The Minuet of the Medicae Corps (TDS Side #8)

Story by Isiat Squire Carcer on SoFurry

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#29 of The Dancing Slave Saga

Hey all! Thanks for checking out The Dancing Slave Saga stories! These side pieces are a great spot to get started with the setting, as many don't require much prior knowledge of the overarching setting or story, and this is a great example of it! This piece follows Matthew, the chief medical officer and resident doctor of 'High Fortune', a massive, dragon built airship, in a particular encounter of his with another of my long-standing Character's, Shael, the Hyena matriarch of the lower deck brothels :P Suffice to say, these two don't have much in the way of shining opinions of the other, and it makes for some interesting interactions. Read on to learn more, or if you just really like to read about Dire wolves putting Hyena Bitches in their places :P

"That isn't fractured, it's broken." An anguished cry of pain confirmed his diagnosis as the old wolf twisted his patient's arm slightly.

"If you keep drinking like this, your liver is going to give out." He muttered, unimpressed by the sorry state of the drunkard avian from the bridge crew.

"Remember to change the bandage twice a day, and reapply the ointment at night, okay?" The grey on his muzzle glinted with his smile as he ushered Larise and one of her many children out from the door of his office.

"Okay, keep the pressure right there, and make sure the tourniquet is tight. When I say, yank the knife, but carefully." He instructed one of his students. The young racoon was stubborn, but a quick learner when he put his mind to it.

"I'll need more supplies sooner than later if you insist on keeping at this altitude all through the mountains. The external maintenance workers are already coming in with cases of frostbite and hypothermia keeping the engines de-iced." He complained to Scion, shoving an itemized list of his requests to the dragon with his three-fingered paw.

It went like this, day in, day out. For Matthew, it never grew old though, unlike himself. When he'd signed aboard with the crew of the High Fortune, he had been younger, fitter, sprier. He'd had far less of the white strands of fur dotting his pelt, and far more enthusiasm for the thrill that a grand adventure would offer.

He also had nothing left tying him to his home, travelling between villages along the borders of the canine coalition and tribal savannahs, after forcing his retirement from the dogs' military efforts. It was a relief to him to be able to leave what little had been left behind him.

The locals had greeted him at first with suspicion but had quickly warmed and welcomed him after he rescued a young fawn from drowning in the river. It had been a cold winter. He'd probably saved more lives than just the one youngster. His thick, shaggy pelt let him cope far better than any of the prey or predator species he'd made his home among. His ability to haul an entire pine trunk by himself had made him respected by the men, and his caring nature and remedies of medicine and healing had earned him the adoration of the women.

The fact he knew how to sew a football and play made him an instant hit with the children.

How long had that all lasted? A decade? Two? His wife had come, a beautiful she-wolf in the winter, given him children, and departed the world far too soon. His children had grown and left the nest before he knew it. His teeth had grown long, and his mane grey and rough. Had he gotten old?

The raiders who had despoiled what pleasures he had left in village life had certainly made him feel young again, even if the bittersweet victory had cost him two fingers and his left eye.

Reaching up, he lifted the patch that covered the ragged, scarred wound. He was fortunate the mongoose's reach hadn't been longer, else the dagger may have just as easily killed him rather than only blinded him. The empty socket still felt raw, the wound fresh. He slipped the patch back into place and poured himself a healthy measure of the aged brandy that he kept in the bottom drawer of his desk.

"Is it always this quiet Matthew?" Paulo asked, the racoon orderly sliding a neatly arranged tray of operating tools back into place beneath his exam table.

"Only when there's no trouble. Don't get used to it. You did well today." The wizened looking dire wolf nodded, taking a swill from his glass.

"Alright, well... I changed the bedding on the few folks who are still in the infirmary rooms and sent meal requests to the galley to be delivered later. What about you? Are you going to be eating tonight?" He asked, green eyes flashing over at Mack. He was taunting him again. Mack knew he was skipping meals deliberately, but there was far too much to do in the day. He wasn't particularly hungry anyway.

He batted a large, dismissive paw towards the striped youngster.

"I'll tend to myself later. For now, why don't you run along and enjoy the rest of the evening before it's too late? I'll see you again in the morning. You can learn how to do a proper suture, not that crisscrossed mess you did last time."

There was a groan and a laugh of affirmation before the door to his quarters closed. He helped himself to another sip of the liquor.

He glanced briefly up at the long-bladed claymore hanging on the wall. It was a common misconception that doctors were pacifists who detested violence. After patching so many people up as a result of violence, it was true that he considered it incredibly distasteful. Savage and crude, a poor way to resolve a problem. A refuge of the unimaginative and intolerant.

A soft, rumbling chuckle of dark humour escaped him across the rim of his glass.

Oh, but just like being a doctor, he had been very, very good at it. The well used, and yet, in complete contradiction, almost immaculate condition of the sword was a testament to that. He'd done more than his fair share of putting down dissent and rebellion for his prior lords. And he'd proven he knew how to tear someone apart as well as he knew how to put them together countless times.

Now, he swore no allegiance to anyone save himself and his patients. High Fortune was as good a home as he was likely to find, and at least here, raiders were the furthest concern from his mind.

Setting the glass down, he leaned back on the wooden seat at his desk, intertwining his fingers behind his head as he thought for a few moments.

Tomorrow would be busy, but that was still a while off. Perhaps the racoon was right. A good meal would do him well. Not the mess hall though. The food was decent, but hardly what the wolf was in the mood for.

Sal's on the below decks was always good, however. He fingered through his pockets, feeling a few stray silver drake's clinking around. Enough for a decently large meal and a drink to wash it down for sure.

Locking up his office, he pulled on his slippers, great oversized and most importantly, comfortable things they were. He set off on his trek through the halls. It was easy to forget just how large High Fortune was when you spent the majority of your time confined to one area of it. Perhaps, he mused, that was how most of the indentured felt? While it was true they did have free reign of the ship, most stayed around their chosen area of profession.

Of course, though, not all of them did. Mack had simply sequestered himself away upon hearing they were flying back into canine coalition territory soon. Purely business, Isiat had insisted, but a trader and captain of the vessel weren't like to take the opinions and misgivings of an old dog doctor into account on matters of profit and supply.

The lower decks were a strange, wonderful place. In some ways, it felt like a bustling network of wide throughways and connection corridors like back streets in a city. There was a mix mash of residential quarters besides broader, open businesses, lit by the glow lamps and candles, lanterns, and all sorts of gaudy, colourful decorations. It felt less and less like the cramped interior of an airship the longer one spent in it.

The scent of rich, pungent spices and herbs hit his nose from a dozen different sellers who set up shop here, knowing these decks were closest to the main disembarkment gangways so they could set up portable stalls quickly wherever they made port.

A hundred aromas at once assaulted him, but it was the rich fragrance of Hallseeker Steak that he followed through the busy corridors.

His nose never led him wrong, though truthfully he could have found Sal's with his eyes closed. His feet had tread these halls many times.

The few crew and indentured who got in his way quickly stepped aside, save for ones he knew personally. The sight of an eight-foot dire wolf stomping through the halls was enough to instinctively force most people to step aside.

He had to duck under the orange and red awning and paper lanterns at the front of the busy vendor's.

Sal's, or "Salamander's char-grilled cuisine", was once a reserve cargo hold that the thrice-a-slave turned business owner had purchased for his use thanks to its proximity to the main throughway from the primary cargo gangway, and main passage along the spine of the ship from prow to aft.

The moisture glistening reptile behind the bar had a leathery hide of black, reds and oranges, barely concealing muscles and scars beneath a damp singlet as he worked a pair of bellows connected beneath an extra-long hotplate, fanning the flames that leapt and danced just below.

A single eye turned, catching sight of the wolf as he sat down, before the rest of the lizard's body followed it around, his other eye still watching the sizzling food on the grill.

"Matthew! It'z beena hot minit! The usual?" The Salamander's words flew from his mouth like a torrential downpour, richly accented with a hybridized bastard combination of about four different local dialects he'd been forced to learn or speak in his youth.

"Aye, just the usual will be fine." Mack couldn't help his chuckle as he pushed a handful of the silver pieces onto the counter with his good paw.

"For you? Iz no charge mate! You saved my other chef a few fingers last week with that burn cream! Would have haz me in a lotta troub's wizout 'im."

Mack blinked, trying to remember the faces and names that he'd seen for burns recently, but they blurred by like the weeks and months all had. He shrugged and left one of the coins on the counter anyway, pocketing the others. Never turn down a free meal after all.

He sat back on the cushioned stool, feeling it creaking under his weight. It was clearly made for someone much smaller.

A blond, cackling, striped figure in red thumped heavily into the stool beside him.

"Oi! Sal! I need two orders of that good spicy beef crap you make!"

Sal turned, addressing the hyena with a playful scowl on his rounded snout.

"You know az well az I do that nothing I serve is crap, Shael. Voruz!" He called, turning back to shout at the other salamander working the grill. "Two plates of ze spizy beef crap! Ze good stuff! Iz for your whore-mother-lady!"

"Matriarch, thank you very much! And tell Voruz he still owes Larise her pay for last week, or I'm taking his kneecaps!" The hyena barked back.

"Eh! Voruz! She says make it really, really fucking good or you'll be crawling to the red light rooms next time! Double portionz, like she likes, extra spicy! Chop chop!"

The pair of salamanders quickly dropped back to bickering in a rapid-fire back and forth of their own tongue, too fast and complex for the old wolf to ever keep up with. He wasn't a linguist like some aboard. The most he usually learned was "Hello" and "I don't speak..." followed by whatever language it was that he in fact did not speak.

Shark's eyes rounded on him like a ballista being brought around on a target, scanning him up and down.

"Well, I'll be damned! The old man finally left his office! Let me guess. It's because someone is fixing the place up?" She looked at him with a fiercely playful grin. Mack bated a paw dismissively.

"You know Shael, I wouldn't have half the issues I do were it not for your ladies constantly breaking fingers, arms, teeth and toes."

"Yeah, but you'd also be out half your business. You want them to stop coming to you? Tell them to stop sticking their paws where they're not wanted when the girls say no to their drunk advances. I post it on the wall. What's your excuse?" The smile changed to bared teeth.

Mack sighed. He and Shael had... history. Briefly. The first time, he'd suggested getting better protection for her den of 'entertainers' on the lower decks. The second time, she'd taken offence to his bedside manner, trusting his nose over his eye. The third time, they had come to blows. It had been an alarming well-matched fight. Both of them had ended up worse for wear, but Shael had won the lion's share of repercussions.

Isiat could run a ship without whores, but not without a doctor. He'd given her an earful of as much. Mack had received his own, gentler dressing down from Scion, but the dragon quietly had confessed he'd have paid to see the old wolf in a proper scuffle.

Neither held the other in much professional regard and certainly not in any personal favour.

Their dishes clattered down before them suddenly, breaking the tension between them. A chef's knife thudded into the bar between them.

"Eh! You two fight in here, doctor and whore-mother or not, we'll be servin' wolf and eye'eena tail curry special. Capish?"

They held each other's glare a moment longer, before turning to their meals with dismissive grunts.

"Fine. Fine. Not worth my time anyways..."

"Ha! Maybe if you got laid more often you'd be less of a fucking grouc-Hurk!"

"Hey! Hey! Not in ze bar!" Sal shouted at them, waving the chef's knife, but clearly with no intent of interjecting himself.

"I'm taking her outside, Sal. Relax." Matthew called over his shoulder as he hauled the flailing hyena out by her throat, held off the ground at arm's length.

"Ach! Let... go you... old bastard!" Shael snapped at him, but he wasn't foolish enough to put anything in reach of her muzzle. He knew what damage those jaws could do.

"No, I don't think I will. You need to learn a lesson in respecting your betters."

She spat.

"Bah! You need to get laid! Take a fucking joke, gods!" She snarled, lashing out and kicking at his stomach. As soon as her leg started lifting, he dropped her, sending her to the floor with an undignified thud.

"You're not better than me! You help people in your way, I help them in mine! The only difference is what I let them stick in me is much nicer than a scalpel! You don't even pretend to be nice when they're dying! At least my girls actually know what bedside manners are!"

It was a cheap shot, but it gave him a moment of pause, enough at least to unclench his balled fist quite so tightly. There was a truth that stung in the hyena's words.

She huffed and stood up, dusting herself off, very clearly ready to keep going.

"You're just an angry old bastard. Go back to your cage you call an office and-" Shael snapped, her short tail giving rapid, angry flicks. But when he spoke, any fire she had in her vanished.

"No, you're right... I'm not nice. I didn't get these by being nice." He motioned with his three-fingered paw to his eyepatch, that her struggles had managed to knock askew. He fixed it quietly back in place, hiding the ragged scar tissue from sight. It wasn't a pretty wound, even after so long.

"I came here to get away from what being nice ended up giving me... but it's no way to live."

There was a long pause between them. This was clearly not what she had expected being dragged into the hall. The big wolf let his shoulders sag, dusting himself off as he took a breath, trying to put his disdain behind him, and perhaps turn over a new leaf. There was no good reason for him to be holding onto a grudge against her. It did him no courtesy, and reflected poorly on himself, especially out in public like that...

"... I apologize, Shael. Let me pay for your food at least."

She frowned, putting her hands on her hips. A contemplative look crossed her features.

"No." She finally answered him after a long moment. "You're going to treat me to a sit-down dinner after that. And a drink. You're a messed up old wolf, you know that?"

Mack let out a soft, halfhearted laugh.

"Aye... so everyone keeps telling me."

And so it was that the striped hyena led the grizzled old, one-eyed wolf back into the place, and he found himself enjoying the matron's company.

Sal volunteered a bottle of wine for the pair of them to share, and Matthew found himself relaxing and more at ease than he had been for months. His fingers drummed a quiet old marching rhythm on the table, a steady and gentle rappa-tap-tap as they exchanged stories. Truthfully, he hadn't sat down for dinner with anyone in...

Well, longer than he could remember at least. It was nice, even if Shael could be... very rough around the edges.

"...and so then, no shit, this uppity prick has the nerve to ask Larise for a refund because 'he didn't enjoy it as much as he hoped!'. Well, after I broke his nose and took a tooth for the jar under the front desk, he started pining on about how he was going to have the captain kick us all out. I threw his drunk ass into the thoroughfare and left him." She cackled, high and full of mirth before she downed what was left of her third glass. Mack was still lazily nursing his first.

"So that was why O'Keefe said he'd had a tumble in the forge quarters..." Mack said with a laugh, having added up the injuries to the patient based on her story alone.

"That's his name? Shit, with a name like that, I'd have been pissed off as well! Little pin dicked shrimp thought he could get off on hurting MY ladies." Her growl was fierce, protective. It reminded him of his former lover from once a lifetime ago.

The dopey dog smile came without bidding.

"What the hell you grinning at?" Shael asked, stuffing her face from her bowl of 'spicy beef crap'.

"Just a thought... I haven't sat for dinner with anyone since I came aboard."

The hyena almost choked.

"No shit?? How the hell do you manage?! You're like, this massive, mythical figure when it comes to fixing the physical side of things, but you've never even treated yourself to a decent sit-down dinner with friends?"

There was a very long, very awkward pause.

Patrons came and went in the background.

Shael's mouth drew out the 'oh...' of realization slowly as it dawned on her. Matthew shuffled slightly in his seat and took another bite, avoiding her pointed gaze.

"Mack, how long have you been aboard High Fortune?"

"What day is it?" He asked, almost sarcastically.

"It's Wednesday-"

"13 Years, 2 months... give or take."

Shael nodded slowly, looking him over sceptically.

"Right... and how many days in that time have you spent... not working? Perhaps, off the ship?"

"About 2 weeks. I get ill from time to time as well, you know." He managed a chuckle, but he knew he was entirely avoiding that conversation, and Hyena damn well knew it.

"Godsblood, how have you not gone insane?? You do have friends don't you?"

His sad, hard look spoke more than words could have. After draining his wine glass, he spoke, low tones that were almost a growl.

"Once, before I came aboard. I used to live in a small village on the edge of the canine and feline lands in the mountains. Raised 2 pups there, before they grew up and went to find their own stories... I was married as well, to my best friend in the world, but there are some ailments I can't treat. Even the dragons, in all their wisdom, haven't found cures for many conditions, and it was one of those that took her from me. A month later, bandits came raiding, and that's how I ended up with my stunning good looks." The last part rolled from his muzzle with a tone of sarcasm. The three fingers on his right paw flexed a moment, drumming on the tabletop.

"I don't like talking about it. Everyone I knew is gone now. And I'm simply left to persist through some cruel mockery. So I do what I can to help those who are here, and maybe one day once I decide it's time, I'll have the captain drop me off in the wilderness and go hunting for a fight I can't win. That's been the plan since I got here."

He let her mull his confession over, and poured himself another glass of the wine, hoping to repress the thoughts again before he could dwell too much on them.

"You want my thoughts on it, Mack?" She asked after a moment's more contemplation.

"Not particularly, but you're going to give it to me regardless, so..." He rolled his free paw, indicating for her to get on with it already as he raised his glass to his muzzle.

"It's a shit plan. For one, you're even adored by the girls below deck for everything you do than even more than their favourite clients, and you don't even take them to bed. For two, you may be a stubborn ass, but I can tell you know better than that. For three, I don't think your best friend in the whole wide world would want you to check out from here while there's still good you can do before you go and find yourself a rendezvous." Shael said, sitting back, her plate cleared.

Mack was silent for a long time. He knew she was right. He'd known it a long while, but it was hard to admit that kind of thing to yourself. Sometimes someone else needed to slap you across the face with the conclusion for you to accept it. He sighed and nodded slowly.

"Heh... She'd probably kick my ass if I did were she here."

"Well, don't try it, or I'll have to do it for her. I doubt she'd want you being a grumpy, miserable old shit either." She cackled, cracking a genuine smile. Funnily enough, he didn't doubt she probably could if she put her mind to it as well.

"Okay, okay... Well, I'm not making promises, but I will consider your arguments. But... Perhaps, if you're okay with it, we could do this again sometime?"

"Uh-uh. I'm way too busy for this dinner-date shit. You just choked me out and my schedule happened to clear. Counteroffer." Shael's eyes went up and down the old wolf for a few moments, and he watched with his one good eye as one of her teeth snagged on her lower lip.

"I need a bath. And I don't normally participate in the job my girls belowdecks do, but frankly, you look like you need a good lay, old man. Come back to my quarters for the night and actually enjoy yourself. Then maybe we can say we're square."

Mack couldn't help the chuckle that escaped him, his entire torso rumbling with his amusement. No, no, he couldn't. It had been too long. He had been married, he was too old. He should probably just go back to his office and get some rest while he could, and-

"Nope. None of that. Come on. You think with your one eye, and I can see the excuses behind that patch of yours. That's all they are. Live a little Matthew. Your wife wouldn't have wanted you to be like this either just because she's gone." Before he could argue, she'd grabbed his paw in a firm grasp, dragging the dire wolf along behind her like a pup on a leash.

Perhaps... He did need to live some. By the time they reached the Hyena's quarters and she was fumbling for her keys though, the mood between the two had grown intense. What had started the night as mutual animosity and loathing was now simmering into more base desires. It had been a long time, but he hadn't forgotten how the dance went. Or hell, at least he hoped he hadn't. Then he'd really have a reason never to leave his office again.

As soon as the door was open, he hefted Shael up by the waist, his paws lifting the Hyena as easily as he had in the bar, but this time, he shoved her against the wall. Snarling, she interlocked her paws behind his head and dragged the massive wolf into a rough kiss, her tongue fighting his valiantly for dominance. His own shoved hers aside like a runaway cart and pinned the wriggling muscle to the roof of her maw. Moaning around his tongue, she gave him a gentle nip.

She kicked off the wall, and sent him stumbling backwards, the hyena still clinging to his chest. Her paws tangled roughly in the mess of his shaggy mane. He toppled backwards onto a couch. Something broke as it was knocked aside by the tangle of limbs and tails as they hungrily tore the clothing from each other's bodies. Neither of them even stopped to see what it was.

Rolling him onto his back, Shael swung her leg over his waist, straddling the massive wolf. She wasn't disappointed. She might not have seen much action being at the head of her little business, but she'd seen her share of better-endowed males. Mack certainly fell towards the higher end of that particular scale. She grinned wickedly, wrapped her paws entirely around the thick piece of wolf log that stuck proudly from his sheath, and his knot wasn't even out of that fat, fuzzy pouch yet!

"Careful with the claw-"

"Yeah yeah. Shut up and enjoy it wolfy. You're the one taking a night off, and I don't plan on letting you out until you've taken care of me as well- Ach, hey! What're you-!!" She protested, briefly. At least until she understood the intent of the wolf's movements. He lifted her entirely and spun her about, before setting her knees back down on either side of his broad chest. Before she could say another word, the dire-wolfs muzzle engulfed her hyena bits like he was devouring a fawn whole!

"Oh! Ohfuckthatsgood!" Mack would have grinned, but his muzzle was busy with hyena muff. To say he licked her would have been like comparing a tiger and a chihuahua drinking. His tongue practically rolled out across her womanhood like a wet wave, messily slurping her arousal from base to tip. He had to wrap his meaty paws around her sandy, stripy thighs just to hold the squirming female still enough to get another lick in.

Like this, however, it left her free to please him however she wanted, and her lips wrapped around the head of his prick, already forcing her mouth open completely just to drag her tongue across his tip.

"Careful with those teeth-" He playfully taunted her again. Her fingers clenched tight around his uninflated knot, and she mumbled what sounded like a curse around his shaft, but it was hard to tell exactly. One of his paws came down on her ass with a loud smack. The next sound out of her was a moan. He did grin this time.

Yep, Matthew rumbled out his enjoyment with a deep, bass note that had the Hyena twitching and huffing on the end of his muzzle. Still got it.

Shael was desperately trying to fit more of him in her mouth. She'd managed about halfway, which was for sure a good effort. His muzzle might have been greying and shaggy, but soon, it was an absolute mess, matted with the hyena's dripping lust from his whiskers, her sweet taste all but basting his tongue. Shael didn't look much better, the hyena's soft, blonde facial fur stringy with lines of his leaking precum that overflowed around her stretched lips. That was fine. They wouldn't be the only lips stretched by the end of the night.

Shael groaned out loud, pulling off his length entirely as Mack pushed his tongue between her sex lips, no longer content to get just a taste. He wanted the whole damn meal, and he was going to get it. The wet muscle wriggled and pressed, slowly worming his way into her tight passage with a wet pop as he pulled her wide hips back onto his face, eating her out like a buffet.

Shael's cried filled his ears, along with strings of curses and pleading encouragement from the normally dominant hyena matriarch.

"Ah, fuck! Just like that! Eat me you damn mongrel!" She snarled, roughly gyrating her hips back onto his face and tongue that felt like he was trying to dredge her cunt from lips to her cervix. He growled right back at her, making her claws dig into his thighs as she tried to quiet herself by taking his cock down to the knot between her lips, moaning and thrashing all the while.

Her entire body seized up suddenly, a plaintive whimper escaping her as she trembled and gasped, gripping at his pelt for dear life as the world melted around her. He let her recover a moment, head beside his sheath as she lapped quietly at his knot with her tongue, too dazed and pleasure drunk to achieve much else in her current state.

"Your..." She started to speak and quickly trailed off into indecipherable gibberish, rolling herself over as her composure returned, the stars around her head slowly fading.

"Hmmm. Welcome back." Mack laughed, rubbing the pad of his fat thumb along her slit, gathering the moisture upon his paw. "You like that, little hyena?"

Shael growled almost definitely, but before the dire wolf, she both looked it and felt it. She was curvaceous, perky D cup tits pressed around his sheath as she snuggled up against the cock that looked the height of her damn head.

"Mhmm... Damn shame this fucking beast would never fit." She mused wistfully, running her paws along the oversized wolf's maleness, her claws following a bulging vein from knot to tip. His prick twitched almost eagerly.

"Oh, it'll fit... The wife was smaller than you even." He smirked, and promptly lifted the Hyena by the hips, sitting up to position her in his lap, cock lewdly jutting up between her thighs. She almost looked cute when she was nervous. It wasn't an expression she wore much, always the one to be dominant and in charge. Well, Mack was about to turn the tables on her in a big way.

"W-wait! That log will split me in half Mack. Trust me, I love a good fuck as much as the next girl, but..." She bit her lip again in that cute way she had at the food place just before she invited him back to her cabin. Well, tough luck for her. He was a wolf. If there was one thing he still shared with his coalition kin, it was the drive to get things done.

In this case, it just happened to be who he intended to do. He reached around her, scooting her back while angling his cock down towards her glistening, saliva slathered snatch.

"Don't worry... I'll find a way." His grin at her at that moment was terrifying, arousing, and made her body absolutely throb with lust. He could feel her clenching around his spade-shaped tip, just begging for somewhere warm and fertile to be buried after a long hiatus. Well, Shael was certainly a willing volunteer.

He didn't waste their time by waiting for another round of back and forth, finding that showing through action was a more expedient solution. He pulled her back to a wordless cry of pleasure as the Hyena was stretched as good as she had ever been. Her body resisted at first, tight and clenching and trying to arrest his forward progress, but with each short jab of his hips, he puppy humped his way deeper until she was gasping with each thrust, half his length bulging her lewdly stretched cunt into a wide O.

The meaty, veiny wolf cock forced her body wide, far wider than she had ever been made to take until it bordered on the edge of pain. Once he felt close to bottoming out in her, he slowed his pace, letting her adjust. Instead, her claws dug into his thighs.

"Oh, you're not getting off that easy. I didn't invite you back here to be gentle... You want to make that knot fit? Fuck me like the savage damn wolf you are!" She cackled through clenched teeth, trying to wriggle her way back against him to get him deeper still.

Well, she'd find no arguments from him then! Wrapping his paws around her chest, he cupped her tits in his massive paws, squeezing them roughly as he pinched the nipples between his thumbs and forefingers.

"Careful what you wish for."

"Shut up and fuck me Mack, or so help me I'll turn this night around and fuck you instead!" She demanded, and at once, he pulled her back against his chest, silencing her with a firm buck of his hips that had his knot kissing those taut, puffy black sex lips of hers. He kissed her deeply, craning his head over her shoulder, and frantically against his thrusting, she grabbed his paws for support, her grip wrapping tight around his three remaining fingers on his right hand.

She didn't notice or comment on the deformity, too lost in her pleasure as her body hummed like a struck harp. She bounced in his lap, cushy hyena rump coming down against his shaggy and muscled thighs. Old he may have been, probably enough so for him to have been the girl's father even, but he was a dire wolf. He was born strong and lived strong. The wolf could still hold his own, make a forced march for days, and have the energy left over to fuck her silly into the sofa without a problem.

He panted, his breath beginning to come in low snarls as the pleasure in his loins build. That natural drive to breed was in full swing, and Shael's body was snuggly fitted around his prick like a silken vice. He wanted to knot her- No, needed to knot her. That peak wouldn't be the same for either of them if he didn't tie her, and roughly, he spun her around on his cock so she was facing him.

Her pretty green eyes were filled with need, and she reached up, grabbing the back of his head so she could kiss him again, her moans and cries lost into the wolf's maw while he nailed her to the couch. He spared her no gentleness as he pushed her over, his bulky frame entirely eclipsing her body and bouncing tits. She bit his lip hungrily, desperately, eye-fucking the one-eyed wolf while he fucked a mess into her and her furniture. The sofa squeaked in protest as he picked his pack up even further, a wet and rapid "plap-plap-plap!" echoing about the room as his hefty ballsack slapped against her rump with each thrust, and his knot battered at her heavenly cunt.

"Ahh! Fuck, Like that!" Shael snapped at him, claws raking across the dire wolf's spine as she snarled, barking aloud at the ceiling. Then she bit his shoulder, shaking her head side to side like a terrier biting a rat. Mack growled at the sudden pain, but at the same time, the rough fucking was unleashing some primal, feral desire in him. He shoved her back down into the cushion, fucking her even harder while she clawed up his back. Pinning her completely, she had nowhere to go and instead spread her legs out, rocking her hips up into his thrusts that dredged a froth of messy precum into her already soaked fur.

"Fuck! Yes! Knot me you savage prick! Get it in there! Cum in me!"

Well, Mack wasn't one to deny a lady her request, even if Shael might have stretched the typical definition of what it was to be a lady. Grabbing her hips, he all but pulled her onto his next thrusts, his knot like a pair of clenched fists at the base of his throbbing maleness, and damned if he wasn't going to make it fit in the bitch beneath him.

His fucking grew savage, utterly bestial as he panted and snarled, pressure building like a dam. Slowly, bit by bit, the hyena opened up against his relentless advance, squealing like a virgin as he threatened to ruin sex with any other male for the hyena whore-mistress. With a final mighty shove that shunted the couch across the floor with a protesting squeal of wood on wood, he rammed himself home, feeling the tight bitch stretching as Shael went into another volley of body-raking spasms, cumming her brains out on the steely rod of wolf meat impaling her.

A messy and wet pop signalled that he was in her at last, as did the tight clenching around the base of his knot, and with a snarl of feral pleasure, he unloaded months of pent up lust into her waiting passage, hosing her cunt down with a flood of hot, off-white dire wolf cum.

They stayed like that for minutes, Matthew's length throbbing hard within the tied hyena bitch as she drooled onto her furniture, her belly taut with the distinguishable lump from his generous gift. She was fucked silly and would be out of it a while longer. It had been a long time since he'd done that to anyone. The soft chuckle came unbidden, and he pulled her up by her hips, carrying her against his chest with his knot still fully lodged and secure inside of her. That would probably be longer going back to normal than the hyena would...

He looked about and nudged open a few connecting doors until he found her bedroom, and graciously, her bed was large enough for both of them, if barely long enough for him. Still, it was somewhere to lay for a while that wouldn't involve him resting his entire weight on the fuck-addled yeen.

" hagan..." She mumbled incoherently as he lay down, carefully shifting. Even like this, their position and tie still forced him to prop one of her legs up.


"You should... Do that again... Then shower. You stink." Shael muttered, turning her head to lick across his jawline.

"Not too shabby for a cripple... Maybe I'll come to get checkups a bit more often."

"Mhmm. Well, let's see if you can walk straight first... And if you can, I'll just have to fix it."

She gave him a playful nip.

"Who'd have thought. The one-eyed wolf does know how to live. And he fucks good too!"

Mack slowly started thrusting again, drawing a moan from her lips. She leaned in to bite his shoulder, hard, marking his shoulder with a fresh set of teeth marks. He snarled and pinned her to the bed, kissing her roughly, lust reignited after the brief respite.

"Now fuck me again. Show me that the wolf hasn't left the doctor. Then you're going to fuck me in the shower, and if we've got time before morning, once more for the road. You can explain to your patients why you smell of hyena cunt- Nngh! Oh, fuck that's good!"

The cabin quickly filled with the sound of rough, messy fucking, and it continued, loudly, well into the early hours of the morning.

"Make sure you stay off it until it's healed. No rigging work until then. You can stay on the deck and tell Yakkerson it's the doctor's orders. If he has a problem with it, he can take it up with me." Mack growled at the shipmate, a flying fox, who as it turned out, had discovered an acute inability to fly after falling from one of the massive dirigible's rigging nets. The damn fool had been lucky the drop-birds caught him.

Outside of the patient room, there was a commotion, raised voices in the general waiting area making his ears perk up, homing on the disturbance in his infirmary.

"What in the hell..." he growled, and with one paw, reached up, taking the huge claymore from its spot on the wall. He stomped out into the lobby, snarling with his lips curled.

"...need to pay the poor lady what you owe her for the night, or so help me, I'll be back to bite your di-"

"Oi! What the hell is going on here??"

Shael looked up from the poor lemur she had been hunched over, fangs out and snarling. When she saw Matthew, she instead smiled sweetly and shoved a basket into his free paw. He fumbled to grab it with his three-fingered paw. His one golden eye glared at the hyena.

"You can't be coming up here harassing my patients. What's all this then?"

"I may have told some of the girls about the other night, as so they made you a gift since apparently you weren't the only one who needed a good fuck to perk up, so here. Homemade soap, so you don't stink like an old wolf next time you come by Sal's for a hookup." She grinned a toothy grin of mocking politeness. Despite his growl, he couldn't find fault in the gift and took it with a grumble. He took a deep, calming breath before responding.

"Thank you, Shael. Now please get out of my infirmary." He managed to keep the words as even and firm as he could without being outwardly impolite.

"Aww what? No angry fuck against the wall? Not even a thank you pussy licking? You sure didn't seem so objectionable last time." She cackled out a laugh, taunting the old dire wolf as he brandished the sword threateningly.

"Out!" The wolf shouted, jabbing the claymore at the doorway. Shael's cackling followed her all the way down the hall outside. He turned to the lemur, who was suppressing a surprised laugh at the whole situation. His face dropped and he went silent as the wolf rounded on him.

"And you're next! Not a word! Now get in the damn office or I'll let her come back for you!"

The Traveling Slave pt4

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Reprisal for the Conquest (TDS Side #7)

A falling rock usually wasn't too much of a risk. When you were several hundred metres up a sheer cliff face however, it was another matter entirely. Debastian Silverpaw pressed himself closer to the cliff face, the damp, rough stones numbing...

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The Plain's Tribes Pow-Wow (TDS Side #6)

"Dammit! Shadi! You get back here this second!" The wretched, furious shriek chased the little tan lioness through the tall, conical leather and pelt tents and wooden structures of her home village as she sprinted as fast as her little...

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