Slayer or Layer 43

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#43 of Slayer or Layer

Lorkos meets another dangerous group, much more dangerous than bandits, and finds himself actually put to the test.

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Slayer or Layer 43

For Lorvianne

By Draconicon

Lorkos didn't know what was going on with the curse, but he knew that it was going to cause him some serious problems if he didn't start figuring out why this part was starting up again. It was one thing to walk all bundled up. It was another to walk around with the raw stink of his need filling up the inside of his clothes.

There's no way that Mastar and Lia aren't noticing this...

They had to be. The smell of pussy was inescapable, permeating everything under his clothes, and every time he took a step, he swore that it was going to escape and fill the air around him with the smell of a bitch in heat that needed to get fucked. The only reason that it hadn't, he was sure, was the fact that he had been holding the tight robe shut the whole time, and the fact that he shuffled his feet more than walked.

The smell kept filling his nose every time that he took a breath, reminding him of the lack of action that he'd been getting. No cock for days, now, perhaps even as much as a week since leaving the village. The idea was as reprehensible as it had always been, but the more that he went without, the more that his body wanted to be fucked again. It was going from want to need, and if he didn't do something to fix that, to give the breeder side of him what it wanted, then he was going to be useless in a fight.

Just have to make it a bit further. Find a village or something, somewhere where we can just calm down, I can sneak off and have a little fun, and then...then...

Well, then he'd probably be pregnant, and that was something else that he'd have to deal with. Considering the fact that he could at least think clearly when he was pregnant rather than the burning, distracting need that he was suffering from right at that moment, though, the once-wolf knew what he preferred.

Feeling the juices running down his scaly thighs, he shook his head again, looking down the path. The forest road that they'd found was obviously a smuggling route, something that was made and maintained by thieves. The only reason that they hadn't been attacked yet, as far as he was concerned, was blind luck. Anyone could come down this road at any time, and they could be stopped and questioned. If their luck held, it would be no more than that, and they could use the coin that they'd taken from the bandits before to pay a bribe and get by.

If they weren't lucky...


Lia. He looked over his shoulder. The dragoness stepped closer to him.

"Are you alright?" she asked.

"Not really. You?"

"Well enough. What's wrong?"

"Issues. Adult issues."

"Breeding needs?"

"...Can we not talk about this?"

"Does it embarrass you that much?"

"Yes. Yes, it does."

She smiled, and he could tell that she was suffering from her own minor amusement at his predicament. He rolled his eyes, pushing forward and moving around her again. The trees around them made it easy to not have to walk side by side, particularly as the forest path narrowed again and again at different points. She had to keep jogging to keep up with him, and he kept the robe wrapped around his face to hide his burning cheeks.

"What's the matter, Lithia? Afraid of laying more eggs?"

"I don't want to lay eggs. You know that."

"A pity. You're good at it."

"You - shut up."

"I'm just saying. You are a good egg-layer, and you did well with us at the village. You care for your children well."

"I'm just doing what anyone should."

"And more."

Lorkos shook his head. If he was doing more, he would have stayed with the others, but that was just asking for trouble. He needed to find a cure for this, something that would take the curse from him before it mutated again. Yet, at the same time...well, it was hard not to think of all the children back at the village.

We'll go back for them after we deal with the curse, he'd decided, and he hoped that he would keep to that.

Mastar followed them at a distance, as the mage had taken to doing. The magic-user kept looking backwards, probably as a result of what had happened with the other bandits. Lorkos couldn't blame the other man. It was hard enough to be sure that you were safe at the best of times. Scalies had it far worse.

They were just about to round a bend in the road when someone else rounded it in front of them. Lorkos froze in mid-step, his eyes widening.

Not bandits, but soldiers, and not just soldiers, but a scouting party. He saw the royal crest on their shoulders and chests, recognized them as official soldiers for the kingdom, and they obviously understood what he and the others were.

"Kill!" the badger at the head of the group shouted, and they all charged forward en masse.

Lorkos leaped backwards, avoiding the spear-thrust of a fox, and then ducked the chopping axe of a larger brown bear. The party was split almost immediately, with Lia forced into the trees, chased by two squirrels, while Master pulled back to get more distance. The sudden twang of bowstrings told him that they were already aware of what the robe back there could mean, and they were trying to take out the mage from a distance.

Shit...this is not good...

The two soldiers engaged with him were far better than the bandits from before. They had the archers pulled back just enough to keep him from trying to run, and the two soldiers fighting him knew how to use flanking attacks. He dodged left, right, left, right. He jumped over a spear swipe, only to catch the dull-side of the bear's axe against the back of his head. Tumbling forward, he hit the dirt and kept rolling, barely avoiding a stab that would have taken his tail off if he'd been a second slower.

He whipped his tail out in desperation, managing to trip up the fox, but the axe came down again. The chop almost cut off his tail and did manage to cut it at the tip, leaving the scales bleeding.

"A lizard, huh? Well, we can deal with that. Where there's one, there's more. Capture him," the badger in charge ordered. "And get the rest, too."

Shaking his head, Lorkos turned back to the two warriors around him, keeping them between him and the archers. The badger was already turning, making his way to the trees where Lia was hiding and fighting. If he entered the fray, Lorkos had the sudden fear that his daughter wouldn't see the light of another day.

He couldn't let that happen.

Gritting his teeth, he let the next spear thrust come at him. He didn't dodge, but instead grabbed at it. He managed to get a grip right under the head, but rather than try and shove the spear away, he yanked it forward, dragging the fox with it.

The follow-up blow from the axe cleaved the fox's skull clean in two. While the bear was standing there, shocked at what he'd just done, Lorkos brought his leg up and broke the spear just under the head, stabbing the spearhead like a knife into the bear's chest. The blood flow was hot and thick, too.


Mastar's shout was all he needed to hear. He rode the brown bear's fall, toppling over and letting the bear's body cover him. Arrows thunked against the dead ursine's hide, pebbling and pricking him, but none of it got through to the once-wolf underneath it all.

Then, whoosh.

The heat that followed the sound confirmed that they were now in the middle of an inferno. He grunted, pushing the bear off him as the archers shouted and screamed in agonizing pain. He hissed as he got back to his feet, feeling the tug along the cut on his tail, but he didn't hesitate to grab the axe and charge into the trees.

"Lorkos, wait!"

"Find a way around the fire! I'll meet you on the other side."

"But what about you?"

"Forget me! I'm going after Lia."

It took him three minutes to find her. He tracked her by the blood and bodies, the squirrels that had chased after her dead, but not without making marks of their own. Their weapons were bloodied, and he could see that they had managed to land a few marks. He sped up, running after that.

He found them in a clearing, the badger and the dragoness fighting each other. She was using the end of a shortsword and a knife, trying to fend off the badger and his two-hander. She was succeeding more than she was failing, too, though her arms bore the marks of many little cuts, and there was an open wound along the side of her muzzle.

"You fight well, for a bitch," the badger said, circling around her as the clearing burst into flame around them. "Unfortunately, I have to cut this short. If there's one like you around here, then that means that there's the possibility of a kobold den, or worse. Where are the others? I'll kill you quickly."

"As if I'd make it easy."

"You believe that you can win. How pitiful."

Lorkos gritted his teeth, shaking his head as he stepped out of the trees. Lia looked around the badger, saw him, and it showed on her face. The badger took advantage of the opening, sweeping his leg up and digging his boot-heel into her side, knocking her to the ground as he spun around.

It wasn't quite fast enough to stop the angry dragoness from charging forward, though.

Lorkos slammed into the badger, knocking him off his feet. They rolled, the badger's fist catching him in the side of the head and knocking him backwards, only for him to catch the badger in the cheek with a kick.

They broke apart, puffing as they caught their breath. Lorkos gripped the handle of the axe tight, sacrificing some raw strength to have his other hand free.

"You're not taking her," he muttered.

"Another one. Why am I not surprised? Run away from my men, did you?"

"I put them in the ground."

"...Did you?" the badger asked, his eyes widening. "Well...that's...not what I expected. Unless you're lying."

"I'm not."

"...Well, that complicates things. I don't suppose you would accept a...conditional surrender?"

"Not a chance."

"Well then...I guess I'll have to make my own."

Lorkos was a good fighter, but he'd never faced someone like the badger before. From the first strike, he knew that he was up against someone that was much faster, much stronger than he was. Even the dragon strength was barely enough to block the blows of the two-hander as it came down at him. The thunk, thunk, thunk of each blow hit the axe and echoed up his arm, making his muscles spasm and cramp in a desperate effort to keep that blow from coming down on his flesh instead.

Fuck, he's fast...

The badger moved with the speed of a striking hawk, bringing his sword down and then bringing it back up. It was always striking from above, but every time that he tried to take advantage of an opening, the badger managed to bring it down to not just block, but strike his weapon out of the way. He was pushed back further, further, further, until he tried another unsuccessful attack, only to be knocked backwards and into the fire afterward.

The flames caught his robe, setting it on fire immediately. On instinct, he threw himself out of it, and in that moment, he exposed himself.

Blue scales twinkled in the firelight as he stood naked in front of the badger. The scout stared at him for a moment, looking at him up and down, and for the first time since his curse, Lorkos felt a mammal.

The stare lasted for no more than a few seconds, the badger turning to run. Lorkos tried to follow, but the flames leaped up just as the badger jumped through the gaps of the trees. There was no following without burning himself, too, and Lia -


He shook his head, offering his arm to his daughter and turning back the way he'd come. They needed to get through the forest fast, before the fire caught up with them. Another beacon lit, it seemed.

I need to talk to Mastar about not using so many fire spells...

If nothing else, they needed to stop leaving signs of where they'd been. They had done this twice now, and this time, there had been a member of the royal army there to see them. The badger had gotten away, more than likely, and that meant that they were going to have to deal with some serious threats coming their way once they were back in the more civilized lands. The army wouldn't let threats like him and Lia just go unmolested. They would be threatened the entire way to their destination.

Why can't things be simple? he wondered as he carried his daughter along. Why, just once, can't they be simple? And stupid piece of anatomy...shut up. That badger doesn't want to fuck you. He doesn't.

The End

Summary: Lorkos meets another dangerous group, much more dangerous than bandits, and finds himself actually put to the test.

Tags: no sex, heat, wet, annoyance, curse, fight, fighting, dragoness, badger, bear, fox, fantasy, series,