Chapter 1: Josh, Patient Zero

Story by Arthes on SoFurry

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#1 of The Gift That Keeps Giving

Inspired by the sorceress Circe's ability to turn men into beasts, this story features an infectious lust that runs wild and rampant through a college campus and beyond.

The Gift That Keeps Giving

Chapter 1: Josh, Patient Zero

Sitting in the lecture hall I could hardly concentrate, in front of me was the quarterback of the University Football team. I don't care much for sports nor have I practiced any in a dedicated manor, but boy can I appreciate the physiques of the guys that do. Just looking at that perfect ass Ben was sporting was driving me wild, I couldn't keep my eyes off him.

It's not that I'm one of those gays that lusts after the unattainable straight man so much as seeing a toned muscular body just really gets the blood flowing. Being of an average build myself, I think it might have to do with wanting what I don't have...but that could just be my way of excusing just how easy I am to drool over a hot-bod. That perfectly firm round "cake", sculpted from countless squats, leading up into the dimples in the small of his back perfectly visible all thanks to his shirt being caught on the back of his chair. Oh man, and he's stretching his arms showing off those rock hard and veiny biceps looking like he just got a pump in from they gym. What I wouldn't give to be man handled by arms like that, just tossed around and...

"Oh my god, Josh has a boner!"

Shouted Vincent Jefferies, one of my suite mates whose exclamation snapped me out of my horned-up daydreaming.

"Hahaha, this fag is checking out Ben."

Ben immediately spun in his seat and I could feel my cheeks blush, but instantly turned to avoid looking his way. This left me locking eyes with Vincent, or Vinny as everyone else called him. Glaring at him I rose from my seat.

"You're the one checking me out, Vincent!"

I snapped defensively, clenching my fists so hard my knuckles were sure to be white as a bone.

"Get your tent out of my face, I don't wanna catch..."

"Enough! One more outburst or interruption in my class and I'll have all parties removed from this course. You can sign up for someone else's lectures if you're so inclined to waste my time."

Professor Adams exclaimed, cutting off Vincent before he could finish his slurs against me.

"And Mr. Phillips, I want you to see me in my office after class has concluded. That is, if you can all contain this obnoxious behavior."

"Yes, Mr. Adams. Sorry, it won't happen again."

I responded and returned to my seat, heart still pounding from the ordeal. Vincent snickering as I avoided the look of disgust coming from Ben.

"Mr. Zacharias, perhaps your attention would be better served facing the front of the class. I'm sure you find yourself and this situation more amusing, but if you'd like to keep your scholarship you're going to need to pass my class. Being the starting quarterback means nothing in this room."

Concluded Professor Adams regarding the interruption before proceeding with the lecture on Greek Mythology. Now I couldn't concentrate out of sheer embarrassment, my anger at Vinny's mockery and snickers wasn't helping either. Professor Adams' class would be more exciting if he spoke with that much conviction all the time.

"Now this brings Odysseus to Aeaea, the Island of Circe's domain. Circe being a sorceress and daughter of the Sun God, Helios."

Ugh, I read the Odyssey in Middle School. Why did I think this class would be enjoyable, just because I had an interest in this sort of thing as a kid? No wonder brawn and no brains like Ben Zacharias, and clowns like Vinny Jefferies took this class. Had I known that it had a reputation as an easy A, I would've chosen something more engaging.

The end of class didn't come soon enough. As others were shuffling out behind Mr. Adams, Ben lingered by the door watching me, flexing and rubbing his right fist into his left palm and punching it slowly. I'd appreciate the show if I weren't so terrified that the palm was likely a foreshadow of what was to come of my face. I turned and darted to the exit on the other side of the hall. I'd need to find a different path to Professor Adams' office, but well worth it to avoid any potential beating.

Shuffling through the busy hallways, I made my way to the office where I was sure to receive a follow up scolding. Whether it was motivated by my contribution to interrupting the classroom or simply for being gay was yet to be determined, but either way I was used to being singled out despite not being the one to instigate these sorts of situations. I knocked and the door, not being fully latched shut, gave way. I was about to apologize but looked in to find Mr. Adams grinding herbs with a mortar and pestle while reading aloud from what seemed to be some old tablet etched with a mixture of Greek and unfamiliar markings.

"Ah, Mr. Phillips, come in...please come in. I'm just finishing chanting and triturating, I find it quite the calming form of meditation. Especially when my insights go unappreciated and disrespected by my students."

"I'm beyond sorry Mr. er, Professor Adams. I meant no..."

"Did you think I meant you, Josh?"

It felt weird to be called by such an informal version of my name by this Professor, he's very Type A and formalities are sort of his thing.

"I'm the one who should be apologizing, I should have stepped in sooner to put Mr. Jefferies in his place, but perhaps soon you'd rather be the one to manage him."

An odd remark but I nodded nevertheless, if only to be agreeable.

"Haha, you needn't worry. You're not in any sort of trouble, if anything my group scolding was to save face...can't have anyone think I'm playing favorites amongst my students. Please take a seat."

I ventured further into the room, startled by the distinct sounds of the door closing, latching, and finally was it really locking behind me?! It couldn't be, there was no manual closer mounted or way for it to lock remotely that I could see.

"For this discussion, I think it best we have privacy. Now I won't ask again, please take a seat."

His eyes seemed to shimmer a golden yellow for a brief moment, and I found myself compelled to obey his demands. I let my book bag drop to the floor and plopped into the open chair opposite him at his desk.

"Very good, Mr. Phillips. Now, I've taken notice to your habits and I must inquire, what about Mr. Zacharias do you find so captivating? Surely you realize he doesn't share your predisposition, what with the gaggle of girls that throw themselves despairingly his way."

I tried to shuffle in my seat, nervous as I was, but couldn't bring myself to adjust out of my current position.

"Well, Professor Ada..."

"There's no need for that here Josh, my name is not Thomas Adams but Telegonus. However you will call me Tele."

"Yes, Tele."

I swallowed back the dry knot developing in my throat.

"I'm not attracted to Mr. Zacharias, er...Ben in that sort of way. I just really admire his muscles. He's obviously put in a lot of time at the gym, in addition to being genetically gifted. I don't know if it's just appreciation or envy but I'm drawn to the male form, especially when it's someone with the body of a Greek god."

Folding his fingers into one another, Professor Adams...Telegon...Tele tilted his head slightly forward, looking at me through his brow intently.

"A Greek God?! Ahh"

He scoffed.

"Don't be so presumptuous as to think Gods, Grecian or otherwise, fit your idealistic fantasies of physical perfection. Many of us choose simple forms over vain constructs."

Us? What did he mean by, "Us"?

"Surely had you paid closer attention to my lectures, you'd recognize me by the name I've provided you. We discussed my mother in today's lesson, but given your attention was divided it should come as no surprise that you're having difficulty piecing things together."

"I'm very sorry, Tele."

"Don't say things you don't mean."

He said calmly but firmly.

"Truly sir, I'm filled with remorse. Had I known the topic was this personal to you, I never would have allowed myself to become aggravated by Vincent's remarks."

Pleading best I could to satiate him and avoid whatever punishment he could easily dispense, both academically and, now apparent, mystically.

"Oh no Josh, your act of self preservation in that moment of distress was probably the most entertaining show I've seen in some time. I almost wish you would've taken it a step further and shown little Vinny exactly what you have dangling between your legs. In fact, that's why I asked you here. I very much desire for you to put Vincent in his place, as it were."

"I don't understand what you mean."

I said in earnest as he picked up the mortar, took a deep breath and blew the contents at me. The very same shades of golden yellow I saw previously in his eyes shimmered around me, changing to other illuminated colors in pulsating intensity as the powder enveloped me. I felt like I was being choked in the swirl of aromatic powdered herbs and their luminous discharged spectrum of color.

"Wha..." *cough, cough* "what is this stuff?!"

"Josh, this is my gift to you. Well, it's a gift for my own enjoyment...but surely you'll find it promising as well."

Tele rose from his chair, eyes focused on me intently with a smirk that quickly transformed into an eager toothy grin as he came closer. I still couldn't move from my seat, my ass was firmly planted and no amount of effort from my limbs was availing me.

He leaned over placing his hand on my pants at my crotch and I felt a sudden tingle with a warmth radiating from my balls and member. With the warmth came an itching sensation almost like I was being pricked by thousands of needles. My ass felt sore, looking down I could see my hips straining within the armrests of the chair. Were they growing, bulging out!?

Tele began rubbing down my thigh as what looked like a salami stuffed in my pants followed down with his palm. Was, was that my dick? I'd had a decent 7 inch member but this, this thing I was looking at had to be nearly a foot in length and big enough that I would need both hands to encircle its entire circumference.

My pants, straining this whole time, finally gave way, ripping from seams wherever they were stitched and I could finally see what had been growing underneath. My legs were like tree trunks, as if I'd been competitively lifting for years. My dick was unrecognizable to me, it certainly didn't look normal with blotches of dark skin patched with pink.

"You're turning out to be quite the stud, aren't you?"

Tele said almost mockingly. This started to anger me, the whole ordeal, what was he doing to me?! And to mock and make jokes at my expense?! The nerve!!! As my anger grew so did my chest, pecs swelling outward and straining against my T-shirt. My rage was growing and so too were my biceps and forearms, veins popping out and enhancing the appearance of the pulsating muscle beneath.

Surely with this added size I must be able to free myself from the chair, I thought. I pushed hard as I could muster, but my ass stayed glued to the seat. Deltoids filling out, looking like cannonballs about to break through my seemingly shrinking shirt sleeves, I struggled to the point that the armrests snapped off causing the entire chair to fall apart. But even at that, once my butt, still firmly grasped to the severed seat, hit the floor I still couldn't remove myself.

Tele stood over me, licking his lips and moaning as his hands, now free of my new member, moved toward his own.

"Mmmm, yes Josh. You'll serve my purposes quite well it seems."

"Why are you, arghhhh, doing this to me-eigh-eigh-eigh-eigh?!"

Did I, did I just neigh?! Like a fucking horse? Is that what he's changing me into?

"Oh my dear boy, do I need a reason beyond alleviating my boredom? I saw your interest in strength and raw physical power, is it so wrong that I aid you in your desire while satisfying my own in the process? Just look at yourself, tell me this doesn't rouse you and I'll name you a liar. After all, I can see how aroused you are."

He wasn't wrong, as horrified and infuriated as I was, I was that much hornier. I looked down again at my monster of a cock, still shifting growing a medial ring, flattening out and flaring around the head with steady streams of pre leaking from the tip. Wherever the pre-cum landed, I could feel that same needle like sensation. Examining more closely I could see it was hair, no...fur!!! The same dirty blonde color as that of the hair on my head was spreading finely from my crotch down my newly sculpted and bulging legs.

"Nmmm, yes sir. Thank you. This is more than I could've ever dreamed of."

In the arousal, I began to find my anger and fear subside. Turning my gaze back to him, I could see his now erect 8 inch member pulled through his zipper as he jerked himself at my display.

"Don't become too content now, your emotions as well as your libido is how you'll trigger the change. Finding a sense of calm will, not completely but, reverse the changes. So, to help you test your limits, I want you to do what few men can accomplish, I want you to suck yourself. And be quick about it."

I gave no hesitation, I grabbed my cock with each hand, feeling a surge of intense and unfamiliar bliss immediately, and began moving my mouth to meet my flared and engorged head. Licking the pre, it felt like a lightning bolt of pleasure from my tongue down through my spine and into the furthest of my extremities. I forced as much of the shaft into my mouth as I could take. My nostrils flared in turn, taking in my new musk, as my face began to elongate into a muzzle, allowing me to take in more of my imposing length. A sheath grew from the base of my cock connecting below my navel. This helped keep my impressive tool in place, freeing my hands to explore other areas of my shifting body. My ears began popping, twitching, and migrating up the sides of my head, suddenly stimulated by Tele's quip;

"What a good boy you are, quite the specimen."

I turned my attention to the now cantaloupe sized sack below my shaft. I could feel the churning within, my balls swelling and aching with a deep need to release. My hands began to feel stiff, fingernails blackening and thickening but still independent and free of each other. This was not the case, however, for my feet. Looking down, I saw my toes had been replaced, no, fused leading from an anthropomorphic hybrid of a hoof into arch and elongated heal of each foot.

Every muscle pulsated with each twitch of my enormous horse cock, my shirt ripped wide open revealing my pectorals with hardened nipples sensitive with a need to be rubbed and a rock hard 8 pack of abdominal muscles rippling along my obliques. As I worked each sensory area of pleasure, still licking and sucking my shaft needing to be satiated on the salty spunk waiting to be set free, I sensed climax was near. My arms jumped back to grab my monstrous horse cock, now easily 20 inches long, my biceps and triceps still growing as I yanked my meat rubbing it up and down with vigor. I could feel it, the stir, the pinnacle right on the edge of release and, and...boom! The torrential flood was more than I could contain. My maw had its fill, gulping down what seemed like gallons of salty sweet horse cum, but it kept flowing. I thrust my head back, letting out a roar of pleasure resolving into a series of neighs as my balls continued to exude what seemed like an endless load.

"Good thing I had this at the ready."

Remarked Tele, now holding an umbrella to shield him from the erratic spray.

"Don't need this suit getting encrusted in your fluids, it's Italian after all. Hehehe"

What felt like an eternity of orgasm after orgasm left me exhausted, panting and nickering still unable to move from my designated spot on the floor. I could see it was now nighttime through the shades and all I could remember after that was Tele's voice chanting some unrecognizable verse, blowing his own minuscule by comparison load over me before I succumbed to sleep.