Recontextualize 20 - Inadequate

Story by Wildebunny on SoFurry

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#20 of Recontextualize

Ended up nixing a few sex scenes because it didn't feel like it would fit the story. Feedback welcome as always.

They just arrived at Nick's house where another rabbit calling herself Judy was waiting.

"Hey, Nick. It's Judy," she said. "I've missed you. You don't know how hard it was." This one had the same fur colors as her. Half of her fur was blue, and the other was rainbow. The imposter was a bit thinner than the real Judy along with a different set of clothes.

"Yeah, heard it a dozen times before. Please leave."

"Look, I know that someone dyed my fur, but you got to believe me."

"I know that you're someone trying to steal Judy's life. Run along before I call the police."

"You better do what he says," Judy said.

"Who is she?"

"I'm the real one. Stop trying to steal my life, get your own."

"That's it. I'm calling the police." Nick reached into his pocket for his keys. His phone wasn't on him.

"Nick, give me a chance, please. I can prove it."

"Prove it then."

The imposter took off her clothes without hesitation and assumed a kneeling position.

"What are you trying to do?"

"They gave away so many details of my life. I can't think of a better way to convince you. Let me suck you off just like the good old times."

"Clearly, whatever they told you was wrong. Now, I'm going to call the police." Nick went to his bedroom to retrieve his phone. Meanwhile, he made sure the real Judy was in front of him as if he would somehow misplace the rabbit. The police were on their way after a quick call. Then he abandoned his cell phone in his bedroom again. "Please put on your clothes before the police arrive to pick you up."

"You're making a big mistake." The imposter did comply with Nick's request.

"So, why don't you keep your phone on you?" Judy said.

"You already know why. Take a look if you want," Nick said.

Judy looked over Nick's cell phone and he received a lot of messages recently. Some of them were quite lewd sexual fantasies, and most of them were from other police officers letting their respective charges use their cell phones. She had an idea before, but not that it was to this extent. There were so many rabbits vying for him to recognize them as the real one, so it made sense.

"How did she trick you?" the imposter said.

"You can try lying to the cops coming to pick you up and DNA will prove you wrong once it's analyzed," Nick said. "But since you neglected to leave, I'm making sure they arrest you. Do I need to physically restrain you until they arrive?"

The imposter shook her head. "They'll see the truth."

After a few minutes, the officers arrived to take the imposter off their paws. They were a wolf and a bear that she didn't recognize.

"So, who is she?" The wolf officer gestured towards the real Judy.

"Someone that I believe is Judy," Nick said. "And I'm not wrong this time."

"We still need to process her."

"So, who are you? I haven't seen you before," Judy said.

"I'm Officer Howl, and my partner is Officer Whiteroar. Pleased to meet you. We originally work in Precinct Three."

"Nick doesn't believe that I'm Judy. I don't know what to do," the imposter sniffled.

"Not lying would be a start," Officer Howl grumbled.

Even though the initial call was for them to take the imposter away, they all went to the precinct. Meanwhile, the imposter didn't cease proclaiming that she was the real Judy, and how he was making a big mistake.

They arrived at Precinct One soon enough. It was comforting that Nick refused to leave her alone for the entire process. She had a quick blood test that she passed, and they took some DNA again that would take weeks to analyze.

Officer Howl was the one processing her at the precinct. They had to record her claims and her story. She gave told them a tale of her brief release, subsequent recapture along with implicating Chief Bogo, Officer McHorn, Officer Delgato, and Officer Ritchie.

"Is there anything more you would like to add?"

"Everything else can wait. I don't feel like telling you my life story right now," Judy said. She saw Chief Bogo when she walked out of the room. He didn't go to work on Saturdays usually, but this was not one of those days.

"Just one question, Chief Bogo, why are you still here?" Judy asked.

"You managed to trick deceive Officer Wilde in your attempt to prevent the rescue of Judy Hopps," he said. "He will realize his mistake soon enough." Buffalos had horns, and she wondered if he was made by the devil himself. Never had she seen someone act this way before. It was quite an act to speak so resolutely without a hint of doubt in his voice considering what he did to her. Leaving her as a sex slave because he didn't want to set her free for the mere price of ten dollars.

"I am not mistaken this time, sir," Nick said.

"What are you doing about the situation then? If you're so certain that I'm a fraud," Judy asked.

"Let us talk in my office." Chief Bogo led him to his office.

It was nostalgic, sitting in the chair like she had many times before. There was one slight problem - Chief Bogo declined to rescue her for the price of ten dollars and was probably behind her initial capture as well. And he was sitting right in front of them. There was some comfort that Nick was by her side. If there was any hostility between Nick and Chief Bogo, she didn't see it.

"After much political wrangling, Mayor Lionheart saw the wisdom in allocating a budget for alternative crime reduction methods. You can receive three thousand dollars as well as a place to live and a job all for renouncing your claim as Judy Hopps. The crime of identity theft will be pardoned."

"Not a bad plan," Judy admitted. "Won't work on me. So, when are you planning on resigning? Need I remind you that I'm far from the only one that implicated you."

"I trust you will see the wisdom in accepting this offer when the time comes. The alternative is spending years in prison. Officer Wilde will see to your safety."

"A plan to get rid of two thorns in your side?"

"You are receiving the same protection afforded to everyone who made such a claim thus far. If you were to vanish, I would fall under suspicion."

Nick picked up his gear since he was officially guarding Judy. Judy didn't have access to her equipment yet since there was still doubt that she might not be the real one. They went back to his place. Nadine was apparently waiting for him along with her charge. She was in uniform and everything. Judy could smell Nadine's scent all over the rabbit. She figured that the rabbit ate the tiger out, but she didn't know if the rabbit was willing.

"Can I talk to you, alone?" Judy asked the rabbit.

"Not going to happen," Nadine said. "What's this I hear about you finding the real Judy? You don't answer your phone anymore, so I came to visit you."

"That one is the real one. And I'm certain this time," Nick said.

"You've been wrong before. What's makes her so different?"

"You've also been wrong before."

"I just said it was likely."

"She doesn't even look anything like me," the imposter said.

"No, but we do sound alike," Judy said.

"So, tell me, what makes her so different instead of just a likely candidate?" Nadine asked.

That was a problem since the one secret she shared with Nick, Nick couldn't possibly reveal to her.

"You know the secret, the one that you found out because you followed me one day?" Nick said. "She knows that."

"Don't suppose you can say anything in your favor?" Nadine asked her rabbit.

"That's all it takes?' the rabbit said.

"Then say something."

"Just give me a minute with him," the rabbit said.

"Nadine, keep an eye on Judy," Nick said.

Judy shook her head. "I can smell her scent all over the rabbit. Not going to take that chance."

"She misses the taste of tiger pussy. Once she asked, I obliged her," Nadine said.

"Right, didn't obey out of fear."

"Did you have to say it like that?" the imposter said.

"There's no reason for her to tell the truth when you can overpower us all," Judy said even though Nadine and Nick stood a good shot of disabling each other, it came down to who fired the first shot.

"It's not like you care about hiding it. You didn't even clean up after the last round," Nadine said.

"You know DNA will reveal all, so your time is running out."

"As is yours."

Judy didn't trust Nadine due to what she smelled even though the tiger would've been her top pick as her guard before. And yet the imposter might have known her darkest secret that she didn't dare say because Nadine was here as unlikely as it was. If the fake knew her secret, they were in trouble. With that alone, she would have so much leverage over them. She also didn't like the fact that Nadine knew about Mr. Big.

"You can say anything you want to convince me in front of Nadine," Nick said.

The imposter shook her head. "Not in front of Nadine. We get to meet you one-on-one at the precinct on Sunday. I'll wait until then."

"Judy just spend a minute with Nadine, it'll be fine."

"No." Judy shook her head. "If she wants to keep impersonating me for one extra day, let her." Her plan hinged on Chief Bogo's and Mayor Lionheart's idea working. If the fake decided to reveal their connection with Mr. Big at the precinct, they would be in so much trouble. The bribe or incentive to relinquish their claims should be adequate. It was also plausible that the imposter didn't believe that anything applied to their connection with the mafia.

"Why doesn't Nick give you his tranquilizer gun?" Nadine suggested.

"And if that goes south, I'll need to chase her down?" Nick said. "That's just asking for trouble."

Nadine said, "Why don't we pick up a shock collar? I would give you my tranquilizer gun, but it's a bit large for a rabbit. Do you think I want to waste more time looking after someone impersonating Judy?"

The four of them went to the nearest store that sold shock collars in Nadine's car. Since it would be quite uncomfortable for a tiger to sit in Nick's car. It was just something to equalize the power difference between them. Judy knew that the tiger still stood a good shot of overpowering her regardless, but it was a symbolic move.

Once they arrived, buying the collar was a relatively quick affair. Within a few minutes, Nadine had a shock collar for Judy to use. It was the best they could do on such short notice. Judy couldn't render Nadine completely helpless, since the tiger was supposed to protect her from unforeseen problems.

"I'll tell you now."

They went inside the car. Judy watched from afar with her heart pounding as they had their secret meeting. As improbable as it was, Mr. Big wasn't exactly an unknown.

"She failed," Nick said after stepping outside.

Judy felt extreme relief.

"He just doesn't want me because I ate you out. He refuses to recognize me as the real Judy," the imposter said to Nadine.

"What did you tell him?" Nadine said.

"Our relationship with Marvin."

"And that's someone that I don't know," Nick said.

"We're going to the precinct to drop her off." Nadine started driving to Precinct One.

Judy wanted to ask the imposter if she knew where the wolf lived - although Nick probably heard it already. It wouldn't be good to give the imposter any ideas, so she held her tongue. After they dropped the imposter off, she could ask her questions afterward. Failing that, once she regained her authority, she could question the imposter in a professional setting.

On the way there, the imposter said, "So, I'm sorry for lying to you, Nadine. Can you still feed me like before? We both enjoyed it."

"I admire your audacity, but no," Nadine said.

Upon arrival, Nadine escorted the rabbit into the precinct while they waited inside the car. She came out thirty minutes later.

Working at Precinct One came with choice - and they could pass off a lot of undesirable work to other precincts. Nadine did just that by transferring her protective custody to another officer. If something happened to the imposter, she wouldn't be at fault anymore.

Nadine was driving them back to Nick's house. She also informed them that she was now another one of Judy's guards.

Judy felt it was the perfect time to ask, "So, how did you come to learn about Mr. Big?"

"She has a thing against foxes, so she followed me one day," Nick said. "Shifty foxes can't be trusted. You know how it is."

"What he means is that he made a hasty excuse to leave, so I tailed him," Nadine corrected Nick.

"And why is he still on the force?" Judy asked. Overlooking mafia ties was a big deal.

"He hasn't done anything that I deem worthy of reporting for yet. Plus, with Chief Bogo still in charge that might not be the best choice. Do something too egregious, and I will turn you in."

"To Chief Bogo?"

"Even he must put on a public façade like you two."

"Gee, thanks." Judy wasn't sure if she should be happy that Nadine didn't turn him in. She doubted that Nadine would approve of her threat to ice Duke Weaselton in the past. Which might've ended with Duke's death if things went awry. Either Duke never reported the incident, or no one cared to investigate- she didn't know, but there were no reprimands or any fallout as far as she was aware. There was honor among thieves, she supposed, that might be the reason that Duke held his tongue.

"I do think that Nick should get his taste of bunny, so he will always be able to recognize you. Eat her out," Nadine said.

"Really? Just like that?" Judy couldn't believe what she was hearing. "He could just give me a hickey, leave a mark or something. It's somewhat impractical for that to be the way that he recognizes me. I also don't think that would help much."

"Doesn't last long enough. He can do both. Don't tell me that you would disapprove. It might be your only chance. And who's to say there wouldn't be another bunny that tries to take your place?"

"Can we talk about this later?" Nick said.

"Like in your bedroom in about ten minutes?"

"I'm rather hungry," Judy said to distract Nadine. The tiger was right that the future was unpredictable.

"Then we'll grab something to eat first."

They made a quick detour at a Bug-Burga joint. Which was promoting its own special abominable creation, pineapple fries with melted cheese. It was sure to be one of those failed fast food experiments when they had to do something in the name of progress.

The stop was mostly forgettable except Nick had to order that special item. It tasted as well as it looked which was not well at all. Even so, Nick managed to mostly maintain his mask that he made a wise choice in trying something new. She could tell that he hated it.

They were finally going to his place again.

"So, Nick, do you still have an appetite for bunny?" Nadine asked.

Of course, Nadine hadn't forgotten that part.

"Why are you so insistent?" Judy said.

"Wouldn't the meeting be a perfect time for him to lose track of you?" Nadine said. "I'll have a taste of you too if you don't mind."

"No thanks." Judy had certain limits.

"I've other ideas."

Nick groaned.

"Save it for the bedroom," Judy said.

That unfortunately did not help since they were in the bedroom in a matter of minutes. And just like before, Nadine remembered.

"I'm not going to let you watch," Judy said.

"Fine." Nadine left the bedroom. "I'll give you two some privacy."

At least, she didn't have to fight Nadine for that to happen.

"Are you sure that you want to do this?" Nick asked.

"Not really, rather wish my first experience with you is when my fur is back to its natural color. After what happened today, wouldn't put it past them to send someone that happened to guess our mafia affiliations. It's just practical and if you failed to recognize me, at least, I had this experience with you." Judy knew that if Nick had a taste of her, it would diminish her odds of becoming a sex slave again. That was very thin justification, but justification nonetheless. Although letting Nick eat her out seemed to border on paranoia. Considering the first time how the otter recaptured her, something might happen beyond her control again. If Nick failed to recognize her, having it happen by intent would better than by accident. "Here's my best idea so far, that Zax is in league with them. He picked up me revealing that I knew Mr. Big to you because the entire place is bugged then he sends someone that looks exactly like me - with my current colors and that rabbit tries to take my place with that knowledge."


Judy offered her neck to Nick. It was both for practical purposes and pleasure.

He moved his mouth near her neck. She knew that it was coming yet still felt somewhat apprehensive. He started sucking just below her neck. Suddenly, she screamed when his fangs seemed to penetrate her skin. It was rather painful. He carefully withdrew his mouth.

"Are you okay?" he said shakily. "Did I hurt you?"

"I'll be fine. Let's not do that again." She took off her clothes so Nick could get a good taste of her. "Let's try this." It was something that she wanted to do in the past.

Nick did something unexpected - he probed her pussy with a claw first and licked it. It somewhat uncomfortable, but that was okay because it was brief and this was new for them, so she didn't complain.

At least, he didn't seem to hate the taste that alleviated her guilt about asking him to do this. It was supposed to be something that they enjoyed despite the very thin justification that Nadine gave. Sure, some mammals did this for pleasure but that didn't mean he would be one of those that enjoyed it. He was probably only doing it for practical purposes instead of enjoying the act itself.

She just wished that her fur was back to normal - instead what Nick got to lick was half blue and half rainbow. It just looked odd. At least, she hadn't begun removing the fur dye yet, having her fur become a discolored mess would be even worse if it went wrong.

Her fox proceeded to sniff and lick her pussy with great gusto. Despite how eager he was, she found it lacking. Something was missing compared to how Sasha and Tasha licked her in the past. Not like she could convey how those two ate her out in the past.

"Can you stop?" Judy said. "You're familiar with my scent and taste by now, I'd imagine."

"What's wrong?"

"It just doesn't feel good. Something is missing compared to what I've experienced before."

"Can you give me any pointers?"

Judy shook her head.

"Let me try again." Nick altered how he licked.

After a minute, Judy stopped him yet again. "I'm sorry, Nick."

Nick pulled away with his ears lowered.

Since Nadine was outside her room, she saw this as the perfect opportunity to reenter. "Do you want me to try?"

Judy briefly considered it before turning her down. "Maybe in a few months or years?" She wasn't completely opposed, but it would remind her of her time as a sex slave.

"Understandable. I have another idea." Nadine went on to explain her next "great" plan. She went on to explain how she wanted Judy to cum, and that she would drink it.

"Are you serious?"

"What? Surely you can pleasure yourself."

"Isn't this just paranoia?"

"Somewhat, but what do you have to lose?"

"Do you want to do this?" Judy asked. There were many things they could do to not lose track of her again, Nadine just happened to suggest this.

"What do you think?"

That was a roundabout way of saying yes. "I never got an inkling that you liked me romantically," Judy said.

"Oh, I don't."

"Nick, any suggestions?" She noted how Nick remained silent thus far throughout all this. He was just witnessing their exchange.

"When you're her partner, you learn things," Nick said.

"Does that mean you had sex with her?"

"Not yet." Nadine licked her lips mischievously.

"Doubt that's going to happen anytime soon," Nick said.

Judy rationalized her choices - Nadine drinking her cum didn't affect her at all. She could pleasure herself and enjoy it - even though Nadine's justification for it seemed extremely thin. Even so, it was still there. If Nadine got to taste her cum, it increased the odds of the tiger recognizing her again. Not that pussy detective Nadine was ever going to make headlines or plausibly work.

She did briefly remember the diaper test that Sasha and Tasha proposed - in the end, they decided not to put her through that kind of torture due to the failure of providing adequate incentives. So, even if Nadine got a taste of her cum, it was plausible that she could still make a mistake.

"Don't suppose you're a bunny cum connoisseur?" Judy asked.

"Does that mean there's a position available?" Nadine winked. "You do have a lot of siblings."

"Really funny," Judy said sarcastically.

"Glad you think so."

"Fine, just give me a bowl or something. You don't get to watch."

"Right." Nick walked out of the room.

Soon enough, she was alone in his bedroom with a bowl. She was no stranger to pleasuring herself, but it still felt wrong - knowing where it was going to end up. Even so, she still went through the motions and eventually squirted into the bowl. Not that it was much, at least, she didn't have to fill it. That brought back a memory of when Sasha stepped in to save her from that request.

She brought the bowl to Nadine who was currently chatting with Nick about the recent ongoing events. "Here."

Her eyes paid careful attention to Nadine's face when she swallowed the cum. If there was any indication that Nadine disliked it, she didn't see. In fact, the tiger seemed to savor the taste. Which was probably a bad thing, Nadine might just want to kitnap her and make her, her sex slave. The fleeting thought was there for a moment before she realized how unlikely that would be.

They spent the rest of the day making plans for what to do once Judy's claim to her name gained greater acceptance. There was so much to investigate.

Of course, Nick had to leave her for the plan to take place. He had to be there at the precinct early to welcome everyone. As unlikely as it was, he had to see it through even though he was nearly certain that she was the real Judy. This left her alone with Nadine protecting her which she suspected was another way for her recapture.

The tiger did volunteer to wear the shock collar again, and this time, Judy had Nick's tranquilizer gun too. If she wanted, she could turn on the tiger. Nadine was her protector, and there was no one that Nick trusted more at the moment, so it stayed that way despite her unease. The last officer she chose ended up raping her.

If the plan worked, she would be the only Judy left out of everyone, then they had to take her concerns seriously. Although, she wasn't sure how it would work exactly since the others couldn't exactly blab about their mafia connections in the police precinct. Although, if they knew about it, maybe they actually would so Nick could end up in prison and maybe herself too. Prison should be preferable to life in a brothel.

This time, Nadine had to take her to the precinct at an appointed time - which was probably better than the massive gathering they had recently. Once enough time passed, Nadine escorted her to the precinct at the appointed time.

They were going to Precinct Five. There was still a chance of something going wrong although Nadine was more than willing to treat her as the real Judy. The precinct seemed to go for some redecorating for just this purpose. She had fifteen minutes to make a choice, or they would arrest her.

"Welcome, you must be aware of the ongoing events. How multiple rabbits impersonated Judy," Chief Growley said. "Take a look at the respective doors."

There were two doors in front of her - one which promised exoneration for the crime of impersonation, and offered money, a place to live as well as potential employment. It would be far too good for any of the imposters not to accept or so she thought. Although, successfully claiming the name Judy Hopps was probably a bigger prize.

"Take a moment to decide which door you wish to choose. The maximum penalty for impersonation is ten years in prison. With such a high-profile case, I'm certain that we would have no problem pushing for that."

"It doesn't seem to be working very well," Judy said. There were two counters. One for the number of Judy Hopps currently in the building, another for the number rejected by Nick. She put her ears next to the door that led Nick where she heard nothing on the other side. Her nose didn't pick up the scent of ten rabbits on the doorknob either, only two.

"Do what you need to do," Nadine said. "I will not hold it against you."

"Is that doubt?" Judy said.

"Well, you haven't rushed through that door yet. I thought you would be more upset."

She figured the reason why the counts were so high was that this was the precinct. The criteria for being potentially Judy here had to be lower compared to if they were in private. If they were sane, they wouldn't reveal ties to the mafia needlessly.

"DNA evidence will reveal all," Chief Growley said.

"Yes, so Zootopia will recognize me as the real one even if I relinquish it right now," Judy said. "Who would be foolish enough to turn this down? Don't suppose Chief Bogo sent some of them?"

"It's very likely that Chief Bogo will need to be replaced. May I remind you that your time is running out."

She had a few minutes left to make her choice. She spent the remaining time just studying both Nadine and Chief Growley. Once the time was nearly up, she strode in the door to find only Nick.

"Where's the other five?" Judy asked.

Instead of replying, Nick inspected her neck to make sure that the hickey was there. He said, "They didn't exist. What took you so long? Do you know worried I was that something happened to you?"

"And if something did, you wouldn't even know until it was too late. I was chatting with them."

Even though she was with Nick, they still had to wait until the event was officially over before they could leave. There were still six rabbits to go, and she hoped that no one would join them. Without much to do in the room, she took possession of Nick's tail.

Recontextualize 21 - A Small World

The remaining hours passed extremely slowly with a rabbit that was likely Judy by his side. She knew about Mr. Big and sounded just like her, yet Nick still felt some measure of doubt that it wasn't really her. He hedged his bets when he licked and...

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Recontextualize 19 - Nightmare Meets Fantasy

There was no doubt about it. She was back in the place that Sidney ran. What she didn't expect was for it to happen in such a way. Tasha was there waiting by the bed. The only thing she was wearing was a diaper just like most times. "Well, it seems...

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Recontextualize 18 - Redirected Aggression

"Was everything all right?" Thomas asked with a yawn. "No, a group of foxes nearby raped her. Is Chase up yet?" "Didn't he die?" Judy asked. "He dies around four times a year," Thomas said. "I called in sick already because I'm dealing with a dead...

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