The Dragon Cult

Story by DraconicXeno on SoFurry

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#31 of Story Commissions

Crossover story commission for Nikaro on FA: Featuring their MLP character along with some of my older MLP OCs in an Elder Scrolls-inspired setting. Both heavily pregnant with broods after being bred by their dragon masters! Thank you for commissioning me!

The cold wind blew about Jadefire as the mint-green kirin took her daily stroll along the fortress's icy battlements. Every evening she'd take in the sights, the magnificent view across the water, where the monolithic volcano loomed. Its desolate peak belched smoke and fire, molten fury burning like a second sun as the day's blazing light was dragged over the eastern horizon. Casting the shadow of twilight across the world. The glow set the sea alight like liquid flame, lapping at the shore to the south like the fiery lips of scorching magma.

To say it was beautiful, was an understatement. It was the most amazing sight she'd seen in an age, and she had it every night to look forward to. Even here, where snow and ice mixed with thick ash; blasted upon the island from the furious mountain, she'd have it no other way. Some may say coming here was a mistake, the most northern, far-flung corner of the world - where the air was scorched and the trees blasted bare, to join a cult, no less. But she'd happily tell them they were wrong.

Who is anypony to tell me what to do? She thought proudly, as she made her way further along the ruined wall. I'm happy here, and life's...

There was a sudden cramp in her belly, and she looked back. The huge bump that bulged under her thin cloak was one thing she had to admit, made her walks a little more difficult. It had been easy at first, for weeks after her initiation she'd not even noticed any changes. Aside from her morning sickness, hoof cramps, and widening hips, at least. Yet that small lump she could feel swelling in her tummy had not stayed small for long. Her fertile figure had blossomed large, larger than almost every other breeding mare the cult had under its wing.

"Cursdro! Urg, can you guys stop moving!?" she huffed, shooting a glare back at the bump as it writhed and squirmed, scaly limbs rolling under her taut flesh like stones. "I thought you were supposed to be eggs!?"

Sure, that was what many of the cult shamans had told her when they'd first confirmed she'd conceived a brood, a brood of three, no less. Her kirin blood led them to believe the offspring may be more draconic than equine. But after some time it had become abundantly clear that her trio of rowdy, half-dragon passengers, were as far from eggs as newborn foals.

"Godde. Trust me to be stuck with three of them," she huffed to herself, waddling her way along the wall toward a door leading down into the temple depths. "Not that I'm going to let you get in my way." She nudged the bump with her inner thigh. "Part of the cult, part of my master's aluntiid, no matter the cost."

Not that it was a cost she wasn't willing to pay. The dragons she served were an old breed, masters of ponies that long betrayed and cursed them. Those arrogant, equine fools of old, had no idea who they'd forsaken. The dragon masters were glorious, kind, and benevolent to all who served them. Not to mention, the feeling of being bred and carrying their seed like a dragoness was truly otherworldly.

My master's long, hard, rugged cock up my tail... Oh... By the gods, so... She caught herself before she could start drooling and blindly stumble off the frosty battlements. Ach, Jade, pay attention!

She scuffed a forehoof at a small bank of snow, snorting a breath of warm vapor that dissipated in the frigid air. Though it was hard not to get lost in the fantasy, to think that she was part of something so grand. She loved her life as a draconic womb, and despite her initial desire to get away from all of her troubles so far in the wilderness, the idea of so many hybrid pregnancies had also been a strong lure to the cult.

Not to mention the eye candy. She thought, inspecting several other expectant mares as she descended back into the fortress. Yet none are as large as me.

She wore that latter fact like a proud suit of armor, swaying her hips so her huge belly rocked from side to side. It put a strain on her arched spine, and caused more pressure to shove on her pussy. Yet she didn't care, she flaunted her fertility despite how dangerously close she was to bursting her dam.

Most mares merely scoffed at the show, she assumed out of spite and jealousy. But she was also sure that the fact she was a kirin, didn't help. She was the only one of her kind to be bred by the masters, and with that came the idea she wasn't as fit to carry their legacy as the more pure-equine of her companions. She was a half-breed, and a pathetic imitation of dragons. She, on the other hoof, was certain her draconic half made her worth three of every other mare, and her triplet-sized belly made that clear.

Mey. Cloud-snorters and horn heads, the lot of them! She thought, offering a pair of pegasi - their bellies round and kicking, a sour look. The more dragons I breed, the more the masters will hold me in higher regard, that's all I care about.

That was the arch-dov's and head priestesses' goal, after all. There were very few pure dragonesses left, the ponies of old having left the dov a dying breed. The masters needed mares like her to survive, and she was glad to serve. There was almost a sense of nobility to it, even if she mostly enjoyed getting plowed by a dragon's thick knot every now and then.

Urg, yet it's been weeks, they won't fuck me while I'm so close to popping! She inwardly huffed, waddling her way down a large tunnel lined with the ancestral bones of the dead, sleek walls wet with condensation that shimmered in the light of hanging braziers. Irkbaan. Not gonna risk damaging you guys, are they?

She looked back at her bump, only to stagger as the brood retorted with a firm kick. For a moment, it was if she'd pop right there and then, but the commotion settled as she begrudgingly rubbed her full tummy with a forehoof.

"Oof... Hey... I... gah!" Another rowdy kick interrupted her words and she flopped against the wall. "Okay, okay, I'll stop talking volzah about you!"

As if the three little hybrids really were listening, the kicking settled once more; she wobbled back to her hooves and made her way over to the large door that marked the entrance of her master's chambers. Vast and wooden, it was intricately marked with a whole manner of draconic symbols, two huge, metal rings acting as handles.

"Besides." Her horn flared as she used her magic to heave open the door, a spell only she and the rest of the master's harem knew. "Pahdul. You can't come out until after the next initiation, it's only one more day."

She glanced back at her bump, yet there were no more squirming complaints from her brood as she struggled to squeeze her wide girth through the door.

"Arg! He's gonna have to come and help me open this fully if I get any bigger! Dur, I can't fit!" she huffed, before with a creaking pop, she plopped through. "I just grow wider and wider every day!"

She staggered back to her hooves and peered ahead; expecting to see her draconic master gazing at her with hungry eyes, his huge body draped over his hoard, monstrous cock flopped across the silken pillows that covered the mound of gold and gems. Yet the great, red drake was nowhere to be seen, and the vast cavern was dark, save for a few flickering torches. Several mares, all bloated with the siblings of her own babies, lay sleeping, their fertile bodies robbing them of strength where she felt no such weakness.

"Hefhah! And yet they still say I'm the zurun gein tir," she muttered under her breath, half waddling, half sliding like some fat seal over the mountain of treasure before she finally flopped down on a lavish pillow, one just for her.

The purple fabric was ruffled and slightly torn, the wear and tear from many dragon ruts, no doubt. Not to mention the combination of fluids that coated it, from draconic semen to the heavy amounts of milk leaking from every gravid mare's swollen teats. Not that she cared, she made herself comfortable regardless, the hot fluid from her own udder-like breast seeping over her thighs as she sighed.

"I feel like an okaaron, I just want to fuck." She would have shouted, yet waking the other mares could surely only result in bickering.

Therefore, she saw fit to tend to herself, rolling like a beach ball as her belly kicked and wiggled.

"Lig! Will you three just calm down and let mommy feel good?" she hissed bitterly, doing her best to reach her tight pussy, the fertile lips of her strained marehood sopping wet as she barely managed to fondle her swollen teats. "Naal rah! Oh, they feel so full but... I can't reach!"

She was about to scream, torn between how much she loved and hated being a bloated breeder. All the while her monstrous belly writhed, the hybrids within constantly threatening to pop her packed cork as she did her best to offer herself some release.

"Come on, almost, almost!" She felt the tip of her quivering forehoof tap her pussy's outermost lips, her back bent as she arched her front over her tummy like she was trying to roll into a tight ball. "Oh... the touch it feels..."

There was a strong kick, and she uttered a shrill eep, terrified she'd forced her water to break as she flopped back with a huff. The pillow proofed outward with a dusty puff as she just about moved her hind legs, feeling as if she had indeed broken her waters.

"Kogaan. No, no, still in there." She panted, relieved as she rubbed her bump. "But you're not gonna let me jack off, are you?" she asked, looking at the bump in defeat.

There was another small kick, then a flutter as the babies settled, making it clear they were happy with her laying exactly where she was, and at that, she sighed. Of course, all about the foals, never about me!

"Having trouble there?" Cooed a voice, and Jadefire glanced over to see a unicorn mare on a pillow next to her, peering her way with lidded eyes and a coy smirk. "I heard you speak dragon, quite impressive."

"Bek, Zu'u los dovah verkiiriik, fos do nii?" she spat in as fluent dov as she'd learned over the past eleven months, only for the stranger to look perplexed. "I'm a dragon breeder, of course, I know some dov tongue."

"Yes, not something I've picked up yet. The language, at least." The stranger nodded to her round belly. "But your needs, maybe I can help with that?"

Shifting awkwardly, Jade got a better look at her. Seeing she had a coat white as the snow outside, and a mane blue as the ocean's depths. Her eyes were a similar cyan; her body lean, strong, and taut. She looked like she'd been through a lot. Yet the main thing Jadefire noticed was her belly, it was full of foals, just like hers, yet barely as large.

So, I'm still the biggest? Pruzah! She thought triumphantly. She looks like she's only having twins at most, maybe just one big hybrid... or eggs?

There was no way the kirin could be sure, dragon-equine pregnancies all seem to differ greatly. One thing she was sure about, however; was the fact she'd never seen this mare before. She said as much, and the stranger's horny look only bloomed more so.

"A new plaything of your master." She ran a forehoof over her pillow. "You could say he was keeping me to himself for a while."

At that revelation, Jadefire huffed. What, but I'm his povaan keyrek, why would he keep her from me? The disgruntled thoughts must have been pretty clear on the kirin's face, as the pale unicorn swiftly giggled.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I know you're his favorite, and I can see why." She licked her lips. "I'm just on loan from another master, though, I must say, the mares here are just as good as the dragon they serve."

"Oh, so you're into that kind of stuff?" Jade asked, the idea of someone who could ease her needs swiftly replacing jealousy. "Because if you need to get cozy here, I can help, like you said, I'm the master's favorite."

"Oh, no doubt." The unicorn awkwardly sat up, belly rolling between her hind legs as she rested a forehoof on it. "The name's Dragonfire, by the way."

"Kusah? Huh, fitting." Jade observed, as she attempted to sit up too, only for her heavy belly to pin her down once more, earning a giggle from Dragonfire. "Yes, yes, so funny. I'm Jadefire, though I'm sure you already know that, right?"

"The only kirin here, I know." Dragonfire nodded, and Jade huffed. "A very sexy specimen, I must say."

That perked the kirin's attention more so, either Dragonfire was a good sweet talker, or she actually was interested in some fun.

"So, you don't think I'm a 'lesser mare' or some insult to the masters?" she asked, and Dragonfire shook her head, swift to assure her otherwise. "Huh, well, you're the first."

The unicorn looked curious for a moment, cocking her head. "Well, do forgive me if I'm no stranger to some... Interspecies romance."

"Saying that just makes them sound like hypocrites, we're all fucked by dragons," Jade reasoned, and her pregnant companion nodded.

"Exactly, I've bucked everything from griffins to zebras, never once got knocked up. I come here and..." She jabbed a forehoof at her belly. "Boom, blew up like a balloon!"

"Hehe." The kirin giggled, a forehoof pressed to her muzzle as she rubbed her belly with the other. "So, looks like you're trying to flirt? That offer about helping me out, still open?"

"Both of those depend on how much you want it. I've never fucked a kirin before and with you as big as you are... Well, it only makes you more alluring," she cooed, her horn lighting as Jade felt magic lick at her pussy.

"Oo, rah, yes!" she cried, only for the magic to cut out. "Wait, no... don't stop!"

"Oh, but you're so pent up, and I do like being a tease." Dragonfire's bedroom eyes were back in full force as she purred. "How about we make things interesting?"

"Dostoz. Trust me, if I could get up, I'd make this interesting in a heartbeat!" Jade cursed, wobbling like a turtle caught on its back. "But as you can see... Three half-dragons kinda make that hard."

"So what they said is true, it's triplets?" Dragonfire mused, seeming to think deeply. "You really are fertile and..." She rolled a forehoof in the air. "You're going to be at the initiation ceremony tomorrow, I presume?"

"I will if they can cart me there, walking is getting hard... I barely got back from my walk," Jade elaborated, then blushed. "Not that my master won't want me there."

"Oh, I'm sure he will, and we'll prove to him just how good we are," Dragonfire suggested, and Jade blinked, motioning for her to elaborate further. "You see, when I join a harem, I aim to make a great impression."

Her horn flared and once more Jade felt magic, like an invisible cock creeping along her pussy. She let out a soft moan, growing so wet it was a wonder her waters hadn't just broken as she nodded.

"I-I... see... well you've left a good one on me so far!" she muttered through her exertions, only for the magic to cease once more. "Nid, lig! Whatever that spell is, I need it!"

She shot the frisky unicorn an almost pleading look, practically begging her to continue. But like some succubus, Dragonfire simply peered at her. Expression dripping with sultry.

"Good, nice and needy. Now, I promise to do everything you want and more, if you help me make the celebration tomorrow more... Interesting." She was grinning ear to ear, as Jade nodded frantically.

"Anything, I'll do it... Just please, fuck me!" she called, and Dragonfire lay back with a flick of her tail.

"All in good time, I'll be sure to make it worth the wait," she assured as she settled down to rest.


Jade's memory of the first time she'd been rutted by her master was one of the best she had. True, it had resulted in her gravid state, but thinking back to a time before she was so round, she could only try her best not to get horny.

She was pinned under the red talons of the dragon, a scaly beast at least twice her size, snarling down at her as she lay on her back with a submissive gleam in her eyes.

"Oh, Master, you're so big, so strong," she cooed, batting at his talons in mock imitation of prey. "What am I to do, be eaten or become round with your eggs?"

"Buruk poguk, mal truk. A hard option, little thing. But don't play coy, I know what you desire," the dragon hissed knowingly, smoke seeping from his nostrils as she felt his huge cock flop free, landing over her body like a wet tree trunk. "Tolro viilut, that's right, you're going to take my maasofaniik, my cock, mal keyrek."

She let out a small eep, genuinely anxious for a second, at least until he drew back and started to eat her out.

"O-oh, Master... so..." Her hind legs kicked as he kept going, rough tongue bringing her to the edge of climax in moments, before he drew back and poked his rod at her pussy. "So big... I... Put it in, I've lived for this, come all this way, you chose me and I am yours to breed!"

The dragon snorted; a toothy smirk plastered on his scarlet muzzle. Yet he didn't utter another word as he lightly slipped into her, stretching her pussy like a sock over his bristled tip.

"Gah, by the gods!" she yelped, her marehood so tight she could hardly breathe, then came the panting, and the hot fluster as he shoved in once. "I... I can hardly take it, Master! But... So good, I must be filled!"

"Ahrk ful hi fent, and so you shall, mal verkiiriik," her master cooed, cupping her cheek with a wing as her muzzle scrunched, and her eyes closed tight. "Umph, so tight, mal truk!"

It was the best few moments of the kirin's life, to be bred and filled with the seed of a being so powerful. His cock surged in and out, the barbs that marked its length triggering every one of her love buttons. She'd no idea how many times she came, but over and over he tickled her clit and her pussy became wetter, coating the pillows under the two of them in hot mare cum.

Yet not a second of that was anything in comparison to his climax. Like a volcanic eruption deep inside her silken folds, he blasted his seed into her with the hot fury of Red Mountain itself. It was coupled with a flaming surge from his fanged maw, as he threw his head back and roared. His whole body shuddered as it went tense as stone, and more of his warm baby-batter was pumped into her ready womb. Only when she felt like a balloon filled to the brim with thick, warm fluid, did he stop; rolling to the side, his ripe knot still tying him to her taut hunches as she rubbed her full tummy.

"Hi fen kos pruzah saalum keyrek, my hes," he purred, resting a vast wing over her like a crimson blanket. "Zu'u los frund Zu'u vust gahrot hi hond, I'm glad I could steal you away before the other dov were able to trog, to snatch you from me."

Jadefire giggled like a giddy school filly despite the heat in her rump and the aching in her strained pussy, feeling his cock slide within her as she did so.

"I live to serve your kind, my master, nothing less." She shifted her hind legs, wincing as she felt him lurch, before adding with a moan. "My body is but a temple for your young to grow within."

The dragon smiled, the heat of his breath kissing her face as he licked her clean of the night's previous engagements. Dragon cum was a pain to get out of her fur, but at least she could take the heat of a dragon's grooming, unlike equine mares.

"Vitolaan. Almost makes me want to rutt you as a nirin again! Fraan yol ol vahzah dovah voth liin do wuth. Feel the fire as a true dov does with a mate of old," he replied and the fact he even compared her to a pure dragoness cause the kirin to swoon, then cum again, uttering a yelp as she felt his cock shift. "Dii, dii. My, my, you are a praag joor, needy mortal."

"N-no... you're just so good, Master... I... I don't know how I can even take your cock, but, please, don't pull out," she begged, rubbing his neck.

"Prem, patience. Pah pruzah truk, all good things must come to an end, mal gein. Nuz fah nu, but for now. I will fey, I will stay," he assured, licking her once more. "You are pruzah praan, good company."

"Good, good." She panted, unable to think straight as he shifted his hips, summoning another orgasm. "B-because I never want to leave!"


The main celebration hall was packed with so many pregnant mares it was a wonder the avatar of fertility herself hadn't been summoned within the central pyre. The ancient amphitheater was a vast square, with row upon row of seats around each edge. Above, loomed a monstrous caldron, its fire illuminating the varying-colored scales of the many dragon masters that oversaw the ceremony with beady eyes.

Below, by the roaring central flame, lay the podium upon which the head priestess stood, her belly round with squirming dragon young, and bathed in the glow of the sacred wall of words at her back. The atmosphere was thick and heavy, filled with the din of voices and the heat of so many bodies, leaking sweat and warm milk like a cornucopia of fertility. Each wore a scaled mask that mimicked their draconic masters' features, the color of the scales upon each depending on the dragon they were bred by.

Yet all Jadefire could feel was her own young squirm, the three of them locked tight in her taut womb, struggling for room as her bump bulged and rolled under the loose fabric of her ceremonial robes. She couldn't help but keep glancing back at her gurgling midsection, her tail involuntarily up; she felt like she could pop any moment!

Just not here, please don't come out here! She inwardly begged; sure she'd only become the target of more scrutiny if she interrupted the masters' ceremony. _They just have to stay inside... Not like I care what the others think but... _

She had to stifle a grunt as she felt a shudder run through her. Almost as if her gut had been squeezed into a tight oval. Her ears perked as she heard it growl, and glanced to see it constrict tight around her womb. She staggered, doing her best to hide the contraction as she earned odd stares from several mares. Yet one mare, in particular, regarded her not with scorn, but with heated adoration.

"You look like you're really about to pop, Jade." Dragonfire observed from the row behind the kirin. "Just a few more minutes and we'll really put on a show."

Nis! Oh, her talk just makes me hornier. I don't want to pop; I want to fuck! Jade inwardly screamed, as if the unicorn's voice were a vibration perfectly attuned to turn her on. Bahlokus! I just want her to lick my pussy, squeeze my teats... Milk and fuck me for all I'm worth!

There was a hard kick from her young and she uttered a startled yelp. The mare to her left scoffed, while to her right, a pegasus ruffled her wings and muttered about disgusting non-ponies, hissing at her to be quiet.

At any other time, Jade would have bucked them into next week. But right now, she could hardly move without feeling like her pussy was going to burst. She wasn't even sure if she could make it back to her master's quarters after this, waddling here and getting dressed had been hard enough.

No, no, if Dragonfire sees to my needs, it should release some tension... I... I'll be fine! She thought anxiously, glancing back at the pale unicorn. She is going to fuck me, right?

Dragonfire caught her stare, a coy look plastered on her face as she winked, then nodded ahead as the stomping of hooves and the loud cough of a mare clearing her throat rang out, silencing the applause.

The head priestess stepped up to the podium, her belly swaying as her hips wiggled. Even under the dark cloak, her bulk made it clear she'd carried a great many broods for her master, while her ears and muzzle poking free of her mask, betrayed her crimson-red coat.

She shimmers like fire with a coat that red. Jade noted, just as she always did. _Oh, I hope to be so favored by the masters someday. _

Her dream of becoming so esteemed was interrupted by another sharp kick, and a small purr from Dragonfire behind her.

"Hehe, quiet now, little Jade. Gotta tell your kids to settle down." She giggled, and the kirin shot her a sour look, before another mare shushed them both.

"Valokein. Welcome, mares and dov of our great dovah drog!" the head priestess called into the crowd, her dragon tongue echoing from the cavernous walls like the booming summons of the gods. "Kog. Today, we gather to initiate new wombs into our ragnavir, our coven, allow our great, benevolent masters to choose whom will be blessed with their seed!"

She raised a forehoof, her belly swaying as the crowd once again broke out into stomping applause. Jade did her best to do the same, but anything other than standing perfectly still sent ripples through her vast tummy. Each twitch felt like it would have her water breaking like a dam. She winced, eyes closed tight as the rattle of metal and the grinding of gears heralded the opening of the lower gate, from which a small group of mares tentatively crept.

Each bore the light robes of initiation, their somewhat anxious expressions not covered by draconic masks as they all glanced around nervously, ears folded and naive eyes wide. Tails tucked between their legs; the smell of their heats was clear even from Jade's spot so high in the stands. She remembered it well, initiation came upon an inducted mares' estrus, the day they'd be picked out by a dragon master, and taken back to his chambers to breed.

The sweet memory of her first time once again almost soothed her aching labor. But with three hybrids ready to come out any second, no mere thoughts were going to keep them at bay for long.

Ful mcuh faaz! Just focus and breathe, Jade. Focus and breathe. She took air in and out slowly, just as the shamans had told her, all the while crossing her hind legs and folding her tail down, as if to hold in the creeping birth. It'll all be fine; it'll all be fine! _ _

She rubbed her forelegs together nervously, feeling yet more pangs and shudders in her growling tummy. Meanwhile, the mares below were arranged in a neat line on the podium, their slim, sleek bodies put to shame by the fertile bumps of those about them.

"Werid. My masters, these are the ofanaat, the offerings we deliver in this omaar!" bellowed the head priestess, peering to the dragons that loomed above. "All have sworn loyalty to you, sworn that they will become your aar, your vestals, so your kind may rise from the ashes of frondinok!"

She gestured to each of them, and they crossed their forelegs, giving a low bow. Before muttering their oath in the dragon tongue.

The dragons appeared pleased, snorting fire while the head priestess concluded the greeting with a magical shout of her own flame.

"Tozeinvu. Now that the meeting has been concluded, descend my masters, and choose your new uriif!" She called, and from the dark above, the largest of the dragons thudded to the floor, eagerly snatching up one of the mares. "Now, take this blessed keyrek, to her new chamber, where she may be blessed with your rahvok ahrk maa, your mask and seed!"

It was all something Jade had seen a million times, as the first, second, and then third dragon carted their mare of choice out on their back. All she could do was her best to hold back her labor, sure she'd be the first to pop during a ceremony like this if she couldn't. Dragonfire's snide remarks didn't help, yet the kirin had made a promise to the unicorn, and by the time the fourth dragon dropped from the dark above, she felt magic lick at her pussy.

She yelped, voice shrill and dripping with pent-up pleasure as she staggered forward and raised her wet tail. Like a bolt of lightning had lanced through her whole body, sparking the end of every nerve and stunning her with pure ecstasy, she moaned loudly, just able to look back to see Dragonfire's horn glowing, and a sultry smirk upon her pale muzzle.

The ceremony came to a grinding halt, the few mares left on display and her dragon master glancing back as Jade moaned and called out at the top of her lungs.

"Oh yes, do it harder!"

"What are you doing, you... Ooo, my tail... what... ahh!" The mare to her left scoffed, snapping at her, only to shudder herself as the magic spread. "My... so good!"

"Huh, so that spell can spread... Interesting?" Dragonfire mused as the whole row of mares started to moan, then the row behind as the caster's eyes went wide.

"Oh... Oh no, I..." Dragonfire staggered, her tail up as if she were being rutted by an invisible cock. "I... Gah... thought I'd be immune!"

Jade was sure it had to be some Daedric trick. Dragonfire was surely some minion of Sheogorath in disguise, the mad god come to play a joke on the cult of mothers. Yet only she felt about ready to give birth as the whole chamber suddenly erupted into a sopping wet orgy.

Kiindah, ful strin! Or... she's just... Really horny! Jade thought as she was forced to drop, front legs bent as her tail was thrust up, right in front of the unicorn in question. She did say she wanted to make a good impression!

"Oh... Presenting to me, are you?" Dragonfire asked, as she regarded the kirin's succulent rump before her, slapping Jade's toned flanks as she battled her own magica-induced climax. "I did say I'd fuck you!"

"Nid! N-not like this... I... Oooh, I'm gonna pop!" Jade called, sure that she was feeling a very strong contraction. "Lick me, lick me, Dragonfire, dreh atruk!"

"Arr, seconds from labor, s-sure!" the meddlesome unicorn declared, gradually licking Jade's tight folds. "By the gods... Y-you're so tight!"

"I-I wonder whose fault that is?" She hissed, muzzle wrinkled and eyes closed tight as she battled another contraction, while her lover's tongue was swift to summon another orgasm. "I... I hope this will be an orgasmic birth!"

"I-if not for you... Jade..." Dragonfire's response was stolen by a call of pleasure, before her climax face and afterglow was clear as she sighed happily. "Then for about every other mare here!"

"Y-you're a fiend, you... did this!" Jade cried, moaning louder than she thought she could as orgasms and contractions wracked her body. "Fuck... Naal rah!"

"Naaz. What is the meaning of this!?" Boomed the dragon at the room's heart, as the head priestess and initiates succumbed to the curse, dropping into a fit of moans. "Why act so liinvas, so sultry at my omaar do poguk!?"

He fixed his sharp eyes on Jade, undoubtedly the loudest member of the raging orgy. She could only look back with strained submission, her body far too overcome by blissful sensation to do anything more.

"Perhaps... I... It-It's because you're so great, Master... To have all these mares submit to primal desire in your mere presence," Dragonfire forced through the creep of another orgasm. "I... I know I..." Her words were stolen as she came.

"You are my new, verkiiriik. What is this lakif, this mischief?" he asked, not looking too opposed to the situation anymore.

"That's right and I..." There was a loud splash and a yelp from Jade as her water broke right between Dragonfire's forehooves.

The two mares exchanged glances. One coy, the other wide-eyed shock, before the former was wracked by labor pains, while the latter merely smirked and kept licking.

"Well, you see, I just wanted to make a great first impression," she declared smugly. "And... Well, I think your favorite breeder just popped!"

Ligevigr's Commitment

The deep halls of ancient stone were busy and bustling as Ligevigr made his way home. Hundreds upon thousands of Rattoz swarmed about the towering chambers, jagged walls teaming with ruined arches and cobbled machinery. The monolithic roof loomed far...

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The Sanguine Prince: Chapter One

With a clatter, the coin struck the smooth wood of the bar top, before weaving between the talons of the dragon who held it. Sanguine slouched at the bar with a sigh, his fur mottled and scruffy, while his ragged wings were wrapped in a cloak; like old...

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The Sanguine Prince: Chapter One

**Sanguine:** "One, two, three..." The slow countdown was muffled in Sanguine's ears as the young vesperdrake hunkered down amidst the tough furs and cloaks of the wardrobe, fuzzy wings wrapped over him like a cocoon, as if to mimic the drab...

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