Recontextualize 21 - A Small World

Story by Wildebunny on SoFurry

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#21 of Recontextualize

The remaining hours passed extremely slowly with a rabbit that was likely Judy by his side. She knew about Mr. Big and sounded just like her, yet Nick still felt some measure of doubt that it wasn't really her. He hedged his bets when he licked and sniffed her pussy on the very likely chance that she was the real one. If someone walked through those doors, he didn't know what he would do. Not like he could inquire them about Mr. Big and maintain his job or freedom.

There was no one else when the event ended. She was the only rabbit with him which made sense since it was a huge risk to lie with all the incentives in place then they would lose anyway after DNA analysis. That still meant there was another rabbit that was Judy left - the one that lived with her family unless if her parents decided to kick that one out. Although he doubted it since they should've done something if that was the case.

"So, I'm the only one left," Judy said. "No one else came."

"Not exactly, there's still the one in Bunnyburrow," Nick said.

"I'll call my parents and hopefully, they'll agree. They can't be that oblivious, I hope?"

Nick didn't have his cell phone on him, so they had to borrow someone else's phone. A nearby panther officer was happy to oblige. Just as before, her parents didn't pick up.

On the way out, they ran into Chief Growley and Nadine. "You need to show up to the press conference at noon. Don't miss it," Chief Growley said. "Mayor Lionheart wants to announce his plan's success. Officer Fangmeyer will remain as your protective detail until then at the very least."

"What happens to all my claims then?" Judy asked.

"The mammals implicated will be temporarily suspended pending DNA evidence."

"What of the one that Judy's family recognizes?" Nick asked.

"Ill-advised announcement if you ask me, but politicians will do what they want to. We don't have anything conclusive yet. Even so, regrettably, you will have access to everything that Judy did after the announcement."

"That's good to know," Judy said.


They walked out of the precinct to go home. Nick thought it was too easy for him to have Judy back so easily. There wasn't even a rescue operation needed, she was just there, and nothing has happened since then.

"Isn't this too easy?" Nick said.

"Yes, it is," Judy said.

"So, is this the time where I tell you that I've sold you to the highest bidder?" Nadine laughed.

"Can you not joke about that?"


It didn't take long for them to arrive at Nick's house in two separate cars. Judy was with him or a rabbit nearly certain to be Judy. Ninety-nine percent wasn't a hundred, however. Nadine was there for added protection in case something went wrong.

Just like before, Judy snuggled with Nick when it was time to sleep. Nick didn't mind since that meant no one could take her away without disturbing him.

After breakfast, Judy decided to over Nick's cell phone messages with him. Apparently, someone sent him a message that said she was poisoned with something untraceable and that he had to deliver her to them if she were to survive. That message was a day old, and according to the message, she would be dead four hours ago.

"That's a new one," Nick said. "Did they really think that would work? One more place for us to investigate."

They skipped past every sexual fantasy sent by the imposters. There was also one that informed Nick that someone was willing to pay two million dollars for her.

"You're worth that much?" Nick raised an eyebrow.

Judy started crying. "You're going to sell me too, aren't you?"

"Of course not!"

"You sounded surprised."

"That's because I am. Two million whereas discreet slave markets in other countries sell mammals off for less than a thousand. After Lionheart's announcement, we should see if we can set up a sting."

"Only if you stay by my side the entire way."

"Of course."

Nadine opened the door to their room. "Hey, you two, we need to go to the city hall now."

"Time sure does fly." Nick took his cell phone with him again finally since he stopped receiving spam.

After one quick drive, they were at the city hall. It didn't take them long to find Mayor Lionheart.

"Welcome, Officer Hopps, Wilde, and Fangmeyer." Mayor Lionheart addressed Judy Hopps specifically, "Allow me to apologize for what you've been through. Since Chief Bogo answers to me, that makes me at fault. And for the recent ongoing events, they targeted mammals trapped in poverty because we failed them."

"And I thought you would look for any way to absolve yourself of responsibility," Judy said.

"You don't remain in positions of power by doing nothing."

"Have you considered the possibility of things going wrong? You know how that one press conference went," Nick said.

"Nick, that was years ago!" Judy Hopps yelled.

"You didn't have to bring that up," Nadine said.

"Sorry," Nick apologized.

"Not to worry," Mayor Lionheart said. "She doesn't have to answer any question that she doesn't want to, and you'll be by her side. Officer Fangmeyer if you don't mind, would you take your place in the audience instead?"

"If that's what you want." Nadine obeyed but it was clear that she didn't like the order.

They headed to the room where everything was already set up. Reporters were waiting for them to arrive.

Mayor Lionheart took his place behind the podium. "As Mayor of Zootopia, it has come to my attention that our society doesn't work for everyone. We can see this by what happened recently concerning Judy Hopps. From what we know is that most of the rabbits involved received only a thousand dollars for their participation. Our existing social programs are inadequate after we reviewed the backgrounds of those involved. My Alternative Crime Reduction Initiative aims to address these issues. As a testament to its success, it has revealed to us the real Judy Hopps. She implicated several police officers for their part in her disappearance. They are suspended pending a full investigation. Zootopia is a place where anyone can be anything. No one should feel like they need to break the law so they can have a shot at achieving their dreams."

Mayor Lionheart fielded most of the questions. There were a few aimed at Judy who was right beside Nick.

"What was it like during all those months?"

"I'd rather not say," Judy said.

"And I would appreciate it if you refrained from asking these types of questions." Nick didn't want them to accidentally cause a public scandal that could greatly sap their access to resources. If Judy gave in-depth descriptions of her captivity, that might be one way for that to happen.

There were a few more questions before someone asked one aimed at Judy again.

"How did they rescue you?" another reporter asked.

"Wasn't really a rescue, Sidney set me free because he likes taunting the law," Judy said.

"The king of cryptocurrency?"

"I do not know."

"Next!" Nick thought that was a close one. Directly implicating the rich could diminish their access to resources. He regretted not having a mock press conference session where he would coach Judy on what was appropriate to say.

At least, there weren't any threatening questions for the remainder of the session. The press conference went on for a bit longer than he thought it would.

After a quick lunch, they stopped by Precinct One since Judy formally regained her status as the real one. Nadine was still with them since she was part of Judy's protective detail. Chief Bogo was gone, and the deputy chief assumed his position.

Of course, the chief wanted to see them due to their unique situation.

"Chief Stripes, how good it is to see you," Nick said.

The tiger ignored him. "You make one mistake and you're gone," Chief Stripes said.

"Why the hostility?" Judy asked.

"Mayor Lionheart threw his support behind you for political purposes. As far as I'm concerned, there's still one in Bunnyburrow. Now, it would be great if you would volunteer to sort that out while the lab prioritizes your DNA results, but I suppose that I'm not that lucky."

"Knowing my parents, sir, nothing will change their minds about that one until the lab results come in. I would prefer not to waste time. There are multiple leads that I want to pursue."

"And I'm obligated to assist with those goals, how unfortunate. Care to give us a list?"

"I would like to..." Judy gave the newly promoted deputy chief a rather long list.

Thanks to the way Precinct One was structured, they had officers available for emergency cases usually. The chief wasted no time in contacting seven officers for the sting operation. Someone wanted to buy Judy Hopps for two million, and they would take advantage of that potential lead. After Nick set up the details, they had eight officers to assist them with the goal.

Nadine and Ralph were the only two that Nick recognized. The others were from various precincts. Most of the forces originally station at Precinct One were still helping the Rainforest District pursuing their never-ending leads.

Even though Judy consented to it, it still felt wrong for her to be beside him naked on the job. She had a shock collar and a leash around her to further sell the appearance that he intended to sell her. He was wearing his police uniform along with all his gear. The plan was for him to tranquilize whoever came to buy her after he tried to pry some information out of them. Eight officers were waiting in the wings in case something went wrong.

The chosen spot was a mall currently undergoing renovations, so it was currently unused. He waited there for the target to arrive. The team notified him that a car was approaching right on schedule.

A deer stepped out of the car.

"I don't recognize him," Judy whispered.

"But I do recognize him," Nick said.

"You what?" Judy yelled.

"It's a long story. I doubt he'll be pleased to see me, although maybe he doesn't remember me."

"So, I've brought Judy," Nick said.

"Here's the money." The deer unveiled a briefcase. "Before we proceed, I would like to test that it is really her. That some shifty fox isn't trying to scam me." He produced a jar of white fluid. "Make her drink this."

Nick decided it was the perfect time to tranquilize the deer. "Well, he didn't recognize me. Still hates foxes though even after all this time."

"So, who was he?"

"You know the Junior Ranger Scouts that I tried to join oh so long ago? Toru was part of that group. Add four more mammals that we should visit sometime. Hopefully, one of them has a conscience. Can't imagine that they would all be like this."

They reported what happened back to Chief Stripes who was all too happy to notify them that there wasn't enough time to pursue another one of Judy's leads. Both so that she wouldn't overwork herself and to minimize the potential damage that she could do if she weren't the real one.

Nadine accompanied Nick and Judy back to his place after their shift. Ralph would've accompanied them too, but Nick's house was a bit too small for the four of them to sleep comfortably, which worked in their favor since they ran into polar bears waiting for them outside his house. If he had to introduce yet another police officer to them, it increased the chances of something going wrong. Ever since the Judy Hopps impersonations began, he hadn't visited Mr. Big at all.

"Are you certain she's the real one?" Kevin asked.

"Don't know what you're planning, but I'm not going with you, Kevin," Judy said.

"The boss wants to see you."

"And if he's so inclined, he can visit himself. You and Raymond can go. Force me to come, and I will tell the ZPD everything."

"Your safety is guaranteed," Raymond said.

"As if I'll believe that. Pretty sure he's involved in this over some slight. It's not a coincidence that Koslov manages to find me time and time again."

"He went rogue."

"I wasn't born yesterday."

"I'm sure you can trust them." Nick thought that keeping Mr. Big on friendly terms was in their interest.

"He's been rather helpful to us," Nadine said.

"Regardless, I don't need his assistance. I have no reason to visit him," Judy said. "You both may go."

"The boss won't be happy." Kevin and Raymond took their leave.

"Are you sure that was smart?" Nick said. "He wouldn't hurt you."

"That's what you think," Judy said. "If he decides to visit, I'll deal with it then."

The very next day, Judy took the opportunity to visit Sasha with hopes of obtaining vital information. Nadine and Ralph had to tag along due to the chief's orders. Not that the chief wanted that to happen, but it was the bare minimum he had to do to comply with Lionheart's demands.

"Is there an underground sex ring beneath the hospital?" Judy asked.

"Not from what we know," Nick said.

Nadine said, "So, what are you expecting to happen?"

"Hoping that Sasha will tell me something because she knows me. Something useful," Judy said.

The four of them went to the room where Sasha was staying at. A panther that Judy ran into before was there by her side. She didn't know the name, only that she had seen him before. The rabbit was immobile with all her limbs wrapped in casts due to broken bones.

"You, I know you," Judy said.

"Who is she?" The panther played dumb.

"You were one of the guards in that place."

"Doesn't ring a bell."

"I want to talk to Sasha without you beside her."

"Do you want to talk to her?" the panther asked the bound bunny.

"Yes, Forrest," Sasha said. "Only to you. They can leave." She couldn't move any of her limbs, but it was clear that she was referring to the officers in the room.

Nick shook his head. "No, we're staying."

"Then I'm not talking."

"It'll be fine. What's a crippled bunny going to do to me?" Judy said.

The police officers were much more reluctant to leave Judy alone with Sasha.

"Well, you're still free from what I see," Sasha said.

"Can you tell me anything about Sidney or the place that held me for so long?" Judy asked.

"Can you spit in my mouth?"

"Are you serious?"

"You either do what I say, or you get nothing. Don't think about asking the others for approval either. What's it going to be, officer? Do you care about me or not?"

"Of course, I care about you." Judy wasn't exactly lying given their twisted relationship in that place.

"Then prove it."

Judy found it wrong on so many levels that she was considering spitting into someone else's mouth even though it was at their request while on the job. Given what Sasha was into back in that place, it should be something that she liked or was trained to like. Even if Sasha didn't cooperate, she didn't lose much. With some reservation, she hacked a glob of spit into Sasha's mouth.

"That's more like it," Sasha said triumphantly.


"Won't tell you anything useful because you can't give me what I want."

"And that is?"

"Tasha. Good day to you, slut. That concludes our meeting."

"Do you even know how to go back there?" Judy asked.

"Cutting down a few trees won't cause a problem."

"Do you want him gone?"

"What do you think?"

That told Judy that Sasha knew the way back although she wasn't sure if Sasha wanted the panther gone. Given the cryptic answers, she decided not to order his removal. Even though she obtained no more information from Sasha, it wasn't a completely lost cause since if Sasha ever decided to go back there, the police could follow her. One honest report caused Nick and Judy to receive parking duty for the next three days. The chief was less than happy that Judy spat in someone's mouth on the job. If they had any leads, they couldn't follow it themselves. Nick decided it was best not to enlist the aid of other officers to investigate the mammals who were once part of the Junior Ranger Scouts. Especially since they were less than successful in interrogating Toru. It was unlikely that they were together still anyway.

A week passed and the Judy that he selected was the right one, now backed up by DNA evidence that proved she belonged to the Hopps Family. Due to a lack of attempts to recapture her, Nick and Judy were alone as a team again much to her pleasure. Nick followed Judy's lead to visit Grassview College for some unknown reason. Despite his prodding, she wouldn't reveal why. He had to wait and see.

The grass around the college was green - greener than most grass fields. Many rabbits were nibbling on the grass. Sure, rabbits ate that in the past, but it struck him as wrong now. It seemed like Judy shared his sentiment.

"Why are you eating that?" Judy couldn't hide the revulsion in her voice.

"Best grass ever." The rabbit continued eating. "You should try some."

"Maybe later." Judy declined politely.

They went inside the building to talk to the principal.

"Excuse me, can we look over the school records?" Judy asked.

Nick was rather disappointed that was the thing that she kept from him. He expected something more.

"Is something the matter?" the wolf said.

"Two of the mammals that I met during my captivity studied here in the past. I was hoping that the class list might give me a few potential leads," Judy said.

"Of course." The principal willingly gave them access to the system.

It turned out that Grassview College had an interesting class list during that time frame. Not only did those Junior Ranger Scouts attend this place but so did Sidney. That worked in their favor since Nick wanted to visit them since Toru was less than forthcoming with information. Chuck the woodchuck was their first stop.

"I'll go in and talk to him alone. If he doesn't want to talk to me, then I'll come and get you," Nick said.

"Fine." Judy moved out of sight.

He pressed the doorbell and had to wait for a long ten minutes before anyone came to answer.

"Hello, Chuck, it's been many years. Do you remember me? You certainly took your time to answer the door."

"Don't tell me you wouldn't be apprehensive if you were in my shoes. It is you. To what do I owe this visit? You certainly proved me wrong, a fox can indeed be trustworthy without a muzzle. It was rather difficult to reject my parent's ideals. Come in!" Chuck was rather nervous based on how he spoke.

This was turning out better than he anticipated. Once he walked inside, there was nothing suspicious. It was just an ordinary home like any other.

"So, your friend Toru is in custody." Nick took a seat at the table.

"Whatever for?" Chuck sounded way more confident now.

"He tried to purchase my partner Judy Hopps."

"What do you mean?"

Nick had to explain in detail what went on during the sting operation where they managed to catch Toru.

"There has to be some misunderstanding," Chuck said.

"There is no misunderstanding, unfortunately. Is there anything that you can tell us? He was less than forthcoming with information. Maybe you know something that he's been involved with?"

"Can you walk me through what he did again?" Chuck asked nervously.

Even though he had done so already, he walked Chuck through the entire process of what happened. He made sure that the woodchuck understood and remembered this time. It was annoying to repeat himself, but at least, the woodchuck wasn't hostile.

"We go bowling every Friday night," Chuck said.

"Do you know if Toru is involved in anything suspicious?"

"Sorry. Is there anything else I can help you with?"

"This may be a longshot, but since you went to the same college as Sidney, can you tell me anything about him? He was one of the mammals that enslaved my partner."

"I can say that he's my hero, and he gives out useful trading tips. Didn't really know about all this."

"Is there anything you know that can help us?"

"Let me think. Give me some time." The woodchuck closed his eyes.

Nick waited patiently for the woodchuck to respond.

Five minutes passed.

Ten minutes passed with the woodchuck simply lost in his thoughts.

Chuck took several deep breaths. "You know, I didn't envision that it would be this easy. Thought it would take a few attempts to succeed. Here goes, I can tell you where they're holding Judy Hopps."

Chuck had the cruelest grin Nick ever saw.

Recontextualize 22 - Fancy Pet Club

Nick blinked as he took in the woodchuck's words. The woodchuck recently said that he could tell him where they were holding Judy Hopps. "Don't you mean held?" Nick hoped that it was a language proficiency issue instead of what the woodchuck actually...

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Recontextualize 20 - Inadequate

They just arrived at Nick's house where another rabbit calling herself Judy was waiting. "Hey, Nick. It's Judy," she said. "I've missed you. You don't know how hard it was." This one had the same fur colors as her. Half of her fur was blue, and the...

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Recontextualize 19 - Nightmare Meets Fantasy

There was no doubt about it. She was back in the place that Sidney ran. What she didn't expect was for it to happen in such a way. Tasha was there waiting by the bed. The only thing she was wearing was a diaper just like most times. "Well, it seems...

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