A Burden to Share

Story by pfreak387 on SoFurry

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#6 of Tails of Semblance Stories

Chrys wakes up from a horrible nightmare of his past, Diamond comes to his aide in the a rather unconventional way.

I wasn't really feeling inspired to write this month. This story was original going to be a cliche "they watch a movie but the movie is less entertaining than sex right now" story, but that didn't really resonate with me. I'm more a "plot with porn" than a "just smut" kind of guy. Hope you enjoy!

The look on her face was indescribable, and yet he could recall it so clearly. Was it disappointment he saw? Anger? No, she was never mad at him. He had seen this look before, but it didn't come to him until they heard the lumbering hoofsteps of his father: Fear.

Before he could say anything, Chrys' mother quickly shuffled him away. "Stay hidden, act like you had never left your room, no matter what!" She whispered to the deer. He followed her instructions, or at least tried to, until he heard the alcohol-induced rage and yelling coming from his father. Instinctively, he felt his heartbeat quicken as fear also began to overtake him. It left him frozen in place, peering behind him to watch the worst thing he would ever see in his life.

The father had accused the mother of trying to get rid of his drinks as he began wailing on her, hitting her in places permanently bruised from all the beatings she had taken before. Her stomach, her breasts, her neck, her face, all of it bruised purple and black underneath her vibrant red-orange fur. Chrys just stood there, unable to do anything, just like the many times before. But then something occurred to him: he had seen this before, and he knew what was about to happen, and he had to stop it. However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move.


Another hard blow to the stomach.


The father picked up his wife by the shoulder, her body limp in pain.

He's going to kill her! MOVE GODDAMNIT!

He reared his fist back, aiming for her face, before...


Chrys gasped as he shot up from the bed, his red-and-turquoise-furred body trembling, and a cold sweat covering him from head to hoof. He began panting, panicking as he looked around the room, expecting to find his mother's corpse, and his father's raging turquoise frame. Instead, as his mind finally snapped back to reality, he realized he wasn't in his old childhood home. He was instead in his apartment in Semblance, the same apartment he had lived in since he moved out from his foster home, after his father got sentenced to prison. The alarm clock on the nightstand read a little past 4 AM. Another crack echoed through the room, making the deer jump and turn to the source, only to realize a thunderstorm was raging outside.

"Mmmso much... footballs..." Someone grumbled next to the deer, prompting him to look over. As expected, snuggled up in the spot next to Chrys was his partner, a black and white bunny named Diamond. The two of them had met shortly after he had moved into town, becoming quick friends and lovers. If there was anyone who could help the deer with recovering from his nightmares, it was definitely them. However, the rabbit looked so peaceful sleeping, and Chrys didn't want to wake them up over something he felt was trivial. With a heavy sigh, he got himself out of bed, feeling gross with the cold sweat and deciding to shower.

As the water began cascading down into the tub, Chrys took a moment to look at himself in the mirror as he removed his mother's bandana from his neck. This wasn't the first time he had this recurring nightmare, and it probably wouldn't be the last. Watching your mother die by the hands of your abusive father wasn't easy to forget, even with all the therapy. It's not like it really held him down either, as he was constantly told how well he was able to use the memory to make him strong instead of holding him back. If that was the case, why did he look so damn exhausted then?

Finally stepping into the shower, Chrys let out a sigh as the warm water flowed over his fur. Showers had a weird but special place in Chrys' heart, as throughout his childhood, the warmth and peace of the falling water replaced the warmth he felt he was missing as a kid. Of course, nowadays, he could fulfill this need by snuggling up to his favorite bun, but he often felt like a burden when he did it. He had so much baggage to deal with, he was worried that he was placing too much on the rabbit.

Speak of the devil, Chrys flinched a little as he heard the bathroom door open. When it was just the two of them, neither of the two partners really bothered with locking the door, so Diamond was able to walk in with ease, albeit groggily.

"Hey deer," The bun greeted, the nickname being a double entendre and their favorite way to greet Chrys. "You ok? It's a little... I don't know, early? For a shower."

The cervid didn't say anything and just looked at Diamond with a tired expression. The leporid blinked a little bit to focus their eyes before recognizing the silent message. "Oh, I see. What can I do to help?" Chrys stepped back, gesturing with his paw for the bun to come into the shower with him. They nodded, stripping off their underwear, placing it next to the bandana, and stepping in to join the deer.

Immediately, Chrys clung onto the now wet rabbit, hiding his muzzle in the crook of their neck. Diamond gently rubbed circles around the deer's back as they returned the hug, not saying a word. They had learned after a few of these that it was best to wait until the cervid was ready to talk before they said anything. Whether it took only a few minutes or several tens, the bun was there for whatever the deer needed.

Thankfully for their water bill, it didn't take too long before Chrys was finally able to open up. "Had the nightmare again." Chrys whispered. "Though it felt more real cause of the storm. You know, thunder sounding like a crack."

Diamond nodded, placing a gentle kiss on the deer's cheek. "I can understand that. Did it go anywhere beyond her death?"

Chrys shook his head. "No, I woke up right as... as he killed her. I... I just wish I did something. Instead, instead I just ran."

"There wasn't anything you could've done, deer. Remember, he could've killed you too if your mom didn't shuffle you away."

The cervid knew his partner was right, but he just couldn't help but have this nagging feeling of guilt. All he wanted was to go back and save her, force himself to do something. But what was done was done, and despite what he's been told, he couldn't help but hate himself for it.

"Hey, I know that look, Chrys," Diamond interjected. "Don't start blaming yourself for this. You had no control over him, what happened was cause of him. He's a deadbeat, and honestly, prison is rewarding him for what he did. But he can't hurt you anymore. He can't hurt either of you, I promise."

Diamond pulled their boyfriend closer, whispering gently in his ear over the sound of rushing water. "I won't let him hurt you. Not physically, not mentally. You're safe, and your mom is in a better place. I promise."

Chrys couldn't help but begin crying softly, finally letting himself not hold any more emotion back. He knew Diamond was right, and he knew that there was no point in wanting to change the past. He should focus on the present, and presently, he just wanted to be held in the arms of his partner. Chrys still felt bad for having to put Diamond through so many of his issues, especially knowing how stressful their job was, but he knew the bun would just say that they would always help him, no matter what.

They stayed together for another couple of minutes, the water starting to now feel a little colder. Before they could get out though, Diamond smirked as he whispered back into Chrys' ear. "Hey, I think I know something that could make you feel better."

Chrys flinched a little as heard the bun. He knew that voice. It was the voice Diamond did whenever they were willing to indulge in his biggest sexual fantasies, and it made his sheath twitch. It was a sudden mood switch, but he honestly happily welcomed it, nodding to the leporid and letting go of them.

"Oh? What did you have in mind?" He asked playfully.

"Swap places with me, sit down, and lay back. Water is getting cold, so I'll give you a warmer shower." Diamond responded. Chrys did just that, sitting himself down on the porcelain tub floor as the rabbit turned the now lukewarm shower off. It left the two of them shivering a bit with their soaked fur meeting the cooler bathroom air, but the deer also shivered in anticipation and excitement. His cock already was making its presence known, the humanoid head poking out of his sheath.

Diamond positioned themselves above Chrys, their legs spread on either side of the deer's thighs. They grabbed the base of their own sheath, their member also poking out in excitement, as they aimed it towards his chest. After a few seconds, a spurt of yellow piss came out, briefly splashing on Chrys's muzzle before moving downward. Both the deer and the bun let out gentle moans of lust, the warmth of Diamond's urine contrasting with the chill of the bathroom and making the cervid fully erect.

The leporid began to move their pissing cock, spreading the stream along more of Chrys' torso. They targeted his nipples, both of the sensitive nubs hard, and down lower to his own hard dick, it throbbing in need. The deer couldn't help himself as he grabbed the member, masturbating as both his hand and cock got soaked in Diamond's golden shower.

The bun let go of their sheath, still pissing onto the deer, as they made their way down to his level. They aligned their crotch with Chrys', moving his hand out of the way as Diamond began rubbing gently against the hard deer cock, still pissing hard onto the deer. Chrys let out a loud, lewd moan that was cut off as Diamond brought their face in for a kiss.

As the kiss progressed, the rabbit slowly ran empty, their stream slowing down to a dribble on the cervid's leaking length. With it at its end, Diamond's cock began to get hard as they continued to rub against their partner, Chrys meeting each one with a rub of his own as his tongue delved into the rabbit's mouth. Muffled moans raised from their throats, precum leaked from their dicks, and their love for each other radiated in their hearts. Through the haze of lust, Chrys couldn't believe how lucky he was to have such an understanding partner, and he wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.

His romantic thoughts were cut short though, as he felt himself reach his limit. With one last little groan into Diamond, Chrys came right onto his stomach, some of it even splashing on the bun. They continued to frot, riding out the deer's orgasm as his body shivered in pleasure. When all he could give was a residual drool, Diamond finally let go of the kiss and leaned back, moving their paw to their cock. With a few more rubs, they too came onto the cervid, this time hitting him straight between the eyes and onto his chin, causing Chrys to let out a little chuckle.

"Ok, now I need an actual shower." He commented, making Diamond laugh breathily.

"Aw, but don't you want to go back to bed smelling like me? I thought you liked my bunny musk." They fake whined, making Chrys lightly bat them.

"Maybe in the heat of the moment, but I don't want to make our bed smell like stale pee." He then slipped from underneath the bun, helping them up before suddenly pulling them into a tight hug. "Thank you, Dia. You really do know how to make me feel better, even if the way is less than sanitary."

Diamond returned the hug, patting the deer on the back and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Of course, I'll always be here to help you, no matter what's troubling you. What happened is in the past, we need to look towards the future... and honestly, the future's looking grim if I stay up any longer. I have to get ready for work in an hour, and I can barely keep my eyes open."

Chrys wanted to immediately blame himself, but he pushed those negative feelings aside as he knew that wasn't true. "Then come on, let's quickly clean up so we can spend the next hour together." He said, turning the water back on as a big smile drew itself across his face and a final, full lip kiss to his bun.

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