute and out the sprinkling shower heads.

"Just like rain." Sebring grinned.

"Thanks!" Icarus smiled and eagerly rinsed himself off.

"How about I wash your back for you?" Tuketu offered as he stepped behind the smaller feline.

"Oh. Uh, sure." He hesitated only to feel the horse's gentle hands tenderly rub his shoulders. "Oh my." His eyes closed as he melted into the nice massage, but that wasn't the only source of pleasure he was feeling.

"Hmm..." He could also feel the equine's impressive member softly brush against his tail and rear. His hard on wasn't diminishing in the slightest, and Icarus could feel every subtle shift and waggle as his back was rubbed. It was a heavenly experience.

His feline eyes blinked open feeling a very real hand gently grip his length. The Rottweiler was standing close to him wearing an understanding grin on his face. Icarus didn't know what to do, but he secretly wished it wouldn't stop.

"Relax." Sebring gently told the anxious feline. "You've been sporting this at least once every other day. Besides, Farryn doesn't mind anyone lending a helping hand. After all, if your weapon is raised, you might as well use it once in a while."

"Nnggh." Icarus grunted as a thumb gently swirled over his tip. The mountain lion remembered that feeling all too well. He was more than ready to have a good climax. His legs tensed and wobbled as he watched the Rottweiler's hand slowly stroke him.

"And the commander left you on the edge during that royal inspection." The canine recalled.

"Ohh..." Icarus held onto the horse's legs behind him. "That feels..."

"Good?" Sebring guessed without stopping. Icarus nodded without a word as his sensitive flesh was wonderfully cared for. The pleasure quickly built with arousal. It didn't take very long for the new recruit to reach what he desired. A short cry was emitted as he came. Each pulse was drawn out keenly by the canine until he was softening up.

"Huhhhh." The mountain lion uttered a jittery sound of pure satisfaction. Icarus was leaning back onto the horse with a blissful expression on his face.

"You might need a good nap." Tuketu joked as Sebring went over and bathed under the second shower head.

"Thanks. I'll go do that." The feline lazily straightened his posture and walked towards the closest bench. Tuketu snickered as Icarus laid out on the entire bench.

"He's a funny one." Sebring couldn't help but chuckle at the sight.

  1. A River Visit (1700 words)

The sun was shining beautifully along the hills and mountainside of the Border Post, and down to the lower valley. A typical day's work would've been held inside the border post, or in the immediate vicinity. However, the lion was leading a few of the men along a winding trail down the cliff side to a special place. Normally if they were making a small scouting trip, they would've worn some armor or other protective gear. However, everyone was visibly nude, as they normally would have been back inside the walls.

"So where are we going?" Icarus couldn't help but ask.

"You'll see... Just a little farther." Farryn promised them as they continued descending the steep trail.

"I think we have been walking nearly half an hour." Sebring mentioned.

"It feels like we've been walking all day in this heat." Tuketu shielded his eyes from the dappled sunlight as they walked.

"Careful for the thorn bush." The jaguar mentioned. Only two seconds passed before someone hit it.

"Ouch. Stupid thorn bush." Tuketu mumbled. The jaguar sighed with a visible shrug much to Farryn's amusement.

"It'll be well worry the trouble." The red maned lion reassured them. Following the pathway for another minute, the ground evened out and the trees thinned out a little.

"And here we are!" The lion captain displayed his arms as they emerged from the forest and entered a clearing. A river rested before them at the base of the forested cliffs and hills. The large cliff faces were in full view as were the two softly roaring waterfalls in the distance. Everyone walked around on the soft ground wearing content grins.

"Hey! This is a nice view of home!" Icarus looked up at the border post visible in the high distance.

"So what are we doing here?" Sebring asked.

"Taking the day off." Their captain winked. "I thought we could spend some of the afternoon at the river to swim or sunbathe." Farryn grinned. "After all, it is a hot summer day." He offered.

"This is the perfect day for a swim." The jaguar agreed. Tuketu hardly needed permission. The horse happily dashed into the river with glee, splashing loudly all the way to the other side. Icarus cautiously entered the water next.

"It's cold at first!" The mountain lion looked over his shoulder only to unexpectedly slip down to his shoulders. "Wow!" He yelped with a chill. "There's a deep spot over here." He swam out beneath a cliff face before wading back to the shallower section.

"There's plenty of deep spots towards this side." Farryn called out.

"Thanks! It's only mid thigh deep over here." The plainly naked feline turned to face everyone else.

"We can see that much." Sebring waded in slowly behind him, staving off a brief chill from the refreshingly cool water.

"Water's not too cold for you, is it?" The mountain lion splashed the Rottweiler. The canine tensed from the showering droplets and turned to his side.

"Nope! And that's hardly an attack!" Sebring grinned and splashed back.

"H-Hey! You're returning fire!" Icarus laughed and tried shielding himself. Their flaccid lengths swayed with their movements. Farryn took a few steps into the deeper side of the river where the jaguar had seated himself on a sunny section of flat ground. The lion propped his leg up allowing his masculine package to dangle just above the water's surface. The red maned lion wasn't ready for a cold shock just yet!

"It's great seeing everyone take the time to relax once in a while." He hummed with approval.

"I'd say it's all thanks to you and your discipline." The jaguar mentioned. "This was a good idea."

"Ah, you'll make me blush with kind praise." The lion found himself grinning proudly as he watched Icarus and Sebring splash at each other.

"Uh oh. Tuketu is about to do something crazy." The jaguar noticed.

"Huh?" Farryn looked around before letting his gaze travel up. Atop a cliff, the horse was positioned above the deep section of the river. His eyes looked down eagerly.

"Wahoo!" The horse jumped with a wild cry. Everyone paused and watched the horse land with a loud splash in the deep section. Farryn's smiled disappeared under the wide reaching splash of water. Brief waves lapped against the embankment As the horse calmly resurfaced. Farryn opened his eyes and looked down his now wet body, dripping noisily. Everyone was soaked! Sebring, Icarus, Farryn, and the jaguar all eyed the horse who was meekly keeping his head just above the surface.

"Uh... Oops." He sheepishly grinned.

"Now you're gonna get it! Dogpile!" Farryn led the playful charge at Tuketu who quickly splashed back at everyone.


After swimming for much of the hour, everyone was back on dry land. Without any towels, the men only had the sun to dry their bare fur. Some took a nap, and others explored the riverside. The jaguar was sprawled out on a sunny section of grass, waking from a pleasant nap.

"Hmm." The jaguar hummed pleasantly and ruffled the lighter cream colored fur on his chest. A shadow suddenly came over him. Blinking his eyes awake, Farryn was standing above him. "I can't say the sun can give me such a view..." He joked. "Enjoy your nap?"

"Yep, but I had to wipe all of the dirt that stuck to my pelt."

"Just another good reason to go back in the water." His friend mused.

"You didn't even swim." Farryn pointed out and sat down beside the spotted feline.

"I guess I'm not much of a swimmer." He lazily shrugged. "Especially when the water is cold."

"It is only cold for a few seconds after you jump in." Farryn grinned. The jaguar rolled onto his side, causing his genitals to rest inconspicuously on his thigh. "Say Farryn, what exercises will we be doing next week?"

"I haven't decided yet." The lion admitted.

"That doesn't sound like you." The jaguar said. "Usually you have things planned out."

"You're right." He sighed. "But there was another sighting of those rat thieves yesterday during the late evening. We're not the only naked men out here, but they wear cloaks and daggers strapped to their thighs."

"I wouldn't think much of it unless they were very close to the walls." The jaguar didn't seem bothered by the news. "They're a little pesky in the autumn when we store our grain and food for the winter, but they are much easier to manage than the minotaurs and beasts over the mountains." He mentioned. Both felines nodded at that.

"How has Icarus been doing these past weeks?" Farryn glanced around. The mountain lion and the Rottweiler were laying together at the far end of the riverside, well beyond earshot. Further behind them, Tuketu was wielding a stick, practicing a few strikes and thrusts with the pretend weapon.

"Very well." The jaguar hummed. "He's loosened up since you helped him out during archery practice."

"Ah, yes. I think I know what you mean." Farryn grinned.

"You know, it's been one month since he arrived here." The jaguar mentioned.

"One month? Already?" The lion stared up at the sky and watched a cloud.

"Yeah, it's hard to imagine that Sebring was the new recruit after he decided to stay here during the early spring until further notice." His friend recalled. Neither feline was particularly a youth anymore. A little age never hurt, but it put in perspective how much time could change with so little passage.

"Alright." Farryn stood up. "I think we're good to go back, or else we might be tempted to camp out here." He chuckled.

"Maybe another time." Both felines stood up and brushed each other clean.

"Where did Icarus and Sebring run off to?" Tuketu looked around, but they had vanished.

"I'll go search for them. They're probably sunbathing or walking around the riverbank." Farryn offered and walked back to the woods. 'Hmm. Well, I thought they were laying out here together.' Farryn thought as he looked round a few bushes.

"Aahhh." The lion heard someone softly moan nearby. His attentive ears led him away from the river's edge and into the forest. Peering through the underbrush, the lion found an erotic scene had unfolded in a small clearing of grass and clover.

Sebring was facing a strong oak tree with his hands holding the sturdy trunk. The pleasured look on his face spoke volumes of what he was feeling. Seated behind him, Icarus was holding onto the canine's legs while rimming him, occasionally slipping his tongue down to the fuzzy pair of orbs hanging below. The Rottweiler was fully aroused, standing erect to attention from Icarus's pleasurable tongue. His leg and back muscles tensed frequently causing his member to rigidly sway and jerk freely in the air. However, with his back turned, his erection could only stiffly throb and bob to his subtle movements. Farryn glanced down at the mountain lion seated in the clover and grass. He appeared very content pleasuring his friend, apparent by his own erection throbbing with untouched desire. It would be a while before either of them finished off without direct stimulation.

"Mmm. Ahhh." Sebring moaned again as his member jerked, sending a stringy clear bead of fluid lazily down to the tree roots below. Farryn felt a little arousal of his own from the sight, but decided against acting on it. They deserved to have their privacy and peace together, with only the sunlight as their witness.

'I'll leave them be.' The red maned lion grinned and slipped back to the edge of the river where Tuketu and the jaguar were waiting to hike back to the border post.

"Where's Icarus and Sebring?" The jaguar asked.

"Did you find them?" Tuketu added.

"We can take the long way back to the border post. They'll take their time getting ready." Farryn waved and led them back to a trail. The horse and feline looked at each other and shrugged before following their captain to a little bridge heading into the forest.

"What were they doing, taking a nap?"

"They'll take a nap soon." Farryn left his answer vague. "I imagine they'll both be sore from swimming and playing around so much..."

  1. See 7

  2. Blacksmith of the Border Post (715 words)

The sharp tinging sounds at the blacksmith's shop echoed faintly into one of the yards and adjacent building complexes of the border post. It was a typical afternoon for the resident blacksmith. Stelios the bull was hard at work re shaping a sword that had recently been damaged from one of Sebring and Farryn's sparring bouts.

Having an experienced blacksmith at the border post was invaluable for the entire group. Having generic weapons and armor sent from another city left plenty of room for error, such as size requirements or anything specialized for use. The occasional spark didn't seem to phase his durable body. In fact, being thin skinned was not an option for his line of work. Icarus, the thin framed mountain lion had to keep up despite this.

Stelios paused to wipe his forehead and take a needed breath. His new apprentice, Icarus, stood ready.

"You hammer that side." The bull gestured for the feline to strike his side of the blade. Taking a firm grip of the hammer, Icarus pounded the blade with amateur strikes. He was panting heated breaths when the bull waved a hand for him to cease. There was a pause as the bull's eye keenly looked over the work so far. Stelios gave a nod of approval before resuming a stronger set of well aimed strikes. The workshop filled with more metallic pings once again.

Nearby, Farryn and Sebring were chatty while they patiently waited for the pair to hammer out any defects.

"I'm surprised he isn't going on about the great Northern War." Sebring mentioned.

"Everyone feels pride in their valor, especially with age." Farryn smiled understandingly at his own scars.

Just like everyone else at the border post, Stelios gladly followed the "no pants" rule that Farryn had implemented. He only "wore" three items at any given moment inside his shop: a pair of durable gloves, an eyepatch, and his nose ring. Although for more dangerous hands on work, he didn't mind wearing a durable apron for protection. The open nudity had its benefits to the bull's job. The forge or furnace could produce an inferno of heat, which was intolerable to most for more than an hour. Without clothes, he could withstand the heat a little easier.

The beads of sweat dripped down his muscular body while he worked, from his forehead down to his chest. Veins pulsating visibly, the work kept his strong body in shape. His arms were like stone, yet precise. Stelios had a rotund belly from no longer serving in the army. The droplets of sweat trailed further down his body, wetting the little amount of well trimmed pubic fur below his belly. One droplet managed to snake past and onto the base of a veiny shaft. Hanging plainly in sight below was the bull's well proportioned genitals. His impressively thick manhood and hefty balls swayed with weight as he turned around causing the droplet to fall onto the floor from his blunt tip. His length always appeared half erect due to its girth, and the hefty pair hung below.

Icarus wiped his forehead while the bull took the sword by hand and dipped it into the water with a cool hiss. The feline envied taking a shower right now. His fur was smeared with plenty of soot and dirt already, but he was also sweating from the indoor heat. Pulling the blade out, Stelios liked the new straightness the sharp blade now posses once again. He approached the red maned lion and Rottweiler with the forged weapon in hand.

"Farryn. Sebring and you are supposed to practice with practice weapons, not these." The bull mentioned with a disapproving tone at the chatting pair nearby.

"Sebring is very skilled with his blade, so we have a habit of using our weapons like a real fight." Farryn explained.

"I have a feeling neither of you two wear any padding for that..." The bull looked at them with a stern eye.

"Aaahhhhh." A sighing moan of pure relief broke the hot air. Everyone turned their heads. Icarus was leaning forward, dipping his manhood into the cooling water. The look on the mountain lion's face was pure elation. Farryn and Sebring burst into laughter at the sight. Even Stelios couldn't help but grin at the comical scene.

  1. Repairs at the Border Post (656 words)

Worn walls made from fine stone loomed high above, or rather not as high as they once did. The Border Post was much older than any of the soldiers who inhabited its grounds, but some of its history was being rebuilt and improved. The busy sounds of construction were well underway at a previously abandoned section of the border post. Farryn directed and assisted several of his men as they began building.

Weeds and overgrowth had been handled last week, building materials had been prepared for the current week, but today actual construction was beginning to show. Foundation stones were in place, cement was poured, and modest height in walls were already achieved. Timber was stacked and carried for new roofs as well. Everything was coming along smoothly.

"So what are we building here?" Sebring asked as he carried another cut stone across the grounds for Tuketu to place.

"Ah, I'm glad you asked." Farryn smiled with paper in hand. "We're rebuilding the baths that used to be here to use during the winter months. Ages ago during the Northern War this area was once a major stopping point for the military, but without as much foot traffic through here, places fell into disrepair."

"I'm sure Stelios will have plenty of stories about it." Tuketu joked.

"He can tell a long story..." Sebring added. "For hours..."

"I'm sure Icarus is giving him his full attention right now." The horse grinned.

"And all of you should pay attention to what I'm saying." The lion chided the pair.


"Even back then much of this area was in disrepair." Farryn added. "We are building a sauna room as an addition to the baths."

"A sauna sounds fancy for the winter." Kyyanno the cheetah hummed as he passed by. His flaccid member swung in tune to his steps as he carried a large wooden beam over his shoulder. "But it is a lot of hard work to build it."

"Rebuilding any section of the post is hard work." The horse laid another stone in place.

"Erecting anything is hard work." Sebring blew a sigh only to pause. "Well... Maybe not anything." He teased causing the horse to roll his eyes with a half grin.

"Keep those thoughts for after our work is completed." Tuketu chuckled and swished his tail.

"Hey Farryn!" A furry horned bull approached the group. He was roughly one head taller than Farryn, and naturally proportioned. Although, his upper body was very muscular from a lifelong of hard work outdoors, including stone masonry. The bull's head fur was messy, but his smooth brown fur was well groomed on the rest of his body. Even the subtle carpet of groin fur appeared well kept. Between his legs, the bull's well sized flaccid length lightly bounced and freely swayed with the spring in his sturdy step. Despite a hard pant, hauling stone all day didn't wear him out much.

"Thank you for helping us gather all of the building materials and utilizing the old carts we had in storage." Farryn warmly shook the bull's hand. "We don't get a huge allotment for construction work and repairs from the Capitol, so I'm glad we can save so much with local resources."

"No problem Farryn." The bull wiped his forehead, ruffling his messy mop of hair. "I'll get the rest of the stone loaded up of you tell me where you need it dumped." He explained.

"Hmm." The red maned lion studied the paper in hand. "Right by here, next to the existing wall." He gestured. "This should be the final spot where we need to lay foundation."

"You've got it." The sturdy bull gave a nod and walked back to an empty cart.

"Alright men," the captain called out, "we'll work another hour before calling it a day. I think we've earned two days of rest here!" He exclaimed and readily received a few whistles and cheers of appreciation.

Bonus Story - Inspector wolf returns to the Border Post

Inside his personal chambers, Farryn was reading over a report from the nearest border post, many miles away. The quietness helped him focus on tedious matters concerning the wider area and region they were located in. This included but wasn't limited to reports, letters, special requests like corvee labor, and essentially anything not relating to his fellow soldiers. However, he much preferred their company than secluding himself inside the castle.

"Two sightings of rat bandits... prior to an attack on a baggage train. Hmm, that's not unusual." He hummed to himself and felt relief that no monstrous beasts were included within the report. His muscles still ached at the memory of fighting the Minotaur at the northern mountain pass. Although thieves and bandits were much more of a commonplace nuisance than their more ferocious counterparts, they had their similarities. Several of them, especially the rats, hardly wore any clothing at all and were exceptionally sneaky when maneuvering through the forests, swamps, and moorland. One of Farryn's goals was to whip several of them into shape if captured to help bring the lowland countryside at peace. And who knows? Maybe some could help with tasks around the Border Post, and provide better information about the treacherous mountains. Nudity certainly wasn't an issue amongst the men...

A sudden knock at the door drew his attention away from the report on his desk.

"Please come in." His deep voice announced. A male mouse opened the door and stepped inside. He was plainly naked just like the red maned lion, except for a leather belt tied around his waist. At first glance the mouse appeared somewhat surprised an unkempt from quickly running.

"Farryn, we have a visitor who... uh." The mouse hesitated for a moment.

"Go on." The lion nodded with interest.

"We have a visitor who doesn't wish for us to armor up in his presence." Timorus explained much to Farryn's surprise.

"Who did you say was visiting?" The lion looked at the courier mouse with concern. He stepped aside and an armored canine figure stepped into the captain's chamber. The white furred wolf's friendly gaze caught the red maned lion off guard.

"Commander Wolfram!" Farryn jumped at attention from his desk. "What do I owe the pleasure of your visit, sir?" As soon as Farryn finished speaking he looked down at himself and realized he wasn't dressed in front of the inspector. The lion's jaw hung open comically as the wolf merely grinned in reaction.

"There's no need to sound an alarm." He waved Timorus away, and the mouse gladly slipped out the door. "And please call me Wolfram. I'm not here to report and inspect the place from roof to ground." He stepped forward much to the lion's relief.

"Good afternoon, Farryn." He shook the naked lion's hand warmly with a proper greeting.

"You scared me out of my fur." The lion gratefully sighed. "Having an official come here without warning... I can only imagine few worse things!" He exclaimed.

"I'm not here for anything official." The wolf explained himself. "I took up the opportunity to visit again, but I didn't want to announce myself like a royal prince."

"We will gladly accommodate your stay here." Farryn happily spoke. "How long will you be staying here? I mean, stay as long as you like, however, this is the northern most fort, so we cannot offer gilded pillars or glistening halls of marble. We instead can offer our hospitality with the utmost of respect."

"Maybe four or five days, and what you have said is perfectly reasonable." Wolfram nodded at the well spoken words. "It's much better to arrive at a post without needing so many formalities." Commander Wolfram grinned. "So much of my work is traveling diplomatically, I can hardly feel relaxed without thinking about my duties."

"Well then, I think you've come to the right place, Sir." Farryn warmly smiled.

"Now if I remember..." He spoke in a low voice as a grin emerged along his muzzle. "You did say that if I chose to stay here, then I'd have to abide by a few rules, didn't you?"

"Yes sir." Farryn nodded with a subtle grin of his own. "There is a no pants rule that I enforce at this border post. I expect you to follow it the same as any other man here, although I haven't had any complaints."

"Very well then." The wolf commander obliged and began unfastening the various straps and belts around his armor and clothes. "I do not wish to break any rules. As an inspector, I find them very useful for organization and proper discipline." His armor came off with ease and his tunic quickly followed much to the lion's delight. The wolf's upper body was strong despite any lingering age for the experienced commander. Other garments and articles were removed revealing muscular legs and well portioned arms. Lastly the white furred wolf's undergarment was removed revealing his thick wolfish flaccid manhood dangling unabashedly in the open. Two fuzzy orbs covered in plentiful downy white fur were proportioned for the canine commander.

"I feel like such a mess." Wolfram looked himself over and ran his hands over his solid white coat. "My fur is normally well groomed."

"You look great, commander." Farryn complimented the wolf. "I almost don't recognize you."

"I wouldn't recognize myself either." The wolf huffed in amusement at himself.

"And you won't have any clothes messing up your fur. Although, I cannot say the same for an occasional breeze."

"That's true!" He took a few tenuous steps in the nude. His naked member lightly swayed and bobbed without anything to hold it back anymore.

"I feel everything... lightly bouncing." There was a hint of surprise and mirth in the wolf's voice as he walked around the room.

"Freely, as it should." Farryn hoped it would also be a humbling experience for the commander. "It's natural for a man to feel, but I want it to be normal and relaxing more than anything else. This isn't a brothel by any stretch of the imagination." Farryn firmly spoke.

"Of course not." The wolf halted and appeared bothered at the thought. "I never sensed anything of the sort when I performed my yearly inspection."

"I must thank you once again for not uh, being more forthcoming with your report sir." The lion humbly told Wolfram with visible relief.

"Think nothing of it, but a reciprocal favor." The wolf told him. "I suspected a secret being withheld, but I never imagined a good secret." The both shared a little laugh.

"I'm glad you think so." Farryn agreed. "If we had any secret to our comradery then this doesn't hurt. If someone is feeling aroused, then I prefer someone to offer a helping hand. Having the men bond freely when the need arises keeps everyone on good terms. It's nothing to be ashamed of."

"Ah, I was wondering about that." The wolf scratched behind his head. "Nowhere to hide anything that arises to the occasion." He mentioned with a little grin of his own.

"No need to hide anything from a fellow soldier." Farryn smiled reassuringly and patted the wolf's shoulder. "Be proud of what comes natural."

"You're right." Wolfram nodded with satisfaction. "Now what is first on our agenda? The grounds are far and wide with plenty to explore, and for once I won't be on duty." The canine was eager to enjoy his stay, and the lion was pleased to host him.

"Whatever is on your mind first. As guest, you should choose."

"Hmm... I wish had the chance to clean myself off first." He admitted. "I don't like having an air of stench around me." The wolf smelled the air and looked himself over.

"I'm not a fan of foul odors either." Farryn agreed. "But if you insist, we can go to the newly reconstructed bathhouse. It's the newest addition to the grounds, and I have to say we completed it just in time before a chill can be felt in the air."

"That sounds excellent." Commander wolfram grinned. "I'd be happy to clean up first."

"They aren't lavish like the bathhouses of the Capitol, but I'm sure our quaint amenities will help you feel at home during your stay."

"I love the rugged landscape and down to earth mentality here." The wolf complimented Farryn. "Living a natural lifestyle on the land with your own hard work feels invigorating."

"That's the spirit!" The red maned lion cheerfully smiled as they stepped out into the hall. "Timorus." Farryn called out to the courier mouse.

"Yes sir!" He jumped to attention. The mouse looked over the now casually naked white wolf in surprise, but quickly hurried down the hall to notify every soldier.

"Please inform everyone of our guest who shall be staying with us for a few days." The lion kindly spoke. "I'm sure there are already a few rumors floating about."

"I will." Timorus hurried down the hall to carry out his task.

"To the baths." Farryn smiled at Wolfram.

Some of the soldiers they passed by throughout the castle were completely surprised at their new guest walking so calmly amongst them in the nude.

"I take it there are not too many visitors who walk the halls here." Wolfram whispered to Farryn.

"Travelers and visitors are rare, but not out of the ordinary." The lion said. "Our little accident during your inspection has created quite a stir amongst the soldiers stationed here."

"Ah. I understand." The wolf nodded.

"They say your hands are soft, but your gaze is hard." Farryn added.

"Hah!" The wolf popped out a brief laugh. "I would've liked to give each of your men a more private inspection if I had the chance." The wolf muttered in amusement to Farryn who flicked his tail at the thought. After several more twists and turns through the large complex, they approached a new door. A muscular Doberman with a towel around his neck emerged from the bathhouse. The dark furred canine had defined arms and shoulder muscles, but was unabashedly nude like every male inside the border post.

"H-hello." He paused and blinked in surprise at seeing Farryn pleasantly walking alongside Wolfram the commander inspector in the nude.

"Pardon me." The feline and canine passed by him and went inside. The canine scratched his head before hurrying along the hall hoping to gossip about what who he had just seen.

"Ah, it seems we have the place to ourselves." Farryn's voice softly echoed through the steamy bathhouse. "This is the entry room." He gestured around the stonework and woodwork. "Instead of putting away clothes, we store equipment or other carrying items temporarily. Think of someone wanting to relax during a hot afternoon after tending to one of the small farms."

"Very handy indeed." Wolfram nodded and walked with the lion into the main center of the bathhouse. "It seems we don't have the bath full right now." He looked through another entryway into an adjacent room. "But we have the sauna, and it's warm."

"Excellent. That will do nicely." The wolf nodded and followed the feline into a room thick with steam. They sat down snugly together on a wall bench after Farryn splashed water onto the could causing a heated hiss to emit.

"Ah, this is exactly what I needed." Wolfram spread his arms and legs wide, airing himself out. The lion hummed in agreement, and the two enjoyed several moments of quietness to enjoy the steaming sauna. However, a remark that the wolf had said lingered in his thoughts.



"What did you mean earlier when you said that you would've liked to give each of my men a little private inspection?" The lion asked in a low intrigued voice.

"Ah, well, it's nothing personal or serious." Wolfram suddenly spoke bashfully.

"Oh you can tell me in good confidence." Farryn insisted. "We are the only two in here."

"It would've only been a little tease, like what you saw me do." The wolf told Farryn. The lion's gaze lowered for a moment as he thought.

"I'm sure you're the one looking forward to a little teasing since you're naked." The lion murmured in a low voice, and brushed his hand against the commander's fluffy inner thigh. Glancing down, Wolfram gulped seeing that he was indeed half erect. The veins on his member were only starting to grow as his length subtly throbbed in time to his heartbeat. "Maybe I should've rephrased what I said earlier." Farryn mentioned while he lightly rubbed the wolf's fluffy inner thigh, allowing his fingers to brush against a more intimate place. "I don't want the men here to be afraid of what they need." He explained. "And those needs naturally arise from time to time."

"I think I understand what you mean now." The wolf blew a relieved sigh.

"Now then... Didn't you say a little tease?" The lion chuckled and traced a fingertip over the wolf's member. Farryn grinned as it lazily "jumped" up at the sudden attention, craving more. It was the only time the lion had seen commander Wolfram flustered and shy.

"Eh. Well... Ohhh. I did." He quietly moaned as the lion softly rubbed his thumb over the wolf's tip in a sensual circle. Wolfram didn't interfere as fingers lightly traced over his hardening length. He blew another soft sigh as his hardening member jerked with desire and easily grew to its full height. Now standing erect with pride, the wolf glanced at his masculinity with a little twinkle in his eye.

"You know..." The wolf thought of something. "A soldier needs to stand straight and erect for long periods of time." He said causing Farryn to laugh heartily.

"Where does it say that in the report guidelines?"

"It's on the tip of my... well, you get the idea." The wolf's laughter caused his erection to jump and bounce stiffly. Their combined laughter softly echoed inside the bath. Farryn's hand returned to the wolf's throbbing member, and resumed lightly stroking the hardened flesh. The sauna became quiet once again, except for the occasionally soft moan from commander Wolfram. The lion was gentle and kept a slow pace, allowing the wolf to enjoy each moment. Soon a droplet of pre formed at the tip. After a few more strokes, another droplet of pre formed only to ooze down the wolf's thick veiny shaft.

"You're close already..." Farryn stopped stroking, but maintained his light grip on the canine's erection. The wolf audibly breathed, but quickly nodded.

"I'm rock hard..." He grunted. "It feels so good."

"You wouldn't have left everyone on edge, would you?" Farryn murmured, and gave his friend a questioning look.

"Not at all!" He quickly spoke, and the lion immediately resumed pumping the rigid aching flesh. It only took a few more moments as he watched Wolfram's legs tense. The wolf came with a heavy grunt, each pulse bringing him great pleasure. He leaned back and closed his eyes for a moment, but his ears flicked upon hearing the sloshing sounds of water. Peeking an eye open, he spotted Farryn wetting a cloth in the bucket of warm water.

"Now you won't be carrying that sword up high, or pointing at everyone for the rest of the day." Farryn held back a chuckle as he wiped everything clean with the wet cloth. The wolf couldn't help but grin.

"I come in unarmed only to leave disarmed." Wolfram sighed.

"Your humor is one of your greatest weapons, commander."

"I'm glad you think so."

"If anything your thoughts will be clear from inspection duties." Farryn said. "Whenever you're ready, we can cover more of the grounds casually. Dressed casually, that is." The lion teased as the wolf chuckled.

"I must admit, I already feel relaxed." He rolled his shoulder. "And I don't have to worry about having a stiff member prodding out ahead of me." His eyes glanced towards his flaccid length. "As good as it would feel..."

"And even if that happens, there's no shame in it."

"Thank you." Commander Wolfram patted the lion's back. "I'll have to uh... repay you for your relaxing act."

"Nonsense. You're our guest during your stay." The red maned lion insisted. "We'll treat you kindly like any soldier who is here. Think of it as a brotherhood.

"Splendid. I know why you've won over the hearts of everyone here."

"It's my job to look out for everyone's well being." Farryn humbly smiled.

"You're very modest." Wolfram remarked. "So where are we going next?"

"You know, the archery range is a great place to begin going over the grounds." He suggested. "I can show you a couple of tips. Heh." The red maned lion jested much to the wolf's humor.

"Hah! I'm sure you can." The wolf laughed. "Please lead the way."

  1. Journey to the Border Post - . Someone else already wrote a lengthy story for this, so I refrained from writing about it.

  2. Night Watch at the Border Post (750 words)

The still darkness of night had settled over the Border Post, but the full moon illuminated the surrounding area with a bright silvery light. Three figures stood upon a crenelated wall that overlooked much of the surrounding hills of the northern most border post. Tuketu the horse, Darius the fox, and Sebring the Rottweiler were standing lookout for guard duty. Guard duty was a typical assignment for any soldier, and thankfully it was usually a mundane duty for the Border Post.

Darius the fox was one of the few who regularly stayed up past midnight and oversaw much of the border post's night watch. His eyes were well trained to see movement in the dark. Tuketu and Sebring were giving assistance for the early phase of the night though. This exempted the fox from many day chores, and having to wake up early in the morning. He could sleep in till noon if he liked.

With the recent bandit sightings, he was joined by Sebring and Tuketu for the early night. Unlike the Rottweiler, the fox wasn't wearing shoulder pads. He simply wore an open leather vest to feel the occasional nightly breeze and a pair of leather wrist gauntlets. When joining Farryn's command he instantly liked the post's "no pants" rule. Letting everything hang out felt normal and natural for the fox. The camaraderie and bonding were unmatched amongst the men stationed at the border post.

"Hmm?" The fox's black ears perked up at a faint distant sound. Moving away from the defensive wall, the fox peered along the castle's corridor's and shadows.

"Is there an attack on our rear?" Sebring looked at the fox skeptically, spear in hand.

"Don't be ridiculous." He chimed and looked at the darkness with a relaxed gaze. He crouched down with a wide stance. A figure emerged from the shadowy border of the darkness. However, the familiar red maned feline was no enemy to them.

"It's Farryn." He calmly told them. The lion captain of the border post emerged from the darkness and into the radius of light.

"Hello. All going well here?" Farryn asked.

"I knew I heard you walking this way." Darius grinned as the lion approached. He could see the lion's flaccid member gently bounce and sway from his own naked stride.

"Your hearing is excellent as always." Farryn noted with praised and paused by the bottom of the ladder before climbing up.

"Just a field rabbit or two, but nothing out of the ordinary here." He informed the lion. "Although I would hate to be in the woods at the dead of night, full moon or new moon." The fox admitted. "Bandits know the dangerous terrain well, and there's a chance a Minotaur could descend the mountain." The last part made the lion shudder.

"I hope that any minotaurs stay on the other side of the mountain pass. The rat bandits can stay in the forests or marshes for all I care."

"We're keeping a good lookout sir." Sebring saluted with his spear in hand.

"It's a lot easier keeping watch when the moon is full too." Tuketu gazed out across the open plain.

"Any sighting of those rat bandits yet?" Farryn asked.

"No sir." Darius shook his head. "I'll keep a lookout all night for them though. They're a sneaky bunch, but they won't get by me."

"Glad to hear it." Farryn grinned at the fox's calm confidence. "Sebring. Tuketu." The lion addressed the others. "You two can retire for the night whenever you are ready."


"Thank you." Sebring stretched. Darius half grinned at his fellow soldiers' weariness after a long day of work. The fox knew he would be acting the same way if he had to work with them in the early morning.

"Thanks for your vigilance Darius." Farryn said before descending the ladder.

"No problem at all, Farryn. I appreciate the company." Darius stood up and told them.

"Take care." Sebring said before yawning.

"Don't take any naps." Tuketu joked and patted the fox's back.

"A nap? I'm wide awake." He rotated his arms. "I'll leave the sleeping to you two." He gave a characteristic foxy grin as they descended the ladder.

"Goodnight." They bid him farewell for the night.

"Night." He waved. 'My night is just getting started.' He turned back to the crenellations. Leaning on the wall, he gazed upon the moonlit ground below. A smile was evident along his face as his naked fur was aglow with the celestial body's heavenly light.

Bonus scene* Grapes (1539 words?)

The bright afternoon sun was shining with brief interruptions from lingering clouds. The Border Post was busy with its usual activities. By the gardens one small row of grapevines was being tended to by Darius and Icarus, who had recently become acquainted. They had been assigned gardening duties for the next two weeks. It wasn't an envied chore during the heat of the summer, but it had its rewards.

Two pairs of hands examined broad green leaves and juicy round purple grapes. The long grapevines bobbed gently from their inquisitive touches. Crouching down, both of them searched the vines for any sign or trouble, insects weeds, or signs of drought.

"So how long have you been here?" The red fox inquired. "I haven't seen you here much before, maybe once or twice, but never for more than a minute or two."

"About three and a half weeks." Icarus answered. "Don't you work during the night mostly?"

"Ah, that's right." He comically slapped his forehead. "I forgot that you're the new recruit." He hummed with a slow nod. "Are you enjoying the 'no pants' policy that Farryn implemented?" The fox asked with a little grin curled across his muzzle.

"At first I was really nervous about it." The feline blushed a little. "The nudity was distracting, but I really like it now." His tail tip flicked a little.

After a solid three and a half weeks of staying at the Border Post, the mountain lion was no longer fearful or ashamed about following Farryn's 'no pants' rule. To the contrary, he enjoyed the feeling of fresh air against his bare fur. It felt natural for all of the soldiers to bare their bodies to nature and life with no impeding barriers. He felt physically lighter and freer.

"So what other duties has Farryn assigned you to?" Darius curiously asked as they worked.

"Blacksmith's apprentice."

"Nice! We always need a second hand at the forge. It's no fun when Stelios badgers everyone by himself." The fox grinned slyly.

"Well... I'm seeing how it goes first before I commit to anything." Icarus admitted. "Stelios is really particular about his work."

"That's true!" Darius chuckled. "That bull looks so stern all the time, but he is very caring towards everyone here."

"He's built to look stern." Icarus nodded.

"You'll have to tolerate numerous stories about his service in the last war years ago." The fox added.

"Yep. I've heard plenty of things between the pings of his hammer."

"Haha! You will hear every one before the year is over." Darius joked. "Say, you don't stay in his shop do you?"

"No, I'm staying in the barracks until further notice."

"You know I'm sure no one could freeze if they slept with that warm bull." The fox teased. Icarus felt his cheeks blush lightly at the thought, but the feline smiled all the same as they examined the grapevines together.

"There's so many bunches. They already look good enough to eat." The feline licked his lips, hoping they could be picked soon. "I bet they're sweet."

"I see a pair of healthy grapes right here." Darius said before reaching across.

"Where-uh?" Icarus felt something touch him. Looking down, he could see a black furred hand gently fondling his balls. Widening his stance, he could see the fox's mischievous eye glinting up at him rough the leaves. "You can't pick those." He slyly grinned, but shy away from the gentle touch.

"Good thing too." The fox admitted. "But they're always gonna be ripe for the taking." He joked and gave the feline's flaccid member a pet before retracting a hand. "I think we're done here. Wanna walk?" Darius asked.

"Sure." Icarus happily nodded. The pair walked along the field towards the trees where no one else was within sight.

"I heard that you used to have what some call the new recruit salute problem." Darius mentioned.

"Oh yeah..." Icarus remembered with a little embarrassment. "I think it was two weeks before that went away."

"It's no trouble to anyone. Just don't flaunt it."

"Yeah, I've been told that." Icarus rubbed the back of his neck bashfully.

"It happens to everyone, and it's only natural." He explained. The feline nodded all the same. Icarus glanced down and surprisingly saw Darius sporting a hard on of his own while they were talking. At first he wanted to say something, but the fox's demeanor hadn't changed in the slightest. Seeing the fox walk calmly with his fleshy member bouncing stiffly ahead made his stomach feel fluttery.

"Farryn runs this border post with ease, but also with discipline. This isn't a brothel." Darius continued.

"That's right." The feline nodded at the fact. The sight of Darius's erection made a tingle of arousal stir within him. Icarus felt his own flaccid member begin to lengthen where he could feel it begin to sway with his steps.

"And I'm sure you know by now that it helps the men bond from time to time. A little personal intimacy solidifies trust amongst soldiers." He gently tapped the feline's chest with the back of his hand.

"That's true." Icarus nodded. "Sebring and Tuketu kind of... helped me with overcoming my own nervousness." His member unknowingly hardened at the recent memory. Darius stopped by a fallen log where there was plenty of shade beneath another looming tree.

"Exactly. See! We're on the same page." He smiled and gestured to the mountain lion's own throbbing length. Sure enough, Icarus looked down at his unabashedly visible erection pointing at the fox.

"Heh. I guess you're right." Icarus clearly felt his own arousal. He nibbled his lip seeing that their throbbing members were a mere two inches from touching.

"I'd say we're about the same size too." Darius gently touched the mountain lion's length. His nimble fingers gently lifted it up before retracting. Icarus's abs tensed as his member jerked before gently bobbing back to its original place.

"You wouldn't mind helping me with mine, and then I could help you with yours?" Darius offered. The mountain lion glanced around and noticed that no one else was within sight of them.

"Okay." The feline nodded.

"Thanks. I appreciate it." Darius said before suddenly yawning. "Ah, geeez... Sorry. Noon is basically sunrise to me." The fox stretched his arms over his head in an exaggerated pose before sitting on the fallen tree. "That might explain my morning wood..." He grinned. Icarus knelt down in the grass and felt the short grass tickle his balls and length hanging between his legs. Darius parted his legs invitingly. The fox's erect shaft was waiting for him. Icarus could see it gently throb in time with the fox's heartbeat, just like his own length. The mountain lion opened his mouth and leaned forward only for a hand to gently stop him.

"Woah. Hold on." Darius intervened.

"Huh? What?"

"I appreciate your straightforward attitude, but you could tease around a little bit first." He suggested with a not so subtle blush on his cheeks. Icarus looked at the fox's throbbing length and understood. Icarus craned his neck forward and parted his lips. His nose barely touched the tip before he delivered a slow lick along Darius's sensitive underside.

"Oooh. Mmm..." The fox's tail swished erotically as the warm prickly tongue trailed up to his tip. Icarus took his time and continued licking the underside with his rougher tongue causing the fox's length to jerk up several times.

A clear bead of pre dribbled out before oozing onto the feline's nose. It was only an innocent drop of what laid in store. The feline brushed his cheek across the fox's length, allowing his soft fur to tease his friend's sensitive flesh. Darius leaned back and began softly panting as he groaned into the increasing pleasure caressing his malehood.

Icarus didn't hesitate and slipped his lips around the fox's tip before swirling his tongue over it.

"Nngg! Gah." Darius gasped as his claws gripped against the bark from the sensation. The mountain lion leaned forward without pausing. He seldom bobbed his head, instead choosing to use his tongue to elicit pleasure from the red fox.

"Nnggh." He grunted and dug his toes in the ground. "That cat tongue of yours is rough, but feels so good. Mmm..." The fox felt his length throb inside the feline's maw. Only seconds passed before he felt the inevitable stirring within. Darius closed his eyes and held onto the log so he wouldn't fall off. His entire body tensed as he came with vigor. Tensing with every jerk, he opened his eyes only when his length was spent.

"Oh... Wow." He breathed heavily. Icarus pulled back and caught his breath before cleaning himself. "Need any help on your end?" Darius panted. The fox glanced down between his legs but noticed that the feline had already came in the grass.

"I'm... Good." The mountain lion was spent as well. They simply looked at each other, breathing euphorically with silly grins on their faces.

"Well, that makes gardening a little more fun." Darius watched his length shrink back to its normal flaccid state.

"You bet." Icarus wiped his chin.

"Thanks. I owe you one." He playfully ruffled his friend's head fur.

  1. Gate Duty at The Border Post (772 words)

Despite thick clouds promising of rain from the southwest, the sun continued to shine brightly above with warmth over the northern border post. With the agreeable weather, many of the stationed soldiers were outside tending to their duties, chores, or even taking some time to relax in the sunlight.

"Did Farryn say anything about rotating guard duties?" An open vest wearing tiger asked.

"No, nothing changes for at least another week and a half." Sebring, the Rottweiler accompanying him to the gate said. Both men were unabashedly nude, like everyone else, and calmly talking amongst themselves. The subtle natural swing and bobbing between their legs was hardly a rare occurrence at the border post. And even if something rose to the occasion, it was hardly warranted as taboo. Given Farryn's unique leadership, it was contently accepted at the Border Post.

Darius the red fox was standing guard at the front gate, gazing out towards the wilderness. Titus the jaguar accompanied him, and stood guard at the other side of the gate. Both were fully armed and stood watch for any suspicious activities like rodent robbers, monsters, or even to quickly report unexpected visitors like an imperial inspection.

Standing guard at the front gate was just about the same as the night watch. The main difference was being able to see much of the beautiful countryside that the border post inhabited. Despite the scenic views, it wasn't very exciting to stand guard for much of the day. The armor he wore almost felt uncomfortable compared to the nude lifestyle within the walls; but Darius understood the importance of his job and did not complain. Titus took the job of guarding seriously as well and didn't waver in his stoic stance. Thankfully, his guard duty had a break during the entire evening to prepare for the night watch. He was even more grateful that it was incredibly rare for something unordinary to occur. The only noises he had heard for most of the afternoon was the rhythmic chopping of wood nearby from Grezz the lizard.

'If it doesn't rain I am going to run over to the outdoor showers as soon as I can strip this cumbersome armor off.' The fox thought to himself as he stood patiently, spear in hand. Darius's black tipped ears wiggled hearing voices approach from inside the border post.

"But I never liked guard duty that much." A voice spoke. He easily recognized Sebring's voice.

"Why not?" Another voice replied.

'That's the tiger...' He knew the other person talking with the Rottweiler. They stopped short of the gateway, but judging from the volume of their voices, they were very close despite not being able to see one another from around the stone corner.

"Well, for one, guard duty isn't something I particularly enjoy." Sebring explained. "I would be tempted to nap or goof around if no one else was with me to pass the time. I'm glad we're safe in the hands of more capable people like Darius. He is our expert for listening in on every sound, and spotting every movement." The Rottweiler said. Darius puffed out his chest in pride at the high remarks he heard from his fellow soldiers around the stone corner.

"He is very skilled." The tiger agreed. "But goof around and do on guard duty?"

"I don't know, but I'd rather not tempt myself." Sebring told him. "Even Darius has done that once."

'Wh-what?' The fox's facial expression changed.

"We rarely get ale at the border post for obvious reasons." The canine continued. "Having too much drink can really change a man's mental state. I've seen it happen, and one late evening Darius had way too much like the rest of us."

"Where was I when this happened?" The tiger held back a laugh.

"I have no idea, but all of our memories suffered that dreadful night." The Rottweiler chuckled. "Anyway, the following morning we found Darius at the top of that tree over there." He pointed at a sturdy pine. "He was cradled in several limbs sound asleep despite a pair of crows cawing loudly at him."

'Ahh! How embarrassing!' The fox frowned and felt his entire face redden as Sebring told the story from within earshot.

"I think Farryn had to climb up and retrieve him if I'm not mistaken." Sebring chuckled.

"Wow. That's something I'd have to see to believe." The tiger mentioned as the sounds of the footsteps resumed walking along the inside of the walled perimeter.

'If I had a rock, I'd throw it at him...' The fox wished his ears were deaf for just a few minutes...

Bonus - A Potential Thief at the Border Post...

The mid morning outside the border post was typical for the summer. Farryn had several of his men outside performing an exercise in unison. Using spears they were tasked with charging across the road before halting and forming a defensive circle. There was only one extra inherent risk with performing drills along the road...

"Cart!" The newest recruit, a feline, yelled and pointed. Due to the sensitive nature of Farryn's clothing optional rule at the Border Post, everyone knew when to avoid directly meeting a traveler, whoever seldom, unless directed by Farryn that all was safe. Having word get out about how he exactly ran the border post without clothes may irk his superiors to say the least. The last thing everyone at the post needed was being reprimanded by officers from the distant Capitol.

"Stay to the edge of the road. I'll handle this." Farryn decided and quickly jogged up to the vehicle despite being naked. "It might be a bandit. Who knows." He mumbled under his breath. The area had frequent visits by bandits before Farryn was assigned to the northern most border post. After a few months of discipline and skirmishes, banditry became a seldom occurrence in the area. Most left for the swathes of hills to the west, or flat forests and swamps to the southeast.

The cart stopped as the lion approached. The driver was a simply dressed male rat. He wore a cloak over a simple robe, and a belt fastening everything together.

"This is the Northern Border Post." Farryn declared. "What brings you here?"

"Ah, yes. A very handsome lion as I was told." The rat softly spoke and looked over the naked lion's body.

"Excuse me?" Farryn eyed the rodent suspiciously.

"My apologies. My name is Raskin." He introduced himself. "I'm a traveling merchant passing by."

"Where are your wares or grain to sell?" Farryn noticed that the rat's cart was oddly empty.

"Oh. I haven't gathered what I want to sell yet." He innocently grinned.

"This is the last vestige of civilization before you cross the mountains and arrive in the barbaric north. The closest village is a few miles back down the road." Farryn pointed. "I suggest that you leave for your own safety.

"Of course, of course." The rodent nodded humbly. "Before I go, please take this." Raskin turned away before handing Farryn a tiny cloth garment. The scarlet coloring was very striking and silky to the touch. However, its shape made Farryn second guess what he was holding.

"Huh?" He looked at the item questioningly. "Is this a-?" The rat discreetly blew a tiny amount of unseen powder into the distracted lion's face.

"Yuck." Farryn grumbled and wiped his eyes before balling the silken fabric into his fist. Turning away, he waved for the cart to go on. Raskin gladly turned the cart around and departed down the road.

"Let's finish up the exercise!" Farryn called out and walked back to everyone, although the lion couldn't help but feel something was off...


Entering his bed chamber for the afternoon, Farryn felt confused as he walked around. However, he wasn't entirely nude as usual. The lion's masculine package was now barely contained by wearing the scarlet fabric that resembled a thong. Farryn missed the freeing sensation of being nude, but something in the back of the lion's mind had told him to wear it. His thoughts weren't clear as he wondered what to do. He passed by maps of various regions rolled out onto his desk, his suit of armor, and his sword.

That funny feeling had only grown since the rat left the border post. Staring at the mirror, his eyes glued to the red fabric coddling his genitals. He couldn't see anything underneath the well outlined, but his toes curled feeling something soft brushing over his glans. It was impossible to ignore as it traced over sensitive skin.

"Nnggh." He softly groaned as it tickled his privates. The feathery sensation felt all too real for the lion, even if it wasn't visible. Real or not, it was having an effect. Looking at himself in the mirror, his malehood had grown within his new loins from the constant arousal. The outline of his erection pressed firmly against the fabric, jerking occasionally. Something was wrong, but the arousal straining within the new scarlet garment fogged his head. The light feathery sensation stroking up and down the sensitive underside of his constrained phallus made his hips shift and strain for release. After shifting his hips for minutes he became sleepy. Feeling befuddled and tired, he laid down on the bed and closed his eyes despite his erection still throbbing wantonly within the scarlet thong.


Entering the sparring grounds, Sebring and Tuketu rummaged through a few practice shields and wooden swords at their disposal while the jaguar and new feline recruit straddled the fence.

"This one feels a little tight." The horse tried strapping the shoulder guard on.

"I think that one is mine." The jaguar spoke up.

"I should've guessed." He chuckled and tossed it aside. Even though the equipment was fairly revealing, it felt more like clothing since everyone was constantly naked.

"Where's Farryn?" Sebring asked. It wasn't like the lion captain to suddenly disappear out of the blue before training.

"I don't know. I thought he was with you."

'Where could he have gone to?" The Rottweiler wondered. "I haven't seen him since we returned inside after the exercise by the road."

"That's not like him at all." Tuketu scratched his head.

"We need to go look for him." Everyone agreed with a quick nod and they set out across the barracks. The search proved fruitless as they went room to room, running through the halls. With every passing second they became more worried about the lion. The last place they reached was Farryn's private bedchamber. Unlike the others, the lion had his own private quarters instead of having to sleep communally with everyone else each night. Entering the bed chamber, Sebring froze.

"Farryn?" He was surprised to find the lion laying on his back in bed, legs hanging freely over the side. But what caught the nude Rottweiler's attention most was the strange scarlet colored fabric tented with arousal.

"Hey, Farryn. Are you alright?" He grabbed a foot and gently shook it. Their captain was softly mumbling, but not stirring from his sleep. Everyone quickly crowded inside.

"What's wrong?"

"Is he sleeping?"

"He won't wake up! Please get Stelios the blacksmith!" Sebring yelled. Minutes passed agonizingly slow before a large heavyset bull entered the bed chamber. The blacksmith was a no nonsense resident of the outpost, using his skills to forge and repair weapons that were much needed in the remote northern location where the nearest towns were miles away. Without Farryn's guidance, he was the wisest among them.

"What's going on?" He stepped through the small crowd and approached the bedside where Farryn was mumbling in what appeared to be a heavy sleep.

"We found him like this. He won't wake up." Tuketu explained.

"I can't understand why he's mumbling." Sebring added.

"What is he wearing?"

"I have no idea."

"It looks like a thong, but where did he get it?" No one seemed to know. Stelios silently sat down on the bed and took a closer look. His large genitals hung over the bedside as he rested a large hand very gently on the sleeping lion's straining erection. The bull examined the cloth outlining the lion's prominent arousal.

"It's imbued with magic." The bovine soberly warned them as he removed his hand.

"How do you know that?" The jaguar asked.

"Several years ago, before I moved out to this border post, I was blacksmithing in a city that specialized in removing locks and seals imbued with magical properties." He explained. "We would see several odd cases of magic being used to hide or store items."

"Oh." The feline was impressed. "Uh. I won't tease you about the nose ring anymore." He sheepishly smiled. Stelios rolled his eyes before returning his focus to the mumbling and sleeping Farryn. Using a knife, he cut the scarlet fabric. Farryn's painfully erect member immediately sprung forth unrestrained from its silken prison.

"Here's what was causing his arousal." He reached over and held up a little fluffy looking feather that had been hidden within the scarlet fabric. Everyone looked with bizarre expressions as the feathers tried moving on its own before falling to the floor, never to move again. "Not enough to finish him off, but more than enough to keep teasing him senselessly." He wiped his hands.

"So the captain has a bad case of blue balls?" One of the men asked.

"Yes and no." The bull sternly spoke. "It's probably used to reinforce the magic so he's susceptible to commands given by whoever did this to him."

"Is this going to harm him?"

"It is sinister, but it is very short term and harmless." Stelios spoke. "We should be thankful for that."

"How did this happen? We didn't do anything unusual today."

"Who was with him earlier today?" The bull inquired. "This doesn't happen by accident."

"All of us were." Sebring looked around as everyone nodded.

"Did someone here give Farryn this?" He held up the little scarlet garment.



"No way." Everyone on the room denounced such an idea.

"Wait..." Tuketu remembered something. "We stopped training alongside the road when an empty cart came up. There was a rat driving it and Farryn talked to him.

"That's right." Another confirmed.

"Yeah, I think he claimed to be a merchant or something, but his cart was empty. After that Farryn wasn't himself and disappeared."

"An empty cart huh?" The bull rubbed his chin in thought. "Maybe he was trying to incapacitate Farryn, trick him, and then steal several things." Everyone's eyes widened at the possibility.

"We shouldn't have let our guard down." Sebring frowned.

"This region has plenty of bandits, but we haven't encountered any in some time." The jaguar folded his arms.

"Will he wake up?" Tuketu noticed that Farryn wasn't stirring despite his genitals being freed from their silken trap.

"I'll probably have to snap him out of his state." The bull thought for a moment before looking at the lion's throbbing erection. Reaching over, he wrapped one of his large hands around the lion's standing spire. Without any grace, but started stroking the rigid flesh.

"Couldn't you just shake him awake?" Sebring scratched his head.

"We'd probably have to slap him around some. Would you want to be woken up that way with a raging hard on?"the bull countered.

"No..." The canine scuffed his bare foot on the floor. The large hand resumed pleasuring the incapacitated feline. It took less than a minute for the already aroused lion to reach the point of no return. The lion's abs tensed before he came with vigor. A look of peace and calm overcame Farryn as his entire body relaxed. He ceased mumbling too.

"Bring a wet cloth so we can clean him up." Stelios retracted his hand.

"I'll get one!" Tuketu ran off and quickly returned. The lion began to stir once they cleaned him off.

"He's awake!" Everyone crowded closer as their leader came to.

"Oh... My head." Farryn mumbled as he awoke. He tried to sit up only for a hand to rest on his chest.

"Take a minute to lay down, or you'll get dizzy." Stelios warned.

"Are you feeling alright?" Everyone worried.

"I was having such a teasing dream." The red maned lion recalled and rubbed his eyes. There was some relief at what he said.

"You were put under a spell of some kind."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Do you remember this?" The bovine held up the cut scarlet cloth. The lion's face scrunched into a frown as he tried thinking back.

"No... No, I don't." Farryn slowly shook his head.

"Exactly." Stelios concluded.

"What are we going to do about the rat posing as a merchant?"

"He will be back. As far as I can tell, he doesn't know that we found out about all of this. That means we can stop him."

"Or catch him." The jaguar chimed in.

"Are you saying that rat merchant did this to me?" Farryn asked.

"Yes." Everyone said in unison.

"Sorry. I'm still trying to figure out what happened." He slowly sat up and rubbed his head.

"I have an idea..." The bull suddenly smiled. "Let's go to the forge and I will explain!" Stelios jumped to his feet with everyone eagerly following.

"Time to see what treasures I can steal with that lion's help." Raskin the rat grinned as he traveled over the bumpy road riding atop his cart. Returning to the border post, he hoped to lay in wait for the lion he had successfully put a spell on. It was the late evening, but under the cover of early nightfall he expected to collect a decent amount of valuables to sell on the black market. Glancing this side was a small dark blue pouch that he kept by his side wherever he traveled. The powder inside was harmless, but when properly imbued with a little magic utilizing a stone, it could become very potent. Raskin the rat spotted Farryn standing idly by a lone tree outside the permieter's wall. The rat halted the horse pulling his cart.

'Ah, there he is.' He smiled. 'Time to work my magic.' He rubbed his hands together before stopping the cart. Farryn calmly approached the rat who quickly hopped off the cart. "I am anxious to see what valuables you have for me!" He smiled. The lion knelt down and bowed to the rat's liking. His smile vanished when Farryn reached out and grabbed his leg.

"Hey! What are you doing?" He yelled as an iron ring was fastened to his ankle.

"There." The red maned lion rose to his feet wearing a grand smile.

"What is this?" The rodent tried removing the iron ring, but it was firmly clasped around him.

"Don't waste your time, that won't come off without our blacksmith's help." Farryn explained as the rat suddenly jumped up and stared at his hands.

"What's happening?" The rat moved his fingers. "I feel different!"

"That iron ring on your ankle will diminish and suppress any magic that you may be tempted to use." As the lion spoke, several of the others including Tuketu and Sebring emerged from hiding and approached the befuddled rat. The writing was on the wall for the would-be thief. His ears and tail drooped as he was caught.

"What are you going to do with me?" He shook in place.

"You can leave your cloak and clothing in the cart." Farryn told the rat. "You won't be needing them during your stay with us."

"Wait. What?" The rat stared wide eyed as his cloak was grabbed by several hands.

Two days later...

The once sinister would-be-thief rodent was brought down to size, and resembled a shy new recruit. Per Farryn's rule, pants were unnecessary on the grounds. Raskin was utterly naked save for the magic suppressing iron bracelet around his ankle. A once sinister smile now appeared half hearty, but half nervous. Inside the mess hall, he was being put to work for an honest living. The seated men raised their mugs into the air with grand smiles and words of approval as the rat returned to the crowded bench lined table with more drink.

The rat had a difficult time hiding his erection poking out straight ahead, wagging rigidly with every step. The rest of the men did not seem to mind though. To them it was a normal function of the male body at times, but the rat was unaccustomed to the Border Post's nudity. To him being around so many people in the nude was a little jarring, but perhaps that would change overtime. Farryn and Stelios stood idly by the wall watching from afar.

"So what are you going to do with him?" The blacksmith asked the proud lion.

"Hmm..." Farryn rumbled a contemplative hum.

"Please tell me that you'll put him in stocks by the road to be made an example of." Stelios inquired.

"I will if he gets out of line." Farryn suggested.

"At least part of him is straight as a line." The bull half joked, eyeing the rat's plainly visible erection that wasn't softening anytime soon. They watched as the rodent carefully maneuvered around everyone while simultaneously serving them drinks. Apparently a certain part of the rodent's body prodded one of the men by accident. Farryn and the bull didn't hear the exact words, but it ended with a compliment. The aroused rat scurried off to the kitchen once more, but wearing a bashful smile.

"Since you mention that, he seems very thin." The lion rubbed his chin. "I don't think he's done a lot of physical work before."

"That's probably from an over reliance on magic." The bull guessed.

"I want him a little more toned before he leaves." Farryn surprised the blacksmith. "From what I gather, he comes from a rough background and likely needs a little guidance. And who knows? Maybe he will want to join the northern border post after a while. A life of magical crime is surely worse." The experienced lion reasoned.

"For heaven's sake Farryn." The bull shook his head. "Reorganizing a rowdy bunch of soldiers is one thing, but if you can discipline a thief, then I'll re design your entire bed chambers to your liking."

"Deal." He readily accepted the bet with a grin. Stelios frowned. He suddenly didn't like his odds. "And I'm keeping this." The red maned lion held up the little scarlet fabric that had given him so much trouble earlier.

"Why do you still have that?!" The bull stared at Farryn shocked.

"What? It's a memento for catching a thief." He insisted.

"Just don't wear it."

"You don't have to worry about me wearing anything around here." The lion laughed heartily while the naked rat scurried back to the table with more food in hand.

Aramog Town

Chapter III The autumn equinox festival was about enjoying the prosperous summer, and maintaining a vibrant life despite the oncoming cooler weather. All sorts of harvests were being reaped and their winter fur coats...

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The Ancient Forest

Chapter II Okhotna ascended a grassy hill overlooking the village from the northeast. The nearly constant wind ruffled her bare fur like the grass beneath their paws. Her long hair blew behind her with the breeze....

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The Dragon Ravine

The weather was fair and serene without a single cloud in the light blue sky. Across the rolling green meadows, grasses bobbed and gently swayed from the stirring winds causing them to resemble ocean waves. High above...

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