Kobold Kaos - Schism

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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#29 of Patreon Stories

My May Patreon story: a new installment of Kobold Kaos. Gender and Kink and Reality Warping, oh my! HAPPY PRIDE MOTHERFUCKERS

Janus is having trouble reconciling between their base urges and desires and their responsibilities as de facto matriarch of a rapidly expanding kobold warren. After all, they are technically a mother to every other kobold apart from their good friend Ame. A careless wish is not something to be made lightly, however, when you are the strongest connection an ancient reality-bending entity has to the modern world.

Contains: Curvaceous Hyper-Tail Kobolds, Skinny Urds, References to Previous Parts, Frank Discussion of Sexuality, Pronunciation Notes, Hyper Virility and Production, Null Groin, An Anaconda Girl, Ass/Hip Expansion, A Powerful Hoodie, Sudden Appearance of Genitals, Science and Magic, Offscreen Powerful Cumshots, Jojo Stand Quotes to Denote Telepathy, Pouch Aptophilia, Ominous Curves, Confusion, Discussion of Sexual Infrastructure, Heavily Implied Elevator Sex, Cumflation, Built In Milking Machines, Infinite Production, Overloading the System and an Impending Rupture.

A note on pronoun usage in this story: Janus, who goes by they/them, was initially introduced as genderfluid nonbinary but it was very hard to portray that. Jean and Nys, the component parts of Janus, go by he/him and she/her respectively. This is not to imply that Janus fluctuates between binary states, as both Jean and Nys are also nonbinary. Both just prefer a more gendered pronoun, to help contrast them against one another, and match the presentation that they've had in my head.

Jean and Nys are both designed after former incarnations of Janus I'd developed before settling on the modern one, which, suitably, was a fusion of the two. Janus 1 was a hypersexed hammerspace kobold who couldn't stop cumming until he had filled whatever space he was ejaculating into and Janus 2 was an asexual genderfuck hyper-tail anaconda anthro wearing a hoodie that made them look draconic. The fact that they fit so well into the world I've already set up made it too easy. Even Nys being an anaconda makes for giving her a stronger physical resemblance to Guese, the entity that made this all possible.

Nys, after all, makes far more conscious use of the reality-warping abilities handed down than Jean or even Janus had. The lenses in her hoodie are plastic. There is no magnification setting.

This was written for my Patreon! Again, people who pledge $5 or more can vote on polls. $15 or more you can add to the suggestion doc, which is where the ideas that get voted on in the polls come from.

Right now, all unpublished Patreon writing is available to read for Patrons!

If you'd rather have more complete control of my creative output, consider commissioning me! If you'd rather just support me and don't want to commit to a monthly donation, I have a Ko-Fi.

"Could you list the contributing factors again?" Janus sighed, rubbing the side of their face with their open palm. The curvaceous kobold was seated on the double digit meters of hip-breadth tail that was attached to their backside. After a few rounds of 'conversions' of humans into kobolds, the excess mass taken in the process was taking a toll on the accidental matriarch's figure, mostly in length and girth of the caudal appendage but not insubstantially piling on hips, thighs and rear as well.

Ame, on the other hand, was her regular trim, fit self, wings folded along her back. The urd was seated on another coil of the tail, as Janus had long since given up on having seating in their office space. The smaller kobold cleared her throat and looked over the printout in her claws. "Well. The convergence has been a mixed bag. On one hand, the living spaces of every single convert are now shared by the Warren. On the other, so are the bills associated with each apartment, house, condominium... Some are under rental agreements, some are under mortgages... We need to figure out what to do if landlords come knocking."

The winged kobold continued, flipping the page. "Unfortunately, a good majority of our Warren have lost their human jobs since conversion. Though through Geuse's influence you were able to make the people in their lives accept that they are a species that didn't even exist six months ago outside of fiction without question, the logistics of many occupations are incompatible with our bodies. Furthermore, personality shift as a result of widespread gender euphoria within the Warren has led to certain behaviors incompatible with capitalist hierarchy..."

"You mean that they're just too horny to be good little worker drones." Janus butted in, shifting their hips a bit as they pressed their thighs together, looking off towards a small window on the wall.

Ame rolled her eyes. "Not all of them." She turned the page. "The truth is that about a quarter of the Warren were already unemployed due to discrimination against overtly queer people. Coming to join us has been a release from many stressors human life provided." The urd lowered her papers. "Bottom line, we have to make sure we're bringing in enough money to keep people from poking into one of our myriad doors uninvited." The winged kobold set the papers down in her lap, leaning a bit forward. "You seem distracted. I thought you were on top of all this, Janus?"

The pear-shaped draconid rubbed their knees together, planting their hand claws on either one. "And we gotta feed the whole Warren, pay utilities, and still be able to afford the ridiculous number of condoms we go through... I'm no help in that department." Janus blushed a bit, purple showing beneath their cream scales.

"Well, I hadn't gotten to the resources we need covered yet, but yes, that is substantial enough to be a point in the budget." Ame chuckled lightly.

"I'm sorry for making it all horny." Janus replied, turning back to face the urd completely. "I just..." The kobold matriarch sighed. "Ever since I had my first clutch, I feel like I'm two different people. Horny Janus and Not-Horny Janus are like... worlds apart."

Ame set the papers down on the desk, standing off the thick tail. "From what I understand, your libido should be less intense since you're not carrying a clutch right now." She leaned onto the desk with one hand. "You know, hormones and all."

The anaconda-backed draconid groaned and put their face in their hands. "But whenever I don't have a clutch I crave to be filled up with one again! That's a whole different kind of horny to deal with... A sort of empty ache so deep inside..."

The urd pursed her lips lightly in thought, then smiled. "Well, you should work to let off steam a bit more often. Psi's becoming a little expert on toys, I'm sure he can help you work that out."

Janus blanched, looking mortified. "He's also literally my son. Like, not converted, properly conceived in my body and... uh... raised by my... uh..."

Ame quirked a brow. "Sugar daddy?"

"Geuse isn't any kind of daddy!" They blushed a bit at how loud that had come out. "I don't think it even has that much of a concept of familial roles..."

"Deity. Guiding Spirit. Patron." Ame offered. "You're the closest thing it has to a hierophant."

"The kobold tarot is gonna have some weird cards." The matriarch muttered, slumping back onto a mass of their coils. "Guh... I can just imagine, tending to my lusts whenever they become a distraction would use up all my spoons, and a ton more condoms."

The urd checked her phone and perked. "Oh, I need to get back to my side of the Warren or else someone's gonna steal my bed again." She looked over the slumped over kobold. "I really don't know how to help you with your libido issue. I'm sure you'll think of some way to deal with it." Ame carefully clambered over several loops of tail and headed out of the office space, which had once been a master bedroom.

"I wish I really was just two people," Janus muttered to themself, slowly raising the tip of their tail up to the light switch and flicking it. "Then both sides of me could get anything done..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Ame didn't notice that on the closed door behind her, Geuse's rune had faded into prominence, glowing. She was focused on the Warren ahead of her. Beneath her feet was some comfortable shag carpeting from some house built in the 70s. There was a railing like one had at the edge of a loft over a living space in a more traditional home, or the mezzanine in a mall. And looking up and out beyond that?

The Warren hadn't been the same in months now. Every convert had caused the space to grow more complex as it added the volume of their human dwelling into the superstructure. With dozens of homes varying from houses to studio apartments, this resulted in a chaotic mashup of architectural styles, decoration and furnishings. The outer edges were made up of smaller rooms and entryways from the various homes, many of which bedrooms, offices, bathrooms and the like, but hallways, living rooms, dens and the entirety of open concept floorplans had formed a seventeen story high void, roughly shaped like an octahedron.

Balconies and mezzanines jutted out into the central space, and in a few places cables and ropes were strung out over the open air. The only break in the outward bowing of the structure was a sort of keel in the form of a glass-walled elevator shaft like one would find in a fancy hotel or office building. No one was quite sure whose home had brought that in. A superintendent of a nice apartment complex had said there were elevators as part of her 'living space' but nothing like this one. Catwalks connected the upright column out to the nearest open walkways, providing access to each story of the Warren.

In Ame's case, she didn't need it. She hopped up onto the railing and spread her wings, flexing the sixth and seventh limb's digits before taking a few beats and taking off. The last recognizable remnants of her Texas suburban ranch home lay on the opposite end of the void and walking around the perimeter was rather a bother. At any given time, she saw a few other urds using this route as well, so it wasn't as though it was anything that made her stick out amongst the Warren.

Just behind where the winged kobold had taken off, what was one door was now two doors with separate casings. Slowly, the space between the doors continued to widen and spread.


Jean, who preferred the French pronunciation, woke up with his chubby cheek smooshed into the fabric of his pillow, a bit of kobold drool soaking in. "Mnnhhgh." He slowly rolled over under his weighted blankets, feeling the smooth sheets sliding against his scales as one leg travelled over the other and came down on the far side of his ankle-length tail. Right arm still tucked up and under the pillow and left arm draped over the blankets, he sighed. "Okay. Getting over bed gravity."

Slowly he shimmied his hips to the edge of the large bed, before finally tossing the heavy bedding away and off his bare frame. The almost three foot tall draconid slipped off the mattress and stretched, before loosely wobbling his way to the attached bathroom of his suite. He idly scratched just above his supple love handle with his claw as he made his way to the shower stall and turned on the water to let it heat up.

Turning away towards the thankfully low-set mirrors, Jean looked over himself. At the moment he was quite svelte with an androgynous build and nothing between his moderately thick thighs, not even a joining of his cream scales for a genital slit. But the kobold knew better to judge by appearances. On the small curve of his fairly flat tummy was a part of scales to be sure, across just above where his navel would lie. He fidgeted with the lip of his pouch, tugging the elastic skin a little bit and letting it snap back to watch the impact send a ripple through his supple torso.

Out of the corner of his eyes he spotted the steam billowing out of the shower, and the kobold headed over to adjust the temperature again.


Nys, pronounced with a schwa, hissed softly as she awoke beneath her heated blankets. The anaconda was, as she often found herself in the mornings, bundled into a Gordian knot of her own tail between the surface of her plush sleeping mat and the weight of the electric blanket draped over the mass. Reaching out from under the covers to her nightstand with one slender arm, she drew her phone into view.

The serpent sighed softly as she saw the time, setting the phone back down before she pushed the blankets up and away from her torso. Her skinny, lanky body was very flat and straight, apart from the curve of her hips where her monster of a tail attached to her body proper. She figured she only had any meat there just to support the fifth appendage. Both the thick base and her hips set about straining her only clothes for bed, some soft boxer briefs.

As an anaconda, her head was smooth from the ridges above her eyes all the way over her cranium and down to her skinny shoulders. Her eyes couldn't properly close, only having nictitating membranes and no opaque lids. Both of these issues she solved with the same garment.

Slipping off the bed, Nys walked over to her closet, dragging yard after yard of her tail out from under the blankets, without ever seeming to decrease the bundled mass hidden on the bed. She pulled out a big comfy fleece hoodie, something custom-made with a caring hand. The bottom had a broad belt with a zipper designed to wrap around the base of her tail, and the hood itself had a pair of plush-stuffed horns, much like a kobold's. Lastly, stitched into the hood were set in two lenses, just on either side of the embroidery that mimicked the scales on a draconid's upper snout.

As she put the hood up, it settled into place, the tinted material providing protection from light and airborne dust, while making her look a bit more like she belonged in the Warren. Nys reached into the closet again and pulled out some comfy stretch-jeans and used her tail to lift her feet off the floor. From this position, she eased her pants up over her underwear and did up the button, before zipping the fly. Reaching back, she made sure the back-strap looped up over the base of her tail as well, buttoning that in place underneath the zipped band for her hoodie.

Fully dressed, the anaconda slithered her tail around into a loop on the floor, before letting her torso topple over into it. In a wave down her body from the base of her tail, she vanished before she hit floorboards, the loop and then the still tangled mess of coils in the bed vanishing, letting the heated blanket deflate down to the mattress.


Jean's eyes were closed as he felt the just barely tolerable hot water strike his face and between his horns, hugging his scales and caressing his curves on the way down to the tile floor of the shower stall. His nostrils flared, then he exhaled with a low, comfortable groan.

What had been fairly average curves for a kobold began to grow more accentuated. Beneath the sheet of flowing water, Jean's hips swelled outward, each cheek rising like dough left to proof. The kobold groaned, his tail gaining girth at the same time, seeming to get stubbier by contrast. He adjusted his stance, both feet spreading out, then let out a soft gasp at an intense sensation accompanied by a heavy thud and wet splut.

Leaning back out of the water and carefully backing away from the showerhead, Jean found himself looking down at the familiar sight of his masculinity. Totally flaccid, his shaft's head rested on the floor even when he stood up straight, unless he brought his melon-sized testes forward between his thunder thighs and stood ankles together. He was certainly glad for his ability to go 'safe for work' when he wasn't worked up.... But that was so rare these days. Just standing under hot water had done it already.

The long, hooded shaft pulsed and began to rise from the tile as it stiffened, a heavy curve downward in its semi-turgid state. He stroked over the cream scales on the spine of his member and lightly pulled back to reveal the fat purple tip. "Well.... At least I don't need to dip into the condom budget if I get off in the shower, right?" He smirked a bit as he began to stroke, bringing the blunt tip of his tail up between his legs. A bit of stimulation to his second sex always did wonders for a masturbation session.


Nys had set her tail neutrally buoyant and floating in a loose cluster around herself like she was the center of a snake funnel cake. For what she was doing she mostly just needed the very end of the long appendage, anyway. She put her phone into a little athletic holster designed to go around an upper arm and slotted that over her tail as far as it would go, a little more than a foot from the tip. Carefully, she opened up the maps app on the smartphone and found that there was a satellite malfunction. This was expected, considering the nature of the Warren.

Shifting her hips, she sent the tip of her tail over to a nearby door with weather stripping and a peephole. A deft twist to the knob and the door opened. She pressed her tail through the doorway into a sunny stoop outside of a suburban home.

Raising one hand, Nys gestured at the side of her costume hood, a twisting motion with her middle finger and thumb appearing to operate a dial. The magnification in what appeared to be perfectly ordinary plastic increased significantly, until she could easily read the screen of her phone from over six meters away. The tip of her tail curled around and tapped the little icon to find current location.

From that far outside of the Warren, it was able to get a signal.

As the anaconda carefully pulled out a legal notepad to scribble down the address, she heard a voice speak directly into her mind.


Nys spun her finger and thumb the other way next to her temple as she turned to address the source of the voice. "Oh, Psi. I'm sorry I can't talk right now. The external doors have gone without internal labeling for too long, so I decided to fix that."

The blue kobold looked a bit confused. He had expected to see his progenitor when he'd approached the mass of self-buoyant coils, only to find.... ?Why do this now, Nys?? Psi's mind slid off one point of confusion in favor of a point of interest.

"Well, I've found a lot of the Warren can't find their front door anymore." The serpentess explained as a roll of her hips sent a ripple down the length of her tail, which resulted in the several meters leading up to the tip reeling back into the Warren. "With all the addresses labeled and accounted for, I could make a directory!" Without looking, she had closed the door and brought the smartphone back over to arm's reach.

Once her phone was in front of her, however, she turned her attention away from the mute psychic.

Psi fidgeted, his confusion rearing its head again, but he couldn't quite put his finger on what was wrong. He looked around, then started to sidestep.

Carefully the anaconda opened the camera app and pointed the phone to her legal pad. "And I could make the directory digital and indexable... it could even update to account for the shifts in the layout of the Warren." She looked back to the blue kobold, only to spot his own long tail vanishing around a nearby corner. Nys tilted her head slightly, and then shrugged. She tore the paper off the legal pad, stuck it to the tip of her tail as if the limb were adhesive, then pivoted away from the door to look out for the next.

The wave travelled down the caudal appendage from the twist of her hips all the way back to the phone and page. By the time it reached the tail's tip, the motion had enhanced to a wide whip, slapping the paper onto the door just beneath the peep hole. It stuck like the blank side of the paper was all glue, before the formerly so adhesive tail tip smoothly lifted away.

As Nys headed off towards the next door to catalogue, the legal sheet of ruled paper with scribbled handwriting on it gradually changed shape and materials. By the time the anaconda had started on her next satellite reading, there was a professional looking enamel plaque with the external address printed in clear, embossed letters.


Jean groaned, still feeling tingles running up his spine as his release finally finished up. He reached up and turned off the water, as the drain had already clogged from the sheer volume of gel-thick issue that had splattered the inside of the stall and gathered at the base. The warm semitranslucent substance was up to his ankles, and from the sound of it, the drain would take a while yet to handle it.

The kobold carefully turned around, his increasingly flaccid shaft dragging a slow to refill furrow in its own release with its tip. Jean pulled his feet free of the pudding-like mass and stepped onto the bath mat. Reaching up to the nearby towel on the rack, he took a moment to wipe clean his feet, making sure the scaley claws had no slippery residue left on them before he moved on.

By that time, his hooded head smooshed into the bathroom tiles, dragging between his legs when he moved to walk again. Sighing, the kobold closed his eyes and focused. He breathed in and out slowly.

As he did his best to clear his mind of the scent of his own seed and the sorts of lust-driven scenarios that it would most definitely try to awaken in him, his hips and thighs visibly began to dwindle, scales seeming to meld into each other as less and less real estate was needed to cover up his backside.

When Jean was back to the trim shape he'd been in when he awoke, the kobold opened his eyes to find no sign of his monstrous masculine organs. He knew better than to feel his null patch, lest it re-awaken his need, but he knew he was once again smooth. He sighed in relief, having to deal with a lot less physical weight at the very least, and headed back into the bedroom.

The trim kobold checked his phone carefully, looking through messages. He bit his lip. So many messages relevant to his role in the Warren would trigger lustful reactions if he lingered on them... he locked his phone and tucked it into his natural pouch, the external surface of which showing no sign of the hard rectangular piece of technology. Jean pondered a moment what else he needed to bring with him, before turning away from his nightstand and striding towards the other door in his bedroom.

As it was a clothing optional Warren, he didn't bother hitting up his closet before opening up his bedroom door. In the light of the inner space of the vast structure, Jean's curves seemed a bit rounder than when he'd started across the room already. He merrily walked along, seemingly oblivious to the gained sway to his pelvis and how much more his inner thighs slid against one another with every step.


Ame's phone rang. Strange to her, because normally only texting worked inside the Warren due to the confused cellular signals. Wifi signals also interacted in jarring and destructive ways for data flow, so usually one had to stand perfectly still to make calls through the internet. Even then it couldn't be certain. The urd answered the call and put the phone to her ear. "Ame here, surprised voice is working."

"Oh, I just finished sorting that out, after cataloguing the outside doors." The feminine voice said on the other side. "I just wanted to let you know I've come up with a scathingly brilliant idea to deal with the Warren's finances!"

There was something that was very familiar to the winged kobold's ears, but hard to place... Deduction of who she'd talked to about the finances before told her it had to be Janus. "You're sounding a bit odd over the phone. Could you tailport me over to you to talk face to face?"

"Oh, I'll just go there." The voice answered, and a moment later the tell-tale effect of an enormous tail coiling itself out of nowhere appeared... but it was the wrong color.

Ame stared as a complete stranger appeared from amongst the loop of tail, a human-height being in comfy clothes and a hoodie that covered the top half of their face. The snout underneath made it clear to her that this was some kind of python. But the longer the urd looked, the more she realized that this person... well, it reminded her of Janus. The tail, obviously worked the same way despite its different appearance. But the way the newcomer held themself, and especially their inflection when they talked.

"So, anyway Ame, I've got it all figured out, just gotta make sure I can make the plumbing work for it." The tall serpent barreled forward in the conversation. From the angle of their head, their eyes must have been behind the two gossy triangular patches on the hood. "You see, I think that if we make a series of mating sleeves connected to pipes on each floor of the Warren, we'll be able to harvest enough protein and genetic material to pay all our bills, presuming we can find the right buyers for Kobold Semen, that is."

"Hold on a sec." Ame finally gathered her thoughts, waving her hand in the air in front of her. "Did... something happen with Geuse last night after I was talking about the finances?"

The snake tilted their head in confusion. "What? The last person to call Geuse was you Ame, back when Jean was having his first clutch." Pulling out a notepad, the serpent started to scribble on the paper. "What anomalies prompted you to ask?"

The urd swallowed at this new information: a 'Jean' laid the eggs. "Uh... forgive me if this is weird, but what's your name?" Ame attempted to be as diplomatic as she could.

Letting the scribbling cease, the oddly familiar snake's mouth opened partway. They pulled back the hood to reveal their full face and bare head. "Ame, it's me. Nys, She/Her. We've known each other for years!" She looked around, and then peered directly at the urd. "Why do you ask?"

Ame sounded out the two names in her head in sequence, groaned and rubbed her temple in exasperation at the realization. "And... what's Jean like?" She looked back up at the bipedal serpent.

"Madame himbo?" Nys scoffed and started to scribble on her pad again. "If it weren't for that horny bastard most of the Warren wouldn't be here, but I don't get what you need to know that for, you've known him just as long as you've known me."

Pivoting on one claw, the urd spread her wings and took off, entering the central void of the Warren and looking around frantically. There had to be someone who would have been unaffected by this reality shift as much as she had been, so they could figure things out.

Back on the landing, Nys squinted out at the retreating figure. She sighed and pulled her hood back up, turning her attention to the new project.


Jean approached the bottommost point of the Warren's elevator shaft. The kobold was nearly half as wide as he was tall by this point, and apparently oblivious to his failure to keep his body in check. His fat tail wiggled stubbily, unable to cover the breadth of his buns in any way, both wobbling and bouncing off each other with each step.

He arrived at the elevator doors as the last few passengers were disembarking, in time to be amongst those piling in for the ride up. Jean found himself surrounded by ten other kobolds of varying colors and sizes, gender presentations and body shapes. A couple had long tails that had to be kept curled close to themselves for the tight quarters, but there was still a bit of space to move about.

The moment the elevator doors closed, the last few inches of expansion struck Jean's hips at once. As the eleven kobolds felt the g-forces of starting to rise, an audible thud filled the car. As if prompted by inertia, the voluptuous male's shaft and sac had flopped out into existence between his fat thighs once again.

Attention already drawn by the sound, the ten kobolds with Jean all stared at his body, the stuff of the Venus of Wilendorf but with immense balls and a firming rod instead of a bosom.

The object of their attention slowly began to grin as he realized each of them was blushing, and the scent in the enclosed chamber told him all he needed to know. Jean reached over to press the elevator's emergency stop button.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After what seemed like half an hour flying around, checking with various kobolds all over the Warren, Ame alighted on the top floor, near the catwalk leading out to the elevator. The urd leaned against the rail with a sigh, before the elevator door rang.

Automatically, she looked over to watch the doors open and then stared.

A slender, fairly short kobold walked over the threshold with a very relieved sigh. Their scale colors and facial structure were much the same as Janus', but they had a quite short tail, even for a kobold. They were bare across all of their petit but curvy form, and there was no sign of any need to cover up at the moment, not even the relative risqué appearance of her friend's usually quite prominent navel.

By stark contrast, the elevator car behind the lone draconid told a tale of excess and lust. Ame stared into the sexual-fluid splattered chamber. Every kobold that hadn't followed the first did so for a very good reason. Their bellies had all swollen out too large for them to even stand. Several were using their own inflated torsos as a bed. And from the mess on the walls, on their faces and dripping from under their tails, it was not hard to guess what they were so full of.

Ame counted ten different kobolds pumped overfull to the point of immobility, and one perfectly innocent looking kobold smiling and waving at her.

The strange short-tailed and generally shorter version of Janus skipped over, grinning. "Hey Ame, pleasure running into you here!"

"Jean?" The urd questioned cautiously.

"Yeah, what's up?" He smiled, apparently oblivious to any signs that the winged kobold was concerned or confused by his presence.

Ame swallowed, and then looked back towards the elevator doors, only now starting to close.

One of the longer-tailed kobolds flopped their limb into the path of the doors, forcing them to re-open. Another started trying to roll over the threshold, cheeks bloating out for a moment before having to swallow and pant heavily.

"Are they gonna be okay?" The urd turned her attention back to the shorter kobold.

Jean perked and looked back towards the elevator. "Oh them? When they can walk again they'll all have some killer egg-laying hips, that's for sure." As he spoke, his own hips fairly obviously swelled a few inches before Ame's eyes.

She must have stared, because when he turned back, he followed her gaze and saw the growth. His rear and thighs surged in size again and he simply rolled his eyes as if this were a minor inconvenience. "I swear, I can't do anything about this libido of mine, you know?" He placed one claw on his chest and slid it down to his stomach, pulling open a well-hidden pouch in his scales. He dug around in there, giving the taller kobold a glimpse of his navel hidden within. "I know I got a condom in here somewhe-"

He cut himself off, looking off towards the wall behind Ame. Jean's hips practically blossomed as a grin crossed his face. "Now that's the ticket..." He started off in that direction.

Ame turned to look at where he was headed and paused, staring openly. There, where she'd been looking not minutes ago and only seeing a blank wall, was a strange panel inset into the 70s wooden paneling. There was a screen at the top, handles on either side, and a small stepladder leading up to it. The element that was most surprising was what looked like an oversized fleshlight was set into the wall beneath the screen. The urd then remembered what Nys had been talking about when she had interrupted her before. "Wait, already?"

As she watched, Jean's loins seemed to just pop into being during the moment of Ame blinking. One second he was a very curvaceous but otherwise neuter kobold, the next he was straddling melon testes and the puffy folds of a feminine sex were just barely visible between his fat cheeks on the underside.

Using her wings to accelerate from standing to a full sprint, Ame rapidly moved to Jean's side. She folded them to her back again as she skidded to a halt beside the shorter kobold, placing a claw on the wall to absorb the last of her momentum.

Seeming not to care that she was watching, Jean inserted his girth into the silicone sleeve with a sigh of relief. The hum of motors began to sound off, as the little screen at the top of the panel showed a single word: 'Milking'

The urd looked to him incredulously, then back towards the elevator. Three of the kobolds had managed to roll themselves through the door, but the others were still struggling with just how full they were. "How can you still have cum to unload?"

Jean rocked his hips, grasping onto the handles. He looked over to Ame with a shrug. "I dunno. Must have to do with being the Warren matriarch or something. Being a fertile source of life..."

"What do you mean?" Ame asked, brow furrowed.

"Well, you're the only kobold in the whole Warren who didn't, one way or another, cross through my labial folds." He nonchalantly replied, grunting lightly towards the end of his statement. His body tensed and he groaned, before slumping a bit forward into the panel.

Around his horns, the winged kobold saw the display had changed to show output in gallons, and a running tally of estimated monetary value in dollars.

"So... uh... Do you know if Nys has found a seller for all this..." Ame swallowed as the estimated sale price crossed into four digits in such a short amount of time. "Output?"

Jean panted softly as the numbers finally started to decelerate on their meteoric rise to a mere gallon per second. "Well, the bank account keeps getting filled up and the tanks keep getting emptied. That's all that matters, right?"

"Keeps getting emptied?" The winged kobold felt her voice rising from confusion and frustration. "This system literally just appeared, there's no time for you to have done this already!"

The matriarch didn't seem to hear her objection to what he'd said, inhaling sharply with a quiver from the tip of his stubby tail to his horns as the meter finally showed his flow stop. He groaned aloud on the exhale as his scrotum visibly contracted and his next shot audibly rushed down the plumbing, back to its peak pressure. After a couple seconds panting heavily, he was able to speak again. "Especially good to get the tanks emptied regularly, since I always seem to fill whatever I'm cumming into..."

"You what?" Ame felt her heart rapidly beating in her chest as her mind struggled to keep up with information that seemed to change moment to moment, her brow furrowed with growing exasperation.

"Yeah... weird sort of thing..." Jean sighed, leaning one forearm onto the panel above the screen to better look over at Ame. Once again, his output was stalling, based on the numbers displayed. "It's easier to deal with when it's something small, like a condom or another kobold. But these tanks are biiiiii-aungh!" His statement was interrupted by his open mouthed moan, letting his head hang from his shoulders as his whole body convulsed, coinciding with the rushing sound within the wall returning to full volume.

The display's digits rapidly updated with a higher and higher sum once again as the matriarch started his third shot of his impossible orgasm. A red warning light appeared on the screen, along with text declaring the maximum capacity exceeded. Distantly, a klaxon blared, sounding like it was on one of the lowermost levels of the Warren. The groaning of wood being flexed by great force began to be heard, the paneling around the milking station starting to noticeably bow out.

"Maybe you should be running." Jean huskily advised, a big dumb grin on his muzzle as he returned his gaze over to Ame. He did not seem to be all that alarmed by the warning signs mounting throughout the Warren as he continued to pump forth dozens of gallons per second.