Gator Bait Part 2

Story by Claude Lion on SoFurry

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#29 of Claude gay stories

Claude gets his Alligator and their families get close. And fuck s his Gator's dad is hot for him too

I wait a few minutes. I want to have the element of surprise on my side. And I'm the one surprised when Clayton stomps into the bathroom. And grabs my paw. "What did he tell you?" he snarls. I explain what we've talked about. Clayton looks at me oddly.

I stomp my foot paw and he's stunned. "When I take you as my husband, Clayton, I don't want to hear anymore of this 'you won't accept me being a Gator' crap anymore" I snap. "I love you, I know what you are, I love what you are, and you keep forgetting that I'm a Reptile certified Doctor, I probably know more about Reptiles than you do" I snort.. "I didn't want you because of you being a Gator, I know Angus very well and it was what he told me about you that cemented my desire to belong to you" I say firmly. "That fact that you are a Gator isn't the only reason, you are a beautiful butch male and I was hot for how you moved and you being a confident top and that you were smoking a cigar" I snort. Clayton looks a bit stunned. "I'm usually a submissive bottom in bed and I want you to be my husband, but when something's important to me, I'll stand up to you" I say. "And I'm hoping this is the first and last time I have to put my foot paw down, Clayton Swampmarsh." I snort. He's grinning at me now. He got it. I love that he's a hot Gator, but I love him because he's Clayton, I love all of who and what Clayton Swampmarsh is.

He puts his arms tightly around me. I purr to feel his soft scales against me. And he grins deeper. I start to say something. "Hush, Claude" he roars and he deep kisses me. I faint into his arms. He's dragged me into a bathroom stall when I wake. He pulls his pants down and mine too. And he's hard and poking out of his slit. He's just like his Dad, same 18" dick, and fully erect it is huge, wedge shaped with a tapered tip, and ridges. (His Dad's dick is identical to his. ). It's profusely drooling out clear syrupy precum from the tip. "I'll do you smoking a cigar most times" he grunts. And he pushes me in front of him and grabs the top of the stall and slams his dick up me all the way to his slit. "Dad says he saw you carefully looking at his, he could see how hot it made you" Clayton grunts as he pounds me. "I'll flood your ass good when we fuck" he grunts pounding me harder. I move counter to him and he grunts harder. "I thought your Dad's dick and slit were hot but I was being professional" I pant.

"He wants you too, and I'll let him have you tomorrow" Clayton grunts. "Maybe he and I will do you together" he grunts. "They're moving in too" he grunts. He licks the back of my neck with his long tongue. "Goddamn you're tight, Boy, but Dad and I will fix that soon enough" he grunts loudly. "You're mine now, and when I breed you you'll be mine forever, I know how Lions bond, you wont even think of leaving me anymore than Joseph would leave my Dad" he grunts. His big long tail is lashing back and forth as he fucks me hard and fast. It whips around and I see for the first time it has blunt conical spines on it. (When I see him fully naked I'll know he's got a few small ones on top of his scalp.. George does too, but like Clayton he tends to wear a ball cap when he's around others) "Brace yourself, I'm gonna cum" he grunt/roars. I grip the top of the stall like he did. And his dick swells inside of me and I feel a huge spurt of cum up me and as he's holding my chest tightly, I feel a second, third and fourth huge spurt up me. I'm surprised by both the force and volume of it. I can feel his cool, gooey cum dripping out around his fat Gator dick. He's panting now. Despite of all of his sperm that's leaked out of me, my ass is still really full. Surprising enough, it's cool almost cold feeling in my ass. (Something I'll have get used to, is that Gator semen is cooler than body temperature due to them being cold blooded. It's not a big thing but it surprised me on our first fuck.)

I can't speak for feeling his love for me now. "I know, Baby, you're mine for good, I've taken possession of you now" he grunts softly. "Yes, Clayton, I know I belong to you now, I have wanted to since first I saw you" I say quietly. I hear laughter now. Dad and George. "You two ever coming out" Dad asks. "Yeah, Boy I assume you took him for good" George says laughing. "I did, Joseph helped me see what I needed to do to get Clayton past his fears" I pant. "My Baby wanted you to take our Boy" George says proudly. "He told me you'd be happy to let us move in too." George says. "I'd love to have my father in laws living with us" I pant. "He told me what you wanted of me" I pant. George and Clayton are laughing now. "Boy, staying soft with you down there was damn hard, I hurt badly, but I still would have fucked you right there" George says. "Dad, you'll get up his tight ass tomorrow" Clayton says.

"It's OK, we're gonna keep busy tonight with Jim and Beau" George says. "Beau begged me to shove my Gator dick up him, he told me about that Croc he used to date and he's a hot Saber Tooth " George says."I want his hot Lion too, he's got a gorgeous ass like yours, Claude" Dad says. "You fuck your Boy?" George asks. "I do, when he'll let me" Dad says. "I'm gonna really look forward to getting up you, Claude" George grunts. "We should do him together at times, Jim, or maybe do him and Joe together" George grunts hotly. Dad's laughing. He's found a horny buddy just like him and he's happy. Dad's not a snob. He likes good animals no matter what they do or what they have.

Clayton is still rock hard and wedged tightly up me. "Dad, if we could have some privacy, I'd like to fuck him again and then we'll come out" Clayton says. I hear them laughing and then they leave. "Come on, Gator Bait, give your husband some more tight Lion tail" he grunts as he ramps up fucking me again. I turn back and glare at him. "What, Boy, you're my little piece of Gator Bait, you got me and Dad's hot for you too, you'll be a hot piece for any Gator that wants you" he says laughing. I growl at him. "Baby, it's gonna be my little name for you, you're hot for your Gator and his Daddy" he grunts working my ass deeper this time. "I mean you'll take my Gator friends if they want you, Baby" he murrs into my ear. I get it now but it'll take time to get used to.

"I love my tight little piece of Gator Bait" he says grinning. He leans around and deep kisses me again. I sigh and kiss him back."I knew it, you'll forgive your Gator Daddy anything, because you love him so much." Clayton says softly. "I will " I say softly. "Mind your fucking, hump on me again like you did" he grunts. I move on him counter to his thrusts as I did before. "That's it, Baby Lion, fuck me back" he grunts.."Not gonna last" he growl roars and I feel him gushing up me again. He turns me and deep kisses me hard. "Claude, I do love you, and I know how much you love me, you took Gator Daddy on to straighten him out" he says kissing me. Gator cum is running out of me and puddling on the floor. "Told you I'd flood you" he says proudly. I kiss him. "I loved it and I love you too, Gator Daddy" I say. He grins. "I can see it in your eyes, Claude, you adore me" he says . He's got a cocky little smile on his handsome face. It makes him so sexy.

"I just have to get one thing straight with you" he snorts."I like Felines, but you're not mine just because you're a Feline nor that you're a Lion like Joseph" he says firmly. "You're mine because I couldn't stop thinking about you after you left, Angus talked to me about you as did Teddy and Bob, and I knew that I would apologize to you and try hard to get you to take me" Clayton says. "But I simply couldn't get you out of my mind, and I wanted up you so bad I could taste it, and I wanted to wake up with you for the rest of my life, Baby Lion" he says firmly. "I went and talked to Dad, like apparently you talked to your Dad" he says. "When I took Dad home he told me if you were indeed the guy I had talked about he'd do all he could to help me get you" Clayton says softly. "Clayton, I didn't want you only for being a Gator, but for the male you are, can we like stop this, stop worrying about why, I can't live without you no matter what you are" I say kissing him. He grins. "Done, Boy, I can't live without you either" he says. "I had no idea I'd get you this quickly, but when you saw me angry and stood up to me to let me know how wrong I was about you, I had to take you right then and there" Clayton says hotly. "I was so hot for you, you loved me, but you wouldn't take any more crap from me either" he says grinning. "Made me so fucking hot for you" he says laughing. "I wanna be your Gator Daddy but I don't want you to be a doormat, Claude" he says. "And you won't be" he says kissing me deeply.

We wipe off with paper towels. And put our semen soaked pants on. I hadn't realized I'd cum with him until I see my cum on the front of my pants. "Gator Bait done came all over himself while I fucked him" Clayton says happily. "I'm gonna fuck you all night" he says. "I'll build back by the time we get to your place, Dad and Joe are gonna stay too and we'll move in tomorrow"he says nuzzling me. "I think you know already how we are, I'll fuck you and cum hard twice and then I got to build up a bit" he says nuzzling me. "I do know that, I hope you know I won't say no when my Gator husband wants to fuck me" I say softly. "That's my little Gator Bait" he says grinning. I grimace. I guess I'll get used to that."Baby, it's not an insult to me, at least where you're concerned and I'm sorry I hurt you at first by calling you that" he says as we walk to the table. "I though you guys were never coming out" Beau says laughing. We sit and talk a bit. Dad pays the check and George and Joe get into Dad's Bentley with him and Beau."It's my truck" Clayton says. "They knew I'd want to be alone with my own Lion" he says pulling me to him.

We get in his truck and I direct him home. He drives with his big arm cradled around my neck. He's sure surprised at how big our house is. I show him which garage stall to park in and he does. We go in and Emil and Nigel greet us. They're happy for me. I introduce them. "We met his Dad and his mate when Jim brought them home." Emil says. Nigel teases us about our cum soaked pants. I blush a bit while Clayton tells them he was gonna take me as soon as he could. And did in the bathroom of the restaurant, twice even. Dmitri and Yuri come out and I introduce them to my Gator. They're happy for us. And Yuri tells me how in love we both look. And soon Rory and Viktor come out. Rory hugs Clayton and welcomes him to the family. Viktor mutters in Russian of how hot Clayton is and how much he wants him. I tell him Clayton's hot for Felines and he'll get him in a day or two. Viktor smiles at my Gator. And by the look he gives Viktor and then me I know he's gonna fuck Viktor as soon as he can. He is hot for Rory's Russian White Bengal Tiger.

I'm surprised to see Angus and a small Snow Leopard come out. "Claude, Angus bonded Nate and we let them move in" Rory says.

"I'm glad to have you guys here" I say hugging them. Clayton hugs him too. Clayton looks really happy to have Angus living with us. They really are best friends.

"I know you, don't I?" I ask the Snow Leopard. "I'm Nate Porter" he says. "You are Jack Grimes' PA aren't you?" I ask. He nods. "Angus is a great Bull and an amazing lover" I say. Angus blushes. Nate nods. I hug them both. "Angus, he will love you forever, like you deserve to be loved" I say. "Claude, thanks for letting us move in, Angus' place is too small for the both of us" Nate says. "I look forward to us becoming friends, Nate" I say. Nate smiles."He's already a friend of mine, Claude, he'll fit in well here" Nigel says smiling.

Angus pulls me off. "I was right ye did love him" he says. I explain what happened to my Scots Bull. "He loves his Dad like ye love ye own Dad, I'm not surprised ta see them move in too" Angus says. "Angus I'm sorry I was so out of it that night" I say. "No me boy, ye were in love with Clayton, we all knew it, and ye had ta be true ta that, but I know ye will still fuck me, he'll let ye" he says kissing me. "Angus, I know you helped us get together and you talked to Dad for me about Clayton"I say hugging him."I do love ye Boy in me way, but I love me Nate now" he says. "Still, Angus, I'm really glad you'll be here with us" I say softly, and I hug my Scots Bull tightly.. Angus grins at me. "Ye do still care" he says softly. I nod.

Clayton is looking out the French doors onto the patio. He grins. "I know it's a bit stereotypical, but I love a pool, I'm gonna fuck my little Gator Bait a lot in that pool" he says nuzzling me. Angus laughs at us. "Ye called him that even though he got mad before?" Angus asks. "I do, he's my precious little piece of Gator Bait and Dad's hot for him too after he met him at his office." Clayton says. Emil and Nigel are laughing at me now. "You fuck your Dad and now you'll fuck his Dad too" he says cracking up. "Have you seen his Dad, Nige?" I ask. "He's hot and if Clayton ages like his Dad, I'm one lucky Lion" I say smiling. Clayton grins at me. "He'll wanna fuck you too, Badger Boy" Clayton says. I look at Nate. "They both really like Felines" I tease Nate. "I hope so" Nate says."I'm gonna fuck my Gator Bait raw tonight, but I'll get around to both of you soon enough" Clayton says laughing. Angus laughs again. "Ye got so mad at him, but ye don't seem to mind it now" he says. "He said it with love this time" I say firmly. Clayton and Angus laugh.

Clayton grabs my paw and pulls me out to the pool and strips us both. He tosses me into the pool and dives in after me. He's so damned graceful in the water. He quickly catches up to me and gliding gracefully on top of me he slips his huge rock hard Reptile dick up me and holding me tightly swims around the pool while fucking me hard. He mostly uses his tail to propel us through the water. It must be really strong.. "I fucking love this, Boy" he grunts. "I could easily get used to this" I purr. He laughs. "You will, Gator Bait, you'll let me spread that tight little tail cunt anytime and anywhere I want to" he says kissing me. He's so graceful even swimming while fucking me. I love how hot the ridges on that big Gator cock make me as they work themselves in and out of my ass.

"Dad will love this, he'll do Joe a lot in this pool too, Hell, he'll do anyone in the pool that will let him" he says nuzzling me. He grips my shoulder tenderly in his jaws and I feel him shuddering and his dick swelling up and gushing up me. He's stopped swimming and holds me tightly and sits on the pool steps. "Claude, I am sad about one thing" he says. "What?" I ask "I can't breed you, even if you had the parts, we're egg layers and you give birth and we can't make kids" he says softly. And he does look sad. "My Mom laid my egg, and then left Dad and divorced him" Clayton says softly. "I never met her at all" he says. "I was hatched in an incubator. and mostly raised by Dad and then Joe" he says sadly. I know how that is and I understand why my Clayton is sad. "Our Mom died when Rory and I were three so I don't remember her at all, but I'd learn how to lay eggs for you if it was what my Gator Daddy wanted me to do" I say softly. Clayton laughs. "You would too" he says kissing me. "You'd lay as many eggs of mine as you could" he says smiling. "Clayton, I do love you, I swore you'd be my husband and you will be" I say. "Baby, I know we can't but I'd love to see the kids you'd give me if you could, they'd be as gorgeous as you are" he says softly. "I do love you, Claude, and I'm sorry I was so arrogant to you" he says. "Clayton, we move on and forget it, we build our life together now, and we make our own family with those that our close to us, and be happy" I say quietly. "No mourning over things we can't have nor change, Clayton" I say softly. He leans forward and deep kisses me.(George will tell me later fucking in the pool brings out thoughts of breeding as their ancestors mated and bred in the water. The first time George and I fuck in the pool he begs me to conceive and drop an egg for him despite being my father in law.)

"Baby, we should, but right now, I just want you again and then we'll go to bed" Clayton says softly. "I'll fuck you some more and then we'll curl up and go to sleep." he says. He picks me up in his arms and he lays me on the pool steps and gets on top of me, and the lower halves of our bodies are still under the water. "We've not done it like this yet" he says laughing. "Me on top of you face to face" he says slipping his massive Reptile dick in me. "I love how you take me, my big dick just goes right up my little Gator Bait" he says leaning down to kiss me. And he's fucking me harder than he has yet. I've noticed that the angle his dick sticks out of his slit and goes into me lets him lay directly on top of me. I love feeling those scales and that pot belly rubbing me while we fuck. I try to tell him but I can't make words for his hot fucking. "I want to flood you and take you to our bed, Claude" he says softly. "The more I leave up you , the more you belong to me" he says gently. He growl roars and I feel his heavy gushing up me again. "My baby, I love you so" he says softly. I kiss him. "I love my Gator so much, Clayton" I say panting. "You came on me again" he says smiling. "You do like my fucking" he says. "No, I love your fucking" I say. He grins and pulls out of me. Edward has put a couple of towels out and we dry off and I wipe off his cum. He carries me into the house and he follows my directions to our bedroom.

"We'll go get our stuff tomorrow, Angus and I and Dad will call off and go move us all in" he says. "It's a big bedroom" he muses and he puts me on the bed and walks into the bathroom. "It's a nice big one too" he says. "Claude, you might have to watch my tail if I have a nightmare or get extra restless as it'll thrash a lot, I could hurt you accidentally." he says softly. "I will, Baby" I say. He pulls me to him and we lay together kissing for a while.

He rolls over onto his back and he's sticking up out of his slit again. I get between his legs and spend time licking his big Reptile dick and his slit. I've read that it's sensitive all over. He's grunting loudly and when I get up and sit all the way down on his dick and ride him, he's making a low growling noise. His tail is thrashing up and down and thumping itself on the bed rhythmically. "That's hot baby" I pant as I ride him. Clayton nods but his eyes are rolled back into his head and he's grunting .He's twitching and swelling up inside of me. And I feel him spurting hard up me. He's panting now and he's not speaking for a few minutes. "That was so hot, Claude, I don't think I've ever cum that hard" he pants. "My precious Gator Bait knows how to pull it out of me" he pants. He pulls me down to kiss him.

He's holding onto me tightly when he can."Claude, I'll touch you as often as I can" he says shyly. "I love it when you touch me Clayton" I say softly. "Dad and Joe do that even after 15 years" he says softly. "You're a lot like your Dad" I say. Clayton looks at me. "I am too" I add. "I noticed it, you're a bit smaller and a bottom but you are a lot like him" Clayton says. "I'm glad you're like your Dad, he obviously loves Joe so much and he's a great guy" I say. Clayton kisses me. "I'm proud to be so much like him" Clayton says. "You'll find out tomorrow how much we're alike, he'll fuck you hard like I do" Clayton says.

"I can't wait to bring my cigars here from home" he says. "Dad smokes cigars, want me to go borrow one from him?" I ask. "No, Boy, you go into their bedroom and between my Dad and yours I won't get you back, they'll keep you and fuck your lights out" he says kissing me. "Beau too, he's a versatile and I'm his favorite piece of ass" I say. "I can believe that, you're mine too" Clayton says kissing me. "Maybe if we go together?" I ask. He laughs. "You want to get them because your Gator husband wants them" he says proudly. "Angus said you'd cater to me and tend me like that" he says proudly. We get up and he puts his arm around my waist and I lead him to Dad and Beau's bedroom.

When we go in, Dad's barbing Joe and George is fucking Beau hard and fast. "I just wanted to borrow a couple of cigars for Clayton, Dad, " I say. Dad grins at me. "He's a tight little piece, just like you" Dad says smiling. Joe's eyes have rolled back and he's making incoherent noises. Beau's yowling and cussing as George expertly works his ass. I walk over and get a couple of cigars out of the box on Dad's dresser. Clayton's walked with me and still has his arm around me. I watch them all fuck a bit. "You're right, Clayton, he fucks a lot like you do" I say smiling. "Come on, Gator Bait, you got my cigars, you'll get Dad tomorrow" Clayton says firmly. "Yes, my Gator husband" I say softly. "Goddamn, got him trained already" George grunts. George is looking me up and down. "He's such a fucking hot little Lion when he's naked and he's obedient to you already" George grunts. . "I told you George, that I loved him, and I will obey my husband" I say softly. "He's proven if he has to he'll stand up to me, just like Joe does, Dad" Clayton says. He pulls me to him and we leave. "Dad would have gone after you if we were still there when he finished in Beau" Clayton says proudly. "He'd of just dragged you under him" he says chuckling. "You wouldn't have fought him off very hard, no more than you did me" he says laughing.

We go back to our room and I turn on the air purifier. "Edward prefers we use that if we smoke in the house" I say. "Do you smoke, Claude.?" he asks. "I smoke a pipe, Clayton" I say. "Go get it" he says firmly. I go get it out of my desk and I pack and light it. I give Clayton my pipe lighter and he lights his cigar. "I'm gonna teach you about smoke sex, Boy" he grunts. "Dad already did a while ago, and he's good at it" I say meekly. "Smoke me up, Boy" he growls. And I do. "Good Gator Bait" he says stroking my mane. I take his dick in my mouth and blow smoke around it and then I deep throat it. He murrs. "You do me anyway I want you to" He grunts happily.

"You got a hot little muzzle, Boy" he grunts. "Suck me off" he grunts. He's clenching the cigar in his mouth like when I first saw him and it's so hot. I pull more suction from the back of my throat and take him deep. I work his big Reptilian dick with my rough Feline tongue and he grunts louder. I speed up on him. His tail is really thrashing now. I feel his dick swelling, as he grabs the back of my head. An odd sort of low moaning roar comes from him and he's tightened his hold on my head as he gushes cool Gator spooge down my throat. He's shaking and trembling hard. He's panting hard too. His softening dick slips out of my mouth now. Still spewing cum down my chest and belly. I love that he cums so much when he cums.

He looks down at me and smiles. "I'll usually get it all over you, but I like how you look with my cum splattered all over your hot little Lion body" Clayton pants. "You're my fuckin slut now and I love painting your ass with my Gator cum" he says stroking my face gently. "My little Gator Bait slut" he says happily. "Angus was right, you're so damned good in bed" he says smiling. "I'll give you my best like I did him" I say softly. Clayton grins. "You'll give my Dad your best too" he orders. "Yes, Gator Daddy" I say softly. He's still puffing away at his cigar and it's so damned hot.

He gets an odd look and he's rock hard again. "Suck me, Bitch" he grunts and I drop my pipe and take him back into my mouth. I lick his cum off of his dick and he's grunting harder.(I love the way his cum tastes.) I really work his dick with my muzzle and he's groaning a lot. He grabs my head in his hand and he suddenly yanks his dick out of my mouth in time to literally cover my face with his huge volume of room temperature Gator semen. "The only thing that makes my little Lion look hotter is my cum dripping off of you" he grunts. And he leans down and kisses me, licking a little of his cum off of my face. And he's hard again so it must have really turned him on. (We don't have sex that I don't end up with his Gator semen all over me. George too. And I love it.)

"Relight your pipe, Gator Bait" he snaps. I pick it up off of the floor and I reload and relight it. "Good Boy" he grunts. "Now lay on your back on the end of the bed with your legs up" he grunts. I do as he ordered me to. "That's my little Lion slut" he grunts shoving his huge Gator dick up me to his slit. "Smoke" he grunts as he pounds me hard. I can barely keep my mind together as that huge dick plunges in and out of me. But I puff my pipe and let out as much smoke as he is. "So hot" he grunts. "I'm gonna flood you out once more and we'll shower and go to bed, Gator Bait" he grunts speeding up his fucking. "You're so hot, covered in my cum, but you'll get too sticky overnight if I don't let you clean up" he grunts. He's got one of my foot paws in his big hand and he's running his big tongue along it. I yowl and cum on him. He roars and I feel him gushing up me again. He pants and he's grinning at me.

He bends down and puts his hands behind my back and picks me up still embedded up my ass. He holds me tightly against his big barrel chest. "I know you got work, so I can't keep you up all night, but I have to recover a bit now" he says. We kiss deeply as he holds me against him. I sigh and put my head on his big shoulder. I purr loudly. "You like being in my arms." he says smiling. "I do, I love that you're such a big and strong male" I say meekly. He grins. "You wanted a big and strong butch husband so you took me" he says proudly. He walks with me into the bathroom. He puts me down and as his dick slips out of me, I dump his cum onto the floor. He grins. "Told you, you'll get flooded with Gator cum" he says kissing me. I turn the shower on and get a couple of the big towels Edward gives me.

Clayton walks into the shower and puts his arms up. I take a washcloth and some soap and start washing him down. I notice it's not the usual soap I use. Clayton grins. "It's the one I use, how'd you know, it's especially made for Reptile hide" he says when he sees me looking at it carefully.. I look and my usual soap is in the soap holder too. "I didn't get it, Edward our Butler did, he knew we'd bond and he must have gotten it" I say resuming washing him down. He looks proud and happy. " I'll want you to do this if we shower together, Claude" Clayton says. "Joe does Dad like this too" he says proudly. "Yes, Gator Daddy" I say smiling. I wash his slit and his penis carefully. He laughs. "Taking good care of that" he says and he leans forward and kisses me. I get busy washing his long thick tail. I hold it a minute and he turns and looks at me. "It's so beautiful" I say softly. "You just like my body" he says. "I plead guilty, Gator Daddy" I say quietly. I finish washing him down and he rinses off. He turns to me. "I can see it in your eyes, you really do think I'm hot and sexy" he says almost shyly.

"Baby, stand here" he says softly. I stand where he points and he begins to gently wash my fur and scrub his cum off of me. "I'll do you too at times" he says smiling. "I do love my Lion as much as he loves his Gator" Clayton says happily. He finishes me and I rinse off. We get out of the shower. I dry him off and he's grinning. I bend down and mop up his cum off of the floor with the towel I used on him and toss it in the hamper. He pads out to the bedroom and I hear the TV turn on. I dry myself off and walk out. He's laying on the bed, his head on a pillow. He pats the bed by him. "I sleep naked, Babe" he says. "I usually do too" I say.

"Claude, I'll want to hold you while we sleep, usually holding you from the front so I'll be less likely to whack you with my tail" he says shyly. "I know you won't ever hurt me intentionally" I say softly. "You love me so much, no one's ever been as accepting of me like you have" He says nuzzling me. "We'll have to watch my tail at times, sometimes I forget to keep it controlled when certain things happen" he says blushing. I kiss him.

"You'll see, when Dad fucks you, his thrashes and swings aggressively" he says softly. He laughs. "He hit Joe the first time they fucked, bruised him in a couple of places" Clayton says laughing. "He's gotten better with it, he was really excited that he had just bonded him" Clayton says. "Dad had to chase Joe for a bit, before he would take Dad" Clayton says. "Didn't want him?" I ask. "No, Joe was up for a promotion that would have led to a transfer to LA, and he finally realized how much he loved Dad and he quit and took another job and bonded Dad right away" Clayton says. "They love each other so much" I say. "They do, and I love you that much too, Claude, I was just scared to get hurt again, but you were perfect for me" he says. "You were perfect for me, Angus and Beau made me see that, and I saw how much I loved you" I say. "Your Dad's Saber Tooth?" he asks."Yeah" I say. "I knew I wanted to fuck his lights out for some reason." Clayton says. He's so happy now.

"Claude, it's very late and we should sleep, is your alarm set?" he asks nuzzling me. "It is" I say "Then lay with me and let me curl you up and we'll spend our first night sleeping together" he says softly. I settle into my pillows and he puts his big arms around me and snuggles up to me wrapping his legs tightly around me. I love how his scent comforts me and his low snore lulls me to sleep.

I wake with his hands slowly stroking my mane. My alarm is going off. I get up and shut it off. "Baby, c'mere" he grunts. He pulls me down on top of him and we kiss a bit. Clayton rolls me over onto my back and mounts me. "I'll always give you some big ole Gator dick first thing." he says working my ass gently. "I'm not getting up cause I can sleep in for once, Babe" he says working me deep and slow. "I wanna send you off on your day with an ass full of my cum."he says kissing me. "Claude, you've made me an extremely happy Gator, you'll be all I could ever want, and you're perfect for me" he says as he licks my neck. "Fuck" he roars and I feel him dumping another big load up my ass. "Go shower, while Gator Daddy goes back to sleep for a bit" he says nuzzling me and pulling out.

I go shower and come back and dress for the office as quietly as I can. I go out for breakfast. Joe's really happy this morning. "Claude, he's sleeping still?" he asks. "He was gonna sleep in and get up and move you guys in"I say. "George is doing the same thing." Joe says.

"I want you to do me a favor when you come home tonight?" Joe asks. "Fuck George?" I ask."No, he's got plans for that after dinner as it will give us a chance to rest a bit after moving" Joe says. "What then?" I ask. "First thing, when you come home, go find Clayton, whether you two fuck or not" Joe says. I look at him."I do it for George, and it will make Clayton happy too if you get into the habit of it" Joe says. "He'll really miss you if you're apart for very long, and he'd never ask or tell you to, but he'll be so happy if you come to him first thing" Joe says. I smile."I can see how you've kept George so happy all these years" I say. He smiles. "Claude, he wants to be the Boss, just like George, but he'll always think of you when he learns you more" Joe says.

I smile at Joe. "Clayton explained it last night, it's not that I'm a Lion like you, it's that you and I are a lot alike inside, and you and George are his model for how a relationship should be" I say smiling. Joe laughs. "They are a lot alike too" he says. "I'm fine with it because you guys seem so happy even after all of these years." I say. "Be firm when you have to stand up to him, he'll know it's important to you then" Joe says. "George and I have had 2 fights in 15 years, both short ones" Joe says. "He'll love you too much to hurt you, just like his Daddy" Joe says.

I nod and have my coffee and breakfast. "You seemed to really enjoy Dad last night, and Beau sure looked happy under George" I tease him. "Beau gave me a royal fucking too, he and Jim barbed the hell out of me, I'm surprised my fur isn't still fluffed out" Joe says laughing. "They can do that to you, Rory too" I say. "He is your twin, he came in to Jim's room and I thought it was you again." Joe says. "He fucked me while Viktor took George and then Jim" Joe says. "Rory's a great top, when Grandpa is done with his latest research project you ought to let him give you a ride" I say. "I saw them come in late last night, he had a gorgeous young Hyena with him." Joe says. "That's Al, he's a sweet guy and he adores Grandpa" I say.

"Claude, you weren't kidding, several here are hot for me, and a they have hit on George too, we'll be really happy here" Joe says."He loves being wanted so much, but he's really hot for you, especially now that he's seen you naked" Joe says. "I'm glad cause I want him too, you're a good Lion and George is as awesome as Clayton is" I say. "Jim told George about the pool, George took me out there about 3 this morning and fucked my lights out" he says. "Clayton did me out there last night too" I say. "This is such a beautiful house and it's nice not to have to worry about cooking or laundry or housekeeping" Joe says. He takes my paw. "I'm so happy that you love Clayton so much, and you like us and you let us come here" Joe says.

I sit and finish. Angus and Nate come down and Angus kisses the back of my neck. "Settling in Big Bull?" I ask. "I love it here" Nate says. "When do you go to work, your office is in our building and since we all usually ride together, we could take you?" I say. "Claude, could ye help me little Snowy Ass?" Angus asks. "Sure" I tell him."He's not happy with how Dr Grimes works him and he uses a lot of gay slurs with me poor Nate" Angus says. "We'll talk to Emil, but I think we could use a PA for the four of us" I say softly. Nate hugs me. "Rory and I mostly foot the extra costs, but we're moving a lot of patients through, we'll talk, and work something out today"I tell them."Go ahead and quit today" I say softly."Should I not tell him I'm going to work for you?" He asks. "Hell, I don't care, I'm not happy if he's been using gay slurs to a guy who works for him" I say a bit annoyed at that. I though Dr Grimes was a good Gorilla but obviously not.

Rory and Viktor come out. Rory's dressed for work and they sit and eat. "Where's your Gator?" Rory asks. "Sleeping late as he'll get them all moved in" I say. Emil and Nigel come down and Grandpa comes out. "I'm gonna let Al sleep and take today off, he's exhausted" Grandpa says. I lean over and kiss him. "You love him so much" I say. "Claude, I met your Gator's Daddy last night and I'll be home early enough that I hope to meet your Gator tonight" Grandpa says. "Jim says he loves you a lot" Grandpa says softly."He does, he's loving and determined to be my husband" I say. Grandpa laughs. "I knew you'd pick a guy like me and Jim" he says happily. "I liked his Daddy a lot, Claude" Grandpa says. "He's a lot like his Daddy" Joe says. "You're a pretty Lion too, Joe, maybe this weekend I'll get a chance to see if you're as talented as Jim said" Grandpa says. Joe blushes. "Gladly, Dr Russell" he says. "Call me Walt, Joe" he says smiling. Joe seems to like Grandpa. Grandpa sits by me and I get up and get him his coffee and some breakfast. Grandpa kisses me and eats happily. "You spoil Clayton like that, and he barely want to be away from you" Joe says happily.

George stumbles out and I get him a cup of coffee while I'm up. He grins. He turns and pulls me tightly into his arms. "Clayton told me this morning how last night went, he went back to sleep for a bit" George says. "I want you tonight, Claude, Clayton said I could take you for a while after dinner" he says softly into my ear. "Guys here want me and they're all hot" George says. "I'm not surprised, even though you were hurting and my patient I wanted you, George" I say. He grins. "I would have fucked you on that exam table, but I want to take my time with you" he whispers. "You make my Clayton so happy and you're a good and really hot Lion" he says. "I can see how much you two are alike and I'm looking forwards to it" I say. "Claude, Clayton's kind of seen how Joe and I are, and he wants you two to be like that" he says softly. "You're a lot like my Joe, but a bit different, but you two should be as you are" George says quietly. "I'd be happy if we ended up like you and Joe" I say quietly. "You keep him pretty damned happy and well loved" I say. He grins at me.

"Jim and Beau and Rory say you're a lot like Joe in bed, and I can't wait to find out" he murrs. I look at my watch. "We could?" he asks. "I have enough time" I say. "Would you still take me after dinner?" he asks hopefully. "I would, Clayton said I should take you when you wanted me, and it sounds pretty good to me" I say.

He picks me up into his arms and carries me to their bedroom. I pull my suit off and I sit on the bed. George is a little taller and bulkier than Clayton. But as he pops out of his slit, I see they have the same identical big dick. "Claude, lay on your back at the edge of the bed and raise your legs" George grunts. I do. He surprises me by getting down between my legs and licking my ass out good. "It's so gorgeous and tasty" he grunts. I blush. "Clayton said he'd fucked you already this morning and I love licking out a hot cum filled ass" he grunts. His tongue is long, and muscular and it feels so good licking me out. I purr for him. He looks up between my legs and he looks so happy. "I do want to please you, Boy" he murrs.

"Claude, you've made us all very happy, Clayton, Joe and I , you really are quite a loving Lion" he says softly. He stands up and slides his massive Reptile dick up me. He's leaning down and kissing me hard as he begins to fuck me."You don't have time for me to do you slowly, but I will tonight, and Clayton suggested we all sleep together if you'd want us to" George says working my ass. I put my arms around George's thick neck. "If you guys want to it's fine with me" I pant. George is a lot like Clayton. But I see what Clayton meant, George's tail is really thrashing behind him. "It's why we do it on the edge of the bed, so there's nothing behind us to get damaged" George pants. He's really working me hard and I can't stop moaning. "I think you like Clayton's Daddy too" he grunts happily. I arch my back and cum on his pot belly.

"Goddamn, you're tight and you got some grip on you, Boy" he grunts. He roars and I feel his cum flooding into me. He's still kissing me hard. "You are something Boy, like my Joe, you get this hot for my Boy?" he asks. "He does, Dad" I hear Clayton say from behind us. "You'll let them sleep with us tonight?" he asks. "I'd love it, if it would please my Gator husband" I say softly. George grins at me. "You're fucking perfect for my Boy" he says kissing me and getting up off of me. Clayton's now rock hard and dripping. And he gets on top of me and slams his dick up me. "Gotta show him you're as good as your Daddy" George teases him. Clayton is really laying into me fucking me deep and hard. I yowl and I arch my back and I spray him with my Leonine cum.

George laughs. "He came on me too, Boy, but not that hard, he loves me but he loves you more" George says happily. He leans down and kisses me and then Clayton and he puts shorts on and leaves. Clayton's really banging me. "I got really hot watching Dad do you like he did" Clayton says. "I'm glad you love Dad too, and he makes you almost as hot as I do" Clayton says. He's grunting hard and suddenly he pulls out of me and he spurts on me. Covering me from crotch to mane in Gator semen. "I was right, you're really hot covered in my spunk" he pants. "Go shower, and go, Boy, or I'll spend all day fucking you" he grunts.

I get up and I reluctantly go in and shower. I kind of like having his cum all over me. But I can't go to work like that. I dry off and redress and go back out. Emil, and Nigel and Rory are waiting for me. As I drive to work I talk to Emil and the others about Nate. Emil's really enthused about having a PA and he's willing to work with Nate to see how he wants to help us. I'll call Nate this afternoon and we'll settle the salary and benefits. I have Jeanine and Janice on the same health care plan the rest of us are on, so I can just add Nate, but I need to see if Angus needs to be put on it, and maybe I need to ask my guys and Joe if they need it too.

It's a decent day and at lunch Janice and Jeanine ask me about Clayton and his Dad. They saw him. I tell them about us bonding. Not ready to tell them I fucked his Dad this morning though. They're happy for me. And we go back to work and I keep seeing patients. Emil told them about Nate and Janice tells me when he comes in for the first time she'll take care of the paperwork and get it all set up.

When we get home at the end of the day I go looking for Clayton. He's out by the pool relaxing in the hot tub. I go to him. "Strip" he says grinning. I take my suit off. He pulls me into the hot tub and kisses me. "Joe told you to come to me as soon as you got home?" he asks. "He did, but I would have anyway as I missed you" I say softly. Clayton smiles at me. "I know you love me, but I missed you too" he says pulling me into his arms. "I just fucked Nate a couple of times, and I need time to build up" he says looking embarrassed. "Baby, I love being with you whether we're fucking or not" I say softly. He kisses me. "I don't mind when you fuck others, and you told me about it, and that's all I want" I say.

"Claude, you sure you don't mind us sleeping with Dad and Joe tonight?" he asks. "I'm fine with it, I care about both of them and your Dad is a great fuck" I say. "I fuck Joe too" he says. "He told me, he loves your fucking like I like George's" I say smiling. He kisses me."You just keep showing me how much you love me" he says gently. "I do, you know" I say softly. I curl into him. He murrs gently.

And we sit for a while just enjoying being together. "We're all moved in, and your Butler put all of our stuff away for us" Clayton says. "Dad and Joe are playing with your Russian Bulls" he adds. "Dmitri and Yuri are good guys, and they're great in bed" I say. "Yuri was hot for Dad to fuck him, and Dmitri was hot for Joe " Clayton says.

"Claude, I guess we were kind of wrong, we thought Mammals wouldn't want us, and here they all do" Clayton says. "This mammal wanted you really badly" I say quietly. Clayton grins."You did and you do" he says. "By the way, Bob and Teddy want us all to come to the Den on Friday night, the whole family at once" Clayton says. "Do you want to go, Clayton?"I ask. "I do, I want to show you off, so many wanted you, Bob said, and you wanted me" Clayton says. "Apparently a lot of guys tried to bond you, and you didn't want them" he says. "I only wanted to try to bond Angus, and we didn't" I say softly. "They tried to bond you" he says. I smile. "They did, but I wasn't wanting them" I say softly. "You really did want me, Angus said he saw it in your eyes when you first saw me" Clayton says. "I did, I felt something for you, I watched you play pool with Angus and I admit I was fascinated by you" I say blushing. Clayton kisses me. "I was afraid, Claude, you were all I could ever want but I was afraid of you, if you didn't want me like it seemed you did it would have killed me" Clayton says looking into my eyes. "I am glad we got past that, Clayton, you're all I could ever want too" I say. He deep kisses me hard. His tongue roaming all over my mouth. "You make me so fucking hot" he growls.

He pushes me back against the wall of the hot tub, and pushes me out of it with my legs hanging in it. "My Gator Bait gonna give me some of his tight tail?" he asks gruffly. I put my legs up. "That's a good answer, Claude" he grunts as he pushes his big Gator dick up me to his slit. He bends down and resumes deep kissing me. "Nobody's ever made me as hot as you do, just talking and I can't stay soft for long" he grunts. "I think it bodes well for us, cause I was almost ready to beg my husband to fuck me" I pant. He speeds up his fucking. "I can't stay out of my Lion for very long" he grunts. He pulls out of me and sprays me with his cum coating my belly, chest and chin mane. "You look so beautiful like that" he grunts.

Edward is out picking up my suit and he puts several towels by us."I have ordered some more towels, Master Claude, as we seem to be using a lot more the last few days" Edward says in his 'English voice'. Clayton turns to stare at Edward. "Is there a problem, Master Clayton?" Edward asks. Clayton looks serious for a minute and when Edward laughs Clayton relaxes. "Why did you call me, Master Clayton?" Clayton asks. "Claude is my owner/Master and as his mate you are too now." Edward says quietly.

"Owner?" Clayton asks looking into my eyes."He's from an old fashioned family, Edward is on a life contract to me now, because I own this house, he was Dad's before and he practically raised me and Rory" I say feeling odd for some reason."I thank you for knowing and getting the kind of soap I need" Clayton says. "I got it for your Father too, and I'll keep it" Edward says.

"How does he know?" Clayton asks me. "I will answer any question asked of me, Sir" Edward says. "Edward is psychic, he'll know what you like and try to anticipate your needs" I say. "Rather, I have you and your Father's favorite beer and some of the snacks and foods you both prefer" Edward says softly. Clayton looks at him. "Is that how you knew to put mine and Joe and Dad's things away exactly where we wanted them?" Clayton asks. "Yes" Edward answers.

"He told me you were the male meant for me" I say quietly. Clayton looks at him again."Do you approve of me for him?" Clayton asks. "It's not for me to approve or disapprove, I saw that your love for Claude ran deep and that you'd be all he'd want or need and I told him, Master Clayton" Edward says. Clayton smiles. "So you knew I'd take you?" he asks me. "I kind of did, but I still had to try to get you past your fear" I say. "I see, he gives you a major advantage" Clayton says.

"And now I'm your Master too?" He asks. "You are" Edward says. "But I only get glimpses of things that I can't control, I know what you all like and want but I only see some things" Edward says. "If he feels it's something we need to know he'll tell us" I say. "I mostly tell Claude, he knows how I know and he just accepts that I do" Edward says. "So you knew?" Clayton asks. "I knew he would bond you the moment you knew he was genuinely wanting you, and that you and your Dad and his mate would move in with us" Edward says softly.

Clayton smiles. "No wonder you were so determined to get me, you knew I was all you wanted" Clayton says. He looks shook for a minute."Did you tell Jim I was meant for Claude?" Clayton asks. "I did, Sir" he says. Clayton laughs. "You wanted Claude's Dad to approve of me, so you told him and you told Claude so he'd persevere until he got me" Clayton says happily. "You wanted us together too" he says smiling. "I did, Master Clayton, you'll love and be good to my Claude for as long as you live, and I want him happy" Edward says firmly. Clayton's hard again and he resumes fucking me. When I look up Edward's left.

"Everyone wanted us together" Clayton says happily. "Bob and Teddy care about me a lot, so does Angus and Edward loves me as much as Dad does" I say softly. "Hush, Gator Bait, Daddy's gonna breed you again" he grunts. He pounds me for another five minutes before he roars and fills my ass again. He's kissing me repeatedly. "One of these days you'll quit being stubborn and drop that egg for me" Clayton says laughing. "I would have already if I could" I say shyly. He's rock hard again."Baby, I don't get it, you make me hard and I hardly have to wait between fucks" he grunts. "I wouldn't think that's something you'd complain about" I say drolly. He grins. And he lays into me again.. "You make me so fucking hot, you're my hot little Gator Bait slut" he grunts pounding me harder. "Dad didn't want to wait to fuck you either, you're an irresistible piece for us Gators" he grunts. "In a couple of weeks I'll ask a few of my Reptile friends to come meet and fuck you" he grunts. I yowl and arch my back and spurt cum all over his belly. "Damn, Boy, that's some grip you got" he groans and he gushes up me again. Panting he leans down and kisses me.

He gets up off of me and stands up. I get up and take a towel and dry him off. He dips a towel in the hot tub water and washes me off. "My Lion" he says softly.. "And I am your Lion, now and for always"I say. He pulls me into his arms and deep kisses me. "You make me so hot, seven orgasms in two hours, between you and that tight little Snow Leopard" he says smiling. "I never dreamed I could fuck that much" he says stroking my mane. "You try so hard to please me and cater to me, and I can't tell you how much that means to me" Clayton says softly."You make me that happy too, Clayton" I say smiling. "I can see it in your eyes, when you've pleased me, you're so happy, just like Joe is with Dad" he says smiling.

Angus comes out smiling. "Nate's still exhausted" he says smiling. "If you're horny, you can take Claude, but he's a bit full now" Clayton tells Angus. "I'd love it if ye'd take me, Claude" Angus says. "I've always wanted you" I say. Angus takes me in his arms and deep kisses me. "Take him to our room, Angus" he says. Angus picks me up and carries me naked to our room. Clayton's gone for a few minutes and he comes into our room carrying Viktor in his arms. "Your brother lent him to me" Clayton says grinning.

"Can I do something first?" I ask. Clayton looks at me. Angus grins. He knows me and I think he knows what I'm going to do. Clayton nods and he puts Viktor down on the bed. I tell Viktor in Russian that I want to fuck him too. I want to give him as good of a fuck as he gave me last time. Viktor grins and pulls his shorts off. I mount him and Clayton looks on in fascination as I shove my Feline dick up Viktor. We're fucking hard and fast and Viktor's really hot.

"Katya, barb me?" he begs. "Gladly, my beautiful brother in law" I say pulling back to my first ring of barbs and laying into him. We're both yowling and cussing in Russian. Nigel's here now in response to the noise and he's quickly pulled under Clayton and they're rutting hard. Angus is watching us and he's rock hard. Angus is stroking his big Bull dick. Clayton nods at him, and my Scots Bull gets behind me and he rams his big Bull dick up me while I'm fucking Viktor. He's basically fucking Viktor through me now, And Viktor's cum all over me. Panting he pulls himself out from under me.

Angus pulls me up to my knees. "I'm gonna do ye hard, ye ready" he whispers in my ear. "Please do me all out like you do so well" I beg him. Angus is banging me really hard and fast and the bed is shaking. It's enough to set Clayton off. He roars and I know he's filled up Nigel now. Viktor is laying and panting still. "Brother love Viktor much" he says proudly. "I do, Baby" I say leaning over and kissing him while Angus pounds me. Angus leans forward and grabs my shoulder so he can go deeper. I know he's about to go for it. "Ye ready fer me cum, Baby" he asks. "Please" I beg him. Angus bellows loudly and I feel his flare and he gushes cum up me like a firehose.

Clayton grabs Viktor." Gator fuck Viktor" Viktor begs. Clayton lays into him. Angus is kissing me. "He makes ye so happy, Boy" Angus says softly. "I know" I say panting. "Ye put a smile on his face again, me boy, he's not smiled much since Jimmy dumped him" Angus says. "It's why I insisted he come to the Den with me" Angus says. "You know Teddy and Bob want us all there Friday night?" I say. "Ye know, they want ta get more Reptiles ta come, and they think if they see Clayton and you so happy there they might, and that ye family accepted him and George too" Angus says smiling.

I kiss Angus and we lay together for a while while Clayton and Viktor fuck. "You seem happy too, Angus?" I ask."I love me Nate, and I love ta live here, ye've made us all feel at ta home here, and George is so happy too" Angus says softly. "I'm glad, my one regret as much as I love Clayton is that we didn't bond" I say softly. "I know, me boy, but we're where we should be, ye know" he says. "I know, but a part of me will always love you, Angus" I say. "I know ye do, me Claude, but Clayton's what ye most need "he says softly. "I know, Angus" I say. He kisses me. "I know though what ye mean, Boy, I will always love ye too" he says gently. "I know how much you talked to Clayton, you were such a big help in getting us together, Angus" I say. "I told ye I care fer ye both, ye weren't meant to be mine, be ye were meant fer him, I could see it" Angus says nuzzling me. "You're such a great Bull and I'm so happy to have you in my life, Angus" I say softly. His ears are twitching and I know what that means. I made him really happy.

Clayton roars and I know he's filled up Viktor too. He pulls off of him and he rolls me onto my back while Angus mounts Viktor.